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FoSIL at CheckThat! 2022: Using Human
Behaviour-Based Optimization for Text Classification
Andy Ludwig1,Jenny Felser1,Jian Xi1,Dirk Labudde1and Michael Spranger1
1University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Technikumplatz 17, 09664 Mittweida, Germany
Nowadays, a huge amount of information and news articles are available every day. The events of recent
years have shown that Fake News can severely shake trust in politics and science. Unfortunately, a
decision can only be made about the truthfulness of a fraction of all news and posts. In this respect, the
CLEF2022-CheckThat! shared task 3a adresses this problem. In this paper, we propose a new classication
approach using a novel metaheuristic feature selection algorithm that mimics human behavior. The
results show that the performance of a baseline classier can achieve higher performance by combining
with this algorithm with only a fraction of the features.
fake news detection, text classication, feature selection, human behavior-based optimization
1. Introduction
In times of constant availability of vast amounts of information, people have to judge the truth
of news in a short time. This assessment is often neglected due to the fast-moving nature of
the news. There are various reasons why authors, whether intentionally or unintentionally,
contribute to the generation of untrustworthy content. In particular, sources that deliberately
disseminate false information pose a danger to consumers of news.
Eective methods for detecting fake news are essential in the ght against the targeted spread
of fake news. Continuous research and development of approaches to detect misinformation
are highly important. This is one mission of the CLEF2022 - CheckThat! Lab [
]. In general,
the Lab’s goal is to verify the veracity of claims. Task 3a takes up the challenge of assessing the
truth content of news articles [3].
This paper presents a novel approach for text classication. The concept is based on human
behaviour-based optimization (HBBO) [
]. This meta heuristic optimization approach uses
some fundamental interactions and behaviours of humans. The potential of this adaptation was
used for the fake news detection in task 3a.
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents related works, section 3 describes the
human behaviour-based optimization, section 4 summarizes the adaption of the optimization
approach for text classication, section 5 presents the given data and the conducted experiments,
in section 6 the results are discussed and nally in section 7 a conclusion is given.
CLEF 2022: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, September 5–8, 2022, Bologna, Italy
$ (A. Ludwig); (J. Felser); (J. Xi); (D. Labudde); (M. Spranger)
©2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
ISSN 1613-0073
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
2. Related Work
The assessment of the truthfulness of news or claims is a special case of text classication whose
importance has increased greatly in recent times. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic
situation a larger group of people was challenged to judge news correctly. This situation makes
the invention of automatic text classication systems necessary [
]. To pool a lot of competence
and to push the development forward, a task for dierent participants can be done like the
annual task CheckThat! Lab since 2018. The results of last year are summarized in [
]. These
tasks need a high quality dataset [7], which is also reected in the available labels [8].
To improve the results for fake news detection and the related text classication task, a wide
range of possible approaches can be explored. In this paper, the research focus was on a new
technique to select the best features for training. To solve these optimization tasks, nature
inspired meta-heuristic techniques can be applied. An overview of already known approaches
is given in [
]. For example, the ant colony optimization is a possible algorithm for feature
selection in text classication tasks [10].
The nature-inspired algorithm used in this paper is derived from human behaviour. The basis
of this approach was presented in [
]. This algorithm was used already in [
] in combination
with self-organizing maps in context of cryptanalytic resistance. The authors compare this
approach with other meta-heuristic solutions like ant colony optimization. Next to the approach
of [
], other algorithms based on human behaviour were described. Firstly, in [
] the goal is to
solve optimization tasks by simulating the phases of knowledge gaining and sharing in younger
and older years of human life. A dierent aspect of optimization algorithms under usage of
human behaviour is presented in [
]. This approach focuses on the adaption of behaviours
and manners of other humans for example in family structures.
3. Human Behaviour-Based Optimization (HBBO)
In this section, we briey describe Ahmadi’s novel swarm intelligence-based optimization
approach [
] considering human behavior, which forms the basis for the feature selection
approach used here. A central aspect in all phases of the algorithm is an individual’s pursuit of
self-optimization at dierent stages of his or her life. At the same time, dierent individuals
have dierent levels of experience in their eld, and some of them become experts in one of
them (e.g., art, music, or science, etc.).
The optimization of individual performance is carried out iteratively in four main steps: Ini-
tialization,Education,Consultation, and Field Changing. In the Initialization step the population
is built. Each individual in the population is assigned an area of interest in which improve-
ment should be achieved. Depending on the underlying optimization problem, an individual
is represented as a vector of characteristic variables (features).
𝐼=𝑥1𝑥2. . . 𝑥𝑁𝑇
. An
expert is determined for each eld. The expert provides the best function value depending on
his individual feature set. The formal denition of an expert is shown in equation
, where
denotes a person, 𝐸denotes an expert, and 𝐹denotes the actual eld of expertise.
𝐼(𝐹)→𝐸(𝐹)= argmin 𝑓error(𝐹)(1)
The rst step in the improvement process, is Education. Individuals in each area learn from
the respective expert. The learning process comprises the improvement of the individual
characteristic values by those of the expert and aims at the reduction of their own error function
A similar procedure is used in Consultation. In this stage, individuals can learn from any
other individual, not only from an expert. For this purpose, some variables are merged between
two randomly selected individuals. The consultation is called eective and the merged set of
variables is kept if the updated variables lead to better function values. Otherwise, the update is
The last step is Field Changing. Whether an individual changes his eld of interest is calculated
using a rank probability method and the roulette wheel selection.
After Initialization, the three remaining steps are repeated until a stop criterion is met, e.g.
if the average function values do not change (or change too little) or the number of iterations
reaches a maximum.
This algorithm can be adapted to nd an optimal feature set for text classication. The next
section explains the adaptation in detail.
4. Adaptation for Text Classification
In order to adapt the HBBO approach for feature selection, the optimization objective, i.e., an
objective function, must be determined. Here, the
-score is chosen on a test set. For this
purpose, the preprocessed dataset must be divided into training and test data. To obtain reliable
results and avoid overtting, the data set is split in terms of k-fold cross-validation. Each fold
results in an optimal feature set in the form of a document term matrix (DTM) that is able to
classify the respective test data with the greatest possible success. Finally, the results of all the
folds are merged into a DTM that contains only the most successful features to classify the
entire dataset. For assessing the performance after each optimization step, a support vector
machine (SVM) is used.
4.1. Initialization
During Initialization, each input document is considered as an single individual and encoded in
the form of a bit vector. This vector represents an individual’s knowledge. Each individual is
assigned the class of the respective document, which also represents the eld of interest. All
vectorized documents together form the entire population. In contrast to the original algorithm
where each individual is optimized, here subsets of individuals are optimized together. This
leads to a smaller set of documents achieving good or even better classication results than
the original set of all documents. A group of individuals contains all elds, which leads to a
simultaneous optimization of all classes within a group.
For this purpose, the individuals are grouped into subsets, with each subset equally populated
with individuals of each class (stratied approach). Each group of individuals is optimized
separately. The size of the subsets is a hyperparameter.
The remaining three steps are applied iteratively to each group of each fold. The number of
iterations needs to be specied as a hyperparameter.
4.2. Education
In the Education step, a group of individuals must rst be determined for each eld that achieves
the lowest error with respect to the objective function on the test set according to equation
Each of these groups is considered to be the expert group for that particular eld.
𝐼(𝐹)→𝐸(𝐹)= argmax 𝐹1(2)
Subsequently, a subset
of features of the expert group, considering all classes, is merged
with the features of other individuals, belonging to the remaining groups. This procedure
corresponds to the non-experts approaching the expert group by updating their feature vector.
The number of terms transferred in this step is another hyperparameter, as well as the number
of adapted individuals, i.e., documents. Equation
shows the formal denition of this step,
where 𝐼(𝐹)
𝑖denotes the 𝑖𝑡ℎ individual 𝐼in the specic eld 𝐹and 𝑆𝐸⊆𝐸(𝐹).
𝑖∪𝑆𝐸)< 𝑓error(𝐼(𝐹)
𝑖,otherwise (3)
The feature update is considered successful and the merged feature set is retained only
if the individual achieves an improvement with respect to the objective function, i.e., better
classication results. Otherwise, the previous feature set remains unchanged.
4.3. Consultation
In Consultation, the basic procedure is very similar to that in the Education step. The main
dierence is in the group of individuals from which the features for merging are taken. Regardless
of expert status, features are merged between two randomly selected groups of individuals.
This leads to greater heterogeneity of terms across all groups. Equation
shows the formal
denition of Consultation, where 𝑆𝑗is a subset of all features of individual 𝐼𝑗and 𝑆𝑗⊆𝐼(𝐹)
𝑖∪𝑆𝑗)< 𝑓error(𝐼(𝐹)
𝑖,otherwise (4)
As in Education, the updated feature set is retained only if the
-score improves; otherwise,
the previous terms remain unchanged. Again, the number of terms exchanged and the number
of individuals paired can be controlled using hyperparameters.
4.4. Field changing
The last step - Field Changing - does not manipulate the individuals’ terms, but changes the
eld associated with them. The number of randomly selected individuals changing the eld is
another hyperparameter.
In a multilevel classication, an individual can simply change their area of interest to that
of the most successful expert group. For this purpose, all expert groups are ordered by their
𝐹1-score, as shown in equation (5), where 𝐸(𝐹𝑥)is the expert group in the respective area.
𝑅=𝐸(𝐹1), ..., 𝐸(𝐹𝑛)|𝑓error 𝐸(𝐹1)< 𝐸(𝐹2)< ... < 𝐸(𝐹𝑛) (5)
Afterwards, the expert group with the highest rank in
determines the eld of the individual
willing to switch, as shown in equation (6).
𝑥=𝐹𝑥|𝐸(𝐹𝑥)= argmin𝐸(𝐹𝑥)∈𝑅𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝐸(𝐹𝑥) (6)
In the special case of a binary classication, the process simply reduces to a eld change, i.e., an
inversion of the class label. Again, the new eld is retained only if it leads to an improvement
in the objective function value.
5. Experiments and Results
In this work, the adaptation of HBBO, as discussed in section 4, was applied to the problem of
detecting fake news in the context of the CLEF2022-CheckThat! shared task 3a. The documents
provided were news articles in English, which were to be grouped into the classes true, false,
partially false and other with regard to potentially containing fake news. For training the model,
the provided training and development sets were combined so that the total training corpus
documents, each of which was assigned to exactly one of the four mentioned
classes. The resulting class distribution of the training corpus is shown in Figure 1.
Partially False
358 Other
Figure 1: Distribution of classes and documents in the corpus of training data.
Before the HBBO algorithm can be applied, the input data must be cleaned. To this end, a
wide range of cleaning steps were performed:
•Combination of article and headline into one pseudo document,
•Replacement of newlines and tabs with white space,
•Removal of emojis and links,
•Removal of special characters, punctuation and numbers,
•Removal of stop words,
For simplicity, a bit vector was chosen to represent each single document. Subsequently, the
cleaned dataset was divided into samples in terms of 5-fold cross-validation before HBBO could
be applied to each sample, resulting in an optimized feature set for each fold.
In order to observe the specic behavior of the new algorithm, the problem is considered
as several binary classication tasks. In this respect, for each class, a model is trained using
the training data without applying any kind of balancing technique. Table 1 show the values
chosen for the experiments.
Table 1
Summary of hyperparameter.
Phase of algorithm Hyperparameter Value
Initialization Number of dierent data sets for cross validation 5
Number of documents (individuals) per subset during optimization 24
Number of iterations for all phases 125
Education Number of terms for exchange 5
Percent of documents for adaptation of features 100
Consultation Number of terms for exchange 3
Percent of documents for adaption of features 100
Field changing Number of changed labels 1
Figure 2 shows the history of the
-score for all 125 iterations for the category true. Shown
in green color is the best group of individuals in each iteration, while black dots show the mean
-score of all groups and the red horizontal line symbolizes the baseline
-score trained
without HBBO feature selection. The results of the remaining classes are shown in Figure 3,
Figure 4, and Figure 5 accordingly.
In order to provide a quantitative overview, the respective results are summarized in Table 2.
In addition, the mean value is calculated for each class. The system yields a
𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 𝐹 1 = 0.602
over all classes.
Table 2
Results in terms of 𝐹1-Score for each fold of a 5-fold cross-validation.
Class 𝐹1-Score
Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5 Mean
True 0.508 0.464 0.553 0.558 0.574 0.531
False 0.765 0.762 0.777 0.787 0.764 0.771
Partially False 0.633 0.601 0.633 0.602 0.645 0.623
Other 0.476 0.45 0.468 0.416 0.607 0.483
As mentioned earlier, the results of all folds must be merged to combine them into one
classier. This can be achieved simply by concatenating the best group of individuals in each
fold. The nal feature matrix contains 120 pseudo documents (5 groups of 24 features each).
In order to uniquely assign each document of the test data to a class, each separately optimized
binary model was used for classication in the order of their performance. Table 3summarizes
the results of this nal classication procedure. Here,
𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 𝐹1= 0.251
with an accuracy of
0.462. With this result we have reached the 18𝑡ℎ place of the shared task 3a.
Figure 2: HBBO results aer 125 iterations for first category: true; black horizontal line: own baseline
without HBBO, black:
-score of the best group of individuals, grey: mean
-score of all groups of
Table 3
Evaluation results using hold-out data.
Class Precision Recall 𝐹1-Score
True 0.391 0.086 0.141
False 0.573 0.806 0.670
Partially False 0.161 0.179 0.169
Other 0.016 0.032 0.022
6. Discussion
The results shown are surprisingly low. Nevertheless, HBBO as a feature selection algorithm
has a high potential for classication tasks. However, there are still some problems and open
research questions. First of all, the drop of
𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 𝐹1
from training (
) and test (
) data,
Figure 3: HBBO results aer 125 iterations for second category: false; black horizontal line: own
baseline without HBBO, black:
-score of the best group of individuals, grey: mean
-score of all
groups of individuals.
which might indicate a slight overtting. The optimization of each sample takes into account
the respective test set. This process may lead to good classication results only within that
particular test set. Further studies need to be performed to test this hypothesis.
Further performance gains could be achieved by structured experimentation with the hyper-
parameters or by using more advanced features, such as TF-IDF or BM25. Inseparable from the
chaining of binary classiers is the question of their best order. Among other strategies, the
shift to true multi-label classication could also be benecial. For this, further adaptations of
the HBBO algorithm have to be made.
In addition, the strict requirement for improvement at each optimization step can lead to miss
optimal feature combinations. This could be remedied by allowing temporary deteriorations.
In general, the task of automatically carrying out a ne-grained classication of a document
with regard to its truthfulness is dicult to imagine. Inseparable from the spread of fake
news is the task of making it appear as real as possible. Thus, there can be no statistically
detectable linguistic features that clearly indicate the truthfulness of a document, as can be
Figure 4: HBBO results aer 125 iterations for third category: partially false; black horizontal line: own
baseline without HBBO, black:
-score of the best group of individuals, grey: mean
-score of all
groups of individuals.
easily demonstrated analytically. Ultimately, this can only be determined by a fact check. This
insight is also underlined by the overall results achieved by all participants in this shared task.
7. Conclusion
In this paper a novel feature selection algorithm for text classication using an human behavior-
based optimization approach is presented in order to solve task of ne-grained fake news
detection. The algorithm shows an improved performance compared to classication using
a single SVM. In addition, the enormous reduction in training input after optimization is
remarkable. In each sample, only 24 optimized pseudo-documents were able to outperform the
baseline calculated considering all documents.
Nevertheless, further experiments must be carried out to nd the best values for the hyperpa-
rameters. Further improvements might achieved by using a more advanced term representation.
Figure 5: HBBO results aer 125 iterations for fourth category: other; black horizontal line: own
baseline without HBBO, black:
-score of the best group of individuals, grey: mean
-score of all
groups of individuals.
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