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Thermal Effects on Low-Power RF-to-dc Voltage Multiplier for Battery-Free Sensing and IoT



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Thermal Effects on Low-Power RF-to-dc Voltage
Multiplier for Battery-Free Sensing and IoT
Abstract—This work investigates and demonstrates the
thermal effects on low-power RF-to-dc voltage multipliers based
on Schottky diodes. Such a voltage multiplier is crucial to leverage
dc output voltage rectified from low RF input power to meet the
threshold voltage of battery-free sensors and Internet of Things
devices. An analytical model is developed, considering thermal-
sensitive diode SPICE parameters. The accuracy of this model has
been verified based on a result comparison with commercial ADS
Harmonic Balance simulator. The analytical model predicts the
optimum operating temperature for enhanced RF-to-dc
conversion efficiency. Further experimental results show that a 5-
stage voltage multiplier based on SMS7630 has an optimum
temperature of 7.5 ºC at −25 dBm. This work can offer a reference
or benchmark for optimizing RF-to-dc voltage multipliers at their
operating temperatures and avoiding potential service
interruptions due to temperature variations.
Keywords—Battery-free sensing, IoT, rectifiers, Schottky diodes,
thermal effects, voltage multiplier, wireless power harvesting
The global battery-free sensing market is projected to grow
by 27.6% annually from 2021 to 2026, from a market size of
USD 32 million in 2021 to USD 109 million by 2026 [1]. The
primary driver of such growth of battery-free sensors is their
increasing applications in the Internet of Things (IoT)
technology, which can improve production efficiency and
reduce operational and maintenance costs, as well as
environmental footprints. A reliable and sustainable powering
solution is required for such sensors operating without batteries.
Far-field wireless power harvesting is a promising method that
has the potential to provide power to a large number of sensors
scattered in our living environment [2], [3].
A far-field wireless power harvesting system for battery-free
sensing mainly contains five parts: antenna, matching network,
RF-to-dc rectifier, energy storage, and power management unit
[4]. Since the far-field wireless power harvesting typically deals
with low RF power [5], the dc output is limited, often not enough
to drive sensors directly. The common method to leverage dc
output voltage is to use an RF-to-dc voltage multiplier. As for
any semiconductor device, there is an optimum operating
temperature for which RF-to-dc power conversion efficiency
can be maximized [6]. This work explores the thermal effects on
low-power RF-to-dc voltage multipliers. A closed-form model
is developed, considering thermal-sensitive SPICE parameters
of Schottky diodes. With the aid of this model, the optimum
temperature of voltage multipliers for enhanced conversion
efficiency can be observed. This work provides a vital reference
or technical benchmark for optimizing RF-to-dc voltage
multipliers based on their operating temperature.
A typical diagram of a zero-bias N-stage RF-to-dc voltage
multiplier is presented in Fig. 1(a), with 2N diodes and 2N
This work was supported by the FRQNT Postdoc Re
search Fellowship.
D3 D4
D(2N-1) D(2N)
D1 D2 D3 D4 D(2N-1) D(2N)
D1 D2 D3 D4 D(2N-1) D(2N)
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of a zero-bias N-stage RF-to-dc voltage multiplier.
Equivalent circuit models of the voltage multiplier at (b) RF frequency and (c)
dc. (d) Shockley diode model.
Xiaoqiang Gu
, Jorge Virgilio de Almeida
, Simon Hemour
, Roni Khazaka
, Ke Wu
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
2Poly-GRAMES Research Center, École polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
3IMS Laboratory, CNRS UMR 5218, Bordeaux INP, University of Bordeaux, Talence, France
capacitors in total [7]. Since capacitance can be considered
short-circuited at RF frequency and open-circuited at dc, two
sets of equivalent circuits can be derived based on the schematic
in Fig. 1(a). As shown in Fig. 1(b), the equivalent circuit
containing 2N diodes in parallel represents the case at RF
frequency. In contrast, these 2N diodes are in series, which
presents the equivalent circuit at dc (see Fig. 1(c)). For detecting
low-power RF signals, Schottky diode SMS7630, widely used
in rectifier design, is used in this work [8], [9]. The Shockley
diode model, shown in Fig. 1(d), is an effective tool to
characterize Schottky diodes, including nonlinear junction
capacitance , nonlinear junction resistance , series
resistance , and packaging parasitics and .
Based on the equivalent circuit model in Fig. 1(b), all diodes
have the same ac voltage of input signal at RF frequency.
However, the generated dc voltage will be equally distributed on
each diode at dc, as shown in the equivalent circuit in Fig. 1(c).
Therefore, if the RF input signal possesses a magnitude of 
with frequency of , the voltage across the diode junction
can be written as:
  (1)
in which  and are dc output current and load resistance,
respectively. Thus, dc output voltage  is calculated by 
. The I-V relationship of Schottky diodes is characterized by:
#"$%& (2)
where is the current passing through nonlinear junction
resistance. and ' are the saturation current and ideality factor
of diodes. ()*+, is the thermal voltage. ), *, , are
Boltzmann constant, operating temperature (in Kelvin), and
electron charge, respectively. Substituting into (2), the dc
output current  can be expressed as:
#"$ %> (3)
where .?@ is the Bessel function of the first kind of A, and 0 is
the imaginary unit. By using the Lambert W function, the
explicit expression of  becomes:
1GF HF/IJ"12
1GF %
in which '(+ is zero-bias junction resistance. The RF
input power can be calculated by:
in which  is zero-bias junction capacitance. is the
magnitude of the fundamental current going through junction
#"$ Z[ (6)
Thus, the conversion efficiency of the N-stage RF-to-dc
voltage multiplier can be obtained by:
]^# _%``a (7)
The commercial simulation tool, ADS Harmonic Balance
(HB) simulator, is adopted to verify the accuracy of this closed-
form model. SMS7630 diode is selected for comparison, with its
key SPICE parameters listed in Table I. The dc output voltage
results as calculated by the analytical model are compared to HB
simulation against the number of voltage multiplier stages in
Fig. 2. The operating temperature is 25 ºC, and load resistance
is 5.8 MΩ. The input voltages are set as 0.1 V and 0.3 V,
respectively. Matching network and loss effects are removed to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of stages
dc output voltage (V)
0.3 V
0.1 V
Fig. 2. Comparison of calculated results using the proposed analytical model
and simulated ones by the ADS Harmonic Balance simulator. Solid lines
represent calculated results, while scatter are simulated results. The operating
temperature is 25 ºC and load resistance is 5.8 MΩ. Matching network and
loss effects are de-embedded in this comparison.
Saturation current at 25 ºC
(A) 5e−6
Series resistance
(Ω) 20
Ideality factor
Zero-bias junction capacitance
(pF) 0.14
Grading coefficient
forward-bias coefficient
Junction (built-in) potential
(V) 0.34
focus on diode performance. From this comparison in Fig. 2, it
can be observed that calculation results match simulated ones,
proving a satisfactory accuracy of our proposed analytical
The proposed analytical model can offer a quick and
accurate solution for analyzing the thermal response of diodes-
based RF-to-dc voltage multipliers. Among the key SPICE
parameters listed in Table I, , , and  are thermal-
sensitive, thus requiring careful consideration [10]. Let us
define the operating temperature as *d, then the saturation
current e*d at this temperature becomes:
#nj (8)
where o0 and pq are saturation current temperature exponent
and energy gap, respectively. The intrinsic carrier concentration
'J*d must be obtained to calculate thermal-sensitive junction
potential e*d [10-12]:
9nj Iwrwy5zrF9_wF5{_jg9
jg;wwF| m
9njg} (9)
Then, e*d can be written as:
3^fg4 (10)
The thermal-sensitive zero-bias nonlinear junction
capacitance 
e*d is defined as:
e*d_7%~b_ %~s_%`I‚_*d*
G&= (11)
The SMS7630 diode is taken as one example. Fig. 3 shows
the ,  (inversely proportional to ), , and  against an
operating temperature range from −40 ºC to +40 ºC. As can be
seen in Fig. 3(a),  tends to increase exponentially with the
decrease of operating temperature. Whereas the change of
and  against operating temperature is almost linear (see Fig.
3(b)), with increasing and  decreasing at a lower
Considering these thermal-sensitive SPICE parameters, the
proposed analytical model can predict the efficiency of the RF-
to-dc voltage multiplier at various operating temperatures. Fig.
4 shows the efficiency change of the SMS7630 diode-based 5-
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Saturation current I
Operating temperature (°C)
Zero-bias junction resistance R
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Operating temperature (
Junction potential V
Zero-bias junction capacitance C
Fig. 3. Thermal-sensitive SPICE parameters change versus operating
temperature in a range of −40 ºC to +40 ºC: (a) diode saturation current
bias junction resistance
; (b) j
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
-20 dBm
-25 dBm
Efficiency (%)
Operating temperature (
-30 dBm
Fig. 4. Conversion efficiency of a 5-stage voltage multiplier based on
SMS7630 versus operating temperature from −40 ºC to +40 ºC, at input
power levels of −20 dBm, −25 dBm, and −30 dBm, respectively.
stage voltage multiplier from −40 ºC to +40 ºC. The operating
frequency is set at 600 MHz, which falls into the frequency band
of digital TV broadcasting services in Canada. Three input
power levels are selected, −20 dBm, −25 dBm, and −30 dBm,
and the load resistances are set as 110 kΩ, 80 kΩ, and 63 kΩ,
corresponding to the above three power levels, respectively.
These load resistances are the optimum value at room
temperature for each power level. Fig. 4 shows that this voltage
multiplier can achieve higher efficiency at a lower temperature
(around 10 ºC).
A 5-stage RF-to-dc voltage multiplier based on SMS7630
diodes is used for experimental verification. The entire setup is
presented in Fig. 5(a). A vector network analyzer (VNA)
working in the continuous-wave mode acts as the RF power
source. VNA monitors the reflecting coefficient of the voltage
multiplier, which can be used to compensate for the reflection
loss to ensure the RF input power at all temperatures at the same
level (−25 dBm). Various operating temperatures are created by
a TestEquity chamber (model 105). A multimeter reads the
harvested dc voltage. The operating frequency is set at 600
MHz, and load resistance is 80 kΩ.
The experimental results are demonstrated in Fig. 5(b). With
the insertion loss of the matching network, substrate loss, and
loss due to lumped components and diodes, the measured
efficiency results are lower than simulated ones. However,
experimental results confirm that an optimum operating
temperature exists for this 5-stage voltage multiplier in the range
of 5 ºC to 10 ºC. After more measurements within this
temperature range, the optimum operating temperature for this
5-stage voltage multiplier is found to be about 7.5 ºC.
This work derives and evaluates an analytical model for
accurately characterizing the thermal effects of low-power RF-
to-dc voltage multipliers based on Schottky diodes. Optimum
operating temperatures of such voltage multipliers exist for
achieving enhanced conversion efficiency. Such operating
temperature is associated with diode, RF input power, operating
frequency, and load resistance. This work has the potential to
optimize the design of low-power RF-to-dc voltage multipliers
according to their operating temperatures.
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-40 -20 0 20 40
Operating temperature (
Efficiency (%)
Fig. 5. (a) Experimental setup; (b) Measured efficiency of the 5-stage RF-to-
dc voltage multiplier versus operating temperature from −40 ºC to +40 ºC at
−25 dBm.
... Indeed, the polymer material involved in the additive manufacturing as well as the added conductor have a major impact on the RFEH performances and it is one of the main issues of the paper to quantify the impact and discuss the pertinence of the manufacturing process proposal in this context. [14], B- [15], C- [16], D- [17], E- [15], F- [15], G- [8], H- [8], I- [18], J- [19], K- [20], L- [21], M- [22], N- [4], O- [23], P- [24], Q- [25], R- [25], S- [26], T- [26], U- [27], V- [27], W- [28], X- [29], Y- [30], Z- [31], AA- [32], BB- [33], CC- [33], DD- [34], EE- [9], FF- [35], GG- [32], HH- [36], II- [28], JJ- [37], KK- [5], LL- [19], MM- [38], NN- [39], OO- [31], PP- [40], QQ- [41], RR- [42], SS- [43], TT- [44], UU- [45] 3D Plastronics allows integrating electronic functions at the surface of the polymer housing of an object by selective metallization of conductive traces and placement of Surface Mount Devices (SMD) [46,47]. 3D Plastronics is the terminology now accepted by the IPC organization [48], but it is also known as Molded Interconnect Devices or Mechatronic Integrated Devices (MID) [47]. ...
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Harvesting of ambient radio-frequency energy is largely covered in the literature. The RF energy harvester is considered most of the time as a standalone board. There is an interest to add the RF harvesting function on an already-designed object. Polymer objects are considered here, manufactured through an additive process and the paper focuses on the rapid prototyping of the harvester using a plastronic approach. An array of four antennas is considered for circular polarization with high self-isolation. The RF circuit is obtained using an electroless copper metallization of the surface of a 3D substrate fabricated using stereolithography printing. The RF properties of the polymer resin are not optimal; thus, the interest of this work is to investigate the potential capabilities of such an implementation, particularly in terms of freedom of 3D design and ease of fabrication. The electromagnetic properties of the substrate are characterized over a band of 0.5–2.5 GHz applying the two-transmission-line method. A circular polarization antenna is experimented as a rapid prototyping vehicle and yields a gain of 1.26 dB. A lab-scale prototype of the rectifier and power management unit are experimented with discrete components. The cold start-up circuit accepts a minimum voltage of 180 mV. The main DC/DC converter operates under 1.4 V but is able to compensate losses for an input DC voltage as low as 100 mV (10 μW). The rectifier alone is capable of 3.5% efficiency at −30 dBm input RF power. The global system of circularly polarized antenna, rectifier, and voltage conversion features a global experimental efficiency of 14.7% at an input power of −13.5 dBm. The possible application of such results is discussed.
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Continuous advances in ultralow-power electronics are a fundamental driving force of developing far-field wireless power harvesting techniques, which generally harnesses low/ambient energy in free space or dedicated wireless power from a power base station. This article reviews recent developments and technology trends in far-field (radiative) wireless power harvesting, including modeling of rectification process inside nonlinear devices, insights into rectenna system design, and demonstrations of emerging applications. The rectification process inside nonlinear devices will be explored, upon which a device selection guideline is provided to help quickly identify suitable devices. Then, the optimization of rectenna design is discussed to realize efficiency enhancement at a limited input power level. Since far-field wireless power harvesting has become a critical enabling technology for battery-free Internet of Things, a series of promising applications is demonstrated in this article to highlight the challenges and opportunities in the field.
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This work proposes to enlarge the maximum readout distance of battery-free harmonic transponders through a careful Schottky diode selection and a consideration of low-temperature operations. Diode SMS7621 is identified to deliver lower conversion loss (CL) of harmonic transponders based on a diode selection guide. Moreover, an analytical method for studying temperature effects on the transponder CL performance is introduced and derived with satisfactory accuracy. A diplexer inserted in the harmonic transponder design can help reduce the antenna number. To mitigate matching difficulties at both fundamental and second-harmonic frequencies, a third-order diplexer is developed to enhance its bandwidth performance. Experimental verification has shown that low-temperature operations can effectively reduce the CL of the SMS7630-based harmonic transponder, thus increasing its readout distance. Specifically, its maximum readout distance at -40 °C has increased by more than 10%, from 6.4 to 7.1 m, compared with that at +40 °C. A complete harmonic transponder based on SMS7621, with dimensions of 85 mm x 45 mm has reached a maximum readout distance of 8 m when the fundamental frequency is 3.5 GHz.
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This work summarizes an outdoor dynamic measurement of ambient radiofrequency (RF) power density in the core areas of Montreal city, which can eventually be exploited for possible battery-free Internet of Things (IoT) sensor network planning. The measurement covers a frequency range of 400 MHz to 2700 MHz. The power density along major streets, roads, and highways is captured and analyzed, which differs from previous stationary measurements. Results indicate that cellular communication bands (GSM/LTE850 and LTE700) are the best choice for RF energy recycling in downtown (populated) areas. The largest average power levels of GSM/LTE850 and LTE700 bands are -35.50 dBm and -36.95 dBm, respectively. In contrast, in suburban areas where cellular communication signals are generally weak, the digital television band with a peak level of -47.68 dBm presents the largest among all frequency bands. Moreover, one separate measurement at a fixed location is conducted on a typical workday to study the effects of foot traffic on ambient RF power density. Results illustrate that no obvious fluctuations are detected during this daytime measurement. For example, both average power levels of GSM/LTE850 and LTE700 remain at a relatively stable level of -25 dBm throughout the measurement. With the advance of far-field wireless power transfer and backscattering techniques, ambient RF powerenabled battery-free IoT sensors are feasible and will contribute to the planning and implementation of a smarter, greener city.
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An integrated cooperative harvester capable of collecting both electromagnetic [(principally radio frequency (RF)] and kinetic energy simultaneously is proposed and studied in this paper. One single substrate board is demonstrated to accommodate and integrate an electromagnetic kinetic generator, an F-shaped antenna, and a rectifying circuit, having a compact credit-card size. Cooperative harvesting mode enables a significant enhancement of the diode's power conversion efficiency (PCE) and also greatly strengthening the resilience of harvester at the same time. Measured results suggest that SMS7630 and HSMS-2850-based cooperative harvesters can increase dc output power by 50% to around 100% when both injecting power sources exhibit below -37 dBm with reference to the total added amount of dc power harvested directly from separate RF and kinetic excitation modes. A closed-form method is proposed and used to predict the enhanced efficiency performance of the cooperative harvester within a low power range of interest (from -50 to -30 dBm). Our analysis highlights the roles of the diode's nonlinear junction resistance and capacitance. Good agreements are observed when comparing the analysis results with harmonic balance simulations by ADS. Furthermore, this method is carefully verified by measured results of two different diode-based harvesters. Measured dc output power rectified from cooperative harvesting mode is reported to be 1.16 and 1.97 times larger with SMS7630 and HSMS-2850, respectively, when both power sources are -40 dBm, compared to the conventional single RF harvesting mode. The proposed cooperative harvester with its strong resilience is highly suitable for ambient power harvesting in an ever-changing environment.
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A set of design criteria for the radio-frequency (RF) section of long-range passive RF identification (RFID) transponders operating in the 2.45-GHz or 868-MHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) frequency ranges is derived in this paper, focusing in particular on the voltage multiplier, the power-matching network, and the backscatter modulation. The paper discusses the design tradeoffs between the error probability at the reader receiver and the converted RF-dc power at the transponder, determining the regions of the design space that allow optimization of the operating range and the data rate of the RFID system.
For RF energy harvesting, where the frequencies, power density, polarization, and direction of incident waves are unknown and variable, broadband rectenna arrays offer a simple scalable approach. In this article, we first compare the design methodology and scalability of narrowband and broadband arrays. An example 10-GHz narrowband rectifier array is presented to showcase the challenges involved in ultralow-power (down to 1 mW/m 2 = 0.1μW0.1 \mu \text{W} /cm 2 ) ground-based harvesting of narrowband satellite signals. The circularly polarized array consists of subarrays with RF power combining before rectification. This approach is then contrasted to harvesting over a wide RF bandwidth, through a comparison of several broadband arrays with rectifiers in each element. This includes a 2–5-GHz bow-tie screen-printed wearable rectenna array with an efficiency exceeding 30% above 50- μW\mu \text{W} /cm 2 incident power density and a 2–18-GHz spiral array tested with powers down to 0.1μW0.1 \mu \text{W} /cm 2 . The two types of arrays are analyzed in the context of applications in a ground-based satellite transmitter with narrowband directional power receiver and in a broadband case with multiple widely spaced simultaneous signals.
This letter presents a novel multiband rectenna for the ambient wireless energy harvesting of an autonomous internet of thing (IoT) sensor. A bow-tie antenna with slits is proposed to obtain four frequency bands at 840 MHz, 1.86, 2.1, and 2.45 GHz, respectively. Furthermore, a multiband rectifying circuit combined of four single ring-loop rectifiers is designed with high conversion efficiency. Finally, a power management circuit with storing and converting the harvested voltage is proposed for smoothing dc output voltage. The energy harvester can be used in practical wireless sensor applications.
This paper discusses far-field wireless powering for low-power wireless sensors, with applications to sensing in environments where it is difficult or impossible to change batteries and where the exact position of the sensors might not be known. With expected radio-frequency (RF) power densities in the 20-200- μW/cm2 range, and desired small sensor overall size, low-power nondirective wireless powering is appropriate for sensors that transmit data at low duty cycles. The sensor platform is powered through an antenna which receives incident electromagnetic waves in the gigahertz frequency range, couples the energy to a rectifier circuit which charges a storage device (e.g., thin-film battery) through an efficient power management circuit, and the entire platform, including sensors and a low-power wireless transmitter, and is controlled through a low-power microcontroller. For low incident power density levels, codesign of the RF powering and the power management circuits is required for optimal performance. Results for hybrid and monolithic implementations of the power management circuitry are presented with integrated antenna rectifiers operating in the 1.96-GHz cellular and in 2.4-GHz industrial-scientific-medical (ISM) bands.
The SPICE Diode Model
  • H Russell
H. Russell, Jr., The SPICE Diode Model. San Jose, CA, USA: Motorola Inc. Opal Engineering, 1991.