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Cut-off phenomenon for the ax+b Markov chain over a finite field

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We study the Markov chain xn+1=axn+bnx_{n+1}=ax_n+b_n on a finite field Fp{\mathbb {F}}_p, where aFp×a \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^{\times } is fixed and bnb_n are independent and identically distributed random variables in Fp{\mathbb {F}}_p. Conditionally on the Riemann hypothesis for all Dedekind zeta functions, we show that the chain exhibits a cut-off phenomenon for most primes p and most values of aFp×a \in {\mathbb {F}}_p^\times . We also obtain weaker, but unconditional, upper bounds for the mixing time.
Probability Theory and Related Fields (2022) 184:85–113
Cut-off phenomenon for the ax+b Markov chain over a
finite field
Emmanuel Breuillard1·Péter P. Varjú2
Received: 17 October 2019 / Revised: 17 March 2022 / Accepted: 13 August 2022 /
Published online: 2 September 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022
We study the Markov chain xn+1=axn+bnon a finite field Fp, where aF×
is fixed and bnare independent and identically distributed random variables in Fp.
Conditionally on the Riemann hypothesis for all Dedekind zeta functions, we show
that the chain exhibits a cut-off phenomenon for most primes pand most values of
p. We also obtain weaker, but unconditional, upper bounds for the mixing time.
Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 60J10 ·Secondary 11T23
1 Introduction
Let pbe a prime number and Fpthe field with pelements. Consider the Markov chain
on Fp
where the multiplier ais non-zero and the bn’s are independent random variables
taking values in Fpwith a common law μ. We will assume that the support of μhas at
EB has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 617129); PV has received
funding from the Royal Society and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 803711).
BPéter P. Varjú
Emmanuel Breuillard
1Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK
2Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Our strongest results require various assumptions on the parameters, but we are able to obtain results requiring only q = p a prime with p ≤ exp(n 1/13 ) where n is the degree of the polynomial. Our proofs use Fourier analysis, and rely on tools recently applied by Breuillard and Varjú [5,6] to study the ax+b process, which show equidistribution for f (α) at a single point. We extend this to handle multiple roots and the Hasse derivatives of f , which allow us to study the irreducible factors with multiplicity. ...
... Note that the value of f (α) for some α ∈ F q d can be viewed as the state of a random walk defined by X t+1 = αX t + ε t+1 where ε t+1 is drawn from some non trivial distribution. This is known as the ax + b process or the Chung-Diaconis-Graham process, and we use recent tools developed to study this process in [5,6]. For this reason, our strongest results apply only when the coefficients lie in F p . ...
... To study the N i (f ), which count irreducible factors with multiplicity, we instead study the equidistribution of the values of f along with its Hasse derivatives. This requires extending the tools developed in [5,6]. ...
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We show that the counts of low degree irreducible factors of a random polynomial f over Fq\mathbb{F}_q with independent but non-uniform coefficients behave like that of a uniform random polynomial, exhibiting a form of universality for random polynomials over finite fields. Our strongest results require various assumptions on the parameters, but we are able to obtain results requiring only q=p a prime with pexp(n1/13)p\leq \exp({n^{1/13}}) where n is the degree of the polynomial. Our proofs use Fourier analysis, and rely on tools recently applied by Breuillard and Varj\'u to study the ax+b process, which show equidistribution for f(α)f(\alpha) at a single point. We extend this to handle multiple roots and the Hasse derivatives of f, which allow us to study the irreducible factors with multiplicity.
... For a prime p and d ∈ N, let B(p, d) denote the set of functions f : F p → F p which are bijections, and for which there exist coprime P, Q ∈ F p [x] polynomials of degree at most d such that f = P/Q except at the zeroes of Q, and such that P/Q is not a linear or constant function. Remark 1. 1. Some examples of functions f to keep in mind are permutation polynomials, which are polynomials P ∈ F p [x] that are also bijections, and the function f (x) = x −1 for x = 0 and f (0) = 0. ...
... The Markov chains considered in this paper can be viewed as a non-linear analogue of the Chung-Diaconis-Graham process, defined by X n+1 = aX n + ε n+1 on F p . This was first introduced in [6], and studied in [1,[12][13][14]16]. Recent work of Eberhard and Varjú gave very sharp bounds on the mixing time [9]. ...
We study the Markov chain on Fp\mathbf{F}_p obtained by applying a function f and adding ±γ\pm\gamma with equal probability. When f is a linear function, this is the well-studied Chung--Diaconis--Graham process. We consider two cases: when f is the extension of a rational function which is bijective, and when f(x)=x2f(x)=x^2. In the latter case, the stationary distribution is not uniform and we characterize it when p=3(mod4)p=3\pmod{4}. In both cases, we give an almost linear bound on the mixing time, showing that the deterministic function dramatically speeds up mixing. The proofs involve establishing bounds on exponential sums over the union of short intervals.
... It will illustrate that the random mapping technique can be effective in constructing strong stationary times in situations where they are difficult to find and have lead to numerous mistakes in the past. While there is room for improvement in our estimates, we hope this new approach will help the understanding of the convergence to equilibrium of related random walks, see for instance Hermon and Thomas [11], Breuillard and Varjú [2], Eberhard and Varjú [9] or Chatterjee and Diaconis [5] for very recent progress in this direction. the matrices of the form where x k,l Z M for 1 ¤ k l ¤ N , the group operation corresponds to the matrix multiplication. ...
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The random mapping construction of strong stationary times is applied here to finite Heisenberg random walks over \ZZ_M, for odd M3M\geq 3. When they correspond to 3×33\times 3 matrices, the strong stationary times are of order M6M^6, estimate which can be improved to M4M^4 if we are only interested in the convergence to equilibrium of the last column. Simulations by Chhaïbi suggest that the proposed strong stationary time is of the right M2M^2 order. These results are extended to N×NN\times N matrices, with N3N\geq 3. All the obtained bounds are thought to be non-optimal, nevertheless this original approach is promising, as it relates the investigation of the previously elusive strong stationary times of such random walks to new absorbing Markov chains with a statistical physics flavor and whose quantitative study is to be pushed further. In addition, for N=3, a strong equilibrium time is proposed in the same spirit for the non-Markovian coordinate in the upper right corner. This result would extend to separation discrepancy the corresponding fast convergence for this coordinate in total variation and open a new method for the investigation of this phenomenon in higher dimension.
... They showed that the mixing time was at most order log p log log p, and that for almost all odd p, order log p steps were sufficient, although for infinitely many odd p, order log p log log p steps were necessary. This process was subsequently studied in [25,26,29,27,10,18]. In particular, Eberhard and Varjú recently showed in [18] that for almost all p, the walk exhibits cutoff at c log p for some explicit constant c ≈ 1.01136. ...
... c = 1.01136 … . Two companion papers by Breuillard and Varjú [7,8] relate this problem to irreducibility of random polynomials and very deep number theory. All of these authors consider X k+1 = aX k + k+1 (mod n) for general a and i 's having more general distributions. ...
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A correction to this paper has been published:
... They showed that the mixing time was at most order log p log log p, and that for almost all odd p, order log p steps were sufficient, although for infinitely many odd p, order log p log log p steps were necessary. This process was subsequently studied in [10,18,[25][26][27]29]. In particular, Eberhard and Varjú recently showed in [18] that for almost all p, the walk exhibits cutoff at c log p for some explicit constant c ≈ 1.01136. ...
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We study a random walk on Fp\mathbb{F}_p defined by Xn+1=1/Xn+εn+1X_{n+1}=1/X_n+\varepsilon_{n+1} if Xn0X_n\neq 0, and Xn+1=εn+1X_{n+1}=\varepsilon_{n+1} if Xn=0X_n=0, where εn+1\varepsilon_{n+1} are independent and identically distributed. This can be seen as a non-linear analogue of the Chung--Diaconis--Graham process. We show that the mixing time is of order logp\log p, answering a question of Chatterjee and Diaconis.
... In a recent tour-de-force, Eberhard and Varjú [23] show that for almost all n, there is a cutoff at c log 2 n where c = 1.01136 . . .. Two companion papers by Breuillard and Varjú [7,8] relate this problem to irreducibility of random polynomials and very deep number theory. All of these authors consider X k+1 = a X k + k+1 (mod n) for general a and i 's having more general distributions. ...
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We show that the convergence of finite state space Markov chains to stationarity can often be considerably speeded up by alternating every step of the chain with a deterministic move. Under fairly general conditions, we show that not only do such schemes exist, they are numerous.
... with some absolute constants c, C. Now we can apply the large sieve for the measure η 1 * η 1 * η 2 and conclude that r ∈R( p) | η 1 (r / p)| 2 · | η 1 (r / p)| 2 · | η 2 (r / p)| 2 2 n · 2 −(1+cε 1 )n = 2 −cε 1 n Springer Nature journal content, brought to you courtesy of Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH ("Springer Nature"). Springer Nature supports a reasonable amount of sharing of research papers by authors, subscribers and authorised users ("Users"), for small-scale personal, non-commercial use provided that all copyright, trade and service marks and other proprietary notices are maintained. ...
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Define (Xn) on Z/qZ by Xn+1=2Xn+bn, where the steps bn are chosen independently at random from -1,0,+1. The mixing time of this random walk is known to be at most 1.02log2q for almost all odd q (Chung, Diaconis, Graham in Ann Probab 15(3):1148–1165, 1987), and at least 1.004log2q (Hildebrand in Proc Am Math Soc 137(4):1479–1487, 2009). We identify a constant c=1.01136⋯ such that the mixing time is (c+o(1))log2q for almost all odd q. In general, the mixing time of the Markov chain Xn+1=aXn+bn modulo q, where a is a fixed positive integer and the steps bn are i.i.d. with some given distribution in Z, is related to the entropy of a corresponding self-similar Cantor-like measure (such as a Bernoulli convolution). We estimate the mixing time up to a 1+o(1) factor whenever the entropy exceeds (loga)/2.
We show that the counts of low-degree irreducible factors of a random polynomial f over Fq\mathbb {F}_q with independent but nonuniform coefficients behave like that of a uniform random polynomial, exhibiting a form of universality for random polynomials over finite fields. Our strongest results require various assumptions on the parameters, but we are able to obtain results requiring only q=p a prime with pexp(n1/13)p\leq \exp ({n^{1/13}}) where n is the degree of the polynomial. Our proofs use Fourier analysis and rely on tools recently applied by Breuillard and Varjú to study the ax+b process, which show equidistribution for f(α)f(\alpha ) at a single point. We extend this to handle multiple roots and the Hasse derivatives of f, which allow us to study the irreducible factors with multiplicity.
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Consider the random process on the integers mod p with X 0 =0 and X n+1 =2X n +b n (modp)where b 0 ,b 1 ,b 2 ,… are i.i.d. random variables which can have only 1, 0, and −1 as possible values. We show that unless P(b n =0)=1∕2 or P(b n =1)=P(b n =−1)=1∕2, then for some C>1 depending on the probability distribution for b n , at least Clog 2 p steps are needed to make X n close to uniformly distributed.
The exponential growth rate of non polynomially growing subgroups of GLdGL_d is conjectured to admit a uniform lower bound. This is known for non-amenable subgroups, while for amenable subgroups it is known to imply the Lehmer conjecture from number theory. In this note, we show that it is equivalent to the Lehmer conjecture. This is done by establishing a lower bound for the entropy of the random walk on the semigroup generated by the maps xλx±1x\mapsto \lambda\cdot x\pm 1, where λ\lambda is an algebraic number. We give a bound in terms of the Mahler measure of λ\lambda. We also derive a bound on the dimension of Bernoulli convolutions.