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in press, Psychological Inquiry 1
Reflections on the Difference between Implicit Bias and Bias on Implicit Measures
Bertram Gawronski
University of Texas at Austin
Alison Ledgerwood
University of California, Davis
Paul W. Eastwick
University of California, Davis
We are pleased about the considerable interest in
our target article and that there is overwhelming
agreement with our central thesis that, if the term
implicit is understood as unconscious in reference to
bias, implicit bias (IB) should not be equated with bias
on implicit measures (BIM) (Cesario, this issue;
Corneille & Béna, Cyrus-Lai et al., this issue; this issue;
De Houwer & Boddez, this issue; Dovidio & Kunst, this
issue; Melnikoff & Kurdi, this issue; Norman & Chen,
this issue; Olson & Gill, this issue; Schmader et al., this
issue; but see Krajbich, this issue; Ratliff & Smith, this
issue). We are also grateful for the insightful
commentaries, which continue to advance the field’s
thinking on this topic. The comments inspired us to
think further about the relation between IB and BIM as
well as the implications of a clear distinction between
the two. In the current reply, we build on these
comments, respond to some critical questions, and
clarify some arguments that were insufficiently clear in
our target article. Before doing so, we would like to
express our appreciation for the extreme thoughtfulness
of the commentaries, every single one of which
deserves their own detailed response. For the purpose
of this reply, we will focus on recurring themes and
individual points that we deem most important for
moving forward.
We start our reply with basic questions about the
concept of bias, including the difference between
behavioral effects and explanatory mental constructs,
the role of social context, goals, and values in
evaluating instances of bias, and issues pertaining to the
role of social category cues in biased behavior.
Expanding on the analysis of the bias construct, the next
sections address questions related to the implicitness of
bias, including the presumed unconsciousness of BIM,
methodological difficulties of studying unconscious
effects, and the implications of a broader interpretation
of implicit as automatic. The next sections again build
on the discussions in the preceding sections, addressing
questions about the presumed significance of IB
research for understanding societal disparities and the
value of BIM research if IB is treated as distinct from
BIM. The final section presents our general conclusions
from the conversation about our target article and
several suggestions on how to move forward.
Reflections on Bias
Bias as a Behavioral Phenomenon
Our analysis of IB is based on a behavioral
definition of bias as the effect of social category cues
(e.g., cues used to construct racial and gender
categories) on behavioral responses. This definition is
based on the notion that bias should be conceived of as
a behavioral phenomenon that needs to be explained
rather than a “thing” that people have that would
explain their biased behavior (see De Houwer, 2019;
Payne & Correll, 2020). As we noted in our target
article, explanations of the latter type can easily become
circular when (1) biased behavior is explained by the
proposition that people have bias and (2) the bias people
are presumed to have is inferred from the biased
behavior that needs to be explained (see Cervone et al.,
2001; Fleeson & Jayawickreme, 2021; Gawronski &
Bodenhausen, 2015). A behavioral definition of bias
avoids such explanatory circularity by clearly
distinguishing between bias as a behavioral
phenomenon that needs to be explained and the mental
processes and representations proposed to explain
biased behavior.
Although some commentators explicitly supported
our behavioral conceptualization of bias (Corneille &
Béna, this issue; De Houwer & Boddez, this issue;
Ratliff & Smith, this issue), others expressed concerns
that a purely behavioral definition could miss important
aspects of bias. Dovidio and Kunst (this issue)
discussed the importance of attitudes, ambivalence, and
intrapersonal responses for understanding bias; Olson
and Gill (this issue) highlighted the role of motivation
and opportunity to control automatically activated
attitudes in the expression of bias; and Schmader et al.
(this issue) pointed to the significance of beliefs,
attitudes, stereotypes, motivations, and regulatory
processes. We fully agree that all of these mental
constructs are important for understanding bias, as well
as the development of effective interventions to reduce
bias (see Schmader et al., in press). However, the
obvious value of the proposed mental constructs in
in press, Psychological Inquiry 2
explaining bias does not imply that they should be used
to define bias. In fact, doing so would undermine their
explanatory role, because it would create a purely
semantic link between biased behavior as the to-be-
explained phenomenon and the mental constructs
proposed to explain biased behavior, which leads to
circular explanations and logical fallacies in the
understanding of the to-be-explained phenomenon (De
Houwer et al., 2013; Gawronski & Bodenhausen,
Our quest not to refer to mental constructs in a
definition of bias as a behavioral phenomenon echoes
earlier concerns by attitude researchers to clearly
“distinguish between the inner tendency that is attitude
and the evaluative responses that express attitudes”
(Eagly & Chaiken, 2007, p. 582). Equating mental
attitudes with their behavioral expressions would be
unproblematic if there was a one-to-one relation
between the two such that differences in mental
attitudes generally involve corresponding differences in
evaluative responses, and vice versa (see De Houwer et
al., 2013). However, behavioral influences of attitudes
are often disrupted by motivational processes, and these
processes can shape evaluative responses over and
above mental attitudes (see Olson & Gill, this issue;
Schmader et al., in press). Applied to the current
question, these issues prohibit direct equations of
biased behavior with biased attitudes, because two
individuals may have the same biased attitude but differ
in the degree to which they show bias in their behavior
(e.g., when one of them is motivated to suppress the
expression of their biased attitudes and the other is not;
see Schmader et al., in press). Conversely, two
individuals may differ in terms of their biased attitudes
but nevertheless show the same degree of biased
behavior (e.g., when someone who is motivated to
conceal their biased attitudes behaves in the same way
as someone without biased attitudes; see Schmader et
al., in press). These concerns apply not only to self-
reports and blatant expressions of biased behavior; they
are also highly relevant for responses on implicit
measures, which are known to be shaped by multiple
distinct processes, only some of which are related to
underlying attitudes (see Calanchini et al., 2014;
Conrey et al., 2005). Thus, similar to the concern that a
direct equation of mental attitudes and behavioral
evaluations undermines our understanding of when and
how attitudes guide behavior (Eagly & Chaiken, 2007),
including mental constructs (e.g., attitudes) in a
definition of bias can undermine our understanding of
the complex processes underlying biased behavior. A
This conclusion should not be misinterpreted to suggest that
members of disadvantaged groups just have to work harder to
suppress unwanted negative thoughts about their ingroups. It simply
means that factors determining the effectiveness of inhibitory
purely behavioral definition of bias, such as the one
proposed in our target article, avoids these problems by
clearly distinguishing between bias as a behavioral
phenomenon that needs to be explained (explanandum)
and the mental processes and representations proposed
to explain biased behavior (explanans).
The significance of distinguishing between biased
behavior and underlying mental processes can be
illustrated with findings cited by Dovidio and Kunst
(this issue), suggesting that members of disadvantaged
groups who show anti-ingroup BIM are at greater risk
for mental health problems. Dovidio and Kunst (this
issue) argue that these relations are the product of
intrapersonal processes in people’s minds, which might
be missed when bias is defined at a purely behavioral
level. Although we agree that intrapersonal processes
are essential for understanding the link between anti-
ingroup BIM and mental health, we would argue that
(1) a purely behavioral definition of bias facilitates a
more nuanced understanding of the processes
underlying this link and (2) a reference to mental
constructs in the definition of bias is detrimental rather
than helpful in this endeavor. From the perspective of a
purely behavioral definition, anti-ingroup BIM
represents negative evaluative responses to one’s
ingroup on an implicit measure. Such responses should
not be treated as a direct indicator of anti-ingroup
attitudes, because they are jointly shaped by (1)
negative thoughts about one’s ingroup and (2) the
effectiveness of inhibitory processes in suppressing the
behavioral expression of these thoughts (see Conrey et
al., 2005). Moreover, recent research suggests that,
while individual differences in inhibitory control on
implicit measures are relatively stable over time, the
activation of unwanted thoughts is highly variable
(Elder et al., 2022). Thus, to the extent that mental
health problems more likely arise from stable than
unstable factors, ineffective inhibition of negative
thoughts about one’s ingroup (and the systemic factors
that support or undermine inhibitory control) might
play a more significant role for the observed link
between anti-ingroup BIM and mental health problems
than the unwanted thoughts per se.
This important
nuance is missed when bias is defined in mental terms,
for example when anti-ingroup BIM is equated with
anti-ingroup attitudes. A purely behavioral definition of
bias avoids these issues, allowing for a more nuanced
analysis of the link between anti-ingroup BIM and
mental health problems.
processes have to be considered for understanding the link between
anti-ingroup BIM and mental health problems, and these factors can
be outside of a person’s control (e.g., impaired inhibitory control due
to thoughts about financial problems; see Mani et al., 2013).
in press, Psychological Inquiry 3
Evaluating Instances of Bias
Another concern about our definition of bias is that
it is too broad in the sense that it subsumes effects that
we may not want to call bias. Dovidio and Kunst (this
issues) argued that effects of social category cues on
behavioral responses should be called bias only when
they are unjust or unfair; Schmader et al. (this issue)
suggested that the consequences for the target are
essential for classifying behavior as biased; and
Norman and Chen (this issue) pointed to cases where
the absence of differential treatment rather than its
presence may be deemed bias (e.g., failing to tailor
one’s directions to accommodate a person’s ability to
use the stairs or an elevator). These concerns seem
especially important in response to claims of “reverse
bias” against members of dominant groups (e.g.,
Cesario, this issue; Cyrus-Lai et al., this issue).
We fully agree that social context is fundamentally
important for evaluating instances of biased behavior
and appreciate the commentaries that pushed for a
deeper consideration of this point. Discussions of bias
cannot and should not be divorced from the historical
conditions and societal hierarchies within which those
biases operate (Salter et al., 2018; Sidanius et al., 2004).
At the same time, we think it is useful to distinguish
between (1) effects of social category cues on
behavioral responses and (2) the (un)desirability of
such effects (see Corneille & & Béna, this issue). This
distinction is important, because whether an effect of
social category cues on behavioral responses produces
a desirable or undesirable outcome depends on the
specifics of history and context as well as one’s goals
and values.
For example, to build on Norman and Chen’s (this
issue) insightful scenario, many would agree that it is
desirable to take category cues into account when
deciding how to give directions to someone who is
walking versus in a wheelchair. In contrast, many
would agree that it is undesirable to take those same
category cues into account when deciding how much of
a raise to give someone based on their stellar work
record. Likewise, judgments about desirability will
depend on one’s values and goals. For example,
consider a woman who calls the police on families
barbecuing in the park, but she does that only when the
family members have dark brown skin but not when
they have light beige skin. Because such differential
treatment reproduces existing social hierarchies, it is
likely to be perceived as acceptable by someone who
wants to maintain or enhance these hierarchies, but as
morally wrong by someone who wants to reduce them.
Goals and values of this kind are relevant not only for
moral evaluations of bias by non-academics, but also
for evaluations by social scientists.
If researchers decide to define something as bias
only when it produces an undesirable outcome, which
effects of social category cues count as bias will depend
on context, goals, and values, as well as the interplay
between them. What counts as bias for one researcher
may be completely different from what counts as bias
for another researcher. Therefore, we think it is useful
to distinguish between the definition of bias as a
behavioral phenomenon and the question of whether it
is (un)desirable, while underscoring the importance of
explicitly discussing both. To be clear, this means
acknowledging that a researcher’s personal values and
assumptions are not and cannot be left at the laboratory
door (see Ledgerwood et al., in press; Reddy & Amer,
2022). For example, like many of our commentators,
we believe that instances of bias deserve moral
condemnation when they uphold asymmetric power
structures and histories of oppression, whereas
instances of bias that reduce historical inequalities may
be morally desirable (e.g., affirmative action
programs). By explicitly acknowledging the possibility
that effects of social category cues on behavioral
responses can be morally desirable, we can also
acknowledge the moral need for what some
commentators called “reverse bias” to compensate for a
history of oppression and unfair treatment. Yet, any
such judgments are extrinsic to our definition of bias as
the effect of social category cues on behavioral
responses. We treat them as moral judgments about bias
rather than judgments referring to intrinsic features of
bias. Likewise, our definition of bias allows researchers
to ask important questions about whether the
antecedents and consequences of bias are different
depending on, for example, whether a given instance of
bias upholds versus challenges societal inequalities. For
example, certain goals or ideologies might lead to
reduced biases overall, whereas other goals or
ideologies might push people toward hierarchy-
challenging biases and away from hierarchy-enhancing
biases, or vice versa (see Hudson et al., 2019; Jones et
al., 1998).
Such a definition of bias is also consistent with the
use of the term bias in the broader literature on
judgment and decision-making, where biases are
treated as judgmental tendencies that can lead to
inaccurate and maladaptive judgments in some contexts
and to accurate and adaptive judgments in other
contexts (Kruglanski & Ajzen, 1983). At the same time,
we recognize that it may conflict with a lay
understanding of bias as bad—something that should
always be reduced—and we recognize the importance
and challenge of using language that will clearly
communicate ideas not only to scientists but also the
public. Still, we think accepting a lay definition of bias
as bad will likely create confusion—for example,
leading people to assume that colorblindness and
treating everyone exactly the same is necessarily
morally desirable, a problem underscored by Norman
in press, Psychological Inquiry 4
and Chen’s (this issue) extremely insightful analysis
(see also Fryberg & Stephens, 2010; Jones, 1998; Yi et
al., in press).
The Role of Social Category Cues
To avoid the issues addressed in the preceding
section, Corneille and Béna (this issue) suggested a
radical departure from extant terminology: instead of
using the morally laden term bias, researchers should
describe their findings as effects of social
categorization. We fully agree that avoiding the term
bias could be helpful to avoid potential
misunderstandings. However, the proposed emphasis
on social categorization conflicts with our goal to
clearly distinguish between behavioral effects and
explanatory mental constructs. Whereas effects of
social category cues on behavioral responses are purely
behavioral phenomena, social categorization is a mental
process that may explain effects of social category cues,
but this process should not be equated with the to-be-
explained phenomenon (De Houwer et al., 2013,
Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2015). A clear distinction
between effects of social category cues and social
categorization seems especially important in light of
findings suggesting that social category cues can
sometimes influence responses independent of how a
target is categorized (e.g., Blair et al., 2002, 2004;
Livingston & Brewer, 2002). Such effects are captured
by a behavioral conceptualization like the one we
proposed in our target article, but they cannot be
captured by a mental conceptualization in terms of
social categorization. Likewise, a focus on social
category cues rather than social categorization aligns
well with calls for psychologists to move away from
relying on social categories as explanatory constructs
and toward examining how people use specific features
to assign status in a dynamic and context-dependent
way (Cikara et al., 2022; Helms et al., 2005).
A closely related concern by Corneille and Béna
(this issue) is that social categories are defined at the
perceiver level and that, therefore, our definition of bias
is not purely behavioral. We would argue that, although
this concern applies to Corneille and Béna’s alternative
conceptualization in terms of social categorization, it
does not apply to our original conceptualization. There
is a clear difference between social category cues at the
stimulus level (e.g., skin color) and perceived category
membership at the mental level (e.g., categorization of
a person with lighter vs. darker skin color as White vs.
Black). Our definition of bias refers specifically to
social category cues at the stimulus level. As such, it is
purely behavioral in the sense that it refers exclusively
to aspects of stimuli and behavioral responses without
invoking explanatory mental constructs (see De
Houwer et al., 2013, Gawronski & Bodenhausen,
An important question raised by Norman and Chen
(this issue) is whether our definition of bias captures
cases involving category ambiguity. We appreciate
their suggestion to explicitly discuss category
ambiguity, which we think connects well with our
definition of bias. In our view, category ambiguity often
arises from the presence of mixed category cues, with
some cues suggesting one category and others
suggesting a different category. Such cases still involve
effects of category cues, although the overall set of
category cues is inconsistent rather than consistent.
Such a conceptualization also implies the possibility
that inconsistency itself may influence responses,
potentially producing unique effects that cannot be
understood as the additive product of individual cues.
For example, a person’s behavior toward a gender-
ambiguous target may be distinct from the mere average
of that person’s responses toward an individual with
unambiguous male features and an individual with
unambiguous female features (Stern, 2022). In
technical terms, these considerations suggest that, when
studying effects of social category cues on behavioral
responses, researchers should investigate not only main
effects of individual category cues but also their
In addition to category ambiguity arising from
inconsistent configurations of category cues, another
possibility involves cases where category cues are
weakly pronounced or absent. Norman and Chen (this
issue) correctly note that such cases do not align well
with the emphasis on effects of social category cues in
our definition of bias. However, upon further reflecting
on their thought-provoking argument, we think our
definition can cover such cases, albeit in a more indirect
way that may not seem obvious from the emphasis on
social category cues. To identify effects of absent
category cues on behavioral responses, one would need
to show that absence of category cues elicits behavioral
responses that are different from the ones when
category cues are present. Moreover, to confirm that
observed differences in responses are indeed driven by
the absence of category cues in the “cues-absent”
condition rather than the specific category cues in the
“cues-present” condition, one would have to
demonstrate that the observed differences generalize to
a broad range of specific category cues in the “cues-
present” condition. Thus, hypotheses about the effects
of absent category cues necessarily involve
comparisons to counterfactual cases involving present
category cues, the latter of which is central to our
definition of bias. Thus, although effects of absent
category cues are not directly covered by our definition
of bias, their significance is captured indirectly by the
need to compare cases with and without category cues.
Because some people show aversive reactions to
category ambiguity associated with either inconsistent
in press, Psychological Inquiry 5
or absent category cues (Stern, 2022), we deem it
important to acknowledge the potentially unique
properties of category ambiguity and their relation to
our definition of bias.
Reflections on the Implicitness of Bias
Is Bias on Implicit Measures Unconscious?
We are pleased that the authors of 9 out of the 11
commentaries agree with our conclusion that IB should
not be equated with BIM if the term implicit in IB is
understood as unconscious (Cesario, this issue;
Corneille & Béna, this issue; Cyrus-Lai et al., this issue;
De Houwer & Boddez, this issue; Dovidio & Kunst, this
issue; Melnikoff & Kurdi, this issue; Norman & Chen,
this issue; Olson & Gill, this issue; Schmader et al., this
issue). However, because most of what we said in our
target article would be obsolete if BIM were
unconscious, the validity of our conclusion should not
be determined solely on consensus. Rather, it seems
essential to seriously engage with any
counterarguments that may question our conclusion
(Krajbich, this issue; Ratliff & Smith, this issue), even
if these opposing views are not shared by the majority
of our commentators.
One argument, put forward by Krajbich (this
issue), is that the available evidence suggesting
awareness of BIM is ambiguous, because the prediction
tasks employed to measure awareness of BIM (e.g.,
Hahn et al., 2014) may inadvertently raise participants’
awareness of their own biases. A related concern raised
by Ratliff and Smith (this issue) is that, while the
available evidence clearly speaks against complete
unawareness of BIM, it does not rule out the possibility
that people are unaware of their BIM when they do not
pay attention to their biases.
We agree with the basic idea underlying these
arguments. However, we would argue that it stretches
the meaning of unconscious to a level that undermines
a thorough understanding of unconscious processes.
Although cognitive scientists have been unable to come
up with a consensually accepted nominal definition of
unconscious (Norman, 2010), a widely accepted
operational criterion for determining (un)awareness of
mental representations is whether people are able to
verbally report them (Timmermans & Cleeremans,
2015). If we interpret the term unconscious in a manner
to subsume any mental representation that, although
verbally reportable, is not activated every second of the
day 24/7, the distinction between conscious and
unconscious would become semantically equivalent to
the distinction between activated and dormant
representations (Gawronski et al., 2006). In that case,
we would have to call a person’s liking for their best
friend unconscious whenever the person is not actively
thinking about it. We do not think such an expansive
interpretation of unconscious is helpful for
understanding the operation of unconscious
representations (i.e., mental representations that people
are unable to verbally report but nevertheless influence
their behavior).
Another counterargument pertains to our thesis that
surprise reactions in response to IAT feedback may be
driven by a mismatch between the naïve metric used by
participants to describe the extremity of their biases and
the metric used by researchers to convert numeric IAT
scores into verbal feedback (e.g., strong preference for
White people compared to Black people). To the extent
that the two metrics do not align, participants may be
surprised about their IAT feedback, not because they
are unaware of their bias, but because their personal
description does not match the description in the
feedback they receive (see Gawronski, 2019). Ratliff
and Smith (this issue) were not convinced by this
argument, citing the following five reasons (p. xx):
First, participants in these studies self-reported
their preferences on the exact scale on which they
received feedback; thus, the format was not
entirely novel. Second, participants in these studies
are defensive even when they receive feedback
indicating only a slight implicit preference. Third,
we have manipulated the format in which we give
feedback and are unable to attenuate the basic
defensiveness effect. Fourth, a re-analysis of the
data from Howell et al. (2015) shows that the
discrepancy between IAT feedback and self-report
predicts defensiveness even among participants
who report having previously taken an IAT (and
are thus familiar with the format by which
participants receive feedback). Finally, although
we recognize that our anecdotal experience will
not be recognized by everyone as a legitimate
source of evidence, we note that together we have
spoken to tens of thousands of people at more than
60 organizations about the fact that behavior can
be influenced by social group cues in ways that are
often unrecognized in the moment.
In response to Ratliff and Smith’s rebuttal, we
would like to point out that their first, third, and fourth
points misconstrue our original argument, which is
about the metrics used to link performance levels to
verbal labels, not the wording itself. To the extent that
the metric used by participants does not align with the
metric used by the experimenters, there would be a
mismatch between participants’ self-assessment and the
experimenter’s feedback, which is sufficient to cause a
surprise reaction.
Regarding Ratliff and Smith’s (this issue) second
point (see also Goedderz & Hahn, 2022), it is worth
noting that, according to our misaligned-metrics
interpretation, more extreme feedback should lead to
greater surprise only if there is a multiplicative relation
between participants’ naive metric and the metric used
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by researchers. However, feedback extremity should
have no effect on surprise reactions if there is an
additive relation between the two metrics. To illustrate
this point, imagine two participants, one of whom
perceives themselves to have a small bias of 1 based on
their naïve self-assessment while the other perceives
themselves to have a large bias of 3.
Now, assume a
multiplicative “distortion” of this self-assessment by a
factor of 2 in the researcher’s feedback, which would
suggest bias feedback of 2 for the first participant and
bias feedback of 6 for the second participant. In this
case, the second participant should be much more
surprised, because the discrepancy between their self-
assessment and the feedback is larger (i.e., 3) compared
to the first participant (i.e., 1). However, that is not the
case for an additive “distortion” where the discrepancy
is exactly the same for the two participants. For
example, if one assumes an additive “distortion” of 2,
the bias feedback would be 3 for the first participant and
5 for the second participant, implying that the
discrepancy between participants’ self-assessments and
experimenter feedback is exactly the same for the two
participants (i.e., 2). This scenario illustrates that, if
there is an additive relation between participants’ naive
metric and the metric used by researchers to label
different levels of IAT performance, misaligned metrics
should not necessarily lead to greater surprise as a
function of feedback extremity. Hence, counter to
Ratliff and Smith’s (this issue) argument (see also
Goedderz & Hahn, 2022), the fact that even feedback
suggesting a slight degree of BIM can cause defensive
(or surprise) reactions does not provide evidence for the
idea that BIM is unconscious.
Regarding the fifth point in Ratliff and Smith’s
(this issue) rebuttal, we wonder if the anecdotal surprise
reactions have anything to do at all with unawareness
of bias, but instead reflect surprise about how one’s
conscious thoughts and feelings can influence
performance in the IAT. Over the past years, the first
author has used a classroom exercise, in which students
collectively complete a flower-insects IAT with timed
stimulus presentations on a classroom screen.
Participants’ task is to clap their legs with their left or
right hand, with the required responses matching the
ones in the so-called “compatible” and “incompatible”
blocks of the standard IAT. Students are generally
surprised about how difficult it is to quickly and
accurately respond in the “incompatible” block of the
task, even without receiving verbal feedback about their
individual performance. Does this mean that the
students are unaware of their preference for flowers
over insects? We do not think so. It seems much more
likely that they are surprised about how their conscious
The numbers in this example are meant to reflect hypothetical levels
of bias, not numeric IAT scores.
preference makes it so difficult to respond in the task.
Although this observation is—like Ratliff and Smith’s
observation—merely anecdotal, it makes us even more
skeptical about whether surprise reactions about IAT
performance tell us anything about unawareness.
Another counterpoint put forward by Ratliff and
Smith (this issue) is that, although participants may be
aware of the effects of social category cues on some
trials of an implicit measure, they may be not aware of
such effects on all trials. Similarly, it seems possible
that, although some participants may be aware of the
effects of social category cues on their responses on an
implicit measure, this may not be the case for all
participants. We appreciate this point and agree that it
is most likely true, but we would argue that it does not
permit an equation of BIM and IB, if we define IB as an
unconscious effect of social category cues on
behavioral responses. To illustrate our concern,
imagine a study in which all participants were aware of
the effects of social category cues on their responses for
50% of the trials of an implicit measure and unaware
for the other 50%. Correspondingly, imagine a study in
which 50% of the participants were aware of the effects
of social category cues on all of their responses on an
implicit measure and 50% were unaware for all of their
responses. Would it make sense to call the implicit
measure in these studies a measure of unconscious
effects of social category cues? We do not think such a
classification makes sense, because the same logic
could be used to call it a measure of conscious effects
of social category cues. It would certainly be justified
to call the measure in the two studies a measure of bias
without further qualification. However, it would be
arbitrary to call it a measure of unconscious bias, just as
it would arbitrary be to call it a measure of conscious
The Difficulty of Studying Unconscious Effects
Several commentaries noted the difficulty of
studying unconscious effects of social category cues
(Corneille & Béna, this issue; Cyrus-Lai et al., this
issue; Krajbich, this issue; Ratliff & Smith, this issue;
Schmader et al., this issue). We fully agree with this
assessment. Although carefully controlled lab
experiments are a valuable tool to determine the extent
to which behavioral responses are influenced by social
category cues, determining the unconscious nature of
such effects is an extremely challenging task (see
Timmermans & Cleeremans, 2015).
As some commentators pointed out, the difficulty
of studying unconscious effects is partly rooted in the
fact that every effect involves multiple different aspects
that people may be aware or unaware of (Ratliff &
Smith, this issue; Schmader et al., this issue). Ratliff
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and Smith (this issue) specifically noted that people
may be (un)aware of (1) the response-eliciting stimulus,
(2) their response to the stimulus, or (3) the causal link
between the stimulus and their response (see also
Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2012). Applied to our
definition of bias, these aspects correspond to (1) social
category cues, (2) one’s behavior, and (3) the causal
link between the two. Although we agree that it can be
interesting to study effects of stimuli that are presented
outside of awareness (e.g., effects of subliminally
presented stimuli) or effects on behaviors that people
may not be aware of (e.g., effects on eye blinking rates),
the qualifier implicit in our definition of IB was meant
to refer specifically to the third aspect. We deliberately
formulated our definition of IB as unconscious effects
of social category cues on behavioral responses; we did
not define IB as effects of unconscious social category
cues on behavioral responses or effects of social
category cues on unconscious behavioral responses.
The reason for our emphasis on effects was that, in most
real-world settings, people are aware of social category
cues (i.e., subliminal exposure to social category cues
seems extremely unusual) and people are most often
aware of what they are doing (e.g., they are aware that
they are hiring a job candidate or that they are calling
the police), but they may not be aware of that their
actions are influenced by social category cues. For
example, people may be perfectly aware that a job
candidate has a prototypically female name and that
they are making a hiring decision, but they may be
unaware that their hiring decision is influenced by
gender cues. Similarly, people may be perfectly aware
that a person waiting inside a Starbucks has dark brown
skin and that they are calling the police on that person,
but they may be unaware that their decision to call the
police is influenced by the person’s skin color. These
examples belong to a broader category of unconscious
effects where people are aware of specific stimulus
properties as well as their behavioral responses, but
they may be unaware of how their behavior is
influenced by those stimulus properties (see
Ledgerwood et al., 2018).
However, even with a high level of conceptual
precision about the intended referent of the qualifier
implicit, empirically establishing unawareness of a
causal effect is an extremely difficult endeavor (see
Timmermans & Cleeremans, 2015). We fully agree
with Corneille and Béna (this issue) that claims about
unconscious effects of social category cues generally
require thorough awareness checks. If no evidence for
unawareness can be provided, researchers should
abstain from making claims about unawareness, or at
least clarify the speculative nature of their claims. We
also agree with Cyrus-Lai et al. (this issue) that research
on unconscious effects of social category cues should
move beyond approaches in which unawareness is
inferred from null effects. What is needed are
approaches that establish unawareness from statistically
significant effects rather than non-significant effects
(although Bayesian statistics might be helpful for
interpretations of null effects). Cyrus-Lai et al. (this
issue) present some valuable suggestions in this regard,
including experimental manipulations to increase the
salience of potential effects of social category cues and
tests of interaction effects between a manipulation of
social category cues and measures of awareness.
Some bias researchers may not be interested in
embracing the challenges of studying unconscious
effects of social category cues. That is perfectly
legitimate. However, in such cases, it would seem
appropriate to limit conclusions to bias and refrain from
making claims about unconsciousness. Indeed, an
argument could be made that the dominant concern with
IB has distracted researchers from studying blatant
forms of bias, which still represent a major factor
underlying the perpetuation of social disparities (see
Corneille & Béna, this issue). Regardless of whether
one agrees or disagrees with this view, not everyone
may be interested in whether effects of social category
cues are conscious or unconscious—some researchers
may just be interested in bias without further
qualification. Yet, if researchers are interested in
studying IB, they should provide empirical evidence for
their claims about unawareness; if they are not
interested in accepting this methodological challenge, it
would seem appropriate to refrain from making claims
about unawareness.
What about IB as Automatic Bias?
Several commentators suggested that, instead of
using the term implicit as synonymous with
unconscious, it might be better to use it in a manner that
is synonymous with the broad umbrella term automatic
(De Houwer & Boddez, this issue; Olson & Gill, this
issue; Ratliff & Smith, this issue), focusing specifically
on the unintentionality feature of automaticity (De
Houwer & Boddez, this issue; Dovidio & Kunst, this
issue Krajbich, this issue; Olson & Gill, this issue;
Ratliff & Smith, this issue). Indeed, a case could be
made that an emphasis on unawareness could be
detrimental, in that describing IB as unconscious could
inadvertently lead to a rejection of responsibility for
one’s actions (Melnikoff & Kurdi, this issue; Ratliff &
Smith, this issue; see also Daumeyer et al., 2019;
Redford & Ratliff, 2016) and raising awareness in IB
interventions could have other unintended effects
(Corneille & Béna, this issue). To provide a context for
our reply to these points, we deem it helpful to first
explain why our target article focused on unawareness
as the central characteristic of IB, before we move on to
discuss the difference between unconscious and
unintentional bias and its implication for the difference
between IB and BIM. To foreshadow our conclusion:
in press, Psychological Inquiry 8
we agree with Corneille and Béna (this issue) that it
might be time to jettison the term implicit as a qualifier
for bias, and instead ask researchers to use the more
specific terms unconscious (when they mean
unconscious) and unintentional (when they mean
unintentional). As we explain in this section, there are
reasons to believe that both unconscious biases and
unintentional biases are important for understanding
social disparities. However, their specific roles are
fundamentally different, echoing our argument in the
target article that unconscious bias should not be
equated with unintentional bias.
Two schools of thought. From the very beginning,
research using implicit measures was shaped by two
distinct schools of thought (see Gawronski, De Houwer,
& Sherman, 2020; Payne & Gawronski, 2010). One
school of thought is associated with the development of
the evaluative priming task (EPT) to measure the
automatic activation of attitudes (Fazio et al., 1986),
which provided the basis for using the EPT as an
unobtrusive measure of attitudes (Fazio et al., 1995).
Central to the development of the EPT was the idea that
attitudes, conceptualized as object-evaluation
associations of varying strength, are activated
unintentionally upon encountering a target object if the
association between the object and its summary
evaluation is sufficiently strong (see Olson & Gill, this
issue). The second school of thought is associated with
the development of the IAT (Greenwald et al., 1998),
which was inspired by research on implicit memory
suggesting that people can have memory traces they are
unable to verbally report but nevertheless influence
behavior. This idea is prominently reflected in
Greenwald and Banaji’s (1995) definition of implicit
cognition as “introspectively unidentified (or
inaccurately identified) trace of past experience that
mediates [responses]” (p. 5).
A notable difference between the two schools of
thought is that they emphasize different features of
automaticity in their characterizations of implicit
measures. Whereas the first school of thought
emphasizes unintentionality as the central feature that
distinguishes implicit from explicit measures, the
second school of thought emphasizes unawareness of
the underlying memory traces. The concept of IB was
an intellectual product of the second school of thought,
whose proponents suggested that people can behave in
a biased manner without being aware that their behavior
is biased (e.g., Banaji & Greenwald, 2013; Greenwald
& Krieger, 2006). Notably, advocates of the first school
of thought have repeatedly expressed concerns against
using the term implicit as qualifier of measured
Different from their early claims about unconsciousness, proponents
of the unconsciousness school now state that the term implicit should
be used in the sense of indirectly measured (e.g., Greenwald &
constructs (e.g., bias), suggesting that it should instead
be used to describe features of measures (e.g., Fazio &
Olson, 2003). Responses on implicit measures were
assumed to reflect the unintentional activation of
attitudes in memory, not unawareness of the measured
attitude (see Olson & Gill, this issue). For the sake of
brevity, we will refer to the first school of thought as
unintentionality school and the second school of
thought as unconsciousness school.
Back to implicit bias. Although proponents of the
unconsciousness school have recently backtracked
from their early claims about unawareness of the
constructs captured by implicit measures (e.g.,
Greenwald & Banaji, 2017),
the original
conceptualization of IB as unconscious and its equation
with BIM is still widespread in both the scientific
literature and the broader discourse of this work. Our
target article was inspired by two concerns about this
state of affairs. First, in line with the concerns expressed
by proponents of the unintentionality school, we aimed
to clarify that there is no basis for the idea that BIM is
unconscious. Second, reviving some aspects of the
ideas advanced by proponents of the unconsciousness
school, we aimed to make a case that this does not
implicate a rejection of IB as the unconscious effect of
social category cues on behavioral responses. Our
broader point underlying these concerns is that the
common equation of BIM and IB was detrimental to
progress in understanding IB, because it led researchers
to use BIM as an indicator of IB instead of directly
studying IB.
What does this mean for the proposal to use the
term implicit in a manner that is synonymous with the
term automatic (De Houwer & Boddez, this issue;
Olson & Gill, this issue; Ratliff & Smith, this issue)?
As we explained in our target article, we do not think
such a reinterpretation is helpful in advancing the
science of IB, because the term automatic subsumes
multiple distinct features (i.e., unintentionality,
unawareness, efficiency, uncontrollability). Because
these features do not overlap (see Bargh, 1994), the
broad umbrella term automatic creates conceptual
ambiguity if researchers do not specify to which of
these features they are referring (see Corneille & Béna,
this issue; Melnikoff & Kurdi, this issue). As noted by
Corneille and Béna (this issue), scientific progress is
achieved by greater conceptual precision, not greater
conceptual ambiguity. Several commentators
acknowledged this issue, suggesting that work in this
area should focus specifically on unintentionality
(Dovidio & Kunst, this issue; Krajbich, this issue;
Melnikoff & Kurdi, this issue; Ratliff & Smith, this
Banaji, 2017). We refer to the discussion in our target article for
conceptual problems with this conceptualization.
in press, Psychological Inquiry 9
issue). If IB were reinterpreted as unintentional effect
of social category cues on behavioral responses, the
equation of IB and BIM would be justified, because
there is little doubt that implicit measures capture
unintentional responses. However, as we explained in
our target article, such a reinterpretation of implicit
perpetuates the current sphere of inattention for
unconscious effects of social category cues. Because
unintentional is not the same as unconscious, shifting
the focus from unconscious bias to unintentional bias
continues to miss a potentially important factor in the
perpetuation of social disparities.
Unconscious and unintentional bias. The
significance of the difference between unconscious and
unintentional bias can be illustrated with a central
question in research on racial bias in police officers’
decision to shoot, reflected in a tendency to more
frequently shoot at unarmed Black targets compared to
unarmed White targets (for a review, see Payne &
Correll, 2020). One potential interpretation of this
difference is that it reflects an unintentional effect of
social category cues on response selection, involving an
impulsive tendency to pull the trigger in response to
Black but not White targets, which could be suppressed
given sufficient time and mental resources. An
alternative interpretation is that it reflects an
unconscious effect of social category cues on basic
perceptual processes, involving a tendency to
mistakenly perceive harmless objects as weapons when
they are held by a Black person but not when they are
held by a White person. An important difference
between the two accounts pertains to the correction of
erroneous responses when participants have an
opportunity to reflect on an initial speeded response
without being able to see the target person and the
relevant object (Payne et al. 2005). According to the
unintentionality account, participants should correct
their initial errors when they are given an opportunity
to reflect on their initial responses even when they are
unable to see the target person and the relevant object
during the reflection period. In contrast, the
unconsciousness account suggests that initial errors
should remain uncorrected when participants are given
an opportunity to reflect on their initial response but are
unable to see the target person and the relevant object.
Payne et al. (2005) tested these competing
predictions using a variant of the weapon identification
task (WIT, Payne, 2001). The WIT is based on the
notion of sequential priming, in that participants are
briefly presented with a Black or White face prime,
followed by a brief presentation of a gun or a harmless
object as the target. The target object is replaced by a
masking stimulus and participants are asked to indicate
whether the target object was a gun or a harmless
object. A common finding in the WIT is that
participants misidentify harmless objects more
frequently as guns when they were primed with a Black
face than when they are primed with a White face (for
a review, see Payne & Correll, 2020). Integrating an
opportunity for reflection and error correction in the
WIT, Payne et al. (2005) found that participants almost
always corrected their initial errors, suggesting that
racial bias in weapon identification is driven by
unintentional effects of social category cues, not
unconscious effects. These results suggest that
unintentionality may indeed be more important for
understanding social disparities, at least for racial
disparities in police officers’ use of lethal force.
But that is not the whole story. In a study that
combined Payne et al.’s (2005) correction paradigm
with Correll et al.’s (2002) first-person shooter task,
Correll et al. (2015) investigated whether Payne et al.’s
(2005) finding replicates for simulated shooting
decisions (rather than classifications of target objects)
and more complex visual stimuli involving full-body
presentations of Black and White individuals holding
either a gun or a harmless object in the context of real-
world backgrounds. The results were remarkably
different. Although participants corrected initial errors
on a small number of trials, a strong racial bias
continued to emerge under correction conditions.
Analyses using Drift Diffusion Modeling (see Ratcliff
et al., 2016) further showed a significant effect of race
on the start point parameter reflecting “initial
assumptions,” but not the drift rate parameter reflecting
“evidence accumulation” (see also Krajbich, this issue).
Together, these findings suggest that, although social
category cues can influence decisions to shoot in an
unintentional manner, unconscious effects on basic
perceptual processes play a major role in tasks that
more closely resemble real-world settings (see Payne &
Correll, 2020). Thus, exclusively focusing on
unintentional effects and ignoring the possibility of
unconscious effects involves a risk of missing
important factors contributing to social disparities.
More seriously, if BIM is treated as a model for
unintentional bias in real-world settings (see De
Houwer & Boddez, this issue), research using implicit
measures may suggest misleading (and potentially
inaccurate) conclusions due to the low resemblance of
their task structure with real-world decision contexts
(e.g., the false conclusion from Payne et al.’s, 2005,
study that unconscious effects on basic perceptual
processes do not matter for racial bias in decisions to
Based on these differences and the heavy focus on
unintentionality in the commentaries to our target
article, it might be helpful to follow Corneille and
Béna’s (this issue) suggestion to jettison the term
implicit as a qualifier of bias, and instead use the term
unconscious when one means unconscious and the term
unintentional when one means unintentional (see also
in press, Psychological Inquiry 10
Corneille & Hütter, 2020). Using these more specific
terms, the main argument of our target article translates
into the proposition that, although implicit measures
may be well suited to capture unintentional bias, they
are not suitable to measure unconscious bias, the latter
of which may contribute social disparities in a manner
that is fundamentally different from unintentional bias.
Reflections on Implications
Understanding Social Disparities
In our target article, we discussed two potential
mechanisms underlying unconscious biases: (1) biased
interpretation of ambiguous information and (2) biased
weighting of mixed information. Different from the
conceptually distal links between real-world behavior
and unintentional bias on implicit measures, the
contexts in which the proposed underpinnings of
unconscious bias tend to operate have clear
counterparts in real-world settings (e.g., hiring and
promotion decisions, jury selection, criminal
sentencing, policing; see Gawronski, Ledgerwood, &
Eastwick, 2020). However, one commentator expressed
skepticism about the idea that findings from
experimental lab research—which subsumes most of
the research on biased interpretation and biased
weighting—could be used to understand social
disparities in real-world settings (Cesario, this issue).
We would argue that, although this skepticism was
expressed under the disguise of scientific rigor, its tacit
underlying principles seem rather unreasonable once
they are spelled out (see also Ledgerwood et al., 2022;
Mora et al., 2022; Okonofua, 2022; Payne & Banaji,
2022). If findings from experimental lab work could not
be applied to real-world contexts that do not permit
experimental manipulation, we would not be able to use
findings on the laws of gravitation in experimental
physics to understand the movement of planets in the
orbit (see Payne & Banaji, 2022). We do not think this
is a reasonable stance to evaluate applications of basic
science. Yet, if the skepticism is exclusively directed
against research on social biases, questions could be
asked about the underlying motivations for selectively
applying ostensible principles of scientific rigor to one
specific area of research but not to others (see Ditto &
Lopez, 1992; Lord et al., 1979).
Related to this issue, some commentators
expressed concerns that the societal significance of
research in this area has been overstated, given the weak
empirical basis for the strong claims that have been
made by some researchers (Corneille & & Béna, this
issue; see also Cesario, this issue). We agree with this
concern, but with an important qualification. Based on
our assessment of more than a quarter century of
research using implicit measures (see Gawronski, De
Houwer, & Sherman, 2020), we concur that the
contribution of implicit measures to understanding
social disparities seems disappointingly small,
especially if one considers the enormous amount of
research that has be done in this area. We attribute this
state of affairs to the dominant, yet empirically
questionable, narrative according to which responses on
implicit measures provide uncontaminated indicators of
trait-like unconscious representations that coexist with
functionally independent conscious representations.
Although this narrative has been challenged by multiple
scholars from the very beginning (for a review, see
Gawronski et al., 2022), their concerns had little impact
on the dominance of this narrative in bias research using
implicit measures. Thus, despite more 25 years of
research using implicit measures, the contribution of
unintentional biases to social disparities is still unclear.
A similar conclusion can be reached for
unconscious biases, albeit for very different reasons.
Because the dominant focus on BIM has created the
mistaken impression that we were already studying
unconscious effects of social category cues, we still
know very little about unconscious bias—different
from the massive number of studies using implicit
measures to investigate unintentional bias. Thus, given
the undisputable experimental documentation of social
biases in the real world (e.g., Bertrand & Mullainathan,
2004; Bordieri et al., 1997; Moss-Racusin et al. 2012),
the role of ignorance in maintaining social hierarchies
(Mueller et al., 2020; Salter et al., 2018), and the
intuitively plausible significance of unconscious bias
for the perpetuation of social disparities, we would
encourage a shift in the current research agenda from
the currently dominant focus on unintentional biases
captured by implicit measures to the still poorly
understood phenomenon of unconscious bias.
What Is the Value of Implicit Measures?
Our rejection of BIM as an indicator of
unconscious biases raises the question of whether
implicit measures still have any value for research on
social biases. Some commentators seemed rather
skeptical about that, noting that the research program
on BIM has lost considerable momentum over the last
years—partly due to unresolved debates about the
predictive validity of BIM and meta-analytic evidence
questioning the presumed causal role of BIM in
discriminatory behavior (Cyrus-Lai et al., this issue).
Other commentators seem more optimistic, noting a
potential role of implicit measures as a model of real-
world bias under suboptimal processing conditions (De
Houwer & Boddez, this issue). Yet, such a role requires
that the processes and processing conditions that shape
responses on implicit measures correspond to the
processes and processing conditions of to-be-modeled
real-world behavior (Gawronski & De Houwer, 2014;
Gawronski, De Houwer, & Sherman, 2020). If either
their underlying processes or their processing
conditions do not align, using implicit measures as a
in press, Psychological Inquiry 11
model for bias in real-world settings can suggest
misleading conclusions, as we illustrated with the
example of unconscious versus unintentional racial bias
in decisions to shoot. Moreover, although we agree that
BIM may serve as a model for understanding
unintentional bias (De Houwer & Boddez, this issue;
Dovidio & Kunst, this issue; Krajbich, this issue;
Melnikoff & Kurdi, this issue; Olson & Gill, this issue;
Ratliff & Smith, this issue), we want to reiterate that
unintentional is not the same as unconscious, and that
there is no conceptual and empirical basis to interpret
BIM as unconscious.
A more optimistic view was expressed by Olson
and Gill (this issue), who argued that unintentionally
activated attitudes may influence basic perceptual
processes in a manner that can lead to unconscious
effects of social category cues. Similar to arguments we
made in our target article, such mechanisms would
suggest a potential role for BIM in understanding the
mental underpinnings of unconscious biases, but this
role does not permit a direct equation of BIM with
unconscious bias. Some commentators also noted the
value of implicit measures to prevent effects of self-
presentational concerns, given the greater difficulty of
controlling responses on implicit compared to explicit
measures (Norman & Chen, this issue; Olson & Gill,
this issue). We generally agree with this idea. However,
the obvious value of implicit measures for studying
unintentional effects that are hard to control does not
imply that implicit measures are useful for capturing
unconscious effects of social category cues. Moreover,
when using implicit measures for one or more of these
purposes, researchers should take into account that
implicit measurement scores show rather low temporal
stability (Gawronski et al., 2017), which undermines
their suitability for predicting outcomes over time. The
low temporal stability of implicit measurement scores
is just one among several pieces of evidence that is
difficult to reconcile with the dominant narrative
suggesting that implicit measures capture trait-like
unconscious representations that coexist with
functionally independent conscious representations
(see Gawronski et al., 2022). Instead, the available
evidence aligns better with alternative frameworks that
treat responses on implicit measures as the product of
dynamic processes that operate on currently activated,
consciously accessible information.
Some commentators also noted the potential value
of implicit measures for studying biases at the regional
level as opposed to the individual level (Cyrus-Lai et
al., this issue; Melnikoff & Kurdi, this issue). Although
this line of work is still in its infancy, it has already
produced a large number of interesting findings (for a
review, see Calanchini et al., in press), inspiring the
development of novel theories of BIM such as the bias-
of-crowds model (Payne et al., 2017). Echoing the main
points made by the commentators, we are very curious
about where this line of work will lead us. However, to
avoid premature conclusions, we would like to
highlight two issues in research using implicit measures
to study regional bias. First, as we explained in our
target article, some of the effects obtained in this line of
work may reflect little more than the statistical truism
that aggregation reduces measurement error (Conner &
Evers, 2020). Whereas aggregation of data across
individuals isolates situation-related variance by
eliminating effects of person-related factors,
aggregation of data across situations isolates person-
related variance by eliminating effects of situation-
related factors (see Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2017).
Second, when aggregating data across individuals to
obtain indicators of regional bias, the common
dissociations between implicit and explicit measures
tend to disappear, in that bias on the two kinds of
measures shows high correlations and high overlap in
their functional properties (Calanchini et al., in press).
Thus, it remains unclear whether implicit measures
provide any insights for understanding regional bias
that could not be gained from explicit measures.
Moving Forward
Despite the disagreements on specific points
addressed in this reply, we feel encouraged by the
commentaries that the field might be ready to move on
and to overcome the issues raised in our target article.
The following list of recommendations, which
integrates the key points of our target article and the
valuable insights provided by the commentaries, may
provide some guidance in this endeavor (see Table 1):
1. Expanding on earlier concerns in the attitude
literature and building on the current discussion on how
to define bias, we would encourage bias researchers to
clearly distinguish between instances of biased
behavior that need to be explained (explanandum) and
the mental constructs that are proposed to explain
biased behavior (explanans). Doing so not only
increases conceptual precision; it also avoids logical
fallacies and circular explanations in the interpretation
of empirical findings. Our definition of bias as an effect
of social category cues on behavioral responses meets
this criterion by providing a purely behavioral
definition that does not invoke any reference to
underlying mental constructs. Although mental
constructs (e.g., attitudes, beliefs, stereotypes,
motivation) are undeniably important for understanding
biased behavior, they should not be conflated with the
behavior they are proposed to explain.
2. Similar to the distinction between behavioral
phenomena and explanatory mental constructs, bias
researchers should be mindful of the difference between
effects of social category cues on behavioral responses
and evaluations of such effects as desirable or
in press, Psychological Inquiry 12
undesirable. By defining bias as an effect of social
category cues on behavioral responses, we leave space
for the important question of whether specific instances
of such effects are beneficial or harmful, and for the
answer to this question to change depending on the
social context and perceivers’ goals and values. Moral
evaluations of bias invoke crucial considerations
pertaining to extant power structures and histories of
oppression and unfair treatment that cannot and should
not be ignored. This does not mean that bias researchers
should refrain from participating in societal discourses
about bias or that they should avoid taking a stance on
these issues in their scientific publications—quite the
contrary. Yet, when they do so, they should clearly
distinguish between empirical effects and moral
evaluations of these effects, and be explicit about the
assumptions and values underlying the latter. We
believe that explicit discussions of both aspects are
superior for advancing applications of bias research
than tacitly assuming that everyone shares one’s values
or that one is more objective by hiding one’s personal
vantage point and assumptions.
3. Expanding on the debate about the meaning of the
term implicit, we discourage using the term implicit in
reference to bias. Use of the term implicit is just too
flexible and inconsistent to ensure conceptual precision.
Greater precision could be easily achieved by using the
terms unconscious and unintentional, and by clearly
distinguishing between the two instead of lumping them
under the imprecise umbrella term automatic.
4. Although it seems empirically justified to describe
the biases captured by implicit measures as
unintentional, researchers should not describe them as
unconscious. Moreover, if researchers want to claim
that the biases observed in their studies are
unconscious, they should provide empirical evidence
that supports their claims. We hope we were able to
convince our readers that there is no conceptual and
empirical basis for describing the biases captured by
implicit measures as unconscious. Biases on implicit
measures clearly tend to be unintentional, but that is not
same as unconscious.
5. Given the potential significance of unconscious
bias for the perpetuation of social disparities and the
sphere of inattention for unconscious bias caused by the
dominant focus on implicit measures, we would
encourage researchers who are interested in
unconscious bias to shift their attention from bias on
implicit measures to studying unconscious effects of
social category cues. Of course, some researchers may
not feel particularly strongly about whether the biases
in their studies are conscious or unconscious. That is
perfectly legitimate. However, in such cases, it would
seem appropriate not to make unfounded claims about
6. If researchers want to make claims about
unawareness, they should use stringent methods to
establish unawareness and follow current best practices
in research on unconscious mental processes. Ideally,
research on unconscious bias would combine multiple
approaches to test for unawareness, compensating for
idiosyncratic limitations of particular approaches.
7. Field research suggest that effects of social
category cues in real-world settings are frequent and
often quite strong (e.g., Bertrand & Mullainathan, 2004;
Bordieri et al., 1997; Moss-Racusin et al. 2012). It is
conceivable that at least some of these effects are driven
by unconscious mechanisms involving biased
interpretations of ambiguous information or biased
weighting of mixed information. However, the number
of studies suggesting unconscious effects of social
category cues is still very small and a considerable
portion of these studies were conducted prior to the
adoption of current best practices. We therefore deem it
especially important to use sample sizes that provide
sufficiently high power and to follow open and
inclusive science practices, including preregistered
analysis plans, open data, open materials, and research
teams that include multiple vantage points (see
Ledgerwood et al., in press). Registered reports with
peer review prior to the collection of data would be
especially valuable.
We hope that these recommendations are helpful in
moving the field forward. Theoretically, it seems very
plausible that unconscious effects of social category
cues contribute to social disparities in a significant
manner. Yet, based on the currently available evidence,
any such claims are premature, partly because the
widespread equation of IB and BIM has distracted the
field from studying actual instances unconscious bias.
If we care about social disparities and the possibility
that they are perpetuated by unconscious bias, it seems
prudent to go back where we stopped more than 25
years ago when research on BIM took over. Research
using implicit measures clearly has taught us a lot, but
counter to the dominant narrative it has not taught us
much about unconscious bias.
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Preparation of this article was supported by
National Science Foundation Grant BCS-1941440. Any
opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the National Science Foundation.
in press, Psychological Inquiry 16
Table 1. Recommendations for advancing research on unconscious bias inspired by the commentaries on
the target article by Gawronski, Ledgerwood, and Eastwick (this issue).
1. Clearly distinguish between biased behavior as a phenomenon that needs to be explained and mental
constructs proposed to explain biased behavior.
2. Clearly distinguish between effects of social category cues on behavioral responses as an empirical
phenomenon and moral evaluations of such effects as desirable or undesirable.
3. Avoid using the ambiguous terms implicit and automatic. Instead use the more precise terms
unconscious and unintentional, and clearly distinguish between the two.
4. Be clear that, although bias on implicit measures is unintentional, there is no conceptual or empirical
basis to describe it as unconscious.
5. Redirect attention from bias on implicit measures to actual instances of unconscious bias and
potential underlying mechanisms (e.g., biased interpretation, biased weighting).
6. Use stringent methods to empirically corroborate claims about the presumed unconsciousness of
7. Use sample sizes that provide sufficiently high power and follow open and inclusive science
practices, including preregistration, open data, open materials, and inclusive research teams.