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Feminist Legal Studies (2022) 30:331–354
1 3
The Legal Dimensions ofWomen’s Employment
intheJordanian Private Sector: AnAnalysis
ofFamily‑Related Rights
GhofranHilal1· HadeelAl‑Zu’bi1· ThawabHilal2
Accepted: 5 August 2022 / Published online: 27 August 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022
This paper seeks to explore why women’s participation in the Jordanian workforce
remains comparatively low—despite an increase in the number of employed women
across many countries and regions. Focusing on the Jordanian private sector, where
the greatest disparities lie, we assess the conformity between the provisions that reg-
ulate family-related rights in the workplace within national labour law and interna-
tional law. From this examination, we conclude that whilst law offers the potential
for significant positive change in the Jordanian labour market, and notwithstanding
the labour law reforms which took place between 2000 and 2020, the underlying
structure of the existing laws is inimical to the goal of women’s full participation.
Using a women’s rights perspective, we argue that, instead of piecemeal reform,
the labour law sphere must be revised as a whole to better accommodate respect
for women’s needs in the workplace. This change must be underpinned by family-
friendly legislation, which, as our study shows, is a key factor in alleviating some of
the major challenges facing women workers.
Keywords Family-related rights· Jordanian labour law· Private sector· Public
international law· Women’s employment· Women’s rights
* Ghofran Hilal
Hadeel Al-Zu’bi
Thawab Hilal
1 Department ofPublic Law, Faculty ofLaw, University ofJordan, Queen Rania St., Amman,
2 Wageningen University andResearch, Wageningen, TheNetherlands
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