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Clinical Medicine and Health Research Journal (CMHRJ)
Volume 02, Issue 05, September - October, 2022
Page No. 183-186
183 www.cmhrj.com
Case Study
A Case of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [Nafld]: Successful
Treatment Using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing Without Surgical or
Medical Intervention
1Atheesh Kumar M, 2Saloni Dilip Shah, *3Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri
1,2Certified YPV Healer and Trainer, Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Thally-635118, Tamil Nadu India
3Consultant, Research & Publications, Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Thally-635118, Krishnagiri District Tamilnadu
Received: 05 August, 2022 Accepted: 30 August, 2022 Published: 01 September 2022
Introduction: Fatty Liver is a disease in which there is excess amount of fat stored in the liver. If the condition is not treated, it
may lead to serious liver disease. This paper presents a case of a patient detected with non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
who was healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of Healing protocols without the use of any medicines.
Material and Method: This is a detailed case study method analysing the pre and post healing medical reports of a 58-year-old
male who was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, who approached Yoga Prana Vidya healers for distant healing.
Results: After 2 months of daily healing, the test reports of the patient showed no signs of fatty liver. A follow up test report after
2 years of the healing intervention also showed normal liver.
Conclusion: It is observed that Yoga Prana Vidya healing which is a no touch, no-drug healing modality, which includes distant
healing, has been used effectively in the treatment of Non- alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). YPV both as an alternative
and complimentary medicine has been known to have successfully healed thousands of patients suffering from various ailments.
This case is one of its kind as the ailment was treated completely without any other medication. There is a great scope for further
research on this topic with appropriate sample sizes.
Keywords: NAFLD, fatty liver, energy healing, yoga prana vidya system ®, YPV ®
Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease:
The liver is the second largest organ of the body situated on
the right-hand side of the human abdomen. The main function
of the liver is to absorb, digest and process the food that is
consumed and convert the nutrients in the food into energy. It
is also responsible for producing the digestive juice called
bile. Additionally, it helps in removal of toxic and waste
matter from the blood so that the immune system is not
Fig 1: Human Liver (Picture source: www.webmd.com)
Fatty Liver is a common condition wherein excess fat is stored
in the liver increasing the normal weight of the liver.
The accumulation of fat in the liver as a result of heavy
drinking is called as Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD).
The liver in this case, becomes fat as it breaks down and takes
extra burden of removal of wastes accumulated due to heavy
drinking. If this is not done completely by the liver, it may
cause inflammation and result in other serious problems.
Hence, more a person drinks alcohol, more is the damage done
to the liver.
In case of a person who is not alcoholic or does not have any
history of using alcohol, the person can still get diagnosed
with fatty liver due to diet, lifestyle conditions, inability of the
body to metabolise fat properly and easily, stress etc. This can
lead to excessive storage of fat in the liver causing Non-
Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Usually, NAFLD is
a silent disease which shows no serious symptoms but needs
attention else it can lead to chronic liver ailments. [2]
The risk factors involved in getting diagnosed with NAFLD
include overweight, presence of high sugar or diabetes, high
cholesterol, high triglycerides in the body, inability of the
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body to break down fats easily or anyone having metabolic
syndrome, old age, person having PCOS, etc. If not treated at
the right time, NAFLD can lead to Steatohepatitis, that is
excessive storage of fat leading to inflammation, liver fibrosis
or irreversible liver cirrhosis. [3]
NAFLD being a silent disease, does not show any symptoms.
Mild symptoms can include feeling of tiredness or frequent
fatigue and pain the upper right part of the abdomen. An
ultrasound or a CT scan test report or a MRI scan can help
detect a fatty liver case. [4]
Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV):
Yoga Prana Vidya is a no touch, no drug energy healing
therapy which used energy or prana to cure any physical or
psychological ailments. YPV is integrated and holistic in
nature as it promotes not only energy healing to cure ailments
but also includes physical exercises, breathing exercises,
forgiveness sadhana, meditation techniques, right diet, intake
of sufficient amount of water etc. for the overall health of a
person at physical, emotional and mental levels. In energy
healing techniques, the healer removes the diseased, dirty and
used up energy from the affected part or the whole body of a
person and fills it up with fresh energy. Energy healing is
based on the fundamental that the physical body has the ability
to normalise itself as it has consciousness of its own, and the
rate at which it recovers depends on the quality, density and
size of the energy body. This can be done even at a distance as
the healer need not necessarily be present in front of the
patient to receive the healing energies. The energy body of a
person has many major and minor chakrams and each major
chakram controls some part or system of the body and also has
effect on the whole body. In case a person is detected with
some physical ailment or is going through any psychological
problems, the corresponding chakram associated with that
system or part of the body or condition also indicates
malfunction. The energy healer uses the energy healing
techniques of cleaning and energizing, to make these energy
centres or chakrams balanced to function properly. In this
way, many diseases can be cured if the chakrams of the energy
body are healed and sustained.
Published research articles in the literature show that YPV
healing techniques have been applied to successfully heal
various ailments like Dislocation of knee cap [5], Hodgkin
lymphoma cancer [6], Nephrotic Syndrome [7], Epilepticus
[8], Snake bite [9], Urinary Fistula [10], Hyperthyroidism
[11], High Cervical disc prolapse [12], Cholesterol and asthma
[13], Exostosis of ear [14], Heart Block [15], Diabetes [16],
Eye issues [17] and many other difficult medical cases. [18]
Chakrams controlling the gastrointestinal system of the
Fig 2. shows the major energy centres or chakrams.
Fig 2. Chakrams or energy centres
The gastrointestinal system is controlled majorly by the front
solar plexus, back solar plexus and the navel chakram. The
ajna chakram is also important as it controls the pituitary
gland and all the endocrine glands. The basic chakram is
important for the purpose of healing as it controls the tissues
and the organs of the body. The liver organ additionally has 3
minor chakrams: the upper right liver minor chakram, the
lower right liver minor chakram and the upper left liver minor
chakram. Application of Yoga Prana Vidya Level 3 protocol is
also very important for the treatment of NAFLD as it treats the
emotional and mental aspects including those related to the
liver organ and the fatty liver disease.
This paper presents a case of a patient diagnosed with non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who was healed
successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of
Healing protocols without the use of any medicines.
Case Report
Patient’s background
The patient is a 58-year-old married business man residing in
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and having two children.
Pre-YPV Medical History
The patient was diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Disease on the 10th February 2020 (Report in Annexure 1) and
had no family history of NAFLD. The patient had gone
through a gall bladder removal surgery in the past due to
presence of multiple gall bladder stones. The patient used to
complain frequent tiredness and slight visible abdominal
enlargement. The patient consulted a family medical doctor
and, as advised, obtained an ultrasound sonography report
which showed fatty liver. The patient then approached Yoga
Prana Vidya energy healers for energy healing to cure his liver
ailment while opting not to use any medication.
YPV Intervention
YPV healing protocols used by the healers in this case were:
1. L3 healing-Standard psychotherapy. In addition to this,
Level 2 healing techniques were applied especially for front
solar plexus chakram, back solar plexus chakram, Navel
chakram and the liver organ.
2. One healing of 20 minutes duration was given daily for 2
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After 2 months of continuous healings daily, the patient
reported no tiredness or visible abdominal bulge. He also
changed his diet plan slightly which did not include the intake
of fatty foods especially after evenings. Hence after 2 months
of healings, the patient asked the healers to stop further
Due to the Covid pandemic and lockdown conditions, the
patient could not manage to go for a lab test immediately, but
underwent an ultrasound sonography after about a year, i.e.,
on the 14th September 2020, to check the state of the liver. The
report (Annexure 2) showed normal liver condition. The
progression of the liver condition is explained in table 1
As a follow up action, the patient undertook another
ultrasound sonography test after about 1-1/2 years from
diagnosis, and the report (Annexure 3) confirmed normal liver
(See Table 1). The patient confirmed that he did not go
through any medicinal help or surgery during these 1-1/2
Table 1: Condition of fatty Liver extracted from Lab
S. No.
Date of test
Liver Condition
1 Before YPV
(Annexure 1)
The liver is mildly
enlarged with diffuse
increase in
2 Six months
after YPV
(Annexure 2)
The liver is normal in
3 Around 1 -1/2
years after YPV
(Annexure 3)
The liver is normal in
Hence, this shows that Yoga Prana Vidya energy healing
techniques can be successfully be used for the treatment of
Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and it also gives
consistent results even after the healings are discontinued. It is
also important for the person to focus on the intake of right
diet and into right livelihood for a stress-free and a balanced
There are several ways of treating Fatty liver. The most
common suggestion given to the person having fatty liver is to
lose weight. Weight loss helps in reducing the fat stored in the
liver. If the weight of a person is within the normal range, then
several dietary changes or intake of more fruits is
recommended [19]. However, this is not a long term or a
sustained solution for treating the ailment. Hence, Yoga Prana
Vidya energy healing and other techniques can be a better
option for treating fatty liver without the intake of drugs and
the solution can be sustained as seen in case of this patient.
A study by Kumar and Padaki revealed that CAM
(Complementary and Alternative Medicine) use, such as
Homeopathy, Herbal medicine, and Ayurveda, is prevalent
among Indian adults with liver disease. Many patients do not
disclose their CAM use to healthcare providers.[20].
In this case of NAFLD Yoga Prana Vidya system has been
found to be an effective healing tool to treat the condition due
to its underlying advantages of being a no-touch no-drug
therapy which had also been applied distantly. Such a
technique which can be distantly applied, is immensely helpful
in treating any physical or psychological ailments especially
during the lockdown or pandemic situations. It is
recommended that healthcare professionals including learn
and practice YPV integrated techniques to complement their
medical disciplines for holistic treatment of patients and also
help themselves. Further research may be explored on this
topic using YPV techniques on a wider scale using appropriate
methodologies and samples.
Grateful thanks to the patient for sharing case details for this
study and grateful thanks to Sri Ramana Trust (Thally,
Tamilnadu, India) for using their registered copyright terms
Yoga Prana Vidya System ® and YPV ®.
Conflicts of Interest
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manuscript is held by the Author, who grants the
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the work, including for commercial purposes.
This work is licensed under a Creative
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Annexure 1 (Report dated 10-02-2020)
Annexure 2 (Report dated 14-09-2022)
Annexure 3 (Report dated 27-10-2022)