Conference PaperPDF Available

VDC in Practice: A Preliminary Categorization of Production Metrics Reported in Scandinavia and Latin America

Majumdar, T., Rasmussen, S.G., Del Savio, A.A., Johannesdottír, K., Hjelseth, E., & Fischer, M.A.
(2022). VDC in Practice: A Preliminary Categorization of Production Metrics reported in Scandinavia
and Latin America Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean
Construction (IGLC30), 11771185.
Lean and BIM 1177
Tulika Majumdar
, Steinar G. Rasmussen
, Alexandre Almeida Del Savio
, Katrin
, Eilif Hjelseth
, and Martin A. Fischer
Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) teams are increasingly using
emerging management methods involving collaboration, lean construction, and
digitization for managing projects. Production metrics (PM) are being used to assess the
impact of these methods on project performance during run-time. A lack of common
vocabulary hinders comparison of PM, making it difficult to repeat strategies used for
improving project performance and for benchmarking PM across projects.
Through a detailed content analysis, 2 datasets of 904 PM reported by 195 Virtual
Design and Construction (VDC) practitioners in Scandinavia and Latin America were
curated. Qualitative coding was used to categorize the PM into the three key VDC
elements, i.e., Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE), Building Information Modeling
(BIM) and Project Production Management (PPM) and to validate the categorization.
This research enabled a comparison of PM categories across the two regions for the
first time. PM categorized as ICE and PPM were reported by more than 68% professionals
in both the regions. BIM PM had a disparity in reporting (Scandinavia: 30%, Latin
America: 91%). It also opened a pathway to develop a common vocabulary of PM to
compare, benchmark and standardize PM across VDC implementations.
Production metrics, continuous improvement, concurrent, standardization, process
Since 2019, the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD) has been
conducting a VDC certificate program (VDCCP) in collaboration with the Center for
Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE), Norwegian University of Science and
Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, USA,
Hæhre Entreprenør,
Professor, Civil Engineering Department, University of Lima,
Trimble Solutions Sandvika AS,
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Norway,
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, USA,
VDC in Practice: A Preliminary Categorization of Production Metrics Reported in Scandinavia and Latin
Lean and BIM 1178
Technology (NTNU) and Universidad De Lima (ULima). AEC professionals enrolled in
the VDCCP learn the fundamentals of VDC in a 1-week introductory workshop and
implement VDC on their ongoing projects for 9 months. They define PM for their projects
at the beginning of the implementation and explain through monthly reports if and how
the PM enabled effective course correction.
Previous researchers have established the connection between Lean and VDC (Fosse &
Ballard, 2016; Rischmoller et al., 2018). In recent years, there has been an increase in
the number of AEC professionals implementing VDC on their projects (Majumdar et al.,
2022). PM are an integral part of the VDC methodology. They impact project
performance by providing rapid feedback on actions and decisions taken by project teams
for timely course correction. Unlike several other industries, such as manufacturing, a
common vocabulary of useful PM does not exist for the AEC industry. As a result, AEC
project teams establish and track PM on an ad-hoc basis, which hinders comparison and
benchmarking. This phenomenon was observed by CIFE researchers in the PM data
provided by 279 AEC professionals from Scandinavia and Latin America who enrolled
in the VDCCP in 2020.
This was the first time that PM data from a large number of projects in two different
parts of the world during the same time period was available for research. This opened
up the possibility of building a vocabulary of PM to facilitate learning and benchmarking
and to answer the research question - How can PM data be used for comparison and
learning across projects?
In answering the above question, this study categorized 1963 PM using the 3 key VDC
elements of ICE, BIM, and PPM. While an analysis of individual PM in each of the 3
categories is beyond the scope of this study, it makes the following two contributions:
A categorization based on key VDC elements as a first step towards building a
common vocabulary of PM.
Operationalization of VDC theory by comparing PM categories reported in
Project Managers and AEC organizations can use this categorization to compare the
level of collaboration, use of digital tools and lean work processes across projects. They
can establish and standardize individual PM under each category. Researchers can use
this categorization to build sub-categories of PM to facilitate standardization of PM in
the industry.
PM, an integral part of the VDC methodology, create a culture of continuous
improvement, which is a key Lean principle (Haugstvedt, 2019).
Existing literature on PM used by VDC practitioners is either based on anecdotal
information (Kunz & Fischer, 2012) or limited case studies (Belsvik et al., 2019; Fosse
& Ballard, 2016; Gao, 2011). There has been no study which reports on PM used in
practice on a variety of projects. This empirical research looked for evidence of PM used
by VDC practitioners on ongoing projects in two different parts of the world in 2020 and
categorized them for accessibility by AEC professionals and researchers.
Tulika Majumdar, Steinar G. Rasmussen, Alexandre Almeida Del Savio, Katrin Johannesdottír,
Eilif Hjelseth, and Martin A. Fischer
Proceedings IGLC30, 25-31 July 2022, Edmonton, Canada 1179
Categorization of metrics has been adopted in other industries, such as manufacturing,
for comparison, benchmarking and standardization (Gunasekaran et al., 2001). In the
AEC industry, categorization has been used for comparison of facilities performance
(Lavy et al., 2014). This is the first study which uses PM data reported from real AEC
projects and uses the following key VDC elements to categorize them:
ICE (Integrated Concurrent Engineering): To achieve an integrated, high
performing facility, project teams should learn how to share knowledge, evaluate multiple
possible solutions through collaboration and consistent feedback. It therefore becomes
important for the project team to co-locate, at least partially (Fischer et al., 2014) so that
project team members from various disciplines can have several quality interactions to
solve problems quickly and effectively.
BIM (Building Information Modeling): This refers to visualization and simulation,
which are the key mechanisms to achieve integrated information.
PPM (Project Production Management): This refers to the organization of physical
work tasks by treating the project as a production system. It includes managing
parameters such as cycle time, work in process, capacity utilization etc. PPM has its
origins in Operations Science, which is also the seat of evolution of Lean (Rischmoller et
al., 2018).
Conceptual content analysis was considered suitable for this study. This research method
establishes whether a concept exists in a given text. The occurrence or non‐occurrence of
selected keywords within the target text are used to either discern the central idea of the
text or extrapolate conclusions (Carley, 1990). This was used to extract PM data from
each final report in .ppt or .pdf format provided by AEC professionals as part of the
VDCCP and then to categorize them. Without a standard list of PM available, the survey
method would be inadequate to capture the data provided in all the reports and was,
therefore, ruled out. Case studies or sampling would not cover the breadth of PM data
which was available for the first time, and were also ruled out.
The key tasks in the research involved a) data preparation and clean-up to curate two
datasets of PM, b) qualitative coding to categorize PM reported in dataset 1(Scandinavia)
into the three key VDC elements, i.e., ICE, BIM and PPM, and c) qualitative coding of
PM reported in dataset 2(Latin America) to validate the three PM categories.
Final monthly reports (in .ppt or .pdf formats) submitted by 175 professionals from the
first large-scale VDCCP in Scandinavia and by 104 professionals from the first large-
scale VDCCP in Latin America were compiled. The data was immediately anonymized
for carrying out the research. The languages used in the reports were Norwegian, English
and Spanish. 1963 PM found in these reports in the form of tables and charts were
manually entered in Google sheets in the original language and were translated into
English using Google Translate. As PM are daily or weekly in nature and are measured
as short-term outcomes of actions and decisions taken by the project team, data clean-up
was done to eliminate metrics which are a) measured once at project completion instead
of daily or weekly, such as “deviation from final cost of project”, b) measured at specific
VDC in Practice: A Preliminary Categorization of Production Metrics Reported in Scandinavia and Latin
Lean and BIM 1180
milestones, such as “time taken to complete zoning plan”, c) input metrics (Khanzode,
2011) which are actions and decisions controlled by the project team and do not measure
an outcome, such as “number of ICE sessions conducted, and vague data reported as
metrics, such as “problem solving”.
After clean-up, dataset 1 consisted of 417 PM reported by 115 professionals and dataset
2 consisted of 487 PM reported by 80 professionals. Tables1 and 2 provide details on
the roles of professionals in both the datasets after clean-up and the project types they
reported PM data from.
Table 1: Role of professionals in cleaned-up datasets of PM
Company Type
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Latin America
Consultant/Owner's Rep.
Design/Engineering Consultant
General Contractor
Software Provider
Not Available
The professionals used VDC on both building and infrastructure projects. Table 2 lists
the breakdown by these 2 project types after data clean-up in the two datasets.
Table 2: Project types in cleaned-up datasets of PM
Project Type
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Latin America
Information not available
Through content analysis, the first author interpreted the 417 cleaned-up PM from dataset
1 using supporting documentation from the monthly reports before categorizing it. The
interpretation was reviewed by industry experts from Scandinavia who had participated
as mentors to the professionals during the VDCCP and were therefore familiar with the
context of the projects in the reports. The second and fourth authors then did another
review of the PM interpretation and categorization and updated the categories where
required. For PM which were categorized differently by different authors, a mutual
decision was taken to select one category over another. A few PM were found which
satisfied the criteria of more than one category. As an example, number of clashes
Tulika Majumdar, Steinar G. Rasmussen, Alexandre Almeida Del Savio, Katrin Johannesdottír,
Eilif Hjelseth, and Martin A. Fischer
Proceedings IGLC30, 25-31 July 2022, Edmonton, Canada 1181
identified in the 3D BIM during the ICE session” can be categorized as both BIM and
ICE. For such PM too, a mutual decision was taken by the authors to select one category
over another.
The process to interpret and categorize PM was repeated for dataset 2. After the first
author interpreted the 487 cleaned-up PM, a second round of interpretation was carried
out by the third author, a researcher from the University of Lima who was also the
program coordinator for the VDCCP. Once a PM was interpreted adequately, a mutual
decision was taken to categorize it. No PM was found in dataset 2 which could not be
categorized into the 3 key VDC elements of ICE, BIM, and PPM, validating the proposed
The categorization of PM enabled a comparison of PM across the two datasets. Manual
data analysis of the categorized PM highlighted a) the most reported PM category and b)
the number of PM categories reported by AEC professionals across the two datasets
As shown in Figure 2a, PM which were categorized as ICE were reported by more than
80% professionals in both the datasets (Scandinavia: 84%, Latin America: 91%). PM
categorized as PPM were reported by more than 65% in both the datasets (Scandinavia:
68%, Latin America: 79%). There was a disparity in the number of professionals who
reported PM which were categorized as BIM (Scandinavia: 30%, Latin America: 91%).
Figure 2a: Percentage of professionals who reported ICE, BIM, and PPM production
metrics in Scandinavia (Dataset 1, n =115) and Latin America (Dataset 2, n = 80)
ICE: ICE emerged as the PM category reported by most professionals in both the
datasets, indicating that collocation and collaboration are picking up as a way of
VDC in Practice: A Preliminary Categorization of Production Metrics Reported in Scandinavia and Latin
Lean and BIM 1182
working across the geographies. This finding can be used by project managers and
AEC organizations to invest in resources which foster collaboration, such as the
big room (A. Khanzode et al., 2011.). Organizations can define standard lists of
individual ICE PM which can assist project teams to assess team collaboration.
Software providers can focus on product functionality which enables assessment
of collaboration and recommends strategies to improve it.
PPM: A large number of professionals across both the datasets reported PM in
this category. PM which were categorized as PPM bear a resemblance to metrics
tracked on traditional projects, such as “number of change orders” and “number
of requests for information”, indicating that they may be better understood by
professionals as compared to BIM PM. Percent Plan Complete” was the PM
which was most reported in this category across both the datasets.
BIM: It was surprising to see BIM PM being reported by only 30% of the
professionals in dataset 1 as compared to 91% professionals in dataset 2. The PM
which most professionals reported under BIM was the number of clashes
detected or resolved”. Hard clashes, which may be better understood in the
industry, are more common in building projects (Matejka & Sabart, 2018). 44%
of the professionals in dataset 1 were working on building projects as compared
to 84% in dataset 2. When standardizing and benchmarking PM, organizations
should consider the project type.
Figure 2b shows the count of professionals who reported PM representing all three VDC
elements (Scandinavia: 17%, Latin America: 68%) as compared to those who reported
PM representing a single VDC element (Scandinavia: 36%, Latin America: 6%)
Figure 2a: Percentage of professionals who reported production metrics representing
1, 2 and 3 VDC elements, i.e., ICE, BIM, and PPM in Scandinavia (Dataset 1, n =115)
and Latin America (Dataset 2, n = 80)
Tulika Majumdar, Steinar G. Rasmussen, Alexandre Almeida Del Savio, Katrin Johannesdottír,
Eilif Hjelseth, and Martin A. Fischer
Proceedings IGLC30, 25-31 July 2022, Edmonton, Canada 1183
There was a disparity in the number of professionals who reported all the three categories
of PM across the two datasets. Most professionals in dataset 2 reported PM in all the three
categories while most professionals in dataset 1 reported PM in two categories. A handful
of professionals reported PM in a single category. Almost 40% of the professionals in
dataset 1 and 16% professionals in dataset 2 reported PM which could be categorized as
ICE and PPM but none which could be categorized as BIM.
The categorization recommended in this paper is based on self-reported PM data from the
VDCCP. Monthly reports provided evidence of the use of PM in the form of pictures,
tables, charts, and summaries. Triangulation, in the form of reviewing actual artefacts
from the projects (such as projects schedules, RFI and change order logs), was beyond
the scope of this work. While it is possible that certain PM used were not reported due to
confidentiality, such PM would likely fall under one of the three categories recommended
in this paper.
While this study provided insight into 3 broad categories of PM reflecting project
organization, tools for visualization and simulation and processes for work tasks, it did
not provide a comprehensive list of individual PM reported under each category.
Comparing projects based on PM category alone is not sufficient. Individual PM for each
category need to be compared for establishing benchmarks across projects.
This study did not consider differences in PM reported based on project type and phase
For example, BIM PM related to hard clashes may not have been relevant for
infrastructure projects. Similarly, PM related to field material delivery and site generated
change orders were not relevant for projects in the design phase. Project managers should
consider these factors while comparing projects based on the PM categories reported.
It is possible that a certain PM category was reported more than another because of
familiarity or ease of tracking. As an example, “number of change orders”, which have
traditionally been managed on construction projects and are categorized as PPM, are
possibly better understood by professionals. In comparison, PM related to BIM and ICE
may not be understood very well. Companies should therefore put in effort towards
training employees to familiarize them with BIM and ICE PM. Developers of BIM tools
should expand functionality of solutions so that it is easy for professionals to track BIM
PM such as BIM rework hours.
A few PM, such as number of tasks in the weekly lookahead plan, if identified in
an ICE session, could have been categorized in more than one category. This study did
not consider PM categories by combinations of VDC elements. However, the number of
such PM found in this study was not significant to alter the results of the comparison.
This study provides a categorization of PM into the three key elements of VDC. Future
research should:
Include more PM data from projects in other geographies to further validate
sufficiency of the three categories. In addition, PM reported by AEC
professionals who did not go through the VDCCP should be included to test the
applicability of the categorization.
VDC in Practice: A Preliminary Categorization of Production Metrics Reported in Scandinavia and Latin
Lean and BIM 1184
Define individual PM under each of the three categories. Project managers and
companies will then be able to identify the top individual PMs tracked under
each category to establish benchmarks.
Compare PM categories based on project characteristics such as type (building
vs infrastructure), size (small, medium, large), ownership (public, private) etc.
Explore whether individual PM under one category are difficult to understand
and report as compared to another.
Test the exclusivity of the three categories from this study.
Industries such as manufacturing have standard lists of PM for comparison, learning and
benchmarking across projects. This has not been possible in the AEC industry as there is
no common vocabulary to report and share PM data. This results in project teams
reinventing the wheel each time and bearing the risk of tracking sub-optimal PM which
could negatively impact project performance. By creating two datasets of PM reported by
195 AEC professionals in Scandinavia and Latin America, this research contributed a
feasible categorization of PM based on three key VDC elements, i.e., ICE, BIM, and PPM.
A comparison of the PM categories showed that ICE PM were reported by most
professionals in both the datasets, (Scandinavia: 84%, Latin America 91%), followed by
PPM (Scandinavia: 68%, Latin America 79%) and BIM (Scandinavia: 30%, Latin
America 91%). In addition, it operationalized VDC theory by comparing the PM
categories reported. There was a disparity in the number of professionals who reported
all the three PM categories (Latin America: 68%, Scandinavia:17%), indicating that there
is a gap in theory versus practice of VDC, which recommends the use of ICE, BIM, and
PPM together.
We thank all the professionals who enrolled in the 1st large-scale VDCCP and reported
on the PM they tracked on their projects. We thank Gunnar Skeie, Bjørg Egeland, Johnny
Rimestad Sætre, Henning Vardøen, Thomas Iversen and Lars C. Christensen, who
reviewed the categorization of the PM in the Scandinavian dataset and provided missing
data wherever possible. We thank the CIFE community for its financial support of this
research through the seed research grant on “A Bottom-Up Approach to Generate VDC
Implementation Patterns by Comparing Production Metrics Data”, (2020) and
“Similarities and Differences in Production Metrics Reported across VDC
Implementations”, (2021).
Belsvik, M. R., Lædre, O., & Hjelseth, E. (2019). Metrics in VDC Projects. Proc. 27 the
Annual Conference of the International. Group for Lean Construction (IGLC).
Carley, K. (1990). Content analysis.
Fischer, M., Reed, D., Khanzode, A., & Ashcraft, H. (2014). A simple framework for
integrated project delivery. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the
International Group for Lean Construction, 13191330.
Tulika Majumdar, Steinar G. Rasmussen, Alexandre Almeida Del Savio, Katrin Johannesdottír,
Eilif Hjelseth, and Martin A. Fischer
Proceedings IGLC30, 25-31 July 2022, Edmonton, Canada 1185
Fosse, R., & Ballard, G. (2016). Lean design management in practice with the last
planner system. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International
Group for Lean Construction, Boston, EE. UU.
Gao, J. (n.d.). A Characterization Framework to Document and Compare BIM
Implementations on Construction Projects [Ph.D., Stanford University].
Gunasekaran, A., Patel, C., & Tirtiroglu, E. (2001). Performance measures and metrics
in a supply chain environment. International Journal of Operations &
Production Management, 21(1/2), 7187.
Haugstvedt, O. H. (2019). Metrics development strategy for VDC in Design
management [Master’s Thesis]. NTNU.
Khanzode, A., Fischer, M., & Reed, D. (2011). Challenges and benefits of
implementing Virtual Design and Construction technologies for coordination of
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems on a large healthcare project.
Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University.
Khanzode, A. R. (2011). An Integrated Virtual Design and Construction and Lean
(IVL) Method for Coordination of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP)
Systems [Ph.D., Stanford University]. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from
Kunz, J., & Fischer, M. (2012). Virtual design and construction: Themes, case studies
and implementation suggestions. Center for Integrated Facility Engineering,
Stanford University.
Lavy, S., Garcia, J. A., Scinto, P., & Dixit, M. K. (2014). Key performance indicators
for facility performance assessment: Simulation of core indicators. Construction
Management & Economics, 32(12), 11831204.
Majumdar, T., Rasmussen, S. G., Del Savio, A. A., Johannesdottir, K., Hjelseth, E., &
Fischer, M. (2022). A Comparative Analysis of Production Metrics across VDC
Implementations. Construction Research Congress 2022, 10241033.
Matejka, P., & Sabart, D. (2018, May 23). Categorization of clashes and their impacts
on construction projects. 17th International Scientific Conference Engineering
for Rural Development.
Rischmoller, L., Reed, D., Khanzode, A., & Fischer, M. (2018). Integration enabled by
virtual design and construction as a lean implementation strategy. Proc. 26th
Annual Conference of the International. Group for Lean Construction (IGLC),
Chennai, India.
... The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the construction industry, mainly during the first half of 2020, has forced many face-to-face ICE sessions to be carried out virtually, opening the space for the use of big virtual rooms employing the latest tools/technologies available in digital collaborative boards/workspaces. ICE sessions usually represent the most common application among those who use VDC, as seen in the study by Majumdar et al. [54]. Furthermore, unlike traditional meetings, which often lack proper planning with pre-established time frames and preparation by the members, ICE sessions follow a detailed agenda previously sent to the participants, with clear objectives and estimated times for each topic to be discussed [45,51]. ...
... The work done by Majumdar et al. [63] gives us an important starting point to define proven production objectives (production metrics) based on previous VDC implementation experiences. Later, the same research group, Majumdar et al. [54], extended the production metrics studies to categorize them into the three VDC elements: ICE, BIM and PPM. The results show that production metrics categorized as ICE were reported by more than 80% of Scandinavian and Latin-American professionals and PPM by more than 65%. ...
... Future investigation also could focus on developing a list of controllable factors categorized as per the VDC elements (ICE, BIM and PPM), similar to the production objective studies by Majumdar et al. [63] and Majumdar et al. [54], respectively. ...
Full-text available
Compared with other industries, construction has maintained one of the lowest growth rates in productivity and innovation over the last decades. Moreover, low compliance with schedule targets has remained a common issue throughout projects. Therefore, although methodologies developed have benefited productivity in design, construction and operation, meeting client and project objectives becomes challenging without properly integrating organization, information, systems and processes. This perspective introduces the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) framework. First, this paper studies and reviews VDC since its creation at the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) of Stanford University in 2001. After that, a comprehensive bibliographical review of the VDC framework is presented and updated with examples of its application in construction projects, delving into its elements: Client Objectives, Project Objectives, Production Objectives, Controllable Factors, Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE), Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Project Production Management (PPM). Finally, the main benefits and project outcomes when applying the VDC framework are presented and discussed, followed by the conclusions and recommendations for future research.
... The goal of VDC in the design phase is to use models to understand the complexity of a project and predict potential challenges before a large commitment of time or money is made [10] through metrics that are important yardsticks for architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) teams to determine whether their projects are on track [11]. VDC is based on three fundamental components: building information modeling (BIM) allows simulation of a project to improve collaboration between interested parties, and this was adopted by the AECO industry in 2000 as a collaborative process for project management and to improve the efficiency of the construction industry [12]; integrated concurrent engineering (ICE), a methodology which consists of team members from multiple disciplines meeting to develop a coordinated work session, using integrated information to solve different problems [13]; and project production management (PPM), which considers the construction of a project as a production system and analyzes the achievable limits of the work to be carried out and ratified in distinct scenarios [14].The VDC methodology has been implemented and studied in several projects, as demonstrated by a study using Bayes' theorem which analyzed data from 40 similar projects, concluding that more detailed use of VDC is correlated with greater possibilities of obtaining more benefits [15]. VDC adoption has gradually developed, but its implementation has been slow and predominantly confined to larger projects [16]. ...
Full-text available
The structures laboratory is a crucial facility for supporting research development related to the construction industry. This kind of laboratory has several components, and one of its key components is the reaction wall. The reaction wall supports the execution of experimental tests on structural elements under specific configurations and loads. Constructing a reaction wall presents challenges due to the highest standards to be met. This research analyzes the construction process of a reaction wall at a private university in Peru. Initially, a schedule was proposed by a contractor. However, the client, knowing the complexity of such construction, asked to review the initial schedule to ensure that it would meet the constructability requirements under the integrated product-organization-process approach given by the virtual design and construction (VDC) methodology. The result of this study pointed out the need to revise the original proposed schedule, extending the construction time to 66% due to the lack of construction processes compatible with the requirements for the reaction wall’s execution. Finally, a survey was conducted to observe the learning curve associated with implementing the VDC methodology.
... From a design perspective, VDC provides an integrated objective among the team, guiding them to the client's specific needs and generating production metrics to measure the results of the processes (Majumdar et al., 2022a). This involves delivering the project design on the agreed-upon date using BIM, ICE, and PPM (Majumdar et al., 2022b). ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Traditional construction and property companies often find themselves bound by conventional project management and design techniques, which can lead to delays during the design phase. This situation needs to be avoided. This study presents a process optimization for the design stage of multifamily buildings using Virtual Design Construction (VDC) - a collaborative project management approach. Focused on a case study involving two residential buildings developed by the same property company in Lima, Peru, this research commences with a comprehensive analysis of the existing design processes from the projects. By pinpointing key sources of variability and streamlining the design flow, the proposed VDC implementation aims to enhance compliance with project timelines and the approval of design drawings. The optimized process yielded tangible results, significantly reducing design time, completing tasks ahead of the scheduled deadline, and improving the delivery of technical files by 25%. These outcomes underscore the benefits of this optimized process, including enhanced project efficiency and improved design quality, thereby making a compelling case for applying VDC in similar construction projects by property companies.
... Since then, it has evolved into what is known today, with its main components: Client Objective, Project Objective, Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE), Building Information Modeling (BIM), and Project Production Management (PPM). The VDC literature shows various implementations in the design and construction phases, with outstanding results in achieving the client's objectives (Balcazar et al., 2023;Barcena et al., 2023;Bustamante et al., 2023;Del Savio et al., 2022;Majumdar et al., 2022;Palpan et al., 2022;Quinteros et al., 2023;Salazar et al., 2023;Tuesta et al., 2022). These results were obtained for projects in the design and construction phase. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The operational costs during the maintenance phase can account for 15% to 70% of a facility's total life cycle expenses, depending upon the type and size of the project. This paper explores the integration of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and Lean methodologies, offering practical solutions to optimize the maintenance operations of an engineering laboratory. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify common challenges in facility management and assess existing methods and technologies to address these issues. This research introduces the concepts of VDC and Lean within maintenance management, proposing an Integrated Facility Management System (IFMS) that applies these frameworks to the operations and maintenance (O&M) processes. The IFMS aims to harmonize the facility's physical structure, organizational dynamics, and procedural workflows, providing a practical roadmap for facility managers and maintenance professionals. Implemented in an engineering laboratory in Lima, Peru, the IFMS has significantly improved maintenance efficiency. The results include a fivefold reduction in the average time required for corrective maintenance and a 50% decrease in the incidence of such maintenance tasks. Finally, applying VDC and Lean principles to the maintenance phase can yield substantial operational benefits, as evidenced by the data from the implemented IFMS.
... Second, regarding the components of the VDC framework, production metrics were defined based on Majumdar et al. (2022a and2022b). the ICE component is designed for problem-solving through the interaction between the agents involved in the project. In that sense, the production metrics should measure the degree to which stakeholders have timely and significant participation in task review and approval through the number of problems solved in these sessions and control the number of attendees about the number of people related to the project. ...
Full-text available
A building is made up of structural and non-structural elements. Among these are the curtain wall systems. The curtain walls are glazed elements that can cover the building façade entirely and provide thermal and enclosure properties. Despite its use worldwide, some challenges have been identified in the construction process related to transportation, communication between the stakeholders, and the installation itself. A VDC framework is proposed to overcome these challenges, including an implementation workflow and an interrelationship map between the VDC components. This study specialized on a multiuse 12,000 m2 building under construction in Lima, Peru, resulting in an optimized proposal for curtain wall construction, compared to the traditional construction flow.
... These were selected, established, and implemented based on the client's and the project's needs. Production metrics are yardsticks that allow project teams to make timely course corrections to keep their projects on schedule (Majumdar et al., 2022a and2022b For the ICE component, the results considering the 11 ICE sessions were as follows: ...
Full-text available
The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry has shown low productivity levels, mainly due to the fragmentation between the agents involved. Given this, the industry is modernizing and implementing collaborative methodologies to improve the development of projects. One of them is the VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) methodology. VDC allows us to improve design, construction, operation, and maintenance management, changing paradigms within traditional processes. This research shows how implementing VDC can help to optimize the construction process time of a reinforced concrete reaction slab in a civil engineering laboratory. As a main result, an optimized process was developed, generating a 44-day reduction in the construction time of the reaction slab.
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Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) has existed as a framework for effective project management for over ten years. It enables a better way to plan and implement projects than traditional project management methods. Although many have experienced significant improvements in several areas using VDC, it turns out that they have problems documenting the same positive results on the bottom line. Performance metrics is a key element of the VDC framework for evaluating how projects perform. The choice of performance metrics and the quality of the measurement can be one of the reasons why the use of VDC has not had a greater impact on the bottom line. Correct measurement of how projects perform is crucial for planning, executing, controlling, and correcting projects. It is also essential in providing the relevant information needed for decision making. With the increased use of performance metrics, there has been more focus on some of the challenges that it presents. Such as, what are the correct performance metrics and how they work with the fragmented state that characterizes projects in the construction industry. This thesis aims to identify the current approach to performance metrics in the designprocess in projects that use building information modeling (BIM), as well as what challenges this presents and what steps can be taken to improve this. The master thesis consists of literature/document study and interviews. The study of academic and scientific literature forms the theoretical basis for the thesis. It is followed by a document study of VDC certification material from the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) Stanford, VDC course at NTNU and documents shared by those who are interviewed. The nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with key personnel from the consultants and contractors. The thesis focuses on how performance metrics work together with the control areas in design, quality, time, cost, interdisciplinary collaboration, BIM, and project production management (PPM). The thesis stresses that performance metrics should be used to increase the understanding of the design process and avoid sub-optimization within specific areas. The thesis identifies thirty-five performance metrics (key performance indicators, KPIs) with corresponding controllable factors. The thesis also shows that project managers and design managers are struggling to keep the performance metrics up to date and the potential of automating the performance metrics. The thesis also finds concrete actions for each of the control areas to improve the management of the design. The thesis concludes with proposing a framework called "Circle of Alignment for Performance Metrics" (CAPM), with three new conceptual models for the development of performance metrics. The models are intended to work with current VDC practices and the VDC certification program to CIFE Stanford. CAPM clarifies the process for VDC metric management. The models help participants in VDC projects to gain an increased understanding of what contributes to value creation for the project and facilitates agreement on how this should be measured, as well as how continuous improvement can be documented in a precise and comprehensive manner.
Conference Paper
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This theory paper probes the intersections of Lean, Mass Production and conventional Construction, Lean Construction, the Simple Framework for Integrating Project Delivery model, and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). The authors argue that Toyota recognized that integration was necessary to achieve the goal of global optimization in design and production and that this imperative confronts Lean Construction today. They briefly describe the Simple Framework for Integrating Project Delivery as a system model to achieve the high level of integration required to deliver a valuable, high-performing building. Then they focus on how VDC fits within and enables the Simple Framework model, explaining each element of VDC and how project teams can leverage it to consistently deliver high-performing buildings.
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Assessing a facility’s performance is important for measuring its contribution towards organizational goals. Among many approaches to performance assessment is the holistic key performance indicator (KPI) approach. However, there are numerous KPIs available, and the chosen KPI needs to be relevant to facility goals and must be calculated, analysed and evaluated to allow for the future state of the facility to be acceptable at the lowest cost. The value of several key descriptive analytics in facility performance assessment may be enhanced through the use of simulation. Simulation transforms the descriptive analytics into predictive and prescriptive analytics by allowing for the robust assessment of plans and future outcomes through the creation of multiple scenarios, in this case, for an education facility. The simulation approach quantifies the interrelationship and interdependence of KPIs, and is potentially effective in analysing how maintenance expenditures can be optimized to maintain a desired level of Condition Index as demonstrated by several simulation scenarios.
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This case study presents the challenges that the project team faced and the benefits they realized in imple-menting virtual design and construction technologies to coordinate the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems on a 95MhealthcareprojectinNorthernCalifornia,USA.ThesechallengesincludecreatingaworkstructurefortheMEPcoordinationprocess,organizingtheprojectteamconsistingofdesigners,engineers,contractors,andsubcontractors,determiningthehandoffofinformationbetweentheteammembers,creatingguidelinesforthemostefficientuseofvirtualdesignandconstructiontechnologies,creatingtheprocessofconflictidentificationandresolutionbetweentheMEPsubcontractors,andaligningthecontractualinterestsofthecoordinationteamtomeettheoverallprojectschedule.WealsodiscussthebenefitsthattheprojectteamachievedbyusingthevirtualdesignandconstructiontoolsforthecoordinationoftheMEPsystems.Thesebenefitsincludelaborsavingsrangingfrom20to3095M healthcare project in Northern California, USA. These challenges include creating a work structure for the MEP coordination process, organizing the project team consisting of designers, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors, determining the handoff of information between the team members, creating guidelines for the most efficient use of virtual design and construction technologies, creating the process of conflict identification and resolu-tion between the MEP subcontractors, and aligning the contractual interests of the coordination team to meet the over-all project schedule. We also discuss the benefits that the project team achieved by using the virtual design and construction tools for the coordination of the MEP systems. These benefits include labor savings ranging from 20 to 30 % for all the subcontrac-tors, 100% pre-fabrication for the plumbing contractor, only one recorded injury throughout the installation of MEP systems over a 250,000 square feet project area, less than 0.2% rework for the whole project for the mechanical sub-contractor, zero conflicts in the field installation of the systems and only a handful of requests for information for the coordination of the MEP systems. The overall benefits to the owner include about 6 months' savings on the schedule and about 9M in cost for the overall project.
In today’s world, supply chain management (SCM) is a key strategic factor for increasing organizational effectiveness and for better realization of organizational goals such as enhanced competitiveness, better customer care and increased profitability. The era of both globalization of markets and outsourcing has begun, and many companies select supply chain and logistics to manage their operations. Most of these companies realize that, in order to evolve an efficient and effective supply chain, SCM needs to be assessed for its performance. Based on a literature survey, an attempt has been made in this paper to develop a framework for measuring the strategic, tactical and operational level performance in a supply chain. In addition, a list of key performance metrics is presented. The emphasis is on performance measures dealing with suppliers, delivery performance, customer-service, and inventory and logistics costs in a SCM. In developing the metrics, an effort has been made to align and relate them to customer satisfaction.
A simple framework for integrated project delivery
  • M Fischer
  • D Reed
  • A Khanzode
  • H Ashcraft
Fischer, M., Reed, D., Khanzode, A., & Ashcraft, H. (2014). A simple framework for integrated project delivery. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 1319-1330.
Lean design management in practice with the last planner system
  • R Fosse
  • G Ballard
Fosse, R., & Ballard, G. (2016). Lean design management in practice with the last planner system. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Boston, EE. UU.