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Exploring the concept of phenotypic accommodation: the case of the loss of air sacs



During human evolution our ancestors developed a new phenotype that excluded an organ present in all extant great apes: laryngeal air sacs. This change has been acknowledged as an important step towards modern human phonetics. However, to date there is little reflection about how to conceive such a drastic evolutionary change within the subtribe Hominina. Here we propose the theoretical integration of air sacs loss as a case of phenotypic accommodation, a notion that helps to understand how our ancestors managed to survive, accommodating and consolidating the phenotype without air sacs, paving the way for a new phonetic system.
*Corresponding Author:
1Laboratori d’Investigació en Complexitat i de Lingüística Experimental (LICLE),
Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma, Spain
During human evolution our ancestors developed a new phenotype that excluded an
organ present in all extant great apes: laryngeal air sacs. This change has been
acknowledged as an important step towards modern human phonetics. However, to date
there is little reflection about how to conceive such a drastic evolutionary change within
the subtribe Hominina. Here we propose the theoretical integration of air sacs loss as a
case of phenotypic accommodation, a notion that helps to understand how our ancestors
managed to survive, accommodating and consolidating the phenotype without air sacs,
paving the way for a new phonetic system.
1. Laryngeal air sacs and Hominoidea
Laryngeal air sacs is a primitive trait present in many mammals: cetaceans like
dolphins and whales, some ungulates (e.g. takins, from the Hymalayas) and also
in many primates. Hewitt et al. (2002) showed that, within 128 primate species,
up to 72 still have this anatomical feature. Schön Ybarra (1995) attested up to
four different kinds of laryngeal air sacs within primates: (1) lateral ventricular,
(2) subhyoid, (3) infraglottal and (4) dorsal. The first one is present in all great
apes with the exception of H. sapiens. Air sacs are present in juvenile apes, even
in fetuses and neonates (Stark & Schneider 1960). Steele et al. (2013) used 3-D
reconstructions and observed that air sacs in chimpanzees are lateral ventricular,
extending in a position behind the clavicle bone.
1.2. Possible functions of air sacs
The relation of the vocal tract and air sacs and their potential functions is
controversial, since their potential functions could be several and not all species
use air sacs for the same functions: for saving exhaled air (Negus, 1949); for the
Barceló-Coblijn, L. (2022). Exploring the Concept of Phenotypic Accommodation: The Case of the Loss of Air
Sacs. In Ravignani, A., Asano, R., Valente, D., Ferretti, F., Hartmann, S., Hayashi, M., Jadoul, Y., Martins, M.,
Oseki, Y., Rodrigues, E. D., Vasileva, O. & Wacewicz, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Joint Conference on
Language Evolution (JCoLE). doi:10.17617/2.3398549.
reduction of hyper-ventilation (Hewitt et al., 2002); for generating a new sound
source and stronger and longer lasting calls (Fitch & Hauser, 2003). Lieberman
(2011) notes that air sacs are probably related to vocalization since inspiring
carbon dioxide-rich air is not as useful as controlling speech. Falk (1975)
pointed out that the vertical movement of the hyoid bone also compresses the
orifice of the laryngeal air sacs and hence, participating in the mechanics when
air sacs are emptied out and filled up. De Boer (2008) and Riede et al. (2009)
created several models showing the influence of the sound produced by air sacs
on the sound produced by vocal folds, while experimental research shows that,
when both kind of sounds become superimposed, modern humans have
difficulties in order to distinguish vowels properly (de Boer, 2012). Although
Harrison (1995) dismissed the idea that air sacs are not necessary for
vocalizations, several scholars do not agree. Lieberman (2010: 333) recalls as
well that another function of air sacs in gorillas is acting “like a resonating
drum” when gorillas thump their chest. More recently, Perlman & Salmi (2017)
analyzed the vocalizations of gorillas and suggest that this species could use
them for male display.
1.3. Abrupt change and the view of complexity
During the evolution of the subtribe Hominina, laryngeal air sacs disappeared at
some point. The key feature to discern the presence or absence of air sacs in the
fossil record seems to be the morphology of hyoid bone. The australopithecine
(Au. afarensis) hyoid bone found, by Alemseged et al. (2006) in Dikika
(Ethiopia), shows a primitive morphology that would suggest the connection of
air sacs to the respiratory system and, hence, to the whole apparatus in charge of
speech. The shape of the Dikika hyoid shows a deep bulla, while the shape of
the H. sapiens hyoid describes an arch, without that deep cavity on the body
section. The deep bulla would be a result of the development of the individual,
from the direct contact of the tissues of air sacs to the hyoid bone.
The next fossilized hyoid bone from the fossil record seemed to belong to a
H. erectus (Capasso et al., 2008). That particular hyoid bone showed a modern
morphology, i.e. there is no cavity or bulla shape to which air sacs could be in
contact with. However, a second examination by Capasso et al. (2016)
confirmed that that bone was “too thick and short to be the body of human
hyoid”. Finally, the neanderthal hyoid bone is quite similar to the H. sapiens’
hyoid bone (Arensburg et al., 1989; Bar-Yosef et al., 1992).
Thus, at some temporary point of the early stages of genus Homo
somewhere between the Australopithecus and H. erectus clades–, an early
hominin started making steps into modern speech. A plausible, falsifiable
hypothesis is that H. habilis could be that hominin. Suggestions about H. habilis
capability for speech are not new at all (Tobias, 1987), but information about
this hominin is still too scarce and contentious (Wood & Collard, 1999) and,
hence, this hypothesis is, for the moment, still more grounded upon plausible
ideas than upon solid data from the fossil record.
1.4. Modularity and complexity
The enigma of air sacs loss in our lineage needs an explanation integrating
the fact that the tissue of an air sac is always in physical contact with other
tissues: hard tissues (the hyoid bone) and soft tissues (muscles and ligaments).
This fact establishes a direct relationship between them, since all tissues interact
with each other, not only due to contact, but also through the movements of the
body (e.g. movements of the laryngeal muscles when producing sounds or
during deglutition; or while turning the head). In fact, this can be considered as a
collection of interacting elements or, in other words, a complex system. In such
systems, the deletion of some well-connected elements leads to a reorganization
of the system.
The structure of organisms seem to present a modular building schema
(Wagner, 1996; Schlosser & Wagner, 2004; Callebaut & Rasskin-Gutman,
2005). Heads have been analyzed as a complex system which integrates several
modules and submodules, which include different sets of bones (more than 20),
teeth (up to 32), a brain, sensory organs, muscles, ligaments, cartilages, veins,
nerves, etc., showing altogether an evident modular organization (Lieberman,
2011: 8-12). Heads include the neck and all its hard and soft tissues. Inside the
human neck two passages can be detected, one for the air and another for the
food. Anatomical network analyses have revealed musculoskeletal modularity in
primates (Esteve-Altava et al., 2015a; Esteve-Altava et al., 2015b; Powell et al.,
In a recent network analysis of musculoskeletal organization, Powell et al.
(2018) show that, in spite of having more musculoskeletal elements (up to 157),
humans do not seem to be more complex than other great apes. These authors
argue that “even major changes in function […] can occur without profound
changes to the network organization and modularity of the whole system”.
Although Powell and collaborators include only direct musculoskeletal
connections and not organs like air sacs, this reflection is still valid for the
discussion on the evolution of air sacs: air sacs can disappear, as it has occurred
in many taxa, without compromising the network organization, but affecting the
function of the module. Following Powell et al. (2018), developmental plasticity
can facilitate the accommodation of functional and anatomical modifications
without conditioning severely the network configuration.
Being it as it may, when an individual develops following a divergent and
atypical developmental path, for example lacking (part of) an organ, the
unexpected phenotype can provoke that other tissues of the system develop
abnormally as well, due to the absence of physical opposition, and due to the
“departure” –metaphorically speaking– from what was “planned” by the
original, species-specific, body schema. Hence, soft tissues interact with hard
tissues through physical contact. Lieberman recalls a good example of it in
humans: an infant born lacking eyes will probably develop “tiny orbits with
abnormally small upper faces because the eyeball normally pushes out the bones
that form the orbital cavity walls” (2011: 53). Similarly, the air sacs loss had to
have consequences for the surrounding tissues.
Other forces, like persistent muscular movements, if lasted through
generations, could also exert an influence on the phenotypes, which could have
been finally selected. Far from simply resorting to Lamarck’s (1809) Zoological
Philosophy, we advocate a hypothesis in which phenotypes, not mutations, are
the selected ones (West-Eberhard, 2003). For example, recent analyses of dry
skulls of both humans and chimpanzees suggest a link between the large number
of mandibular movements of muscles involved in speech (much larger than
those used in chewing) and the morphology of the mandibular space in relation
to the tongue (Bermejo-Fenoll et al. 2019). In spite of the difficulty for showing
a cause-effect relationship, Bermejo-Fenoll and colleagues could show that H.
sapiens ancestors followed an evolutionary trend which, progressively and
increasingly, included more and more movements that today are related to
modern speech, like for example lip smacking and oscillatory movements of the
jaw (Ghanzafar et al., 2013; Ghanzafar et al., 2012; MacNeilage & Davis, 2005).
Anyway, it seems out of question that, at some point between australopithecines
and modern humans and –we suggest– after the disappearance of air sacs, the
physical context of speech and the laryngeal structure changed, paving the way
to new motor routines which could involve more (and perhaps new) movements
that today are related to modern speech.
2. Air sacs loss as a case of phenotypic accommodation
West-Eberhard (2005a: 6547) recalls that “frequency of expression does not
depend on the frequency of the inducer (mutation or environmental factor)
alone”. Thus, according to West-Eberhard’s (2003, 2005b) proposal,
evolutionary selection combines both natural and sexual or social selection, and
hence, genes would be followers, not leaders in adaptive evolution. We think
this is a good theoretical framework for a change like the loss of air sacs. This is
something that has not been yet approached and, thus, there are some
possibilities open to inquiry. One possibility is that the first individuals lacking
air sacs represented atypical phenotypes within their group of conspecifics.
Hence, it is expectable that the disappearance of air sacs from the body schema
altered, even if slightly, some developmental patterns during ontogeny, and thus
yielding new, different phenotypes in adult individuals. Some available evidence
from comparative studies do support such a view: works on the ontogeny of the
descent of the hyolaryngeal complex and the root of the tongue takes place at
about 3 months of age (Lieberman et al., 2001). By contrast, at 4 months of age
the initial pouch that will become the air sac is already visible in chimps
(Nishimura et al., 2007).
The observable fact is that this new phenotype somehow reached
stabilization, and one of the reasons could be that it was not incompatible with
survival. This can be interpreted as an indication (though still not confirmed
evidence) of a fitness effect. According to West-Eberhard (2005a), if the new
phenotype has a fitness effect, then selection occurs. Were this the case of air
sacs loss, it could be conceived as a phenotype that has been consolidated,
becoming the typical phenotype of current H. sapiens. Observed through this
lens, thus, the air sacs loss could be classified a case of phenotypic
accommodation (West-Eberhard, 2003; 2005b). Phenotypic accommodation
takes place when an individual develops plastically, adapting the organism to
new environmental inputs (here “environmental” refers to all levels in biology,
from cells to ecological niches). If the new inputs persist and other conspecifics
can develop the same adaptive phenotype as well, this new phenotype could
become stabilized by, for example, new mutations promoting and reinforcing it.
Arguments supporting this hypothesis are, for example, that air sac loss is a
consolidated phenotype in many primate species, some of them phylogenetically
distant from one another (cf. Hewitt et al., 2002). Thus, it seems to be a
recurrent homoplasy within the Primates order. Recurrent phenotypes with
discontinuous phylogenetic distributions have been detected in many taxa (cf.
West-Eberhard, 2003, for a highly detailed revision). Moreover, the existence of
both phenotypes within Primates suggests ancestral developmental plasticity for
producing both forms (West-Eberhard, 2005b: 6546). Were the air sacs loss
phenotype dependent of a mutation (or methylation) only, it would be a
mutation/methylation that has appeared many times and hence, less plausible.
Thus, phenotypic plasticity seems to be a good candidate for the origins of air
sac loss, given the fact that it can account for the repetition of homoplasies in
different primates and in different stages of phylogeny. Moreover, phenotypic
accommodation could give time to this developmental variant for becoming
stabilized within populations and species. The absence of air sacs would have
led the possibility for some individuals to develop towards new phenotypes that
were compatible with life (here we follow Pere Alberch’s (1989) “logic of
monsters” and assume the idea of a phenotypic space of biological possibilities).
Let us remark that this hypothesis is conceived as a phenotypic possibility for
some ancestors of H. sapiens, and not for all species that have evolved towards
phenotypes lacking air sacs. The reason is that, usually, there is not a unique
factor affecting the several environmental levels by which an organism is
affected, and each species is affected by a different set of environmental factors
(admittedly, partially coincidental with other species). The first individuals who
developed like that, were at first unusual and atypical. However, some of their
descendants managed to survive, consolidating (accommodating) a phenotype
without air sacs, and thus paving the way for a new phonetic system.
Laryngeal air sacs is an ancestral trait in Primates, while its absence is a
derived characteristic. Both possibilities exist in monkeys, lesser apes
(Hylobatidae) and great apes (Hominidae). It is well-known that the descent of
larynx does not guarantee vocalization (Fitch 2009). Similarly, the lack of air
sacs does not guarantee neither the descent of larynx nor modern speech. But it
was a necessary step for evolving towards what is known today as modern
human speech. Nonetheless, both phenotypes are recurrent and it is puzzling
how to integrate this into evolutionary theory. We propose that this could be a
case of phenotypic plasticity and, more concretely, a case of phenotypic
accommodation. This concept satisfies the recurrence of both phenotypes and
the differences in ontogeny in juvenile chimps and humans. Finally, the concept
of phenotypic accommodation solves the difficulty of linking this evolutionary
change to mutation only, and gives the time a species needs until the new variant
becomes stabilized.
This research was partially supported by grant number PID2021-128404NA-I00
from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain).
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People think and talk about numerical magnitude in terms of space, and co-speech gestures reflect this, with English speakers using expansive gestures when talking about greater quantities. Existing gestural research on the spatial conceptualization of number has largely looked at gesture production, but we do not know whether gestures can influence the interpretation of imprecise or underspecified numerical expressions such as quantifiers. Looking at the quantifier several as a test case, this study investigates the influence of manual inwards-directed (i.e., hands move closer the torso) and outwards-directed (i.e., hands move away from the torso) co-speech gestures on comprehenders’ conceptualization of quantities associated with several through three preregistered experiments. Our results suggest that gesture modulates the interpretation of several such that speakers moving their hands outwards and thereby creating space between their hands lead to higher quantity estimates, compared to speakers not gesturing, or moving their hands inwards. We discuss the implications of our findings for future work in numerical cognition, multimodal communication, and pragmatics.
Research on language evolution is an established subject area yet permeated by terminological controversies about which topics should be considered pertinent to the field and which not. By consequence, scholars focusing on language evolution struggle in providing precise demarcations of the discipline, where even the very central notions of evolution and language are elusive. We aimed at providing a data-driven characterisation of language evolution as a field of research by relying on quantitative analysis of data drawn from 697 reviews on 255 submissions from the Joint Conference on Language Evolution 2022 (Kanazawa, Japan). Our results delineate a field characterized by a core of main research topics such as iconicity, sign language, multimodality. Despite being explored within the framework of language evolution research, only very recently these topics became popular in linguistics. As a result, language evolution has the potential to emerge as a forefront of linguistic research, bringing innovation to the study of language. We also see the emergence of more recent topics like rhythm, music, and vocal learning. Furthermore, the community identifies cognitive science, primatology, archaeology, palaeoanthropology, and genetics as key areas, encouraging empirical rather than theoretical work. With new themes, models, and methodologies emerging, our results depict an intrinsically multidisciplinary and evolving research field, likely adapting as language itself.
The evolution of language has developed into a large research field. Two questions are particularly relevant for this strand of research: firstly, how did the human capacity for language emerge? And secondly, which processes of cultural evolution are involved both in the evolution of human language from non-linguistic communication and in the continued evolution of human languages? Much research on language evolution that addresses these two questions is highly compatible with the usage-based approach to language pursued in cognitive linguistics. Focusing on key topics such as comparing human language and animal communication, experimental approaches to language evolution, and evolutionary dynamics in language, this Element gives an overview of the current state-of-the-art of language evolution research and discusses how cognitive linguistics and research on the evolution of language can cross-fertilise each other. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
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This study reports and discusses the results of a pilot psycholinguistic investigation into the morphome – a term created (Aronoff 1994) to indicate systematic relations between form and meaning in morphology which lack synchronic semantic, functional, or phonological determinants and are thereby purely morphological. Despite a general consensus (cf. Bermúdez-Otero and Luís 2016) on the need to approach the question of the existence and nature of morphomic structures experimentally and interdisciplinarily, there has been no study beyond Nevins, Rodrigues, and Tang (2015), which focused on the morphomic structure in Romance verb morphology identified by Maiden (1992) and labelled (arbitrarily) the ‘L-pattern’ and concluded that in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese this structure is no longer part of native speakers’ grammar. The present study has replicated, for Italian, the basic experimental design of Nevins et al. It has obtained behavioural measurements (from two experiments) including eyetracking measures (from one experiment). All these measurements converge in showing (i) a statistically significant preference for target items that are consistent with the L-/U-pattern distribution and (ii) a faster decision-making process when the L-item was chosen. We conclude that (pace Nevins et al.) this morphomic structure is part of the internalized grammar of Italian adult speakers.
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Morphologists of different backgrounds disagree with respect to the degree of autonomy of the morphological component of language from syntax and semantics. A precise and objective quantification of the diachronic productivity of Romance morphomes is the piece of evidence most crucially missing from this debate. On the basis of 502 morphophonological innovations associated with the loss of stem-final consonants across 63 Romance varieties, this paper quantifies the degree of productivity of different morphomes (the N pattern is found to be the most productive one) and of morphomic templates generally (15% of novel stem alternations are found to abide by them). Although a strong attraction effect is detectable for morphomes, the numbers suggest that the morphological autonomy and longevity of stem alternations in the family might have been somewhat overstated. For an optimal account of the morphological innovations observed, reference to inherited morphomic structure, semantic structure, and to frequency of use are needed in similar proportions.
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Objectives The present study explores the hypothesis that the anatomical bone structures of the oral cavity have probably evolved under the influence of language function. The possible changes have been evaluated by comparing two close species essentially differentiated from each other by spoken language. Materials and Methods Twenty dry skulls and 20 mandibles of modern Caucasians were compared with 12 dry skulls and 12 mandibles of chimpanzees, with the analysis of 37 variables and the definition of new anatomical parameters. Results A number of highly significant differences were found between humans and chimpanzees. The human temporomandibular joint is comparatively less flat and has a more limited excursive movement range, with structural elements that seem to be lighter. A significant difference is noted in mandibular alveolar vergency and in the internal slope of the mandibular symphysis where the oral cavity’s morphology is modified, thereby increasing the free space for tongue movements in humans. The chin, which is unique to the human species, is quantified through the external slope of the mandibular symphysis with a lesser angle in humans. Discussion It is obvious that there are differences between humans and chimpanzees in the bone morphology of the oral cavity structures. This has been confirmed with the analysis of new variables. Together with other factors (bipedalism, habits, and genetics) speech in humans must have played an important role in the aforementioned differences between humans and chimpanzees. The number of mandibular movements involved in speech is far greater than those used in chewing, which must have conditioned the evolution of the oral structures implicated in the development of language. On average, humans weigh 70 kg and chimpanzees 44 kg. However, the majority of the variables studied in skulls and mandibles are greater in chimpanzees, which suggests that the evolution of the oral zone in humans has suffered a reduction in size with changes in shape. The refinement of the supralaryngeal vocal tract in the human species must have co-evolved with speech fairly recently. The human skull has temporomandibular joints that are comparatively less flat with a more limited movement. There is a greater lingual space and there is also a chin that suggests a muscular stimulant. This leads to the conclusion that, at least in part, speech is behind all these changes, although it is difficult to establish a cause-effect relationship.
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Modularity and complexity go hand in hand in the evolution of the skull of primates. Because analyses of these two parameters often use different approaches, we do not know yet how modularity evolves within, or as a consequence of, an also-evolving complex organization. Here we use a novel network theory-based approach (Anatomical Network Analysis) to assess how the organization of skull bones constrains the co-evolution of modularity and complexity among primates. We used the pattern of bone contacts modeled as networks to identify connectivity modules and quantify morphological complexity. We analyzed whether modularity and complexity evolved coordinately in the skull of primates. Specifically, we tested Herbert Simon’s general theory of near-decomposability, which states that modularity promotes the evolution of complexity. We found that the skulls of extant primates divide into one conserved cranial module and up to three labile facial modules, whose composition varies among primates. Despite changes in modularity, statistical analyses reject a positive feedback between modularity and complexity. Our results suggest a decoupling of complexity and modularity that translates to varying levels of constraint on the morphological evolvability of the primate skull. This study has methodological and conceptual implications for grasping the constraints that underlie the developmental and functional integration of the skull of humans and other primates.
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Mosaic evolution is a key mechanism that promotes robustness and evolvability in living beings. For the human head, to have a modular organization would imply that each phenotypic module could grow and function semi-independently. Delimiting the boundaries of head modules, and even assessing their existence, is essential to understand human evolution. Here we provide the first study of the human head using anatomical network analysis (AnNA), offering the most complete overview of the modularity of the head to date. Our analysis integrates the many biological dependences that tie hard and soft tissues together, arising as a consequence of development, growth, stresses and loads, and motion. We created an anatomical network model of the human head, where nodes represent anatomical units and links represent their physical articulations. The analysis of the human head network uncovers the presence of 10 musculoskeletal modules, deep-rooted in these biological dependences, of developmental and evolutionary significance. In sum, this study uncovers new anatomical and functional modules of the human head using a novel quantitative method that enables a more comprehensive understanding of the evolutionary anatomy of our lineage, including the evolution of facial expression and facial asymmetry.
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This study examines the morphology of the hyoid in three closely related species, Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, and Gorilla gorilla. Differences and similarities between the hyoids of these species are characterized and used to interpret the morphology and affinities of the Dikika A. afarensis, Kebara 2 Neanderthal, and other fossil hominin hyoid bones. Humans and African apes are found to have distinct hyoid morphologies. In humans the maximum width across the distal tips of the articulated greater horns is usually slightly greater than the maximum length (distal greater horn tip to most anterior point of the hyoid body in the midline). A different pattern is usually found in the African ape hyoids, which have much greater maximum lengths. In humans, the hyoid body is also much more anteroposteriorly shallow in proportion to its height and width, and this is true for all age classes. The Dikika australopithecine hyoid body proportions are chimpanzee-like. A discriminant function analysis, using a larger subadult sample from the three extant species than that reported by Alemseged et al. (2006), confirms this finding. The Kebara hyoid dimensions (body alone, and articulated body and greater horns) are almost all within the observed range for human hyoids. Discriminant functions clearly distinguish human from African ape hyoids and classify the Kebara 2 hyoid as human (confirming the finding of Arensburg et al. 1989). Our virtual dissection of a chimpanzee air sac system shows its subhyoid extension into the dorsal hyoid body. Following Alemseged et al. (2006), the expanded bulla characteristic of the African ape and australopithecine hyoid body is therefore interpreted as reflecting the presence of such a laryngeal air sac extension. Its absence in the human, Neanderthal, and H. heidelbergensis (Atapuerca SH) hyoids implicates the loss of the laryngeal air sacs as a derived Neanderthal and modern human trait, which evolved no later than the middle Pleistocene. If, as has been argued by de Boer (2012), the loss of the air sac helped to enhance perceptual discrimination of speech sounds, then this derived hyoid morphology can be added to the list of fossil markers of the capacity for speech.
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This paper summarizes the results of recent excavations (1982-90) at the Middle Paleolithic site of Kebara Cave. Work at the cave by earlier excavators is also discussed. Although analysis of the Kebara materials is still far from completed, an overview of the current stage of the investigations includes (1) a synthesis of the site's complex stratigraphy and dating; (2) a description of the spatial patterning of hearths, ash lenses, and bone and artifact concentrations; (3) results of in situ mineralogical studies of cave sediments to determine whether the observed spatial distribution of fossil animal bones is an accurate reflection of past human and/or scavenger activities in the cave or an artifact of differential postdepositional bone loss through groundwater dissolution; (4) a synthesis of the Mousterian stone tool assemblages focusing on.the technology of tool production as reflected in chaines operatoires (a brief summary of the site's Upper Paleolithic assemblages is also provided); (5) an in-depth taphonomic
This book is the first to focus on the African origins of human language. It explores the origins of language and culture 250,000-150,000 years ago when modern humans evolved in Africa. Scholars from around the world address the fossil, genetic, and archaeological evidence and critically examine the ways it has been interpreted. The book also considers parallel developments among Europe's Neanderthals and the contrasting outcomes for the two species. Following an extensive introduction contextualizing and linking the book's topics and approaches, fifteen chapters bring together many of the most significant recent findings and developments in modern human origins research. The fields represented by the authors include genetics, biology, behavioural ecology, linguistics, archaeology, cognitive science, and anthropology.
One of the most outstanding properties of naturaldiversity is its discreteness and order. Species can be identified and classified because of this property. There are two philosophical approaches to interpret the orderliness of natural systems. These two conceptual positions, wich I refer to as “externalist” and “internalist”, prescribe drastically distinct methodological approaches. Classical neo-Darwinism falls within the “externalist” tradition, with its emphasis in natural selection as the main ordering agent in evolution, this approach basically argues that the properties of the physical ant biotic environment determine the selective pressures and consequently dictate which form will be selected over others. Therefore, the discreteness and order of natural diversity is a direct reflection of the topography of the adaptative landscape. The internalist approach attributes some of the order observed in nature as the result of the emergent properties of generative rules. I explore the latter methodological approach introducing data from teratological systems to illustrate how order exists, and classification is possible, in clearly non-functional systems. Subsequently I examine the properties of pattern generating systems and use limb development and evolution as a case study to illustrate how we can carry out an evolutionary study from an internalist perspective. I also discuss the structure, organization and properties of pattern-generating systems and the role of genes in morphological evolution. I argue that is not possible to construct a genetic theory of morphological evolution since genes and development cannot be dissociated as different levels of interaction. I conclude with a synthetic view of morphological evolution and propose that it is as interesting and illuminating to focus on invariance as on diversity. Similarly, monsters are a good system to study the internal properties of generative rules. They represent forms which lack adaptative function while preserving structural order. An analysis of monsters, is a study of “pure form” in the classical Naturphilosophie sense. There is an internal logic to the genesis and transformation and in that logic we may learn about the constraints on the normal.RésuméUne des propriétés les plus évidentes de la diversiténaturelle est sa discontinuité et son organisation. Les espèces peuvent être identifiées et classées à cause de cette propriété. Philosophiquement, il existe deux approches qui permettent d'interpréter cette organisation des systèmes naturels. Ces deux conceptions, que je qualifie d' “externaliste” et d' “internaliste” imposent des méthodes d'approche très différentes. Avec la sélection naturelle comme principal agent d'organisation de l'évolution, le néo-Darwinisme classique se rapporte à la tradition externaliste. Cette approche admet que les paramètres physiques et biotiques de l'environnement déterminent seuls la pression de sélection et, en conséquence, déterminent quelle forme sera sélectionnée. Ainsi, la discontinuité et l'ordre de la diversité naturelle sont le reflet direct de la topographie du paysage adaptatif. L'approche internaliste attribue une part de l'ordre naturel à l'émergence de propriétés intrinsèques au matériel vivant. J'examine cette dernière approche à partir de données tirées de systèmes tératologiques pour illustrer comment cet ordre se manifeste, et quelle classification est possible dans des systèmes clairement non fonctionnels. Ensuite, j'examine les propriétés de systèmes générateurs et j'utilise le développement et l'évolution des membres pour illustrer comment on peut mener une étude évolutive dans une perspective internaliste. Je discute aussi la structure, l'organisation et les propriétés des systèmes générateurs ainsi que le rôle des gènes dans l'évolution morphologique. J'admets qu'il n'est pas possible de construire une théorie génétique de l'évolution morphologique puisque gènes et développement ne peuvent être dissociés en tant que niveaux d'interaction différents. Je termine par une vision synthétique de l'évolution morphologique et suggère qu'il est tout aussi fructueux de s'intéresser à l'invariance qu'à la diversité. Les monstres sont un bon modèle pour comprendre les propriétés internes des systèmes générateurs. Ils correspondent à des formes qui n'ont pas de fonction adaptative, mais qui conservent l'ordre structural. Une analyse des monstruosités est une étude de la “forme pure” au sens classique de Naturphilosophie. Il existe une logique dans la genèse et la transformation des monstruosités qui nous renseigne sur les contraintes qui existent dans les cas normaux.