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Distributed resource governance on a blockchain

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Abstract and Figures

This research proposes a novel method for ensuring fair governance of a common resource recorded on a blockchain. It features a self-governing system of stakeholders, managing resources by taking on the roles of auditors and claimants in place of having an overseeing bureaucracy with its accompanying overhead costs. While self-governing can be subject to fraud and collusion, in the proposed governance system, anonymity, a staple of blockchain transactions, is utilized to mitigate these negative effects. This is done by assigning random anonymous auditors to resource claimants. Cheating, along with improper auditing, will result in penalties for both auditor and claimant. Improper auditing consists not only of allowing unlawful resource use, but also denying lawful use. The proof of concept system is a distributed application running on a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. All activities are recorded as immutable public transactions on the blockchain. A simulation and a blockchain application to support further investigations are presented.
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Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
Thomas E. Portegys, , Dialectek
James R. Wolf,, Illinois State University
This research proposes a novel method for ensuring fair governance of a common resource recorded on a blockchain. It features
a self-governing system of stakeholders, managing resources by taking on the roles of auditors and claimants in place of having
an overseeing bureaucracy with its accompanying overhead costs. While self-governing can be subject to fraud and collusion,
in the proposed governance system, anonymity, a staple of blockchain transactions, is utilized to mitigate these negative effects.
This is done by assigning random anonymous auditors to resource claimants. Cheating, along with improper auditing, will
result in penalties for both auditor and claimant. Improper auditing consists not only of allowing unlawful resource use but
also denying lawful use. The proposed system is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) running on a Hyperledger
Fabric blockchain. All activities are recorded as immutable public transactions on the blockchain. A simulation and a
blockchain game to support the plausibility of the model are presented.
Resource governance, blockchain, distributed application, anonymity, Hyperledger.
Technology has densely connected people. While we are awash in information, most organizations retain centralized control
and authority structures that concentrate power hierarchically. This reflects the divide-and-conquer strategy, with expertise
and skilled specialists occupying niches where people collaborate in close contact, featuring high bandwidth, low latency
While a historically successful scheme, drawbacks of a hierarchical organization include opacity to stakeholders not residing
in a particular walled garden and often with concomitant inefficiencies, obsolescences, and malfeasance that take root in more
entrenched bureaucracies. People tend to become resigned to this eventuality, demonstrated by complacently paying taxes,
premiums and dues, dutifully voting, and showing up to board, town, and union meetings, all the while ceding authority to duly
appointed representatives. That people are often unable to identify their elected representatives, for example, testifies to the
enervating and disengaging effect of having information and responsibility without direct authority and involvement.
While acknowledging the value of full-time experts and specialists, there is also value in allowing organizational stakeholders
to exercise some authority in formulating policies, plans, and actions from the perspective of those affected by these things
(Phillips, et. al., 2009). The customary problem with this approach is that, although stakeholders are motivated for an
organization to succeed, they are also outsiders who are neither sufficiently knowledgeable nor available to perform decision-
making roles. Technology offers a means to address this issue. Many complex organizations have already moved in the
direction of distributed control with great success -- open source teams are an example of this. The key notion is not just
offering openness but also real authority; without authority, interest will wane for many. The advantage is more eyes and hands
and less expense. The risk is allowing less knowledgeable people to have a say and whether they will defer to experts when it
is appropriate.
Frequently, by choice or circumstance, the resources of a group are cast into a common pool. An example of a choice would
be to pay a periodic fee for insurance to lessen the financial severity of a car accident. A natural resource such a river is an
example of a circumstantial shared pool, the use of which is sometimes framed as a commons dilemma (Hardin, 1968), in which
the short-term selfish interests of individuals are opposed to long-term group interests. A typical way to ensure proper resource
usage is through a regulatory organization. Such organizations commonly incur substantial costs to support a bureaucracy and
facilities to administrate rules and laws that govern resource usage.
A type of contract is proposed that is a more economical means of achieving fair resource usage by relying on the stakeholders
bound to the contract to enforce the rules rather than relying on a special organization to do so. In other words, it is believed
that a flattened distributed administration can operate in a more cost-effective way. It is known that self-enforcement ("the
honor system") and mutual enforcement can facilitate cheating and abuse through deal-making, conspiracy and secretive
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
behavior. In the proposed contract, anonymity, a staple of blockchain transactions, is employed to reduce side channels used
for collaborative cheating, thus fostering mutually beneficial behavior. This is done by assigning random anonymous auditors
to a resource claimant. Cheating and abuse, along with improper auditing, result in penalties. Improper auditing consists not
only of allowing unlawful resource use but also denying lawful use.
Anonymous online behavior is well-known to have negative consequences, especially when the identities of those involved in
behaviors such as trolling and cyberbullying are hidden from view, but the victims are known (Herring et al., 2002; Tokunaga,
2010). However, when anonymity is used equitably, it has been found to reduce the negative effects of power and status
differences in decision-making groups (Kiesler and Sproull, 1992; Dubrovsky et al., 1991). Of special relevance to this project,
Wright and Stepney (2008) note that anonymity is widely used in situations where knowledge of individual users could lead to
favoritism, discrimination, or collusion (e.g., voting, the marking of exam papers, review of funding applications, and academic
Blockchain is an ideal candidate for recording resource transactions since it inherently supports anonymous, distributed,
immutable, and public transactions (The Economist, 2015). A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger that is shared
among the nodes of a computer network, maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. It guarantees the
fidelity and security of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party. No individual stakeholder controls
the blockchain, and everyone can see the outcome of every transaction. Blockchains also feature smart contracts, which are
computer code that resides and runs in the blockchain and provides functional application-specific processing of transactions
(Governatori et al., 2018). These distributed applications are commonly referred to as dapps (Cui et al., 2021).
In the past decade, a number of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have appeared as smart contracts on
blockchains (Hassan and Filippi, 2021), with goals similar to those presented here. Generally, DAOs are member-owned
communities without centralized authorities. A well-known example, intended for venture capital funding, was The DAO,
which amassed 3.6 million ETH in May 2016. ETH is the cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain (Popper, 2017). Two
other prominent examples of DAOs are (1) Uniswap, a decentralized exchange that enables the trading of digital assets, and
(2), a suite of products in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) that provides lending aggregation, yield generation, and
insurance (Medium, 2021). Riaza and Gnabo (2023) have found DAOs to be more efficient than bureaucracies for crypto-asset
markets. Our DAO, originally specified by the authors in 2011 (Portegys and Wolf, 2011), predates other DAOs, since the
smart contract capability to implement them only appeared around 2014. Our DAO was previously constructed as a Google
App Engine (2008) cloud service. It has been ported to a smart contract for this project.
DAOs manage resources and typically grant authority over the resources to members according to their wealth as measured by
a recognized currency, such as ETH. This can effectively result in a centralized control of resources by a few wealthy members.
In contrast, our DAO is egalitarian, with no distinction between members other than the transient roles they play during
transactions. The consensus mechanism for most DAOs is voting, meaning all members potentially participate in every
transaction. Our DAO chooses an anonymous subset of its members in the roles of auditors to adjudicate a transaction in a
more rigorous manner. We believe it is also novel in the way it embodies checks-and-balances to enforce fairness and curtail
cheating. This is an ambitious goal: a simulation such as that presented here can only be taken as a hint as to the viability of
the system; trials with stakeholders to compare its performance vs. a bureaucratic system are required to make a firm evaluation.
DAOs do pose concerns. For one, their legal status remains unsettled. Some jurisdictions may recognize DAOs as legal
entities, while others may view them as a type of contract or arrangement. Regardless of its legal status, a DAO may still have
to follow other laws and rules, such as those related to taxes, anti-money laundering, and data protection. In addition, a smart
contract's code is visible to all, and is difficult to alter once the system is up and running, since any change may be seen as a
modification of the contract. A known security hole may thus be left open to exploitation until a consensus is reached as to
how and when to fix it.
Other features on the technological landscape that facilitate the proposed organization are the ubiquity and ever-lower latency
of online interactions, allowing prompt auditing activity to take place, and the deep reach and rich fidelity of digital information
sources, allowing intensive remote verification of resource claims.
In the following sections, the DAO rules, a preliminary simulation, and a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain (2022) game to support
further investigations are presented.
1. Initially, stakeholders each contribute an amount into a resource pool called a commons. This amount is denoted as
 for stakeholder i. The commons thus contains  = . is always the same value for all stakeholders,
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
signifying an equal ownership of . In addition, each stakeholder has a personal account denoted by . This
amount can vary in value.
2. A resource entitlement for claimant i, , is the evidence supporting a resource claim. For example, an entitlement
for a pair of shoes would typically run in the tens of dollars, although fringe cases can run down into a few dollars and
up into hundreds or even thousands of dollars.  is decremented from , signifying a loss of resources for the
3. The stakeholder, assuming the role of claimant, uses  to select a claim amount, that will pass auditing and
satisfy . An amount less than the entitlement might tend to have a better audit outcome, while a greater amount
signifies "cheating" that grants resources exceeding the entitlement.  is selected before any auditors are assigned
to the claim and cannot be modified later.  is not revealed to the auditors as part of the claim.
4. The claim is then assigned a number of random auditors taken from a pool of resource stakeholders. In order to
discourage collusion, the claimant and auditors remain anonymous to each other. The number of auditors is also
unknown to all. An auditor is allowed to anonymously communicate with the claimant to provide further claim
5. An auditor examines the claim evidence to determine a grant amount, . To prevent collaborative cheating, 
cannot be greater than . The mean of all the auditor grant amounts, 
, is the amount of resources granted to the
claimant ( = 
). is then incremented by , signifying a resource compensation.
6. To promote claimant honesty, if  , a penalty,  is subtracted from the grant that is a function of the
difference between the claim and the grant 󰇛 = 󰇛󰇜󰇜. This will steer claimants away from making
excessive claims.  is then added to the commons.
7. To promote auditor honesty, each auditor is penalized in proportion to the difference between the auditor's grant
and the claim grant󰇛 = 󰇛󰇜󰇜 This is meant to discourage both unfair denial and illegitimate generosity
to claims. Thus an auditor who colludes with a claimant to grant a large claim runs the risk of penalization by deviating
from the grant mean.  is then added to the commons.
8. Here are three ways to evaluate, or score, the system:
a. As in the Phase 1 simulation, a measurement of the preference ratio for a competing regulatory vs. the
distributed system can be used as a score. The regulatory agency system exacts a processing fee from all
stakeholders per claim. At the end of a session, each stakeholder will prefer the system that is more
financially beneficial.
b. The standard deviation of the stakeholder resources, = + , can be used as a score. A perfect score
is zero, indicating that every entitlement/claim/grant triplet was for the same amount and there were thus no
penalties. Cheating, denial of resources or penalties will likely skew the resources of the stakeholders; for
example, successful cheaters will have relatively more resources than other stakeholders.
c. A measurement of the depletion of the commons resources. This would be computable from the initial and
final commons resources and the total entitlements. If the final commons amount is less than initial amount
less the total entitlements, then the commons has been excessively depleted.
9. Optionally, since auditor effort has an expense, the resource pool will be reduced for the time spent by auditors to
process claims. This will curtail the excessive use of auditors.
Expected Results
It might be expected that the best long-term strategy would be to grant the probability distribution midpoint amount for every
claim. However, in the short term, this will result in grants that statistically vary from the entitled amounts. Stakeholders trade
transactional privacy in return for the possibility of lower costs. Having stakeholders alternately take on the roles of claimant
and auditor encourages cooperative tit for tat behavior (Axelrod, 1984).
Independent Variables
Possible independent variables to use for evaluation include:
Commons resource amount.
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
Number of stakeholders.
Average number of auditors.
Penalty functions.
A simulation using autonomous software agents as stakeholders was done to better understand the problem space and
plausibility of the concepts. The simulation compared a regulatory agency system with a proposed distributed one.
Stakeholders are enrolled in both systems for comparison. Stakeholders pool their resources that they can make claims on. In
the regulatory agency system, stakeholders pay a fee to adjudicate claims, ensuring that no cheating occurs. In the distributed
system, cheating can happen, dampened by the presence of claim auditors.
A run consists of a number of rounds. In each round, resources are reset to be equally distributed. In the regulatory system,
fees are deducted from each member. Then claims are dispersed to a random set of stakeholders. A claim represents an amount
that can be lawfully withdrawn from the commons resources. A granted claim increments the resources of the claimant, and
equally reduces the resources of all non-claimant stakeholders by an amount that cumulatively adds up to the grant.
In the regulatory agency system, all claims are lawful and granted, since claims are adjudicated by an infallible regulatory
agency. In the distributed governance system, all lawful claims are also granted; however, a claim also represents an
opportunity to cheat by withdrawing an unlawful amount of resources. Stakeholders have a parameterized tendency to cheat.
An auditor is assigned to each claim. The auditor probabilistically detects unlawful claims. If cheating is detected, the claimant
is penalized by losing their resources, which are equally distributed to the other stakeholders. If the auditor erroneously allows
an unlawful claim, the claim is processed as if it were lawful. Lawful claims are not determined to be unlawful.
After each round, stakeholder resources in both systems are compared. So for example, if there were 5 stakeholders, and 2 of
them had more resources in the regulatory system than in the distributed one, then 0.4 (40%) would prefer the regulatory
system. At the end of the run, the average regulatory preference across rounds is calculated.
Here is an example round with 5 stakeholders, no claims, and a fee of 1 for the regulatory system:
Run regulatory:
Stakeholder = 0, assets = 9.0
Stakeholder = 1, assets = 9.0
Stakeholder = 2, assets = 9.0
Stakeholder = 3, assets = 9.0
Stakeholder = 4, assets = 9.0
Run distributed:
Stakeholder = 0, assets = 10.0
Stakeholder = 1, assets = 10.0
Stakeholder = 2, assets = 10.0
Stakeholder = 3, assets = 10.0
Stakeholder = 4, assets = 10.0
Stakeholder = 0 prefers distributed (9.0 < 10.0)
Stakeholder = 1 prefers distributed (9.0 < 10.0)
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
Stakeholder = 2 prefers distributed (9.0 < 10.0)
Stakeholder = 3 prefers distributed (9.0 < 10.0)
Stakeholder = 4 prefers distributed (9.0 < 10.0)
Regulatory preference = 0.0
Here is a round with claims (resources can become negative):
Run regulatory:
Stakeholder = 0, resolution = grant lawful
Stakeholder = 2, resolution = grant lawful
Stakeholder = 0, assets = 69.0
Stakeholder = 1, assets = -31.0
Stakeholder = 2, assets = 69.0
Stakeholder = 3, assets = -31.0
Stakeholder = 4, assets = -31.0
Run distributed:
Stakeholder = 0, resolution = grant lawful
Stakeholder = 2, resolution = grant cheat
Stakeholder = 0, assets = 50.0
Stakeholder = 1, assets = -50.0
Stakeholder = 2, assets = 150.0
Stakeholder = 3, assets = -50.0
Stakeholder = 4, assets = -50.0
Stakeholder = 0 prefers regulatory (69.0 >= 50.0)
Stakeholder = 1 prefers regulatory (-31.0 >= -50.0)
Stakeholder = 2 prefers distributed (69.0 < 150.0)
Stakeholder = 3 prefers regulatory (-31.0 >= -50.0)
Stakeholder = 4 prefers regulatory (-31.0 >= -50.0)
Regulatory preference = 0.8
If the distributed system works sufficiently well, due to its low overhead, it will tend to pay off better than the regulatory system
and tend to have more satisfied stakeholders. However, if cheating is excessively granted, the regulatory system will tend to
pay off better for stakeholders other than the successful cheaters.
Here are the simulation parameters:
1. BUREAUCRACY_FEE: this is how much a member pays the regulatory agency per round.
2. CLAIM_PROBABILITY: probability per round of a member initiating a claim.
3. LAWFUL_CLAIM_AMOUNT: a lawful claim amount.
4. UNLAWFUL_CLAIM_AMOUNT: an unlawful claim amount.
5. CLAIMANT_CHEAT_PROBABILITY: probability that a claimant makes an unlawful claim.
6. AUDITOR_ERROR_PROBABILITY: probability that an auditor fails to catch an unlawful claim.
The BUREAUCRACY_OVERHEAD must be greater than zero, since the regulatory agency does not work for free. This
implies that the total value of its members will diminish over time, since in this system, there is no incoming value. We use
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
CLAIMANT_CHEAT_PROBABILITY and AUDITOR_ERROR_PROBABILITY as independent variables, setting the other
parameters to positive values, with the constraint that UNLAWFUL_CLAIM_AMOUNT is greater than
Simulations were run for 50 rounds with 100 stakeholders, varying the independent variables from 0 to 0.4. Figure 1 and Table
1 show the effect of auditing claims on preference for the regulatory agency vs. the distributed system. When there is no
cheating, the distributed system is preferred, as there are no fees to pay. As cheating increases, but with errorless auditing to
catch it, the distributed system is also preferred. It is only under the conditions of cheating and error-prone auditing, resulting
in losses to non-cheaters, that the regulatory agency system gains in preference.
Audit error probability
Cheat attempt probability
Table 1 - Regulatory agency preference as a function of claimant cheating and auditor errors.
One conclusion to be drawn from the simulation is that the presence of claim auditors, even mistake-prone ones, has a powerful
dampening effect on the success rate of cheaters, resulting in a significant stakeholder allegiance to the distributed system .
A game is presented to help determine the viability of the organization using players as stakeholders.
The game consists of a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain application that allows a host and players to participate in a game that
embodies the rules. The client interfaces for the game have been designed for the stakeholder roles of claimant and auditor.
The Hyperledger Fabric code may be found at A previous incarnation of the
app resides on the Google App Engine at (Portegys and Wolf, 2011). The blockchain
instantiation is a direct port of the App Engine functionality, thus contains an administrative client that lets a user orchestrate
transactions according to the rules. The rules will be fully incorporated into the blockchain code in a future release to complete
the smart contract.
Figure 1 shows the state of player "Alice" as a claimant at the conclusion of a successful claim transaction. For anonymity and
authentication purposes, the player name could also be a public key provided to a user. Alice is entitled to a claim of 13.43
from the common resources. This value was probabilistically sampled from the shown distribution, which represents an
abstraction of some event incurring an expense that justifies a claim. This obviously means that a particular claim could appear
excessive or too low to auditors. In this case, the auditor has granted the entire claim. The claimant and auditors can optionally
chat with each other before the auditors determine a grant amount. A penalty is then calculated from the difference between
the claim and the grant amount, which in this case is 0.
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
Figure 1 Claimant transaction completion.
Figure 2 shows the claim transaction completion of the auditor, "Bob", who has granted the entire claim. Since Bob was the
only auditor for this claim, the consensus grant is equal to Bob's grant, and thus there is no penalty for Bob.
Distributed resource governance on a blockchain
Figure 2 Auditor transaction completion.
Figure 3 shows that Alice has received 13.43 in resources from the common resource pool, and equal deductions have been
made from each player's common resources to fund the grant.
Figure 3 Claimant resource acquisition.
The hope of this research is to propose a feasible method for governing a common resource that uses anonymity in the role of
auditors drawn from a pool of stakeholders. A preliminary simulation points to the plausibility of the method, chiefly by
exhibiting a dampening effect that auditing has on cheating. A more thorough test platform is laid out with the blockchain
game. However, trials with actual stakeholders to compare its performance vs. a bureaucratic system are necessary to yield a
conclusive evaluation.
On a larger scale, this DAO aims to raise awareness of how organizations might leverage a technological landscape that is
connecting people into ever denser communication webs. Blockchain fits in as a means of spanning proprietary and localized
databases with a shared ledger of public transactions and operations.
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New computer-based communications technologies make possible new or expanded forms of group work. Although earlier researchers suggest that scant social information in these technologies might cause status equalization in groups, no experimental test of this phenomenon has been made. In a laboratory experiment, we compared face-to-face communication with electronic mail in decision-making groups whose members differed in social status. We examined status in two ways: by varying the external status of group members, and by varying the decision task to manipulate expertise. When the groups made decisions in face-to-face meetings, the high-status member dominated discussions with the three low-status members. Also, the high-status member more often was a 'first advocate' in the face-to-face discussions, and first advocates were more influential than later advocates. These status inequalities in face-to-face decision making were pronounced just when the high-status member's expertise was relevant to the decision task. When the same groups made comparable decisions using electronic mail, status and expertise inequalities in participation were reduced. A striking and unexpected result was that 'first' advocacy was shared by high- and low-status members in discussions using electronic mail. This behavior resulted in increased equality of influence across status and expertise. We discuss the implications of these results for research and for design of new communication technologies.
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The impact of diversity on group functioning is multifaceted. Exploring the impact of having a newcomer join a group, the authors conducted a 2 (social similarity of newcomer to oldtimers; in-group or out-group) x 3 (opinion agreement: newcomer has no opinion ally, one opinion ally, or two opinion allies) interacting group experiment with four-person groups. Groups with out-group newcomers (i.e., diverse groups) reported less confidence in their performance and perceived their interactions as less effective, yet they performed better than groups with in-group newcomers (i.e., homogeneous groups). Moreover, performance gains were not due to newcomers bringing new ideas to the group discussion. Instead, the results demonstrate that the mere presence of socially distinct newcomers and the social concerns their presence stimulates among oldtimers motivates behavior that can convert affective pains into cognitive gains.
This research proposes a novel method for ensuring fair governance of a common resource using asymmetric anonymity. We propose a system of resource governance that uses anonymous auditors instead of a regulatory agency. Self-enforcement and mutual enforcement are subject to fraud and collusion. In the proposed governance system, anonymity, often associated with negative online interactions, is employed in an asymmetric manner to mitigate these negative effects. This is done by assigning random anonymous auditors to a resource claimant. The claimant's identity is known to the auditor. However, auditors' identities are hidden from both the claimant and other auditors. Cheating, along with improper auditing, will result in penalties for both auditor and claimant. Improper auditing consists not only of allowing unlawful resource use, but also denying lawful use. This paper presents a proof of concept simulation using autonomous software agents and lays out the design for future experiments.
Advances in computing and telecommunications technology are changing how people can meet and make group decisions. Technological changes help people cross physical, social, and psychological boundaries, and have secondary effects on group behavior and decision making. Experiments show that, compared with a face-to-face meeting, a computer-mediated discussion leads to delays; more explicit and outspoken advocacy; “flaming;” more equal participation among group members; and more extreme, unconventional, or risky decisions. Technological and social psychological variables that cause these effects in laboratory groups do not scale at equal rates. Technological change in organizational group decision making can lead to outcomes not seen in the laboratory, which makes it essential to do field research. Three phenomena observed in field studies are redistributions of work time, relative advantages in participation for peripheral workers, and increases in complexity of group organization. Experimental and field studies on these technology effects are useful not just as an “impact statement” for those considering technological change; this research also can put a new light on basic processes in which we have always had an interest.
"Technology is not the answer to the population problem. Rather, what is needed is 'mutual coercion mutually agreed upon'--everyone voluntarily giving up the freedom to breed without limit. If we all have an equal right to many 'commons' provided by nature and by the activities of modern governments, then by breeding freely we behave as do herders sharing a common pasture. Each herder acts rationally by adding yet one more beast to his/her herd, because each gains all the profit from that addition, while bearing only a fraction of its costs in overgrazing, which are shared by all the users. The logic of the system compels all herders to increase their herds without limit, with the 'tragic,' i.e. 'inevitable,' 'inescapable' result: ruin the commons. Appealing to individual conscience to exercise restraint in the use of social-welfare or natural commons is likewise self-defeating: the conscientious will restrict use (reproduction), the heedless will continue using (reproducing), and gradually but inevitably the selfish will out-compete the responsible. Temperance can be best accomplished through administrative law, and a 'great to invent the corrective keep custodians honest.'"
Enforcing behaviour with anonymity
  • J Wright
  • S Stepney
Wright, J., and Stepney, S. (2008, September). Enforcing behaviour with anonymity. In Proceedings of The Workshop on Applications of Private and Anonymous Communications (p. 4). ACM.