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Randomized Successive Projection Algorithm


Abstract and Figures

The successive projection algorithm (SPA) is a widely used algorithm for nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). It is based on the separability assumption. In hyperspectral unmixing, that is, the extraction of materials in a hyperspectral image, separability is equivalent to the pure-pixel assumption and states that for each material present in the image there exists at least one pixel composed of only this material. SPA is fast and provably robust to noise, but it not robust to outliers. Also, it is deterministic, so for a given setting it always produces the same solution. Yet, it has been shown empirically that the non-deterministic algorithm vertex component analysis (VCA), when run sufficiently many times, often produces at least one solution that is better than the solution of SPA. In this paper, we combine the best of both worlds and introduce a randomized version of SPA dubbed RandSPA, that produces potentially different results at each run. It can be run several times to keep the best solution, and it is still provably robust to noise. Experiments on the unmixing of hyperspectral images show that the best solution among several runs of RandSPA is generally better that the solution of vanilla SPA.
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Randomized Successive Projection Algorithm
Olivier VUTHA NH , Nicolas NADISIC, Nicolas GILLIS
Département de Mathématique et Recherche Opérationnelle, Université de Mons
Rue de Houdain 9, 7000 Mons, Belgique.
Résumé L’algorithme de projections successives (SPA) est un algorithme standard pour la factorisation non-négative de matrices (NMF). Il
est basé sur l’hypothèse de séparabilité. En démélange hyperspectral, c’est-à-dire l’extraction des matériaux dans une image hyperspectrale, la
séparabilité est équivalente à l’hypothèse du pixel pur et stipule que, pour chaque matériau présent dans l’image, il existe au moins un pixel
composé uniquement de ce matériau. SPA est rapide et a été prouvé robuste au bruit, mais il est sensible aux valeurs aberrantes (outliers). Aussi,
il est déterministe, et donc pour un problème donné il produit toujours la même solution. Or, il a été démontré empiriquement que l’algorithme
non-déterministe vertex component analysis (VCA), lorsqu’il est exécuté un nombre assez grand de fois, produit souvent au moins une solution
qui est meilleure que la solution de SPA. Dans cet article, nous cherchons à combiner ces qualités et introduisons une version aléatoire de SPA,
appelée RandSPA, qui produit des résultats potentiellement différents à chaque exécution. Il peut être exécuté plusieurs fois pour conserver la
meilleure solution, et il est encore garanti robuste au bruit. Des expériences de démélange d’images hyperspectrales montrent que la meilleure
solution sur plusieurs exécutions de RandSPA est généralement meilleure que la solution du SPA original.
Abstract The successive projection algorithm (SPA) is a widely used algorithm for nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). It is based on
the separability assumption. In hyperspectral unmixing, that is, the extraction of materials in a hyperspectral image, separability is equivalent to
the pure-pixel assumption and states that for each material present in the image there exists at least one pixel composed of only this material.
SPA is fast and provably robust to noise, but it not robust to outliers. Also, it is deterministic, so for a given setting it always produces the same
solution. Yet, it has been shown empirically that the non-deterministic algorithm vertex component analysis (VCA), when run sufficiently many
times, often produces at least one solution that is better than the solution of SPA. In this paper, we combine the best of both worlds and introduce
a randomized version of SPA dubbed RandSPA, that produces potentially different results at each run. It can be run several times to keep the best
solution, and it is still provably robust to noise. Experiments on the unmixing of hyperspectral images show that the best solution among several
runs of RandSPA is generally better that the solution of vanilla SPA.
1 Introduction
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a linear dimension-
ality reduction technique that became a standard tool to extract
latent structures in nonnegative data. Given an input matrix
+and a factorization rank r < min(m, n), NMF
consists in finding two factors WRm×r
+and HRr×n
such that XW H . Columns of Xare called data points, and
if His column-stochastic then the columns of Wcan be seen as
the vertices of the convex hull containing the data points. Ap-
plications of NMF include feature extraction in images, topic
modeling, audio source separation, chemometrics, or blind hy-
perspectral unmixing (HU), see for example [4] and the refer-
ences therein. Blind HU consists in identifying the materials
present in an hyperspectral image as well as their distribution
in the pixels of the image.
In general, NMF is NP-hard [12]. However, under the sepa-
rability assumption, it is solvable in polynomial time [2]. This
assumption states that for every vertex (column of W), there
exists at least one data point (column of X) equal to this ver-
tex. In blind HU, this is known as the pure-pixel assumption
and means that for each material, there is at least one pixel
composed almost purely of this material. Many algorithms
have been introduced that leverage this assumption, see for in-
stance [5, Chapter 7] and the references therein. Recently, al-
gorithms for separable NMF that are provably robust to noise
have been introduced [2]. One of the most widely used is the
successive projection algorithm (SPA) [1].
SPA is robust to noise and generally works well in practice.
However, it suffers from several drawbacks, notably a sensitiv-
ity to outliers. SPA is deterministic, that is for a given problem
it gives the same result at every run. It is also greedy, in the
sense that it extract vertices sequentially, so an error at a given
iteration cannot be compensated in the following iterations. In
this paper, we aim at addressing the sensitivity to outliers by
designing a non-deterministic variant of SPA that could be run
several times, in the hope that at least one run will not extract
Let us discuss an observation from [10]. The separable NMF
algorithm called vertex component analysis (VCA) [11] in-
cludes a random projection, therefore it is non-deterministic
and at each run it produces potentially a different result. VCA
is simpler and its guarantees are weaker than those of SPA, and
the experiments in [10] show that VCA performs worse than
SPA on average, but they also show that the best result of VCA
over many runs is in most cases better that the result of SPA
in terms of reconstruction error. This observation is our main
motivation to design a non-deterministic variant of SPA, that
we coin as randomized SPA (RandSPA).
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we introduce
the general form of recursive algorithm for separable NMF an-
alyzed in [7] which generalizes SPA. In section 3 we present
the main contribution of this paper, that is a randomized vari-
ant of SPA, called RandSPA. We show the theoretical results on
the robustness to noise of SPA still hold for RandSPA, while the
randomization allows to better handle outliers by allowing a di-
versity in the solutions produced. In section 4 we illustrate the
advantages of our method with experiments on both synthetic
data sets and the unmixing of hyperspectral images.
2 Successive Projection Algorithm
In this section, we discuss the successive projection algorithm
(SPA). It is based on the separability assumption, detailed be-
Assumption 1 (Separability) The m-by-nmatrix XRm×n
is r-separable if there exist a nonnegative matrix Hsuch that
X=X(:,J)H, where X(:,J)denotes the subset of columns
of Xindexed by Jand |J| =r.
The pseudocode for a general recursive algorithm for separa-
ble NMF is given in Algorithm 1. Historically, the first variant
of Algorithm 1 has been introduced by Araújo et al. [1] for
spectroscopic component analysis with f(x) = x2
which is the so-called SPA. In the noiseless case, that is, under
Assumption 1, SPA is guaranteed to retrieve Jand more gen-
erally, the vertices of the set of points which are the columns
of X[9]. This particular choice of fis proved to be the most
robust to noise given the bounds in [7]. See Theorem 1 with
Q=Ifor the error bounds. The algorithm is iterative and is
composed of the following two main steps:
Selection step: the column that maximizes a given func-
tion fis selected (line 3).
Projection step: all the columns are projected onto the
orthogonal complement of the current selected columns
(line 5).
These two steps are repeated rtimes, rbeing the target number
of extracted columns. The drawback with the 2-norm is its
sensitivity to outliers and the fact that it makes SPA determin-
istic. If some outliers are selected, running SPA again would
still retrieve the exact same outliers.
3 Randomized SPA
In this section, we introduce the main contribution of this work,
that is a randomized variant of SPA called RandSPA. Its key
Algorithm 1: Recursive algorithm for separable
NMF [7]. It coincides with SPA when f(x) = x2
Input: An r-separable matrix XRm×n, a function f
to maximize.
Output: Index set Jof cardinality rsuch that
XX(:,J)Hfor some H0.
1Let J=,P=Im,V=[].
2for k= 1 :rdo
3Let jk= argmax1jnf(PX(:, j)). (Break ties
arbitrarily, if necessary.)
4Let J=J {jk}.
5Update the projector Ponto the orthogonal
complement of X(:,J):
vk=PX(:, jk)
PX(:, jk)2
V= [V vk],
features are that it computes potentially different solutions at
each run, thus allowing a multi-start strategy, and that the the-
oretical robustness results of SPA still hold.
RandSPA follows Algorithm 1 with f(x) = xQQx, with
QRm×νbeing a randomly generated matrix with νr. To
control the conditioning of Q, we generate the columns of Q
such that they are mutually orthogonal and such that
Q(:,1)2= 1 ·· · Q(:, ν)2= 1/κ
where κis the desired conditioning of QQ. For the columns
between the first and the last one, we make the arbitrary choice
to fix them also to 1/κ. If QWhas full column rank, which
happens with probability one if νr, RandSPA is robust to
noise with the following bounds:
Theorem 1 [6, Corollary 1] Let ˜
X=X+N, where Xsat-
isfies Assumption 1, Whas full column rank, and Nis noise
with maxjN(:, j)2ϵ; and let QRm×νwith νr. If
QWhas full column rank and
ϵ Oσmin (W)
then SPA applied on matrix Q˜
Xidentifies a set of indices J
corresponding to the columns of Wup to the error
W(:, j)˜
X(:, k)
2 Oϵκ(W)κ(QW)3.
Theorem 1 is directly applicable to RandSPA since choosing
f(x) = xQQxis equivalent to performing SPA on Q˜
The only subtlety is that with RandSPA, a random Qis drawn
at each column extraction. The error bound for RandSPA is
then the one with the highest drawn κ(QW).
Let us note that choosing ν= 1 or Q(:, j )= 1/κwith
κ for all j > 1retrieves VCA. Choosing ν=mand
κ(Q)=1retrieves SPA. Hence, RandSPA creates a continuum
between SPA, with more provable robustness, and VCA, with
more solution diversity.
4 Numerical experiments
In this section, we study empirically the performance of the
proposed algorithm RandSPA on the unmixing of hyperspectral
images. The algorithms have been implemented in Julia [3].
Our codes are available in an online repository1along with the
data and test scripts used in our experiments. Our tests are per-
formed on 5 real hyperspectral datasets2described in Table 1.
Dataset m n r
Jasper 198 100 ×100 = 10000 4
Samson 156 95 ×95 = 9025 3
Urban 162 307 ×307 = 94249 5
Cuprite 188 250 ×191 = 47750 12
San Diego 188 400 ×400 = 160000 8
Table 1: Summary of the datasets, for which XRm×n.
For all the tests, we choose ν=r+ 1 and a relatively well
conditioned Qwith κ(Q) = 1.5. We then compute W=X(:,J)
once with SPA and 30 times with RandSPA. Next, we com-
pute Hby solving the nonnegative least squares (NNLS) sub-
problem minH0XW H 2
Fexactly with an active-set al-
gorithm [8], and we compute the relative reconstruction error
XW H F/XF. For RandSPA, we show the best error
and the median error among the 30 runs. Note that in our set-
ting we choose the best solution as the one with the lower re-
construction error, but other methods could be used to choose
the best solution among all the computed ones.
The results of the experiments for SPA and RandSPA are
presented in Table 2. The median error of RandSPA is on
the same order than that of SPA, except for Cuprite where it
is higher. It is even slightly smaller for Samson and Urban.
On the other hand, the error from the best run of RandSPA
is always smaller than that of SPA. Particularly, the error is de-
creased respectively by 37%, 32% and 27% for Samson, Urban
and San Diego. This improvement is quite noticeable.
The resulting false color images for Jasper, Samson, Urban
and Cuprite are shown on Figure 2. They represent the repar-
tition of the materials identified by SPA and RandSPA in the
image. As we can see for Urban, SPA does not manage to sep-
arate well the grass and the trees (both the grass and trees are
in green), while with RandSPA, it occurred that some random
Qamplified some directions that separate better the grass (in
blue) and the trees (in green). Similarly, in the abundance maps
from the unmixing of Samson in Figure 2, RandSPA separates
2Downloaded from
Dataset SPA Med. RandSPA Best RandSPA
Jasper 8.6869 8.7577 8.0206
Samson 6.4914 6.3114 3.9706
Urban 10.9367 9.6354 6.5402
Cuprite 2.6975 3.526 2.2824
San Diego 12.6845 12.8714 9.2032
Table 2: Relative reconstruction error XW H F/XFin
the soil (in red), the water (in blue) and the trees (in green) bet-
ter than SPA where the soil (in blue) is extracted but the water
is not clearly identified.
Let us discuss another experiment on the dataset Samson.
We add some Gaussian noise such that SN R = 20dB, we fix
κ= 1 and vary ν, and then show the average best error in
1,5,10 and 20 runs on Figure 1. As we can see, with a suf-
ficient amount of runs that is 10 in this experiment, the rela-
tive error significantly improves for a νnear 10 in comparison
to other choices of ν. In particular, it is also better than both
ν= 1 (VCA) and a high νlike 50 that should behave like SPA.
Without added noise, VCA would perform better than every ν
higher than 1 starting from 10 runs. However, when the data is
noisy, this experiment highlights that VCA is not robust enough
to noise and that the best run from a method between SPA and
VCA is better than both SPA and VCA.
12 12.5 13 13.5
Rank νof Q
Average best in 1 run
12 12.5
Average best in 5 runs
12 12.5
Relative error (%)
Rank νof Q
Average best in 10 runs
11.8 12 12.2
Relative error (%)
Average best in 20 runs
Figure 1: Average best reconstruction error on several runs, de-
pending on ν, with κ= 1, on the hyperspectral image Samson
with added noise such that SN R = 20dB.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we introduced RandSPA, a variant of the separa-
ble NMF algorithm SPA that introduces randomness to allow
a multi-start strategy. The robustness results of SPA still hold
(a) SPA (b) RandSPA
Figure 2: Abundance maps in false color from the unmixing of
hyperspectral images.
for RandSPA, provided a bound on the noise that depends on
the parameters used. We showed empirically on the unmixing
of hyperspectral images that, with sufficiently many runs, the
best solution from RandSPA is generally better that the solution
from SPA. We also showed that RandSPA creates a continuum
between the two algorithms SPA and VCA, as we can recover
these algorithms by running RandSPA with some given param-
eter values.
Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the support by
the F.R.S.-FNRS and the FWO under EOS project O005318F-
RG47. NG also acknowledges the Francqui foundation.
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... Another direction of research to improve robustness to noise is to consider randomized algorithms, such as vertex component analysis (VCA) [27] or randomized SPA [31]. Such algorithms generate a different solution at each run, from which one can pick the best one according to some criterion (e.g., the reconstruction error or the volume of conv(W )). ...
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The successive projection algorithm (SPA) is a workhorse algorithm to learn the r vertices of the convex hull of a set of (r1)(r-1)-dimensional data points, a.k.a. a latent simplex, which has numerous applications in data science. In this paper, we revisit the robustness to noise of SPA and several of its variants. In particular, when r3r \geq 3, we prove the tightness of the existing error bounds for SPA and for two more robust preconditioned variants of SPA. We also provide significantly improved error bounds for SPA, by a factor proportional to the conditioning of the r vertices, in two special cases: for the first extracted vertex, and when r2r \leq 2. We then provide further improvements for the error bounds of a translated version of SPA proposed by Arora et al. (''A practical algorithm for topic modeling with provable guarantees'', ICML, 2013) in two special cases: for the first two extracted vertices, and when r3r \leq 3. Finally, we propose a new more robust variant of SPA that first shifts and lifts the data points in order to minimize the conditioning of the problem. We illustrate our results on synthetic data.
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Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) in its modern form has become a standard tool in the analysis of high-dimensional data sets. This book provides a comprehensive and up-todate account of the most important aspects of the NMF problem and is the first to detail its theoretical aspects, including geometric interpretation, nonnegative rank, complexity, and uniqueness. It explains why understanding these theoretical insights is key to using this computational tool effectively and meaningfully. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization is accessible to a wide audience and is ideal for anyone interested in the workings of NMF, discusses some new results on the nonnegative rank and the identifiability of NMF, and makes available MATLAB codes for readers to run the numerical examples presented in the book; see Graduate students starting to work on NMF and researchers interested in better understanding the NMF problem and how they can use it will find this book useful. It can be used in advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses on numerical linear algebra and on advanced topics in numerical linear algebra and requires only a basic knowledge of linear algebra and optimization.
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Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a workhorse for signal and data analytics, triggered by its model parsimony and interpretability. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, the understanding to its model identifiability---the major reason behind the interpretability in many applications such as topic mining and hyperspectral imaging---had been rather limited until recent years. Beginning from the 2010s, the identifiability research of NMF has progressed considerably: Many interesting and important results have been discovered by the signal processing (SP) and machine learning (ML) communities. NMF identifiability has a great impact on many aspects in practice, such as ill-posed formulation avoidance and performance-guaranteed algorithm design. On the other hand, there is no tutorial paper that introduces NMF from an identifiability viewpoint. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by offering a comprehensive and deep tutorial on model identifiability of NMF as well as the connections to algorithms and applications. This tutorial will help researchers and graduate students grasp the essence and insights of NMF, thereby avoiding typical `pitfalls' that are often times due to unidentifiable NMF formulations. This paper will also help practitioners pick/design suitable factorization tools for their own problems.
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Bridging cultures that have often been distant, Julia combines expertise from the diverse fields of computer science and computational science to create a new approach to numerical computing. Julia is designed to be easy and fast. Julia questions notions generally held as “laws of nature” by practitioners of numerical computing: 1. High-level dynamic programs have to be slow, 2. One must prototype in one language and then rewrite in another language for speed or deploy- ment, and 3. There are parts of a system for the programmer, and other parts best left untouched as they are built by the experts. We introduce the Julia programming language and its design — a dance between specialization and abstraction. Specialization allows for custom treatment. Multiple dispatch, a technique from computer science, picks the right algorithm for the right circumstance. Abstraction, what good computation is really about, recognizes what remains the same after differences are stripped away. Abstractions in mathematics are captured as code through another technique from computer science, generic programming. Julia shows that one can have machine performance without sacrificing human convenience.
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In this paper, we analyze different preconditionings designed to enhance robustness of pure-pixel search algorithms, which are used for blind hyperspectral unmixing and which are equivalent to near-separable nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms. Our analysis focuses on the successive projection algorithm (SPA), a simple, efficient and provably robust algorithm in the pure-pixel algorithm class. Recently, a provably robust preconditioning was proposed by Gillis and Vavasis (arXiv:1310.2273) which requires the resolution of a semidefinite program (SDP) to find a data points-enclosing minimum volume ellipsoid. Since solving the SDP in high precisions can be time consuming, we generalize the robustness analysis to approximate solutions of the SDP, that is, solutions whose objective function values are some multiplicative factors away from the optimal value. It is shown that a high accuracy solution is not crucial for robustness, which paves the way for faster preconditionings (e.g., based on first-order optimization methods). This first contribution also allows us to provide a robustness analysis for two other preconditionings. The first one is pre-whitening, which can be interpreted as an optimal solution of the same SDP with additional constraints. We analyze robustness of pre-whitening which allows us to characterize situations in which it performs competitively with the SDP-based preconditioning. The second one is based on SPA itself and can be interpreted as an optimal solution of a relaxation of the SDP. It is extremely fast while competing with the SDP-based preconditioning on several synthetic data sets.
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Blind hyperspectral unmixing (HU), also known as unsupervised HU, is one of the most prominent research topics in signal processing (SP) for hyperspectral remote sensing [1], [2]. Blind HU aims at identifying materials present in a captured scene, as well as their compositions, by using high spectral resolution of hyperspectral images. It is a blind source separation (BSS) problem from a SP viewpoint. Research on this topic started in the 1990s in geoscience and remote sensing [3]-[7], enabled by technological advances in hyperspectral sensing at the time. In recent years, blind HU has attracted much interest from other fields such as SP, machine learning, and optimization, and the subsequent cross-disciplinary research activities have made blind HU a vibrant topic. The resulting impact is not just on remote sensing - blind HU has provided a unique problem scenario that inspired researchers from different fields to devise novel blind SP methods. In fact, one may say that blind HU has established a new branch of BSS approaches not seen in classical BSS studies. In particular, the convex geometry concepts - discovered by early remote sensing researchers through empirical observations [3]-[7] and refined by later research - are elegant and very different from statistical independence-based BSS approaches established in the SP field. Moreover, the latest research on blind HU is rapidly adopting advanced techniques, such as those in sparse SP and optimization. The present development of blind HU seems to be converging to a point where the lines between remote sensing-originated ideas and advanced SP and optimization concepts are no longer clear, and insights from both sides would be used to establish better methods.
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In this paper, we study the nonnegative matrix factorization problem under the separability assumption (that is, there exists a cone spanned by a small subset of the columns of the input nonnegative data matrix containing all columns), which is equivalent to the hyperspectral unmixing problem under the linear mixing model and the pure-pixel assumption. We present a family of fast recursive algorithms, and prove they are robust under any small perturbations of the input data matrix. This family generalizes several existing hyperspectral unmixing algorithms and hence provides for the first time a theoretical justification of their better practical performance.
Conference Paper
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Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a dimension reduction method that has been widely used for various tasks including text mining, pattern analysis, clustering, and cancer class discovery. The mathematical formulation for NMF appears as a non-convex optimization problem, and various types of algorithms have been devised to solve the problem. The alternating nonnegative least squares (ANLS) framework is a block coordinate descent approach for solving NMF, which was recently shown to be theoretically sound and empirically efficient. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for NMF based on the ANLS framework. Our new algorithm builds upon the block principal pivoting method for the nonnegativity constrained least squares problem that overcomes some limitations of active set methods. We introduce ideas to efficiently extend the block principal pivoting method within the context of NMF computation. Our algorithm inherits the convergence theory of the ANLS framework and can easily be extended to other constrained NMF formulations. Comparisons of algorithms using datasets that are from real life applications as well as those artificially generated show that the proposed new algorithm outperforms existing ones in computational speed.
The “Successive Projections Algorithm”, a forward selection method which uses simple operations in a vector space to minimize variable collinearity, is proposed as a novel variable selection strategy for multivariate calibration. The algorithm was applied to UV–VIS spectrophotometric data for simultaneous analysis of complexes of Co2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ e Zn2+ with 4-(2-piridilazo)resorcinol in samples containing the analytes in the 0.02–0.5 mg l−1 concentration range. A convenient spectral window was first chosen by a procedure also proposed here and applying Successive Projections Algorithm to this range allowed an improvement of the predictive capabilities of Principal Component Regression, Partial Least Squares and Multiple Linear Regression models using only 20% of the number of wavelengths. Successive Projections Algorithm selection resulted in a root mean square error of prediction at the test set of 0.02 mg l−1, while the best and worst realizations of a genetic algorithm used for comparison yielded 0.01 and 0.03 mg l−1. However, genetic algorithm took 200 times longer than Successive Projections Algorithm, and this ratio tends to increase dramatically with the number of wavelengths employed. Finally, unlike genetic algorithm, Successive Projections Algorithm is a deterministic search technique whose results are reproducible and it is more robust with respect to the choice of the validation set.
Given a set of mixed spectral (multispectral or hy- perspectral) vectors, linear spectral mixture analysis, or linear unmixing, aims at estimating the number of reference substances, also called endmembers, their spectral signatures, and their abundance fractions. This paper presents a new method for unsupervised endmember extraction from hyperspectral data, termed vertex component analysis (VCA). The algorithm exploits two facts: 1) the endmembers are the vertices of a simplex and 2) the affine transformation of a simplex is also a simplex. In a series of experiments using simulated and real data, the VCA algorithm competes with state-of-the-art methods, with a computational complexity between one and two orders of magnitude lower than the best available method.
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a prominent technique for the analysis of image databases, text databases, and other information retrieval and clustering applications. The problem is most naturally posed as continuous optimization. In this report, we define an exact version of NMF. Then we establish several results about exact NMF: (i) that it is equivalent to a problem in polyhedral combinatorics; (ii) that it is NP-hard; and (iii) that a polynomial-time local search heuristic exists.