
Evaluation of Department of Defense Installation Entry Control Facilities Using Microsimulation

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This paper develops a microsimulation-based methodology to analyze the design and operations of arterial roadway corridors, commonly known as entry control facilities (ECF), at Department of Defense (DOD) installations. These facilities serve as a means of ingress and egress to the installations and provide the first level of security. ECFs are relatively expensive to construct, averaging $12 million; therefore, it is imperative to design and operate them efficiently. Current practice is to use a simplified deterministic, macroscopic methodology when designing the physical layout (e.g., number of lanes, length of arterial, etc.) as well as the operations (e.g., single and tandem processing, etc.) of the ECF. This paper will develop a simulation-based methodology that is better adapted for capturing the intricacies of ECF design and operations. The paper proposes a general simulation-based methodology that affords ECF designers the opportunity to make realistic trade-offs between construction costs and operation costs (e.g., personnel, travel time, delay, etc.). A test case at Fort Gordon, Georgia using the VISSIM TM 2020 simulation software is used to illustrate the methodology. A variety of geometric and operational strategies were examined, and it was found that the six-lane configuration operating with tandem processing gave the best results. The improvements in delay and queue length were statistically significant compared with the other alternatives. In summary, the proposed methodology introduces a viable means to simulate real-world traffic conditions at ECFs. It is hypothesized that the methodology developed in this paper will be a valuable tool for the design and operation of ECFs.

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... Rather they utilize a simpler solution, often internal to the company to 14 provide credentialing that is more manageable and solution oriented to control physical access. However, this does come with significant risk and that risk has to be accepted and controlled (Carter &Rilett, 2022 andClapper, 2009). ...
... Rather they utilize a simpler solution, often internal to the company to 14 provide credentialing that is more manageable and solution oriented to control physical access. However, this does come with significant risk and that risk has to be accepted and controlled (Carter &Rilett, 2022 andClapper, 2009). ...
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The defense industrial base (DIB) is a large sector that covers skilled craftmanship, research and development, and technological advancements to service the US Department of Defense. This key industry includes government-owned and operated sites as well as contractor operated sites owned by the government. Companies that comprise the DIB can be domestically or foreign based including the manufacturing of components and systems to service the Department of Defense (DHS, 2022). The Eisenhower administration made it clear that the DIB continues to be a strategic advantage for the United States in keeping our warfighters ready at a moments notice. Today this remains a true and logical statement to ensure our warfighters are ready for threats, foreign and domestic, including the cyberdomain (Watts, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to explore, discuss and analyze current-day risks and vulnerabilities within the DIB. Additionally, points are noted to include vulnerabilities as well as remediation to minimize or eliminate risk. Last, will be a discussion on remediations for action to include short-term and long-term remedies for risk. The significance of this analysis will be to examine a current day snapshot of the DIB and to understand the risks that are affecting the industry today, present those risks and propose remediation to those risks. Provided the criticality of the DIB, the analysis and identification of risks is needed to help the community and tax-payer understand how risks are being mitigated. Specifically, which risks exist, why they exist and cost-effective ways to eliminate, mitigate or accept risk within acceptable parameters.
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Currently, the Highway Capacity Manual does not provide any tools for the analysis of toll plazas, specifically for the calculation of queue delay. Calculating delay experienced by vehicles in the plaza is a difficult task because of large variations in plaza design and operations; therefore, various simulation models such as TPSIM, WATSim, AIMSUN, and VISSIM are used extensively for toll plaza modeling. However, the performance of these models depends on their calibration and assumptions. As a result, the model results could differ greatly from reality, and the user would not have a means to evaluate their accuracy in the absence of field data. To solve this problem, a methodology has been developed to determine capacity, queuing patterns, and delays of toll plazas by considering the approach roadway conditions and traffic demand characteristics. This methodology, which is suitable for manual calculation, is suggested to improve users’ understanding of toll plaza operations and to provide a means of evaluating simulation results. The application of this methodology to the Throgs Neck Bridge toll plaza in New York City shows that the queuing pattern and delays can be estimated accurately for the a.m. peak period.
Transferability of the TPSIM toll plaza microsimulation computer model to other toll plazas was explored with 3 days of data collected between 1994 and 2000 at Dean Plaza, an Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority (OOCEA) toll plaza. TPSIM is a discrete-event stochastic microscopic simulation model that has been previously validated at the 95% confidence level with data from OOCEA's busiest toll plaza, Holland East Plaza. This model has the capability to accurately model virtually any toll plaza scenario. To apply this model to another toll plaza, a calibration procedure is necessary. To identify the modifications necessary to the input parameters, over 400 simulation runs with the 3 selected days from Dean Plaza were compared and statistically analyzed for accuracy. An experimental design was outlined and followed to accurately account for each trial simulation run during the calibration process. The service time was determined to have the most significant impact on the simulation model in much the same manner as it does in the field. The measures of effectiveness (MOEs) chosen to evaluate TPSIM were throughput, average queuing delay, maximum queuing delay, and total queuing delay. At the 95% confidence level, no significant difference was found in the comparison of field and simulated MOE values for all 3 days. Comparison of the Holland East and Dean Plaza results indicates that the TPSIM simulation model is transferable to another toll plaza with different configurations.
A proposed macroscopic methodology for measuring the level of service (LOS) of toll plazas has been developed using delay as the measure of effectiveness (MOE). On the basis of field research and data analyses, the 85th percentile of the cumulative individual vehicular delay was found to be the most comprehensive measure for evaluating the LOS at a toll plaza. Other MOEs were examined but found to be less flexible with different plaza configurations and lane payment types. More than 55,000 individual vehicular records from three mainline toll plazas in Orlando, Florida, representing eight different plaza configurations with varied percentages of electronic toll collection (ETC) usage were used to validate the methodology. TPSIM, a toll plaza simulation model, was used to produce an additional 49 scenarios representing the three plazas with varied percentages of ETC usage and 21 additional plaza configurations. Service time was examined to determine the level at which a driver begins to feel discomfort and inconvenience at a toll plaza. An LOS hierarchy was established based on the conclusions of this analysis, feedback from professionals, and reference to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2000. The 85th delay percentile graphs from each of the plaza analysis results for LOS values were also observed to be similar.
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