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On one Heliox Jump dive



During our evaluation of some ZH-L16x Helium coefficients [1], we found certain interesting aspects on how dive computers calculate a box dive profile with Heliox21 mixture as the sole breathing gas and how diving contractors would handle the same profile in a completely different way. One keyparameter for our comparison was the K-Value index for CNS-OT [2].
On one Heliox Jump dive
Miri Rosenblat, TAU
Nurit Vered, Technion Haifa
Yael Eisenstein & Albi Salm,
On one HELIOX jump dive
During our evaluation of some ZH-L16x Helium coefficients [1], we found
certain interesting aspects on how dive computers calculate a box dive profile
with Heliox21 mixture as the sole breathing gas and how diving contractors
would handle the same profile in a completely different way. One
keyparameter for our comparison was the K-Value index for CNS-OT [2].
Introduction: slides # 3 & 4
Methods: slide # 5
Data: slides # 6 11
Historical Reference: slide # 12
Results: slide # 13
Discussion & Conclusion: slide # 14
References: slide # 15
On one HELIOX jump dive
Introduction (1):
In [1] we evaluated diver carried computers (dive computers) with a box
profile of 42 m bottom depth and 25 min bottom time; as a sole breathing gas
we choose Heliox21 (i.e. 21 % O2, 79 % Helium) due to the same inertgas
content as regular, compressed breathing air: thus different methods of
calculating decompression times and / or modified Helium-coefficients
are unveiled across the various products very quickly.
But in most commercial decompression tables, the tables entries for the
bottom time @ 42 m are either 20 or 30 min with normally Heliox16, thus
we compiled a list of the various run-times across the used tables with just
these parameters. As the diving-methods and decompression algorithms
across these tables are at maximal variance, we decided to evaluate the TTS
(the time-to-surface) along with the K-Index for the CNS-OT, the K-severity
index for the oxygen toxcicity for the central nervous system ([2] and all the
references therein) as the two parameters of choice for our comparison.
On one HELIOX jump dive
Introduction (2):
We compared 6 well-known, proven and world-wide respected tables.
In alphabetical order these were the:
DCIEM 1992
Diving Contractor Table (10/1996)
MNT 2013
(NEDU Report 1-65)
USN 1999
USN 2018
On one HELIOX jump dive
The tables entries were directly compared along the screen shots from
the tables in question, pls. cf. the DATA section.
The CNS-OT K-Value was evaluated with DIVE along the diving profiles
from these tables [2].
The thus resulting K-Value is tabulated in Table I, slide # 13
in the order of increasing TTS.
The reduction of the K-Values during the recovery phases with
air breaks was not considered.
On one HELIOX jump dive
DCIEM Diving Manual: Table 7 , p. 2B-9 from:
DCIEM No. 92-50 (1992) Part 2 Helium-Oxygen Surface-Supplied
Decompression Procedures and Tables;
Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, North York, Ontario,
On one HELIOX jump dive
Diving Contractor Table (10/1996) Heliox 16 Heliox 20
p. 5, 140 feet = 42.67 m
On one HELIOX jump dive
MT 92 / MNT 2013: 24. May 2019, p. 62
On one HELIOX jump dive
MT 92 / MNT 2013: 24. May 2019, p. 145
On one HELIOX jump dive
U.S. Navy Diving Manual, FM 20 -11, 20.01.1999
Volume 3, Chapter 14, Table 14-7, p. 14 - 31
140 feet = 42.67 m
On one HELIOX jump dive
U.S. Navy Diving Manual, Revision 7, Change A, 30. April 2018
Volume 3, Table 12-4, p. 643
140 feet = 42.67 m
On one HELIOX jump dive
As a historical point of reference serves the U.S. Navy Table with Heliox32
140 feet = 42.67 m, as there is no 30 min. entry (400 test dives, no DCS)
Source: Workman, R.D. & Reynolds, J. L. (1965), NEDU Report 1-65
On one HELIOX jump dive
Table I: Synopsis of all table entries with CNS-OT K-Value & TTS
Stage /
Method: 21 m 18 m 15 m 12 m 9 m 6 m 3
m CNS-OT K Index
(without Recovery @
Air Breaks)
TTS Rem.:
(*): 100 % O2
[min.] [min.]
MNT 2013 3 5 5 15
(*) - 43,712 31 Heliox 28 - 30
MNT 2013 3
(Air) 3
(Air) 5
(Air) 10
(*) 15
+ 5
(*) - 123,583 53 Heliox 17-18; incl.
1 * Air Break 5’
DCIEM 1992 2
(Air) 4
(Air) 4
(Air) 37
(*) - - 114,798 55 In-Water decompression
U.S.N. 1999 10
(*) 45
(*) - - - 777,671 58 140 feet
U.S.N. 2018 H50:
10 H50:
10 18
(*) 30
(*) - 125,819 82 140 feet, incl.
2 * Air Breaks,
each 5 min
(*) 8
(*) 25
(*) 799,837 83 Incl. 3 Air Breaks @ 5
+ 10 min slow bleed
to surface
Results for 42 m / 30 min, Heliox, sea water:
On one HELIOX jump dive
The parameters on the efficiency of a certain run-time
are, besides the security record, i.e. the
# of documented DCS cases
complexity & cost, i.e. # of used breathing gases
TTS (time-to-surface), sum of all stop times + (bottom depth / ascent
a CNS-OT index, i.e. the risk of an CNS-oxygen toxicity convulsion
As the pO2 here is usually > 1.6 atm, the NOAA guidelines can not be used;
in particular there is no defined procedure for NOAA CNS-doses > 100 %.
Instead, the K-Value algorithm offers a suitable measure for high pO2 and
long exposures. Especially useful is the mapping of the K-Value to the risk of
contracting a CNS-OT convulsion ([2] and all the references therein).
Furthermore, tables/procedures/divecomputers, esp. in the so-called „TEC“
domain, should replace the NOAA / OTU calculations with the K-Value.
Discussion & Conclusion:
[1] Miri Rosenblat, TAU; Nurit Vered, Technion Haifa; Yael
Eisenstein & Albi Salm, SubMarineConsulting (16.08.2022)
On the arbitrariness of the ZH-L Helium coefficients
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19048.55040
[2] Salm, A; Rosenblat, M;
An agile implementation of the "K-Value" severity index for cns- and
pulmonary oxygen toxicity (CNS-OT & P-OT)
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17583.87205
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The K-value power functions for the central nervous system and pulmonary oxygen toxicity (CNS-OT, P-OT) are described in: [1], [2], [3], [4] & [5], pls. cf. chapter „References“. As Ran et al. would have it ([3], abstract), there is a need for an implementation. Which is what we did ([6], [7], [8], [9]). „Agile“ means here, in the context of IT-projects: a failure rate of 20 % is subliminally accepted … Which is why we put the software on the BETA TEST site of „DIVE“