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The COMT gene modulates the relationship between bilingual adaptation in executive function and decision-making: an EEG study


Abstract and Figures

Unlabelled: Bilingual adaptive control mechanisms appear to be linked to congenital genetic factors such as dopamine (DA) genes. However, it is unclear as to whether acquired cognitive exercise can vanquish innate influences that allow bilingual executive advantages to be shown in other cognitive areas. In the present study, we examine the relationship between gene-dependent executive control and decision-making by targeting the enzyme catecholamine-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and employing electroencephalography (EEG). Chinese-English bilinguals (N = 101) participated in a language switching task and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). The findings showed that COMT Val158Met polymorphism played a complex role in decision-making and bilingual executive control processing: Bilinguals with Valine (Val) homozygotes had poorer performance in the IGT, while Methionine (Met) carriers had larger switch costs in the language switching task. Second, the cross-task relationships varied among bilinguals with different COMT genotypes: Bilinguals with Met allele genotypes showed larger switch costs and better performance on the IGT. These findings suggest that bilinguals who carry Met allele are equipped with more efficient adaptive mechanisms of executive functions that are generalized to other cognitive domains. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-022-09867-2.
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The COMT gene modulates the relationship between bilingual
adaptation in executive function and decision-making: an EEG study
Dongxue Liu
John W. Schwieter
Wenxin Liu
Li Mu
Huanhuan Liu
Received: 13 May 2022 / Revised: 11 July 2022 / Accepted: 27 July 2022
The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022
Bilingual adaptive control mechanisms appear to be linked to congenital genetic factors such as dopamine (DA) genes.
However, it is unclear as to whether acquired cognitive exercise can vanquish innate influences that allow bilingual
executive advantages to be shown in other cognitive areas. In the present study, we examine the relationship between gene-
dependent executive control and decision-making by targeting the enzyme catecholamine-O-methyltransferase (COMT)
and employing electroencephalography (EEG). Chinese-English bilinguals (N = 101) participated in a language switching
task and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). The findings showed that COMT Val158Met polymorphism played a complex
role in decision-making and bilingual executive control processing: Bilinguals with Valine (Val) homozygotes had poorer
performance in the IGT, while Methionine (Met) carriers had larger switch costs in the language switching task. Second,
the cross-task relationships varied among bilinguals with different COMT genotypes: Bilinguals with Met allele genotypes
showed larger switch costs and better performance on the IGT. These findings suggest that bilinguals who carry Met allele
are equipped with more efficient adaptive mechanisms of executive functions that are generalized to other cognitive
Keywords Bilingualism Electroencephalogram Decision-making Executive functions Adaptation
A growing body of research has found a relationship
between decision-making and executive functions both
among individuals with healthy and impaired cognitive
control abilities (Bechara and Martin 2004; Brand et al.
2005,2006; Delazer et al. 2007). The findings suggest that
executive function impairment or increased cognitive load
negatively impacts decisions made (Jameson et al. 2004;
Norman and Shallice 1986). As is the case with all humans,
bilinguals make decisions in their daily lives, but they are
unique in that their communication and thus, their
decisions, may involve interacting in and often switching
between more than one language. This linguistic ‘‘mental
exercise’ may strengthen certain executive functions that
are observable both in behavioral performance and func-
tional brain activity patterns (Gunnerud et al. 2020; Kwon
et al. 2021). Furthermore, previous studies have found that
executive functions may be modulated by genetic factors
that play a role in the availability of dopamine (DA) in the
neural structures underlying cognitive control (Hernandez
et al. 2015; Vaughn et al. 2016).
Individual differences in executive functions can be
attributable to genetic factors (Friedman et al. 2008). The
enzyme catecholamine-O-methyltransferase (COMT), for
instance, is critical in the metabolic degradation of DA,
which has attracted considerable attention for being an
important gene involved in human cognitive function
(Sannino et al. 2015; Smolka et al. 2005). The COMT gene
on chromosome 22q11 has a functional polymorphism, in
which a G/A substitution at codon 158 causes an alteration
from valine (Val) to methionine (Met), commonly called
Val158Met polymorphism (Chen et al. 2004). The Val
allele is related to enhanced enzymatic activity, and thus
&Huanhuan Liu
Research Center of Brain and Cognitive Neuroscience,
Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China
Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Neuroscience,
Dalian 116029, Liaoning Province, China
Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Cognition
Laboratory / Bilingualism Matters, Wilfrid Laurier
University, Waterloo, Canada
Cognitive Neurodynamics,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)
results in faster inactivation of extracellular dopamine in
the brain, especially the prefrontal cortex (PFC) (Chen
et al. 2004;Tsaietal.2003). Therefore, the COMT
Val158Met polymorphism influences the efficiency of
prefrontally-guided cognitive function, particularly execu-
tive functions, language abilities, working memory, and
attentional control (Egan et al. 2001; Barnett et al.
2007,2008). Moreover, due to differences in DA avail-
ability, Met carriers show better performance on tasks that
include stable representations, while Val carriers perform
better in those requiring flexible performance (Mier et al.
2010; Nolan et al. 2004). Met carriers implicate additional
cognitive control resources when a task requires cognitive
flexibility (Colzato et al. 2010; Witte and Flo
¨el 2012).
Furthermore, studies have revealed that COMT Val158Met
genotypes may affect risky decisions. For instance, indi-
viduals who are Methionine (Met) homozygous carriers
with low DA activity exhibit more risky choices and poorer
performance (Colzato et al. 2010; van den Bos et al. 2009)
and show higher susceptibility to losses than Val allele
carriers (Gao et al. 2016).
Nonetheless, it is unclear as to whether the apparently
contradictory effect of COMT Val158Met polymorphism
affects the relationship between decision-making and
executive functions in bilinguals (Manes et al. 2010;
Toplak et al. 2010). In the present study, to fill this gap, we
administered the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), a typical
emotion-based decision task, whose link with executive
functions has been debated, in addition to a language
switching task (LST), a well-established picture-naming
paradigm used to measure bilingual executive control (see
Methods for details). The IGT is based on a long
exploratory learning process aimed to anticipate long-term
risks in decision making and is used to assess risky deci-
sion-making behavior in laboratories (Bechara et al. 1994;
Marco-Pallares et al. 2008). In the task, participants choose
a card from four decks (choice evaluation stage; two
advantageous decks that have more conservative outcomes
and two disadvantageous decks with more risky options).
Feedback is immediately provided after each selection so
that participants learn the characteristic of each deck
(feedback evaluation stage). Accordingly, participants must
utilize feedback to learn the deck characteristics and form
an efficient strategy to facilitate making the optimal deci-
sion, which is inseparable from the demands of updating
and set-shifting abilities (Di Rosa et al. 2017; Shadlen and
Kiani 2013).
In the IGT, there are three electrophysiological effects
(i.e., event-related potential (ERP) components) that are
related to choice evaluation: N2
reflects the detection of
conflicting alternatives, i.e., a premotor inhibition process
(Mennes et al. 2008); P3
reflects stimuli encoding or
motivational significance of the eliciting stimuli (Polich
2007); Late Positive Potential (LPP) is associated with
long-term learning (Panitz et al. 2015) and may influence
response conflict when determining choices (Kelly and
O’Connell 2013; Murphy et al. 2015; O’Connell et al.
2012). In the feedback evaluation stage, there also three
components of interest: feedback-related negativity (FRN),
a negative wave reflecting earlier feedback evaluation (Di
Rosa et al. 2017); P3
is related to a late, top-down,
controlled feedback evaluation process associated with
allocation of attentional resources and updating of working
memory; and LPP
reflects the processing of stimuli
with motivational significance or the downstream cate-
gorical processing of output from an evaluation system
(Duncan-Johnson and Donchin 1977).
In the LST, bilinguals are required to name pictures and
switch back and forth between their two languages. The
task elicits a series of executive functions, such as conflict
monitoring, set-shifting, inhibitory control, and working
memory updating, as needed to regularly engage in two
languages (Abutalebi et al. 2008). Switch costs—calcu-
lated as the difference between switch trials and repeat
trials—have been measured through ERPs and reaction
times (RTs) and can serve as an index of language control,
which is, in fact, a subdomain of general cognitive control
(Blanco-Elorrieta and Pylkka
¨nen 2016; Liu et al. 2016).
We examine the N2
effect in the language schema stage,
which reflects conflict detection and monitoring, height-
ened demands on cognitive control, and the late positive
component (LPC), which occurs in the lexical response
stage and indexes language control during lexical access
(Elke and Wiebe 2017; Liu et al. 2020; Verhoef et al.
Previous studies have been narrowly focused by exam-
ining how a single aspect of executive functions (i.e.,
inhibition) interacts with decision-making in behavioral-
based experiments (Ouerchefani et al. 2019; Toplak et al.
2010). There has not yet been a study conducted which
explores the effects of COMT Val158Met polymorphism
on decision-making and executive functions. Here, we
divided the IGT into choice evaluation and feedback pro-
cessing, and the LST into the language schema and lexical
response stages to capture the modulatory effect of COMT
Val158Met polymorphism on the relationship between
decision-making and executive control in bilinguals. We
conduct analyses at behavior level and neural coding level
separately, including (1) analyses of covariance (ANCO-
VAs) with sex as a covariate (Sannino et al. 2015; Mamiya
et al. 2016) to compare the effects of COMT genotypes on
performance during two tasks described below; (2) time-
resolved correlations to characterize the effect of COMT
polymorphism on subtle fluctuations in brain-behavior
relationships within each task; and (3) linear regression
analyses with genotype as a categorical variable to examine
Cognitive Neurodynamics
whether the gene-dependent executive function advantages
of bilinguals correlated with decision-making. Based on
previous studies, we hypothesize that in the LST, Met
carriers will have larger switch costs, particularly in the
language schema stage. We anticipate that this effect will
be correlated with behavioral switch costs. We also expect
that in the IGT, Val/Val carriers will show increased neural
activity and poorer decision-making performance. Overall,
the present study provides a robust examination of the
effects of genetic factors on the relationship between
decision-making and executive functions in bilinguals.
In the present study, we examine processing patterns from
behavioral performance and neural activity using elec-
troencephalography (EEG). We investigate whether and
how gene-dependent (COMT Val158Met polymorphism)
executive functions of bilinguals can be adaptively exten-
ded to decision-making performance. We administered two
tasks: the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) (Bechera et al. 1994),
a typical decision task based on a long exploratory learning
process that involves choice and feedback evaluation; and a
LST, a picture-naming experiment that involves language
schema selection and lexical retrieval (Abutalebi et al.
2008). The order of the two tasks was counterbalanced
across participants. Both tasks were administered using
E-Prime 2.0 software. Visual stimuli were presented on the
center of a 17-inch computer screen with 1024 9768
One hundred and one Chinese-English bilinguals (75
females, 26 males, mean age: 22.5, range: 19–30) with
normal or corrected-to-normal vision participated in the
study. These individuals were native speakers of Chinese
and reported started to learn English at an average age of
8.98 years (SD = 2.15 years, range: 3–13 years). All par-
ticipants were right-handed, and reported no psychological,
cognitive, and motor impairments. The study was approved
by the Ethics Committee of Research Center of Brain and
Cognitive Neuroscience at Liaoning Normal University
and all participants provided their informed consent before
beginning the experiment.
Participants completed an English proficiency test, the
paper-and-pen version of the Oxford Quick Placement test
(OPT) (Geranpayeh 2003), and self-rated their language
abilities on a six-point scale in which ‘1’ indicated no
knowledge and ‘6’ indicated perfect knowledge (Liu et al.
2021). Paired-sample t-tests revealed that the participants’
L1 was significantly stronger than L2 in listening
(t= 18.11, p\.001), speaking (t= 20.66, p\.001),
reading (t= 17.74, p\.001), and writing (t= 12.34,
p\.001). These self-ratings and OPT scores were similar
to intermediate Chinese-English bilinguals in prior
research (Liu et al. 2016,2021), demonstrating unequal
proficiency between their two languages.
DNA extraction and COMT genotyping
The genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood
leukocytes of all participants, which were collected with
anticoagulant ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid tubes. The
COMT Val158Met polymorphism was genotyped using
MassARRAY Flight Mass Spectrometry. Single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) was sorted according to dbSNP
database. Three primers were designed for COMT
Val158Met genotying, including two polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) primers (1st: ACGTTGGATGACCCAGC
GTCTGACAACGG), and one unextended primer (UEP)
(aagtCATGCACACCTTGTCCTTCA). The gene fragment
containing this SNP was amplified by PCR. Following this,
the dNTP generated was phosphorylated by alkaline
phosphatase reaction to form ddNTP. The UEP was used
for single base extension reaction in the ddNTP system to
form a single base extension product complementary to the
SNP genotype to be detected, and the results were sub-
jected to resin purification and chip sampling. Finally, the
samples were analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrome-
ter. Based on the principle that the flight time of ions
generated by radiation ionization of matrix molecules in a
vacuum environment is directly proportional to mass,
genotyping was obtained.
The COMT genotyping found that 51 of the participants
were homozygous for Val/Val, 44 were heterozygous for
Val/Met, and 6 were homozygous for Met/Met. This dis-
tribution was consistent with Hard-Weinberg expectations
= .77, df =2,p= .38). The Met carriers were grouped
together (Met/Met and Val/Met) for analyses (Albaugh
et al. 2010; Colzato et al. 2010). All analyses that examined
the COMT genotype effect were conducted among a group
of Met carriers (N = 50) and a group of Val/Val carriers
(N = 51). An independent-sample t-test indicated that there
was no difference in L1 or L2 proficiency between the Met
and Val/Val carriers (see Table S1).
Experimental tasks
Iowa gambling task
The IGT is widely used to assess risky decision-making
behavior over a course of time in laboratory settings
(Bechara et al. 1994). During the task, participants must
Cognitive Neurodynamics
develop a long-term profitable monetary scenario in a sit-
uation of uncertainty: a conflict between the chance of
encountering an immediate large reward (¥100) in two
disadvantageous decks of cards (Decks A and B: -¥250 per
10 cards) and the chance of encountering an immediate
small reward (?¥50) in two advantageous decks (Decks C
and D: ?¥250 per 10 cards). Each participant began the
IGT with ¥2,000 and performed 100 trials, each of which
followed the same sequence of choice evaluation and
feedback evaluation stages.
As shown in Fig. 1, in the task, participants first saw a
fixation cross for 500 ms on the center of the computer
screen. Four decks of cards then appeared (choice evaluation
stage): unbeknownst to the participants, two of the decks
were advantageous (ADs) in that they had more conservative
outcomes; and two were disadvantageous (DDs) in that they
contained more risky outcomes. Feedback in the L1 imme-
diately appeared for 1200 ms after each selection so that
participants learned the characteristics of the decks. The
feedback displayed the economic outcome of their decision
(i.e., win or loss in yuan) and their accumulated winnings/
losses. The participants were instructed to earn as much
money as possible and to freely switch between deck choices
at any time and as often as desired. The dependent measure
was the total net score (the number of selections of advan-
tageous decks minus the number of selections of disadvan-
tageous decks) and the advantageous deck selection ratio
(the number of selections of advantageous decks divided by
the total number of selections) for each block of 20 cards and
for the overall task.
Language switching task
The LST, in which simple line drawings are named aloud
as quickly and accurately as possible in the L1 or L2
according to a color cue, has been used as a measure of
language control (Verhoef et al. 2009). Throughout the
task, bilinguals must orchestrate a series of executive
functions, such as conflict monitoring, flexibility,
inhibition, and working memory, as needed to regularly
engage and inhibit the two languages (Abutalebi et al.
2008; Blanco-Elorrieta and Pylkka
¨nen 2016).
The stimuli of 24 black-and-white line drawings
(15 cm 915 cm) were taken from a standardized picture
inventory (Snodgrass and Vanderwart 1980; Zhang, and
Yang 2003). The Chinese names of the drawings were two-
characters in length and their English equivalents were one-
or two-syllable words containing three to six letters. Before
the experiment, we asked a separate group of age-matched
participants (N = 35) from the same population, but who did
not participate in the formal experiment, to judge their
familiarity with the Chinese and English names of the pic-
tures. There were no significant differences between their
familiarity in the two languages (L1: M= 4.85 ±.08, L2:
M= 4.84 ±.12, t(34) = .69, p= .760).
As shown in Fig. 2, in the task, participants first saw a
red or blue box color cue for 250 ms on the center of the
screen followed by a blank for 500 ms. A picture then
appeared until the participant named it aloud in the cued
language or until 2000 ms passed. Finally, a blank screen
lasted for 1000 ms before the next trial started. Participants
completed 12 practice trials before the formal experiment.
There were 5 blocks of 98 trials each in the formal
experiment. Each block was designed as a dual-language
context and contained 2 practice trials followed by 48
repeat trials and 48 switch trials randomly distributed
throughout. The color-language associations were coun-
terbalanced across participants. We classified trials as
either switch or repeat trials. In switch trials, the response
language of the target picture was different from that of the
previous trial (L1–L2 or L2–L1). In repeat trials, the
response language was the same as the preceding trial (L1–
L1 or L2–L2). The trial sequences were randomized
throughout the task so that participants could not anticipate
upcoming trial types. We ensured that the trial type could
only be the same for a maximum of three trials.
RTs were recorded by a PSTSR-BOX connected to a
microphone. To ensure that EEG signals were spared from
Fig. 1 Experimental design and
time course of the IGT. After
choosing a deck, feedback
appeared with an outcome
according to the characteristics
of deck. Words in green font
represent money earned and
words in red font show money
lost. The accumulated amount
of money appeared in black
font. (Color figure online)
Cognitive Neurodynamics
oral artifacts, we instructed participants to name items
quietly (Liu et al. 2020). However, there were some
naming responses that were too low to be recorded by the
microphone and as such, we excluded these trials from the
data analyses (see Table S5). The order of the two tasks,
which were administered at Liaoning Normal University,
was counterbalanced across participants.
Behavioral data analyses
Iowa gambling task
In the IGT, behavioral performance of interest is the net
score of the total number of cards selected from the
advantageous decks (i.e., Decks C and D) minus the total
number of cards selected from disadvantageous decks A
and B (i.e., [C ?D] -[A ?B]), with a higher score
indicating superior performance. Moreover, in each block,
we also calculated the advantageous decks selection ratio
by dividing the number of choices from C and D by the
number of trials (i.e., [C ?D]/[A ?B?C?D]). Typi-
cally, IGT performance gradually improves as subjects
learn the rules of the deck (Bechera and Martin 2004;
Ouerchefani et al. 2019). Considering that the effect of
COMT Val158Met has been reported to be sex-dependent
(Mamiya et al. 2016; Sannino et al. 2015), we performed a
two-way ANCOVA, with sex as a covariate and subjects as
a random variate, to test the main and interaction effects of
the COMT genotype (Met carriers vs. Val homozygotes)
and Block (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) selection ratio.
Language switching task
The behavioral indicators of interest in the LST are switch
costs—calculated as the difference between switch trials
and repeat trials. We excluded RTs that were M±3SD for
each participant to eliminate the potential impact brought
by outlying values. To satisfy the assumption of normal
distribution, we then performed the log transform followed
by a two-way ANCOVA on accuracy and naming latencies
with sex as a covariate and subjects as the random variate.
The ANCOVA examined the effects of genotypes and trial
types (switch vs. repeat trials).
ERP analyses
During both tasks, we selected five electrodes located in
central scalp region (FCz, Fz, Cz, CPz, Pz) for analyses
(Stauder et al. 2006; Yu and Zhou 2006).
Iowa gambling task
In the IGT, there are three electrophysiological effects of
interest that occur during choice evaluation: the N2
component is associated with the detection of conflicting
alternatives and reflects a premotor inhibition process; the
component occurs during stimuli-encoding; the Late
Positive Potential (LPP) is associated with long-term learn-
ing and is said to influence response conflict when deter-
mining choices (Kelly and O’Connell 2013; O’Connell et al.
2012; Murphy et al. 2015). During the feedback evaluation
stage, there are also three components of interest: feedback-
related negativity (FRN) reflects earlier feedback evaluation;
the P3
component demonstrates the late, top-down,
controlled feedback evaluation process associated with the
allocation of attentional resources and working memory
updating; and the LPP
represents the processing of
stimuli with motivational significance or downstream cate-
gorical processing of output from the evaluation system
(Duncan-Johnson and Donchin 1977; Polich 2007; Polich
and Kok 1995).
Language switching task
In the LST, the ERP component of interest that occurs
during language schema selection is the N2
effect which
reflects conflict detection, monitoring, and demands on
cognitive control. During the lexical retrieval stage is the
late positive component (LPC) which indexes language
control involved or required during lexical access (Abu-
talebi et al. 2008; Verhoef et al. 2009; Blanco-Elorrieta
et al. 2016).
Fig. 2 Experimental design and
time course of the LST. Blue
squares imply that the upcoming
picture is to be named in the L2,
red squares mean that the
picture is to be named in the L1.
The color-language association
was counterbalanced across
participants. (Color
figure online)
Cognitive Neurodynamics
We extracted the amplitude of the ERP components
across trials and conditions for each subject and conducted
two-way ANCOVAs on the ERP components (N2
) during the choice evaluation stage, with
sex as a covariate and subjects as a random variate, to
investigate the main and interactive effects of genotype and
advantageous (AD) and disadvantageous (DD) deck choi-
ces. During the feedback evaluation stage, two-way
ANCOVAs were performed on the ERP components (FRN,
) during the feedback evaluation
stage, with sex as a covariate and subjects as a random
variate to estimate genotype and feedback (win and loss)
effects on feedback processing. The ANCOVAs examined
the genotype and trial type (switch and repeat) effects on
language control (N2
, LPC).
EEG acquisition and preprocessing
EEG data were recorded from 64 Ag/AgCl electrodes
placed according to the extended 10–20 positioning sys-
tem. The signal was recorded from eemagine (ANT Neuro)
at a 1 kHz sampling rate and referenced online to the CPz
electrode. Impedances were kept below 5 kX. Offline
processing was down-sampled to 500 Hz and referenced
offline to the average of M1 and M2. ERP activity was
filtered online within a bandpass of 0.1 and 100 Hz and
refiltered offline with a highpass filter of 0.1 Hz and a
lowpass filter of 30 Hz. Epochs with excessive eye
movements or other movement artifacts (e.g., muscular
artifacts, channel noise) were identified by visual inspec-
tion and manually removed. Ocular artifact reduction was
performed through Independent Component Analysis
(ICA) rejection by using EEGLAB (Makeig et al. 1996).
The mean number of ICs rejected was 2.51 ±1.53 per
participant (Val/Val genotype: 2.65 ±1.74; Met carriers:
2.38 ±1.28). The continuous recordings were cut into
epochs ranging from -200 to 800 ms relative to the onset
of each trial. For the LST, the mean number of ICs that
were rejected per participant was 1.45 ±1.88 (Val/Val
genotype: 1.65 ±2.46; Met carriers: 1.24 ±1.00), with
epochs cue-locked between -200 and 1600 ms. Baseline
correction was performed in reference to pre-stimulus
activity (-200 to 0 ms). Signals exceeding ±80 lVin
any given epoch were automatically discarded. The mean
(and SD) number of rejected and accepted epochs per
condition across genotypes are shown in Table S5. All
preprocessing was performed by EEGLAB (Brunner et al.
2013; Delorme and Makeig 2004).
COMT effect on behavioral performance
in decision-making
To examine the genotype effect on decision-making, we
conducted a two-way ANCOVA with the main factor block
[block 1–5] and genotype on AD selection ratios (see
Table S2). Although other studies have found that perfor-
mance in the IGT gradually improves as subjects master
the rules of the deck (Bechara and Martin 2004; Ouerch-
efani et al. 2019), in the present study, there was no sig-
nificant main effect of block, F(4,98) = 1.72, p= .286,
genotype, F(1,98) = 1.14, p= .286, or interaction.
COMT effect on behavioral performance
in language control
The accuracy analyses from the ANCOVA on sequence
and genotype demonstrated a significant main effect of
sequence, F(1,98) = 134.70, p\.001, reflecting that
responses to switch trials were less accurate
(M= .95 ±.22) than to repeat trials (M= .97 ±.17) (see
Table S3). Switch costs in RTs showed an effect of
sequence, F(1,98) = 192.07, p\.001, such that there were
slower responses to switch trials (M= 851 ±245 ms)
compared to repeat trials (M= 820 ±232 ms). There was
also an effect of COMT genotype, F(1,98) = 232.89,
p\.001, with faster responses for Met carriers
(M= 818 ±230 ms) compared to individuals with the
Val/Val genotype (M= 852 ±246 ms).
COMT effect on the time course of decision-
To examine how the decision-making process is altered by
genetic variations of COMT genotype, we conducted a
two-way ANCOVA using deck choice and genotype as
main factors (Fig. 3and Table S4). In the choice evaluation
stage, the results showed significant genotype effects on
,F(1,98) = 28.32, p\.001, P3
,F(1,98) = 3.99,
p= .046, and LPP
,F(1,98) = 7.82, p= .005 (Fig. 3A).
Particularly, the N2
effect among Met carriers
(M=-1.21 ±9.87 lV) was stronger than for Val/Val
(M=-.13 ±9.68 lV). P3
amplitudes were more
robust for individuals with the Val/Val genotype
(M= 4.02 ±10.80 lV) than Met carriers
(M= 3.59 ±11.01 lV). The LPP
yielded a marginally
Cognitive Neurodynamics
Fig. 3 Waveforms and mean amplitudes of ERP components of Val/
Val and Met carriers depicting brain potentials and scalp topography
in the IGT. In (A,B), dashed boxes represent early (200–300 ms),
middle (320–420 ms), and late (420–800 ms) time windows during
chioce evaluation. In (C,D), dashed boxes represent early
(230–330 ms), middle (350–450 ms), and late (450–800 ms) time
windows during feedback evaluation. ADs Advantageous decks, DDs
Disadvantageous decks. *p\.05; **p\.01; *** p\.001
Cognitive Neurodynamics
significant deck 9genotype interaction, F(1,98) = 3.20,
p= .074. Follow-up t-tests for each deck group showed
that ADs evoked greater LPP
effects for Val/Val
compared to Met carriers (t= 9.65, p= .002), However, no
such LPP
enhancement was observed for DDs (t= .57,
p= .451) (Fig. 3B).
To investigate whether the stronger coding of decks
observed among Val/Val genotypes was beneficial or
adverse to behavioral performance, we performed time-
resolved brain-behavior correlations focused on the entire
EEG signal (Fig. 4). We averaged the amplitude for each
card group at each time point across the trials for both
genotypes and correlated this value with their behavioral
score. The neural coding showed different relationships
with changes in performance between the two genotypes.
Specifically, in the evaluation of ADs, a significant corre-
lation between the magnitude of encoding and scores was
detected for individuals with the Val/Val genotype at the
cluster window of 278–332 ms (Fig. 4A: window tes-
ted = 100–1000 ms; mean rho = -.31, FDR p= .047),
but not for Met carriers (mean rho = -.05, p[.691).
Furthermore, Val/Val carriers showed a significant corre-
lation for AD encoding and scores in the cluster window of
582–760 ms (mean rho = -.29, FDR p= .047). Likewise,
Val/Val carriers had a marginally significant correlation
between DD encoding and scores at the time clusters of
228–350 ms (Fig. 4B: window tested = 200–1000 ms;
mean rho = -.31, FDR p= .053) and 580–800 ms (mean
rho = -.27, FDR p= .053). To compare relationships
between neural processing and behavioral performance, we
Fig. 4 Time-resolved correlations and time-averaged correlations
between neural coding and performance across COMT genotypes.
(A) Spearman’s rho values and scatter plot between amplitudes of
advantageous deck (Ad) evaluation and scores in IGT. (B) Spearman’s
rho values and scatter plot between amplitudes of disadvantageous
desk (DD) evaluation and scores in IGT. (C) Spearman’s rho values
and scatter plot between the neural switch costs and behavioral switch
costs in LST. Dark lines represent the significant time windows after
FDR correction. *p \.05
Cognitive Neurodynamics
also performed time-averaged correlations on the time
windows. We found that greater magnitude of deck eval-
uation among Val/Val carriers was significantly correlated
with poorer performance (Fig. 4).
ANCOVAs of feedback and genotype were performed
on feedback processing (Table. S4). In early feedback
evaluation, no significant differences or interactions were
detected for the FRN effect (Fs\2.38, ps[.123). For
, there was a significant effect of feedback,
F(1,98) = 19.95, p\.001, and genotype, F(1,98) = 8.07,
p= .005, but no interaction emerged, F(1,98) = 2.12,
p= .145. Specifically, loss trials revealed a greater
enhancement on P3
than win trials (M= 7.71 ±
9.80 lV, and M= 6.73 ±9.52 lV, respectively). Met
carriers evoked a greater P3
effect than Val/Val
carrier (M= 7.22 ±9.72 lV, and M= 6.75 ±9.47 lV,
respectively). Similarly, for LPP
, there were signif-
icant effects for feedback, F(1,98) = 109.25, p\.001,
genotype, F(1,98) = 14.76, p\.001, and a significant
interaction between feedback 9genotype, F(1,98) = 8.82,
p= .003. Follow-up tests on LPP
evoked by losses (compared to wins) showed sensitivity to
COMT genotype, F(1,98) = 14.08, p\.001: LPP
magnitudes were significantly stronger for Met carriers
(M= 13.27 ±10.22 lV) compared to Val/Val carriers
(M= 11.72 ±10.44 lV). Such an LPP
ment was also found during feedback processing despite
genotype: Loss trials revealed a more robust LPP effect
than win trials (ps\.001) (Fig. 3D). There were no sig-
nificant associations between feedback-related neural cod-
ing and behavioral scores in each genotype (window tested:
0–1000 ms; Win: mean rho values \.07, ps[.415; Loss:
mean rho values \.06, ps[.595).
COMT effect on the time course of bilingual
executive control
We next examined whether the Val158Met polymorphism in
the COMT gene affects bilingual executive control. Two-
way ANCOVAs were performed on N2 and LPC (see Fig. 5
and Table S4). During the language schema selection stage,
there was a significant effect of sequence, F(1,98) = 4.26,
p= .039, and genotype, F(1,98) = 113.92, p\.001, such
that switch trials (M=-3.91 ±9.92 lV) evoked stronger
N2 effects than repeat trials (M=-3.71 ±9.77 lV).
Likewise, N2 effects were stronger for Met carriers
(M=-4.36 ±10.06 lV) compared to Val/Val carriers
(M=-3.30 ±9.62 lV). There was also a significant
sequence 9genotype interaction effect, F(1,98) = 4.50,
p= .034. Follow-up tests on N2 amplitudes demonstrated a
robust genotype effect in that N2s evoked by Met carriers (vs
Val/Val) was observed in both repeat and switch trials,
Fs[36.96, ps\.001. Moreover, for Met carriers, the N2
effect was more robust in switch trials than repeat trials,
F(1,98) = 8.87, p= .003. This was not the case for Val/Val
carriers, F(1,98) = .01, p= .926. Contrarily, in the lexical
response stage, there was an effect of sequence,
F(1,98) = 11.36, p= .001, and genotype, F(1,98) = 134.89,
p\.001: The LPC was stronger in repeat trials
(M= 1.82 ±13.67 lV) than in switch trials
(M= 1.35 ±13.80 lV), and was stronger in Val/Val
(M= 2.36 ±13.62 lV) compared to Met carriers
(M= .75 ±13.81 lV) during lexical retrieval (Fig. 5A, B).
We also conducted time-resolved correlations between
neural switch costs and behavioral switch costs to explore
the gene-dependent executive function abilities of bilin-
guals. The results demonstrated strikingly different patterns
that were modulated by COMT polymorphism (refer back
to Fig. 4C). A significantly positive association occurred in
Met carriers at the time window of 314–620 ms (window
tested: 270–750 ms; mean rho = .23, FDR p= .049), but
not for Val/Val carriers (mean rho = .02, p= .633). For the
latter individuals, however, there was a marginally signif-
icant correlation between larger neural switch costs and
smaller behavioral switch costs at the time cluster of
1686–1744 ms (window tested: 1200–1900 ms; mean
rho = -.35, FDR p= .066). The time-averaged correla-
tions for 314–620 ms indicated that for Met carriers, uti-
lizing more inhibitory control during language schema
selection was associated with larger switch costs during
picture naming.
Influence of COMT on the relationship
between decision-making and executive
To further investigate whether the effect of COMT influ-
ences the relationship between decision-making and exec-
utive functions among bilinguals, we performed cross-task
linear regression analyses and time-resolved correlations
on the relevant behavioral indicators (net scores in the IGT;
behavioral switch costs in the LST) and brain indicators
(neural encoding of decision-making in the IGT; neural
switch costs in the LST). The results showed that the
COMT genotype significantly affected the relationship
between the two indicators of behavioral performance: the
net scores from the IGT and the switch costs from the LST
(Fig. 6A) (R
= .073, p= .006). Specifically, the co-vari-
ant relationship observed in Met carriers was such that
larger switch costs predicted better performance in the IGT
(r= .326, p= .021). For Val/Val carriers, this relationship
was not significant (r= .206, p= .146).
The same linear regression models were conducted on
ERP components to assess whether the executive functions
involved in the two tasks were modulated by the genetic
variation of COMT (Fig. 6B). The results showed
Cognitive Neurodynamics
differences among the genotypes: During language schema
selection, Met carriers showed a significant positive rela-
tionship between neural switch costs of N2
in the LST and
mean N2
amplitudes in the IGT (ADs: r= .374, FDR
p= .011; DDs: r= .358, FDR p= .011), while the Val
homozygote subjects marginally displayed the reverse
pattern, ps = .116 (Fig. 6C, D). In the lexical retrieval
stage, the Met carriers showed positive correlations
between switch costs of LPC in the LST and mean N2
and P3
amplitudes in the IGT (Fig. 6E–H), whereas no
correlation was found for the Val/Val carriers. Consistent
with the behavioral findings, the neural activity during
language switching for bilingual Met carriers has a positive
correlation with the neural encoding involved in deck
In the present study, we examined how variations in the
COMT gene affect the relationship between executive
functions and decision-making in bilinguals. Although it
has been claimed that bilinguals have advantages over
monolinguals in certain executive functions (Gunnerud
et al. 2020; Kwon et al. 2021), previous studies have
reported inconsistencies when investigating the relation-
ship between decision-making and executive functions
(Ouerchefani et al. 2019; Toplak et al. 2010). Our results
show that COMT Val158Met genotypes modulate the
relationship. The main findings include:
The COMT gene affects decision-making and executive
function. Specifically, during the IGT, Val/Val carriers
elicited stronger neural activity in the middle and late
stages of choice evaluation. During the LST, Met
carriers showed stronger executive control in language
schema selection.
The predictive effect of neural coding on behavioral
performance in the tasks revealed sensitivity to the
COMT gene. Participants with the Val/Val genotype
showed a negative brain-behavior relationship in choice
evaluation in the IGT. However, in the LST, Met
carriers’ neural switch costs during language schema
selection showed a positive brain-behavior correlation.
Gene-dependent executive function of bilinguals inter-
acts with decision-making: COMT Val158Met poly-
morphism modulated cross-task relationships between
behavioral indicators, and between specific executive
Taken together, these findings suggest that while bilin-
guals appear to be able to adaptively extend executive
functions to decision-making processes, these effects are
sensitive to genetic factors. The findings from the linear
regression analyses along with time-resolved and time-
averaged correlation analyses revealed significant rela-
tionships between decision-making and executive function
Fig. 5 Waveforms (A) and mean amplitudes of ERP components (B) of Met and Val/Val carriers depicting brain potentials and scalp topography
during the LST. Dashed boxes represent early (250–350 ms) and late (1200–1500 ms) time windows. **p\.01; ***p\.001
Cognitive Neurodynamics
for behavioral-behavioral and brain-brain relationships, but
were sensitive to COMT gene variation.
COMT Val158Met polymorphism plays different
roles in choice evaluation and feedback
evaluation during decision-making
among bilinguals
In this study, we assessed the COMT effect on decision-
making processes among bilinguals. Although a main
effect of genotype was absent in the behavioral data, the
analyses of neural indicators illustrated modulating roles of
genotypes in two processing stages involved in the IGT. In
the choice evaluation stage, Val/Val carriers showed a
decreased N2 effect and increased P3
and LPP
effects, particularly for ADs. Met carriers did not show
neural differences between ADs and DDs, suggesting that
these Met carriers exhibit similar monitoring control and
allocation of attention resources on choices of decks. These
patterns are inconsistent with previous studies which sug-
gest that the Met/Met genotype results in enhanced cog-
nition as measured by neurophysiological methods
(Bramon et al. 2006). Furthermore, we found negative
correlations widely distributed in middle and late stages of
Fig. 6 Cross-task correlations across COMT genotypes. (A) The
relationships between the IGT score and switch costs from the LST.
Ribbons show 95% CI of the linear regression. (B) The correlation
matrix of ERP components across genotypes. (CH) Significant
correlation scatter plots for ERP components across genotypes.
*p\.05; **p\.01; ***p\.001
Cognitive Neurodynamics
choice evaluation, indicating that the excessive processing
of cards among Val/Val carriers leads to poorer behavioral
scores. Considering that recent evidence shows that LPP in
long-term learning is modulated by COMT Val158Met
genotypes (Swart et al. 2011), we hypothesize that COMT
genotypes also affect the long-term exploitation of advan-
tageous options.
However, when advancing to feedback evaluation,
which involves emotional reward/punishment processing,
the COMT gene has different effects on the middle and late
processing windows. Met carriers showed potentiated
electrophysiological effects (P3
and LPP
) and
focused more on (potential) losses than wins. Previous
work has shown that Met carriers are more sensitive to
affective stimuli, especially negative emotions in tasks
involving emotion processing and that Val carriers display
some behavioral advantages regarding emotion processing
(Smolka et al. 2005; Swart et al. 2011). Moreover,
Met allele carriers have demonstrated enhanced sensory
encoding or stronger activation in the PFC and limbic
system for unpleasant/negative stimuli (Bilder et al. 2004).
In the present study, we did not detect brain-behavior
relationships between the enhanced neural coding of
feedback and performance in Met carriers (nor in Val/Val
carriers), which should have led to poorer performance due
to their susceptibilities to losses (Gao et al. 2016).
Nonetheless, our results indicate that Met carriers exhibit
stronger cognitive control resources to successfully avoid
losses (Zhou et al. 2021).
Together, Met carriers show enhanced N2
reduced P3
and LPP
components, underscoring their
indistinguishable card preference during the choice pro-
cessing stage. This implies that more cognitive resources
which are invested in early stages can effectively assist in
long-term learning of deck rules. However, for Val/Val
carriers, stronger neural activities must be applied which
consequently hampers performance. Moreover, in the
feedback processing stage, the COMT gene shows distinct
effects such that Met carriers must exhibit stronger neural
activities to prevent reduce the influence of negative
emotions in order to make rational choices. The different
brain-behavior relationships between Met and Val/Val
carriers suggest that COMT genotypes affect the nature of
focusing on information encoding during the course of
COMT Val158Met polymorphism is associated
with enhanced executive control in bilinguals
In the LST, we found that COMT Val158Met polymor-
phism plays a key role in executive control for bilinguals,
as supported by the significant interaction between
sequence and genotype for N2
component. Specifically,
Met carriers showed an enhanced N2
effect and higher
neural switch costs than individuals with the Val/Val
genotype. Our data illustrate that Met carriers rely on
additional inhibitory control to suppress non-target lan-
guage interference than Val/Val-subjects in both repeat and
switch trials. Nolan et al. (2004) reported that Met carriers
exhibited significant higher accuracy, but less flexibility in
a task requiring rule changes that are dependent on trial-by-
trial feedback. Colzato et al. (2010) found that Met carriers
had larger switch costs in the task-switching paradigm,
reflecting less cognitive flexibility than Val/Val carriers.
However, this overloaded neural effect for Met carriers
was no longer present in the lexical retrieval: Val/Val
carriers demonstrated larger LPC effects than Met carriers,
and repeat trials elicited stronger neural activity than
switch trials. When also considering that Met carriers had
faster RTs, this COMT effect suggests that for Met carriers,
utilizing and maintaining a higher demanding of executive
control during language schema selection facilitated sub-
sequent lexical access. Hence, it is plausible that Met
carriers show heightened neural activity during the lan-
guage schema selection stage, which demands flexible
inhibitory control over the non-target language, but less
cognitive demands are required during lexical access
(Bilder et al. 2004; Colzato et al. 2010; Witte and Flo
2012). These findings were further confirmed by correla-
tion analyses in which neural switch costs for Met carriers
in the language schema section stage positively predicted
behavioral switch costs, underscoring the relationship
between poorer executive control of Met carriers and the
difficulties they faced in word production.
COMT Val158Met polymorphism modulates
the relationship between bilingual executive
functions and decision-making
Correlations of behavioral indicators
The positive correlation between behavioral switch costs
and IGT scores suggests that better control abilities are
associated with poorer performance in decision-making.
Although this finding appears counter-intuitive at first, it
only appears to be the case for Met carriers, but not for
individuals with the Val/Val genotype. Prior work has
shown that Met carriers have higher DA levels in the
prefrontal cortex which are beneficial for the stability of
cognitive representations, yet are hampering when needing
to flexibly alter representations. Val/Val-subjects, however,
with lower DA levels in the prefrontal cortex, may be more
amendable to such cognitive flexibility (Bilder et al. 2004;
Witte and Flo
¨el 2012). Our finding that bilingual Met
Cognitive Neurodynamics
carriers with better executive control abilities showed
poorer performance in decision-making, although they
acquired the inherent advantages from learning the char-
acteristics of the decks in the IGT, are reflective of these
previous patterns.
Correlations of neural indicators
The findings revealed significant positive correlations
among the neural indicators for the Met carriers, but not for
individuals with the Val/Val genotype. Specifically, for
Met carriers, during language schema selection, neural
switch costs (N2
) were positively correlated with N2
effects during evaluation of ADs and DDs. For Val/Val
carriers, these correlations were not significant and in fact,
trended in the opposite direction. As discussed, greater
neural switch costs reflect the reduced cognitive flexibility
associated with intense neural processing on decks. We
speculate that the executive function advantages argued to
be incurred from bilingualism may be sensitive to genetic
factors. It is precisely due to the significant difference in
executive function between COMT genotypes that distinct
patterns arise. Previous studies have demonstrated that DA
availability profoundly affects learning-related improve-
ments in performance and related changes in brain struc-
ture and functions (Vaughn and Hernandez 2018).
Individuals with the Val/Val genotype have shown larger
gains in working memory compared than individuals with
the Met/Met genotype when being trained, though their
baseline working memory performance before training was
worse (Bellander et al. 2015). Moreover, changes in white
matter have been observed among individuals learning an
L2 when those individuals carried the Val/Val or Val/Met
genotypes, but not the Met/Met genotype (Mamiya et al.
2016). Our findings suggest that Met carriers may have
stronger cognitive benefits from bilingualism than indi-
viduals with the Val/Val genotype. This benefit allows Met
carriers to reduce the inherent demands of cognitive flex-
ibility and readily process stable tasks. However, yet cru-
cially, this hypothesis is not supported by the behavioral
results, which is consistent with the notion that COMT
effects are more detectable at the neural rather than
behavioral level. The findings also demonstrated a positive
relationship between behavioral switch costs in the LST
and decision-making performance in the IGT for Met
carriers, but not for Val/Val carriers, suggesting that lan-
guage control was adaptively generalized to domain-gen-
eral control (Abutalebi and Green 2016; Liu et al. 2021;
Green and Abutalebi 2013).
The present study has shown that COMT genotypes mod-
ulate the relationship between language control and deci-
sion-making among bilinguals. Compared to bilinguals
with the Val/Val genotype, Met carriers showed robust
cross-task correlations between decision-making and
executive function with respect to behavioral performance,
ERP components, and behavior-brain relationships. Bilin-
gual Met carriers are equipped with better adaptive
mechanisms of language control, which is embodied in
both behavioral performance and neural activity. Rather
than focusing on a single variable or method, this study has
also illustrated an ecological valid way of examining the
relationship between two high-level cognitive functions
(decision-making and executive functions) through
behavioral and neural indicators. Overall, the findings
demonstrate that the relationship between decision-making
and executive function among bilinguals is sensitive to
genetic factors—particularly COMT Val158Met—and
provide support for the cross-task adaptation of bilinguals’
executive functions to domain-general cognitive abilities.
Supplementary Information The online version contains
supplementary material available at
Acknowledgements This research was supported by Grants from
Youth Foundation of Social Science and Humanity, China Ministry of
Education (21C10165001), and Youth Project of Liaoning Provincial
Department of Education (LJKQZ2021089), Liaoning Social Science
Planning Fund of China (L20AYY001), Dalian Science and Tech-
nology Star Fund of China (2020RQ055), and Research Project on
Economic and Social Development of Liaoning Province (2023l-
Data availability The datasets generated and analyzed in this study
are available in the OSF repository: Liu, H. (2022, February 23).
‘COMT Modulation in Cross-task Adaptation for Bilinguals’’.
Retrieved from
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
The present study explored the relationship between bilinguals’
executive function and decision-making abilities. Different from
previous research revealing a correlation between a single aspect of
executive functions, we expected to obtain similar results through two
tasks involving multiple executive functions. While many studies
distinguish between language control (e.g., language-switching) and
domain-general cognitive control (e.g., executive functions) (e.g.,
Green & Abutalebi, 2013), the present study aligns with other work
arguing that language switching involves executive functions (i.e.,
inhibiting, updating, shifting) (e.g., Sikora et al., 2016; Liu et al.,
2021). Readers should be aware of these differences and as research is
ongoing in this area, should use some caution when interpreting our
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Cognitive Neurodynamics
... To gather information about the participants' proficiency in Chinese and English, we administered the Oxford Quick Placement test (OPT; Geranpayeh, 2003) and asked participants to provide self-ratings of their language abilities on a 6-point scale (1 = no knowledge; 6 = perfect knowledge) (Liu, Schwieter, Wang, Mu, & Liu, 2022, Liu, Schwieter, Liu, Mu, & Liu, 2023, Liu, Xing, Huang, Schwieter, & Liu, 2023. The mean score from the OPT was 36.63 (SD = 5.52), which falls within the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference. ...
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In everyday conversation, bilingual individuals switch between their languages not only in reaction to monolinguals with different language profiles but also voluntarily and naturally. However, whether and how various switching contexts dynamically modulate domain-general cognitive control is still unclear. Using a cross-task paradigm in which a flanker task was interleaved with a language-switching task trial-by-trial, the present study examined the performance of unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals on a flanker task in forced, voluntary, and natural switching contexts. The cross-domain interaction on the P3 component revealed an atypical flanker effect in forced switching contexts only, and the P3 amplitude of incongruent trials in forced switching contexts was smaller than in both natural and voluntary switching contexts. Furthermore, robust brain–brain and brain-behavior relationships between language control and domain-general control emerged in the forced switching context only. Altogether, our findings support the dynamic adaptation of language control to cognitive control and highlight the importance of different types of switching contexts.
... Recent studies have shown genetic modulation of the relationship between bilingual adaptation in executive function, decision-making, and language control (Liu et al., 2023a(Liu et al., , 2023b. Based on the current evidence related to these complex issues, the "interplay between genetics, language use, and communicative demands, as well as general environmental factors, yet awaits our understanding in general-and of its development in particular" (Festman, 2021, p. 25). ...
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Psycholinguistic approaches to examining bilingualism are relatively recent applications that have emerged in the 20th century. The fact that there are more than 7,000 current languages in the world, with the majority of the population actively using more than one language, offers the opportunity to examine language and cognitive processes in a way that is more reflective of human nature. While it was once believed that exposing infants and children to more than one language could lead to negative consequences for cognition and overall language competence, current evidence shows that this is not the case. Among the many topics studied in psycholinguistics and bilingualism is whether two language systems share an integrated network and overlap in the brain, and how the mind deals with cross-linguistic activation and competition from one language when processing in another. Innovative behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroscientific methods have significantly elucidated our understanding of these issues. The current state of the psychology and neuroscience of bilingualism finds itself at the crossroads of uncovering a holistic view of how multiple languages are processed and represented in the mind and brain. Current issues, such as exploring the cognitive and neurological consequences of bilingualism, are at the forefront of these discussions.
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Previous studies have debated whether the ability for bilinguals to mentally control their languages is a consequence of their experiences switching between languages or whether it is a specific, yet highly-adaptive, cognitive ability. The current study investigates how variations in the language-related gene FOXP2 and executive function-related genes COMT, BDNF, and Kibra/WWC1 affect bilingual language control during two phases of speech production, namely the language schema phase (i.e., the selection of one language or another) and lexical response phase (i.e., utterance of the target). Chinese-English bilinguals (N = 119) participated in a picture-naming task involving cued language switches. Statistical analyses showed that both genes significantly influenced language control on neural coding and behavioral performance. Specifically, FOXP2 rs1456031 showed a wide-ranging effect on language control, including RTs, F(2, 113) = 4.00, FDR p = .036, and neural coding across three-time phases (N2a: F(2, 113) = 4.96, FDR p = .014; N2b: F(2, 113) = 4.30, FDR p = .028, LPC: F(2, 113) = 2.82, FDR p = .060), while the COMT rs4818 (ts >2.69, FDR ps < .05), BDNF rs6265 (Fs >5.31, FDR ps < .05), and Kibra/WWC1 rs17070145 (ts > -3.29, FDR ps < .05) polymorphisms influenced two-time phases (N2a and N2b). Time-resolved correlation analyses revealed that the relationship between neural coding and cognitive performance is modulated by genetic variations in all four genes. In all, these findings suggest that bilingual language control is shaped by an individual's experience switching between languages and their inherent genome.
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For bilinguals, speaking and listening are assisted by complex control processes including conf lict monitoring and inhibition. However, the extent to which these processes adapt to linguistic and situational needs has been examined separately for language production and comprehension. In the present study, we use a dual-EEG to record the carry-over effects of language control on general cognitive control in three language contexts (single-first language [L1], single-second language [L2], and mixed). Chinese learners of English were placed in dyads in which one participant was asked to name pictures while the other listened. Interleaved after each naming/listening trial were f lanker trials. The results from picture naming and listening revealed higher delta and theta synchronization in the single-L2 and mixed contexts compared with the single-L1 context and higher theta synchronization in the mixed context compared with the single-L2 and single-L1 contexts. The results from the interleaved f lanker trials demonstrated that inhibition was adaptively generalized in the single-L2 and mixed contexts. Altogether, the findings support the natural adaptation of language control to cognitive control and underscore the importance of linguistic context. We argue that these adaptive patterns have the potential to affect corresponding control processes across language and cognitive control tasks.
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Bilingual people are often claimed to have an advantage over monolingual people in cognitive processing owing to their ability to learn and use two languages. This advantage is considered to be related to executive function (EF). However, no consensus exists as to whether this advantage is present in the population or under which conditions it prevails. The present meta-analysis examines the bilingual advantage in EF of children aged 18 years and under for different components of inhibition (hot; rewarding stimuli/cold; neutral stimuli), attention, switching, monitoring, working memory, and planning in 143 independent group comparisons comprising 583 EF effect sizes. The bilingual advantage in overall EF was significant, albeit marginal (g = 0.06), and there were indications of publication bias. A moderator analysis showed significant group differences on EF in favor of bilinguals for studies of children from middle-class socioeconomic backgrounds and studies from one specific lab. The EF components of cold inhibition, switching, and monitoring expressed significant bilingual advantages, but monitoring and cold inhibition were affected by publication bias. As for switching, this remained significant after controlling for publication bias. Thus, given the small mean effect size and small-study effects, this meta-analysis gives little support for a bilingual advantage on overall EF. Still, also after the moderator analysis, there was a large heterogeneity of true effects and a large amount of unexplained heterogeneity in the effect sizes. Thus, there might be bilingual advantages (or disadvantages) under conditions that this study is not able to identify through the analysis of 12 moderators. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
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The results of previous studies are inconsistent in regard to the relationship between the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), working‐memory (WM), and executive tasks, and whether these cognitive processes could be considered as mechanisms underlying a decision‐making deficit. Moreover, the relationship between the IGT and executive measures is examined based on a limited number of executive tasks, within different populations showing diffuse damage. In addition, there are fewer studies carried out within control participants, with those studies also being inconclusive. It is also suggested that the association of the IGT performance with executive tasks depends on whether the IGT was running under ambiguity or under risk. In this work, all of these issues are studied. Results showed that both patients with ventromedial (VMPFC, N = 10) and dorsolateral (DLPFC, N = 10) prefrontal cortex lesions are significantly impaired on almost all executive tasks, WM tasks, and the IGT. Furthermore, when the IGT is run under risk, there are significant correlations between executive measures and the IGT for the DLPFC patients and the control participants (N = 34) but not the VMPFC patients. No correlation was found between WM tasks and the IGT for both frontal subgroups and control participants. These findings suggested that the mechanisms underlying the IGT deficit differ according to the lesion locations.
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Children experience important cognitive control improvements in the transition to school. This study examined 4-5-year-olds’ (n = 17) and 7-8-year-olds’ (n = 22) ability to proactively deploy cognitive control. Children performed a cued task-switching paradigm presenting them with a cue indicating which attribute, color or shape, they should use to sort the upcoming stimulus. Following both cue and stimulus, we analyzed two event-related potentials: the P2 and P3, positive peaks reflecting sensory and attentional components of cognitive control, respectively. Following the cue, we also analyzed a positive slow-wave, indexing working memory engagement. We predicted that on switch trials, which required switching tasks, proactive control would result in larger cue-P3 amplitudes, reflecting recognition of the need to switch, and larger slow-wave amplitudes, reflecting maintenance of the new task-sets over the post-cue delay. This pattern was observed in both age groups. At the stimulus, in switch trials, both age groups had shorter stimulus-P2 latencies, consistent with processing facilitation. These results suggest that both 4-5- and 7-8-year-olds engaged cognitive control proactively. Older children, however, demonstrated better performance and larger cue-P2 amplitudes, suggesting more effective proactive control engagement in middle childhood.
Significance Given that using multiple languages incorporates cognitive functions that require a harmony of the whole brain, can we tell whether a child is monolingual or multilingual by only looking at the pattern of functional connectivity? Here, we show that the multilingual experience modulates the functional connections of multilinguals enough to be distinguished from monolinguals. The pattern is distinctive when children are performing an emotional n-back task and even at rest. Furthermore, we found that multilingual children have a stronger relationship between their working-memory functional connectivity and behavior performance than monolinguals. Along with the result that multilingual children outperformed in measures of working memory, we highlight that using multiple languages in early life shapes executive function and functional connections.
Existing internet gaming disorder (IGD)-related research has focused on impulsive and control systems separately, with little research conducted to explicitly explore these two systems simultaneously from a comprehensive perspective (i.e., the dual process model). To address this question, the current study used event-related potentials (ERPs) to record brain activity in individuals with IGD and recreational game users (RGU) during decision making tasks. Results showed no between-groups differences, both at the behavioral and neural levels, except for the P2 component. During discount processing, larger P2 amplitudes were found in RGU subjects; and RGU displayed larger P3 amplitudes in short- and long-term delays, whereas no delay main effect was found in IGD subjects. During risk-taking, RGU subjects showed larger N2 amplitudes for risk disadvantageous (RD) in the loss domain than the gain domain, whereas the IGD group did not exhibit any difference across domain. These results suggest that IGD subjects did not differ from RGU subjects in impulsive and control systems. However, neural differences between IGD and RGU subjects were observed under different decision-making conditions, suggesting that IGD may be related to altered realistic reward preference and reduced loss aversion, as well as to less effortful decision assessment.
Genetic variants related to dopamine functioning (e.g., the ANKK1/TaqIa polymorphism within the DRD2 gene and the Val158Met polymorphism within the COMT gene) have previously been shown to predict cognitive flexibility and learning (e.g., Colzato et al., 2010; Stelzel et al., 2010). Additionally, researchers have found that these genetic variants may also predict second lan- guage learning (Mamiya et al., 2016), although this relationship may change across the lifespan (Sugiura et al., 2011). The current study examined the role of the ANKK1/TaqIa and Val158Met polymorphisms along with age of second language acquisition (AoA) in order to predict levels of bilingual proficiency in Spanish-English bilinguals. Results indicated a three-way interaction such that the relationship between the genetic variants and bilingual proficiency depended on AoA. At earlier AoAs, having the genetic variant associated with higher levels of subcortical dopamine (A1+) predicted the highest levels of bilingual proficiency. At later AoAs, individuals with the genetic variant associated with cortical dopamine levels that are balanced between stability and flexibility (Val/Met) predicted the highest levels of bilingual proficiency. These results fit with theories about the development of language as a subcortical process early in life and as a cortical process later in life (Hernandez & Li, 2007), as well as the importance of both stability and flexibility in bilingual language development (Green & Abutalebi, 2013). Finally, this study raises questions about the direction of causality between bilingualism and cognitive control, which is central to the debate over the "bilingual advantage."
Several pieces of evidence have highlighted the presence of an age-related decline in risky decision-making (DM), but the reason of this decline is still unclear. The aim of the present study was to investigate the neural correlates of feedback processing in risky DM. Twenty-one younger (age <50 years) and 15 older (age >50 years) adults were tested with the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) during Event Related Potentials (ERP) recording. The analysis was focused on the feedback-related negativity (FRN) and P3, two ERP components that represent different stages of feedback processing. Behavioral results revealed that older adults, despite showing a significant learning trend, completed the IGT with a gain of a smaller amount of money compared to the younger ones. ERP results revealed that while the FRN response was comparable in the two groups, the P3 amplitude was significantly reduced after negative feedback in older adults, compared with the younger ones. Furthermore, the difference in the P3 amplitude evoked by positive and negative feedback was significantly correlated with age. Hence, the present findings suggest that older adults seem to be less willing to shift attention from positive to negative information, and that this relevant change in the later stages of feedback processing could be the cause of a poor performance in risky DM contexts.