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Antioxidants, phenols, caffeine content and volatile compounds in coffee beverages obtained by different methods

  • Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza

Abstract and Figures

The objective of the research was to evaluate the antioxidant activity, phenols and volatile compounds of different types coffee infusions. We worked with the Catimor coffee variety and used five methods to obtain the infusion (espresso, V60, siphon, French press and a traditional local method). For each infusion, the antioxidant capacity was determined with the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl and 2,2′-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid techniques, the phenolic content was determined with the Folin-Ciocalteu technique, and aromatic volatile compounds were determined with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The extraction method that yielded the coffee infusions with the most antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and caffeine content was espresso; however, this coffee had the fewest aromatic volatile compounds. Although they had lower antioxidant activity, the infusions obtained with the French press had the highest content of volatile aromatic compounds and produced a cup that was free of pyridine, an undesirable compound in coffee due to its rotten smell. © 2022, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e47022, 2022 1
Food Science and Technology
ISSN 0101-2061 (Print)
ISSN 1678-457X (Online)
Original Article
1 Introduction
Coee is the most consumed beverage in volume in the
world aer water. Although two-thirds of the world’s demand
comes from the United States, the European Union, Brazil and
Japan, coee is only produced in tropical regions. ere is also
a growing market of young people, especially in Asia, with
specic characteristics (Vegro & Almeida, 2019) who expect
to consume coee that is prepared innovatively in ways that
improve the experience.
Among consumer mega-trends is the search for healthy and
nutritious products (Maciejewski & Mokrysz, 2019). Coee, as
one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, is not exempt
from this market phenomenon, and therefore, there is a need
to improve production processes to meet this demand.
One of coee’s widely demonstrated properties is its antioxidant
composition, which has made it, with certain restrictions, a
superfood (Pozoet al., 2020). However, the concentration of
antioxidants depends on many factors; one is the processing
conditions, the most important of which is roasting, which is
continuously being studied to determine optimal parameters.
Although world coee exports have decreased slightly
due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in the last year, 80.45 million
bags of arabica coee and 47.37 bags of the Robusta variety
have been exported (International Coffee Organization, 2022).
Obviously, coee is an agricultural product of great importance
for developing countries such as Peru. Peru produces 4.3 million
bags of coee annually, mainly for export (International Coffee
Organization, 2020).
In the coee production chain, there are many actors
involved from eld production to the nal cup (Vegro & Almeida,
2019). erefore, the nal quality depends on many elements
throughout the chain.
In addition to cultivation, postharvest (Pereiraetal., 2019),
storage and transport, roasting is a fundamental stage in the
processing of coee and can occur in either an industrial system
or a cafeteria. During the roasting process, aromas are formed,
bioactive compounds are removed and/or produced, and the
characteristic color develops (Gómez-Ruizetal., 2008) and its
composition in the beverage depends on the brewing method.
Coee consumption has many benets for the human body.
e most important property attributed to coee is that it is a
source of antioxidants for the organism. Extensive data from
experimental tests can be found in the literature; for example,
it has been shown that coee antioxidants can protect the DNA
structures of cells from oxidation (Tomacetal., 2020).
Furthermore, chlorogenic acid is known to inuence the
functional properties of coee while caeine inuences the sensory
prole. ese components are the most abundant and have an
eect on human health (Farah, 2012; Yalçinkayaetal., 2022).
However, its excessive consumption has potential health risks
that are oen associated with the caeine content. High levels
of caeine consumption are required to produce undesirable
eects such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diuresis,
increased secretion of gastric acids, and even anxiety problems
(Mitchelletal., 2014; Zulaketal., 2006).
Antioxidants, phenols, caeine content and volatile compounds in coee beverages
obtained by dierent methods
Segundo Grimaldo CHAVEZ 1* , Marilu Mestanza MENDOZA1 , Aline Camila CAETANO1
Received 20 May, 2022
Accepted 15 July, 2022
1 Instituto de Investigación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Ceja de Selva, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Perú
*Corresponding author:
e objective of the research was to evaluate the antioxidant activity, phenols and volatile compounds of dierent types coee
infusions. We worked with the Catimor coee variety and used ve methods to obtain the infusion (espresso, V60, siphon,
French press and a traditional local method). For each infusion, the antioxidant capacity was determined with the 2,2-Diphenyl-
1-Picrylhydrazyl and 2,2-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid techniques, the phenolic content was determined with
the Folin-Ciocalteu technique, and aromatic volatile compounds were determined with gas chromatography coupled with mass
spectrometry. e extraction method that yielded the coee infusions with the most antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds
and caeine content was espresso; however, this coee had the fewest aromatic volatile compounds. Although they had lower
antioxidant activity, the infusions obtained with the French press had the highest content of volatile aromatic compounds and
produced a cup that was free of pyridine, an undesirable compound in coee due to its rotten smell.
Keywords: antioxidant; arabic coee; coee beverage; extraction method; phenols; volatile compounds.
Practical Application: Preparation method inuences the bioactive and volatile aroma compounds of the coee beverage.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e47022, 20222
Antioxidants in different coffee beverages
ere is scientic evidence that has shown that moderate
daily caeine consumption does not represent health risks for
healthy adult populations (Heckmanetal., 2010; Knightetal.,
2004). e US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) state that intake of
400 mg of caeine per day from dierent sources of 200 mg/
day is not associated with adverse health eects. In the case of
pregnant women and children, the intake should be less than
200-300 mg/day and < 3 mg/kg of body weight, respectively
(Bernsteinetal., 1994; ACOG Committee on Obstetric Practice,
2002; EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies,
2015; Mitchelletal., 2014; Mostafa, 2022).
Antioxidant compounds can be found in all parts of the
coee cherry, including the parchment coee husk (endocarp)
(Nevesetal., 2019; Pozoetal., 2020; Pugaetal., 2017) and endosperm
(Kwaketal., 2017), which could be used in the formulation of
diets with nutraceutical characteristics (Nzekoueetal., 2020).
Additionally, solid coee residues remaining aer extraction
are a potential source of bioactive compounds (Balzanoetal.,
2020) that could be incorporated into traditional products
(Moreiraetal., 2018; Salamatetal., 2019; Severinietal., 2020).
e antioxidant activity of roasted coee depends on the
roasting conditions. e temperature and roasting time are
very important factors that must be controlled; additionally,
whilst it is not taken into account, the air ow in the roasting
chamber can aect the antioxidant content of the nal sample
(Kwaketal., 2017).
Although it is expected that the antioxidant activity of the
dierent types of coee infusions will be high, the exact level
depends on the specic process; for example, espresso, ltered
and French press coees have very similar antioxidant levels but
dier from Turkish and mocha coees (Çelik & Gökmen, 2018).
e volatile compounds responsible for aroma also depend
on the processing conditions; therefore, they are likely to
vary according to the technique used to obtain the infusion
(Gonzálezetal., 2011).
is research sought to study the antioxidant activity,
phenolic content and volatile compounds of coee according to
the technique used to obtain the infusion (that is, the preparation
or type of coee). In other words, it sought to determine which
preparation technique yields coee with greater antioxidant
activity and greater phenolic contents.
2 Methodology
2.1 Obtaining the material
We worked with the Coea arabica variety Catimor from the
province of Jaén, Department of Cajamarca, Peru. Parchment
coee was purchased, and all subsequent processing was carried
out at the Coee Processing and Quality Control Laboratory
of the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de
Amazonas (UNTRM).
2.2 Experimental procedure
Parchment coee in samples loads of 140 g was roasted in an
electric induction roaster (Probat, Germany) at 170 °C and 60%
power, for 8 to 12 min depending on the extraction method. It was
grounded, sorted, sieved (15 mesh) and infusions were obtained
using ve extraction methods: espresso, V60 lter, French press,
siphon and traditional method used in Chachapoyas. en,
infusions were obtained in triplicate according to the protocol of
each technique. e antioxidant activity, total phenolic content
and volatile compounds were determined for all infusions, as
described in Figure1.
Figure 1. Summary of the experimental procedure.
Mendoza; Caetano; Quintana
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e47022, 2022 3
2.3 Coee extraction methods
Roasting and grinding conditions
e coee beans were roasted according to the requirements
of each extraction method. e roast grade for the siphon, French
press and V60 lter methods was medium roast (n° 95); for
espresso it was medium dark (n° 75) and for the traditional method
dark (n° 45), according to the SCAA, AGTRON classication
system. For the espresso and traditional methods, a ne grind
was performed, for the French press a coarse grind and for the
other methods a medium grind was performed (Figure2).
Espresso method
A Ruby Pro espresso machine (Quality Espresso, Spain)
was used. For each batch (long espresso cup), 10 g of roasted
coee was nely ground (level 1) in a coee mill (G3HD brand
BUNN, USA). e extraction parameters were as follows: water
temperature 95 °C, water pressure 9 bar and 30 s percolation
time, assuming an optimal ow rate of 1 mL/s.
French press
Ten grams of coarsely ground coee was weighed and placed
in an 800 mL French press coee maker, and 180 mL of hot water
(95 °C) was added. Aer 4 min, the plunger (with a metal lter
attached) was pressed, and the ltrate was immediately poured
into beakers for further analysis.
Ten grams of ground coee was placed in the lter paper-
lined funnel of a 500 mL V60 coee maker. Subsequently, 180 mL
of hot water (95 °C) was added slowly using a gooseneck kettle
until the liquid owed into the container. e ltering process
was expected to take 4 min to complete.
Japanese siphon
Ten grams of ground coee and 180 mL of water were placed
in a 500 mL extraction instrument (siphon) with an alcohol
burner, and the vacuum ltering process lasted 4 min.
Traditional method
A hundred and eighty milliliters of water were boiled in a
beaker and 10 g of medium-ground coee was added. e beaker
was immediately removed from the ame and stirred with a
stainless-steel spoon. e mixture was le to stand for 5 min
and then ltered and gauged in test tubes for later analysis.
2.4 Determination of antioxidant activity in coee beverages
The antioxidant activity was determined using two
techniques: 1) e rst one involved the uptake of the free
radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilidrazil (DPPH) and was based on
the technique developed by Brand-Williamsetal. (1995) and
adapted by Çelik & Gökmen (2018) to determine the antioxidant
activity in coee. Twenty milligrams of DPPH were weighed per
liter of methanol to obtain an absorbance of approximately 0.45.
DPPH solution (3.9 mL) was placed in glass cuvettes to measure
the initial absorbance of DPPH (A0) at a wavelength of 516 nm.
en, 100 μL of the sample extract was pipetted and placed in
the cuvette containing the DPPH solution, and the solution was
stirred. e cuvettes were le in the dark for 10 min, and then
the nal absorbance (At) was measured.
e decrease in the absorbance of the resulting solution
was measured spectrophotometrically at 516 nm (UV/VIS
Figure 2. Coee roasting degrees according to the requirements of the extraction method.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e47022, 20224
Antioxidants in different coffee beverages
spectrometer). All experiments were performed in triplicate,
and the mean values are reported. e scanning capacity was
calculated using the following equation and was expressed as
the inhibition of DPPH (Equation 1).
( ) ( )
( )
% inhibition of DPPH 1 00
A0: Absorbance of the DPPH solution, AS: Absorbance of
methanol, AT: Absorbance of the sample.
2) e second technique was the uptake of the 2,2-azino-
bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS·+) radical, as
described by Castilloetal. (2002). e Trolox standard was used
for all measurements, and the values are expressed in mMol
Trolox equivalent/L of infusion. To generate the ABTS·+ cation,
19.2 mg of 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)
was weighed and dissolved in 5 mL of distilled water to obtain
a concentration of 7 mM. en, 88 µL of 140 mM potassium
persulfate was added. e resulting solution was homogenized
and incubated at room temperature (25 °C ± 1) in the dark for
16 h. Once the ABTS·+ radical was generated, it was adjusted
with methanol to obtain an absorbance of 0.7 ± 0.1 at 754 nm.
For the analysis of the sample, 3.9 mL of ABTS+ solution was
used; 100 µL of the aqueous coee extract was added and the
solution was vigorously stirred. e sample was read immediately
in a UV/VIS spectrophotometer at 754 nm. e calibration
curve was constructed with Trolox using a range of 0 to 1.0 mM.
2.5 Total phenols content in coee beverages
e total polyphenol content was determined using the
Folin-Ciocalteu technique, following the procedure described
by Çelik & Gökmen (2018). Gallic acid was used as a standard;
10 mg of gallic acid was weighed and diluted with ultrapure
water to a volume of 100 mL to prepare the stock solution.
is solution was used to prepare the calibration curve using
the range of 0-16 mg/L gallic acid. e extract of each sample
(50 µL) was diluted in 950 µL of ultrapure water and introduced
into test tubes. Folin-Ciocalteu reagent diluted in distilled water
(1:10 v/v) in a total volume of 2.5 mL was added followed by 2 mL
of Na
(20% aqueous solution). e test tubes were le in an
oven at 50 °C for 5 min to develop the blue complex. All samples
were prepared in triplicate. Absorbance measurements were
performed using a UV/VIS spectrophotometer at a wavelength
of 765 nm.
2.6 Chromatographic conditions for the determination of
caeine in coee beverages
Caeine content was identied and quantied by high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) following the
method described by Brunettoetal. (2007), on a Hitachi-
Chromaster chromatograph, Tokyo, Japan, (LC-20AD), equipped
with a SIL-20A/HT autoinjector, a CBM-20A communication
module and a SPD-M20A diode array detector (DAD) and
UV detection was recorded at 278 nm. Separation was carried
out on a 5 µm Supelco-LiChrospher RC C-18 column (25 cm
x 4.6 mm). A methanol/water mixture (30/70 v/v) was used as
mobile phase in isocratic mode at a ow rate of 1.0 mL/min.
Caeine standard 99.9% (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) dilutions were
used for identication and quantication.
2.7 Determination of the volatile compounds prole
e volatile compounds present in the infusions were
determined using automatic injection into a gas chromatograph
(GC System 7890B) coupled with mass detector (5977B MSD)
Agilent Technologies (USA) for headspace technique (HS-GC/
MS), according to the procedure described by Rahn & Yeretzian
(2019). For each of the obtained solutions, 2 mL was placed
undiluted in 20 mL vials and hermetically sealed. A capillary
column DB-5MS UI (60 m long, 0.25 mm i.d. and 1 μm thickness)
was used to determine the volatile compounds. ree runs of
each sample were performed to reduce the measurement error.
e NIST 14.L library was used for the identication of the
2.8 Statistical data processing
Treatments were compared using analysis of variance and
Tukey’s multiple comparisons to determine statistical dierences.
3 Results and discussion
e beverages obtained from the espresso machine had
higher phenolic, antioxidant and caeine compounds, as shown
in Table1. In addition, the content of these compounds diered
for each type of beverage obtained according to previous work
(Górecki & Hallmann, 2020).
3.1 Total phenolic content of coee infusions
e coee extracted using the espresso method had the
highest phenolic content of up to two times higher than the
other methods evaluated. No signicant dierences were found
between the siphon and French press methods, which yielded
beverages with lower phenolic contents (Figure3).
e phenolic contents of the infusions obtained depend on
the extraction method, taking into account that in addition to
the dierences in the instrumental material used, each method
requires a dierent degree of roasting, which could also inuence
the amounts these compounds that are extracted (Cruzetal.,
2018; Muñozetal., 2020). erefore, the functionality of the
coee beverage is conditioned by the method used to obtain
the infusion.
3.2 Antioxidant activity of coee infusions
As expected, the highest antioxidant activity values in the
two techniques used (DPPH and ABTS) were observed for the
infusion obtained using the espresso method, which may be due
to its high capacity to extract phenolic compounds; however,
there were some dierences in the sequence (from lowest to
highest antioxidant activity) according to the free radical capture
technique used (Figures4-5). In general, we observed that the
antioxidant activity of coee is determined mainly by the ability
Mendoza; Caetano; Quintana
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e47022, 2022 5
of the infusion method to extract phenolic compounds from
roasted ground coee beans.
3.3 Volatile compounds of coee infusions
e ve evaluated methods allowed us to obtain between
11 and 18 volatile compounds from coee infusions. e espresso
and V60 methods extracted the lowest amount and diversity of
volatile compounds, while the French press, siphon and traditional
local methods yielded higher volatile contents (Table2).
Although furans and their derivatives (2-methylfuran and
3-methylfuran) are compounds that give coee pleasant aromas
(chocolate, caramel, roast), high levels of these compounds are
potentially carcinogenic (IARC Working Group on the Evaluation
of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, 2018), as are other polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons generated by roasting (Binelloetal., 2021).
Recent studies have shown that the amounts of these compounds
depend on the degree of roasting and the extraction method
used (Rahn & Yeretzian, 2019) In our study, these compounds
were not detected in the infusions obtained using the espresso,
siphon and French press methods.
e infusion obtained in an espresso machine has the
fewest aromatic volatile compounds and pyridine, an unwanted
compound in coee that causes a putreed, shy odor, was not
detected (Pereiraetal., 2019; Liuetal., 2019; Rahn & Yeretzian,
2019); thus, along the French press method, the espresso method
yields less aromatic but cleaner infusions. In comparison, the lter
methods extracted and preserved a greater number of desirable
aromatic volatile compounds and also was detected pyridine.
erefore, it will be important to research more deeply the
trade-o between beverage with complex aromatic compounds
and the presence of undesirable volatile organic compounds.
Coee infusions obtained using dierent extraction methods
dier in phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity and the volatile
compounds responsible for the aroma, since each depends on
a specic degree of roasting, degree of grinding (particle size)
and instrument (Vivoetal., 2019).
erefore, the method by which coee infusion is obtained
directly inuences the extraction of compounds that confer
functional activity and sensory quality (Cordobaetal., 2020).
3.4 Caeine content of coee infusions
e coee obtained in the espresso machine (Figure6) had
a higher caeine content (58 mg/50 mL) than that obtained by
Tab le 1. Total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS) and caeine content (CC) of coee infusions.
Extraction method TPC GAE (mg/g) DPPH (mmol TE/L) ABTS (mmol TE/L) CC (mg/50mL)*
Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD
Espresso 73.275 a 4.423 1587.7 a 29.5 22.606 a 0.183 58.70 a 3.234
French press 32.646 d 0.910 628.9 c 37.7 10.644 d 0.070 34.90 c 4.374
V60 36.873 c 1.247 810.6 b 12.6 11.494 b 0.055 42.53 bc 0.407
Siphon 30.542 d 1.501 829.9 b 10.7 11.431 b 0.033 43.40 b 2.827
Traditional 43.944 b 0.662 584.4 c 4.51 11.009 c 0.071 45.90 b 2.580
*Dierent letters indicate statistically signicant dierences (p < 0.05). SD: standard deviation (n = 3).
Figure 3. Total phenolic content of coee infusions according to the
extraction method. Dierent letters indicate statistically dierent
groups (p<0.05; n=3).
Figure 4. Capture of the free radical DPPH by coee infusions obtained
using dierent methods. Dierent letters indicate statistically dierent
groups (p<0.05; n=3).
Figure 5. Capture of the free radical ABTS by coee infusions obtained
by dierent methods. Dierent letters indicate statistically dierent
groups (p<0.05; n=3).
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 42, e47022, 20226
Antioxidants in different coffee beverages
the other techniques, whose values are statistically equal (p <
0.05). e values obtained are lower than those reported by other
studies (Hutachoketal., 2021; Passosetal., 2021), which could
be due to the fact that we worked with the coee beverage, as
opposed to previous studies that used extracts to recover the
highest caeine content.
4 Conclusion
e extraction method that provided the coee infusions
with the most antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and
caeine content was espresso; however, this coee had the fewest
aromatic volatile compounds.
Tab le 2. Composition of the volatile fraction of coee infusions obtained by ve extraction methods.
Name RT Espresso French
press Siphon Traditional V60 Characteristic smell
Dimethyl ether 4.446 ND 0.79% 1.79% 1.53% ND ---
Acetone 4.644 ND 1.17% ND ND ND ---
Diazene, dimethyl- 4.838 ND ND 2.04% 1.93% 2.44% ---
Propene 5.624 ND 0.78% ND ND ND ---
2-butanone 5.636 ND 1.30% 1.78% 0.56% ND Ethereal, fruity,
Propane, 2-nitro- 5.641 ND 2.67% ND 1.21% ND ---
Propanal, 2-methyl- 5.649 1.86% ND ND ND 1.29% Roasted, dark chocolate,
fruity, malta.
Acetic anhydride 5.651 ND 1.26% ND ND ND Vinegar.
Acetic acid 5.804 0.91% 0.57% 0.82% 0.51% 0.48% Sour, organic acidc.
2,3-butanedione 6.001 1.65% 0.73% 1.15% ND ND Butter, creamy, fatty, oily,
sweet, vanillaa.
Furan, 3-methyl- 6.272 ND ND ND 0.73% ND ---
Furan, 2-methyl- 6.286 ND 0.44% 0.53% 0.54% ND Burned, chocolate,
Oxirane, trimethyl- 7.192 ND ND ND ND 0.97% ---
Pentanal 7.194 1.46% 1.89% 2.15% ND ND ---
Succindialdehyde 7.198 ND ND ND 1.60% ND ---
Butanal, 3-methyl- 7.201 ND 1.80% ND 1.65% 1.34% Fruity, almonds, ethereal,
Diazene, bis (1,1-dimethylethyl)- 7.280 0.66% ND ND ND 2.10% ---
di-tert-butyl dicarbonate 7.360 ND ND 3.85% ND ND ---
Propane, 2-methyl-1-nitro- 7.360 ND 3.15% ND ND ND ---
Butanal, 2-methyl- 7.365 2.08% 2.29% 3.33% 2.76% ND Toasted bread, roasted
peanuts, and roasted
Neopentane 7.370 ND ND ND 2.72% 1.18% ---
Propanal, 2,2-dimethyl- 7.371 ND 1.32% ND ND ND ---
2-furancarboxaldehyde, 5-methyl- 7.796 ND ND ND 0.97% ND ---
2,3-Pentanedione 7.798 2.17% 1.31% 2.27% 0.94% 0.97% Butter, caramel, creamy,
penetrating, sweeta.
Pyridine 8.981 ND ND 0.83% 0.61% 0.88% Rotten shy smella.
3(2H)-furanone, dihydro-2-methyl- 10.113 0.62% ND 0.55% ND ND Sweet, bread, butter, nutsa.
Furfural 10.672 1.81% 2.69% 3.41% 1.18% 1.85% Almonds, sweet, bread,
3-furaldehyde 10.679 3.40% 2.17% 3.25% 1.66% 2.03% Honey, oral.
Methylenecyclopropanecarboxylic acid 10.952 ND ND 0.77% ND ND ---
2,5-dimethylpyrimidine 12.209 ND ND 0.42% ND ND ---
2-furancarboxaldehyde, 5-methyl- 13.231 0.71% 0.52% 0.85% 0.50% 0.63% Sweet spice, caramelized,
2-furanmethanol, acetate 13.581 ND ND 0.53% ND ND Onion, garlic, sulfurous,
spicy, vegetablea.
Other unidentied 82.67% 73.15% 69.68% 78.40% 83.84%
Number of volatile compounds 11 18 18 17 12
ND: not detected.; RT: Retention time. aYeretzian, 2017. bYeretzianetal., 2019. cLiuetal., 2019. dPereiraetal., 2019.
Figure 6. Caeine content of coee infusions obtained by dierent methods.
Dierent letters indicate statistically dierent groups (p<0.05; n=3).
Mendoza; Caetano; Quintana
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... The coffee cultivation areas are situated along the eastern slopes of the Andes, positioned at elevations between 1200 and 2000 m above sea level. Currently, 47% of national production comes from the Amazonas and San Martin regions [1]. ...
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This study aims to understand the risks posed by metals in Peruvian coffee plantations to human health and environmental integrity, ensuring the protection of local communities and the ecosystems reliant on this agricultural activity. To assess the contamination levels, arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and lead (Pb) were surveyed in the soil, roots, and parchment coffee beans cultivated in Amazonas and San Martin regions, using both conventional and organic cultivation. Results showed that As was the metal with the highest concentration in soil (52.37 ± 21.16 mg/kg), roots (11.27 ± 2.3 mg/kg), and coffee beans (10.19 ± 1.69 mg/kg), followed by Cr in soil (22.36 ± 11.47 mg/kg) and roots (8.17 ± 3.85 mg/kg) and Pb in beans (0.7 ± 0.05 mg/kg). Cd was only detected in soil (1.70 ± 1.73 mg/kg). The bioaccumulation (BAF) findings suggest that roots and coffee beans have a low capacity to accumulate As, Cd, Ni, and Pb, but they have the potential capacity to accumulate Cr. The translocation factor (TF) indicated that all values were less than one, except for As from San Martin in conventional and organic cultivation. The geo-accumulation index (Igeo) showed that the soil was unpolluted for Cr, Ni, and Pb but was polluted to different extents for As and Cd. Similarly, the ecological risk (ER) pointed to a low risk for Cr, Ni, and Pb and values from low to considered risk for As and Cd depending on the region and cultivation system. Hazard index (adults: 1.68 × 10−3, children: 9.26 × 10−3) and cancer risk (adults: 1.84 × 10−7, children: 2.51 × 10−7) indicated a low risk for humans via ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation.
... Different chemical hazards produced when cultivating, processing and storing coffee can jeopardize the consumer's health. These compounds include heavy metal(oid)s, acrylamide or mycotoxins, whose presence and potential impact on instant coffee are of growing scientific interest, especially in countries whose economic development depends directly on coffee exports [11]. The heavy metals of natural or anthropomorphic origin present in the environment enter the food chain, causing a wide range of toxic and mutagenic effects in the organism [12][13][14]. ...
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This study analysed the probabilistic risk to consumers associated with the presence of iAs, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, acrylamide (AA) and ochratoxin A (OTA) in instant coffee from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The results found iAs to be the metal with the highest concentrations (3.50 × 10−2 to 6.00 × 10−2 mg/kg), closely followed by Pb (1.70 × 10−2 to 2.70 × 10−2 mg/kg) and Cr (5.00 × 10−3 to 1.00 × 10−2 mg/kg), although these differences were not significant between countries. Cd and Hg were not detected. Focusing on AA, the concentrations ranged from 1.77 × 10−1 mg/kg (Peru) to 4.77 × 10−1 mg/kg (Brazil), while OTA ranged from 1.32 × 10−3 (Peru) to 1.77 × 10−3 mg/kg (Brazil) with significant differences between countries in both cases. As regards risk, the hazard quotient and hazard index were less than 1, meaning that the consumption of instant coffee represents a low level of concern for non-genotoxic effects. The results of the combination of margin of exposure and probability of exceedance indicated that the non-genotoxic effects of Pb, AA and OTA pose no threat. However, the probability values of suffering cancer from iAs and AA (between 1 × 10−6 and 1 × 10−4) indicated a moderate risk and that management measures should be taken.
... It is also one of the food products with the highest economic and social impact [2,3]. In Peru, the seventh largest exporter of this product worldwide and the second largest organic coffee exporter [4], coffee is the largest agricultural export and 223,482 smallholder families (≤5 hectares) are engaged in coffee production [5]. ...
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Heavy metals are chemical contaminants, toxic, potentially carcinogenic and/or mutagenic, stable, persistent and are of concern in the food chain. The risk to the consumer of the presence of inorganic arsenic (iAs), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in five varieties (Bourbon, Típica, Catimor, Caturra and Pache) of parchment coffee from five regions (Amazonas, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huánuco and San Martín) was investigated in this study. A predictive model of the stages of coffee bean hulling, roasting and infusion was built to simulate the process. The results by region showed significant differences in which San Martín had the highest iAs, Cr and Pb values. The variety was only significant for Cr, of which Pache presented the highest concentration. The Cd and Hg values were below the detection limits. The hazard index (HI) was less than 1 for iAs, Cd, Cr and Hg and the combination of margin of exposure and the probability of exceedance (MOE-POE) for Pb indicated that an adverse health effect was not likely. The cancer risk (CR) for iAs and Pb in the 95th percentile was considered as both high and acceptable, respectively.
... Coffee husk, cassava bran, and water can be made into biodegradable bio-composites (Muñoz Pabon et al., 2022). The beneficial and harmful effects of coffee on the human body have been carefully studied and daily intake levels have been recommended to ensure good health (Chavez et al., 2022;Mostafa, 2022). ...
Coffee machines have become very popular in recent years, but their lack of functionality still requires a great deal of manual maintenance, which inevitably has many hidden dangers. Coffee machines with radio frequency identification systems (RFID) are more effective in reducing losses due to manual labor, and increasing efficiency. However, collision problems in RFID systems can seriously affect the performance of the system. In this paper, we propose a specific solution to such problems by proposing a collision-free process technology for arrayed multipoint devices. And this technique is successfully applied in a coffee machine. Through design experiments, after 10,000 repeated tests, no collision error occurred. The problem of collisions in coffee machines with RFID mechanisms has been successfully solved.
... The twenty panelists have categorized of the sample attributes as shown in Figure 2. Samples 926 and 361, in the upper-right Besides caffeine that is always found in coffee by various extraction methods (Chavez et al., 2022;Mostafa, 2022), trigonelline, the N-methylpyridinium-3-carboxylate, is also found in higher levels in Arabica coffee compared to Robusta (Sunarharum et al., 2014). According to Oestreich-Janzen (2010), trigonelline plays an important role in coffee's aroma. ...
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The increasing enthusiasm for single-origin coffee consumption creates a challenge regarding identification of its traceabilitThis study is the early stage for identifying the single-origin footprint that allow consumer detected the specific attribute. Thstudy determines the dominant sensory attributes of eight commercial single-origin organic coffees using projective mappin(Napping®). The responses of 20 naive panelists who evaluated samples with a home-use test (HUT) were analyzed. The resultshowed that all samples had a unique dominant attribute determined by aroma, flavor, aftertaste, body, and acidity. Samplewith aroma sweet and floral, flavor of sweet and nutty is most preferable. Most of the panelist prefer light medium in aciditand light for body as well as bitter and sour for aftertaste. This study was able to identify specific groups of attributes based oits origin of location. However, this study unable to identify original factor how the attribute was differs. The mapping of thesattributes may be used to further study the coffee’s traceability. © 2023, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved.
... As shown in Figure 2b-2c, TN content increased from 3.83% (T1) to 5.05% (T2) and 4.59% (T3), while alkaloid content increased from 4.62% (T1) to 5.90% (T2) and 5.11% (T3). According to previous reports, abundant caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine could be found in coffee and cocoa, which could be converted to various aroma components of furan and pyrazine (Mejía et al., 2021;Mostafa, 2022;Chavez et al., 2022). Therefore, the enrichment of alkaloid in CTLs fermented with coffee and cocoa would promote the improvement of aroma quantity. ...
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Exogenous additives applied for cigar tobacco leaves fermentation played an important role in sensory quality of cigar. In this study, effects of additives including coffee and cocoa on the quality of cigar tobacco leaves were explored. The changes of sensory quality, conventional chemical components, nonvolatile organic acids, and aroma compositions in tobacco leaves were studied. Results showed that the richness, mellowness and matureness of aroma, as well as the fluentness and sweetness of smoke in cigar were improved with the introduction of coffee or cocoa. According to chemical composition analysis, fermentation with coffee or cocoa increased the contents of alkaloids and sugar in tobacco leaves, which endowed the tobacco a relatively good performance on the sweetness and aroma richness. Besides, the decrease of citric acid, as well as the increase of saturated fatty acid and aroma components were found with additives, which was beneficial to improve the mellowness and aroma richness of cigar. It was suggested that coffee and cocoa exhibited positive effects on the chemical composition, especially increased the contents of sugar, saturated fatty acids and aromatic components, thus improving the sensory quality of tobacco leaves. © 2023, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved.
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Purpose: This work aimed to conduct chemical characterization, assess antioxidant activity, and quantify phenolic compounds in Amazonian Robusta Coffee beverages prepared using diverse roasting degrees and extraction methods. Theoretical Framework: Coffee is globally consumed and holds substantial importance as a commodity. Its chemical composition and biological activity of coffee are influenced by several factors, such as cultivar, roasting degree and brewing method. Methods: Amazonian Robusta Coffee beverages were prepared using diverse roasting degrees and extraction methods (Hario V60, French press and Cold Brew). Characterization was conducted to physicochemical analysis (color parameters, browning index, pH, Brix and total dissolved solids), total phenolic compounds (Folin-Ciocalteu method) and antioxidant activity (FRAP, DPPH, ABTS+ and ORAC assays). Results and Conclusions: Hario V60 beverage demonstrated the highest levels of total phenolic compounds (+50%) and antioxidant activity (+40%) across all roast levels (p<0.01), with significantly increased concentrations of total dissolved solids and phenolic compounds compared to French Press and Cold Brew. This enhanced extraction efficiency is likely due to greater surface area exposure and the percolation method. In contrast, Cold Brew exhibited higher a*, b* and Browning Index values (p<0.05), indicating more intense colors from prolonged extraction and greater melanoidin solubilization. Research Implications: This work showed the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Amazonian Robusta coffee beverages and their potential application for sustainable production. Originality/Value: No previous study has assessed the antioxidant potential, phenolic content and physicochemical characterization of Amazonian Robusta coffee beverages.
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Gene editing technologies have opened up the possibility of manipulating the genome of any organism in a predicted way. CRISPR technology is the most used genome editing tool and, in agriculture, it has allowed the expansion of possibilities in plant biotechnology, such as gene knockout or knock-in, transcriptional regulation, epigenetic modification, base editing, RNA editing, prime editing, and nucleic acid probing or detection. This technology mostly depends on in vitro tissue culture and genetic transformation/transfection protocols, which sometimes become the major challenges for its application in different crops. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, biolistics, plasmid or RNP (ribonucleoprotein) transfection of protoplasts are some of the commonly used CRISPR delivery methods, but they depend on the genotype and target gene for efficient editing. The choice of the CRISPR system (Cas9, Cas12), CRISPR mechanism (plasmid or RNP) and transfection technique (Agrobacterium spp., PEG solution, lipofection) directly impacts the transformation efficiency and/or editing rate. Besides, CRISPR/Cas technology has made countries rethink regulatory frameworks concerning genetically modified organisms and flexibilize regulatory obstacles for edited plants. Here we present an overview of the state-of-the-art of CRISPR technology applied to three important crops worldwide (citrus, coffee and sugarcane), considering the biological, methodological, and regulatory aspects of its application. In addition, we provide perspectives on recently developed CRISPR tools and promising applications for each of these crops, thus highlighting the usefulness of gene editing to develop novel cultivars.
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Abstract Mırra is a coffee beverage widely consumed in Syria and Turkey, and often produced from roasted and ground coffee beans. Recently, it is prepared from classical instant coffee. In this study, some physicochemical, bioactive and sensory properties of Mırra samples were determined. The average viscosity, °Brix, HMF, total phenolic content, DPPH and ABTS values were 1.36 cP, 3.70, 71.60 mg/L, 3431.55 mg GA eq./L, 6.24 mmol Trol. eq./mL and 35.23 mmol Trol. eq./mL for Mırra samples made by traditional process, and 4.85 cP, 16.36, 303.3 mg/L, 11276.47 mg GA eq./L, 23.89 mmol Trol. eq./mL and 89.70 mmol Trol. eq./mL for Mırra samples made with classic instant coffee, respectively. All Mırra samples also contained high levels of caffeine (1416.93 - 4347.46 mg/L). Chlorogenic acid, 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid and trans-5-O-caffeoylquinic acid were identified in Mırra samples. Total chlorogenic acid contents of Mırra samples were ranged from 1097.85 to 5283.21 mg/L. In all sensory parameters, Mırras with °Brix value over 5.75 had high scores. Results show that Mırra has high antioxidant activity. However, Mırra consumption may have negative health effects for risk groups due to the high caffeine content.
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Globally, tea, coffee, soft and energy drinks are daily consumed as a source of caffeine. Energy drinks gained a great public and scientific issues, thus this study assessed the caffeine content in some caffeine-containing beverages. Given the increasing demand for newly formulated healthy drinks, the date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Siwi) was used to develop a fruit-energy drink as an alternative for the energy drinks. Results displayed that the coffee addition even to 80 mg/250 mL, did not significantly altered the acidity of the final developed drink. It contained rapidly metabolized sugars of 27.86 g/250 mL without added sugar and was slightly neutral (pH = 6.04). The sensory assessment revealed that the added coffee (up to 320 mg/L) enhanced its aroma and taste but negatively affected the color. The high naturally occurring vitamins and minerals content and the gross energy; made this drink a super energy drink to fulfill the needs of athletes. Some of the tested local caffeine-containing beverages contained caffeine higher than those mentioned on the product label. On the other side, Turkish coffee brews contained 1.99-9.46 mg/g and the instant coffees had provided the highest ever caffeine (24.71 mg/g), such that their daily consumption should be alarmed.
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Coffee brews have High Molecular Weight (HMW) compounds with described immunostimulatory activity, namely polysaccharides and melanoidins. Melanoidins are formed during roasting and are modified during brews technological processing. In addition, brews have Low Molecular Weight (LMW) compounds, namely free chlorogenic acids and caffeine, with well-known anti-inflammatory properties. However, this study shows that both espresso and instant coffee brews did not present immunostimulatory neither anti-inflammatory in vitro activities. It is possible that the simultaneous existence of compounds with antagonistic effects can mitigate their individual effects. To test this hypothesis, an ultrafiltration separation process was applied, studying the behavior of coffee brews’ HMW on retention of LMW compounds. Several ultrafiltration sequential cycles were required to separate retentates from LMW compounds, suggesting their retention. This effect was higher in instant coffee, attributed to its initial higher carbohydrate content when compared to espresso. Separation of HMW and LMW compounds boosted their immunostimulatory (6.2–7.8 µM nitrites) and anti-inflammatory (LPS induced nitrite production decrease by 36–31%) in vitro activities, respectively. As coffee anti-inflammatory compounds are expected to be first absorbed during digestion, a potential in vivo fractionation of LMW and HMW compounds can promote health relevant effects after coffee intake.
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Coffee is rich in caffeine (CF), chlorogenic acid (CGA) and phenolics. Differing types of coffee beverages and brewing procedures may result in differences in total phenolic contents (TPC) and biological activities. Inflammation and increases of platelet activation and aggregation can lead to thrombosis. We focused on determining the chemical composition, antioxidant activity and inhibitory effects on agonist-induced platelet aggregation and cyclooxygenase (COX) of coffee beverages in relation to their preparation method. We prepared instant coffee and brewed coffee beverages using drip, espresso, and boiling techniques. Coffee extracts were assayed for their CF and CGA contents using HPLC, TPC using colorimetry, platelet aggregation with an aggregometer, and COX activity using ELISA. The findings have shown all coffee extracts, except the decaffeinated types, contained nearly equal amounts of CF, CGA, and TPC. Inhibitory effects of coffee extracts on platelet aggregation differed depending on the activation pathways induced by different agonists. All espresso, drip and boiled coffee extracts caused dose dependent inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by ADP, collagen, epinephrine, and arachidonic acid (ARA). The most marked inhibition was seen at low doses of collagen or ARA. Espresso and drip extracts inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation more than purified caffeine or CGA. Espresso, boiled and drip coffee extracts were also a more potent inhibitors of COX-1 and COX-2 than purified caffeine or CGA. We conclude that inhibition of platelet aggregation and COX-1 and COX-2 may contribute to anti-platelet and anti-inflammatory effects of espresso and drip coffee extracts.
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Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. The high production and health properties of coffee make it one of the best among daily drinks. Coffee is wrongly identified as only a stimulant because of its caffeine content. On the other hand, coffee is one of the best sources of other bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. Organic coffee is produced without artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Not only the high quality of beans but also roasting and brewing times guarantee the best taste and quality of coffee beverages. The aim of the present experiment was to determine the best level of roasting and brewing time for organic and conventional coffee. The experiment was carried out with Peru coffee beans from organic and conventional farms. The contents of caffeine and bioactive compounds were measured in different roasted and brewed coffee drinks. The obtained results showed that the conventional coffee contained significantly more caffeine, total flavonoids, and quercetin derivatives than the organic coffee. On the other hand, the organic coffee was characterized by a higher level of almost all bioactive compounds. The best level of roasting was determined to be medium, and the optimal brewing time was 3 minutes.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered to be potentially genotoxic and carcinogenic in humans. These ubiquitous environmental pollutants may derive from the incomplete combustion and pyrolysis of organic matter. Coffee is an extensively consumed drink, and its PAHs contamination is not only ascribed to environmental pollution, but mainly to the roasting processes. Although no fixed limits have yet been set for residual PAHs in coffee, the present review intends to summarise and discuss the knowledge and recent advances in PAHs formation during roasting. Because coffee origin and brewing operations may affect PAHs content, we thoroughly analysed the literature on extraction and purification procedures, as well as the main analytical chromatographic methods for both coffee powders and brews. With regards to the safety of this appreciated commodity, the control on the entire production chain is desirable, because of coffee beverage could contribute to the daily human intake of PAHs.
The coffee roasting industry produces about 0.4 Mt of coffee silverskin (CSS) per year, the only residue generated from the roasting process that is mostly disposed as industrial waste. The aim of this study is to convert CSS into value-added products by intermediate pyrolysis, transforming the waste into a resource within an integrated biorefinery perspective. To this end, bio-oils and biochars from the intermediate pyrolysis of CSS at 280 °C, 400 °C and 500 °C have been studied. GC–MS analysis showed that bio-oils were composed of value-added products such as caffeine, acetic acid, pyridine and phenolics, the latter being the most interesting due to their antioxidant properties. Total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of the samples were determined through Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) and DPPH methods, revealing an increase in phenolics in bio-oils compared to CSS extract directly from the feedstock. The bio-oil with the highest phenolic content and antioxidant properties was produced at 280 °C and contained 6.09 and 3.02 mg of gallic acid equivalents /g of bio-oil determined by FC and DPPH methods, respectively. This represents a global potential of up to 487 and 242 tones of gallic acid equivalents per year, considering the FC results and DPPH respectively. The resulting 280 °C biochar presented significant calorific values (22 MJ/kg), indicating its potential use as an energy source. Hence, CSS pyrolysis converts a waste into a by-product and a resource, increasing the environmental benefits and contributing to the circular economy and bioeconomy.
Sensitivity of dsDNA structure towards OH• radicals as the pro-oxidants has been utilized as the detection principle of an analytical procedure applied for the first time to the evaluation of antioxidant activity (AOA) of 6 chlorogenic acids (CGAs) and extracts of 10 coffees. A nanostructured electrochemical DNA-based biosensor was prepared using a commercial electrode assembly and treated in the DNA cleavage agent formed by the Fenton type reaction. An addition of CGAs and aqueous coffee extracts significantly diminishes the degree of DNA degradation determined using cyclic voltammetry (CV) with the redox indicator [Fe(CN)6]3-/4-. The AOA decreases in order caffeic acid, CFA, > caffeoylquinic acids, CQAs, > dicaffeoylquinic acids, diCQAs, exhibiting the relative portion of survived DNA of about 71 %, 70 % and 69%, respectively, and of about 72 % for C. robusta, Cherry, India (green bean) to 49 % for Nescafé Espresso. Mechanisms of antioxidative properties are discussed.
This study aimed to identify the main compounds and sensory attributes found in green and roasted coffee brews. To this end, sensory analysis techniques and a sensory discrimination test were conducted, and antioxidant capacity and individual phenolic compounds were analyzed. Multivariate statistical analysis was then conducted to identify characteristic compounds and sensory attributes. Antioxidant capacity assays did not show any significant differences between green and roasted coffee brews. However, both the individual phenolic and sensory profiles of green and roasted coffee brews were significantly different. Finally, we were able to identify through multivariate analysis, the sensory attributes and phenols that characterize each type of coffee. In this sense, green coffee brews are characterized by floral, and thin aqueous flavors, whereas, roasted coffee brews are characterized by flavors of chocolate and caramel, and creamy and intense flavors.
The research of value-added applications for coffee silverskin (CSS) requires studies to investigate potential bioactive compounds and biological activities in CSS extracts. In this study, different ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE) methods have been tested to extract bioactive compounds from CSS. The obtained extracts, were characterized using a new HPLC-MS/MS method to detect and quantify 30 bioactive compounds of 2 classes: alkaloids and polyphenols (including phenolic acids, flavonoids, and secoiridoids). CSS extracts obtained with ethanol/water (70:30) as extraction solvent showed the highest levels (p ≤ 0.05) of bioactive compounds (4.01 ± 0.34 % w/w). High content of caffeine was observed with levels varying from 1.00% to 3.59% of dry weight of extract (dw). 18 phenolic compounds were detected in CSS extracts with caffeoylquinic acids (3-CQA, 5-CQA and 3,5-diCQA) as the most abundant polyphenols (3115.6 µg g⁻¹ to 5444.0 µg g⁻¹). This study is also one of the first to characterize in-depth flavonoids in CSS revealing the levels of different flavonoids compounds such as rutin (1.63 – 8.70 µg g⁻¹), quercetin (1.53 – 2.46 µg g⁻¹), kaempferol (0.76 – 1.66 µg g⁻¹) and quercitrin (0.15 – 0.51 µg g⁻¹). Neuroprotective activity of silverskin extracts against H2O2-induced damage was evaluated for the first time suggesting for methanol and ethanol/water (70:30) extracts a potential role as protective agents against neurodegeneration due to their ability to counteract oxidative stress and maintain cell viability. Silverskin extracts were not inhibiting the growth of anyone of the bacterial species included in this study but data obtained by water extract might deserve a deeper future investigation on biofilm-related activities, such as quorum sensing or virulence factors’ expression. From their composition and their evidenced biological activities, CSS extracts could represent valuable ingredients in nutraceutical formulations.