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Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change



How well can social scientists predict societal change, and what processes underlie their predictions? To answer these questions, we ran two forecasting tournaments testing accuracy of predictions of societal change in domains commonly studied in the social sciences: ideological preferences, political polarization, life satisfaction, sentiment on social media, and gender-career and racial bias. Following provision of historical trend data on the domain, social scientists submitted pre-registered monthly forecasts for a year (Tournament 1; N=86 teams/359 forecasts), with an opportunity to update forecasts based on new data six months later (Tournament 2; N=120 teams/546 forecasts). Benchmarking forecasting accuracy revealed that social scientists’ forecasts were on average no more accurate than simple statistical models (historical means, random walk, or linear regressions) or the aggregate forecasts of a sample from the general public (N=802). However, scientists were more accurate if they had scientific expertise in a prediction domain, were interdisciplinary, used simpler models, and based predictions on prior data.
Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change
Authors: Igor Grossmann1*, Amanda Rotella2,1, Cendri A. Hutcherson3, Konstantyn
Sharpinskyi1, Michael E. W. Varnum4, Sebastian Achter5, Mandeep K. Dhami6, Xinqi Evie
Guo7, Mane Kara-Yakoubian8, David R. Mandel9,10, Louis Raes11, Louis Tay12, Aymeric Vie13,14,
Lisa Wagner15, Matus Adamkovic16,17, Arash Arami18, Patrícia Arriaga19, Kasun Bandara20,
Gabriel Baník16, František Bartoš21, Ernest Baskin22, Christoph Bergmeir23, Michał Białek24,
Caroline K. Børsting25, Dillon T. Browne1, Eugene M. Caruso26, Rong Chen27, Bin-Tzong
Chie28, William J. Chopik29, Robert N. Collins9, Chin W. Cong30, Lucian G. Conway31, Matthew
Davis32, Martin V. Day33, Nathan A. Dhaliwal34, Justin D. Durham35, Martyna Dziekan36,
Christian T. Elbaek25, Eric Shuman37, Marharyta Fabrykant38,39, Mustafa Firat40, Geoffrey T.
Fong1,41, Jeremy A. Frimer42, Jonathan M. Gallegos43, Simon B. Goldberg44, Anton
Gollwitzer45,46, Julia Goyal47, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy48,49, Scott D. Gronlund35, Sebastian
Hafenbrädl50, Andree Hartanto51, Matthew J. Hirshberg52, Matthew J. Hornsey53, Piers D. L.
Howe54, Anoosha Izadi55, Bastian Jaeger56, Pavol Kačmár57, Yeun Joon Kim58, Ruslan
Krenzler59,60, Daniel G. Lannin61, Hung-Wen Lin62, Nigel Mantou Lou63,64, Verity Y. Q. Lua51,
Aaron W. Lukaszewski65,66, Albert L. Ly67, Christopher R. Madan68, Maximilian Maier69,
Nadyanna M. Majeed70, David S. March71, Abigail A. Marsh72, Michal Misiak24,73, Kristian Ove
R. Myrseth74, Jaime M. Napan67, Jonathan Nicholas75, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos76, Jiaqing O77,
Tobias Otterbring78,79, Mariola Paruzel-Czachura80,81, Shiva Pauer21, John Protzko82, Quentin
Raffaelli83, Ivan Ropovik84,85, Robert M. Ross86, Yefim Roth87, Espen Røysamb88, Landon
Schnabel89, Astrid Schütz90, Matthias Seifert91, A. Timur Sevincer92, Garrick T. Sherman93, Otto
Simonsson94,95, Ming-Chien Sung96, Chung-Ching Tai96, Thomas Talhelm97, Bethany A.
Teachman98, Philip E. Tetlock99,100, Dimitrios Thomakos101, Dwight C. K. Tse102, Oliver J.
Twardus103, Joshua M. Tybur56, Lyle Ungar93, Daan Vandermeulen104, Leighton Vaughan
Williams105, Hrag A. Vosgerichian106, Qi Wang107, Ke Wang108, Mark E. Whiting109,110, Conny
E. Wollbrant111, Tao Yang112, Kumar Yogeeswaran113, Sangsuk Yoon114, Ventura r. Alves115,
Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna83,116, Paul A. Bloom75, Anthony Boyles117, Loo Charis118, Mingyeong
Choi119, Sean Darling-Hammond120, Zoe E. Ferguson121, Cheryl R. Kaiser43, Simon T. Karg122,
Alberto López Ortega123, Lori Mahoney124, Melvin S. Marsh125, Marcellin F. R. C. Martinie54,
Eli K. Michaels126, Philip Millroth127, Jeanean B. Naqvi128, Weiting Ng129, Robb B. Rutledge130,
Peter Slattery131, Adam H. Smiley43, Oliver Strijbis132, Daniel Sznycer133, Eli Tsukayama134,
Austin van Loon135, Jan G. Voelkel135, Margaux N. A. Wienk75, Tom Wilkening136, & The
Forecasting Collaborative1
1Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Canada.
2Department of Psychology, Northumbria University, UK.
3Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough; Toronto, Canada.
4Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA.
5Institute of Management Accounting and Simulation, Hamburg University of Technology;
Hamburg, Germany.
6Department of Psychology, Middlesex University London; London, UK.
7Department of Experimental Psychology, University of California San Diego; San Diego,
8Department of Psychology, Toronto Metropolitan University; Toronto, Canada.
9Defence Research and Development Canada; Ottawa, Canada.
10Department of Psychology, York University; Toronto, Canada.
11Department of Economics, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands.
12Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University; West Lafayette, USA.
13Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford; Oxford, UK.
14Institute of New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
15Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich; Zurich,
16Institute of Psychology, University of Prešov; Prešov, Slovakia.
17Institute of Social Sciences, CSPS, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Bratislava, Slovakia.
18Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo;
Waterloo, Canada.
19Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, CIS; Lisbon, Portugal.
20Melbourne Centre for Data Science, University of Melbourne; Melbourne, Australia.
21Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam,
22Department of Food Marketing, Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University;
Philadelphia, USA.
23Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Monash University; Melbourne,
24Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław; Wrocław, Poland.
25Department of Management, Aarhus University; Aarhus, Denmark.
26Anderson School of Management, UCLA; Los Angeles, USA.
27Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Colgate University; Hamilton, USA.
28Department of Industrial Economics, Tamkang University; New Taipei City, Taiwan.
29Department of Psychology, Michigan State University; East Lansing, USA.
30Department of Psychology and Counselling, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman; Kampar,
31Department of Psychology, University of Montana; Missoula, USA.
32Department of Economics, Siena College; Loudonville, USA.
33Department of Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland; St. John's, Canada.
34UBC Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia; Vancouver, Canada.
35Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma; Norman, USA.
36Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Adam Mickiewicz University; Poznań,
37Department of Psychology, University of Groningen; Groningen, Netherlands.
38Laboratory for Comparative Studies in Mass Consciousness, Expert Institute, HSE
University; Moscow, Russia.
39Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University; Minsk, Belarus.
40Department of Sociology, Radboud University; Nijmegen, Netherlands.
41Ontario Institute for Cancer Research; Toronto, Canada.
42Department of Psychology, University of Winnipeg; Winnipeg, Canada.
43Department of Psychology, University of Washington; Seattle, USA.
44Department of Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Madison,
45Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business School;
Oslo, Norway.
46Center for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development; Berlin,
47School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Canada.
48TU Dortmund University; Dortmund, Germany.
49ESCP Business School; Berlin, Germany.
50IESE Business School; Barcelona, Spain.
51School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University; Singapore.
52Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Madison, USA.
53University of Queensland Business School; Brisbane, Australia.
54Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne; Melbourne,
55Department of Marketing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Dartmouth, USA.
56Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam;
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
57Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University; Košice,
58Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge; Cambridge, UK.
59Hermes Germany GmbH; Hamburg, Germany.
60University of Hamburg; Hamburg, Germany.
61Department of Psychology, Illinois State University; Normal, USA.
62Department of Marketing and Logistics Management, National Penghu University of
Science and Technology; Magong City, Taiwan.
63Department of Psychology, University of Victoria; Victoria, Canada.
64Centre for Youth and Society, University of Victoria; Victoria, Canada.
65Department of Psychology, California State University - Fullerton; Fullerton, USA.
66Center for the Study of Human Nature, California State University - Fullerton; Fullerton,
67Department of Psychology, Loma Linda University; Loma Linda, USA.
68University of Nottingham; Nottingham, UK.
69Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London; London, UK.
70Singapore Management University; Singapore.
71Department of Psychology, Florida State University; Tallahassee, USA.
72Department of Psychology, Georgetown University; Washington DC, USA.
73School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford; Oxford, UK.
74School for Business and Society, University of York; York, UK.
75Department of Psychology, Columbia University; New York City, USA.
76IHRR Forecasting Laboratory, Durham University; Durham, UK.
77Department of Psychology, Aberystwyth University; Aberystwyth, UK.
78School of Business and Law, Department of Management, University of Agder;
Kristiansand, Norway.
79Institute of Retail Economics; Stockholm, Sweden.
80University of Silesia; Katowice, Poland.
81Computense University; Madrid, Spain.
82Central Connecticut State University; New Britain, USA.
83Department of Psychology, University of Arizona; Tucson, USA.
84Faculty of Education, Institute for Research and Development of Education, Charles
University; Prague, Czech Republic.
85Faculty of Education; University of Prešov; Prešov, Slovakia.
86School of Psychology, Macquarie University; Sydney, Australia.
87Department of Human Service, University of Haifa; Haifa, Israel, 88Promenta Center,
Department of Psychology, University of Oslo; Oslo, Norway.
89Department of Sociology, Cornell University; Ithaca, USA.
90Institute of Psychology, University of Bamberg; Bamberg, Germany.
91IE Business School, IE University; Madrid, Spain.
92Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science, University of Hamburg; Hamburg,
93Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania;
Philadelphia, USA.
94Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet; Solna, Sweden.
95Department of Sociology, University of Oxford; Oxford, UK.
96Department of Decision Analytics and Risk, University of Southampton; Southampton,
97University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Chicago, USA.
98Department of Psychology, University of Virginia; Charlottesville, USA.
99Psychology Department, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA.
100Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA.
101Department of Economics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Athens,
102School of Psychological Sciences and Health, University of Strathclyde; Glasgow, UK.
103Department of Psychology, University of Guelph; Guelph, Canada.
104Psychology Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Jerusalem, Israel.
105Department of Economics, Nottingham Trent University; Nottingham, UK.
106Department of Management and Organizations, Northwestern University; Evanston, USA.
107College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA.
108Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University; Cambridge, USA.
109Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA.
110Operations, Information, and Decisions Department, The Wharton School, University of
Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA.
111School of Economics and Finance, University of St. Andrews; St. Andrews, UK.
112Department of Management, Cameron School of Business, University of North Carolina;
Wilmington, USA.
113School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing, University of Canterbury; Christchurch, New
Zealand, 114Deparment of Marketing, University of Dayton; Dayton, USA.
115ISG Universidade Lusofona; Lisbon, Portugal.
116Cognitive Science, University of Arizona; Tucson, USA.
117Ephemer AI; Atlanta, USA.
118Questrom School of Business, Boston University; Boston, USA.
119Institute of Social Science Research, Pusan National University; Busan, South
Korea, 120Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA; Los Angeles, USA.
121Psychology Department, University of Washington; Seattle, USA.
122Department of Political Science, Aarhus University; Aarhus, USA.
123Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Amsterdam, Netherlands.
124College of Science and Mathematics, Wright State University; Fairborn, USA.
125Department of Psychology, Georgia Southern University; Statesboro, USA.
126Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley;
Berkeley, USA.
127Department of Psychology, Uppsala University; Uppsala, Sweden.
128Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, USA.
129School of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences;
130Department of Psychology, Yale University; New Haven, USA.
131BehaviourWorks Australia. Monash University; Melbourne, Australia.
132Institute of Political Science, University of Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland.
133Department of Psychology, Oklahoma State University; Stillwater, USA.
134Department of Business Administration, University of Hawaii - West Oahu; Kapolei,
135Department of Sociology, Stanford University; Stanford, USA.
136Department of Economics, University of Melbourne; Melbourne, Australia.
*Corresponding author. Email:
How well can social scientists predict societal change, and what processes underlie their
predictions? To answer these questions, we ran two forecasting tournaments testing accuracy of
predictions of societal change in domains commonly studied in the social sciences: ideological
preferences, political polarization, life satisfaction, sentiment on social media, and gender-career
and racial bias. Following provision of historical trend data on the domain, social scientists
submitted pre-registered monthly forecasts for a year (Tournament 1; N=86 teams/359 forecasts),
with an opportunity to update forecasts based on new data six months later (Tournament 2;
N=120 teams/546 forecasts). Benchmarking forecasting accuracy revealed that social scientists’
forecasts were on average no more accurate than simple statistical models (historical means,
random walk, or linear regressions) or the aggregate forecasts of a sample from the general
public (N=802). However, scientists were more accurate if they had scientific expertise in a
prediction domain, were interdisciplinary, used simpler models, and based predictions on prior
Keywords: forecasting; expert judgment; well-being; political polarization; prejudice;
Main Text: Can social scientists predict societal change? Governments and the general
public often rely on experts, based on a general belief that they make better judgments and
predictions of the future in their domain of expertise. The media also seek out experts to render
their judgments and opinions about what to expect in the future 1,2. Yet research on predictions in
many domains suggests that experts may not be better than purely stochastic models in
predicting the future. For example, portfolio managers (who are paid for their expertise) do not
outperform the stock market in their predictions 3. Similarly, in the domain of geopolitics,
experts often perform at chance levels when forecasting occurrences of specific political events 4.
Based on these insights, one might expect that experts would find it difficult to accurately predict
societal change.
At the same time, social science researchers have developed rich, empirically-grounded
models to explain social science phenomena. Examining sampled data, social scientists strive to
develop theoretical models about causal mechanisms that, in ideal cases, reliably describe human
behavior and societal processes 5. Therefore, it is possible that explanatory models afford social
science experts an advantage in predicting social phenomena in their domain of expertise. Here,
we test these possibilities, examining the overall predictability of trends in social phenomena
such as political polarization, racial bias, or well-being, and whether experts in social science are
better able to predict those trends compared to non-experts.
Prior forecasting initiatives have not fully addressed this question for two reasons. First,
forecasting initiatives with subject matter experts have focused on examining the probability of
occurrence for specific one-time events 4,6 rather than the accuracy of ex-ante predictions of
societal change over multiple units of time. In a sense, predicting events in the future (ex-ante) is
the same as predicting events that have already happened, as long as the experts (research
participants) don’t know the outcome. Yet, there are reasons to think that future prediction is
different in an important way. Consider stock prices: participants could predict stock returns for
stocks in the past, except that they know many other things that have happened (conflicts,
bubbles, Black Swans, economic trends, consumption trends, etc.). Post-hoc, those making those
making predictions have access to the temporal variance/occurrence for each of these variables
and hence are more likely to be successful in ex post predictions. Thus, predictions about past
events end up being more about testing people's explanations, rather than their predictions per se.
Moreover, all other things being equal, the likelihood of a prediction regarding a one-off event
being accurate is by default higher than that of a prediction regarding societal change across an
extended time period. Binary predictions for the one-off event do not require accuracy in
estimating degree of change or the shape of the predicted time series, which are extra challenges
in forecasting societal change.
Second, past research on forecasting has concentrated on predicting geopolitical 4 or
economic events 7 rather than broader societal phenomena. Thus, in contrast to systematic
studies concerning the replicability of in-sample explanations of social science phenomena 8,
out-of-sample prediction accuracy in the social sciences remains understudied 9,10. Similarly,
little is known about the rationales and approaches social scientists use to make predictions for
societal trends. For example, are social scientists more apt to rely on data-driven statistical
methods or theory and intuitions when generating such predictions?
To address these unknowns, we performed a standardized evaluation of forecasting
accuracy 9 among social scientists in well-studied domains for which systematic, cross-temporal
data is available, namely subjective well-being, racial bias, ideological preferences, political
polarization, and gender-career bias. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic as a backdrop,
we selected these domains based on data availability and theoretical links to the pandemic. Prior
research has suggested that each of these domains may be impacted by infectious disease 1114 or
pandemic-related social isolation 15. To understand how scientists made predictions in these
domains, we documented the rationales and processes they used to generate forecasts, then
examined how different methodological choices were related to accuracy.
Research Overview
We present results from two forecasting tournaments conducted through the Forecasting
Collaborativea crowdsourced initiative among scientists interested in ex-ante testing of their
theoretical or data-driven models. Examining performance across two tournaments allowed us to
test the stability of forecasting accuracy in the context of unfolding societal events, and to
investigate how social scientists recalibrate their models and incorporate new data when asked to
update their forecasts.
The Forecasting Collaborative was open to behavioral, social, and data scientists from
any field who wanted to participate in the tournament and were willing to provide forecasts over
12 months (May 2020 April 2021) as part of the initial tournament and, upon receiving
feedback on initial performance, again after 6 months for a follow-up tournament (recruitment
details in Methods and demographic information in supplementary Table S1). To ensure a
“common task framework” 9,16,17, we provided all participating teams with the same time series
data for the US for each of the 12 variables related to the phenomena of interest (i.e., life
satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect, support for Democrats, support for Republicans,
political polarization, explicit and implicit attitudes towards Asian Americans, explicit and
implicit attitudes towards African Americans, and explicit and implicit associations between
gender and specific careers.
Participating teams received historical data that spanned 39 months (January 2017 to
March 2020) for Tournament 1 and data that spanned 45 months for Tournament 2 (January
2017 to September 2020), which they could use to inform their forecasts for the future values of
the same time series. Teams could select up to 12 domains to forecast, including domains for
which team members reported a track record of peer-reviewed publications as well as domains
for which they did not possess relevant expertise (see Methods for multi-stage operationalization
of expertise). By including social scientists with expertise in different subject matters, we could
examine how such expertise may contribute to forecasting accuracy above and beyond general
training in the social sciences. Teams were not constrained in terms of the methods used to
generate time-point forecasts. They provided open-ended, free-text responses for the descriptions
of the methods used, which were coded later. If they made use of data-driven methods, they also
provided the model and any additional data used to generate their forecasts (see Methods). We
also collected data on team size and composition, area of research specialization, subject domain
and forecasting expertise, and prediction confidence.
We benchmarked forecasting accuracy against several alternatives. First, we evaluated
whether social scientists’ forecasts in Tournament 1 were better than the wisdom of the crowd
(i.e., the average forecasts of a sample of lay participants recruited from Prolific). Second, we
compared social scientists’ performance in both tournaments to naïve random extrapolation
algorithms (i.e., the average of historical data, random walks, and estimates based on linear
trends). Finally, we systematically evaluated the accuracy of different forecasting strategies used
by the social scientists in our tournaments, as well as the effect of expertise.
Following the a priori outlined analytic plan (; details in the Supplementary
Methods) to determine forecasting accuracy across domains, we examined the mean absolute
scaled error (MASE) 18 across forecasted time-points for each domain. MASE is an
asymptotically normal, scale-independent scoring rule that compares predicted values against
predictions of a one-step random walk. Because it is scale-independent, it is an adequate measure
when comparing accuracy across domains on different scales. A MASE of 1 reflects a forecast
that is as good out-of-sample as the naive one-step random walk forecast is in-sample. A MASE
below 1.76 is superior to median performance in prior large-scale data science competitions 7.
See Supplementary Materials for further details of the MASE method.
In addition to absolute accuracy, we also assessed the comparative accuracy of social
scientists’ forecasts using several benchmarks. First, during the period of the first tournament, we
obtained forecasts from a non-expert crowdsourced sample of US residents (N = 802) via Prolific
19 who received the same data as tournament participants and filled out an identically structured
survey to provide a wisdom-of-the-(lay)-crowd benchmark. Second, for both tournaments we
simulated three different data-based naïve approaches to out-of-sample forecasting using the
time series data provided to participants in the tournament, including, 1) the historical mean,
calculated by randomly resampling the historical time series data; 2) a naïve random walk,
calculated by randomly resampling historical change in the time series data with an
autoregressive component; 3) extrapolation from linear regression, based on a randomly selected
interval of historical time series data (see Supplementary Information for details). This latter
approach captures the expected range of predictions that would have resulted from random,
uninformed use of historical data to make out-of-sample predictions (as opposed to the naïve in-
sample predictions that form the basis of MASE scores).
How accurate were behavioral and social scientists at forecasting?
Fig. 1 shows that in Tournament 1, social scientists’ forecasts were, on average, inferior
to in-sample random walks in nine domains. In seven domains, social scientists’ forecasts were
inferior to median performance in prior forecasting competitions (Fig. S1 shows raw estimates;
Fig. S2 reports measures of uncertainty around estimates). In Tournament 2, forecasts were on
average inferior to in-sample random walks in eight domains and inferior to median performance
in prior forecasting competitions in five domains. Even winning teams were still less accurate
than in-sample random walks for 8 of 12 domains in Tournament 1, and one domain (Republican
support) in Tournament 2 (Tables S1-S2 and Figs. S4-S9). One should note that inferior
performance to the in-sample random walk (MASE > 1) may not be too surprising; errors of the
in-sample random walk in the denominator concern historical observations that occurred before
the pandemic, whereas accuracy of scientific forecasts in the numerator is compared concerns the
data for the first pandemic year. However, average forecasting accuracy did not generally beat
more liberal benchmarks such as the median MASE in data science tournaments (1.76) 7 or the
benchmark MASE for "good" forecasts in the tourism industry (see Supplement). Except for one
team, top forecasters from Tournament 1 did not appear among the winners of Tournament 2
(Tables S1-S2).
We examined the accuracy of scientific and lay forecasts in a linear mixed effect
model. To systematically compare results for different forecasted domains, we tested a full
model with expertise (social scientist versus lay crowd), domain, and their interaction as
predictors, and log(MASE) scores nested in participants. We observed no significant main
effect difference between accuracy of social scientists and lay crowds, F(11, 1747) = 0.88, P
= .348, part R2 < .001. However, we observed a significant interaction between social science
training and domain, F(11, 1304) = 2.00, P = .026. Simple effects show that social scientists
were significantly more accurate than lay people when forecasting life satisfaction,
polarization, as well as explicit and implicit gender-career bias. However, the scientific teams
were no better than the lay sample in the remaining eight domains (Figure 1 and Table 1).
Moreover, Bayesian analyses indicated that only for life satisfaction there is substantial evidence
in favor of the difference, whereas for eight domains evidence was in favor of the null
hypothesis. See supplementary information online for further details and interpretation of the
multiverse analyses of domain-general accuracy.
Figure 1: Social scientists’ average forecasting errors, compared against different benchmarks. We rank domains
from least to most error in Tournament 1, assessing forecasting errors via mean absolute scaled error (MASE).
Scientists = estimated means and 95% Confidence Intervals from a linear mixed model with domain as a predictor
of forecasting error (MASE) scores nested in teams. To correct for right skew, we used log-transformed MASE
scores, which are subsequently back-transformed when calculating estimated means. In each tournament, confidence
intervals are adjusted for simultaneous inference of estimates for 12 domains in each tournament by simulating a
multivariate t distribution20. Benchmarks represent the naïve crowd and best performing naïve statistical benchmark
(either historic mean, average random walk with an autoregressive lag of one, or linear regression). Statistical
benchmarks were obtained via simulations (k = 10,000) with resampling (see Supplement). Scores to the left of the
dotted vertical line show better performance than naïve in-sample random walk. Scores to the left of the dashed
vertical line show better performance than median performance in M4 tournaments 7.
Table 1. Contrasts of Mean-level Inaccuracy (MASE) among Lay Crowds and Social Scientists
Cohen’s d [95% CI]
Bayes Factor
Life Satisfaction
< .001
0.93 [0.32;1.55]
Substantial ev. for difference
Explicit Gender-career Bias
0.90 [0.10; 1.71]
Some evidence for difference
Implicit Gender-career Bias
0.88 [0.09; 1.67]
Some evidence for difference
Political Polarization
0.71 [-0.01; 1.42]
Not enough evidence
Positive Affect
0.54 [-0.18; 1.26]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Exp. Asian American Bias
0.53 [-0.23; 1.29]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Ideology Republicans
0.40 [-0.29; 1.08]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Ideology Democrats
0.35 [-0.34; 1.04]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Imp. Asian American Bias
0.36 [-0.36; 1.09]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Exp. African American Bias
0.26 [-0.53; 1.05]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Imp. African American Bias
0.14 [-0.63; 0.91]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Negative Affect
0.07 [-0.79; 0.65]
Substantial ev. for no difference
Note. Scores > 1: greater accuracy of scientific forecasts. Scores < 1: greater accuracy of lay crowds. Contrasts were
obtained via emmeans package in R 21. To avoid skew, tests are performed on log-transformed scores. Degrees of
freedom were obtained via Kenward-Roger approximation. P-values are adjusted for false discovery rate. CI =
Confidence intervals of effect size (Cohen’s d), which are adjusted for simultaneous inference of 12 domains by
simulating a multivariate t distribution20. Interpretation of Bayes factor is in the right column. Bayes factors greater
than 3 are interpreted as substantial evidence of a difference, values between 3 and 1 suggest some evidence of a
difference, values between and 1 indicate that there is not enough evidence to interpret, and values < ⅓ indicate
substantial evidence in favor of the null hypothesis (no difference between groups).
Figure 2. Ratios of Benchmarks against Scientific Forecasts. Scores >1: greater accuracy of scientific forecasts.
Scores <1: greater accuracy of naïve benchmarks. Domains are ranked from least to most error among scientific
teams in Tournament 1. Error bars reflect 95% confidence intervals. Confidence intervals are adjusted for
simultaneous inference of estimates for 12 domains in each tournament by simulating a multivariate t distribution20.
Figure 3: Slope graph showing consistency in the ranking of domains in terms of estimated mean forecasting error
across all teams in each tournament, assessed via mean absolute scaled error, from most to least inaccurate forecasts
across both tournaments. Solid line = change in accuracy between tournaments is statistically significant (P < .05);
dashed line = non-significant change.
Next, we compared scientific forecasts against three naïve statistical benchmarks by
creating benchmark/forecast ratio scores (a ratio of 1 indicates that the social scientists' forecasts
were equal in accuracy to the benchmarks, with ratios greater than 1 indicating greater accuracy).
To account for interdependence of social scientists’ forecasts, we examined estimated ratio
scores for domains from linear mixed models, with responses nested in forecasting teams. To
reduce the likelihood that social scientists’ forecasts beat naïve benchmarks by chance, our main
analyses focus on performance across all three benchmarks (see Supplement for rationale
favoring this method over averaging across three benchmarks), and by adjusting confidence
intervals of the ratio scores for simultaneous inference of 12 domains in each tournament by
simulating a multivariate t distribution20. Figs. 1-2 and Fig. S2 show that social scientists in
Tournament 1 were significantly better than each of the three benchmarks in only one out of
twelve domains, which concerned explicit gender-career bias, 1.53 < ratio ≤ 1.60, 1.16 < 95%CI
≤ 2.910. In the remaining 11 domains, scientific predictions were either no different or worse
than the benchmarks. The relative advantage of scientific forecasts over the historical mean and
random walk benchmarks was somewhat larger in Tournament 2 (Fig. S1). Scientific forecasts
were significantly more accurate than the three naïve benchmarks in five out of twelve domains.
These domains reflected explicit racial bias: African-American bias, 2.20 < ratio ≤ 2.86, 1.55 <
95%CI ≤ 4.05; Asian-American bias, 1.39 < ratio ≤ 3.14, 1.01 < 95%CI ≤ 4.40; and implicit
racial and gender career biases: African-American bias, 1.35 < ratio ≤ 2.00, 1.35 < 95%CI
2.78; Asian-American bias, 1.36 < ratio ≤ 2.73, 1.001 < 95%CI ≤ 3.71; gender-career bias, 1.59
< ratio ≤ 3.22, 1.15 < 95%CI ≤ 4.46. In the remaining seven domains, forecasts were not
significantly different from naïve benchmarks. Moreover, as Fig. 2 shows, for political
polarization scientific forecasts in Tournament 2 were significantly less accurate than estimates
from a naïve linear regression, ratio = 0.51, 95%CI [0.38, 0.68]. Fig. 2 also shows that in most
domains at least one of the naïve forecasting methods produced errors that were comparable
or less than social scientists’ forecasts (11 out of 12 in Tournament 1 and 8 out of 12 in
Tournament 2).
To compare social scientists’ forecasts against the average of three naïve benchmarks, we
fit a linear mixed model with forecast/benchmark ratio scores nested in forecasting teams and
examined estimated means for each domain. In Tournament 1, scientists performed better than
the average of the naïve benchmarks in only three domains, which concerned political
polarization, 95%CI [1.06; 1.63], explicit gender-career bias, 95%CI [1.23; 1.95], and implicit
gender-career bias, 95%CI [1.17; 1.83]. In Tournament 2, social scientists performed better than
the average of the naïve benchmarks in seven domains, 1.07 < 95%CIs ≤ 2.79, while they were
statistically indistinguishable from the average of naïve benchmarks when forecasting the
remaining five domains: ideological support for Democrats, 95%CI [0.76; 1.17], and for
Republicans, 95%CI [0.98; 1.51], explicit gender-career bias, 95%CI [0.96; 1.52], and negative
affect on social media, 95%CI [0.82; 1.25]. Moreover, in Tournament 2 social scientists’
forecasts of political polarization were inferior to the average of naïve benchmarks, 95%CI
[0.58; 0.89]. Overall, social scientists tended to do worse than the average of the three naïve
statistical benchmarks in Tournament 1. While scientists did better than the average of naïve
benchmarks in Tournament 2, this difference in overall performance was small, M(forecast
/benchmark inaccuracy ratio) = 1.43, 95%CI [1.26; 1.62]. Moreover, in most domains at least
one of the naïve benchmarks was on par if not more accurate to social scientists’ forecasts.
Which domains were harder to predict?
Fig. 3 shows that some societal trends were significantly harder to forecast than others,
Tournament 1: F(11,295.69) = 41.88, P < .001, R2 = .450, Tournament 2: F(11,469.49) = 26.87,
P < .001, R2 = .291. Forecast accuracy was lowest in politics (underestimating Democratic and
Republican support, and political polarization), well-being (underestimating life satisfaction and
negative affect on social media), and overestimating racial bias against African Americans (also
see Figs. S1). Differences in forecast accuracy across domains did not correspond to differences
in quality of ground truth markers: Based on the sampling frequency and representativeness of
the data, most reliable ground truth markers concerned societal change in political ideology,
obtained via an aggregate of multiple nationally representative surveys by reputable pollsters, yet
this domain was among most difficult to forecast. In contrast, some of the least representative
markers concerned racial and gender-bias, which came from Project Implicita volunteer
platform that is subject to self-selection biasyet these domains were among the easiest to
forecast. In a similar vein, both life satisfaction and positive affect on social media were
estimated via texts on Twitter, even though forecasting errors between these domains varied.
Though measurement imprecision undoubtedly presents a challenge for forecasting, it is unlikely
to account for between-domain variability in forecasting errors (Figure 3).
Domain differences in forecasting accuracy corresponded to differences in the
complexity of historical data: domains ranked more variable in terms of standard deviation (SD)
and mean absolute difference (MAD) of historical data tended to have more forecasting error (as
measured by the rank-order correlation between median inaccuracy scores across teams and
variability scores for the same domain), Tournament 1: ρ(SD) = .19, ρ(MAD) = .20; Tournament
2: ρ(SD) = .48, ρ(MAD) = .36, and domain changes in variability of historical data across
tournaments corresponded to changes in accuracy, ρ(SD) = .27, ρ(MAD) = .28.
Comparison of accuracy across tournaments
Forecasting error was higher in the first tournament than the second tournament (see Fig.
3), F(1, 889.48) = 64.59, P < .001, R2 = .063. We explored several possible differences between
the tournaments that may account for this effect. One possibility is that type of teams differed
between tournaments (team size, gender, number of forecasted domains, field specialization and
team diversity, number of PhDs on a team, prior experience with forecasting). However, the
difference between the tournaments remained equally pronounced when running parallel
analyses with team characteristics as covariates, F(1, 847.79) = 90.45, P < .001, R2 = .062.
Another hypothesis is that forecasts for twelve months (Tournament 1) include further
removed data points than forecasts for more immediate six months (Tournament 2), and it is the
greater temporal distance between the tournament and the moment to forecast that results in
greater inaccuracy at Tournament 1. To test this hypothesis, we zeroed in on Tournament 1
inaccuracy scores for the first and the last six months, while including domain type as a control
dummy variable. By focusing on Tournament 1 data, we kept other characteristics such as team
composition as a constant. Contrary to this seemingly straightforward hypothesis, error for the
forecasts for the first six months was in fact significantly greater (MASE = 3.16, SE = 0.21,
95%CI [2.77, 3.60]) than for the last six months (MASE = 2.59, SE = 0.17, 95%CI [2.27, 2.95]),
F(1, 621.41) = 29.36, P < .001, R2 = .012. As Fig. S1 shows, for many domains, social scientists
underpredicted societal change in Tournament 1, and this difference between predicted and
observed values was more pronounced in the first versus last six months. This suggests that for
several domains social scientists anchored (19) their forecasts on the most recent historical data.
Supplementary analyses further show that many domains showed unusual shifts (vis-à-vis prior
historical data) in the first six months of the pandemic and started to return to the historical
baseline in the following six months (Fig. S15). For these domains, forecasts anchored on the
most recent historical data were more inaccurate for the May-October 2020 forecasts compared
to the November 2020-April 2021 forecasts.
Finally, we tested whether providing teams additional six months of historical trend
capturing the on-set of the novel pandemic at Tournament 2 may have contributed to lower error
compared to Tournament 1. To this end, we compared the inaccuracy of forecasts for the six
months period of Nov 2020-April 2021 done in May 2020 (Tournament 1) and when provided
with more data in October 2020 (Tournament 2). We focused only on participants who
completed both tournaments to keep the number of participating teams and team characteristics
constant. Indeed, Tournament 1 forecasts had significantly more error (MASE M = 2.54, SE =
0.17, 95%CI [2.23, 2.90]) than Tournament 2 forecasts (MASE M = 1.99, SE = 0.13, 95%CI
[1.74, 2.27]), F(1, 607.79) = 31.57, P < .001, R2 = .017. suggesting that it was availability of new
(pandemic-specific) information rather than temporal distance that contributed to more accurate
forecasts in the second compared to the first tournament.
Consistency in forecasting
Despite variability across scientific teams, domains, and tournaments, the accuracy of
scientific predictions was highly systematic. Accuracy in one subset of predictions (ranking of
model performance across odd months) was highly correlated with accuracy in the other
subset (ranking of model performance across even months), first tournament: multilevel racross
domains = .88, 95% CI [.85; .90], t(357) = 34.80, P < .001; domain-specific .55 < .rs ≤ .99; second
tournament: multilevel racross domains = .72, 95% CI [.67; .75], t(544) = 23.95, P < .001; domain-
specific .24 < .rs ≤ .96. Further, results of a linear mixed model with MASE scores in
Tournament 1, domain, and their interaction predicting MASE in Tournament 2 showed that for
eleven out of twelve domains accuracy in Tournament 1 was associated with greater accuracy in
Tournament 2, Md(standardized β) = .26.
Moreover, the ranking of models based on performance in the initial 12-months
tournament corresponds to the ranking of the updated models in the follow-up 6-months
tournament (Fig. 3). Harder-to-predict domains in the initial tournament remained most
inaccurate in the second tournament. Fig. 2 shows one notable exception. Bias against African
Americans was easier to predict than other domains in the second tournament. Though
speculative, this exception appears consistent with the idea that George Floyd’s death catalyzed
movements in racial awareness just after the first tournament (supplementary Fig. S14 for a
timeline of major historical events).
Which strategies and team characteristics promoted accuracy?
Finally, we examined forecasting approaches and individual characteristics of more
accurate forecasters in the tournaments. In the main text, we focused on central tendencies across
forecasting teams, whereas in the supplementary analyses we reviewed strategies of winning
teams and characteristics of the top 5 performers in each domain (Figs. S4-S11). We compared
forecasting approaches relying on 1) no data modeling (but possible consideration of theories);
2) pure data modeling (but no consideration of subject matter theories); 3) hybrid approaches.
Roughly half of the teams relied on data-based modeling as a basis for their forecasts, whereas
the other half of the teams in each tournament relied only on their intuitions or theoretical
considerations (Fig. 4). This pattern was similar across domains (Fig. S3).
In both tournaments, pre-registered linear mixed model analyses with approach as a
factor, domain type as a control dummy variable, and MASE scores nested in forecasting
teams as a dependent variable revealed that forecasting approaches significantly differed in
accuracy, first tournament: F(2, 149.10) = 5.47, P = .005, R2 = .096; second tournament: F(2,
177.93) = 5.00, P = .008, R2 = .091 (Fig. 4). Forecasts that considered historical data as part of
the forecast modeling were more accurate than models that did not, first tournament: F(1, 56.29)
= 20.38, P < .001, R2 = .096; second tournament: F(1, 159.11) = 8.12, P = .005, R2 = .084.
Model comparison effects were qualified by significant model type X domain interaction; first
tournament: F(11, 278.67) = 4.57, P < .001, R2 = .045; second tournament: F(11, 462.08) = 3.38,
P = .0002, R2 = .028. Post-hoc comparisons in Table S4 revealed that data-inclusive (data-driven
and hybrid) models were significantly more accurate than data-free models that did not include
data in three domains (explicit and implicit racial bias against Asian-Americans and implicit
gender-career bias) in Tournament 1 and two domains (life satisfaction, explicit gender-career
bias) in Tournament 2. There were no domains where data-free models were more accurate than
data-inclusive models. Analyses in Supplementary Materials further demonstrated that, in the
first tournament, data-free forecasts of social scientists were not significantly better than lay
estimates, t(577) = 0.87, P = .385, whereas data-inclusive models tended to perform significantly
better than lay estimates, t(470) = 3.11, P = .006, Cohen’s d = 0.391.
Figure 4: Forecasting errors by prediction approach. Estimates and 95% confidence intervals
from linear mixed models with responses nested in scientific teams to account for
interdependence. Scores below the dotted vertical line show better performance than naïve in-
sample random walk. Scores below the dashed vertical line show better performance than
median performance in M4 tournaments 7.
To examine the incremental contribution of specific forecasting strategies and team
characteristics to accuracy, we pooled data from both tournaments in a linear mixed model with
inaccuracy (MASE) as a dependent variable. As Fig. 5 shows, we included predictors
representing forecasting strategies, team characteristics, domain expertise (quantified via
publications by team members on the topic) and forecasting expertise (quantified via prior
experience with forecasting tournaments). We further included domain type as a control dummy
variable, and nested responses in teams.
The full model fixed effects explained 31% of the variance in accuracy (R2 = .314),
though much of it was accounted for by differences in accuracy between domains (non-domain
R2 [partial] = .043). Consistent with prior research 22, model sophisticationi.e., considering a
larger number of exogenous predictors, COVID-trajectory, or counterfactualsdid not
significantly improve accuracy (Fig. 5 and Table S5). In fact, forecasting models based on
simpler procedures turned out to be significantly more accurate than complex models, B = 0.14,
SE = 0.06, t (220.82) = 2.33, P = .021, R2(partial) = .010.
On the one hand, experts’ subjective confidence in their forecasts was not related to the
accuracy of their estimates. On the other, people with expertise made more accurate forecasts.
Teams were more accurate if they had members who published academic research on the
forecasted domain, B = -0.26, SE = 0.09, t (711.64) = 3.01, P = .003, R2(partial) = .007, and who
took part in prior forecasting competitions, B = -0.35, SE = 0.17, t (56.26) = 2.02, P = .049,
R2(partial) = .010 (also see Table S5). Critically, even though some of these effects were
significant, only two factors complexity of the statistical method and prior experience with
forecasting tournaments showed a non-negligible partial effect size (R2 above .009) 23.
In the second tournament, we provided teams with the opportunity to compare their
original forecasts (Tournament 1, May 2020) to new data at a later point of time and to update
their predictions (22) (Tournament 2, Nov 2020). Therefore, we tested whether updating
improved people’s predictive accuracy. Out of the initial 356 forecasts in the first tournament,
180 were updated in the second tournament (from 37% of teams for life satisfaction to 60% of
teams for implicit Asian American bias). Updated forecasts in the second tournament
(November) were significantly more accurate than the original forecasts in the first tournament
(May), t(94.5) = 6.04, P < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.804, but so were forecasts from the 34 new teams
recruited in November, t(75.9) = 6.30, P < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.816. Furthermore, updated
forecasts were not significantly different from forecasts provided by new teams recruited in
November, t(77.8) < 0.10, P = .928. This observation suggests that updating did not lead to
more accurate forecasts (Table S6 reports additional analyses probing different updating
Figure 5: Contribution of specific forecasting strategies (n parameters, statistical model complexity, consideration of
exogenous events and counterfactuals) and team characteristics for forecasting accuracy (reversed MASE scores),
ranked in terms of magnitude. Scores to the right of the dashed vertical line contribute positively to accuracy,
whereas estimates to the left of the dashed vertical line contribute negatively. Analyses control for domain type. All
continuous predictors are mean-centered and scaled by 2 standard deviations, to afford comparability 24. The
reported standard errors are heteroskedasticity-robust. Thicker bands show 90% confidence interval, whereas thinner
lines show at 95% confidence interval. Effects are statistically significant if the 95% confidence interval does not
include zero (dashed vertical line).
How accurate are social scientists’ forecasts of societal change? Results from two
forecasting tournaments conducted during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic show that
for most domains social scientists’ predictions were no better than those from a sample of the
(non-specialist) general public. Further, apart from a few domains concerning racial and gender-
career bias, scientists’ original forecasts were typically not much better than naïve statistical
benchmarks derived from historical averages, linear regressions, or random walks. Even when
confining the analysis to the top 5 forecasts by social scientists per domain, a simple linear
regression produced less error roughly half of the time (Figs. S5 and S9).
Forecasting accuracy systematically varied across societal domains. In both tournaments,
positive sentiment and gender-career stereotypes were easier to forecast than other phenomena,
whereas negative sentiment and bias toward African Americans were most difficult to forecast.
Domain differences in forecasting accuracy corresponded to historical volatility in the time
series. Differences in the complexity of positive and negative affect are well-documented 25,26.
Moreover, racial attitudes showed more change than attitudes regarding gender during this
period (perhaps due to movements like Black Lives Matter).
Which strategies and team characteristics were associated with more effective forecasts?
One defining feature of more effective forecasters was that they relied on prior data rather than
theory alone. This observation fits with prior studies on the performance of algorithmic versus
intuitive human judgments (25). Social scientists who relied on prior data also performed better
than lay crowds and were overrepresented among the winning teams (Figs. S4 and S8).
Forecasting experience and subject matter expertise on a forecasted topic also
incrementally contributed to better performance in tournaments (R2 [partial] = .010). This is in
line with some prior research on the value of subject-matter expertise for geopolitical forecasts 6
and for prediction of success of behavioral science interventions 27. Notably, we found that
publication track record on a topic, rather than subjective confidence in domain expertise or
confidence in the forecast, contributed to greater accuracy. It is possible that subjective
confidence in domain expertise conflates expertise and overconfidence 28 (versus intellectual
humility). There is some evidence that overconfident forecasters are less accurate 29. These
findings, along with a lack of domain-general effect of social science expertise on performance
compared to the general public, invite consideration of whether what usually counts as expertise
in social sciences translates into greater ability to predict future real-world trends.
The nature of our forecasting tournaments allowed social scientists to self-select any of
the twelve forecasting domains, inspect three years of historical trends for each domain, and to
update their predictions based on feedback on their initial performance in the first tournament.
These features emulated typical forecasting platforms (e.g., We argue that this
approach enhances our ability to draw externally valid and generalizable inferences from a
forecasting tournament. However, this approach also resulted in a complex, unbalanced design.
Scholars interested in isolating psychological mechanisms fostering superior forecasts may
benefit from a simpler design whereby all forecasting teams make forecasts for all requested
Another issue in designing forecasting tournaments involves determination of domains
one may want participants to forecast. In designing the present tournaments, we provided
participants with at least three years of monthly historical data for each forecasting domains. An
advantage of making the same historical data available for all forecasters is that it establishes a
“common task framework” 9,16,17, ensuring main sources of information about the forecasting
domains remain identical across all participants. However, this approach restricts types of social
issues participants can forecast. A simpler design without inclusion of historical data would have
had an advantage of a greater flexibility in selecting forecasting domains.
Why were forecasts of societal change largely inaccurate, even though participants had
data-based resources and ample time to deliberate? One possibility concerns self-selection.
Perhaps participants in the Forecasting Collaborative were unusually bad at forecasting
compared to social scientists as a whole. This possibility seems unlikely. We took efforts to
recruit highly successful social scientists at different career stages and from different sub-
disciplines (see Supplementary Materials). Indeed, many of our forecasters are well-established
scholars. Thus, we do not expect members of the Forecasting Collaborative to be worse at
forecasting than other members of the social science community. Nevertheless, albeit
impractical, only a random sample of social scientists would have fully addressed the self-
selection concern.
Second, it is possible that social scientists were not adequately incentivized to perform
well in our tournaments. Though we provided reputational incentives by announcing winners and
ranking of participating teams, like other big-team science projects 8,30 we did not provide
performance-based monetary incentives 31, because they may not be key motivating factors for
intrinsically motivated social scientists 32. Indeed, drop-out rate between Tournaments 1 and 2
was marginal, suggesting that participating teams were motivated to continue being part of the
initiative. This reasoning notwithstanding, it is possible that stronger incentives for accurate
forecasting (whether reputation-based or monetary) could have stimulated some scientists to
perform better in our forecasting tournament, opening doors for future directions to address this
question directly.
Third, social scientists often deal with phenomena with small effect sizes that are
overestimated in the literature 8,30,33. Additionally, social scientists frequently study social
phenomena in conditions that maximize experimental control but may have little external
validity, and it is argued that this not only limits the generalizability of findings but in fact
reduces their internal validity. In the world beyond the laboratory, where more factors are at
play, such effects may be smaller than social scientists might think based on their lab studies, and
in fact, such effects may be spurious given the lack of external validity. Thus, social scientist
may over(and mis)estimate the impact of the effects they study in the lab on real-world
phenomena 34
Fourth, social scientists tend to theorize about individuals and groups and conduct
research at those scales. However, findings from such work may not scale up when predicting
phenomena on a scale of entire societies 39. Like other dynamical systems in economics, physics,
or biology, societal level processes may also be genuinely stochastic rather than deterministic. If
so, stochastic models will be hard to outperform.
Finally, training in predictive modeling is not a requirement in many social sciences
programs 10. Social scientists often prioritize explanations over formal predictions 5. For
instance, statistical training in social sciences typically emphasizes unbiased estimation of model
parameters in the sample over predictive out-of-sample accuracy 40. Moreover, typical graduate
curricula in many areas of social science, such as social or clinical psychology, do not require
computational training in predictive modeling. The formal empirical study of societal change is
relatively uncommon in these disciplines. Most social scientists approach individual- or group-
level phenomena in an a-temporal fashion 39. Scientists may favor post-hoc explanations of
specific one-time events rather than the future trajectory of social phenomena. Although time is a
key theoretical variable for foundational theories in many subfields of social sciences, such as
field theory 41, it has remained an elusive concept.
How can social scientists become better forecasters? Perhaps the first steps might involve
probing the limits of social science theories by evaluating if a given theory is suitable for making
societal predictions in the first place or if it is too narrow or too vague 5,42. Relatedly, social
scientists need to test their theories using representatively designed experiments. Moreover,
social scientists may benefit from testing whether a societal trend is deterministic and hence can
benefit from theory-driven components, or if it unfolds in a purely stochastic fashion. For
instance, one can start by decomposing a time series into the trend, autoregressive, and seasonal
components, examining each of them and their meaning for one’s theory and model. One can
further perform a unit root test to examine whether the time series is non-stationary. Training in
recognizing and modeling properties of time series and dynamical systems may need to become
more firmly integrated into graduate curricula in the field. For instance, a classic insight in time
series literature is that the mean of the historical time series may be among the best multi-step
ahead predictor for a stationary time series 43. Using such insights to build predictions from
ground-up can afford greater accuracy. In turn, such training can open the door to more robust
models of social phenomena and human behavior, with a promise of greater generalizability in
the real-world.
Given the broad societal impact of phenomena like prejudice, political polarization or
well-being, the ability to accurately predict trends in these variables would appear to be of
crucial importance. But despite common beliefs that social science experts are best equipped to
accurately predict these trends compared to non-experts 1, the current findings suggest that the
social and behavioral scientists have a lot of room for growth 38. The good news is that
forecasting skills can be improved. Consider the growing accuracy in forecasting models in
meteorology in the second part of the 20th century 44. Greater consideration of representative
experimental designs, temporal dynamics, better training in forecasting methods, and more
practice with formal forecasting all may improve social scientists’ ability to accurately forecast
societal trends going forward.
The study was approved by the Office of Research Ethics of the University of Waterloo
under protocol # 42142.
Pre-registration and deviations. Forecasts of all participating teams along with their
rationales were pre-registered on Open Science Framework (
Additionally, in an a priori specific document shared with the journal in May 2020, we outlined
the operationalization of the key dependent variable (MASE), operationalization of covariates
and benchmarks (i.e., use of naive forecasting methods), along with the key analytic procedures
(linear mixed model and contrasts being different forecasting approaches; We did
not pre-register the use of a Prolific sample from the general public as an additional benchmark
before their forecasting data was collected, though we did pre-register this benchmark in early
September of 2020, prior to data pre-processing or analyses. Deviating from the pre-registration,
to protect against inflating p-values, we performed a single analysis with all covariates in the
same model rather than performing separate analyses for each set of covariates. Further, due to
scale differences between domains, we chose not to feature analyses concerning absolute
percentage errors of each time point in the main paper (but see corresponding analyses on the
GitHub site of the project, which
replicate the key effects presented in the main manuscript).
Participants & recruitment. We initially aimed for a minimum sample of 40 forecasting
teams in our tournament after prescreening to ensure that participants possess at minimum a
bachelor’s degree in behavioral, social, or computer sciences. To compare groups of scientists
employing different forecasting strategies (e.g., data-free versus data-inclusive methods), we
subsequently tripled the target size of the final sample (N = 120), the target we accomplished by
the November phase of the tournament, to ensure sufficient sample for comparison of teams
using different strategies (see Table S1 for demographics).
The Forecasting Collaborative website we used for recruitment
( outlined guidelines for eligibility and approach for
prospective participants. We incentivized participating teams in two ways. First, prospective
participants had an opportunity for a co-authorship in a large-scale citizen science publication.
Second, we incentivized accuracy by emphasizing throughout the recruitment that we will be
announcing winners and will share the ranking of scientific teams in terms of performance in
each tournament (per domain and in total).
As outlined in the recruitment materials, we considered data-driven (e.g., model-based) or
expertise-based (e.g., general intuition, theory-based) forecasts from any field. As part of the
survey, participants selected which method(s) they used to generate their forecasts. Next, they
elaborated on how they generated their forecasts in an open-ended question. There are no
restrictions, though all teams were encouraged to report their education, as well as areas of
knowledge or expertise. Participants were recruited via large scale advertising on social media,
mailing lists in the behavioral and social sciences, decision sciences, and data science,
advertisement on academic social networks including ResearchGate, and through word of mouth.
To ensure broad representation across the academic spectrum of relevant disciplines, we targeted
groups of scientists working on computational modeling, social psychology, judgment and
decision-making, and data science to join the Forecasting Collaborative.
The Forecasting Collaborative started by the end of April 2020, during which time the U.S.
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projected the initial peak of the COVID-19 pandemic
in the US. The recruitment phase continued until mid-June 2020, to ensure at least 40 teams
joined the initial tournament. We were able to recruit 86 teams for the initial 12-month
tournament (M age = 38.18; SD = 8.37; 73% of forecasts made by scientists with a Doctorate
degree), each of which provided forecasts for at least one domain (M = 4.17; SD = 3.78). At the
six-month mark after 2020 US Presidential Election, we provided the initial participants with an
opportunity to update their forecasts (44% provided updates), while simultaneously opening the
tournament to new participants. This strategy allowed us to compare new forecasts against the
updated predictions of the original participants, resulting in 120 teams for this follow-up six-
month tournament (M age = 36.82; SD = 8.30; 67% of forecasts made by scientists with a
Doctorate degree; M forecasted domains = 4.55; SD = 3.88). Supplementary analyses showed that
updating likelihood did not significantly differ when comparing data-free and data-inclusive
models, z = 0.50, P = .618.
Procedure. Information for this project was available on the designated website
(, which included objectives, instructions, and prior monthly data for
each of the 12 domains they can use for modeling. Researchers who decided to partake in the
tournament signed up via a Qualtrics survey, which asked them to upload their estimates for
forecasting domains of their choice in a pre-programmed Excel sheet that presented the historical
trend and automatically juxtaposed their point estimate forecasts against the historical trend on a
plot (see Appendix S1) and answer a set of questions about their rationale and forecasting team
composition. Once all data was received, de-identified responses were used to pre-register the
forecasted values and models on the Open Science Framework (
Recent empirical forecasting competition also emphasize assessing prediction intervals
along with point forecast estimates 7, employing metrics like MSIS and Cover rate to see how
often the actual outcome falls within the estimated a priori prediction interval, as many decisions
in real life setting are based in the intervals rather than the points forecasts. For pragmatic
reasons, such prediction interval metrics were out of the scope of this specific research, but the
interested reader can follow up the recent M4, M5, & M6 (ongoing) forecasting studies for
further information
At the half-way point (i.e., at six months), participants were provided with a comparison
summary of their initial point estimates forecasts vs. actual data for the initial six months.
Subsequently, they were provided with an option to update their forecasts, provide a detailed
description of the updates, and answer an identical set of questions about their data model and
rationale for their forecasts, as well as the consideration of possible exogenous variables and
Forecasting Domains and Data Pre-Processing. Computational forecasting models
require enough prior time series data for reliable modeling. Based on prior recommendations 45,
in the first tournament we provided each team with 39 monthly estimatesfrom January 2017 to
March 2020for each of the domains participating teams chose to forecast. This approach
enabled the teams to perform data-driven forecasting (should teams choose to do so) and to
establish a baseline estimate prior to the U.S. peak of the pandemic. In the second tournament,
conducted six months later, we provided the forecasting teams with 45 monthly timepoints
from January 2017 to September 2020.
Because of the requirement for rich standardized data for computational approaches to
forecasting 9, we limited forecasting domains to issues of broad societal significance. Our
domain selection was guided by the discussion of broad social consequences associated with
these issues at the beginning of the pandemic 46,47, along with general theorizing about
psychological and social effects of threats of infectious disease 48,49. Additional pragmatic
consideration concerning the availability of large-scale longitudinal monthly time series data for
a given issue. The resulting domains include affective well-being and life satisfaction, political
ideology and polarization, bias in explicit and implicit attitudes towards Asian Americans and
African Americans, as well as stereotypes regarding gender and career vs. family. To establish
the “common task framework”—a necessary step for the evaluation of predictions in data
sciences 9,17, we standardized methods for obtaining relevant prior data for each of these
domains, made the data publicly available, recruited competitor teams for a common task of
inferring predictions from the data, and a priori announced how the project leaders will evaluate
accuracy at the end of the tournament.
Further, each team had to 1) download and inspect the historical trends (visualized on an
Excel plot; example in Appendix); 2) add their forecasts in the same document, which
automatically visualized their forecasts against the historical trends; 3) confirm their forecasts; 4)
answer prompts concerning their forecasting rationale, their theoretical assumptions, models,
conditionals, and consideration of additional parameters in the model. This procedure ensured all
teams, at the minimum, considered historical trends, juxtaposed them against their forecasted
time series, and deliberated on their forecasting assumptions.
Affective Well-being and Life Satisfaction. We used monthly Twitter data to estimate
markers of affective well-being (positive and negative affect) and life satisfaction over time. We
rely on Twitter because no polling data for monthly well-being over the required time period
exists, and because prior work suggests that national estimates obtained via social media
language can reliably track subjective well-being 50. For each month, we used previously
validated predictive models of well-being, as measured by affective well-being and life
satisfaction scales 51. Affective well-being was calculated by applying a custom lexicon 52 to
message unigrams. Life satisfaction was estimated using a ridge regression model trained on
latent Dirichlet allocation topics, selected using univariate feature selection and dimensionally
reduced using randomized principal component analysis, to predict Cantril ladder life satisfaction
scores. Such twitter-based estimates closely follow nationally representative polls 53. We applied
the respective models to Twitter data from January 2017 to March 2020 to obtain estimates of
affective well-being and life satisfaction via language on social media.
Ideological Preferences. We approximated monthly ideological preferences via aggregated
weighted data from the Congressional Generic Ballot polls conducted between January 2017 and
March 2020 (, which ask
representative samples of Americans to indicate which party they would support in an election.
We weighed polls based on FiveThirtyEight pollster ratings, poll sample size, and poll
frequency. FiveThirtyEight pollster ratings are determined by their historical accuracy in
forecasting elections since 1998, participation in professional initiatives that seek to increase
disclosure and enforce industry best practices and inclusion of live-caller surveys to cellphones
and landlines. Based on this data, we then estimated monthly averages for support of Democrat
and Republican parties across pollsters (e.g., Marist College, NBC/Wall Street Journal, CNN,
Political Polarization. We assessed political polarization by examining differences in
presidential approval ratings by party identification from Gallup polls
( We
obtained a difference score in % of Republican versus Democrat approval ratings and estimated
monthly averages for the time period of interest. The absolute value of the difference score will
ensure possible changes following the 2020 Presidential election will not change the direction of
the estimate.
Explicit and Implicit Bias. Given the natural history of the COVID-19 pandemic, we sought
to examine forecasted bias in attitudes towards Asian American (vs. European-Americans). To
further probe racial bias, we sought to examine forecasted racial bias in preferences for African
American (versus European-American) people. Finally, we sought to examine gender bias in
associations of female (vs. male) gender with family versus career. For each domain we sought
to obtain both estimates of explicit attitudes 54 and estimates of implicit attitudes 55. To this end,
we obtained data from the Project Implicit website (, which has
collected continuous data concerning explicit stereotypes and implicit associations from a
heterogeneous pool of volunteers (50,000 - 60,000 unique tests on each of these categories per
month). Further details about the website and test materials are publicly available at Recent work suggests that Project Implicit data can provide reliable societal
estimates of consequential outcomes 56,57 and when studying cross-temporal societal shifts in
U.S. attitudes 58. Despite the non-representative nature of the Project Implicit data, recent
analyses suggest that bias scores captured by Project Implicit are highly correlated with
nationally representative estimates of explicit bias, r = .75, indicating that group aggregates of
the bias data from Project Implicit can reliably approximate group-level estimates 57. To further
correct possible non-representativeness, we applied stratified weighting to the estimates, as
described below.
Implicit attitude scores were computed using the revised scoring algorithm of the implicit
association test (IAT) 59. The IAT is a computerized task comparing reaction times to categorize
paired concepts (in this case, social groups, e.g., Asian American vs. European American) and
attributes (in this case, valence categories, e.g., good vs. bad). Average response latencies in
correct categorizations were compared across two paired blocks in which participants
categorized concepts and attributes with the same response keys. Faster responses in the paired
blocks are assumed to reflect a stronger association between those paired concepts and attributes.
Implicit gender-career bias was measured using the IAT with category labels of “male” and
“female” and attributes of “career” / “family”). In all tests, positive IAT D scores indicate a
relative preference for the typically preferred group (European-Americans) or association (men-
Respondents whose scores fell outside of the conditions specified in the scoring
algorithm did not have a complete IAT D score and were therefore excluded from analyses.
Restricting the analyses to only complete IAT D scores resulted in an average retention of 92%
of the complete sessions across tests. The sample was further restricted to include only
respondents from the United States to increase shared cultural understanding of attitude
categories. The sample was restricted to include only respondents with complete demographic
information on age, gender, race/ethnicity, and political ideology.
For explicit attitude scores, participants provided ratings on feeling thermometers
towards Asian-Americans and European Americans (to assess Asian-American bias), and White
and Black Americans (to assess racial bias), on a 7-point scale ranging from -3 to +3. Explicit
gender-career bias was measured using 7-point Likert-type scales assessing the degree to which
an attribute was female/male, from strongly female (-3) to strongly male (+3). Two questions
assessed explicit stereotypes for each attribute (e.g., career with female/male, and, separately, the
association of family). To match the explicit bias scores with the relative nature of the IAT,
relative explicit stereotype scores were created by subtracting the “incongruent” association from
the “congruent” association (e.g., [male vs. female-career] - [male vs. female-family]). Thus, for
racial bias, -6 reflects a strong explicit preference for the minority over the majority (European-
American) group, and +6 reflects a strong explicit preference for the majority over the minority
(Asian American / African American) group. Similarly, for gender-career bias, counter-
stereotype association (e.g., male-arts/female-science), and +6 reflects a strong stereotypic
association (e.g., female-arts/male-science). In both cases, the midpoint of 0 represented equal
liking of both groups.
We used explicit and implicit bias data for January 2017 March 2020 and created
monthly estimates for each of the explicit and implicit bias domains. Because of possible
selection bias among the Project Implicit participants, we adjusted population estimates by
weighting the monthly scores based on their representativeness of the demographic frequencies
in the U.S. population (age, race, gender, education; estimated biannually by the U.S. Census
detail.html). Further, we adjusted weights based on political orientation (1 = “strongly
conservative;” 2 = “moderately conservative;” 3 = “slightly conservative;” 4 = “neutral;” 5 =
“slightly liberal;” 6 = “moderately liberal;” 7 = “strongly liberal”), using corresponding annual
estimates from the General Social Survey. With the weighting values for each participant, we
computed weighted monthly means for each attitude test. These procedures ensured that
weighted monthly averages approximated the demographics in the U.S. population. We cross-
validated this procedure by comparing weighted annual scores to nationally representative
estimates for feeling thermometer for African American and Asian American estimates from the
American National Election studies in 2017 and 2018.
An initial procedure was developed for computing post-stratification weights for African
American, Asian and gender career bias (implicit and explicit) to ensure that the sample was
representative of the US population at large as much as possible. Originally, we computed
weights for the entire year, which were then applied to each month in the year. After receiving
feedback from co-authors, a more optimal approach was adopted wherein weights were
computed on monthly, as opposed to yearly basis. This was necessary as demographic
characteristics varied from month to month each year. This meant that using yearly weights had
the potential of amplifying as opposed to reducing bias. Consequently, our new procedure
insured that sample representativeness was maximized. This insight affected forecasts from
seven teams who provided them before the change. The teams were informed, and four teams
chose to provide updated estimates using newly weighted historical data.
For each of these domains, forecasters were provided with 39 monthly estimates in the
initial tournament (45 estimates in the follow-up tournament), as well as detailed explanation
about the origin and the calculation of respective indices. Thereby, we aim to standardize the
data source for the purpose of the forecasting competition 9. See Supplementary Appendix S1 for
example worksheets provided to participants for submissions of their forecasts.
Forecasting Justifications. For each forecasting model submitted to the tournament,
participants provided detailed descriptions. They described the type of model they computed
(e.g., time series, game theoretic models, other algorithms), model parameters, additional
variables they included in their predictions (e.g., COVID-19 trajectory, presidential election
outcome), and underlying assumptions.
Confidence in forecast. Participants rated their confidence in their forecasted points for
each forecast model they submitted on a 7-point scale from 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely).
Confidence in expertise. Participants provided ratings of their teams’ expertise for a
particular domain by indicating extent of agreement with the statement “my team has strong
expertise on the research topic of [field],” on a 7-point scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7
(Strongly Agree).
COVID-19 Conditional. We considered the COVID-19 pandemic as a conditional of
interest given links between infectious disease and the target social issues selected for this
tournament. In Tournament 1, participants reported if they used the past or predicted trajectory of
the COVID-19 pandemic (as measured by number of deaths or prevalence of cases or new
infections) as a conditional in their model, and if so, provided their forecasted estimates for the
COVID-19 variable included in their model.
Counterfactuals. Counterfactuals are hypothetical alternative historic events that would
be thought to affect the forecast outcomes if they were to occur. Participants described the key
counterfactual events between December 2019 and April 2020 that they theorized would have
led to different forecasts (e.g., U.S.-wide implementation of social distancing practices in
February). Two independent coders evaluated the distinctiveness of counterfactuals (interrater κ
= .80). When discrepancies arose, they discussed individual cases with other members of the
forecasting collaborative to make the final evaluation. In primary analyses, we focus on the
presence of counterfactuals (yes/no).
Team Expertise. Because expertise can mean many things 2,60, we used a telescopic
approach and operationalized expertise in four ways of varying granularity. First, we examined
broad, domain-general expertise in social sciences by comparing social scientists’ forecasts to
forecasts provided by the general public without the same training in social science theory and
methods. Second, we operationalized the prevalence of graduate training on a team as a more
specific marker of domain-general expertise in social sciences. To this end, we asked each
participating team to report how many team members have a doctorate degree in social sciences
and calculated the percentage of doctorates on a team. Moving to domain-specific expertise, we
instructed participating teams to report if any of their members had previously researched or
published on the topic of their forecasted variable, operationalizing domain-specific expertise
through this measure. Finally, moving to the most subjective level, we asked each participating
team to report their subjective confidence in teams’ expertise in a given domain (see
Supplementary Information)
General Public Benchmark. In parallel to the tournament with 86 teams, on June 2-3,
2020, we recruited a regionally, gender- and socio-economically stratified sample of US
residents via the Prolific crowdworker platform (targeted N = 1,050 completed responses) and
randomly assigned them to forecast societal change for a subset of domains used in the
tournaments (a. wellbeing: life satisfaction, positive and negative sentiment on social media; b.
politics: political polarization, ideological support for Democrats and Republicans; c. Asian
American Bias: explicit and implicit trends; d. African American Bias: explicit and implicit
trends; e. Gender-career Bias: explicit and implicit trends). During recruitment, participants were
informed that in exchange for 3.65 GDP they have to be able to open and upload forecasts in an
Excel worksheet.
We considered responses if they provided forecasts for 12 months in at least one domain
and if predictions did not exceed the possible range for a given domain (e.g., polarization above
100%). Moreover, three coders (intercoder κ = .70 unweighted, κ = .77 weighted) reviewed all
submitted rationales from lay people and excluded any submissions where participants either
misunderstood the task or wrote bogus bot-like responses. Coder disagreements were resolved
via a discussion. Finally, we excluded responses if participants spent under 50s making their
forecasts, which included reading instructions, downloading the files, providing forecasts, and
re-uploading their forecasts (final N = 802, 1,467 forecasts; Mage = 30.39, SD = 10.56, 46.36%
female; education: 8.57% high school/GED, 28.80% some college, 62.63% college or above;
ethnicity: 59.52% white, 17.10% Asian American, 9.45% African American/Black, 7.43%
Latinx, 6.50% mixed/other; Md annual income = $50,000-$75,000; residential area: 32.37%
urban, 57.03% suburban, 10.60% rural).
Exclusions of the General Public Sample. Table S7 outlines exclusions by category. In
the initial step, we considered all submissions via the Qualtrics platform, including partial
submissions without any forecasting data (N = 1,891). Upon removing incomplete responses
without forecasting data, and removing duplicate submissions from the same Prolific IDs, we
removed 59 outliers whose data exceeded the range of possible values in a given domain.
Subsequently, we removed responses independent coders flagged as either misunderstood (n = 6)
or bot-like bogus responses (n = 26). See Supplementary Appendix S2 for verbatim examples of
each screening category and exact coding instructions. Finally, we removed responses where
participants took less than 50 seconds to provide their forecasts (including reading instructions,
downloading the Excel file, filling it out, re-uploading the Excel worksheet, and completing
additional information on their reasoning about the forecast). Finally, one response was removed
based on open-ended information where the participant indicated they made forecasts for a
different country than the US.
Naïve Statistical Benchmarks. There is evidence from data science forecasting
competitions that the dominant statistical benchmarks are the Theta method, ARIMA, and ETS 7.
Given the socio-cultural context of our study, to avoid loss of generality we decided to employ
more traditional benchmarks like naïve/Random walk, historical average, as well as the basic
linear regression modeli.e., a method that is used more than anything else in practice and
science. In short, we selected three benchmarks based on their common application in the
forecasting literature (historical mean and random walk are most basic forecasting benchmarks)
or the behavioral / social science literature (linear regression is the most basic statistical approach
to test inferences in sciences). Furthermore, these benchmarks target distinct features of
performance (historical mean speaks to the base rate sensitivity, linear regression speaks to
sensitivity to the overall trend, whereas random walk captures random fluctuations and
sensitivity to dependencies across consecutive time points). Each of these benchmarks may
perform better in some but not in other circumstances. Consequently, to test the limits in
scientists’ performance, we examine if social scientists’ performance is better than each of the
three benchmarks. To obtain metrics of uncertainty around the naïve statistical estimates, we
chose to simulate these three naïve approaches for making forecasts: 1) random resampling of
historical data; 2) a naïve out-of-sample random walk based on random resampling of historical
change; 3) extrapolation from a naïve regression based on a randomly selected interval of
historical data. We describe each approach below.
Benchmark 1: Random resampling of historical data. One potential approach to prediction
is to simply assume that future observations will resemble previous observations, with no
assumptions about additional temporal structure. This approach essentially assumes that the
COVID-19 pandemic should result in little change in a measure compared to historical values.
To capture this kind of naïve approach, we predicted future values by randomly resampling 12
values for Tournament 1 and 6 values for Tournament 2, sampled with replacement from the
observed historical data points in each domain. To determine the expected distribution of
predictions based on this method, we simulated 10,000 predictions (12/6 observations each) per
domain. We then calculated MASE scores for each simulation. Estimates from this approach are
equivalent to the historical mean for each domain, but also give a sense of the expected range
around that mean (see Supplement for additional details how resampled estimates compare to an
estimate obtained via averaging of historical trends).
Benchmark 2: Naïve Auto-regressive Random-Walk. How dependent are the conclusions
above on the specific choice of naïve prediction? We computed predictions from several other
approaches to prediction. For Benchmark 2, we asked about predictions made by a forecaster
who assumes that monthly changes will resemble previously observed monthly changes. In
contrast to the naïve random resampling approach (which assumes no temporal autocorrelation
over time points), the random walk approach attempts to capture the intuition that temporally
close data points are autocorrelated, and thus change less markedly than points that are
temporally distant. Thus, a naïve forecaster might try to take advantage of this autocorrelation
structure from previous data. Rather than assuming any sort of specific distribution for these
changes, we simulated naïve predictions in which 12/6 changes were drawn randomly with
replacement from previously observed values of change in that measure. These changes were
then added one by one to the previous time point, starting with April/October of 2020, until a
random path prediction for 12/6 months had been obtained. We then calculated MASE scores for
each of 10,000 simulations using this method. Finally, we compared these simulated MASE
scores to observed MASE scores of our expert sample. Note that the results were nearly identical
when using a similar approach, closer to the mathematical random walk, where the monthly
changes were drawn from a Gaussian distribution fitting the mean and standard deviation of
changes in previous data. We thus focus here on the version that makes fewer assumptions and
denote for simplicity this first naïve method “random walk.”
Benchmark 3: Naïve Regression Based on Random Intervals. In the previous two
approaches, we have assumed that a naïve prediction approach would use all the previous data at
hand to predict future outcomes. However, an alternative strategy is to assume that change over a
subset of time in the previous data might best resemble future change. For example, imagine a
forecaster who believes that, since the upcoming months include a national election, then the
period around the previous national election might provide the best window into how
observations should change. Another forecaster might adopt a similar approach but assume
instead that the relevant period for comparison dates back to a previous pandemic (e.g., the
H1N1 outbreak). Thus, both forecasters might run a regression to determine how a particular
measure changed over time from before to during the period of interest and use the slope of that
change to extrapolate change in the current context. Of course, which forecaster is “correct”
about the relevant comparison period is unclear, and it could be that selection of a time interval
that resembles the current context could occur simply due to chance. To capture the naïve
version of this approach, we simulated 10,000 predictions by first selecting a subset of the
observed historical data, defined as a random continuous interval of 2 < n < 40 time points. For
each simulation, we performed a regression on the observed data, using time as the predictor, and
calculated the slope of change. Finally, we used this slope to predict linear change over the
upcoming 12/6 months, starting with April/October of 2020 as the intercept. We then calculated
MASE scores for each of 10,000 simulated forecasts using this method and compared these
simulated MASE scores to observed MASE scores of our expert sample.
Analytic Plan
Categorization of Forecasts. We categorized forecasts based on modeling approaches.
Two independent research associates categorize forecasts for each domain based on provided
justifications: i. purely based on (a) theoretical model(s); ii. purely based on data-driven
model(s); iii. a combination of theoretical and data-driven models i.e., computational model
relies on specific theoretical assumptions. See Appendix S3 for exact coding instructions and
description of the classification (interrater κ = .81 unweighted, κ = .90 weighted). We further
examined modelling complexity of approaches that relied on the extrapolation of time series
from the data we provided (e.g., ARIMA, moving average with lags; yes/no; see Appendix S4
for exact coding instructions). Disagreements between coders here (interrater κ = .80
unweighted, κ = .87 weighted) and each coding task below were resolved through joint
discussion with the leading author of the project.
Categorization of Additional Variables. We tested how the presence and number of
additional variables as parameters in the model impact forecasting accuracy. To this end, we
ensured that additional variables are distinct from one another. Two independent coders
evaluated the distinctiveness of each reported parameter (interrater κ = .56 unweighted, κ = .83
Categorization of Teams. We next categorized teams based on compositions. First, we
counted the number of team members per team. We also sorted teams based on disciplinary
orientation, comparing behavioral and social scientists to teams from computer and data science.
Finally, we used information teams provided concerning their objective and subjective expertise
level for a given subject domain.
Forecasting Update Justifications. Given that participants received both new data and a
summary of diverse theoretical positions they can use as a basis for their updates, two
independent research associates scored participants’ justifications for forecasting updates on
three dummy-categories: i. new six months of data we provided; ii. new theoretical insights; iii.
consideration of other external events (interrater κ = .63 unweighted/weighted). See Appendix
S5 for exact coding instructions.
Statistical analyses. A priori ( we specified a linear mixed model as a
key analytical procedure, with MASE scores for different domains nested in participating teams
as repeated measures. Prior to analyses, we inspected MASE scores to determine violations of
linearity, which we corrected via log-transformation prior to performing analyses. For simple
effects by domain, we applied Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate corrections. For 95%
confidence intervals by domain, we simulating a multivariate t distribution20 to adjust scores for
for simultaneous inference of estimates for 12 domains in each tournament.
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Acknowledgments: We thank Jordan Axt for providing monthly estimates of Project Implicit
Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics
John Templeton Foundation grant 62260 (I.G.)
Kega 079UK-4/2021 (P.K.)
National Science Foundation RAPID Grant 2026854 (M.E.W.V.)
PID2019-111512RB-I00 (M.S.)
PRIMUS/20/HUM/009 (I.R.)
Slovak Research and Development Agency under contract no. APVV-20-0319 (M.A.)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant 435-2014-0685 (I.G.)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant 611-2020-0190
Swiss National Science Foundation (O. Strijbis)
Author contributions:
Conceptualization: I.G., A.R., C.A.H., M.E.W.V., L.T., and P.E.T.
Data curation: I.G., K.S., G.T.S., and O.J.T.
Forecasting: S.A., M.K.D., X.E.G., M.J. Hirshberg, M.K.-Y., D.R.M., L.R., A.V., L.W., M.A.,
A.A., P.A., K.B., G.B., F.B., E.B., C.B., M.B., C.K.B., D.T.B., E.M.C., R.C., B.-T.C., W.J.C.,
C.W.C., L.G.C., M. Davis, M.V.D., N.A.D., J.D.D., M. Dziekan, C.T.E., S.E., M. Fabrykant, M.
Firat, G.T.F., J.A.F., J.M.G., S.B.G., A.G., J.G., L.G.-V., S.D.G., S.H., A.H., M.J. Hornsey,
P.D.L.H., A.I., B.J., P.K., Y.J.K., R.K., D.G.L., H.-W.L., N.M.L., V.Y.Q.L., A.W.L., A.L.L.,
C.R.M., M. Maier, N.M.M., D.S.M., A.A.M., M. Misiak, K.O.R.M., J.M.N., J.N., K.N., J.O.,
T.O., M.P.-C., S.P., J.P., Q.R., I.R., R.M.R., Y.R., E.R., L.S., A.S., M.S., A.T.S., O. Simonsson,
M.-C.S., C.-C.T., T.T., B.A.T., D.T., D.C.K.T., J.M.T., L.U., D.V., L.V.W., H.A.V., Q.W.,
K.W., M.E.W., C.E.W., T.Y., K.Y., S.Y., V.r.A., J.R.A.-H., P.A.B., A.B., L.C., M.C., S.D.-H.,
Z.E.F., C.R.K., S.T.K., A.L.O., L.M., M.S.M., M.F.R.C.M., E.K.M., P.M., J.B.N., W.N., R.B.R.,
P.S., A.H.S., O. Strijbis, D.S., E.T., A.v.L., J.G.V., M.N.A.W., and T.W.
Formal analysis: I.G. and C.A.H.
Funding acquisition: I.G.
Investigation: I.G., A.R., and C.A.H.
Methodology: I.G., A.R., C.A.H., K.S., M.E.W.V., S.A., D.R.M., L.R., L.T., A.V., R.N.C.,
L.U., and D.V.
Project administration: I.G., A.R., M.E.W.V., M.K.-Y., and O.J.T.
Resources: I.G., A.R., J.N., and G.T.S.
Supervision: I.G.
Validation: K.S., X.E.G., and L.W.
Visualization: I.G. and M.K.D.
Writing - original draft: I.G.
Writing - review & editing: I.G., A.R., C.A.H., K.S., M.E.W.V., S.A., M.K.D., X.E.G., M.J.
Hirshberg, M.K.-Y., D.R.M., L.R., L.T., A.V., L.W., M.A., A.A., P.A., K.B., G.B., F.B., E.B.,
C.B., M.B., C.K.B., D.T.B., E.M.C., R.C., B.-T.C., W.J.C., R.N.C., C.W.C., L.G.C., M. Davis,
M.V.D., N.A.D., J.D.D., M. Dziekan, C.T.E., S.E., M. Fabrykant, M. Firat, G.T.F., J.A.F.,
J.M.G., S.B.G., A.G., J.G., L.G.-V., S.D.G., S.H., A.H., M.J. Hornsey, P.D.L.H., A.I., B.J., P.K.,
Y.J.K., R.K., D.G.L., H.-W.L., N.M.L., V.Y.Q.L., A.W.L., A.L.L., C.R.M., M. Maier, N.M.M.,
D.S.M., A.A.M., M. Misiak, K.O.R.M., J.M.N., K.N., J.O., T.O., M.P.-C., S.P., J.P., Q.R., I.R.,
R.M.R., Y.R., E.R., L.S., A.S., M.S., A.T.S., O. Simonsson, M.-C.S., C.-C.T., T.T., B.A.T.,
P.E.T., D.T., D.C.K.T., J.M.T., L.V.W., H.A.V., Q.W., K.W., M.E.W., C.E.W., T.Y., K.Y., and
Competing interests: Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Data and code availability: All data and code used in the main text and supplementary analysis
is accessible on GitHub ( All
forecasting and analytic plan are available on Open Science Framework
( All materials presented to forecasters are available on
Supplementary Information
Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change
Igor Grossmann1*, Amanda Rotella2,1, Cendri A. Hutcherson3, Konstantyn Sharpinskyi1, Michael E. W. Varnum4,
Sebastian Achter5, Mandeep K. Dhami6, Xinqi Evie Guo7, Mane Kara-Yakoubian8, David R. Mandel9,10, Louis
Raes11, Louis Tay12, Aymeric Vie13,14, Lisa Wagner15, Matus Adamkovic16,17, Arash Arami18, Patrícia Arriaga19,
Kasun Bandara20, Gabriel Baník16, František Bartoš21, Ernest Baskin22, Christoph Bergmeir23, Michał Białek24,
Caroline K. Børsting25, Dillon T. Browne1, Eugene M. Caruso26, Rong Chen27, Bin-Tzong Chie28, William J.
Chopik29, Robert N. Collins9, Chin W. Cong30, Lucian G. Conway31, Matthew Davis32, Martin V. Day33, Nathan A.
Dhaliwal34, Justin D. Durham35, Martyna Dziekan36, Christian T. Elbaek25, Shuman Eric37, Marharyta Fabrykant38,39,
Mustafa Firat40, Geoffrey T. Fong1,41, Jeremy A. Frimer42, Jonathan M. Gallegos43, Simon B. Goldberg44, Anton
Gollwitzer45,46, Julia Goyal47, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy48,49, Scott D. Gronlund35, Sebastian Hafenbrädl50, Andree
Hartanto51, Matthew J. Hirshberg52, Matthew J. Hornsey53, Piers D. L. Howe54, Anoosha Izadi55, Bastian Jaeger56,
Pavol Kačmár57, Yeun Jooon Kim58, Ruslan Krenzler59,60, Daniel G. Lannin61, Hung-Wen Lin62, Nigel Mantou
Lou63,64, Verity Y. Q. Lua51, Aaron W. Lukaszewski65,66, Albert L. Ly67, Christopher R. Madan68, Maximilian
Maier69, Nadyanna M. Majeed70, David S. March71, Abigail A. Marsh72, Michal Misiak24,73, Kristian Ove R.
Myrseth74, Jaime M. Napan67, Jonathan Nicholas75, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos76, Jiaqing O77, Tobias Otterbring78,79,
Mariola Paruzel-Czachura80,81, Shiva Pauer21, John Protzko82, Quentin Raffaelli83, Ivan Ropovik84,85, Robert M.
Ross86, Yefim Roth87, Espen Røysamb88, Landon Schnabel89, Astrid Schütz90, Matthias Seifert91, A. T. Sevincer92,
Garrick T. Sherman93, Otto Simonsson94,95, Ming-Chien Sung96, Chung-Ching Tai96, Thomas Talhelm97, Bethany A.
Teachman98, Philip E. Tetlock99,100, Dimitrios Thomakos101, Dwight C. K. Tse102, Oliver J. Twardus103, Joshua M.
Tybur56, Lyle Ungar93, Daan Vandermeulen104, Leighton Vaughan Williams105, Hrag A. Vosgerichian106, Qi
Wang107, Ke Wang108, Mark E. Whiting109,110, Conny E. Wollbrant111, Tao Yang112, Kumar Yogeeswaran113,
Sangsuk Yoon114, Ventura r. Alves115, Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna83,116, Paul A. Bloom75, Anthony Boyles117, Loo
Charis118, Mingyeong Choi119, Sean Darling-Hammond120, Zoe E. Ferguson121, Cheryl R. Kaiser43, Simon T.
Karg122, Alberto López Ortega123, Lori Mahoney124, Melvin S. Marsh125, Marcellin F. R. C. Martinie54, Eli K.
Michaels126, Philip Millroth127, Jeanean B. Naqvi128, Weiting Ng129, Robb B. Rutledge130, Peter Slattery131, Adam H.
Smiley43, Oliver Strijbis132, Daniel Sznycer133, Eli Tsukayama134, Austin van Loon135, Jan G. Voelkel135, Margaux N.
A. Wienk75, Tom Wilkening136 & Forecasting Collaborative1
1Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Canada, 2Department of Psychology, Northumbria University;
Newcastle, UK, UK, 3Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough; Toronto, Canada, 4Department of
Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA, 5Institute of Management Accounting and Simulation, Hamburg University
of Technology ; Hamburg, Germany, 6Department of Psychology, Middlesex University London; London, UK, 7Department of
Experimental Psychology, University of California San Diego; San Diego, USA, 8Department of Psychology, Toronto
Metropolitan University; Toronto, Canada, 9Defence Research and Development Canada; Ottawa, Canada, 10Department of
Psychology, York University; Toronto, Canada, 11Department of Economics, Tilburg University, Tilburg,
Netherlands, 12Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University; West Lafayette, USA, 13Mathematical Institute,
University of Oxford; Oxford, UK, 14Institute of New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 15Jacobs Center
for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland, 16Institute of Psychology, University of Prešov;
Prešov, Slovakia, 17Institute of Social Sciences, CSPS, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Bratislava, Slovakia, 18Department of
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Canada, 19Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon,
CIS; Lisbon, Portugal, 20Melbourne Centre for Data Science, University of Melbourne; Melbourne, Australia, 21Faculty of Social
and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22Department of Food Marketing, Haub School
of Business, Saint Joseph's University; Philadelphia, USA, 23Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Monash
University; Melbourne, Australia, 24Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław; Wrocław, Poland, 25Department of
Management, Aarhus University; Aarhus, Denmark, 26Anderson School of Management, UCLA; Los Angeles,
USA, 27Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Colgate University; Hamilton, USA, 28Department of Industrial
Economics, Tamkang University; New Taipei City, Taiwan, 29Department of Psychology, Michigan State University; East
Lansing, USA, 30Department of Psychology and Counselling, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman; Kampar, Malaysia, 31Department
of Psychology, University of Montana; Missoula, USA, 32Department of Economics, Siena College; Loudonville,
USA, 33Department of Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland; St. John's, Canada, 34UBC Sauder School of
Business, University of British Columbia; Vancouver, Canada, 35Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma; Norman,
USA, 36Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Adam Mickiewicz University; Poznań, Poland, 37Department of
Psychology, University of Groningen; Groningen, Netherlands, 38Laboratory for Comparative Studies in Mass Consciousness,
Expert Institute, HSE University; Moscow, Russia, 39Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University;
Minsk, Belarus, 40Department of Sociology, Radboud University; Nijmegen, Netherlands, 41Ontario Institute for Cancer
Research; Toronto, Canada, 42Department of Psychology, University of Winnipeg; Winnipeg, Canada, 43Department of
Psychology, University of Washington; Seattle, USA, 44Department of Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin -
Madison; Madison, USA, 45Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business School; Oslo,
Norway, 46Center for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development; Berlin, Germany, 47School of Public
Health Sciences, University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Canada, 48TU Dortmund University; Dortmund, Germany, 49ESCP Business
School; Berlin, Germany, 50IESE Business School; Barcelona, Spain, 51School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management
University; Singapore, 52Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Madison, USA, 53University of
Queensland Business School; Brisbane, Australia, 54Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne;
Melbourne, Australia, 55Department of Marketing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Dartmouth, USA, 56Faculty of
Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Amsterdam, Netherlands, 57Department of Psychology,
Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University; Košice, Slovakia, 58Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge;
Cambridge, UK, 59Hermes Germany GmbH; Hamburg, Germany, 60University of Hamburg; Hamburg, Germany, 61Department
of Psychology, Illinois State University; Normal, USA, 62Department of Marketing and Logistics Management, National Penghu
University of Science and Technology; Magong City, Taiwan, 63Department of Psychology, University of Victoria; Victoria,
Canada, 64Centre for Youth and Society, University of Victoria; Victoria, Canada, 65Department of Psychology, California State
University - Fullerton; Fullerton, USA, 66Center for the Study of Human Nature, California State University - Fullerton;
Fullerton, USA, 67Department of Psychology, Loma Linda University; Loma Linda, USA, 68University of Nottingham;
Nottingham, UK, 69Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London; London, UK, 70Singapore Management
University; Singapore, 71Department of Psychology, Florida State University; Tallahassee, USA, 72Department of Psychology,
Georgetown University; Washington DC, USA, 73School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford;
Oxford, UK, 74School for Business and Society, University of York; York, UK, 75Department of Psychology, Columbia
University; New York City, USA, 76IHRR Forecasting Laboratory, Durham University; Durham, UK, 77Department of
Psychology, Aberystwyth University; Aberystwyth, UK, 78School of Business and Law, Department of Management, University
of Agder; Kristiansand, Norway, 79Institute of Retail Economics; Stockholm, Sweden, 80University of Silesia; Katowice,
Poland, 81Computense University; Madrid, Spain, 82Central Connecticut State University; New Britain, USA, 83Department of
Psychology, University of Arizona; Tucson, USA, 84Faculty of Education, Institute for Research and Development of Education,
Charles University; Prague, Czech Republic, 85Faculty of Education; University of Prešov; Prešov, Slovakia, 86School of
Psychology, Macquarie University; Sydney, Australia, 87Department of Human Service, University of Haifa; Haifa,
Israel, 88Promenta Center, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo; Oslo, Norway, 89Department of Sociology, Cornell
University; Ithaca, USA, 90Institute of Psychology, University of Bamberg; Bamberg, Germany, 91IE Business School, IE
University; Madrid, Spain, 92Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science, University of Hamburg; Hamburg,
Germany, 93Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA, 94Department of
Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet; Solna, Sweden, 95Department of Sociology, University of Oxford; Oxford,
UK, 96Department of Decision Analytics and Risk, University of Southampton; Southampton, UK, 97University of Chicago
Booth School of Business; Chicago, USA, 98Department of Psychology, University of Virginia; Charlottesville,
USA, 99Psychology Department, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA, 100Wharton School of Business, University of
Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA, 101Department of Economics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Athens,
Greece, 102School of Psychological Sciences and Health, University of Strathclyde; Glasgow, UK, 103Department of Psychology,
University of Guelph; Guelph, Canada, 104Psychology Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Jerusalem,
Israel, 105Department of Economics, Nottingham Trent University; Nottingham, UK, 106Department of Management and
Organizations, Northwestern University; Evanston, USA, 107College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca,
USA, 108Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University; Cambridge, USA, 109Computer and Information Science, University of
Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA, 110Operations, Information, and Decisions Department, The Wharton School, University of
Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, USA, 111School of Economics and Finance, University of St. Andrews; St. Andrews,
UK, 112Department of Management, Cameron School of Business, University of North Carolina; Wilmington, USA., 113School of
Psychology, Speech and Hearing, University of Canterbury; Christchurch, New Zealand, 114Deparment of Marketing, University
of Dayton; Dayton, USA, 115ISG Universidade Lusofona; Lisbon, Portugal, 116Cognitive Science, University of Arizona; Tucson,
USA, 117Ephemer AI; Atlanta, USA, 118Questrom School of Business, Boston University; Boston, USA, 119Institute of Social
Science Research, Pusan National University; Busan, South Korea, 120Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA; Los Angeles,
USA, 121Psychology Department, University of Washington; Seattle, USA, 122Department of Political Science, Aarhus
University; Aarhus, USA, 123Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Amsterdam, Netherlands, 124College of
Science and Mathematics, Wright State University; Fairborn, USA, 125Department of Psychology, Georgia Southern University;
Statesboro, USA, 126Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley; Berkeley,
USA, 127Department of Psychology, Uppsala University; Uppsala, Sweden, 128Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon
University; Pittsburgh, USA, 129School of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences;
Singapore, 130Department of Psychology, Yale University; New Haven, USA, 131BehaviourWorks Australia, Monash University;
Melbourne, Australia, 132Institute of Political Science, University of Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland, 133Department of Psychology,
Oklahoma State University; Stillwater, USA, 134Department of Business Administration, University of Hawaii - West Oahu;
Kapolei, USA, 135Department of Sociology, Stanford University; Stanford, USA, 136Department of Economics, University of
Melbourne; Melbourne, Australia
Correspondence to:
Table of Contents
Supplementary Methods 39
Mean Absolute Scaled Errors (MASE) as a Marker of Forecasting Accuracy 39
Comparison of MASE against an alternative scale-free metric of forecasting precision 39
Were forecasting teams wrong for the right reasons? 41
Raw forecasts and ground truth markers 43
Top scorers and their strategies 44
Fig. S1. Forecasted models in the tournaments, and ground truth markers 50
Fig. S2. Average forecasting error, compared against benchmarks 51
Fig. S3. Distribution of forecasting methods by domain 52
Fig. S4. Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1, by approach 53
Fig. S5. Error among top 5 teams in Tournament 1 versus statistical benchmarks 54
Fig. S6. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1 55
Fig. S7. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1 56
Fig. S8. Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2, by approach 57
Fig. S9. Error among top 5 teams in Tournament 2 versus statistical benchmarks 58
Fig. S10. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2 59
Fig. S11. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2 60
Fig. S12. Social scientists’ forecasts compared to estimated means in Tournament 1 1
Fig. S13. Social scientists’ forecasts compared to estimated means in Tournament 2. 2
Fig. S14. Timeline of major historical events in the US during the tournament 3
Fig. S15. Forecasts and ground truth: Anchoring on the last few historical data points? 4
Fig. S16. Forecasts and ground truth: Anchoring on the last few historical data points? 5
Table S1. Demographic characteristics of forecasting teams. 6
Table S2. Top performers in each domain in Tournament 1. 7
Table S3. Top performers in each domain in Tournament 2. 8
Table S4. Inaccuracy of Data-inclusive vs. Data-free Models. 9
Table S5. Effect of strategies & individual characteristics on forecasting accuracy. 10
Table S6. Effects of different updating rationales for forecasting inaccuracy. 11
Table S7. Exclusions by category when processing the general public sample. 12
Table S8. Comparison of resampled historical mean and averaged historical mean in
Tournament 1. 13
Table S9. Table of content for the main R Markdown analyses 14
Supplementary References 15
Appendix S1. Example submission forms. 16
Appendix S2. Screening Bogus / Low Comprehension Responses in the General Public 2
Appendix S3. Coding Instructions for Forecasting Method 3
Appendix S4. Coding Instructions for Model Complexity 4
Appendix S5. Coding Instructions for Updating Justifications 5
Supplementary Methods
Mean Absolute Scaled Errors (MASE) as a Marker of Forecasting Accuracy.
Conventional measures of forecasting accuracy for time series typically relies on Mean Absolute
Error (MAE) across timepoint estimate. Hereby, a forecast “error” is the difference between an
observed value and its forecast. Because forecast errors are on the same scale as the data, MAE
is therefore scale-dependent, as well, and cannot be used to estimate accuracy across time series
involving different units 1. To circumvent the scale-dependency, Hyndman and Koehler 2
introduced scaled errors to afford comparability of forecast accuracy across series with different
units. They proposed scaling the errors based on the training MAE from a simple forecast
method representing a one-step naïve (random walk) forecast, resulting in Mean Absolute Scaled
Error (MASE). By using this scaling factor as denominator, the resulting scores will be
independent of the data scale:
𝑀𝐴𝐸𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒,𝑛𝑎𝑖𝑣𝑒
Here, a scaled error < 1 arises from a better forecast than the average one-step naïve forecast
computed on the historical data. Conversely, a scaled error > 1 arises if the forecast is worse than
the average one-step naïve forecast computed on the training data. Because MASE reflects a
scaled version of the means in errors when comparing predictions against real trends, it is a
standardized measure of mean-level error. Since its introduction, MASE has been adopted by
most forecasting competitions 3,4.
MASE below 1.38 can be considered a threshold for a good forecast in the context of
homogeneous trends from the tourism industry (17). Results of a more heterogeneous M4
forecasting competition of 100,000 real-life time series suggest a threshold 1.89 for the out-of-
sample naïve (random walk) statistical benchmark, a threshold of 1.70 for the Theta statistical
benchmark, and a threshold of 1.77 when considering the median of all M4 forecasting teams 3.
We used estimates of median performance in M4 as one possible benchmark in our tournament,
because M4 tournament focused on a range of heterogeneous domains, including forecasts for
industries, services, tourism, imports & exports, demographics, education, labor & wage,
government, households, bonds, stocks, insurances, loans, real estate, transportation, and natural
resources & environment. Due to their heterogeneity and content, we assumed at least some
generalizability to social issues in our forecasting tournament.
Comparison of MASE against an alternative scale-free metric of forecasting
precision. In addition to MASE as a measure of forecasting accuracy, one can examine
forecasting precision across domains on different scales by testing the correlation between
predicted time series and observed time series. Like MASE, a correlation-based marker of
precision is also standardized. Yet, it is conceptually different from MASE in several ways. First,
whereas MASE concerns mean-level error, a correlation-based marker can account for raters
being sensitive to the variability of the outcome across time points, as reflected in the variability
of their predictions across those same time points. Second, whereas MASE takes historical time
series into account when computing the scaling factor in denominator, a correlation measure
does not. Further, by definition, correlation can only be applied when variance in time series
exist (SD > 0); if a forecaster predicts no change in time series over time, it would be impossible
to calculate the correlation. In exploratory analyses, we examined convergence between a
correlation-based marker of forecasting precision and MASE marker of forecasting accuracy, as
well as to estimate average correlation between predicted and observed time series along with
effects of domain-general expertise.
In the First Tournament, multi-level correlation with participant and domain as random
factors revealed a significant negative association between scaled mean-level errors (MASE) and
correlation-based precision marker among social scientists, r = -.14, 95% CI [-.25, -.03],
t(298) = 2.44, P = .015, and a non-significant trend in the same direction among the general
public, r = -.05, 95% CI [-.10, .01], t(1458) = 1.75, P = .081. Similar correlations in the Second
Tournament revealed a non-significant negative trend among social scientists, r = -.07, 95% CI
[-.16, .02], t(460) = 145, P = .148. Evaluating central tendencies of associations between two
markers across domains revealed a small-moderate negative effect among social scientists in the
First Tournament, M(r) = -.16; Md(r) = - .20, a negligible negative effect among the general
public in the First Tournament, M(r) = -.08; Md(r) = -.09, and a very small negative effect
among the social scientists in the Second Tournament, M(r) = -.10; Md(r) = -.05. Overall,
participants with lower MASE tended to be somewhat more sensitive to accuracy in variability
across time series. However, the effect size of this association is modest, suggesting that the
markers are largely distinct.
In the First Tournament, average correlation between predicted and observed time series
was small for the lay crowd, M = .06, 95%CI [.04, .08], and statistically indistinguishable from
zero among social scientists, M = .05, 95%CI [-.01, .10]. Similarly, in the Second Tournament,
average correlation between predicted and observed time series was very small among social
scientists, M = .07, 95%CI [.02, .13].
Moreover, social scientists did not significantly differ from the lay crowd, F(1,1683.6) =
0.84, P = .358, nor was this effect qualified by a significant domain X expertise interaction,
F(11, 1397.9) = 1.65, P = .080. Post-hoc analyses for each domain revealed no significant
differences between social scientists and the lay crowd, ts < 1.83, Ps > .741, with one exception.
For the domain of negative affect, lay people showed a positive correlation of predicted and
observed time series, M = .15, 95%CI [.08, .21], whereas social scientists showed a negative
correlation, M = -.12, 95%CI [-.27, .03], t(1719.4) = 3.61, P = .004.
Overall, using a theoretically and empirically distinct metric of forecasting accuracy
(MASE) and precision (correlation-based marker), we confirm the general picture of negligible
degree of forecasting accuracy among social scientists, as well as parallel results for lack of
advantage for domain-general expertise for forecasting accuracy.
Distribution of Social Scientists’ MASE scores in each Tournament. Figures S12-S13
show that in most domains social scientists’ forecasts were right skewed. To account for the non-
normal distributions, we transformed the MASE scores for linear mixed model analyses. Upon
inspecting residuals from different models, we zeroed in on log(MASE) scores for analyses
reported in Figure 1 and Table 1, back-transforming estimates (and 95% confidence intervals) for
visualizations in Figure 1. Figures S12-S13 show estimated means from such linear mixed
models in red crossed squares, overlayed on top of box-and-dot-plots: For most domain, these
estimates were either very close to the median forecast or presented an overestimation of social
scientists’ performance (lower MASE score than suggested by the medians – 3 domains in
Tournament 1 / 2 domains in Tournament 2). Only in two cases (implicit African American bias
in Tournament 1, Republican support in Tournament 2) median MASE scores were slightly
lower than estimated model parameters, but these differences were negligible. Consequently, the
present analyses take non-normal distribution into account such that possible outliers have
limited weight for the overall estimation of social scientists’ performance.
Were forecasting teams wrong for the right reasons? We estimated the forecasting
accuracy of the COVID-19 trajectory by evaluating MASE scores for COVID-19 cases and
death against the actual number of cases and deaths. We use these conditional forecasting
accuracy scores to evaluate accuracy of each of the targeted domains a significant association
between inaccuracy of predicted COVID-19 trajectory and societal predictions would speak to
the possibility of participants being wrong for right reasons. Because both prediction inaccuracy
(MASE) for COVID-19 and societal change were skewed, in each case we applied a log-
transformation. We also included the domain as a set of dummy-covariates. The results showed
no significant association between accuracy of COVID predictions and accuracy of predictions
of societal change, B = -0.59, SE = 0.37, t(14.75) = 1.61, P = .130.
Multiverse analyses of domain-general accuracy. Our analyses comparing forecasting
accuracy of social scientists and the general public yield little overall evidence of domain-
general expertise affording greater accuracy. To interpret these findings, we used multiple
methods as robustness checks to confirm these results. Here, we outline our analytic approach.
Linear mixed-effect models (LME). Scientists were invited to make predictions about
any number of the 12 forecasting domains, which resulted in a nested (and somewhat
imbalanced) LME design, with some teams making predictions for a few domains, others for
many. Due to the imbalance, we examined the full model by considering both main effects and
the interaction term between domain and expertise. Additionally, we performed linear mixed
model analyses with lme4 package 5 with main effects of domain and expertise only, thereby
treating domain as a dummy-coded set of covariates. These analyses resulted in slightly different
results, with the question of possible differences between the scientist and lay groups depending
on the inclusion of this interaction term in the full model. Specifically, in contrast to the full
model results reported in the main text, results of analyses without accounting for the domain ×
expertise (lay crowd/scientist) interaction reveal a main effect of social scientists performing
better than their lay counterparts, F(1, 628) = 17.67, P < .001, R2 = 0.013. As reported in the
main text, results of a full model revealed no main effect of expertise, but a significant
interaction, F(11, 1304) = 2.00, P = .026. Simple effects show that social scientists were
significantly more accurate than lay people when forecasting change in life satisfaction, political
polarization, and both implicit and explicit gender-career bias. However, the scientific teams
were no better in the remaining eight out of twelve domains (Table 1 and Fig. S2).
Bayes Factors. We computed Bayes Factor approximations using rstanarm 6 package in
R 7. Following guidelines 8, we relied on weakly informative priors for our linear mixed model
and used emmeans 9 and bayestestR 10 packages to obtain Bayes Factors for individual marginal
means of social scientists and lay people. Only a single domain life satisfaction showed
strong evidence in support of greater accuracy of scientists’ predictions compared to lay
predictions, BF = 22.72 (see Table 1 in main text) and eight domains in support of the null
hypothesis, where there was moderate to strong evidence that there were no differences between
the predictive accuracy of scientist and lay people, BF 0.12. For the remaining three domains,
there was either weak evidence in support of the difference (explicit and implicit gender career
bias), or too little evidence of support for either hypothesis (political polarization).
Inspecting forecasts versus trends for each domain. The most elementary analysis of
domain-gender accuracy involves inspecting trends for each group and comparing them against
the ground truth and historical time series in each domain. Figure S15 allows us to inspect
individual trends of social scientists and the naïve crowd per domain, along with historical and
ground truth markers for each domain. For social scientists, one can observe the diversity of
forecasts from individual teams (light blue) along with a lowess regression and 95% confidence
interval around the trend (blue). For the naïve crowd, one can see an equivalent lowess trend and
the 95% CI around it (salmon). In half of the domains explicit bias against African Americans,
implicit bias against Asian-Americans, negative affect, life satisfaction, as well as support for
Democrats and Republicans lowess curves from both groups were overlapping, suggesting that
the estimates from both groups were identical. Moreover, except for the domain of life
satisfaction, forecasts of scientists and the naïve crowd were close to far off the mark vis-à-vis
ground truth. In one further domain explicit bias against African Americansthe naïve crowd
estimate was in fact closer to the ground truth marker than the estimate from the lowess curve of
the social scientists. In other five domains, which concerned explicit and implicit gender career
bias, explicit bias against Asian-Americans, positive affect and political polarization, social
scientists’ forecasts were closer to the ground truth markers than the naïve crowd. We note,
however, that these visual inspections may be somewhat misleading because the confidence
intervals don’t correct for multiple tests. This caveat aside, the overall message is that for most
domains social scientists’ predictions were either similar to or worse than the naïve crowd’s
Interpretation. These analyses reveal consistent results across different analytic
approaches. There is support for greater accuracy of scientists’ predictions compared to lay
people in some domains, but we caution the reader that there is little evidence in support of a
difference between social scientists and lay people in most other domains.
Rationale for testing performance against three naïve benchmarks. We sought to test
if social scientists perform better than the three naïve benchmarks. To this end, we examined
performance against each benchmark (Figure 2 in the main text). To reduce the likelihood that
social scientists’ forecasts beat naïve benchmarks by chance, our main analyses examine if
scientists performed better than each of the three benchmarks. Further, we adjusted CI estimates
for 12 domains in each tournament for simultaneous inference by simulating a multivariate t
distribution22. We focused on performance across all three benchmarks in the spirit of quality
control tests across a heterogeneous set of standards. As an analogy, consider three distinct
benchmarks testing performance of a nuclear reactor. When such benchmarks probe against
different aspects of overall performance, it would not be informative to know whether the reactor
passes such tests on averageeven if one of the tests is not passed, it may still lead to a nuclear
meltdown. Additionally, if the number of tests is small and the likelihood of heterogeneity is
high (which is the case when tests aim to examine different aspects of performance), measures of
central tendency may be simply unreliable.
We selected the three benchmarks based on their prior use in forecasting and because
they target distinct features of performance (historical mean addresses base rate sensitivity, linear
regression speaks to the sensitivity to the overall trend, and random walk captures random
fluctuations along consecutive time points). Each of these benchmarks may perform better in
some but not other circumstances. Consequently, to test the limits in scientists’ performance, we
examine if performance is better than each of the three benchmarks.
We recommend interested readers to start by examining whether scientists passed all
three quality checks if the performance was superior to all three benchmarks (Figures 1-2) and
subsequently inspect performance against individual benchmarks (see Figures 2 and S2). Though
we do not believe inspection of averages of benchmark MASE scores adds on informational
value, we leave it up to the educated reader to draw their inferences. As Figure S16 shows, in the
First Tournament, for 9 out of 12 domains scientist forecasts 95% CI included the naïve statistic
average. In the Second Tournament, this was the case for 5 domains. These inferences are not
that different from what we find if we examine if scientists performed better than all three
benchmarks (T1: 10 out of 12; T2: 7 out of 12), which we report in the main text.
In our view, the main take home message from relevant analyses paints a similar picture
to the one obtained when testing performance against the best of the three benchmarks: Social
scientists’ forecasts are hardly better than naïve methods such as historical mean, random walk,
or a linear regression.
Raw forecasts and ground truth markers. Figure S1 shows forecasts from both
tournaments along with aggregated estimates, ground truth markers (i.e., measured societal
change), and the last three historical data points preceding the start of the tournaments (also see
Figure S15 with the whole historical time series forecasting teams received and the lowess
estimate of the naïve crowd). As an example, consider the featured domain of negative affect on
social media. As Fig. S1 shows, average forecasts differed widely from the observed estimates in
negative affect over time: whereas the ground truth markers show a substantial swing of over 1
SD over the period of a year, average forecasts were less volatile over the same timeframe.
Notably, both at the beginning of the first and the second tournament, the initial forecasts are in
line with the ground truth and start to diverge over time.
Overall, Fig. S1 and Fig S.15 show large variability in forecasts among scientists’
teams in each domain . Though in some domains the average of the forecasts appeared close
to the ground truth markers (e.g., gender stereotypes, life satisfaction), in many other domains
forecasts were less accurate (e.g., negative affective sentiment on social media or ideological
support for political parties). Additionally, for half of the domains the average forecasts were
highly similar or nearly indistinguishable from the last historical data points (January-March)
provided to forecasting teams .
Comparison of two naïve benchmarks: Resampled historical mean versus averaging
of historical data. We used resampling of historical data as one of our three naïve statistical
benchmarks. We randomly drew forecasting estimates for each of the 12 (Tournament 1) / 6
(Tournament 2) months from the past historical data participants received for respective domains
and calculated MASE score for each, repeating this procedure 10,000 times. Our estimates were
the averages of MASE scores obtained from resampling. Because of resampling, this approach
can also provide an expected range around the mean. An alternative approach would be to
average historical data for a given domain, and then estimate the MASE scores from this
averaged historical prediction. This type of benchmark cannot capture the variability that one
might expect due to chance from analyzing many teams making predictions in different ways,
but it has the advantage of being extremely simple to calculate. As Table S8 demonstrates for
Tournament 1 data, for each domain resampling produces almost identical predictions to the
averaging of historical data. Further, for most domains, the MASE scores difference from the
resampling mean and simple historical mean approaches was close to identical, too. We do note
two domains where this pattern of MASE scores slightly diverged: for explicit gender bias and
life satisfaction, the resampling approach produces noticeably less accurate forecasts (i.e., higher
MASE scores) compared to the mean of the historical data, despite producing nearly identical
mean predictions. Thus, similar performance of scientists to the resampled historical mean for
explicit gender bias and poorer performance compared to resampled mean benchmark for life
satisfaction (see Figure 2 and Figure S2) can be considered underestimations: For these domains,
scientists on average did worse than one would have done by taking a historical average of the
last 12 data points. Overall, resampling and averaging historical data yield close to identical
benchmarks, and very similar degrees of forecasting errors. In domains where differences in
forecasting errors were larger, resampling produced an underestimation of the benchmark
performance and overestimation of scientists’ relative performance compared to this benchmark.
Societal change over the pandemic. We examined if societal change trends in each
domain were unusual during the time immediately following the first pandemic lockdowns in the
US. To this end, we computed the mean absolute difference between observations for the May-
Oct 2020 6-month period (the first six months of the Tournament 1) and the average of the last 3
time points of the historical data (Jan-March 2020). We then repeated this procedure for the next
6 months period (Nov 2020-Apr 2021), again computing the difference from the average of the
last 3 time points of the historical data (see Fig. S15 for historical trends). The results showed
that the absolute difference was significantly higher across domains for the initial 6-month
period than for the subsequent 6-month period, paired t-test across domains for the two time
points (df = 11) = 2.474, P = .03.
Top scorers and their strategies. Who won the tournaments? As Tables S2-S3 show,
Tournament 1 winners were not necessarily Tournament 2 winners, except for two overlaps
(lmielin, and AbCdEfG). “Goodness” of forecasts is not an abstract entity and depends on the
number of time points and the domain. Still, we can use 1.38 as a rough benchmark suggested by
Athanasopoulos and Hyndman 11 or the M4-based benchmark of 1.77 (the median teams in the
tournament) 3, keeping in mind that there is no such thing as a universal threshold of what
constitutes a good forecast.
In Tournament 1 (N = 86), we see that 8 domains have better (lower) scores than the
Hyndman benchmark, and 9 domains had better (lower) scores than the M4 benchmark 3. Indeed,
4 of them explicit and implicit gender-career bias, positive affect, and political polarization are
< 1, i.e., these out of sample predictions perform better than in-sample naïve forecast (random
walk) used as a scaling factor denominator. Four domains were relatively hard to predict:
ideological support for Republicans, negative affect, explicit and implicit African American bias.
In the Tournament 2 (N = 120), top predictions for all domains but one (ideological support for
Republicans) did better than the in-sample naïve random walk forecast and better than
benchmarks derived from prior forecasting competitions.
Overlap in top scorers across tournaments and domains. Except for one team, top
forecasting teams from the first tournament did not appear among the winners of the same
domains in the second tournament. Expanding the scope to top five forecasting teams, only in
five out of 12 domains one top team from the first tournament appeared among the top five
teams of a given domain in the second tournament: Compassionate Values for Explicit African
American bias; fearfulastra for Explicit Gender-Career bias; FMTeam for Implicit Asian
American bias; AbCdEfG for Ideological Support of Democrats; A Woman Scientist for
Negative Sentiment; NYHC for political polarization. The remaining top five teams were unique
across tournaments.
Some top five performers in one domain also performed well in other domains, First
Tournament: n = 14; Second Tournament: n = 17. However, most of these repeats occurred only
in one other domain, First Tournament: M = 1.62; Second Tournament: M = 1.67. In the First
Tournament, 5 teams appeared in three top five domains, and 2 teams appeared in four top five
domains. However, most of these teams also made predictions for a large number of domains (M
= 7.75, SD = 3.94), thus their relative success across domains may be due to chance. Indeed, only
one team among those who were among the top five in more than 2 domains had a reasonably
small number of domains they made predictions for, such that they were in the top five in 4 out
of 6 domains (67%). For other top five teams with success in more than two domains, number of
hits (top five placements) were below half of the domains they were making predictions for.
In the Second Tournament, 2 teams appeared in three top five domains, and 1 team each
appeared in four / five top five domains. Again, most of these teams also made predictions for
many domains (M = 8.50, SD = 3.54), thus their relative success across domains may be due to
chance. Indeed, only one team among those who were among the top five in more than 2
domains had a reasonably small number of domains they made predictions for, such that they
were in the top five in 5 out of 9 domains (55.56%). For other top five teams with success in
more than two domains, number of hits (top five placements) were at or below half of the
domains they were making predictions for.
Modeling strategies and rationales in Tournament 1. The domains below are ranked
from the most to least accurate domains, precising the characteristics of the best forecasting
methods used in each domain:
1. explicit gender bias (Time-series regression with monthly adjustments)
2. implicit gender bias (assumption of steady/slow change in societal phenomena, linear
interpolation from prior years, focus on -long-term trend, adjustment based on the domain
and possibility of a domain-specific plateau)
3. positive affect on social media (intuition-based forecast, considering covid deaths,
unemployment, taking care of children, home-office, political changes, social changes in
communication & groups prejudice, health problems connected with medical treatment,
generalized fear & anxiety)
4. political polarization (an ARIMA model, assumption that polarization of opinions increases
before decision-making and decreases immediately after - but before the outcomes of the
consequences of the decision have the time to unfold)
5. life satisfaction (best was intuition/guess without any information; second/third best were
data driven using insights about general trends in the past or mean reversion)
6. explicit Asian American bias (assumption of steady/slow change in societal phenomena,
linear interpolation from prior years, focus on -long-term trend, adjustment based on the
domain and possibility of a domain-specific plateau)
7. Implicit Asian American bias (data-driven; didn’t believe in strong effects on implicit Asian
American bias since we doubt the reliability and validity of the measure. Tested seasonal
monthly effects using cyclical p-spline in a GAM model. After rejecting the model, defaulted
to a model using a constant value across the whole range)
8. Democratic support -congressional ballot (data-driven; Vector autoregression with a
constant and one lag term; Used the lower and upper end of the predictions to differentiate
more between Republicans and Democrats assuming that the current affairs were going to
turn out to be relevant)
9. Republican support - congressional ballot (theory-based; Previous research has shown a
tendency to gravitate towards conservatism when faced with system threatening events, be it
terrorist attacks or a pandemic (Jost et al., 2017; Economou & Kollias, 2015; Berrebi & Klor,
2008; Canetti-Nisim et al., 2009; Schaller, 2015; Beall et al., 2016; Schaller et al., 2017).
With this in mind, we believe that the COVID-19 outbreak, as a system-threatening event,
will precipitate a shift towards supporting the Republican party. In addition, relative
deprivation, the perception that one’s self or group does not receive valued resources, goals,
or standards of living (Kunst & Obaidi, 2020) might play a role in ideological preferences.
Assuming that Americans value their economic resources, and that they perceive themselves
to be victims of their country’s challenging economic circumstances, this relative deprivation
during COVID-19 may trigger supporting the Republican party to counter Americans lost
economic resources. The Republican party, and not the Democratic party, could be more
supported because it is perceived as the party that owns the economy.)
10. Negative affect on social media (intuition-based forecast, considering covid deaths,
unemployment, taking care of children, home-office, political changes, social changes in
communication & groups prejudice, health problems connected with medical treatment,
generalized fear & anxiety; second/third were also theory-based)
11. Explicit African American bias (data-driven; Time-series Regression with Monthly
12. Implicit African American bias (data-driven; Time series regression with monthly
In total, among top 5 teams per domain, 62% were data-driven, 30% were based on
intuition/theory, and 8% were hybrid. As Fig. S4 shows, by domain, intuition/theory dominated
among top performers for positive affect, polarization, and negative affect, whereas data-driven
models dominated for everything else (except for implicit African American bias where it was
evenly split). Only for explicit gender bias, out of sample forecasts by top teams for implicit
gender bias, polarization, and positive affect were as good/better than in-sample naïve
forecasting models (red dotted line).
Benchmarking top teams against native statistical methods in Tournament 1. Fig. S5
shows comparison of top forecasts to out of sample naïve forecasts (linear regression and random
walk). Results in this figure demonstrate whether top 5 forecasts in each domain had higher error
(blue / triangle) or lower error (orange / circle) than naïve (linear regression / random walk)
estimators. By sampling top five teams, we can evaluate if these teams are consistently more
accurate (i.e., below the benchmark) than naïve estimators. Thus, we count performance as on-
par or inferior to a naïve estimator if at least one of the top five teams produces more error than
the benchmark. Following this analytic rationale, linear regression was better than at least one of
the top 5 teams for half of the domains, whereas out-of-sample random walk was worse than all
Disciplinary orientation of top teams in Tournament 1. Fig. S6 shows that data
scientists and social scientists were most prevalent among top 5 teams (total: 38% social science,
and 30% data/CS), whereas 15% were multidisciplinary. Social scientists dominated for political
forecasts and forecasts of positive affect, whereas data scientists dominated among top forecasts
of ethnic and gender bias. Behavioral (incl. decision-) scientists dominated among top scorers for
negative affect and life satisfaction.
Forecasting experience among top teams in Tournament 1. Most of the top teams in
Tournament 1 (78%) did not have prior forecasting experience. But note that for base rate (all
submissions in Tournament 1), 83% did not have prior experience. In other words, top 5 teams
had a 4% greater chance of having a prior forecasting experience compared to the base rate.
Exceptions where majority of top performers have prior tournament experience: explicit gender
bias, implicit Asian-American bias. For life satisfaction, 2 out of 5 teams had prior experience
with tournaments.
Modeling strategies and rationales in Tournament 2. The domains below are ranked
from the most to least accurate domains, precising the characteristics of the best forecasting
methods used in each domain:
1. Implicit African American bias - (data-driven; a statistical model to leverage autocorrelation
in the data. Specifically, each estimated value is the weighted average of the previous five
values of the same variable, where the weights are obtained through an ordinary least squares
regression in which the current value is predicted from the five previous values. We further
sought to leverage the correlations among the variables. To do this, we had each variable’s
final [model-based] prediction result from a regularized regression (specifically a ridge
regression) where each variable’s predicted value from the OLS described above is used to
predict the current value of each variable.)
2. Positive affect on social media - (intuition-based forecast, considering Biden winning
election; US Presidential inauguration; Quieting of Trump rhetoric; COVID infections;
COVID deaths; Family separation over the winter holidays; Vaccine development; Vaccine
distribution; Lifting lockdowns; Return to normal; life Demographics of twitter users)
3. Implicit Asian American bias - (hybrid; Critically, the measure used by PI is not a measure of
generalized bias, but "Americanness" bias (or associating European American faces with
domestic / not foreign concepts more easily than Asian American faces). We have previously
conducted analysis on nearly a decade of Implicit Americanness Bias data from PI and have
found that trends are generally conceivable as linear over sufficient time horizons. We thus
assume that trends will eventually be linear. We layer in our theory about how trends will
shift in the short term as conservative media entities lose incentive to depict COVID-19 as
the "China Virus" and use like terminology that suggests China is responsible for the virus)
4. Explicit African-American bias - (hybrid; I compared my estimates for the past 6 months
with the actual data during that period and updated my estimates. I also used the past data to
make the new estimates. Following discussions on Twitter, it seems to me that expressing
negative attitudes toward African Americans is even less socially acceptable than before the
death of George Floyd)
5. Life satisfaction - (data-driven forecast; My predictions were simple and based on the idea
that the past is a good prediction of the future. I took the current satisfaction during the
pandemic and predicted that it would slowly shift back to the previous mean satisfaction
prior to the pandemic. Essentially, I took the current satisfaction and predicted that it would
slowly shift back to the previous mean satisfaction)
6. Implicit gender bias (data-driven; time series analysis - Holt Winters Exponential
7. Explicit Asian American bias - (intuition-based forecast, considering covid deaths)
8. Explicit gender bias - (data-driven; a statistical model to leverage autocorrelation in the data.
Specifically, each estimated value is the weighted average of the previous five values of the
same variable, where the weights are obtained through an OLS regression in which the
current value is predicted from the five previous values. Leveraged the correlations among
the variables: each variable’s final [model-based] prediction result from a regularized
regression (specifically a ridge regression) where each variable’s predicted value from the
OLS described above is used to predict the current value of each variable)
9. Democratic support -congressional ballot - (data; I revised my earlier estimates by looking at
how much I missed in the last six months (overlap period). I calculated the average error and
corrected with this factor the previous estimates. After six months, I just keep my estimate
10. Political polarization - (data-driven forecast, employed a standard LSTM model to predict
the values for the next 12-months. The model uses data from the past 4 months to predict
values for the next 4 months, and we iterate this process to obtain the forecasts for the next
12 months (i.e., forecasts of the first 4 months are used as inputs for the next 4 months, and
so on)
11. Negative affect on social media - (data-driven forecast, considering regression to the mean
and introduction of COVID-19 vaccines)
12. Republican support - congressional ballot - (data-driven; “We applied an auto-regressive
integrated moving average (ARIMA) model. Before modeling the time series, we plotted the
data, checked for the need to stabilize the variance, and automatically applied Box-Cox
transformation (with and adjusted back-transformation to produce mean forecasts) if so.
Then, we employed a variation of the Hyndman-Khandakar algorithm, implemented in the
forecast::auto.arima() function. After estimating and selecting the best-fitting model (based
on AICs), we checked for the autocorrelation of the residuals by plotting the ACF plot and
the portmanteau test whether the residuals are consistent with white noise (randomness). In
case the residuals showed a significant pattern of autocorrelation, we went on to determine
the ARIMA model parameters and selecting a better model manually. If the autocorrelation
of residuals test was non-significant at alpha = .05, we calculated numerical point-estimate
forecasts for the next 12 months. We did not further adjust these estimates in any way.
Given theoretical considerations and the examination of past data, we assumed stationarity
(lack of prolonged time trends) and restricted the model search to non-seasonal models.[…]
stationarity (including lack of seasonality) - we consider this variable a relatively stable
population characteristic (at least in the short run of 12 months), that did not seem to be
markedly affected by the rather heated 2020 U.S. presidential election campaigns.)
In total, among top 5 teams per domain, 65% were data-driven, 28% were based on
intuition/theory, and 7% were hybrid. By domain, intuition/theory dominated among top
performers for positive affect and negative affect, whereas data-driven models dominated for all
other domains (Fig. S8). For most domains, out of sample top forecasts were as good/better than
in-sample naïve random walk (below red dotted line); exception Republican support.
Benchmarking top teams against native statistical methods in Tournament 2. Fig. S9
above shows comparison of top forecasts to out of sample naïve forecasts (linear regression and
random walk). By sampling top five teams, we can evaluate if these teams are consistently more
accurate (i.e., below the benchmark) than naïve estimators. Thus, we count performance as on-
par or inferior to a naïve estimator if at least one of the top five teams produces more error than
the benchmark. Following this analytic rationale, linear regression was better than at least one of
the top 5 teams for 3 out of 12 domains, whereas in all domains random walk was worse than the
top 5 teams.
Disciplinary orientation of top teams in Tournament 2. Fig. S10 shows that
behavioral/decision scientists and social scientists were most prevalent among the top 5 teams
(total: 52% social science & 18% behavioral science), whereas 15% were multidisciplinary, and
12% were data scientists. Social scientists dominated most domains except for negative affect
(dominated by behavioral scientists), & polarization (dominated by multidisciplinary teams).
Forecasting experience among top teams in Tournament 2. Most (78%) top teams did
not have prior forecasting experience. But note that the base rate (all submissions in Tournament
2), 85% did not have prior experience. In other words, among top 5 teams, we observe 6.65%
more chance of having prior forecasting experience compared to the base rate. Also, at least one
of the top performing teams had prior experience for most domains.
Code review process. Members of the Forecasting Collaborative performed an extensive
code review during the preparation of the manuscript to assess the reproducibility of the code
and cross-validation. Two members volunteered for the code review. The two code reviewers
downloaded and ran the data and code in the “R Markdown file of the main analyses” shared
through the GitHub repository of the project. The code reviewers carried out the code check on
their own computers (i.e., using different operating system environments from where the code
was initially developed), and let the main authors know that the code was possible to run, and the
code did carry out the intended analyses. The shared code was divided into sections that
correspond to the statistical output and visualization in the manuscript. If the code reviewers
spotted an error, they were instructed to take a note of the line and then write a short description
that explains what the potential issues are. Any typos and coding errors were reported to the
main author prior to manuscript submission. The short description of the errors was emailed to
the main authors and the code updates were pushed through GitHub. When needed, the code
reviewers also made efforts to improve the readability of the code by breaking up long lines of
code and adding comments.
Reproducibility. Reproducible code is available in the GitHub repository of the project.
See Table S9 for the table of content (summary of outputs) for the main R Markdown analyses.
Fig. S1. Forecasted models in the tournaments, and ground truth markers
Forecasted models in the 12th and 6th-months tournaments, and ground truth markers, along with the last two historical data
points teams received. Blue [orange] lines = forecasts in the May [November] 2020 Tournament. Aggregate trends (+/- 95%
confidence band) obtained via a loess estimator. Negative affect is highlighted for visualization purposes.
Fig. S2. Average forecasting error, compared against benchmarks
Average forecasting error, compared against benchmarks. We rank domains from least to most
error in Tournament 1, assessing forecasting errors via mean absolute scaled error (MASE)2.
Scientists = estimated means and 95% Confidence Intervals from a linear mixed model with
domain as a predictor of forecasting error (MASE) scores nested in teams. To correct for right
skew, we used log-transformed MASE scores, which are subsequently back-transformed when
calculating estimated means. In each tournament, confidence intervals are adjusted for
simultaneous inference of estimates for 12 domains in each tournament by simulating a
multivariate t distribution22. Benchmarks represent the historic mean, average random walk with
an autoregressive lag of one, linear regression, and naïve crowd. Statistical benchmarks obtained
via simulations (k = 10,000) with resampling. Dashed vertical line represents MASE = 1, with
lower scores reflecting better performance than naïve in-sample random walk.
Fig. S3. Distribution of forecasting methods by domain
Distribution of forecasting methods -- data-driven / pure theory / hybrid (in %) by domain
Fig. S4. Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1, by
Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1, by approach.
Fig. S5. Error among top 5 teams in Tournament 1 versus statistical
Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1, contrasted with two naïve out of
sample benchmarks - linear regression and random walk.
Fig. S6. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in
Tournament 1
Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1.
Fig. S7. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in
Tournament 1
Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1.
Fig. S8. Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2, by
Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2, by approach.
Fig. S9. Error among top 5 teams in Tournament 2 versus statistical
Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2, contrasted with two naïve
benchmarks - linear regression and random walk.
Fig. S10. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in
Tournament 2
Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2.
Fig. S11. Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in
Tournament 2
Disciplinary affiliation of top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 2.
Fig. S12. Social scientists’ forecasts compared to estimated means in Tournament 1
Boxplots and dot-plots with medians and outliers (round dots) and quantile intervals, as well as domain estimates from linear mixed model (red crossed square)
in Tournament 1.
Fig. S13. Social scientists’ forecasts compared to estimated means in Tournament 2.
Boxplots and dot-plots with medians and outliers (round dots) and quantile intervals, as well as domain estimates from linear mixed model (red crossed square)
in Tournament 2.
Fig. S14. Timeline of major historical events in the US during the tournament
Tournament 1 Submissions
(May 15 2020)
George Floyd Death & BLM protests
(May 25, 2020)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Death
(Sep 18, 2020)
US Presidential Election
(Nov 3, 2020)
Tournament 2
(Nov 15, 2020)
FDA approves first
COVID-19 vaccine by
Capitol Insurrection
(Jan 6, 2021)
Trump banned on social
(Jan 8, 2021)
Biden takes office
(Jan 20, 2021)
Atlanta spa shootings & Anti-
Asian hate crime debate
(Mar 16, 2021)
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths
Fig. S15. Forecasts and ground truth: Anchoring on the last few historical
data points?
Historical time series (40 months before the Tournament 1) and ground truth series (12 months over the
Tournament 1), along with forecasts of individual teams (light blue), lowess curve and 95% confidence
interval across social scientists’ forecasts (blue), and lowess curve and 95% confidence interval across
naïve crowd’s forecasts (salmon). For most domains, Tournament 1 forecasts of both scientists and the
naïve crowd start near the last few historical data points they received prior to the tournament (January
March 2020). Note, April 2020 forecast was not provided to the participants.
Fig. S16. Forecasts and ground truth: Anchoring on the last few historical
data points?
Social scientists’ average forecasting errors, compared against the average of different naïve
statistical benchmarks. We rank domains from least to most error in Tournament 1, assessing
forecasting errors via mean absolute scaled error (MASE). Scientists = estimated means and 95%
Confidence Intervals from a linear mixed model with domain as a predictor of forecasting error
(MASE) scores nested in teams. To correct for right skew, we used log-transformed MASE
scores, which are subsequently back-transformed when calculating estimated means. In each
tournament, confidence intervals are adjusted for simultaneous inference of estimates for 12
domains in each tournament by simulating a multivariate t distribution20. Benchmarks represent
the naïve crowd and the average of naïve statistical benchmarks (historic mean, average random
walk with an autoregressive lag of one, or linear regression). Statistical benchmarks were
obtained via simulations (k = 10,000) with resampling. Scores to the left of the dotted vertical
line show better performance than naïve in-sample random walk. Scores to the left of the dashed
vertical line show better performance than median performance in M4 tournaments.
Table S1. Demographic characteristics of forecasting teams.
First Tournament
(May 2020)
Second Tournament
(Nov 2020)
N Teams
N Participants
Time size M (SD)
1.57 (1.12)
1.58 (1.10)
N Forecasted domains M (SD)
4.17 (3.78)
4.55 (3.88)
% Teams who predicted (published on):
Explicit gender-career bias
24 (14)
30 (14)
Implicit gender-career bias
26 (9)
31 (11)
Positive affect on social media
33 (25)
43 (33)
Political polarization
37 (41)
39 (43)
Life satisfaction
66 (33)
68 (37)
Explicit Asian American bias
30 (12)
31 (16)
Implicit Asian American bias
35 (13)
35 (19)
Democratic support -congressional ballot
40 (41)
39 (45)
Republican support - congressional ballot
40 (41)
39 (45)
Negative affect on social media
33 (25)
43 (33)
Explicit African American bias
26 (18)
27 (31)
Implicit African American bias
29 (16)
31 (27)
Age M (SD)
38.18 (8.37)
36.82 (8.30)
% without Doctoral Degree on a team M (SD)
21.79 (39.58)
25.59 (41.88)
% non-US on a team M (SD)
59.69 (47.61)
59.72 (47.82)
% non-male on a team M (SD)
19.76 (36.36)
21.78 (37.48)
% teams updated predictions in Nov 2020
Note. Percentage of forecasting teams with self-identified expertisei.e., team members with
publications on a particular topicare relative to the total number of teams that chose to forecast
a given topic.
Demographic characteristics of forecasting teams.
Table S2. Top performers in each domain in Tournament 1.
Scale of predicted value
12m SD of
12m M
Team name
Minus 6 (career is strongly female,
whereas family is strongly male) to 6
(career is strongly male, whereas
family is strongly female)
IAT D score (diff score of latencies /
The Well-
Adjusted R
positive affect
on social
z-scores, standardized on all prior
time series data (M = 0.145 / SD =
Abs difference of % support by Dem
vs. Reps
0-10 scale
explicit Asian
American bias
difference in majority - minority
groups feeling t (0-100)
The Well-
Adjusted R
implicit Asian
American bias
IAT D score (diff score of latencies /
support -
support -
affect on
social media
z-scores, standardized on all prior
time series data (M = 0.145 / SD =
American bias
difference in majority - minority
groups feeling t (0-100)
American bias
IAT D score (diff score of latencies /
Top performers in each domain in Tournament 1, ranked by accuracy across domains.
Table S3. Top performers in each domain in Tournament 2.
Scale of predicted value
6m SD of
6m M
Team name
American bias
IAT D score (diff score of latencies /
positive affect
on social
z-scores, standardized on all prior
time series data (M = 0.145 / SD =
The Forecasting
implicit Asian
American bias
IAT D score (diff score of latencies /
American bias
difference in majority - minority
groups feeling t (0-100)
0-10 scale
IAT D score (diff score of latencies /
Explicit Asian
American bias
difference in majority - minority
groups feeling t (0-100)
6 (career is strongly
female, whereas family is
strongly male) to 6
(career is strongly male,
whereas family is strongly
support -
Abs difference of % support by Dem
vs. Reps
affect on
social media
z-scores, standardized on all prior
time series data (M = 0.145 / SD =
Team Supreme
support -
Top performers in each domain in Tournament 2, ranked by accuracy across domains
Table S4. Inaccuracy of Data-inclusive vs. Data-free Models.
no data / data-
inclusive Ratio
t -ratio
First (May
Exp. African American Bias
. 515
Exp. Asian American Bias
Explicit Gender-career bias
Imp. African American Bias
Imp. Asian American Bias
Ideology Democrats
Ideology Republicans
Implicit Gender-career Bias
Life Satisfaction
Negative Affect
Political Polarization
Positive Affect
Second (Nov
Exp. African American Bias
Exp. Asian American Bias
Explicit Gender-career Bias
Imp. African American Bias
Imp. Asian American Bias
Ideology Democrats
Ideology Republicans
Implicit Gender-career Bias
Life Satisfaction
Negative Affect
Political Polarization
Positive Affect
Note. Ratio = data-free MASE / data-inclusive MASE. Scores >1: greater accuracy of data-inclusive forecasts.
Scores <1: greater accuracy of forecasts based on intuition / theory alone. Contrasts obtained via emmeans package 9
in R 7. To avoid skew, tests performed on log-transformed MASE scores. Degrees of freedom obtained via
Kenward-Roger approximation.
Contrasts of Mean-level Inaccuracy (MASE) among Scientists Using Data-inclusive vs. Data-
free Models.
Table S5. Effect of strategies & individual characteristics on forecasting
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
-1.96 **
-2.15 **
N model parameters
Statistical model complexity
-0.14 *
-0.20 *
Considered COVID-19 (yes/no)
Considered counterfactuals (yes/no)
Number of predicted domains
Data Scientists on the team (yes/no)
Behav.-Soc Scientists on the team
Team size
% Team members without a PhD
Confidence in forecast
Self-reported expertise
Team members published in the
forecasted domain (yes/no)
0.26 **
0.26 **
Prior engagement with forecasting
0.35 *
0.35 *
N (teams)
R2 (fixed)
R2 (total)
Note: The model also includes domain as a set of 11 dummy-covariates. All continuous predictors are mean-
centered. Standard errors, in parentheses, are heteroskedasticity robust. In the standardized model, predictors are
scaled by 2 standard deviations. *** p < .001; ** p < .01; * p < .05.
Regression model coefficients demonstrating effects of forecasting strategies and individual
characteristics predicting forecasting accuracy across two tournaments.
Table S6. Effects of different updating rationales for forecasting
Update based on Data Received
Update based on theory
Update based on consideration of external events
N (teams)
R2 (fixed)
R2 (total)
Note: All continuous predictors are mean-centered. Standard errors, in parentheses, are
heteroskedasticity robust. In the standardized model, predictors are scaled by 2 standard
deviations. *** p < .001; ** p < .01; * p < .05.
Regression model coefficients demonstrating effects of different updating rationales for
forecasting inaccuracy in the Second Tournament.
Table S7. Exclusions by category when processing the general public
Data Filtering Step
N Predictions
Original N
Remove incomplete 12-month
Remove Duplicate submissions
Remove Outliers
Remove misunderstood responses
Remove bogus responses
Remove Responses below 50 sec
Removed flagged Covid responses*
Note. *Covid-related open-ended responses were not originally reviewed in the coding and were coded at a later
stage. Two participants were flagged one for indicating their predictions were based on Russia, not the U.S., and
the other for responding in Spanish instead of English. One of these participants was already flagged in a previous
step, which is why only one participant/responses were removed at this stage.
Breakdown of exclusions of the general public sample by category.
Table S8. Comparison of resampled historical mean and averaged
historical mean in Tournament 1.
Explicit Prejudice
Af Am
Explicit Prejudice
Explicit Prejudice
Implicit Prejudice
Af Am
Implicit Prejudice
Implicit Prejudice
Support for Democrats
Support for
Life Satisfaction
Negative Affect
Positive Affect
Note. Historical Mean was calculated by averaging all historical data per domain and using this value (repeated for
each of the 12 months) as the forecast for computing MASE scores. Resample Mean was calculated by creating
10,000 simulated forecasts and computing the average MASE/ln(MASE) across these 10000 forecasts. Each forecast
was created by sampling with replacement 12 values from the historical observations, then computing the MASE
score for these 12 values compared to the observed domain values.
Table S9. Table of content for the main R Markdown analyses
Name of .Rmd chunks
Output / Specific Goal
Chunk 1 “setup”
Load R packages needed
Chunk 2 “setup working directory”
Setup working directory
Chunk 3 “Import data”
Import data
Chunk 4 “get simulated benchmark data &
add RW to data”
MASE differences between the participants’ MASE and the MASE of random walk of
Tournament 1 and 2.
Model comparison categories based on MASE cutoff scores.
Chunk 5 “set subsets of data for analyses”
Data subsets that fulfill certain conditions for later analysis. For instance, only
Tournament 1 data, only Tournament 2 data, objective experts, etc.
Chunk 6 “create subsets for separate
Dataset with labels that are close to natural language for data visualization.
Dataset with important statistics for visualization. For instance, mean, median, top
performance for different domains and level of expertise
Chunk 7 “create a file to share with teams
to announce how they did”
Prepare both tournament datasets to share with the academic teams about how they did
(MASE) compared with the Ground truth marker and their rank.
Chunk 8 “visualize top performers”
Fig. S4. - Fig. S11. Error among top 5 teams in each domain in Tournament 1, by
Chunk 9 “Inspect historical trends and
calculate complexity”
Markers of complexity for the tournament, including sd, mad, and an supplementary
metric of permutation entropy
Chunk 10 “PHASE 1 prep and simple
visualizations of trends”
Fig. S1.
Chunk 11 “Phases 1 and 2 along with
graph individual predictions and ground truth markers - Fig. S2 THE SUPPLEMENT in
the PAPER, as well as one Figure 1 in the MAIN TEXT)
analyses of scientists versus lay people in tournament 1
Chunk 12
statistical tests of difference from benchmark.
Figure 2.
Chunk 13
compare scores from tournament 1 and tournament 2
test complexity associations
Chunk 14
graph change in ranking.
Figure 3.
Chunk 15 “ranking in phase 1 and
ranking of domain by forecasting error and correlation to historical variability in trends
Chunk 16
compare scores from tournament 1 - first six months vs. last six months
Chunk 17
Consistency in forecasting
Chunk 18
visualize by method (phase 1 and 2)
Figure 4
Chunk 19
examine effects of covariates across both tournaments
Chunk 20
Role of Updating - Phase 2
Chunk 21
demographics Phase 1
Chunk 22
demographics lay people
Supplementary References
1. Hyndman, R. J. & Athanasopoulos, G. Forecasting: principles and practice. (OTexts,
2. Hyndman, R. J. & Koehler, A. B. Another look at measures of forecast accuracy. Int. J.
Forecast. 22, 679688 (2006).
3. Makridakis, S., Spiliotis, E. & Assimakopoulos, V. The M4 Competition: 100,000 time
series and 61 forecasting methods. Int. J. Forecast. 36, 5474 (2020).
4. Makridakis, S., Spiliotis, E. & Assimakopoulos, V. The M5 competition: Background,
organization, and implementation. Int. J. Forecast. (2021).
5. Bates, D., Mächler, M., Bolker, B. & Walker, S. Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models
Using lme4. J. Stat. Softw. 67, (2015).
6. Goodrich, B., Gabry, J., Ali, I. & Brilleman, S. rstanarm: Bayesian applied regression
modeling via Stan. (2020).
7. R Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. (2022).
8. Rouder, J. N. & Morey, R. D. Default Bayes Factors for Model Selection in Regression.
Multivariate Behav. Res. 47, 877903 (2012).
9. Lenth, R., Singmann, H., Love, J. & Maxime, H. emmeans: Estimated Marginal Means,
aka Least-Squares Means. (2020).
10. Makowski, D., Ben-Shachar, M. & Lüdecke, D. bayestestR: Describing Effects and their
Uncertainty, Existence and Significance within the Bayesian Framework. J. Open Source
Softw. 4, 1541 (2019).
11. Athanasopoulos, G., Hyndman, R. J., Song, H. & Wu, D. C. The tourism forecasting
competition. Int. J. Forecast. 27, 822844 (2011).
Appendix S1. Example submission forms.
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
Data Source:
Aggregated weighted data from the Congressional Generic Ballot polls conducted between January 2017 and March 2020.
Congressional generic Ballot asks representative samples of Americans to indicate which party they would support in an election.
Obtained from
Your estimates
Party support: Past data
Polarization Score
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
enter your monthly estimates in the box to the left
Data Source:
Aggregated data from the Gallup polls conducted between January 2017 and March 2020.
Data represents absolute value of the difference score in Presidential Job Approval by Party Identification
(Democrat vs. Republican)
Obtained from
Appendix S2. Screening Bogus / Low Comprehension Responses in the General Public
Verbatim information provided to coders, including standardized information about the study.
Participants were asked to submit predictions of how they expected different domains to
change over the course of a year. The 12 domains were: Life satisfaction; Affect (both positive
and negative); Political polarization; Ideological preferences (Democrat & Republican); African
American bias (implicit and explicit); Asian American bias (implicit and explicit); Gender-career
bias (implicit and explicit). In addition to submitting their forecasts, we asked them to answer
questions regarding how they went about creating those forecasts. Participants provided written
responses to 3 different questions which are denoted by the following columns:
Column Name
Question Asked
Please describe your thought process for generating your predictions for life satisfaction.
If your forecast is based on theoretical assumptions, please describe your assumptions.
Did you consider additional variables in your predictions?
By additional variables we mean variables other than prior data on life satisfaction itself.
These variables can include single-shot events (e.g., political leadership change;
implementation of a particular policy) or variables that change over time (e.g., COVID-19
deaths; unemployment rate). Describe your decision process when making your predictions.
What is the role of COVID-19 pandemic trajectory in your Life Satisfaction forecast? Please,
describe how you think this variable impacts your Life Satisfaction predictions.
Note. Not all participants were required to answer the Coviddesc question as it was only
presented if they selected a particular response to a previous question.
Your task is to look at their written responses for these 3 columns and assign a value of 0
(no issue), 1 (did not understand), or 2 (bogus response) to each row.
2 Bogus responses are responses where the participant did not take the study seriously. For
instance, participant wrote the following responses for each column:
In this case, the participant avoids answering all 3 questions and we cannot assume they took the
survey seriously as a result.
1 Did not understand responses refer to participants who did not understand the question posed
or the predictions they were supposed to make. Keep in mind that you are not coding them on
the quality of their response. If their response includes a rationale that informed their
prediction and doesn’t explicitly indicate they misunderstood the question, do not code as
“didn’t understand.”
For instance, participant wrote the following responses for each column.
“The data seems to go up and
“I thought that maybe as more
people are using Twitter currently it
could be higher but will drop after
lockdowns release”
“I thought it would make it go
In this case, the participant’s responses indicate that they likely misunderstood what the data we
provided was about. They are assuming that more Twitter users = higher life satisfaction
(because the life satisfaction data was based on twitter data), but that’s not what we were asking
them to predict!
0 No issue responses refer to responses where the participants responded in good faith and did
not noticeably misunderstand the task. NOTE: rows can be flagged as “no issue” even if only
one of the columns was responded to, so long as the response doesn’t come across as
Appendix S3. Coding Instructions for Forecasting Method
Teams could select multiple methods for their forecasts, including intuition, theory, simulation-
based, data-driven, or others. For the chief analyses, we were interested in teams that relied on
data-inclusive vs. data-free methods. Therefore, to cross-validate forecasting methods provided
by teams, and to obtain markers of data-inclusive vs. data-free methods, two research assistants
independently reviewed submission justifications and rationales. The following steps describe
the process used to code participant submissions in terms of the type of forecasting method:
1. Intuition These are forecasts where the participant made their predictions by relying
solely on their intuition.
Participants who made such forecasts relied on their expert intuitions to estimate how
they expected the variable to change over the next year.
Example 1: The participant indicates that they expected the difference between
democrats and republicans to become larger toward November because of the
Example 2: The participant predicts that the holidays would lead to an increase in life
satisfaction, followed by a decrease after the New Year.
2. Theory These were forecasts where the participant indicated that their predictions were
guided by a particular theory.
Example 1: The participant mentions that their predictions were based on “hedonic
adaptation” theory, which predicts a return to baseline after a significant event such as
the pandemic.
Example 2: Participant mentions that their model is based on the “family stress
model,” which predicts that great social disruption and economic fallout leads to
significant drops in life satisfaction.
3. Data-driven These were forecasts where the participant indicated that they used one or
more data-driven forecasting methods.
Participants may have indicated they used one or more methods of forecasting
that can vary in complexity.
These methods ranged from simple mean of the data provided to complex
autoregressive moving average (ARIMA) models or econometric models.
4. Hybrid These were forecasts that used Data-driven methods AND either Intuition
and/or Theory.
If a participant indicated that they used both Theory and Intuition, but NOT Data,
coders were instructed to mark it as Theory.
Because the number of participants who explicitly mentioned theory was underpowered (n = 9 in
Tournament 1), we collapsed this category with intuition-based judgments.
Appendix S4. Coding Instructions for Model Complexity
Model complexity was coded on a 1-3 scale, indicating the complexity of the forecasting
methods used by participants to develop their forecasts:
1. Simple forecasting method
a. Simple forecasting methods referred to forecasting methods that did not account
for any additional parameters or variables, such as regression to the mean,
Intuition-based forecasts, and/or simple Drift models.
2. Moderate forecasting method
a. Moderate forecasting methods referred to forecasting methods that used 1-3
additional parameters to develop their forecasts, such as univariate time series
forecasting models, Holt-Winters seasonal corrections, & auto-regressions with
time lags.
3. Complex forecasting method
a. Complex forecasting methods refer to forecasting methods that use more than 3
additional parameters to develop their forecasts, such as ARIMA and dynamic
econometric models.
Coders were instructed to consider the number of parameters teams used. They were also
instructed to base their judgment on the method participants provided in their rationales (e.g.,
ARIMA) in cases where a participant mentioned a complex method but did not list any (or few)
additional parameters. In case multiple models were mentioned, coders identified the model
teams indicated they used for the actual forecast itself.
Appendix S5. Coding Instructions for Updating Justifications
Coders were provided with the following instructions:
“You will be presented with a data set containing participant responses with regards to the
theory, methods, and parameters they considered in their forecast. All responses are from teams
that had submitted a forecast 6 months prior, and who chose to update their forecasts after
receiving a comparison of how their forecasts had compared so far to the actual results for the
domains they predicted.
Your task is to review their responses and determine whether they meet the criteria for the
following categories of justification:
1. Updated based on data received: The team indicates they updated their data based on
the updated data set we provided them.
To be coded for this category, the participants need to explicitly mention that they
updated their response in response to the new data being provided.
E.g., “Updating my estimates based on the mean”
2. Updated due to theoretical insights: The team indicates they updated their data based
on an explicitly mentioned theory.
a. To be coded for this category, the participants must explicitly mention a theory as
the reason for their updated forecast.
3. Updated due to consideration of external events: The team indicates they updated their
data based on events that have occurred in the 6 months since their original forecast.
a. To be coded for this category, the participants must explicitly mention an external
event as the reason for updating their forecast.
b. E.g., “After testing for seasonality and discontinuity, we used the mean of new
values after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic and racial protests in the USA.”
Each category is coded in a separate column as either a 1 (Justification present) or 0
(Justification not present). Please note, a response can be coded for multiple categories, in which
case it would be marked as a 1 in each of the relevant columns.”
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
First International Conference, ICAIDS 2021, Hyderabad, India, December 17–18, 2021, Revised Selected Papers This book constitutes selected papers presented at the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, ICAIDS 2021, held in Hyderabad, India, in December 2021. The 43 papers presented in this volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 195 submissions. They focus on topics of artificial intelligence for intelligent applications and data science for emerging technologies.
22 Department of Food Marketing
  • Netherlands Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22 Department of Food Marketing, Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University;
26 Anderson School of Management, UCLA
  • Denmark Aarhus
Aarhus, Denmark, 26 Anderson School of Management, UCLA; Los Angeles, USA, 27 Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Colgate University;
32 Department of Economics
  • Usa Missoula
Missoula, USA, 32 Department of Economics, Siena College;
38 Laboratory for Comparative Studies in Mass Consciousness
  • Netherlands Groningen
Groningen, Netherlands, 38 Laboratory for Comparative Studies in Mass Consciousness, Expert Institute, HSE University;
45 Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
  • Usa Madison
Madison, USA, 45 Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business School; Oslo, Norway, 46 Center for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development;
47 School of Public Health Sciences
  • Germany Berlin
Berlin, Germany, 47 School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo;
57 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts
  • Netherlands Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 57 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University;
Department of Psychology, Illinois State University; Normal, USA, 62 Department of Marketing and Logistics Management
  • Germany Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany, 61 Department of Psychology, Illinois State University; Normal, USA, 62 Department of Marketing and Logistics Management, National Penghu University of Science and Technology;
64 Centre for Youth and Society
  • Canada Victoria
Victoria, Canada, 64 Centre for Youth and Society, University of Victoria;