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Perceived Burdensomeness, Thwarted Belongingness and Fearlessness About Death in Italian university students: validation of the INQ-15 and the ACSS-FAD



Introduction The Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15) and the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale - Fearlessness About Death (ACSS-FAD) have been introduced to evaluate the theoretical constructs posit by Joiner’s Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS). Objectives The present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the INQ-15 (which measures Thwarted Belongingness, TB, and Perceived Burdensomeness, PB) and the ACSS-FAD (measurement of Fearlessness About Death, FAD, dimension of the acquired capability) in a population of Italian university students. Methods Since there was no Italian version of the ACSS-FAD, we have translated it through an accurate multistage procedure. ACSS-FAD and INQ-15 have been administered to a sample of 1,665 Italian university students. We analyzed the factorial structure of the INQ-15 and the ACSS-FAD, their reliability, criterion, convergent and discriminant validity. Results Principal Component Analysis confirmed a two-dimensional structure for INQ-15 and a one-factor structure for ACSS-FAD. Internal consistency reliability of the scales was good, respectively TB: α = .85; PB: α = .90; and FAD: α = .85. The INQ-15 demonstrated concurrent associations with suicidal ideation, while the ACSS-FAD with a history of suicidal planning/suicide attempt. Convergent and discriminant validity were also in line with previous studies. Conclusions Both INQ-15 and ACSS-FAD appropriately capture the respective constructs, proving to be valid measures for the assessment of suicide risk factors among Italian university students according to the IPTS. The valuable psychometric properties of the two scales established with this study in the Italian context encourages their use to advance the clinical understanding and prevention of suicide. Disclosure No significant relationships.
Results: The sample included four female and one male subject,
with BMI at baseline 42,815,66. The results of BMI and EWL over
time are described in Table 1. A significant statistical difference was
found between BMI at baseline and at T6, T12, T24, and T36
(p<0,05). EWL was higher at T12 ( compared with T6), but not
different from other measurements. PANSS scores at the baseline
were 7,7 1,6 for a positive domain, 8,7 2,3 for a negative
domain, and 19,2 6 for general psychopathology, with no stat-
istically significant differences during the follow-up.
Conclusions: Despite the small sample, bariatric surgery has been
shown a safe and efficient refractory obesity treatment in patients
with schizophrenia.
Disclosure: No significant relationships.
Keywords: bariatric surgery; obesity; schizophrénia
Suicidology and Suicide Prevention 01
Perceived Burdensomeness, Thwarted Belongingness
and Fearlessness About Death in Italian university
students: validation of the INQ-15 and the ACSS-FAD
S. Magliocca
*, D. Romano
, F. Madeddu
, P. Zeppegno
M. Gramaglia
and R. Calati
University of Milan-Bicocca, Department Of Psychology, Milan, Italy;
University of Salento, Department Of History, Society And Human
Studies, Lecce, Italy;
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Maggiore
della Carità, S.c. Psichiatria, Novara, Italy;
Università del Piemonte
Orientale, Medicina Traslazionale, Novara, Italy and
University Hospital, Department Of Adult Psychiatry, Nîmes, France
*Corresponding author.
doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.645
Introduction: The Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15)
and the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale - Fearlessness About
Death (ACSS-FAD) have been introduced to evaluate the theoret-
ical constructs posit by Joiners Interpersonal Psychological Theory
of Suicide (IPTS).
Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric
properties of the INQ-15 (which measures Thwarted Belonging-
ness, TB, and Perceived Burdensomeness, PB) and the ACSS-FAD
(measurement of Fearlessness About Death, FAD, dimension of the
acquired capability) in a population of Italian university students.
Methods: Since there was no Italian version of the ACSS-FAD, we
have translated it through an accurate multistage procedure. ACSS-
FAD and INQ-15 have been administered to a sample of 1,665
Italian university students. We analyzed the factorial structure of
the INQ-15 and the ACSS-FAD, their reliability, criterion, conver-
gent and discriminant validity.
Results: Principal Component Analysis confirmed a two-dimensional
structure for INQ-15 and a one-factor structure for ACSS-FAD.
Internal consistency reliability of the scales was good, respectively
TB: α=.85; PB: α=.90;and FAD: α=.85. The INQ-15 demonstrated
concurrent associations with suicidal ideation, while the ACSS-FAD
with a history of suicidal planning/suicide attempt. Convergent and
discriminant validity were also in line with previous studies.
Conclusions: Both INQ-15 and ACSS-FAD appropriately capture
the respective constructs, proving to be valid measures for the
assessment of suicide risk factors among Italian university students
according to the IPTS. The valuable psychometric properties of the
two scales established with this study in the Italian context encour-
ages their use to advance the clinical understanding and prevention
of suicide.
Disclosure: No significant relationships.
Keywords: Perceived burdensomeness; Thwarted belongingness;
Fearlessness About Death; Suicide
Low level of perfectionism as a possible risk factor for
suicide in adolescents with attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder
L. Katzenmajer-Pump
*, B. Farkas
, B. Varga
, J. Jansma
J. Balazs
Institute of Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School Of
Psychology, Budapest, Hungary;
Semmelweis University, Doctoral
School Of Mental Health Sciences, Budapest, Hungary;
UMC Utrecht,
Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, Department Of Neurology And
Neurosurgery, Utrecht, Netherlands and
Eotvos Lorant University,
Developmental And Clinical Child Psychology, Budapest, Hungary
*Corresponding author.
doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.646
Introduction: Previous research highlighted that adolescents with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are four times as
vulnerable to suicidal behavior as the healthy population. Maladap-
tive perfectionism is also viewed as an important risk factor for
suicide. Yet, there are no studies which focused on the relationship
between perfectionism and suicide among adolescents with ADHD.
Objectives: The objective of the present study was to explore if
perfectionism may be a risk factor for suicidal behavior in adoles-
cents with ADHD.
Methods: The clinical group was recruited from outpatient clinics,
while the non-clinical group was recruited from high schools
around Hungary. The clinical groups inclusion criterion was
ADHD diagnoses, while the non-clinical group required the
absence of any current or past psychiatric treatment or diagnoses.
Results: In the ADHD group 88 adolescents participated, and
96 adolescents participated in the non-clinical group. There was
no difference regarding the level of perfectionism in the groups,
except one dimension of perfectionism, which is Organization.
The ADHD group had significantly higher level of suicidal behavior
than the control group ((χ2 (1) =11.222, p < .001, V =0.25).
Among the ADHD group adaptive perfectionism was significantly
negatively correlated with suicidal behaviour.
S250 E-Poster Presentation Published online by Cambridge University Press
... Al respecto, el Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale -Fearlessness About Death (ACSS-FAD) es una versión reducida de la escala original de Capacidad Adquirida para el Suicidio (Ribeiro et al., 2014). El ACSS-FAD evalúa específicamente la intrepidez ante la muerte y ha sido adaptado en Alemania, Corea del Sur, Italia y Estados Unidos (Krantz et al., 2021;Magliocca et al., 2022;Seo & Kwon, 2017;Spangenberg et al., 2016). De acuerdo con los antecedentes, la población objetivo de estudio estuvo mayormente constituida por estudiantes universitarios de diferentes carreras profesionales (Magliocca et al., 2022;Seo & Kwon, 2017). ...
... El ACSS-FAD evalúa específicamente la intrepidez ante la muerte y ha sido adaptado en Alemania, Corea del Sur, Italia y Estados Unidos (Krantz et al., 2021;Magliocca et al., 2022;Seo & Kwon, 2017;Spangenberg et al., 2016). De acuerdo con los antecedentes, la población objetivo de estudio estuvo mayormente constituida por estudiantes universitarios de diferentes carreras profesionales (Magliocca et al., 2022;Seo & Kwon, 2017). Un estudio se basó en población general de adolescentes, adultos jóvenes y mayores (Spangenberg et al., 2016) y otro estudio en población clínica adolescente con antecedentes de conductas suicidas (Krantz et al., 2021). ...
... No obstante, algunos estudios presentan limitaciones metodológicas en relación al sesgo de la población con una mayor participación del sexo femenino, niveles de educación superior y participantes con antecedentes psiquiátricos, lo que no puede permitir la generalización de los hallazgos. Además, se observa una ausencia de fuentes de evidencias de validez a nivel del ítem mediante el enfoque de la teoría de respuesta al ítem (TRI) en la estructura interna (Krantz et al., 2021;Magliocca et al., 2022;Seo & Kwon, 2017;Spangenberg et al., 2016). Dada la evidencia empírica, se aprecia que no existe ninguna traducción al español en población de habla hispana, y es indispensable contar con una prueba psicológica confiable y precisa para medir la intrepidez ante la muerte. ...
Full-text available
La teoría interpersonal del suicidio propone que la presencia de una conducta suicida es explicada por el deseo de suicidio y capacidad adquirida en el individuo. La intrepidez ante la muerte es una dimensión de dicha capacidad y es un factor de riesgo potencial del suicidio. El objetivo fue realizar la traducción al español y validación del Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale Fearlessness About Death en adultos peruanos de población general. La metodología del estudio fue transversal con un enfoque cuantitativo e instrumental. Participaron 929 adultos que respondieron la Escala de Capacidad Adquirida para el Suicidio – Intrepidez ante la Muerte (ACSS-FAD). El método de traducción inversa se utilizó para la versión de inglés al español. Los análisis se realizaron a partir de la teoría clásica de los test y teoría de respuesta al ítem. Los resultados indican que la ACSS-FAD evidencia una estructura unidimensional (CFI = .99, RMSEA = .07 [IC 90 %: .06 – .09], SRMR = .03], adecuada confiabilidad (α = .84 y H = .86), invarianza y funcionamiento diferencial del ítem según sexo. Además, todos los ítems discriminaron adecuadamente, y los ítems 5 y 4 fueron los más precisos para medir la intrepidez ante la muerte. En conclusión, la versión en español del ACSS-FAD presenta fuentes de evidencias de validez basadas en el contenido, estructura interna, confiabilidad, invarianza y respuestas del ítem. Se recomienda su uso para la interpretación e inferencia de sus puntuaciones en la evaluación de la intrepidez ante la muerte en población general adulta peruana.
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