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Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language The Philosophical Origins of Modern NLP Thinking

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Abstract and Figures

Ludwig Wittgenstein's theory of language games introduced a philosophically unorthodox understanding to the meaning and the use of language. Modern natural language processing (NLP) approaches focus on context-derived models of meaning, avoidance of syntactically defined rules, and rely on large bodies of data to statistically approximate our real-world context. This paper traces the origin, development, and intersection of Wittgenstein intellectual legacy and its relevancy to NLP, assesses the ways his thoughts have influenced it, and examines how his work could be better applied in future directions of NLP.
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Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Language
The Philosophical Origins of Modern NLP Thinking
Robert Bain Andrew Festa Ga Young Lee Andy Zhang §
Ludwig Wittgenstein’s theory of language games introduced a philosophically
unorthodox understanding to the meaning and the use of language. Modern
natural language processing (NLP) approaches focus on context-derived models
of meaning, avoidance of syntactically defined rules, and rely on large bodies of
data to statistically approximate our real-world context. This paper traces the
origin, development, and intersection of Wittgenstein intellectual legacy and its
relevancy to NLP, assesses the ways his thoughts have influenced it, and examines
how his work could be better applied in future directions of NLP.
Keywords Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, Philosophy, Language games,
Language model, Context, Embedding, Natural Language Processing, Cognitive Science
1All authors contributed equally.
1 Opening Remarks
Artificial intelligence is inherently an interdisciplinary pursuit. It pulls inspiration from many
different perspectives and domains to build out models for representing knowledge and reasoning.
Computer vision draws from theoretical neuroscience as the fundamental underpinnings for
convolutional neural networks [26], and reinforcement learning builds on the early work of Ivan
Pavlov surrounding classical conditioning [42]. Natural language processing is well posed to borrow
from linguistics and language philosophy in order to enhance the capabilities of models. Many early
machine translation models in the ‘70s and ‘80s looked to linguistic frameworks, such as Chomsky’s
Universal Grammar, as inspiration for building translation models [14, 28].
Ludwig Wittgenstein was one of the major natural language philosophers of the 20th century and
is considered one of the great thinkers of his time [7]. When looking to language philosophy for a
muse, Wittgenstein stands poised to fulfill this role. However, his works were not of a sole focus or
even a sole narrative. Rather, his works are often characterized as Early or Late Wittgenstein. Early
Wittgenstein asserted meaning lay only in those things that could be succinctly stated [64]. This
philosophical view is captured in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (often referred to simply as the
Tractatus), published in 1921. Later Wittgenstein took a very different view. In his second work,
Wittgenstein argued that language was a game played to describe our thoughts and experiences to
others in a similar domain [63]. The work surrounding this view, Philosophical Investigations (PI),
was published posthumously in 1953.
This paper explores the intellectual influence of later Wittgenstein, traces their lineage from Frege
to reinforcement learning to transformers, and finds their spiritual descendants in the field of modern
natural language processing.
2 Later Wittgenstein
The ideas of later Wittgenstein are largely focused in his text, Philosophical Investigations. In
his book, Wittgenstein presents several high-level ideas that have influenced modern science and
philosophy which will be uncovered in the following subsections.
1. Context matters
2. Language games
3. Words as tools
4. Language as a form of life
5. Family resemblance
2.1 Context Matters
This idea came to Wittgenstein from Frege’s Context Principle. Wittgenstein directly mentions
Frege in 3 places in Philosophical Investigations. The first in §22-232is inconsequential to our
thesis. Then, in §49, Wittgenstein expresses that he agrees with Frege’s context principle; words do
not represent meaning by themselves. Instead, both Wittgenstein and Frege (and later discussed,
John Firth) are semantic holists, believing that the other terms surrounding a word also affect its
semantics. Paraphrasing John Searle on this idea from his talk with Bryan Magee [29], the basic
atomic unit of meaning is not the word but is instead to be found in the context of a whole sentence.
The next time Frege appears in PI is in the context of naming. Naming an object or an event is
just part of language. Suppose that we just named things and gave them straightforward mappings
2§denotes a citation to a specific section in the first part of PI
between terms and their definitions. Then you might ask, “Who cares?” Wittgenstein would agree;
we would be missing most of what constitutes language with such a myopic definition (§49). Naming
only makes sense when you take the many other forms of language into account. (§1, §5, §16, §27,
§30-31, §38, §206)
The final mention of Frege by Wittgenstein is to make a clear distinction between their
philosophies (§71). Frege rejects the utility of fuzzy bordered concepts where Wittgenstein leverages
analogies heavily when discussing family resemblance. For further intuition, Wittgenstein points out
that we deal with uncertainty all the time in language, and that a lot of common sense dictated by
cultural context seems to sneak in and make that uncertainty tractable to us (§76-79).
2.2 Language Games
The second idea of Wittgenstein’s we highlight is that of language games (sprachspiel in his original
German manuscripts). He bolsters intuition of his meaning by giving several examples of language
games: parents pointing out things and naming them with words (with the hope that their child
repeats it), giving and obeying orders, describing properties of objects, drawings conditioned on
descriptions of scenes, reporting the news, speculating on said news, crafting jokes, telling them,
etc. (§8, §16, §23, §27, §77, §206) Language games are governed by social rules. They take form in
living things, and are an inextricably social activity.
Wittgenstein likens this concept of games to an ever-growing and evolving city. For instance, the
language of math and chemistry could be seen as distinct suburbs. Each of them has old buildings,
new additions, imprecise boundaries, and its own slang (§18, §23). Language games resemble these
constantly changing dynamics. Wittgenstein thus rejects the idea that we are all striving towards
an ideal language (e.g., logical systems) that is static and universal (§81).
Thus far, we have only given a cursory explanation of what Wittgenstein meant by language
games. Later, we will circle back to further clarify this definition after introducing some necessary
tools. Wittgenstein attempted to find a satisfactory definition for over 20 years only to fail without
a clear-cut explanation. In this paper, we will investigate the fundamentals of Wittgenstein’s
philosophy around language games and distill them more succinctly in his absence.
2.3 Words as Tools
Next, we move on to introducing words as tools (e.g. hammers, screwdrivers, saws, ...) namely
called the use theory of meaning. This idea is in contrast to his earlier work in the Tractus, where
he thought that words reflect the structure of reality [64]. Instead, he argues that the literal use of
words in the real world, as a social form of life, is the true meaning of words. Using words between
people in a reasoned way gives them meaning. Words are actions in and of themselves (§11, §12, §14,
§15, §17, §19, §27). John Wisdom credited Wittgenstein as having said at a sciences club, “Don’t
ask for the meaning, ask for the use.” [62].
His utilitarian turn in semantics has been partially attributed to the reading of William James’s
Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) [31]. Nowadays these ideas tend to exemplify pragmatism,
a philosophical tradition defining terms of meaning with respect to their practical application.
2.4 Language as a Form of Life
An important concept of language games is captured in what we will refer to as language as a form of
life. This term, form of life, is brought up only three times in PI, but connects a lot of Wittgenstein’s
ideas about language together. He views the act of language as inextricably social and as a part of
The first mention of form of life in PI shows that Wittgenstein thought other philosophers
were often missing the idea that language serves our condition (§23). We should not separate the
investigation of our words and their meanings from natural human existence and everyday usage.
Context, usage, and grammar matter in understanding language. Instead, if you remove them, you
will move to a bizarre metaphysical space with little or no traction towards the real problems (§38,
2.5 Family Resemblance
The final concept to unpack is that of family resemblance. It is a tool of analogies for describing the
fuzzy borders around categories. Wittgenstein observes that language games are often unaligned
and subject to change. When comparing games, certain elements drop out, and new ones arise
arbitrarily. However, there is seemingly no underpinning attribute across them all (see Fig. 1).
Words and games are too unrelated and multifaceted to support a logical or clear-cut definition
(§65-67, §72-74). Instead, games’ and words’ meanings have likeness, which Wittgenstein refers to
as family resemblance (§10, §12, §65-67, §72-74, §130, §185). In other words, there are degrees of
belonging to a category where elements in each set share some common attributes.
Figure 1: Left: Overlap of games, demonstrating that a logical definition of language games
is difficult since there are few shared attributes (perhaps none) between all games. Right:
The later Wittgenstein thought that fuzzy borders, where family resemblance resides, was
enough for traction in language philosophy.
Words and their meanings are not set in stone. Instead, they are growing, multifaceted, and
fuzzy, requiring some inherent and unconscious similarity measure (§10, §18, §23, §69-71, §76-77,
§106). There are many different aspects that can be shared, a crisscrossed fabric of relations that
Ludwig likens to family resemblance. Some offspring might have its dad’s nose, or its mom’s eyes,
but members of a family often don’t have single unifying features. Meanings and uses of words are
similar. They can have little pockets of overlap, forming subgroups, but there might not be a single
essence that they all share.
The set of all games is one big family (i.e., category). Numbers are given as an example of a
smaller sub-concept (§10, §68). The closest thing to a common feature shared by all games in the
whole family might be how they are socially governed, contextually bounded, and subject to change
over time (§258-261, §268-269, §271).
Wittgenstein hopes to prove that not only does word context matter, but so does the social
context in which they appear. At several points in PI, he points out a philosophic tradition of
plucking words out of context and then over-analyzing them. He calls this practice “language going
on holiday” and asserts that this creates superficial problems for philosophers, and gets them lost in
a metaphysical space with no pragmatic use. We cannot stand outside of language to try and make
sense of it (§38, §107).
3 Wittgenstein’s Kinder
This section details modern ideas in AI that share a family resemblance with those of the late
3.1 Context in Natural Language Generation
Firth’s and later Wittgenstein’s definition of meaning is essentially the same [21]. Firth’s most cited
quote in NLP is, “You shall know a word by the company it keeps.” Firth invokes Wittgenstein’s
language games in the sentences preceding and following the quote [58]. This notion of context can
be traced from Frege and Malinowski to Wittgenstein and Firth [48]. Though Wittgenstein may not
have been the originator of this view of context, Wittgenstein was thorough in articulating it and
developing it into a theory of language around the notion of context mattering.
OpenAI’s GPT-3 transformer model serves as a modern exemplar of Wittgenstein’s idea that
context matters [11]. Their GPT-3 model has recently made large waves in the natural language
processing (NLP) community, building off of a tradition of unsupervised pre-training like word2vecs
[37], GLoVe [43], and other word-space models [50]. These methods rely on word meaning correlating
with statistics of word usage derived from large text corpora. Unfortunately, the length of context
is usually a fixed size, which is at odds with our intuitions of human language understanding.
GPT-3 ended up being more of a hardware success than a software one. GPT-3 is basically a
scaled up version of GPT-2. It does very well at grammar, yet its ability to reason is pointillistic [35],
as is typical of large deep neural networks (DNNs) used in NLP [6, 40].
3.2 Evolutionary Algorithms
Given that Wittgenstein’s idea that language is a form of life, there must be a way to analyze
language with the tools of evolution. Looking at culture, which encompasses language, through the
lens of evolution from the 1960s to the 1980s came to be known as dual-inheritance theory [13,65].
The conditions for natural selection outlined in Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species are as
follows [15]:
1. Individual variation
2. Variable success at reproduction
3. Heritability
This list applies to more than just genes or biological species. These conditions are intended
to detail sufficient and necessary requirements for evolution by natural selection in any medium.
One can begin to speculate if they apply to cultural ideas as well. This question prompted the
development of the primary idea behind memetics, the study of memes. At an introductory level,
memes are ideas that need human brains to live [9,17, 18,19]. In this process, memes get copied into
a variable number of other human minds (i.e., they have variable fitness), and an idea is never the
same for very long. They mutate like genes do.
Richard Dawkins was the first to coin the term, “memes” [17]. In the preface to Susan Blackmore’s
The Meme Machine, Dawkins recalls the following anecdote. He was joking around and mimicking a
style of thinking employed by one of his former students [9]. The student would put her head down
for quite a while, and then surface again after a minute or so and clearly articulate the points she had
just thought of. The listeners recognized this sequence of actions as one of Wittgenstein’s memes.
Dawkins had unknowingly been a 4th generation Wittgenstein meme replicator, even though he was
doing his interpretation in jest, the meme persisted and replicated. The resulting meme was not an
exact copy, but definitely had a strong family resemblance!
Daniel Dennett is another champion of memetics, a cognitive scientist, and one of the most
influential philosophers alive today. In his 2017 book, From Bacteria to Bach and Back [19], he
suggests that we domesticated words like we domesticated dogs, pigeons, and mustard plants. Words
probably began as inconsequential memes and could have gone unnoticed for quite some time.
Dennett mentions how babies are similarly the beneficiaries of words long before they realize what
they are.
Eventually [infants] reach a state where the words in their manifest image become
their own words, affordances that belong to their kit, like a club or a spear. . .
This is reminiscent of Wittgenstein’s pragmatic beliefs about meaning, language, and words as
tools. Darwin was also thinking about the origin of language in such terms in 1871 [16].
I cannot doubt that language owes its origin to the imitation and modification,
aided by signs and gestures, of various natural sounds, the voices of other animals,
and man’s own instinctive cries.
Darwin believed that language developed as tools to address the challenges experienced by early
hominid forms of life on their long journey to becoming human.
3.3 Reinforcement Learning Applied to Memes
To expand the notion of evolution from genes to cultures, we must ask how our preferences shaped the
evolution of our ideas. Our preferences are dictated by our goals, and a maturing field of tools for
understanding human goals is the reward system in neuroscience and psychology. Neuroscientist
Peter Dayan has been largely responsible for introducing the language games of reinforcement
learning (RL) to neuroscience. In a 1997 paper Schultz, Montague, and Dayan make the case that
the majority (55 - 80%) of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of monkey brains
encode an error signal from the RL models of Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto [53]. Their models
were developed about a decade prior and named Temporal Difference (TD) models [47]. Their work
on TD models began at least as early as 1982 [5], where they tried making a mathematical framework
to explain classical conditioning (e.g. the data collected by Pavlov’s experiments, dating back to the
1920’s [42]).
Sutton and Barto’s TD model has become quite significant in RL and AI communities nowadays,
as it served as the direct predecessor of SARSA [49], Q-Learning [60], and the critic component of
Actor-Critic methods. An actor-critic method A3C was used to train DeepMind’s AlphaGo to be
the best player as of yet at the board game Go [55].
V(t) = Eγ0r(t) +γ1r(t + 1) +γ2r(t + 2) +. . .
Equation 1. Value function from reinforcement learning.
We can use the value function from RL (see Eq. 1) to discuss the utility of our memes. The value
function takes the current timestep into the environment as input and returns how much immediate
reward and discounted future reward an optimal agent would get on average from the given starting
configuration. The discounting factor γ[0,1] controls how short sighted the agent is. As an
example, death is an apparent threat to all our values since it removes the possibility of future
rewards. Part of the success of the Abrahamic religions’ memes surely comes from the reassurance
provided by replacing eternal nothingness with an ever-loving parent. The great majority of people
are seemingly well intended. Their goals are moral, yet their memes are poor heuristics with respect
to their underlying values. The price we pay for comfort is often ignorance.
3.4 Sapiens Memed Best
Yuval Harari’s book, Sapiens [23], offers further insight into the usefulness that fictitious memes
might have played in our evolution. Language is often thought to have evolved to communicate
accurate and pragmatic information among individuals, including gossip. Models of gossip suggest
that it enables group sizes not much larger than 150 people [56], yet many humans today go well
beyond that when associating themselves with any of the hundreds of millions of people in their
nation that they will never meet. There had to be something more and new that allowed further
cooperation among conspecifics. Harari postulates that it was imagined beliefs that made all of the
difference between Homo sapien’s first failed effort at combating neanderthals 100,000 years ago and
their success only 30,000 years later (a blink of an eye in evolutionary timescales).
The success is speculated by Harari to have come from a cognitive revolution that began up to
70,000 years ago. The invention of tools, fire, and an ever-expanding neocortex enabled Homo sapiens
to revise its behaviour rapidly via (in this paper’s terms) meme selection. Cultural evolution’s rate
of change far outpaces that of genetic evolution. With it, Homo sapiens quickly became the most
effective cooperators on the planet. This enabled success on sapien’s second venture north into
Neanderthal territory.
In a one-on-one brawl, a Neanderthal would probably have beaten a Sapiens. But in a
conflict of hundreds, Neanderthals wouldn’t stand a chance. Neanderthals could share
information about the whereabouts of lions, but they probably could not tell stories
about tribal spirits. Without an ability to compose fiction, Neanderthals were unable
to cooperate effectively in large numbers, nor could they adapt their social behaviour to
rapidly changing challenges.
—Yuval Harari in Sapiens
3.5 Language, Analogies, and Neuroscience
The first chapter of Douglas Hofstadter and Emmanuel Sander’s book Surfaces and Essences is all
about theories of concepts and categories in language, of which they attributes modern conceptions
to later Wittgenstein [34]. They also briefly cover the long history of analogy usage in philosophy.
Plato and Aristotle liked the idea of using analogies, but did warn about it being a slippery slope
(amusing considering Wittgenstein thought much of philosophy was tractionless without them).
Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche were both adamant supporters of analogies. Empiricists and
positivists traditionally admonish them (e.g., Thomas Hobbes and John Locke). Hobbes unironically
used metaphors when denouncing their usefulness. A more recent exploration of analogy usage is
Hofstadter’s and his previous Ph.D. student Melanie Mitchell’s Copycat [24], a model of analogy
making and human cognition. Hofstadter is perhaps more famous for introducing many people to
the field of AI through his 1979 book odel, Escher, Bach and for asserting that analogy is the core
of cognition [25].
One of humanity’s most celebrated thinkers, physicist Roger Penrose, also has theories about
cognition. He believes that it involves quantum mechanical (QM) effects in mitotic cell division.
Much of QM is not known, assuredly even to Penrose, and he knew even less about the biology of
mitosis he referenced, and even less about cognition. Penrose appealed to ignorance, while at the
same time reaching for his golden memes (i.e golden hammer: everything looks like a nail if you have
a hammer) in an attempt to fill in gaps of understanding. As more and more fields develop their
suburbs of language games to describe cognition, we should feel progress from all sides. The heavily
interdisciplinary field of neuroscience seems to be the arena where this is happening today with
language. The uncertainty surrounding measuring memes, language meaning, and understanding
the human ability to incessantly make analogies underscores the importance of future inquiries into
their respective neural substrates.
3.6 New Memes Still Required
Perhaps Wittgenstein made a similar move to Penrose’s when employing analogies. They are not
understood at a satisfactory level and can afford fallacies, yet were offered as a tool for philosophical
problems. Is that not passing the problem off to someone else such as Mitchell, Hofstadter, or
us? Perhaps we also used analogies in a philosophical context too judiciously by tying these ideas
together under the guise of family resemblance.
Modern approaches to NLP put the onus on the data and hardware used to train the model. The
datasets are required to be fully encompassing, and the hardware is simply scaled up. Yet, they are
only so capable. There is seemingly a gap between its ability to model language and the desired
behavior we would expect of such a model. That is, there comes a point where simply throwing more
resources at a problem is insufficient to yield significant results. For example, GPT-3 was just a
scaled up version of GPT-2, but required a demoralizing amount of compute and energy considering
the improvement in the results [11]. Deep RL is similar in that it is often wasteful and over-hyped.
Since Deep RL agents adopt all of the problems of DNNs, they have narrow intelligence and cannot
generalize outside the training distribution, or effectively leverage previous tasks’ training when
learning new ones [20, 51, 45, 1]. DNNs are already data wasteful, adding RL just compounds that
wastefulness [46]. E.g. AlphaStar took 600,000 years of in-game self-play to train, and it still was
not the best player at StarCraft [59].
We should aim to create machine intelligence more efficiently than biological intelligence was
found via evolution, testing trillions and trillions of policies in parallel over astronomical timescales.
In the age of climate change, as entropy becomes more and more scarce, the value of compute will
only continue to climb.
While Wittgenstein definitely left an impressive mark on many fields through his strange inversions
of reasoning, his spiritual decedents in modern AI still leave much room for improvement.
4 Wittgenstein’s Presence in NLP
4.1 A Wittgensteinian View of Language
Wittgenstein’s theories reveal useful insights about how to approach language, not just philosophy.
Wittgenstein’s theory of language encompasses a way of thinking about language, as opposed to a
set of concrete techniques, so it is more valuable to think of what a Wittgensteinian approach to
thinking about language looks like. Some principles that could fit into this are as follows:
Language derives its meaning from its usage and context
Language uses are irreducibly complex
The flexibility of language usage makes it unamenable to rules
These Wittgenstein characteristics are present in varying ways in the modern field, but were not the
dominant approach until the latter part of the 20 century. A brief history of the field is useful in
understanding this change.
4.2 Historical Background
It is important to contextualize Wittgenstein’s way of thinking about language, and to contrast it
with some major trends in NLP during the early 20th century.
Intellectually, linguistics were powerfully influenced by structuralism, the belief that a component
could be broken into constituent components, or that there was a fundamental structure to language
independent of experience [38]. These views are counter to Wittgenstein’s later views which
emphasized the importance of language learning from experience. On the engineering side, it’s
probable that scientists were encouraged too much by the success of cryptography and code-breaking,
and likewise sought a rule-based approach to tackle translation. In a 1947 letter, American scientist
Warren Weaver wrote [61].
When I look at an article in Russian, I say: ‘This is really written in English, but
it has been coded in some strange symbols. I will now proceed to decode.’
Early approaches sought to expand the relatively rule-friendly field of cryptography to natural
languages [61]. The 1954 Georgetown-IBM experiment demonstrated Russian-English translation
on an IBM 701, based on only six rules [27]. This model was based on several fundamental
logical rules, and its output was limited to a carefully selected corpus. Its creators claimed
that machine translation would be solved within a decade, but the following half-century was
defined by gradual progress based on the proliferation of various, reductive-rules. For a while,
new models continued demonstrating modest improvements, but on the whole they still struggled
with homonyms, polysemy, ambiguity, and idioms. Machines continued to appear a long ways away
from human understanding.
4.3 The Paradigm Shift: Rules to Context
The shift towards context began in earnest during the 1980s, with the introduction of Statistical
Machine Learning (SMT) which applied probabilistic methods over large bodies of text in the absence
of a large set of handwritten syntactic rules [39]. IBM was one of the early adopters of SMT, and used
it to great success in machine translation [10]. This was followed by Neural Machine Learning (NMT),
introduced to the world in 2011, based on an recurrent neural network (RNN) framework [52].
Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT), introduced in 2016, was Google’s first switch from
SMT to NMT. It considers entire sentences as input rather than decomposing them into their
constituent parts [30]. As of 2020, the original GNMT model has been replaced by a updated
version with a transformer encoder and decoder, as well as incorporating web crawl and noise
modeling. These changes further improve translation tasks of both high-resource and low-resource
languages [12].
In addition to running into practical limitations with rule-based machine learning, the shift to
context is in part owed to the titanic improvements in computational power and Big Data in the
21st century. Machine learning is computationally demanding and requires large amounts of data,
prerequisites that simply did not exist in the mid-20th century. In some sense, the digital realm
advanced to the point that it can better simulate the type of real-life context that Wittgenstein
There are inherent limits to a rules-based approach. The wisdom of the last half-century has
demonstrated that contrary to intuition and scholarship, a context based-approach (or even a model
without syntactic rules) outperforms a traditional rules-based approach.
None of this discredits the alternative theories, but it does demonstrate that when it comes to
NLP, Wittgenstein’s view, typified by his works and the works of his intellectual descendants, has
been more pivotal.
4.4 The Current State of the Field
Modern NLP has borrowed Wittgenstein’s view that a word’s meaning lies in its use rather than
seeking a universally true rule. The field has moved away from reductionist, syntactical formulations
of language, towards context-driven NLP tools. This is partly a response to the limited success of
aforementioned approaches.
Context is everywhere in NLP. word2vec applies distributional semantics to infer word meanings
based on embeddings [37]. attentions assigns emphasis to word vectors in a corpus-based on context
[4]. These are all examples of the momentum in that context. Models no longer treat words in
isolation but instead consider them within the context of entire bodies of text.
Another area in which NLP has moved towards Wittgenstein is its embracing of Big Data.
Hardware improvements and the Internet have resolved the lack of compute and digital text that has
that stymied the field for years. Now, models can be tested on billions of documents and process just
as many parameters. Vendors such as Google Translate and Voice Assistants, rely on a large-base
of user-analytics to further improve (”contextualize,” if we are speaking in Wittgensteinian terms)
and improve upon their pre-existing models.
Wittgenstein’s ideas have their direct descendants in modern context-based techniques such as
word2vec and Attention, but in addition to these concrete influences, there exists a distinctively
Wittgenstein-ian way of thinking about language that is pervasive in the field of modern NLP, which
has reasserted itself.
5 Context-driven NLP Techniques
5.1 Moving Away from Definition to Inference
There are some areas where modern approaches fall short of Wittgenstein’s ideals. For example,
Wittgenstein’s view of context is situational, whereas modern NLP techniques primarily rely on
textual context. NLP models infer meaning and relationships mainly based on what is knowable in
the text, a more limited definition to the variety of different types of context through which language
learning and use takes place. This is not critical to just improving the state of art NLP models, but
also to address social issues such as bias [54].
(a) (b)
Figure 2: a) A regular transformer layer. b) ViLBERT’s co-attention layer. Note that the
stack on the right is processing visual information, but the attention is guided by processing
from the textual context (and vice versa). Figure adopted from [33]
A recent trend in the literature is emerging of using multiple modalities, and thus conditioning
on more than just textual context. A prime example is ViLBERT [33], a variant of BERT that
pretrained on visual captioning and is then fine-tuned for a variety of downstream tasks. It
takes as input both text and image context. Separate transformer layers process them, but they
are combined cleverly through a co-attention transformer layer. Here, the two different modal
transformer backbones swap information in the form of key-value pairs (but not query vectors),
allowing image-conditioned language attention in the visual backbone and language-conditioned
image attention in the text backbone. Pretraining on 3.1 million image and caption pairs, and then
fine-tuning on specific tasks allowed them to achieve state-of-the-art performance on visual question
answering, visual commonsense reasoning, referring expressions, and caption-based image retrieval
datasets. Thus, more context beyond textual is proving useful in modern NLP.
5.2 Temporal Logic as a Basis of Language Game
The latest NLP techniques consider varying degrees of textual context, but Wittgenstein’s view
of context is broader, encompassing cultural norms and physical situations. While written and
spoken language reveal important aspects of human intelligence and communications, even humans
sometimes struggle to understand when dissociated from a particular physical context.
Temporal probabilistic distribution of words matters because each word is represented in a single
vector that considers the frequency of appearance regardless of the neighboring words. Therefore, the
sequence of events is essential in deciphering the meaning of context. Depending on the surrounding
text, a word’s meaning can change significantly. Polysemy is a characteristic of words that can
have multiple meanings and functions in a sentence when placed with other words [41]. Example 1
demonstrates this edge case of language.
Figure 3: Left: (context2vec architecture) bidirectional LSTM and cloze prediction
objective, Right: (context2vec embedding rules) c2c: relationship between context and
context. t2c: relationship between text and context. t2t : relationship between text and
text. Figures from [36].
f(play|The kids play a game in the park.)
f(play|The Broadway play premiered yesterday.)
Equation 2. Distributed vector representation fails to consider different meanings of play
In Eq. 2, play followed by a game is a verb while the same word preceding premiered is
a noun describing theatrical art. Such examples of polysemy illustrate the importance of
considering temporal logic in defining language games. As a way to incorporate temporal
logic, event extractions methods show a promising result in connecting relevant word
entities to identify hidden or implied information that is not explicit in the text [22].
5.3 knowledge graph (KG) to Represent Facts About the World
KG for Encoding Common Sense: However, event extractions is not widely applicable
as the amount of information to feed the encoder can exponentially grow as there is an
infinite number of events that can occur sequentially. Therefore, there is a clear need to
distill the casualty and represent the relations efficiently.
Knowledge graph (KG) can offer a solution. KG is useful for representing complex
information that entails lots of relations in a simplified and elegant form [2]. KG’s are
regular models that incorporate contextual information into a model. This approach
augments inference ability by teaching the relationships between entities rather than
teaching individual entities [57]. In Figure 4, World-Knowledge Base is encoded in the
feature input to enrich the descriptiveness of implicit and explicit information to improve
prediction accuracy.
Figure 4: The relevant world knowledge for the task χwaugments feature existing
knowledge χto improve the final prediction, Y. Figure taken from [3].
KG Applied to CNN: One of the most promising breakthroughs in the use of KG in
language models is KG applied convolution-based entity and relation vector relations [3]. In
this model, the entity relationships about general knowledge about the world are represented
in a graph format to be used for training CNN with pooling [32]. With the K-Nearest
Neighbor algorithm, CNN is able to identify clusters of closely related entities [8], which
effectively removes the redundancies in processing the whole text corpus. In Figure 5, the
mechanism of adding KG into CNN is illustrated. This clustering method is effective for
reducing the attention space by learning the representation of similar entities or relation
vectors and focusing on them using reduced search space.
Figure 5: Convolution model cluster application. This figure is originally from [3].
KG Applied to Pre-trained LM: Pre-trained language representation models, such
as BERT capture a general language representation from large-scale corpora, but it is
significantly lacking in the ability to infer domain-specific knowledge. When handling a
domain-specific text, experts leverage their prior knowledge to make inferences. A novel
method to inject KG into a pre-trained model is recommended to enable machines to
accomplish this. However, too much knowledge incorporation may divert the sentence
from its correct meaning, which is called knowledge noise (KN) issue. This phenomenon is
different from a conventional idea of noise as dirty data such as erroneous or missing values
in databases [44]. K-BERT suggests a framework to use a visual matrix to limit and control
the impact of knowledge injected and set a soft position to overcome KN. Another benefit
of K-BERT is that it can augment specific domain knowledge into the model without pre-
training, which reduces the time required for running the model. This enhanced capability
to load parameters is from the pre-trained BERT.
6 Closing Remarks
Throughout Wittgenstein’s life, he interacted with numerous philosophers, linguists,
and scientists across disciplines, and challenged the traditional notions of language and
conceptual systems. He coined novel concepts such as language games, family resemblance,
and words as tools during his lifetime. He offered a new viewpoint of language as its
own entity, evolving organically like a living organism or a burgeoning city. Based on the
principles of Wittgenstein’s philosophy, the latest advances in the NLP field were examined
and traced back to Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language.
Though Wittgenstein’s influence is not always overt, NLP has come a long ways by
drawing from Wittgenstein’s legacy. However, there is still a ways to go before NLP
captures the full complexity of language. Existing approaches, such as word2vec and
neurosymbolic knowledge graphs, are not on par with human-level language comprehension
and generation ability. To overcome this limitation, the Wittgenstein paradigm of context-
focused language can lay the foundation for understanding, modeling, and building a natural
language system that accurately depicts the intricacies of language. Furthermore, for future
research directions, language models can bridge the gap between word representations and
reality by augmenting inference capability by applying various techniques such as event
extraction and knowledge graphs.
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attention A part of a neural architecture that enables to dynamically highlight relevant
features of the input data, which, in NLP, is typically a sequence of textual elements.
It can be applied directly to the raw input or to its higher level representation.
CNN Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is artificial neural network with the use
of pooling layers, typically applied after the convolutional layers, mostly used in
Computer Vision.
distributional semantics The quantification and categorization of similarity between
linguistic contents based on their distributional properties in a large sample.
embeddings Embeddings, or word embeddings, is a vector representation of a word that
maps its relationship to other words in a corpus.
Empiricist A person who supports the theory that all knowledge is based on experience
derived from the senses.
event extraction A method to identify structured events, including event triggers and
their corresponding arguments, from unstructured text using labeled training data in
Natural Language Comprehension and Generation
knowledge graph A representation of a network of real-world entities (i.e. objects,
events, situations, or concepts) that illustrates the relationship between them. This
information is usually stored in a graph database and visualized as a graph structure.
knowledge noise A major obstacle in certain knowledge integration techniques where too
much supplementary information leads the model to deviate from the correct semantics
PI Philosophical Investigations. The primary work of later Wittgenstein, published
posthumously in 1953.
sprachspiel The original name used by Wittgenstein in the PI to describe language games.
It is notable that spiel is not a direct translation of play. Instead, it encompasses ideas
of play as well.
word2vec An algorithm that takes a text corpus as input and produces the word vectors
as output. It first constructs a vocabulary from the training text data and then learns
vector representation of words. The resulting word vector file can be used as features
in many natural language processing and machine learning applications.
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Many real-world applications require artificial agents to compete and coordinate with other agents in complex environments. As a stepping stone to this goal, the domain of StarCraft has emerged as an important challenge for artificial intelligence research, owing to its iconic and enduring status among the most difficult professional esports and its relevance to the real world in terms of its raw complexity and multi-agent challenges. Over the course of a decade and numerous competitions1,2,3, the strongest agents have simplified important aspects of the game, utilized superhuman capabilities, or employed hand-crafted sub-systems⁴. Despite these advantages, no previous agent has come close to matching the overall skill of top StarCraft players. We chose to address the challenge of StarCraft using general-purpose learning methods that are in principle applicable to other complex domains: a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm that uses data from both human and agent games within a diverse league of continually adapting strategies and counter-strategies, each represented by deep neural networks5,6. We evaluated our agent, AlphaStar, in the full game of StarCraft II, through a series of online games against human players. AlphaStar was rated at Grandmaster level for all three StarCraft races and above 99.8% of officially ranked human players.
Pre-trained language representation models, such as BERT, capture a general language representation from large-scale corpora, but lack domain-specific knowledge. When reading a domain text, experts make inferences with relevant knowledge. For machines to achieve this capability, we propose a knowledge-enabled language representation model (K-BERT) with knowledge graphs (KGs), in which triples are injected into the sentences as domain knowledge. However, too much knowledge incorporation may divert the sentence from its correct meaning, which is called knowledge noise (KN) issue. To overcome KN, K-BERT introduces soft-position and visible matrix to limit the impact of knowledge. K-BERT can easily inject domain knowledge into the models by being equipped with a KG without pre-training by itself because it is capable of loading model parameters from the pre-trained BERT. Our investigation reveals promising results in twelve NLP tasks. Especially in domain-specific tasks (including finance, law, and medicine), K-BERT significantly outperforms BERT, which demonstrates that K-BERT is an excellent choice for solving the knowledge-driven problems that require experts.