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The Use of Open Government Data to Create Social Value


Abstract and Figures

The current work aims to identify the perspectives from which scholars have studied the link between the citizens’ involvement in the use of Open Government Data (OGD) and the creation of social value to solve local issues in cities as the expected result. Recent studies have concentrated on studying the barriers and conditions of using OGD by focusing on specific types and users’ motivations. Researchers have found that the critical problem of Open Data initiatives is the lack of utilization. Therefore, to allow more rigorous empirical research to assess if the estimated effects of OGD are measurable, there is a need to investigate the link between the types of users and the potential type of effects, that for this proposal is the creation of social value. The study adopted a systematic literature review to map the most current work addressing the utilization of OGD to create social value within different domains. Forty-six records were identified and characterized into four categories of studies: i) Governance - the interconnection of aspects that allow managing and using OGD; ii) Availability- aspects limiting OGD access and re-use; iii) Adoption - aspects that enable the acceptance or rejection of OGD; and iv) Impact - capacity to solve social problems. This study reinforces the move toward decentralizing data governance and civic services.KeywordsOpen government dataSocial value creationCitizens’ involvement
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The Use of Open Government Data to Create
Social Value
María Elena López Reyes(B)and Rikke Magnussen
Aalborg University, A.C Meyers Vænge 15, 2450, Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Abstract. The current work aims to identify the perspectives from which scholars
have studied the link between the citizens’ involvement in the use of Open Gov-
ernment Data (OGD) and the creation of social value to solve local issues in cities
as the expected result. Recent studies have concentrated on studying the barriers
and conditions of using OGD by focusing on specific types and users’ motiva-
tions. Researchers have found that the critical problem of Open Data initiatives
is the lack of utilization. Therefore, to allow more rigorous empirical research to
assess if the estimated effects of OGD are measurable, there is a need to inves-
tigate the link between the types of users and the potential type of effects, that
for this proposal is the creation of social value. The study adopted a systematic
literature review to map the most current work addressing the utilization of OGD
to create social value within different domains. Forty-six records were identified
and characterized into four categories of studies: i) Governance - the intercon-
nection of aspects that allow managing and using OGD; ii) Availability- aspects
limiting OGD access and re-use; iii) Adoption - aspects that enable the acceptance
or rejection of OGD; and iv) Impact - capacity to solve social problems. This study
reinforces the move toward decentralizing data governance and civic services.
Keywords: Open government data ·Social value creation ·Citizens’
1 Introduction and Background
Over the past decades, there has been an increase in the collaboration between citizens,
public institutions, the private sector, and knowledge institutions to facilitate the creation
of social value to solve local issues [1]. It has been acknowledged that public services
are no longer provided only by governmental agencies but are designed and delivered
through coordination across multiple sectors [2]. At the same time, it has become more
accepted that as “experts on themselves, citizens take more responsibility for the services
they or their dependents receive playing a more proactive role [3]. Align to this trend,
the Open Government Data (OGD) movement entered the global political agendas to
encourage public organizations to collect and make factual, nonperson-specific data
public [4].
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2022
Published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
M. Janssen et al. (Eds.): EGOV 2022, LNCS 13391, pp. 244–257, 2022.
The Use of Open Government Data to Create Social Value 245
The Open Data philosophy’s central proposition is that data, information, and knowl-
edge become a shared asset in society, allowing anyone to use it to engage and partici-
pate in economic, social, political, and cultural projects [4]. Data availability enables the
coalition, combination, and enhancement of data through processes and tools [5] that
allow the use, reuse, redistribution, and merge of available OGD with other data sources
[6]. These processes enable the transformation of data into fact information, insight,
interface, new data, or services [79].
The goal of the release of OGD is to transform how governments relate to the
public by engaging citizens in using the available data [10]. The intention is to enable
citizens to transform their community or environment; or help local governments solve
challenges by benefiting from their knowledge, ideas, and the ability of people to provide
surveillance [6]. The expected effects can be of three kinds. Firstly, it can drive social
effects by creating or improving solutions to public service provision and creating social
value. Secondly, it can improve governance by raising transparency and accountability,
increasing citizen trust, and stimulating citizen participation. And thirdly, it can lead to
economic effects by driving economic development [11,12].
Specifically, using datasets related to public services and facilities can increase social
value as they offer citizens the opportunity to enhance social life quality [13]. The use
of OGD allows citizens to share information, take part in policing and law enforcement,
analyzing and monitoring social issues and government actions, developing social inno-
vation, engaging in public services innovation or improvement, generate wealth through
the downstream use of outputs, and more generally, enhance the interaction between
government and citizens to solve local problems [10,12].
Despite the efforts to engage citizens in the use of OGD [14] and the rapid advances
in information and communication technology [11], several studies point out that the
critical problem of OGD initiatives is the lack of its utilization [6,12]. There has been
a significant focus in the literature on studying the relationship between the utilization
of OGD and the social and technical conditions enabling or disabling its use [6,12,15,
16]. Scholars have found that the barriers and conditions to using OGD are related to the
quality of data such as metadata and readability; legislation on topics such as policy and
privacy; challenges related to the user such as lack of knowledge, lack of skills, or lack
of interest; barriers related to the infrastructure such as interoperability, availability, and
security; and finally economic challenges [6,12,15,16].
More recent studies have concentrated on the barriers and conditions of using OGD
by focusing on specific types and users’ motivations [12]. For example, Purwanto et al.
[9] focused on the individual citizens’ drivers and inhibitors for engaging with the use
of OGD. However, to allow more rigorous empirical research to assess if the estimated
effects of OGD are measurable, there is a need to investigate the link between the types
of users and the potential type of effects [12].
In the current paper, we focus on identifying the perspectives from which scholars
have studied the link between the citizens’ involvement in using OGD and the expected
effect of the creation of social value to solve local issues in cities as an expected result.
The research question guiding this study is “what perspectives have been used to study
citizens’ involvement in using OGD when the expected effect is creating social value to
solve local issues in cities?”
246 M. E. López-Reyes and R. Magnussen
The article’s content has the following structure: The next section describes the
methodology, including a systematic literature review [17]; the third section presents the
content analysis results. The fourth section discusses the research findings, conclusion,
and study’s limitations. This review belongs to the European Union’s Horizon 2020
innovation program ODECO. The research focus will serve as a building block to broader
research on Open Data Ecosystems [18] that seeks to understand how to sustain OGD
availability and increase its use to create social value and solve local problems.
This section explains the method of the literature study performed to identify the per-
spectives used by scholars to study citizens’ involvement in using OGD. The focus has
been on understanding the effect of data used to create social value to solve local issues
in cities. The methodological approach followed was a systematic review which helps
to appraise and synthesize research evidence [19] and it is more reliable than other tra-
ditional reviews as it considers a transparent process to increase methodological rigor
[20]. A five-step method described in the following paragraphs and illustrated in Fig. 1
was applied [21].
The first step was to define the review process and the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Considering the goal of this review, the keywords to perform the search were defined,
as well as the set of inclusion and exclusion criteria. As this study aimed to identify
perspectives to study citizens’ involvement in using OGD, the term “open government
data” and its variations (e.g., open data, open government, public sector information,
public data, public government data, open public data) were used. The inclusion criteria
were determined as follows: Papers should be academic journal articles and conference
papers available online in full text, which are relevant to the study goal and to answer the
research question. Table 1shows the articles’ complete list of inclusion criteria to define
the relevance of the studies to be considered. Examples of relevant papers are studies
mentioning open data platforms, user needs, social effects, public value cocreation, open
government data initiatives implementation, and citizen participation. The exclusion
criteria were defined by publications that are not primary studies, date outside the range
of dates from 2017 and 2022, and lack an empirical approach to study the use of OGD
when the expected outcome is to create social value to solve local issues in cities.
The second step was doing database searches and applying the selected search sting.
The search was undertaken in February 2022 using Scopus, and ACM Digital Library.
The query string used in the databases was: (“Open Government Data” OR “Open
Data” OR “public sector information” OR “public data” OR “public government data”
OR “open public data”) AND (“Social value creation” OR “Public value creation” OR
“Public Service creation” OR “Public Service innovation”) AND (“citizen use” OR “ci-
tizen engagement” OR “citizen participation” OR “citizen involvement”) AND (“local”
OR “community” OR “urban” OR “city”). The selection of the keywords was done after
reviewing the first outcomes of the search, and to ensure that it covered all the possible
variations of the keywords.
The Use of Open Government Data to Create Social Value 247
Table 1. Inclusion criteria for selecting papers for characterization
Inclusion criteria: Studies should
Record standard 1.Be available online in full text as part of an academic journal article
or as a conference paper
2.Be studies dating from 2017 to 2022
3.Be primary studies with empirical approaches
4.Include the keywords in the title, abstract, or keywords to ensure
that citizens’ use of OGD remains central
Citizens’ use of OGD 5.Involves citizens in the use of OGD
Open Government Data 6.Include the implementation of Open Government Data initiatives
Social value 7.Include the aim to create social value to solve local issues in cities
Fig. 1. Systematic mapping review process flow diagram modified from the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) flowchart [17].
This search string allowed the identification of studies with both focus on OGD and
the interplay of citizens and government representatives in the creation of social value.
The search allowed us to look for the keywords in the article title, abstract, keywords
list, and full text. Since OGD is a multidomain field, the journals were not limited to one
specific area. Moreover, since the development of the OGD domain in the latest years has
significantly increased and transformed, the search was performed by only considering
248 M. E. López-Reyes and R. Magnussen
publications from 2017 to 2022 to portray the latest developments and avoid outdated
approaches. The query resulted in 91 records in Scopus, and 14 in ACM Digital Library.
The searches resulted in a total of 105 records. The third step was the selection of the
literature sample. The first step was to look for double items through a manual review
of the list of 105 records, which resulted in 98 unique records. Then, a screening was
performed to verify the inclusion and exclusion criteria prior defined.
The document type and the availability online were verified. After removing books,
book chapters, book reviews, conference reviews lists (exclusion reason 1, 17 records),
articles dating out from 2017 to 2022 (exclusion reason 2, 4 records), and records without
an empirical approach (exclusion reason 3, 18 records), 59 were assessed for eligibility.
The screening of abstracts resulted in 24 eligible articles. A snowballing approach [22]
was used to complement the search resulting in 24 additional records. Figure 1summa-
rizes the literature identification, screening, and inclusion process through the PRISMA
flowchart [17].
The last step was analyzing and categorizing the papers according to the perspective
addressed by the authors to observe citizens’ use of OGD to create social value that
solves local problems. A qualitative content analysis was performed to get results and
synthesize the reviewed studies. The extracted information was recorded and classified
using Excel worksheets. Next, the content was structured to present the findings in the
following section.
3 Results
This section presents the content analysis results of the 46 identified and reviewed
records. By focusing on the question “what perspectives have been used to study users’
involvement in the utilization of OGD when the expected effect is creating social value
to solve local issues in cities?” four different categories were identified according to
the content analysis. The first research theme encompasses studies that touches upon
a particular aspect of the OGD Governance, by studying a specific actor’s roles in the
open data ecosystem, outlining management recommendations, or proposing mecha-
nisms or evaluation methods for governance. The second theme refers to the work done
that observes aspects related to the OGD Availability. The studies that fall into this cate-
gorization focus on understanding user needs regarding the specific media to make data
available and the effects of different data collection methods and provisions. The third
theme encapsulates the research done by taking an angle referring to OGD Adoption,
mainly referring to the drivers or motives for using OGD and reflecting on the assessment
of its use. Finally, the fourth theme concerns understanding the OGD impact or value,
and the research is done to understand the effects or assessment mechanisms to unveil
the value of using OGD. The reviewed and categorized articles included in Table 2are
the records that met the inclusion criteria listed in Table 1. The categorization of the
identified articles is shown in Table 2.
The Use of Open Government Data to Create Social Value 249
Table 2. Overview of reviewed articles and identified research perspectives of studying the use
of OGD to create social value in cities characterized by four different themes.
Theme Authors No. studies
Governance [2334]12
Availability [3546]12
Adoption [27,30,33,4754]11
Impact [5565]11
3.1 Governance
According to the literature, effective development, and implementation of OGD initia-
tives require structures, policies, actors, and institutions to manage, produce, access,
share, exchange, and use different types of data [66]. In that sense, the reviewed articles
take a governance perspective on researching the use of OGD to create social value, as
they discuss the different roles that actors can play within the open data infrastructures
and the interrelations that can influence the data-driven value creation mechanisms [24,
25,2830,34], as well as the effects of different governance models [27,32]. In some
cases, they also consider the expected outcomes like innovation [26] or democracy [23].
The discussion raised by the perspective of this group of research highlights the relevance
of the interrelation, and the interdependency between actors, communication tools, and
contexts, to succeed in the OGD service delivery and value creation. In this regard, some
studies suggest that actors’ engagement might be influenced by geographic proximity
and the effect of local contexts [2729].
Most of the studies explored governance by taking the perspective of one of the actors
involved and considering how they shape or get shaped by the technological elements of
the OGD infrastructure. This was explored by comparing cases to propose recommen-
dations, conceptual frameworks, or models to assist the development of OGD initiatives
or programs [23,26,27,30,31,34]. For example, some studies offer theoretical mod-
els based on empirical case studies to deal with the context interdependence and allow
the emergence and development of innovation [26,32]. Some others offer conceptual
models to deepen the understanding of specific actors’ roles or democratic processes,
such as Calzada [29], who proposed a taxonomy of digital citizenship regimes, or Rujier
et al. [23], who developed a Democratic Activity Model of Open Data Use. Another
example is the research that focuses on the role of ICT developments and their effects on
the coproduction and cocreation of value within the network of stakeholders by offer-
ing insights to improve the governance models. For example, Rodríguez [25] focuses
on the role of e-participation technologies and the need for introducing collaborative
and participative governance models, while Zhang et al. [34] offer reflections on net-
working computing and its role in creating sustainable value, specifically in the smart
transportation systems.
250 M. E. López-Reyes and R. Magnussen
3.2 Availability
Open data availability refers to the different elements that need to be in place so that the
public can access data without restrictions that would impede the re-use of information
[66]. The studies included in this theme focus on analyzing three different perspectives
that would affect the channels through which data is being made available for users to
create social value. In the first group, the authors focus on collecting data to make it
available [38,42]. A second group focuses on aspects that affect the accessibility to data
[35,36,41,4446]. Finally, a third group focuses on the users’ needs to access it [37,
An emerging issue affecting the data availability and addressed by the first group of
the literature identified in this theme is the integration of different data sources. In this
perspective, the authors reflect on cases in which the collected data comes from sensors,
crowdsourcing, or data collected by citizens [36,38,42]. The educational contexts arise
as a setting that allows exercising inclusion, addressing the skills gaps in dealing with
data, and enabling a greater observation control [38,42]. The technological resources
for automatization and data processing become relevant aspects to continuing to be
explored, especially considering citizens’ co-production of information [36,42] and the
involvement and exploitation of new data sources [38].
The second group of authors identified in this group addressed the accessibility
and reflected on the technical capabilities and channels that affect data provision and
integration mediums [41,44,46]. For example, Chatfield & Reddicks [41] reflect on
how the data portals’ capabilities might differ according to the data formats, policies,
and resources. All these considerations would also define the channels, which according
to Rodríguez et al. [44], should contemplate transparency and citizens’ participation
influenced by demographic characteristics such as population density or educational level
within the city. On its part, Ho and Lee [46] bring in their observations on the problems
that arise when there are divergent geographic levels or time horizons within the data
collected, which are challenges that public officers face when trying to augment existing
data sources. These studies provide empirical evidence and quantitative conclusions
from their analysis of open data portals [41,44] and analytical inputs for data curation
and privacy-preserving of the OGD [46].
The third group of authors addressing the users’ needs to access to data highlight
the display of information as a critical aspect to consider in terms of data availability.
According to some of these authors, visualization techniques are being explored to
provide citizens with the analytical tools to exploit data [35,45]. Also, in this direction,
the revised literature follows different approaches to investigate user needs, challenges,
and conditions for their individual and collective involvement, primarily focusing on the
technological channels of interaction [37,39,40,43]. For example, one of the studies
explores the accessibility of OGD portals in India by comparing them to portals in other
countries [40]. On her part, Alizadeh et al. [37] analyzed participatory tools to allow
communities to be part of a deliberative process of public decision-making by using
social media as a source for improving the quality of data.
The Use of Open Government Data to Create Social Value 251
3.3 Adoption
According to the reviewed literature, there is a need to understand how to drive adoption
to increase the use of data. In this context, we refer to adoption as the choices an individual
makes to accept or reject a particular innovation, and the extent to which that innovation
is integrated into the appropriate context [67]. In that sense, the reviewed articles present
two clear paths of research. On the one hand, there is an interest in identifying the drivers
that can lead to the OGD adoption [27,30,33,48,52]. In some cases, the adoption of
OGD is studied when it is used through e-participation platforms [51,53], and in other
cases when it is used through IoT tools [54]. On the other hand, there is also a focus
on assessing the maturity level of the open data ecosystems [49] and the strengths and
weaknesses of specific cases [47], which would ultimately influence the adoption of
Another important aspect to understand the adoption of OGD is identifying the
factors and motivators for its use. For example, one of the reviewed studies identified
adoption factors for an e-participation tool in Czech cities. The study concluded that
the innovativeness of a city or increasing the number of e-participation tools would not
necessarily increase the number of adopters. Instead, researchers suggest focusing on
contacting current adopters of participation activities to understand the possible adoption
process [51]. For example, a study analyzing Romanian and Italian cities through a
knowledge management perspective found that the efforts to use open data concentrate
on the economy, mobility, and people [47]. However, another study points out that one
of the reasons for not using the data is the lack of communication channels with the
platform managers. In that sense, one possible research direction could be to focus on
first adopters to improve communication with platform managers [27].
3.4 Impact
Even though there has been an increase in the number of OGD initiatives, the impact
is still uncertain [60,62]. We refer to impact as the extent to which data helps “solving
problems and meet essential needs of individuals, communities or society at large” [68].
In that sense, most of the articles that fall into this theme take as the main challenge the
assessment of the impact that the use of OGD can bring to communities. Several of the
reviewed articles focused on assessing the impact of the use of ODG through a specific
tool [61,63,65], within a specific context [56,62,64], or by assessing a specific outcome
[58]. For example, Allen et al. [61] examined the impact of citizen e-participation on
service performance, while Wilson and Cong [62] focused on assessing the impact of
municipal government data in nine cities across the US, and finally, Reddick et al. [58]
focused on assessing the performance of the government online budget transparency
portals in the US.
Another branch of research under this theme focused on the development of assess-
ment mechanisms to get conclusions about the impact of the use of OGD on creating
social value [59,60]. For example, in their work, Cabitza et al. [60] developed a con-
ceptual model to understand the perceived social value of real-life open data sets in the
health care domain. However, the results only provided insights on the perceptions of the
users and the results of the study give feedback on the users’ preferences regarding the
252 M. E. López-Reyes and R. Magnussen
presentation of the information, and not on the benefits perse. Finally, the most recent
contribution by Gao and Janssen [59] combined the components of the business model
canvas and value creation conceptualization from literature to create the value model
canvas. The model creates an overview of the needs in terms of data and capabilities to
understand the value generation logic. It is important to mention that within this theme,
there has been also a focus on empirically understanding the negative effects of the use
of OGD through digital platforms, which is an emerging research direction in the Open
Data domain. That is the case of Marjanovic and Cecez-Kecmanovic [55] who analyzed
the negative effects of the performance data from Australian schools.
Overall, the research in this category focused on case studies or cross-case analy-
ses using quantitative and qualitative approaches. These are the first attempts to create
conceptual frameworks and give recommendations for improving the impact of the use
of OGD. The studies suggest that more research is still missing that focuses on public
value creation [58] and understanding how the use of different e-governance tools can
influence complex problems affecting the involvement of multiple agencies [61]. The
researchers also mention the lack of monitoring mechanisms to evaluate the broader
effect of the use of OGD [62].
4 Discussion and Conclusion
The current work presents the results of a systematic mapping review comprising 46
articles to address the question “what perspectives have been used to study citizens’
involvement in using OGD when the expected effect is creating social value to solve
local issues in cities?” This review belongs to broader research on Open Data Ecosystems
[18] that has the aim to provide insights that serve as a building block in the understand-
ing of the use and value of OGD on a local level. Through a content analysis, four
research perspectives of the most current research on the use of OGD were identified
and categorized.
These perspectives evidence the relevance of understanding the different aspects
of the interdependence within OGD infrastructure which are Governance, Availability,
Adoption, and Impact. Across the studies in all categories, there has also been special
attention to understanding the different scales in which the elements can be affected and
interrelated, such as national and local, network and individual, platform and ecosystems,
and specific tools or technology.
The research included in the Governance theme shows a growing interest in study-
ing the OGD phenomena by focusing on specific interactions, actors’ interrelations,
and the different elements intertwined in the implementation of OGD efforts, such as
individual actors and the outcomes of their interactions. One of the relevant aspects of
the Governance perspective is that it evidences the significance of considering the role
of technology and how the mechanisms are affected by the rapidly changing digital
dynamics and technological advances.
The attention in the research studies belonging to the theme of Availability shows
the significance of understanding the lifecycles of OGD. From OGD collection to the
mechanisms and tools to make it available until the service delivery by taking care of
the interactions and usability. This category of studies reveals an interest in creating
The Use of Open Government Data to Create Social Value 253
models and frameworks for evaluating different aspects of the implementation of an
OGD ecosystem, such as the data collection mechanisms, accessibility, and usability.
Regarding the theme of OGD Adoption, the focus on elements, specific geograph-
ical contexts, industries, or specific motivations such as transparency, corruption, par-
ticipation, or decision-making appears to be necessary to create a more empirical body
of knowledge regarding the different dimensions of evaluation and assessment for the
adoption of OGD. These aspects would ultimately affect the OGD’s potential to create
public value.
Finally, the focus on the Impact of OGD shows a more strategic perspective on
delivering value through OGD. The mechanisms and assessment tools to prove the
effectiveness of OGD in creating value appear to be an essential branch of knowledge
that requires a broader development and exploration in empirical scenarios. One crucial
aspect to consider in this regard is to be aware of the negative impact that the OGD
utilization might cause. An emergent direction for research in this category is to focus
on specific types of channels to deliver OGD and different sectors to understand and
compare results that can show the value and impact of using OGD.
The emerging research directions elucidated through the different perspectives to
investigating the use of OGD confirm that the decentralization of civic services requires
new perspectives on how to plan, implement, assess, and follow up the OGD initia-
tives if the intention is to create and sustain the value that is expected to deliver. This
study reinforces the move toward decentralizing data governance and civic services by
discussing the different perspectives that emerge in the literature when focusing on the
citizens’ involvement in using OGD to create public value. This review contributes to
the gap of a holistic overview of the perspectives on using OGD to create social value.
Moreover, to sustain the Availability and value of the OGD, there is a need to address
the different barriers holistically by also considering the different domains encountered
in implementing OGD initiatives.
The review also considers some limitations as it only covers peer-reviewed journals
and conference papers from 2017 to March 2022; this could limit the perspectives present
in the literature. Another limitation is the depth of the analysis, as more layers could have
been considered, such as methods to study the use of OGD, types of use and types of
relationships, and technologies concerning the use of OGD. The identified perspectives
could be evaluated further, and future work can be developed to analyze different layers
of the perspectives.
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... The cluster citizen's situation shows that many citizens lack the time (ISS1) to be informed and participate [9,31,41], even if they are aware of the project and their influence [20]. Another challenge is the lack of expertise and knowledge, as more time would allow participants to inform themselves better and can prevent citizens from participating as they do not feel comfortable submitting meaningful contributions [4,49]. Therefore, citizens should be informed during the participation about their possibilities and the project to overcome the lack of knowledge (ISS2) [9,16,33,39,49,70]. ...
... Another challenge is the lack of expertise and knowledge, as more time would allow participants to inform themselves better and can prevent citizens from participating as they do not feel comfortable submitting meaningful contributions [4,49]. Therefore, citizens should be informed during the participation about their possibilities and the project to overcome the lack of knowledge (ISS2) [9,16,33,39,49,70]. This also affects advertising campaigns before and during the participation, which is attributable to a lack of acceptance of urban projects (ISS3) [9,24,28,33,43,49,69], as citizens are often unaware of their impact and the chance of co-developing their living environment. ...
... Therefore, citizens should be informed during the participation about their possibilities and the project to overcome the lack of knowledge (ISS2) [9,16,33,39,49,70]. This also affects advertising campaigns before and during the participation, which is attributable to a lack of acceptance of urban projects (ISS3) [9,24,28,33,43,49,69], as citizens are often unaware of their impact and the chance of co-developing their living environment. This is enhanced if the participation objective is unclear or irrelevant for them or if citizens mistrust the initiator due to intransparent processes, which can create the impression that their contributions do not have any influence [6]. ...
Urbanization and the transformation toward sustainability pose new challenges to governments, leading to an increase in citizen participation in urban planning. Due to the demand for scalability, urban participation is often conducted online. However, past projects showed that the asynchronous and impersonal exchange reduces the value of citizens’ submissions as inquiries are omitted. Thus, this study investigates how to design an IT artifact to support citizens in contributing to online participation in urban planning projects. To do so, we initiated a design science research project. We analyzed the literature to define issues, formulate meta-requirements, and derive design principles to develop and qualitatively evaluate an AI-based prototype that enables immediate responses to citizens considering their contributions. This study contributes to the field of information systems with prescriptive knowledge. Furthermore, this study can guide practitioners in citizen participation in urban planning in building and utilizing digital tools to support citizens in contributing to subsequent processes.
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Open government data (OGD) is seen as a political and socio-economic phenomenon that promises to promote civic engagement and stimulate public sector innovations in various areas of public life. To bring the expected benefits, data must be reused and transformed into value-added products or services. This, in turn, sets another precondition for data that are expected to not only be available and comply with open data principles, but also be of value, i.e., of interest for reuse by the end-user. This refers to the notion of “high-value dataset” (HVD), recognized by the European Data Portal as a key trend in the OGD area in 2022. While there is a progress in this direction, e.g., the Open Data Directive, incl. identifying 6 key categories, a list of HVDs and arrangements for their publication and re-use, they can be seen as “core”/“base” datasets aimed at increasing interoperability of public sector data with a high priority, contributing to the development of a more mature OGD initiative. Depending on the specifics of a region and country - geographical location, social, environmental, economic issues, cultural characteristics, (under)developed sectors and market specificities, more datasets can be recognized as of high value for a particular country. However, there is no standardized approach to assist chief data officers in this, and there is a clear lack of conceptualizations for the determination of HVD and systematic oversight. In this paper, we present a systematic review of existing literature on the HVD determination, which is expected to form an initial knowledge base for this process, including used approaches and indicators to determine them, data, stakeholders.KeywordsOpen Government DataHigh-value DataOpen DataPublic ValuePublic AdministrationStakeholderOpen Data Ecosystem
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Poor governance resulting from corruption is a chronic problem for the public sector. Although there have been efforts to involve citizens to participate in dealing with this issue, they tend to avoid such participation since they do not have sufficient data and have to face data asymmetry that may debase their opinions or arguments. However, open government data (OGD) are now being widely implemented around the world and are expected to produce a variety of positive impacts on society. This study investigates the effects of OGD on empowering public participation (PP) and enhancing corruption control (CC). Based on the data analysis of 113 countries using partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), this study found that OGD have a positive significant effect on PP. Further, OGD can significantly increase and make more effective the efforts to CC. Indeed, OGD have empowered citizens to increasingly participate in CC. Given the importance of OGD, countries should be aware of the development of OGD and capitalize on its benefits and values.
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E-participation tools are a part of the transition process to smart governance, but sometimes the adoption rate among citizens is lower than municipalities expect. This article aims to find new or underestimated factors that drive the adoption process of innovative e-participation tools. Research data help explore three adoption factors: Citizens' Participatory Experience (how experienced people are in offline participation), Citizens' Technological Innovativeness (how innovative people are), and Innovativeness of City (how many participatory technologies municipalities offer). Based on logistic regression, all these factors proved significant. Next, we show how important it is for the municipality to offer more e-participation tools. More tools increase the adoption rate up to more than 70%. In addition, we show which tools are most successful among Czech cities and their citizens.
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Open government data (OGD) initiatives can deliver many cultural and institutional benefits. This is why many governments are trying to establish an OGD ecosystem. However, although many countries have made good progress in doing so, some face significant challenges. In such cases, country-specific studies can prove valuable in understanding not only the current situation, but also in defining the obstacles to progress. As far as the authors of this paper can determine, this study is the first to examine the benefits of, and barriers to, implementation of the OGD initiative Saudi Arabia. The study conducts and analyses interviews with Saudi Arabian government officials in both leadership and technical positions in order to obtain an informed view of the OGD initiative in Saudi. The study contributes to the existing knowledge base by identifying the main benefits of the Saudi Arabian Open Government Initiative and the barriers to its implementation.
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Over the past decade, e-government has evolved from providing static content and services to integrating user generated content and social media technologies. This allows citizens to participate and provide regular feedback on policies and programs, both of which promote public value through e-democracy. However, few studies continue to track their performance on a worldwide scale. This article discusses the results of a global and comparative survey of e-government performance, based on an assessment of municipal government websites around the world. Along with a longitudinal assessment, the study identifies best practices, highlights key findings, and provides guidance for future research.
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Open Government Data (OGD) ecosystems are composed of public, private and non-profit actors playing specific roles related to the availability and use of publicly accessible government information. The literature considers the presence of healthy ecosystems as crucial for effective use of OGD, with positive effects on democracy, policy effectiveness, and economic development. This paper employs the Exponential Random Graph model (ERGM) technique to empirically explore relations among the actors of an OGD ecosystem for public participation in the context of the European Policy in Italy. The models estimate the likelihood of an ecosystem connection between actors as documented online via Twitter, by considering the type of actor - namely government organizations, user communities, NGOs and the media - and their locations. The analysis showed that governmental organizations as data providers and intermediaries play a crucial role in disseminating OGD and facilitating their use by local communities. Government organizations as policy makers were much less active. In addition, NGOs and the media were less disposed than government actors to serve as data intermediaries and less likely than local communities to engage in policy deliberation. These patterns suggest that the nature and level of engagement by various actors may be influenced by their interest in the specific purpose of the ecosystem. Finally, co-location is a powerful predictor of the creation of new connections among actors of all kinds, demonstrating that effective local data use can be enabled and encouraged by national data provision.
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This article develops a conceptual taxonomy of five emerging digital citizenship regimes: (i) the globalised and generalisable regime called pandemic citizenship that clarifies how post-COVID-19 datafication processes have amplified the emergence of four intertwined, non-mutually exclusive, and non-generalisable new techno-politicalised and city-regionalised digital citizenship regimes in certain European nation-states’ urban areas; (ii) algorithmic citizenship, which is driven by blockchain and has allowed the implementation of an e-Residency programme in Tallinn; (iii) liquid citizenship, driven by dataism – the deterministic ideology of Big Data – and contested through claims for digital rights in Barcelona and Amsterdam; (iv) metropolitan citizenship, as revindicated in reaction to Brexit and reshuffled through data co-operatives in Cardiff; and (v) stateless citizenship, driven by devolution and reinvigorated through data sovereignty in Barcelona, Glasgow, and Bilbao. This article challenges the existing interpretation of how these emerging digital citizenship regimes together are ubiquitously rescaling the associated spaces/practices of European nation-states.
Expectations to derive value from open data are high. However, how value is created from open data is still largely unknown. Open data value is usually generated in constellation of actors in which each player has different capabilities and roles. To understand the open data value creation process, the business model canvas is introduced in this article. The typical components of the business model canvas and open data value creation are derived from the literature. By combining these two research streams, the open data value model canvas is created. The case of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) worldwide dashboard developed by the Johns Hopkins University is used to evaluate the model's utility. Key components of the open data value model are creating an overview of various data sources from public and private organizations, having capabilities to combine heterogeneous data, and connecting data and needs. In this way, the open data canvas helps to grasp the value creation logic.