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Lower bound for constant-size local certification

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Abstract and Figures

Given a network property or a data structure, a local certification is a labeling that allows to efficiently check that the property is satisfied, or that the structure is correct. The quality of a certification is measured by the size of its labels: the smaller, the better.This notion plays a central role in self-stabilization, because the size of the certification is a lower bound (and often an upper bound) on the memory needed for silent self-stabilizing construction of distributed data structures. From the point of view of distributed computing in general, it is also a measure of the locality of a property (e.g. properties of the network itself, such as planarity). When it comes to the size of the certification labels, one can identify three important regimes: the properties for which the optimal size is polynomial in the number of vertices of the graph, the ones that require only polylogarithmic size, and the ones that can be certified with a constant number of bits. The first two regimes are well studied, with several upper and lower bounds, specific techniques, and active research questions. On the other hand, the constant regime has never been really explored, at least on the lower bound side. The main contribution of this paper is the first non-trivial lower bound for this low regime. More precisely, we show that by using certification on just one bit (a binary certification), one cannot certify k-colorability for k3k\geq 3. To do so, we develop a new technique, based on the notion of score, and both local symmetry arguments and a global parity argument. We hope that this technique will be useful for establishing stronger results. We complement this result by a discussion of the implication of lower bounds for this constant-size regime, and with an upper bound for a related problem, illustrating that in some cases one can do better than the natural upper bound.
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arXiv:2208.14229v1 [cs.DC] 30 Aug 2022
Lower bound for constant-size local certification
Virgina Ard´evol Mart´ınez1, Marco Caoduro2, Laurent
Feuilloley3[0000000239940898] , Jonathan Narboni4[0000000230875073], Pegah
Pournajafi5, and Jean-Florent Raymond6[0000000346467602]
1LAMSADE, Universit´e Paris Dauphine, France
2Laboratoire G-SCOP, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
3CNRS, LIRIS, Univ. Lyon, France
4LaBRI, Universit´e de Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux, France
5ENS Lyon, LIP, Lyon, France
6CNRS, LIMOS, Universit´e Clermont Auvergne, France
Abstract. Given a network property or a data structure, a local cer-
tification is a labeling that allows to efficiently check that the property
is satisfied, or that the structure is correct. The quality of a certifica-
tion is measured by the size of its labels: the smaller, the better. This
notion plays a central role in self-stabilization, because the size of the
certification is a lower bound (and often an upper bound) on the memory
needed for silent self-stabilizing construction of distributed data struc-
tures. From the point of view of distributed computing in general, it is
also a measure of the locality of a property (e.g. properties of the network
itself, such as planarity).
When it comes to the size of the certification labels, one can identify three
important regimes: the properties for which the optimal size is polyno-
mial in the number of vertices of the graph, the ones that require only
polylogarithmic size, and the ones that can be certified with a constant
number of bits. The first two regimes are well studied, with several upper
and lower bounds, specific techniques, and active research questions. On
the other hand, the constant regime has never been really explored, at
least on the lower bound side.
The main contribution of this paper is the first non-trivial lower bound
for this low regime. More precisely, we show that by using certification on
just one bit (a binary certification), one cannot certify k-colorability for
k3. To do so, we develop a new technique, based on the notion of score,
and both local symmetry arguments and a global parity argument. We
hope that this technique will be useful for establishing stronger results.
We complement this result by a discussion of the implication of lower
bounds for this constant-size regime, and with an upper bound for a
related problem, illustrating that in some cases one can do better than
the natural upper bound.
J.-F. Raymond was supported by the ANR project GRALMECO (ANR-21-CE48-
0004-01). L. Feuilloley was supported by ANR project GrR (ANR-18-CE40-0032).
2 Ard´evol Mart´ınez, Caoduro, Feuilloley, Narboni, Pournajafi, Raymond
1 Introduction
Local certification consists in assigning labels to the nodes of a network,
to allow them to check locally that some property holds [9]. Historically, the
concept appeared implicitly in the study of self-stabilization, where in addition to
computing the solution of the problem, the nodes would compute some additional
information that would allow fast checking of the solution (i.e. a certification of
the solution). The most classic example is maybe the problem of computing
a spanning tree, where in addition to computing the pointer to its parents,
every node stores its distance to the root [1]. Such additional information is an
overhead in the memory used, hence, it is a natural goal to minimize its size.
In [3], Blin, Fraigniaud, and Patt-Shamir proved that for a standard notion of
self-stabilization called silent stabilization and up to some hypothesis, the space
needed for certification is the same as the space needed for self-stabilization
More recently, the question of the certification of properties of the network
itself, and not the correctness of a data structure built on top of it, has attracted
a lot of attention. This paper follows this direction, and we will only consider
certification of graph properties.
Let us now give a more precise intuition of what a local certification is (proper
definitions will be given in Section 2). We denote the number of vertices of a
graph by n. For a graph property P, we will say that it has a local certification
of size sif:
for any graph Gsuch that Pholds, there exists an assignment of labels of
size s(n) that can “convince” all the nodes that Pis satisfied,
for any graph Gsuch that Pdoes not hold, for any assignment of labels of
size s(n), there is at least one node that detects that the property is not
At the level of the nodes, the behavior is the following ; every node runs the
same local decision algorithm that takes as input all the information available
in a neighborhood (i.e. a local view), and outputs a decision: accept or reject.
For positive instances, all the nodes are convinced, that is, they all accept. For
negative instances, at least one node rejects.
There are actually many possible models, depending on the notion of neigh-
borhood considered, the presence of identifiers and how nodes can use them,
etc. Two classic models are proof-labeling schemes [18] and locally checkable
proofs [16]. The precise model is not essential for the discussion that follows,
hence we delay their definitions to the model section.
1.1 Three typical regimes for the certificate sizes
As said earlier, a natural goal in the study of local certification is to minimize
the size of the certificates. It is well-known that the optimal size is always in
O(n2), since one can always use the adjacency matrix as a certificate and make
the node check the consistency of this matrix with their neighborhoods, as well as
Lower bound for constant-size local certification 3
check that the property holds in the graph described by the matrix [18, Theorem
Also, for any subquadratic function f, it is possible to engineer a property
for which the optimal size is f(n) [18, Corollary 2.4]. In other words, if we
consider the certificate size as the complexity of a property, there is no gap in the
complexity of certification. Nevertheless, for all the natural properties that have
been studied, the optimal certificate size only belongs to one of the following
three regimes (already identified in [16]): polynomial, (poly)logarithmic, and
constant size. For example, there is no known natural properties with certificate
size Θ(log log n), or Θ(logn), or Θ(2log n).
In this paper, we are interested in lower bounds for the constant size regime.
But let us provide a quick overview of the three regimes, in order to give the full
picture and later discuss the novelty of our techniques.
Polynomial regime. It is known that the Θ(n2) size is needed for some specific
properties, such as having a non-trivial automorphism [16, Theorem 6.1] or hav-
ing chromatic number at least 4 (up to polylog factors) [16, Theorem 6.4]. Even
innocent-looking properties such as having diameter 3 or being triangle-free re-
quire certificates of size (n) [6, Theorem 1] and n/eO(n)[7, Proposition 5],
Polylogarithmic regime. The regime of (poly)logarithmic certificate size has at-
tracted a lot of attention recently, and is often referred to as compact certifica-
tion (or LogLCP in [16]). The best-known local certification is the certification
of acyclicity (that is, the vertification of the class of trees) for which the optimal
size is Θ(log n) (by a straightforward adaptation of [18, Lemma 2.2]). It has
been proved recently that planarity and bounded-genus [12,11,8] have logarith-
mic certification, and that MSO properties on graphs of bounded treedepth [5]
and bounded treewidth [15] have respectively Θ(log n) and O(log2n) local cer-
tifications. An important open question in the area is to establish whether any
graph class defined by a set of forbidden minors has a compact certification.
Partial results are known for small minors [4] or minors with specific shapes
(namely paths [5, Corollary 2.7] and planar graphs [15, Corollary 3]). Finally,
let us mention one key result of the area, even if it is concerned with a data
structure instead of a graph property: the optimal certificate size for a minimum
spanning tree is O(log nlog W), where Wis the maximum weight [17].
Constant size regime. First, let us note that for some properties, no certificate is
needed. For example, checking that the graph is a cycle can be done by simply
having every node check that it has exactly two neighbors (we will always assume
that the graph is connected, thus there must be only one cycle).
Now, let us make a connection with a class of construction problems. A key
class of problems in distributed computing is the construction of locally checkable
labelings [20], or LCLs for short, that are the constant-size labelings that can
be checked by inspecting a local neighborhood. Examples of LCLs are maximal
independent sets, maximal matchings, and minimal dominating sets at some
4 Ard´evol Mart´ınez, Caoduro, Feuilloley, Narboni, Pournajafi, Raymond
distance d. There is now a very large literature on computing such labelings.
The problem that has attracted the most interest is the one of vertex coloring:
given an integer k(that typically depends on the maximum degree), how fast
can we compute an assignment of colors to the vertices, such that for every edge
the endpoints have different colors. We refer to the monograph [2] for distributed
graph coloring.
For any LCL, we can design a certification question:
Question 1. How many bits are needed to certify that the graph has a solution?
Most classic LCL problems are designed so that any graph has a solution;
for example, any graph has a maximal matching. But it is not true for any LCL;
for example, given a positive integer kN, not all graphs are k-colorable.
When a solution exists, and can be checked by inspecting each node and
its direct neighbors, it is trivial to design a certification for the question above:
get a solution, give every node its label as a certificate, and for the verification,
let the vertices run the local checking. Specifically, to certify that a graph is
k-colorable, one can find a proper k-coloring, and then give to every node its
color. It is then easy for the vertices to check this certification: every node checks
that no neighbor has been given the same color as itself. This certification uses
certificates of log kbits, and the key question that we would like to answer is:
Question 2. Can we do better than log kbits to certify that a graph is k-
This question was already listed in [9] as one of the key open questions in
the field, and in the following section, we will review a few reasons why it is a
question worth studying.
1.2 Motivation for studying the constant-size regime
In local certification, and more generally in theoretical computer science, the
focus is usually not on the precise constants in the complexities, thus one might
consider the questions above to be non-essential. Let us list a few reasons why
Questions 1and 2are actually important.
An arena for new lower bound techniques. The lower bound techniques that we
have for local certification are mainly of two types (see the survey [9] for precise
citations and more detailed sketches).
First, there are the techniques based on counting arguments, also called cut-
and-plug techniques, that can be rather sophisticated but boils down to the
following fact: if we use o(log n)-bit labels in yes-instances (that is, correct in-
stances) then some (set of) labels will appear in different places of an instance
(or in different instances), because there are nvertices and o(n) different labels.
Using this, one can build a no-instance and derive a contradiction. This is the
technique used to show almost all lower bounds in the logarithmic regime.
Lower bound for constant-size local certification 5
The second classic technique is a reduction from communication complexity,
which we will not sketch here, but simply mention that it works better for the
polynomial regime.
At this point, two things are clear: (1) we have only two main techniques, and
they are now very well understood, and (2) they do not solve all our problems. In
particular, they do not seem to apply to the o(log n) regime. One can hope that
by trying to give a negative answer to Question 2, we will create new techniques,
and that these techniques could be useful to establish new lower bounds.
A point of view on the encoding of LCLs. As mentioned earlier, the study of LCLs
now plays a key role in our understanding of locality in distributed computing. By
asking Question 1, we are basically asking about how we express such problems.
If it is possible to use fewer bits than the obvious encoding to certify that a
solution exists, what does this tell us? If we cannot “compress the encoding,
can we say that it is the core of the problem? Such consideration could have
an impact on techniques that heavily rely on precise encodings, such as round
elimination [22] and local conflict colorings [19,14].
Beyond the constant regime. Up to now, we have considered the question of
k-coloring with constant k, thus Question 2was about the constant regime per
se. But actually, one could let kdepend on n, and the question is meaningful for
labels of size up to Θ(log n) (which corresponds to coloring with Θ(n) colors).
Hence, we are not only playing with constants when studying Question 2in the
general case. Note that if we could show that k-coloring requires labels of size
Θ(log k) for all the range of k, then we would also have fairly natural problems
strictly between constant and logarithmic, which would be new and interesting
in itself.
A candidate for disproving the trade-off conjecture. One of the remaining im-
portant open questions in local certification is the following, which we will call
the trade-off conjecture.
Question 3. Suppose that there exists a local certification with labels of size
f(n) for some property, where every node would check its radius at distance 1.
Is it true that there always exists a certification with labels of size O(f(n)/t) if
we allow the nodes to see at distance tin the graph?
This question and variants of it were raised in [21,10,13]. In these papers,
the authors basically prove (among other results) that the answer is positive
if the certification uses only spanning trees and a uniform certification (giving
the same information to every node). Since these are the main tools used for
certification in the logarithmic and polynomial regimes, the constant regime
(and its extension beyond constant, discussed above) seems to be the place to
find potential counterexamples. Note that for the constant regime, one could
try to disprove the conjecture with αf (n)/t, for some given constant α. And it
seems like a reasonable approach, since it is difficult to imagine how the trade-
off conjecture could be true for coloring-like problems: even if the nodes can see
6 Ard´evol Mart´ınez, Caoduro, Feuilloley, Narboni, Pournajafi, Raymond
further, how can we save bits to certify colorability? In order to prove such a
counterexample, we first need to have proper lower bounds for distance 1, that
is, to answer Question 2.
1.3 Our results and techniques
In this paper, we give the first non-trivial lower bound for the certification
of k-colorability. This is the first step of a research direction that we hope to be
successful, and in terms of result it is a small step, in the sense that our answer
to Question 2is restricted in several ways. The first restriction we make is that
instead of proving a log klower bound, we prove that it is not possible to certify
k-colorability for any k3, if we use only one bit (that is, only two different
labels). We will call this a binary certification. The second restriction is that
we take a model that is not the most powerful one. In our result, a vertex has
access to the following information: its identifier, its label, and the multiset of a
of its neighbors. That is, a node cannot see further than its direct neighbors and
cannot access the identifiers of its neighbors (which corresponds to the original
proof-labeling scheme model [18], but not to the generalizations, such as locally
checkable proofs [16]), and there is no port number.
To prove this result, we introduce a new technique. Similarly to the cut-and-
plug technique mentioned earlier, we reason about one or several yes-instances
and prove that we can craft a no-instance where the vertices would accept. But
the reasoning is different, since counting arguments based on the pigeon-hole
principle applied to the certificates can only lead to (log n) lower bounds. First,
we define the notion of score for a neighborhood and prove that if two vertices
have been given different labels but have the same score, then we can build a
no-instance that is accepted. Then we prove that this necessarily happens in
some well-chosen graphs, thanks to a series of local symmetry arguments, and a
global parity argument.
We complement this main result by proving that in some cases (namely
distance-2 3-colorability) one can actually go below the size of the natural encod-
ing. As we will see, this happens because graphs that are distance-2 3-colorable
have a very specific shape. This illustrates why establishing lower bounds for
such problems is not so easy: the fact that the graph can (or cannot) be colored
with a given number of colors implies that it has a given structure, and this
structure could in theory be used in the certification to compress the natural
log k-bit encoding.
2 Models and definitions
We denote by Nthe set of non-negative integers, and by |A|the cardinality
of a set A. All graphs in this paper are simple and connected. The vertex-set
and the edge-set of a graph Gare denoted by V(G) and E(G), respectively.
The closed neighborhood of a vertex vV(G), denoted by N[v], is defined by
N[v] = N(v) {v}where N(v) = {uV(G) : uv E(G)}is the neighborhood
Lower bound for constant-size local certification 7
of v. We denote the complete graph on nvertices by Kn. A proper k-coloring of
the vertex-set of a graph Gis a function φ:V(G) {1,2,...,k}such that if
xy E(G), then φ(x)6=φ(y). In other words, it is an assignment of colors to the
vertices of Gusing at most kcolors, such that the endpoint of every edge receive
different colors. We say that Gis k-colorable if it admits a proper k-coloring.
Let f:NN {∞} be a function. We say that a graph Gon nvertices
is equipped with an identifier assignment of range f(n) if every vertex is given
an integer in [1, f (n)] (its identifier, or ID for short) such that no two vertices
of the graph are given the same number. Typically, f(n) is some polynomial of
n, and in this paper it has to be at least n3(but we did not try to optimize this
Acertificate assignment of size sof a graph Gis a labeling of the vertices
of Gwith strings of length s, that is, a function :V(G) {0,1}s. A binary
certificate assignment is a certificate assignment with s= 1.
As hinted earlier, there are many variants for the definition of local certifi-
cation. An important aspect is the type of algorithm that the node run. This is
a local algorithm, in the sense that the nodes can see only a neighborhood in
the graph, but this neighborhood can be at distance 1, constant, non-constant
etc. Another important aspect is the symmetry-breaking hypothesis: whether
there are identifiers, whether the nodes can see the identifiers of their neighbors,
whether they can distinguish these neighbors, etc. In this paper, we use the
following notion.
Definition 1. Alocal decision algorithm is an algorithm that runs on every
vertex of a graph. It takes as input the identifier of the node, the certificate of
the node, and the multiset of certificates of its neighbors, and outputs a decision,
accept or reject.
Definition 2. Fix a function f:NN {∞}. A proof-labeling scheme of size
sfor a property Pis a local decision algorithm Asuch that the following holds:
for every graph Gand every identifier assignment of range f(|V(G)|)of Gthere
exists a certificate assignment of size sof Gsuch that Aaccepts on every vertex
in V(G), if and only if, the graph Ghas property P.
Notice that the proof-labeling scheme depends on the chosen function f.
In the proofs, as a first step, we will prove the result in a weaker anonymous
Definition 3. An anonymous proof-labeling scheme is the same as a proof-
labeling scheme, but the graphs are not equipped with identifiers (or equivalently,
the outcome of the local decision algorithm is invariant by a change of the iden-
For a graph Gwith identifier id and labeling , the view of a vertex vin
(G, id, ) in the proof-labeling scheme is a tuple (Mv,id(v)) where Mvis the
{((u),id(u)) : uN(v)}.
In the anonymous case, the view of a vertex vis only the multiset defined above.
8 Ard´evol Mart´ınez, Caoduro, Feuilloley, Narboni, Pournajafi, Raymond
3k-colorability does not have a binary certification
This section contains our main contribution. We prove that k-colorability
does not have a binary certification when k3. Recall that for k= 2, k-
colorabily indeed has a binary certification (take the colors as certificates).
3.1 Indistinguishability setting
Let us first clarify the proof strategy with Lemma 1. It is a classic strategy,
that we detail for completeness.
Lemma 1. Let sbe a positive integer, f:NN {∞} be a function, and
ΛNbe a set of indices. If for every iΛthere exist a connected graph Gi
with identifier idi:V(Gi)[1, f (|V(Gi)|)], and there exists a connected graph
Hsuch that
1. Giis k-colorable for every iΛ,
2. His not k-colorable,
3. for every set of labelings {i}iΛ, where i:V(Gi) {0,1}sis a labeling of
size sof Gi, there exists a labeling :V(H) {0,1}sof size sof Hand an
identifier id : V(H)[1, f (|V(H)|)] such that for every view in (H, id, )
there exists iΛsuch that the view is the same as some view in (Gi,idi, i),
then k-colorability cannot be certified by certificates of size s.
In case Gand Hdo not have identifiers, the same holds with removing the
identifier functions and ffrom the statement of the Lemma.
Proof. Suppose there exists a local certification of size sfor k-colorability. Then,
in particular, for every iΛ, there exists a labeling ifor the graph Gisuch that
the verifier algorithm accepts on every vertex. For this set of labelings {i}iΛ,
consider the labeling and the identifier assignment id of Hdescribed in item (3)
of the Lemma. The verifier algorithm accepts on every vertex of (H, id, ) because
its view is the same as a view in (Gi,idi, i) for some iΛ. This contradicts the
fact that His not k-colorable.
3.2 Notion of score
Let be a binary labeling of a graph G, and let vV(G). The score of vin ,
denoted by score(v) or score(v) if there is no confusion, is defined as follows:
score(v) = |{uN[v] : (u) = 1}|.
Given a k-regular graph Gand a binary labeling of G, the score matrix
of (G, ) is a 2 ×(k+ 2) matrix Swith rows labeled with 0 and 1 and columns
labeled from 0 to k+ 1. Let Si,j denote the (i, j ) element of S. We set
S1,0=S0,k+1 = 1,
and for i= 0,1, j= 0,1,...,k+ 1, and (i, j)6= (1,0),(0, k + 1) we set
Si,j =|{vV(G) : (v) = i, score(v) = j}|.
Lower bound for constant-size local certification 9
3.3 Our graph construction and its properties
Fix an integer k3. We build a graph as follows: take the disjoint union of
three copies of Kk+1 . For i= 1,2,3, let aiand bibe two distinct vertices in the
i-th copy. Then, remove the edges a1b1,a2b2, and a3b3from the graph, and add
the edges b1a2,b2a3, and b3a1to it. We denote the resulting graph by Nk. See
Figure 1. In the figure, each set Ct,t {1,2,3}induces a Kk1in the graph
and atand btare complete to Ct, i.e. every vertex of Ctis connected by an edge
to atand to bt.
Fig. 1. The graph Nk.
Lemma 2. For every k3, the graph Nkis k-colorable.
Proof. For every t {1,2,3}, color atand btwith color tand color the k1
vertices in Ctwith the k1 colors {1,2,...,k}\{t}. It is easy to check that
this is a proper coloring of the vertex-set of Nkand as k3 = t, we have used
exactly the kcolors {1,2,...,k}.
Lemma 3. Assume k3is an integer and set G=Nk. If :V(G) {0,1}
is a binary labeling of G, and Sis the score matrix of (G, ), then there exists
an integer j {0,1,...,k+ 1}such that S0,j S1,j 6= 0.
Proof. If there exists a vertex with label 0 whose neighbors all have label 0 as
well, then S0,0= 1, and since by definition, S1,0= 1, choosing j= 0 gives us the
required result. Similarly, if there exists a vertex with label 1 whose neighbors
all have label 1 as well, then S1,k+1 = 1, and as S1,k+1 = 1, choosing j=k+ 1
gives us the required result. Hence, from now on, we may assume that
there exists no vertex in Gthat has the same label as all its neighbors. (1)
10 Ard´evol Mart´ınez, Caoduro, Feuilloley, Narboni, Pournajafi, Raymond
For t {1,2,3}, set Ct=N(at)N(bt). Notice that Ctinduces a clique of
size k1 in G. For all t {1,2,3}, for all u, v Ct, we have N[u] = N[v], thus
score(u) = score(v). If two distinct vertices uand vof Cthave different labels,
then by choosing j= score(v), we have S0,jS1,j 6= 0. So, we may assume that
for every t {1,2,3},
all the vertices of Cthave the same label. (2)
Thanks to (2), for the rest of this proof and by abuse of notion, we use the term
the label of Ctfor referring to the common label of the vertices of Ct, and we
denote it by (Ct). Also, notice that by (1), if (Ct) = i, where i {0,1}, then
at least one of the vertices atand btmust receive the label 1 i. Thus, for every
t {1,2,3},
at least one of atand bthas a label different from the one of Ct. (3)
Since there are three indices {1,2,3}, but only two labels {0,1}, there exist
t, t {1,2,3}such that t6=tand (at) = (at). By symmetry, we may
assume (a1) = (a2) = ˆ
ifor some ˆ
i {0,1}. Notice that for every uC1,
N[u]\ {a1}=N[b1]\ {a2}, so score(u) = score(b1). Thus if the label of C1
is different from the label of b1, then choosing j= score(b1) completes the
proof. So, we may assume that (C1) = (b1). Therefore, by (3), we must have
(C1)6=(a1). Consequently, (b1) = (C1) = 1 ˆ
Now, if (b3) = 1 ˆ
i, then for every uC1we have score(a1) = score(u).
And because (C1)6=(a1), choosing j= score(a1) completes the proof. Hence
we assume (b3) = ˆ
i. Now, because of (1), there must be a vertex uin the
neighborhood of b3with label 1 ˆ
i. As we already have (a3) = ˆ
i, we must have
uC3, and therefore by (2), (C3) = 1 ˆ
Moreover, if (C2) = 1 ˆ
i, then we have score(a2) = score(b1), and as a2
and b1have different labels, choosing j= score(a2) completes the proof. So, we
also assume that (C2) = ˆ
i. Thus (C2) = (a2) = ˆ
i. Therefore, by (3), we must
have (b2) = 1 ˆ
i. Now, notice that the neighbors of a3all have label 1 ˆ
i, thus
by (1), we must have (a3) = ˆ
The labels of vertices of G, with all the assumptions so far, are as shown in
Figure 2.
To conclude, consider a1and a vertex uC3. In their closed neighbor-
hoods, they both have twice the label ˆ
iand k1 times the label 1 ˆ
i, so
score(a3) = score(u). Moreover, they have different labels. So, by choosing
j= score(a3) we have the required result.
3.4 Anonymous case
Theorem 1. For every k3,k-colorability is not certifiable by binary certifi-
cates in the anonymous model.
Proof. Let Gbe the graph Nkand Hbe a complete graph on k+ 1 vertices.
Let be a binary labeling of G, and let Sbe the score matrix of (G, ). Since G
Lower bound for constant-size local certification 11
(a2) = ˆ
(b1) = 1 ˆ
(a1) = ˆ
(b3) = ˆ
i (a3) = ˆ
(b2) = 1 ˆ
(C2) = ˆ
i(C1) = 1 ˆ
(C3) = 1 ˆ
Fig. 2. The labels at the end of the proof of Lemma 3.
is k-colorable and His not, by Lemma 1, to prove the theorem, it is enough to
find a binary labeling :V(H) {0,1}of Hsuch that every view in (H, ) is
a view in (G, ).
By Lemma 3, there exists j {0,1,...,k + 1}such that S0,j and S1,j are
non-zero, meaning that:
if j= 0, then there exists a vertex uV(G) such that (u) = 0 and all its
neighbors have label 0,
if j=k+ 1, then there exists a vertex vV(G) such that (v) = 1 and all
its neighbors have label 1, or,
if 0 < j < k + 1, then there exist two distinct vertices u, v V(G) such that
(u) = 0, (v) = 1, and there are jvertices of label 1 in N(u), and j1
vertices of label 1 in N(v).
Let V(H) = UVsuch that |U|=k+ 1 jand |V|=j. If j {0, k + 1},
then Uor Vis an empty set. Notice that the condition on the cardinalities of U
and Vimplies that UV=. Define:
(w) = (0wU
Notice that if j= 0 or j=k+ 1, then (·) = 0 or (·) = 1 respectively.
The view of each vertex of Uin His the same as the view of uin Gand the
view of each vertex of Vin His the same as the view of vin G. So, every view
in His the same as some view in G.
12 Ard´evol Mart´ınez, Caoduro, Feuilloley, Narboni, Pournajafi, Raymond
3.5 Extension to identifiers
Theorem 2. For every k3,k-colorability is not certifiable by binary certifi-
cates in the proof-labeling scheme model when the range of the identifiers for a
graph on nvertices is f(n) = n3+ 3n.
Proof. Set K= (k+ 1)2+ 1 and Λ={1,2,...,K}.
Let G1, G2, . . . , GKbe Kconnected graphs each isomorphic to Nk. Notice
that |V(Gi)|= 3k+3. For iΛ, consider an identifier idi:V(Gi)[1, f(|V(Gi)|)]
of Gisuch that the vertices of Gireceive ID’s in the range [(i1)(3k+3)+1, i(3k+3)].
Notice that
(i1)(3k+ 3) + 1 (1 1)(3k+ 3) + 1 = 1,
i(3k+ 3) K(3k+ 3)
=(k+ 1)2+ 1(3k+ 3)
=(3k+ 3)3
27 + (3k+ 3)
(3k+ 3)3+ 3(3k+ 3)
=f(3k+ 3) = f(|V(Gi)|).
So, [(i1)(3k+ 3) + 1, i(3k+ 3)] [1, f (|V(Gi)|)]. Thus the identifiers idiexist.
Let Hbe a complete graph on k+ 1 vertices. Notice that each Giis k-
colorable and His not. Hence, by Lemma 1, to prove the theorem, it is enough to
define an identifier id : V(H)[1, f (|V(H)|)] and a binary labeling assignment
:V(H) {0,1}of Hsuch that every view in (H, id, ) is the same as a view
in (Gi,idi, i) for some iΛ.
Let S(i)be the score matrix of (Gi, i). By Lemma 3, for every iΛ, there
exists j {0,1, . . . , k + 1}such that S(i)
0,j S(i)
1,j 6= 0. Therefore, by the pigeonhole
principle, there exists an integer j {0,1,...,k+ 1}and a subset Λ0of Λsuch
that |Λ0| k+ 1 and for all iΛ0, we have S(i)
0,j S(i)
1,j 6= 0.
Notice that j {0,1,...,k+ 1}, hence
|Λ0| k+ 1 k+ 1 jand |Λ0| k+ 1 j.
Thus, we can find jdistinct vertices v1, v2,...,vjSiΛ0V(Gi) with label 1
and score j, and k+ 1 jdistinct vertices vj+1 , vj+2 ,...,vk+1 SiΛ0V(Gi)
with label 0 and score j. Notice that in case that j= 0 (resp. j=k+ 1), then
the first (resp. the second) set of vertices in empty.
Now, assume V(H) = {u1, u2,...,uk+1}.
First, define an identifier id : V(H)[1, f (|V(H)|)] as follows:
id(ut) = id(vt) for every t {1,2,...,k+ 1}.
Notice that by this definition, for all t, we have:
[(i1)(3k+ 3) + 1, i(3k+ 3)] = [1, K (3k+ 3)].
Lower bound for constant-size local certification 13
On the other hand:
K(3k+ 3) = (3k+ 3)3
27 + (3k+ 3)
= (k+ 1)3+ 3(k+ 1)
=f(k+ 1) = f(|V(H)|),
and therefore the image of id is a subset of [1, f (|V(H)|)].
Second, define a binary labeling :V(H) {0,1}as follows:
(ut) = (1tj
0j+ 1 t.
Notice that if j= 0 or j=k+ 1, then (·) = 0 or (·) = 1 respectively.
Thus, for every t, 1 tk+ 1, the view of vertex utin (H, id, ) is exactly
the view of vertex vtsome of the Gi’s, iΛ0.
4 Going below log k
In this section, we illustrate that in some cases one can go below the natural
upper bound. More precisely, we exhibit an LCL whose natural encoding uses k
different labels, and for which one can find a certification that a solution exists
with strictly less than klabels. The problem we use is distance-2 3-coloring,
which is the same as 3-coloring except that even having two nodes at distance 2
colored the same is forbidden. The natural encoding consists in giving the colors
(that are between 1 and 3) to the vertices, but we show that one can actually
certify distance-2 3-colorability with just two different certificates.
Lemma 4. A connected graph Gis distance-2 3-colorable if and only if it is a
a cycle of length 0 mod 3 or a path.
Proof. First, let Gbe a connected distance-2 3-colorable graph. Each vertex and
its neighbors form a set of vertices that are pairwise at distance at most 2, so
they should all have different colors. Since there are only three available colors,
Ghas maximum degree at most 2. Thus, Gis a path or a cycle.
If Gis a path, then we are done, so assume Gis a cycle. Assume that the
cycle is v1, v2, . . . , vk, v1. Consider a proper distance-2 3-coloring of Gwith colors
{0,1,2}. Notice that if a vertex vof Ghas color imod 3, then necessarily, its
two neighbors have colors (i1) mod 3 and (i+ 1) mod 3. Without loss of
generality, assume that the color of v1is 1 and the color of v2is 2. Let [t] denote
the remainder of tdivided by 3. So, [t] {0,1,2}. We prove by induction on
tthat vthas color [t] for every t {1,2,...,k}. This holds by assumption for
t= 1,2. Now let t3 and assume that vthas color [t] for every t< t. By
the induction hypothesis, the color of vt1is [t1], hence the colors of its two
neighbors, namely vt2and vt, are [t] and [t+1]. Again, by induction hypothesis,
the color of vt2is [t2] = [t+ 1]. Thus the color of vtmust be [t], proving the
14 Ard´evol Mart´ınez, Caoduro, Feuilloley, Narboni, Pournajafi, Raymond
statement. Therefore, the color of vkis [k]. Finally, notice that because v1has
color 1, and v2has color 2, the color of vkmust be 0. Therefore [k] = 0, meaning
that the length of the cycle, kis equal to 0 mod 3.
Second, in both cycles of length 0 mod 3 and in paths, it is possible to find
a proper distance-2 3-coloring, by simply choosing the color of one vertex and
propagating the constraints.
Theorem 3. One can certify distance-2 3-colorable graphs with a binary certi-
Proof. We prove that paths and cycles of length 0 mod 3 can be recognized with
a binary certification, by Lemma 4, this will give the desired result.
The idea of the certification is to give certificates of the form:
Let us describe first the verifier algorithm of a vertex v:
1. If the degree is strictly more than 2, reject,
2. If the degree is 2, accept if and only if, score(v) = 1, that is, among vand
its neighbors, exactly one has a 1 as certificate.
3. If the degree is 1, accept.
Because of Item 1, only paths and cycles can be accepted. For paths, the following
labeling makes every vertex accept: choose one endpoint u, and give label 1 to a
vertex v, if and only if, the distance from uto vis 0 mod 3. For cycles of length 0
mod 3, the following labeling makes every vertex accept: choose an orientation
and an arbitrary vertex u, and again give label 1 if and only the distance from
uto vin the sense of the orientation is 0 mod 3. It is easy to see that in cycles
of length different from 0 mod 3, at least one vertex will reject with Item 2.
Hence, we have a proper certification that a graph is a path or a cycle of
length 0 mod 3, with only two different labels (that is, just one bit).
5 Challenges and open questions
We have proved the one bit is not enough for certifying k-colorability for
k3. We conjecture that the answer to Question 2is negative, that is, that
log kis the optimal certification size for k-colorability, and this is the very first
There are several challenges to overcome before one can hope to prove the
conjecture. First, it would be nice to have a more general model, where the
nodes can see their neighbors’ identifiers, or at least distinguish them, and even
better, where the nodes can see at a larger distance. At least the first step in
this direction might work by using some Ramsey argument, but then losing the
upper bound on the identifier range. Second, it might be necessary to use graphs
of large chromatic number that do not have large cliques as subgraph, and these
have complicated structures.
Lower bound for constant-size local certification 15
A different direction is to understand other LCLs, and to try to see which
ones have a certification that is more efficient than the natural encoding (such
as distance-2 3-coloring) and which do not. Maybe in this direction, one could
characterize exactly which properties can be certified with one bit.
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Full-text available
A distributed graph algorithm is basically an algorithm where every node of a graph can look at its neighborhood at some distance in the graph and chose its output. As distributed environment are subject to faults, an important issue is to be able to check that the output is correct, or in general that the network is in proper configuration with respect to some predicate. One would like this checking to be very local, to avoid using too much resources. Unfortunately most predicates cannot be checked this way, and that is where certification comes into play. Local certification (also known as proof-labeling schemes, locally checkable proofs or distributed verification) consists in assigning labels to the nodes, that certify that the configuration is correct. There are several point of view on this topic: it can be seen as a part of self-stabilizing algorithms, as labeling problem, or as a non-deterministic distributed decision. This paper is an introduction to the domain of local certification, giving an overview of the history, the techniques and the current research directions.
Full-text available
Naor M., Parter M., Yogev E.: (The power of distributed verifiers in interactive proofs. In: 31st ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SODA), pp 1096–115, 2020. have recently demonstrated the existence of a distributed interactive proof for planarity (i.e., for certifying that a network is planar), using a sophisticated generic technique for constructing distributed IP protocols based on sequential IP protocols. The interactive proof for planarity is based on a distributed certification of the correct execution of any given sequential linear-time algorithm for planarity testing. It involves three interactions between the prover and the randomized distributed verifier (i.e., it is a dMAM protocol), and uses small certificates, on O(logn)O(logn)O(\log n) bits in n-node networks. We show that a single interaction with the prover suffices, and randomization is unecessary, by providing an explicit description of a proof-labeling scheme for planarity, still using certificates on just O(logn)O(logn)O(\log n) bits. We also show that there are no proof-labeling schemes—in fact, even no locally checkable proofs—for planarity using certificates on o(logn)o(logn)o(\log n) bits.
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Distributed proofs are mechanisms enabling the nodes of a network to collectivity and efficiently check the correctness of Boolean predicates on the structure of the network, or on data-structures distributed over the nodes (e.g., spanning trees or routing tables). We consider mechanisms consisting of two components: a \emph{prover} assigning a \emph{certificate} to each node, and a distributed algorithm called \emph{verifier} that is in charge of verifying the distributed proof formed by the collection of all certificates. In this paper, we show that many network predicates have distributed proofs offering a high level of redundancy, explicitly or implicitly. We use this remarkable property of distributed proofs for establishing perfect tradeoffs between the \emph{size of the certificate} stored at every node, and the \emph{number of rounds} of the verification protocol. If we allow every node to communicate to distance at most t, one might expect that the certificate sizes can be reduced by a multiplicative factor of at least~t. In trees, cycles and grids, we show that such tradeoffs can be established for \emph{all} network predicates, i.e., it is always possible to linearly decrease the certificate size. In arbitrary graphs, we show that any part of the certificates common to all nodes can be evenly redistributed among these nodes, achieving even a better tradeoff: this common part of the certificate can be reduced by the size of a smallest ball of radius t in the network. In addition to these general results, we establish several upper and lower bounds on the certificate sizes used for distributed proofs for spanning trees, minimum-weight spanning trees, diameter, additive and multiplicative spanners, and more, improving and generalizing previous results from the literature.
Naor, Parter, and Yogev [SODA 2020] recently designed a compiler for automatically translating standard centralized interactive protocols to distributed interactive protocols, as introduced by Kol, Oshman, and Saxena [PODC 2018]. In particular, by using this compiler, every linear-time algorithm for deciding the membership to some fixed graph class can be translated into a dMAM(O(logn)) protocol for this class, that is, a distributed interactive protocol with O(logn)-bit proof size in n-node graphs, and three interactions between the (centralized) computationally-unbounded but non-trustable prover Merlin, and the (decentralized) randomized computationally-limited verifier Arthur. As a corollary, there is a dMAM(O(logn)) protocol for recognizing the class of planar graphs, as well as for recognizing the class of graphs with bounded genus. We show that there exists a distributed interactive protocol for recognizing the class of graphs with bounded genus performing just a single interaction, from the prover to the verifier, yet preserving proof size of O(logn) bits. This result also holds for the class of graphs with bounded non-orientable genus, that is, graphs that can be embedded on a non-orientable surface of bounded genus. The interactive protocols described in this paper are actually proof-labeling schemes, i.e., a subclass of interactive protocols, previously introduced by Korman, Kutten, and Peleg [PODC 2005]. In particular, these schemes do not require any randomization from the verifier, and the proofs may often be computed a priori, at low cost, by the nodes themselves. Our results thus extend the recent proof-labeling scheme for planar graphs by Feuilloley et al. [PODC 2020], to graphs of bounded genus, and to graphs of bounded non-orientable genus.
A proof labelling scheme for a graph class C is an assignment of certificates to the vertices of any graph in the class C, such that upon reading its certificate and the certificates of its neighbors, every vertex from a graph G∈C accepts the instance, while if G∉C, for every possible assignment of certificates, at least one vertex rejects the instance. It was proved recently that for any fixed surface Σ, the class of graphs embeddable in Σ has a proof labelling scheme in which each vertex of an n-vertex graph receives a certificate of at most O(log⁡n) bits. The proof is quite long and intricate and heavily relies on an earlier result for planar graphs. Here we give a very short proof for any surface. The main idea is to encode a rotation system locally, together with a spanning tree supporting the local computation of the genus via Euler's formula.
A key concept in the theory of distributed computing is locality: if I am a node in the middle of a large graph, how far do I need to see in order to pick my own part of the solution? A modern, effective technique for studying such questions is called round elimination.
We study a new model of verification of boolean predicates over distributed networks. Given a network configuration, the proof-labeling scheme (PLS) model defines a distributed proof in the form of a label that is given to each node, and all nodes locally verify that the network configuration satisfies the desired boolean predicate by exchanging labels with their neighbors. The proof size of the scheme is defined to be the maximum size of a label. In this work, we extend this model by defining the approximate proof-labeling scheme (APLS) model. In this new model, the predicates for verification are of the form ψ≤φ, where ψ,φ:F→N for a family of configurations F. Informally, the predicates considered in this model are a comparison between two values of the configuration. As in the PLS model, nodes exchange labels in order to locally verify the predicate, and all must accept if the network satisfies the predicate. The soundness condition is relaxed with an approximation ration α, so that only if ψ>αφ some node must reject. We focus on two verification problems: upper and lower bounds on the diameter of the graph, and the maximality of a given matching. For these problems, we present the first results that apply to all graph structures. In our new APLS model, we show that the proof size can be much smaller than the proof size of the same predicate in the PLS model. Moreover, we prove that there is a tradeoff between the approximation ratio and the proof size. Finally, we present the first general result for maximum cardinality matching in the PLS model.
Verifying that a network configuration satisfies a given boolean predicate is a fundamental problem in distributed computing. Many variations of this problem have been studied, for example, in the context of proof labeling schemes (PLS\mathrm {PLS}), locally checkable proofs (LCP\mathrm {LCP}), and non-deterministic local decision (NLD\mathrm {NLD}). In all of these contexts, verification time is assumed to be constant. Korman et al. [16] presented a proof-labeling scheme for MST, with poly-logarithmic verification time, and logarithmic memory at each vertex.
Conference Paper
It follows from the definition of silent self-stabilization, and from the definition of proof-labeling scheme, that if there exists a silent self-stabilizing algorithm using ℓ-bit registers for solving a task T{\mathcal{T}} , then there exists a proof-labeling scheme for T{\mathcal{T}} using registers of at most ℓ bits. The first result in this paper is the converse to this statement. We show that if there exists a proof-labeling scheme for a task T{\mathcal{T}} , using ℓ-bit registers, then there exists a silent self-stabilizing algorithm using registers of at most O(ℓ + logn) bits for solving T{\mathcal{T}} , where n is the number of processes in the system. Therefore, as far as memory space is concerned, the design of silent self-stabilizing algorithms essentially boils down to the design of compact proof-labeling schemes. The second result in this paper addresses time complexity. We show that, for every task T{\mathcal{T}} with k-bits output size in n-node networks, there exists a silent self-stabilizing algorithm solving T{\mathcal{T}} in O(n) rounds, using registers of O(n 2 + kn) bits. Therefore, as far as running time is concerned, every task has a silent self-stabilizing algorithm converging in a linear number of rounds.