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Communication invitée du thème“Les relations entre les humains et les animaux”Body size, conformation, athletic ability and temperament of horses have likely affected the human-horse relationship over timeLa taille du corps, la conformation, les capacités athlétiques et le tempérament des chevaux ont probablement influencé la relation homme-cheval au fil du temps

Body size, conformation, athletic ability and
temperament of horses have likely affected
the human horse relationship over time
Markku Niskanen
Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities
P.O. Box 1000
SAP 2022
Thème 1 : The diversity of human-animal relationships
The domestication of the modern domestic (DOM2) horse on the
Pontic-Caspian Steppe had massive consequences & horseback
riding had a central role
Modern domestic DOM2 horses emerged through
selection for rideability:
Temperaments & backs became more tolerant of riding.
Horseback riding:
Revolutionized mobility & warfare, which changed:
Economic systems
Socio-political systems
Human gene pools & linguistic distributions.
Resulted in exceptional relationship between predators
(humans) & prey (horses) including:
Ability to read emotions aiding communication
Mutual trust
Focus of this presentation:
The beginning of horseback riding
Size, conformation & athletic ability of past
The human-horse relationship
Methods to estimate size, conformation & athletic ability are reviewed at the end
I am a rider and thus
prone to emphasize
horseback riding
Horseback riding was destined to commence but evidence for the
earliest riding is elusive
“Destined” because we ride all domestic
animals & many wild animals that can be
water buffalo,
Przewalski’s horse,
moose (Alces alces),
bison (Bos bison)!
Photo: Lilja Niskanen
The earliest horseback riding predates the
earliest “hard” evidence:
No bit wear if hackamores instead of bits.
No vertebral pathology until riding was common.
No riding tack if only perishable material used.
Horseback riding must have commenced before 2200 BC when it
was already spreading from the Pontic-Caspian steppe
A detail from an Akkadian seal
impression from Kish (2350-2150
BC) exhibits horseback or
A detail from an Ur III period seal
impression of Abbakalla dated to
2037-2029 BC exhibits horseback
riding (right).
Horseback riding in the Near East ~2200 BC requires much earlier
riding on the steppe for selection to produce rideable horses.
Horseback riding requires
captive horses
Captive breeding likely made
riding necessary!
The origin of captive horses on the Pontic-Caspian Steppe
An important game animal for hunter-
gatherers during Pleistocene & Holocene Livestock was adapted 5000-4500 BC, but:
Horse meat more important than beef and
mutton until ~3300 BC
Symbolic value of the horse increased (Anthony & Brown
Orphan foals taken as pets just like Native Americans took
bison (Bos bison) and moose (Alces alces) pets?
Did horse bones in Eneolithic graves derive
from hunted or captive horses?
Milking horses indicates captive breeding and thus
domestication on the Pontic-Caspian Steppe
Horses milked in the Don River basin by ~3200 BC.
Milking required:
Captive breeding because foaling needed
Docile horses
Closer human-horse relationship
Was horseback riding involved in management of ancestral DOM2 horses in the Don
River basin at that time?
A calculus sample from a human individual dated
to 3345-3093 BC (Wilkin et al. 2021)
Picketing, hobbling & corralling cannot entirely replace
mounted herding on the steppe especially if many horses
Corralled horses require forage gathered for them
A stampede results in injuries
and/or fatalities in addition to
Individual horses or small groups can be picketed and/or hobbled for
grazing but “supervision” & frequent relocation is needed
Managing captive horses on an open steppe eventually
demanded horseback riding
Horses are much faster than other livestock
”…A stampede of…horses is a
frightening thing. The cattle stampede is
a tame affair in comparison…”
(Dobie et al. 2000. Mustangs and Cow Horses, p.17).
Was temperament, size and conformation of ancestral DOM2 horses
suitable for riding?
The earliest mounted
herders rode to keep up
with the herd exercising
limited control on horses
they rode?
Ancestral DOM2 horses were likely good “runners” but equally
unsuitable for riding as historic wild horses
Natural selection favored fast, agile & enduring
horses with strong flight-to-fight reactions,
intolerance for being restrained, etc.
Natural selection did NOT concern with ability to
carry weight & tolerate human-induced stress
“…extremely agile runners able
to run twice as far as the best
domestic horses…” (Gmelin 1770: 46)
Wild horses outran riders on good horses
“…weaker backs, and therefore not
suitable for use …could not be tamed…”
(Stella 1518: 21)
Vaska, a
stallion in 1904
“…absolutely useless for riding being only able to run
very hard next to another horse…” (Gmelin 1770: 47)
“…always die of ennui in a short time, if they do not break their own necks in
resisting the will of man…” (Smith 1866: 165)
Artificial selection had to modify temperaments & make backs more durable 9
Artificial selection modified temperaments to make horses
less panicky & more tolerant of humans
Natural selection favored
aggressiveness & dominance Artificial selection has favored docility &
Implication for the human-horse relationship because a good relationship requires
mutual toleration, trust & effective means of communication
Horses became able to read human emotions making human-horse
teams more effective in riding and other joint activities 10
The rider size - horse size relationship unquestionably
affects riding
Many assume that early domestic horses were too small for proper riding
Small horse with 170 cm rider:
Leg aids “suffer” from too long legs
The horse is overloaded” by rider weight
Ability of ancestral DOM2 horses &
early DOM2 horses to carry riders is
addressed next
Ancestral DOM2 horses:
Height ~138 cm
Body mass ~406 kg
Maximum rider weight ~106 kg
Height ~175 cm
Body mass ~72 kg
Were their backs unsuitable for riding if genetically more
predisposed to develop back problems than DOM2 horses?
Ancestral DOM2 horses & early DOM2 horses were big & strong
enough for basic riding based on limb bone dimensions
Limb bones “claim” they carried adult riders as
well as later horses
Selection reduced genetic predisposition for disc degeneration and other
back problems but were there anatomical changes in the spine?
Lengthening of spinous processes at withers made
back stronger but other vertebral changes are
Elimination of bucking horses likely
aided in elimination of horses with
“bad backs” because back pain induces
Horseback riding has ill effects on horses if dorsal
ligaments & abdominal muscles fail to prevent midback
from dropping
Inherently collaborative DOM2 horses made mounted
warfare possible
Mounted raiding only needed horses suitable for basic riding (i.e.
allow riders to determine direction & speed)
Doubled raiders’ traveling speed or range.
Mounted combat requires obedient horses because greater
control than “normal” riding needed, but NOT necessarily metal
bits, spurs, etc:
A rope in the jaw plus weight & leg aids suffice with collaborative horses.
Horsemanship & collaborative horses are more critical than
technology in riding.
Most pre-DOM2 horses were perhaps inherently too
uncollaborative for mounted combat.
Good relationship including trust, communication, etc. with
the horse facilitates good riding, which is needed in mounted
_Blackfoot_And_Sioux_Meet.jpeg 14
Traction likely postdates riding because it
requires more docile horses & more technology
The Plains Indians selected mature mares with
gentle and trainable disposition previously ridden
to be trained to pull travois to avoid “drama” (Ewers
1955: 64-65).
Chariotry is impossible without special
technology & very obedient as well as trained
Horses of the Sintashta culture
(20501900 BC) were clearly suitable
for chariotry
DOM2 horses diversified into ”ecotypes& ”culture typesafter
their dispersal from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe
Some early eco-culturetypes:
Central & Western Europe
Iberia & NW Africa
Northern Steppe
Southern Steppe & semidesert
SW Asia & NE Africa
Natural selection adapted to local
environment especially in open-range
management systems
Cultural differences in artificial selection &
other management practices resulted in
different types of horses
Size variation of horses of La Tène culture (450-50 BC) of ancient
Gaul implies differentiated use and thus selection
Mostly too small (av. ~122 cm & 254 kg) & weak (av. max. rider wt. ~80 kg) for “proper
riding but not for packhorses and chariot horses.
Were few horses suitable for mounted combat (>130 cm & max. rider wt. > 90 kg)
regarded more valuable than other horses?
Average (122 cm) and big (140 cm) La Tène horses with
175 cm tall riders.
Estimated from metacarpal dimensions provided in Gaunitz et al. 2018. Science 360, 111-114 (Suppl. Table 10) 17
Medieval West European horses varied in size and thus in use
Height range 108-163 cm with ~130-132 cm & ~300-325 kg average.
Destriers (the Great Horses”) were highly valued because selectively bred, highly trained & able to
cope with rider weight of 165 kg (weight of rider + full armor)
Was a sturdy 150 cm weighing 500 kg ”adequate” for a destrier?
Sir John Hawkwood’s
destrier was 160-165
cm if Sir John was 170
cm. Ameen et al. (2021); Clark (2004). The Medieval Horse
Sir John riding 130 cm & 150 cm horses
Aristocratic & common men averaged
~175 cm & ~168 cm, respectively
Destriers of High & Late Medieval periods were likely bigger
& stronger than Early Medieval warhorses
Merovingian warhorse with 175 cm rider
Merovingian warhorses from Childeric’s tomb
(Tournai, Belgium) dated to 481/482 AD:
Height ~140 cm
Body mass ~418 kg
Max. rider wt. ~103 kg
Merovingian warhorses were unlikely able to carry 165 kg
in combat
Destriers were comparable with current
warmbloods in strength?
Considerable diversification of size, conformation & athletic ability
during the last few hundred years
A broad range of uses & thus many breeds and/or types:
Cosmopolitan racehorses for riding & harness racing
Sport horses for Olympic Equestrian riding events
Saddle breeds including gaited breeds
Draft & cart breeds
Miniature (toy) ponies
Landraces with or without studbook
Industrial societies relied heavily on horses still in the early 1900s
Horses still remain important in many societies
Corresponding variation in the
horse-human relationship
Warmblood sporthorses competing in showjumping, dressage &
eventing are becoming specialized and cosmopolitan
Size is optimized for sport performance:
Height ~165-172 cm
Body mass ~550-650 kg
Conformation according to event:
Show jumpers jumper conformation
Dressage horses dressage conformation
Eventers galloper & jumper conformation
Cosmopolitan breeding:
Many stallions in more than one studbook Quillan KS, Finnish warmblood (FWB)
stallion, carries Selle Français (SF) ancestry
Horse height 166 cm
Rider height 180 cm
Useability of sport horses for general riding may be
declining because selection focuses on sport performance
Panicky, excessively reactive, etc.
E-Type (daughter of Esprina) fears snowflakes although born & raised in Finland!
E-type exiting a horse transport full of monsters Esprina fears monster pears (photo: Lilja Niskanen)
Landraces must be
preserved & studied!
Kvist, L. & Niskanen, M. (2021)
Modern Northern Domestic Horses Carry Mitochondrial
DNA Similar to Przewalski’s Horse.
J Mammal Evol 28:371-376
Highly valuable “gene-bank” horses!
Genetically adapted to their environment:
“Easy keepers”
Temperamentally sound (not like sport horses!)
Useable for rewilding
May carry ancestry from pre-DOM2 horses:
For example, Przewalski’s horse mtDNA in Finnhorse
Estimation of size, conformation & athletic abilities
Esprina (left) & Lauretta (right) directed my horse research
Methods for horses need to be developed since lack considerably behind those
applied on humans!
Osteometric measurements from skeletal” horses &
zoometric measurements from living horses were used
Gaunitz et al. (2018) Science 360:111
-114 (SI)
(2020) Apport des changements enthésiques á
des fonctions équines passées…(Doctoral
dissertation, Université Bordeaux)
Ameen et al. (2021) Int. J.
Osteoarchaeol. 31:1247-1257.
Niskanen (unpublished data) (N = 20)
Living horses
Mean values from 34 publications
stallions (Sukuposti:
Finnish warmblood stallions
Niskanen (unpublished data)
Living & skeletal measurements from 20 horses were
used in establishing living dimension skeletal
dimension relationships
Measurement protocols used
Osteometric measurement protocols
Vera Eisenmann (
Von den Driesch, A. (1976). A Guide to the
Measurement of animal bones from Archaeological
My own set of measurements from carpal & tarsal
regions used for biomechanical reconstructions.
Zoometric measurement protocol
A set of 48 measurements including:
Commonly taken measurements of horses, for example, in
studbook examinations.
Specific measurements for conversions between living &
skeletal measurements.
Reconstructions of physical performances are
based on biomechanical computations
Heights of horses can be reasonably accurately estimated
from complete skeletons with anatomical reconstructions
Bone lengths are converted to ”livingsegment heights,
which sums represent skeletal heights:
Scapular caudal angle height
Hip joint height
Skeletal heights are converted to total heights:
Withers ht. /
Sca.caudal angle
Croup ht
. / Hip
joint ht.
1.125 1.190
horse 1.122 1.200
1.109 1.200
Equus 1.107 1.200
Height estimation from lengths of single bones is less accurate but
can be improved by taking bone shape into account
Metacarpal example
Relatively stout metapodials tend to be short for total height and vice versa
Estimation from metacarpal length requires
separate equations for species & horse
A generic equation is sufficient if using metacarpal length and
metacarpal distal articular breadth / metacarpal length ratio
Cannon girths, body lengths & chest girths of
skeletal horses can be estimated
Cannon girth from metacarpal
midshaft size.
Body length & chest girth from
measured or estimated withers
height & cannon girth
Body length = 0.6243 × withers ht. + 2.496 × cannon g. + 115.683
(r = 0.982, N = 63 midsex means)
Chest girth = 0.5178 × withers ht. + 4.554 × cannon g. + 126.486
(r = 0.954, N = 63 midsex means)
Body mass estimation is less accurate than height estimation
but rough estimation is possible, for example, by scaling skeletal
dimensions with body mass
Scaling values are based on:
Skeletal equids with known live body mass (N = 24)
Mean values for various horse breeds (N = 36)
Finnhorse stallions with known body mass (N = 2480)
This data reveals that:
Joint areas scale as body mass0.769
Body mass scales as joint areas1.150
Coefficient of proportionality values are used to convert
scaled values to corresponding body masses.
These dimensions are MT11 and MT13
in the case of metatarsals
Muscle force estimation is inaccurate but not
impossible based on known scaling of muscle force
Entheseal areas provide the most accurate estimates followed by joint
areas and body mass
Entheseal areas1.000
For example, calcanean tuber breadth squared Distal metapodial joint areas0.925
For example, MC11 x MC13
Muscle force scales as body mass0.667
Weight carrying ability can be estimated from skeletal
size and proportions
Estimating maximum rider weight from metacarpal size & proportions
The longer the distal segments
(e.g. metapodials) relative to
muscle moment arms & weight
carried, the harder the flexor
muscles work to prevent
Max. rider wt. (kg)
= [(Horse body weight0.667 × MC13) / MC2] × 15.175
= [(MC11xMC13 × MC13) / MC2] × 0.480
Calibration based on
the late 19th century
cavalry horses
Relatively short backs are better weight-
carriers than relatively long ones
Biomechanically more efficient:
Each centimeter of back length
equals about one kg of rider weight
Supports heavier loads:
Each centimeter of back length equals 1.27 kg
of rider weight if all other factors are constant
A horse courbette jumpingshows that it is possible to estimate jumping
ability and locomotion velocity if estimate of muscle force is available
Body mass: 550 kg
Angle of “launch”: 35O
Jumping distance: 2.5 m
Velocity: 5.1083 m/s
Acceleration distance: 0.77 m
Force output = [MarmL ×Muscle force × sin(60O)] / LarmL
Force output (9319.5447) = [0.0912 ×50325.275 × 0.86603] / 0.4265
Force output needed: 9319.5447 N
MarmL: 0.0912 m
LarmL: 0.4265 m
Angle of muscle pull: 60O
Muscle force needed:
50325.275 N
Estimated & observed galloping velocities correlate
More experimentation is needed in this area!
Thank you for your attention!
Esprina (left) & Lauretta (right) provided inspiration, advice, information, friendship,
understanding, great rides, riding injuries, etc. for many years 36
Full-text available
The findings of Librado et al. (2021) show that modern domestic horses (DOM2) emerged in the lower Don-Volga region. They imply that horseback riding drove selection that resulted in these horses and fuelled their initial dispersal, and also that DOM2 horses replaced other horses because they were more suitable for riding due to their more docile temperaments and resilient backs. In this article, I argue that captive breeding of horses leading to their domestication began in about 4500-3000 BC in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and made horseback riding necessary because managing horses, and especially moving them over long distances, required mounted herding. Horseback riding had been experimented with since the second half of the 5th millennium BC, became common around 3100 BC during the early stages of the Yamnaya culture, and necessary by the middle of the 3rd millennium BC at the very latest. As horseback riding became more common, selection for malleable temperaments and resilient backs intensified, resulting in DOM2 horses by about 2300-2200 BC in the lower Don-Volga region. The body size and weight-carrying ability of ancestral and early DOM2 horses were not limiting factors for horseback riding. The initial dispersal of DOM2 horses was facilitated by horseback riding and began by about 2300+150 BC. Chariotry began to spread together with DOM2 horses after 2000 BC, but its high archaeological visibility may have inflated its importance, since chariots are of limited practical use for herding and other daily tasks.
Full-text available
The horse is central to many Indigenous cultures across the American Southwest and the Great Plains. However, when and how horses were first integrated into Indigenous lifeways remain contentious, with extant models derived largely from colonial records. We conducted an interdisciplinary study of an assemblage of historic archaeological horse remains, integrating genomic, isotopic, radiocarbon, and paleopathological evidence. Archaeological and modern North American horses show strong Iberian genetic affinities, with later influx from British sources, but no Viking proximity. Horses rapidly spread from the south into the northern Rockies and central plains by the first half of the 17th century CE, likely through Indigenous exchange networks. They were deeply integrated into Indigenous societies before the arrival of 18th-century European observers, as reflected in herd management, ceremonial practices, and culture.
Full-text available
Horses have had a singular impact on human societies. Beyond increasing interconnectivity and revolutionizing warfare, reconfigurations of human-horse relationships coincide with changes in sociopolitical formations. How this occurs is less well understood. This article proposes that relationships of equestrianism transform people and horses reciprocally, generating new possibilities for both species. Focusing here on human benefits, equestrianism affords differential and increased mobility, access, and experience for people, which translate horse power into human power. This has particular consequences for how political authority is negotiated. I use the tell societies of Bronze Age Hungary (ca. 2300/2200–1600/1500 BC) to model how horses were harnessed in resistance to centralized rule and social inequality as much as they were used to assert power. This interpretation challenges traditional grand narratives for the European Bronze Age, which see male elite warriors driving chariots, desirous of bronze, and instituting hierarchical, complex societies. Rather, ordinary women and men riding horses built these long-lived communities and were variously able to resist chiefly authority because of the power offered by horses. The theory starts disentangling mechanisms between local equestrianism and long-term historical changes.
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Before the introduction of domestic horses in Mesopotamia in the late third millennium BCE, contemporary cuneiform tablets and seals document intentional breeding of highly valued equids called kungas for use in diplomacy, ceremony, and warfare. Their precise zoological classification, however, has never been conclusively determined. Morphometric analysis of equids uncovered in rich Early Bronze Age burials at Umm el-Marra, Syria, placed them beyond the ranges reported for other known equid species. We sequenced the genomes of one of these ~4500-year-old equids, together with an ~11,000-year-old Syrian wild ass (hemippe) from Göbekli Tepe and two of the last surviving hemippes. We conclude that kungas were F1 hybrids between female domestic donkeys and male hemippes, thus documenting the earliest evidence of hybrid animal breeding.
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Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare¹. However, modern domesticated breeds do not descend from the earliest domestic horse lineage associated with archaeological evidence of bridling, milking and corralling2–4 at Botai, Central Asia around 3500 bc³. Other longstanding candidate regions for horse domestication, such as Iberia⁵ and Anatolia⁶, have also recently been challenged. Thus, the genetic, geographic and temporal origins of modern domestic horses have remained unknown. Here we pinpoint the Western Eurasian steppes, especially the lower Volga-Don region, as the homeland of modern domestic horses. Furthermore, we map the population changes accompanying domestication from 273 ancient horse genomes. This reveals that modern domestic horses ultimately replaced almost all other local populations as they expanded rapidly across Eurasia from about 2000 bc, synchronously with equestrian material culture, including Sintashta spoke-wheeled chariots. We find that equestrianism involved strong selection for critical locomotor and behavioural adaptations at the GSDMC and ZFPM1 genes. Our results reject the commonly held association⁷ between horseback riding and the massive expansion of Yamnaya steppe pastoralists into Europe around 3000 bc8,9 driving the spread of Indo-European languages¹⁰. This contrasts with the scenario in Asia where Indo-Iranian languages, chariots and horses spread together, following the early second millennium bc Sintashta culture11,12.
Full-text available
Across Eurasia, horse transport transformed ancient societies. Although evidence for chariotry is well dated, the origins of horse riding are less clear. Techniques to distinguish chariotry from riding in archaeological samples rely on elements not typically recovered from many steppe contexts. Here, the authors examine horse remains of Mongolia's Deer Stone-Khirigsuur (DSK) Complex, comparing them with ancient and modern East Asian horses used for both types of transport. DSK horses demonstrate unique dentition damage that could result from steppe chariotry, but may also indicate riding with a shallow rein angle at a fast gait. A key role for chariots in Late Bronze Age Mongolia helps explain the trajectory of horse use in early East Asia.
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The domestication of the horse began about 5500 years ago in the Eurasian steppes. In the following millennia horses spread across the ancient world, and their role in transportation and warfare affected every ancient culture. Ownership of horses became an indicator of wealth and social status. The importance of horses led to a growing interest in their breeding and management. Many phenotypic traits, such as height, behavior, and speed potential, have been proven to be a subject of selection; however, the details of ancient breeding practices remain mostly unknown. From the fourth millennium BP, through the Iron Age, many literature sources thoroughly describe horse training systems, as well as various aspects of husbandry, many of which are still in use today. The striking resemblance of ancient and modern equine practices leaves us wondering how much was accomplished through four thousand years of horse breeding.
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Despite its transformative impact on human history, the early domestication of the horse (Equus caballus) remains exceedingly difficult to trace in the archaeological record. In recent years, a scientific consensus emerged linking the Botai culture of northern Kazakhstan with the first domestication of horses, based on compelling but largely indirect archaeological evidence. A cornerstone of the archaeological case for domestication at Botai is damage to the dentition commonly linked with the use of bridle mouthpieces, or “bit wear.” Recent archaeogenetic analyses reveal, however, that horse remains from Botai are not modern domesticates but instead the Przewalski’s horse, E. przewalskii—warranting reevaluation of evidence for domestication. Here, we compare osteological traits hypothesized to have been caused by horse transport at Botai with wild Pleistocene equids in North America. Our results suggest that damage observed in Botai horse teeth is likely generated by natural disturbances in dental development and wear, rather than through contact with bridle equipment. In light of a careful reconsideration of the mid-Holocene archaeological record of northern Eurasia, we suggest that archaeological materials from Botai are most effectively explained through the regularized mass harvesting of wild Przewalski’s’ horses—meaning that the origins of horse domestication may lie elsewhere.