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Properties of Human Gastric Lipase Produced by Plant Roots


Abstract and Figures

The properties of recombinant human gastric lipase produced in Arabidopsis thaliana roots have been investigated with the goal of determining the potential of the enzyme. This enzyme is stably bound to roots and can be extracted using a buffer at pH 2.2. This enzyme retains over 75% of its activity after two weeks at room temperature when stored in a pH 2.2 buffer. Some of this activity loss was due to the adsorption of the enzyme to the surface of the container. There was no loss of lipase activity in dehydrated roots stored at room temperature for 27 months. The half-life of the enzyme was approximately 15 min when stored in solution at 60 °C whereas dried roots retained 90% lipase activity after one hour at 80 °C. In vitro binding assays using different root cell wall extracts suggested that the lipase was bound to pectin in the roots. Lipase released from the root powder hydrolyzed tributyrin. The high stability of the recombinant human gastric lipase makes this enzyme a good candidate to be tested as a catalyst, whether in solution or bound to roots.
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Citation: Guerineau, F. Properties of
Human Gastric Lipase Produced by
Plant Roots. Life 2022,12, 1249.
Academic Editor: Jianfeng Xu
Received: 15 July 2022
Accepted: 15 August 2022
Published: 16 August 2022
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Properties of Human Gastric Lipase Produced by Plant Roots
François Guerineau
BioEcoAgro Research Unit, Universitéde Picardie Jules Verne, 33 Rue St Leu, 80039 Amiens, France;
The properties of recombinant human gastric lipase produced in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
have been investigated with the goal of determining the potential of the enzyme. This enzyme is
stably bound to roots and can be extracted using a buffer at pH 2.2. This enzyme retains over 75% of
its activity after two weeks at room temperature when stored in a pH 2.2 buffer. Some of this activity
loss was due to the adsorption of the enzyme to the surface of the container. There was no loss of
lipase activity in dehydrated roots stored at room temperature for 27 months. The half-life of the
enzyme was approximately 15 min when stored in solution at 60
C whereas dried roots retained 90%
lipase activity after one hour at 80
In vitro
binding assays using different root cell wall extracts
suggested that the lipase was bound to pectin in the roots. Lipase released from the root powder
hydrolyzed tributyrin. The high stability of the recombinant human gastric lipase makes this enzyme
a good candidate to be tested as a catalyst, whether in solution or bound to roots.
Keywords: Arabidopsis; hairy roots; lipase; protein production
1. Introduction
Lipases (EC are enzymes of the hydrolase family that: (i) act on triacyl glyc-
erides as part of the catabolic process required for fatty acid absorption and (ii) exhibit
esterase activity. The two main lipases involved in digestion in humans are produced by
pancreas and stomach cells [
]. Unlike pancreatic lipase, gastric lipase (GL) acts at acidic
pH and does not require a colipase for activity [
]. Gastric lipase is a soluble enzyme found
at the interface of lipid droplets and aqueous solutions [
]. The hydrophobic active center
inside the enzyme structure is covered by a lid that opens upon contact of the enzyme with
a substrate [4].
The low pH tolerance of gastric lipase makes it a candidate for enzyme supplemen-
tation therapies for pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis patients [
]. Lipase supplementation is
currently done using enzymes extracted from livestock. A human recombinant enzyme
would be an interesting alternative to lipases of animal origin [
]. Lipases, especially of
microbial origin, have been used as biocatalysts in numerous biosynthetic reactions [
They can act in various solvents or ionic liquids to produce innovative molecules of thera-
peutic interest [
]. Human gastric lipase may also be used as a catalyst in esterification or
transesterification reactions.
Plants are now considered valuable hosts for the production of heterologous pro-
teins [
]. As a consequence of the ban on transgenic crops in some parts of the world,
in vitro
plant systems have been developed for the production of heterologous proteins
with the first approved plant-produced protein for therapeutic use being glucocerebrosi-
dase, produced by transgenic carrot cells grown in bioreactors [
]. Hairy roots are another
in vitro
system that can be used for the production of heterologous proteins [
]. Hairy
roots emerge following infection of plant tissue by the bacteria Rhizobium rhizogenes. Hairy
roots have higher stability than alternative cell culture systems, likely because they can
grow without the need to add phytohormones which can induce genetic
instability [1214]
The Brassicaceae plant family can be used as an alternative to tobacco species for the pro-
duction of heterologous proteins [
]. In particular, Arabidopsis thaliana hairy roots have
Life 2022,12, 1249.
Life 2022,12, 1249 2 of 9
been established for the production of human gastric lipase [
]. Although the enzyme,
in this system, was targeted for secretion, it did not diffuse from the hairy roots to the
culture medium and had to be extracted from the roots, which suggested some interactions
between the enzyme and the roots producing it. In this work, I further investigated the
interaction of gastric lipase with the roots. Given that the stability of an enzyme produced
in a heterologous host was sometimes found to be lower than that of the native enzyme [
I investigated if this was similarly the case in recombinant human gastric lipase produced
by Arabidopsis thaliana hairy roots. This investigation paves the way for using this re-
combinant human gastric lipase enzyme as a biocatalyst or for lipase supplementation in
certain patients.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
The Arabidopsis thaliana hairy root line used in this work was the GL28 line de-
scribed in [
]. It was obtained by hypocotyl transformation of the Arabidopsis sgs3-12
co-suppression mutant line with the Rhizobium rhizogenes 15834 strain containing the cDNA
encoding the mature human gastric lipase, fused to a plant signal peptide-encoding se-
quence, under control of the 2
35 S cauliflower mosaic virus promoter. The lipase
substrates 4-methylumbelliferyloleate (MUO) (ref. 75164) and tributyrin (ref. W222305)
were from Sigma-Aldrich, St-Quentin-Fallavier, France.
2.2. Root Culture and Storage
Hairy roots were grown at 21
C on an orbital shaker at 60 RPM in 55 mm diameter
Petri dishes in Gamborg B5 medium containing sucrose at 5% and 2,4-D at 0.5 mg/L. They
were harvested after 18 to 21 days, briefly washed in distilled water, and freeze-dried
overnight. The dehydrated roots were kept in Eppendorf tubes having their lids punctured.
The tubes were placed in closed containers containing silica gel and stored in the dark at
room temperature.
2.3. Lipase Extraction and Assay
Lipase was extracted by grinding 5 to 10 mg of dry roots in 200 to 400
L of lipase
extraction buffer (LEB: 0.1 M glycine-NaOH pH 2.2, 0.15 M NaCl). The mixture was
incubated for 15 min at 37
C in an Eppendorf Thermomixer at 1000 RPM and then
centrifuged at 13,000
gfor 2 min. Fluorometric assays were done on the supernatants
diluted 1/100 or 1/200 in LEB in Eppendorf Protein LoBind
tubes. As previous work has
established linearity of lipase activity on tributyrin and esterase activity on MUO [18], for
convenience, the fluorometric assay using MUO was used to quantify hGL activity. The
assays were done in MUO substrate solution (10 mM acetate buffer pH 5, 0.15 M NaCl,
7 ppm Triton X-100, 0.15 mM MUO) as described before [
]. The assays were done in
duplicates. The activity was expressed in
moles of 4-methylumbelliferone (MU) produced
per min per ml of undiluted extract or per mg of roots. It was then converted to units/mg
of roots, knowing that one unit of enzyme catalyzed 0.219
moles of MUO per min under
our assay conditions [
]. For the reaction on tributyrin, 100
L of tributyrin was emulsified
in 10 mL of 10 mM acetate buffer pH 5, 0.15 M NaCl, 1% molten agarose and the mixture
was poured into a 90 mm diameter Petri dish. After setting, root powder was sprinkled on
the plate. Photographs were taken after 1, 4, and 24 h.
2.4. Lipase Stability and Tube Binding Assays
Lipase was extracted from different batches of dry roots. Extracts were diluted
1/200 either in 50 mM glycine buffer at pH 2.2, 0.15 M NaCl or in 50 mM acetate buffer at
pH 5, 0.15 M NaCl. The diluted extracts were kept in Protein LoBind
Eppendorf tubes
at room temperature and assayed for lipase activity after 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14 days. After
14 days
, the solutions were transferred into new tubes and the lipase activity was assayed
24 h
later. The activities in stored extracts were expressed as a percentage of activity related
Life 2022,12, 1249 3 of 9
to freshly diluted extracts. To test for lipase binding to tubes, 100
L of lipase diluted 1/200
in one or the other above buffer were placed in Protein LoBind
Eppendorf tubes for
24 h
The solution was removed and the tubes were rinsed with 100
L of buffer of the same
composition as the one used to dilute the extracts. One hundred
L of MUO substrate
solution was placed for one min in the empty tubes. One hundred
L of stop solution was
added and the fluorescence of the MU (4-methylumbelliferone) was measured, indicating
the activity of lipase bound to the tubes.
2.5. Cell Wall Polysaccharide Extraction
Alcohol-insoluble matter (AIM) was prepared using a method described in [
]. Two
hundred mg of freeze-dried untransformed roots were ground in 2 mL of 70% ethanol. The
suspension was vortexed for 20 s and centrifuged at 13,000
gfor 30 s. The pellet was
further extracted twice with 2 mL of 70% ethanol, twice with 100% ethanol, twice with
chloroform/methanol (vol/vol), and once with acetone. The dry pellet was AIM. For pectin
removal, AIM was extracted twice with 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 50 mM EDTA for
15 min
in an Eppendorf Thermomixer set at 60
C and 1000 RPM, and then twice with
50 mM
under the same conditions. The pectin-deprived AIM pellet was then washed in
1 mL of acetone and dried at 65 C.
2.6. In Vitro Lipase Binding Assays
Lipase was extracted from GL28 roots using LEB as described above (40 µL LEB/mg
roots). The proteins were precipitated by 70% ammonium sulfate for 5 min at room
temperature. After centrifugation for 5 min at 13,000
g, the pellets were dissolved in
the same volume of 10 mM acetate buffer, pH 5. Two hundred
L of the solution was
incubated for 15 min with 5 mg of either root powder or AIM or pectin-deprived AIM in
an Eppendorf Thermomixer set at 30
C and 900 RPM. The suspension was centrifuged
at 13,000
2 min
. The supernatants were collected for the quantification of unbound
lipase. The pellets were washed once with 10 mM acetate buffer pH 5 and resuspended
in 200
L of LEB for lipase extraction for 15 min in an Eppendorf Thermomixer set at
37 C
and 1000 RPM. After centrifugation at 13,000
gfor 2 min, the lipase activity in the
supernatant was assayed, indicating the amount of bound lipase.
2.7. Statistical Analysis
For each experiment, n indicates the number of lipase extractions done on dry roots.
Two enzyme assays were done on each extract. The two values were averaged and the
mean activities in the different extracts were calculated. The confidence intervals of the
means (CI; p= 0.95) were calculated on and indicated as error bars on the
graphs. The number of replicates (n) is given for each experiment in the figures or after the
mean values and CI in the text.
3. Results
3.1. Extraction of Lipase from Roots
Dehydrated roots were ground in various extraction buffers and the lipase activities in
the extracts were measured. As found before [
], much less lipase was released in acetate
buffer at pH 5 than in glycine buffer at pH 2.2 (LEB). However, the addition of 1 M NaCl
or of 0.2 M CaCl
to acetate buffer resulted in the release of 2.7 and 8 times more lipase
activity than by acetate alone, respectively (Figure 1).
Life 2022,12, 1249 4 of 9
Figure 1.
Release of gastric lipase from dry root powder in different solutions. Ac is 10 mM acetate
buffer. Gly is 0.1 M glycine buffer. Bars are confidence intervals (0.95; n= 5).
3.2. Stability of Lipase in Solution at Room Temperature
A time course of lipase activity in solution at pH 2.2 or at pH 5 kept at room temper-
ature was performed. These pHs were chosen because they are the pH of the extraction
buffer and of the assay buffer, respectively. Whereas extracts at pH 2.2 retained approxi-
mately 75% of lipase activity after 14 days, those at pH 5 lost over 50% activity over the
same time span (Figure 2). Transferring the diluted solutions of lipase to new tubes on
day 14 resulted in a sharp drop of lipase activity after 24 h, especially at pH 5. To test for
adsorption on tubes, lipase diluted in solutions at pH 2.2 or at pH 5 were placed in tubes
for 24 h and removed. The tubes were then rinsed, and the activity of lipase adsorbed onto
the tube was measured. The lipase activity per tube was 0.095
0.012 mU (0.95 CI, n= 6)
or 1.5 ±0.39 mU (0.95 CI, n= 6) for lipase in buffer at pH 2.2 or at pH 5, respectively.
Figure 2.
Time course of gastric lipase activity in extracts kept at 20
C, at pH 2.2 (circles) or at
pH 5
(triangles). The extracts were placed in new tubes on day 14. Bars are confidence intervals (0.95;
n= 6).
3.3. Long-Term Storage of Lipase in Roots
Extracts from roots that had been freeze-dried the day before had a lipase activity
of 6.59
0.26 U/mg roots (0.95 CI, n= 10). Extracts from roots that were kept in silica
gel-containing pots for 27 months had a lipase activity of 6.63
0.3 U/mg roots (0.95 CI,
Life 2022,12, 1249 5 of 9
n= 10
). Similar lipase activity was observed in extracts from dry roots that were stored for
shorter amounts of time (Table S1).
3.4. Temperature Stability of Lipase
To investigate whether the association of gastric lipase to roots translated into higher
temperature stability, the stability at 60
C of lipase in solution or in dehydrated roots was
compared. The half-life of lipase in lipase extraction buffer at 60
C was approximately
15 min
whereas there was no loss of lipase activity extracted from dry roots kept at 60
for one hour (Figure 3). Incubating lipase in extraction buffer for 5 min at 80
C resulted in
a total loss of lipase activity (data not shown). In contrast, the activity of lipase extracted
from dry roots incubated at 80
C for one hour was 92.7
9.4% (0.95 CI, n= 4) of that of
lipase extracted from the control roots kept at room temperature. Similarly, 56.4
(0.95 CI, n= 4) activity could be recovered from roots incubated for one hour at 100
To assess the relative contributions of the association with roots or of the dehydration
in the thermal stability of dry root-associated lipase, dehydrated roots were ground and
hydrated in 20 mM acetate buffer pH 5, 0.15 M NaCl. The mixes were incubated either
at room temperature or at 60
C for 30 min. The lipase was then extracted from the roots
and assayed for lipase activity. The activity extracted from heat-treated hydrated roots
was 33.4
5.4% (0.95 CI, n= 4) of the activity extracted from hydrated roots kept at
room temperature.
Figure 3.
Stability at 60
C of gastric lipase in solution in lipase extraction buffer (circles) or in dry
roots (triangles). Bars are confidence intervals (0.95; n= 4).
3.5. In Vitro Binding Assays
To investigate the interaction of human gastric lipase with plant cell wall polysaccha-
in vitro
binding assays were undertaken. Lipase in 10 mM acetate buffer at
pH 5
incubated with either untransformed root powder, cell wall powder, or cell wall powder
from which pectin had been extracted. The unbound and bound fractions of lipase were
extracted and assayed as indicated in the materials and methods section above. The binding
of lipase to each powder was expressed as a percentage of bound lipase activity related to
the total lipase activity. The binding of hGL was much more extensive on root powder and
cell wall powder than on pectin-deprived cell wall powder (Figure 4).
Life 2022,12, 1249 6 of 9
Figure 4. In vitro
binding of gastric lipase to root powder (RP), cell wall powder (CW), or pectin-
deprived cell wall powder (PDCW). Bars are confidence intervals (0.95, nindicated on graph).
3.6. Enzyme Release from Root Powder
To see whether gastric lipase could be released from root powder to hydrolyze a sub-
strate, root powder was sprinkled on a tributyrin-containing agarose plate. Untransformed
root powder was used as a control. The formation of a clear halo around each grain of
transgenic root indicated tributyrin hydrolysis, with the size of the halos increasing with
time (Figure 5).
Figure 5.
Degradation of tributyrin by gastric lipase diffusing from transgenic root powder on an
agarose plate. (
) after 1 h; (
) after 4 h; (
) after 24 h. In each plate: left, untransformed root powder;
right, transgenic root powder.
4. Discussion
Previous work has shown that unlike EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein), the
human gastric lipase targeted for secretion failed to diffuse from transgenic hairy roots
into the culture medium [
]. The enzyme, which had likely accumulated in the cell walls,
had to be extracted from the roots. Similarly, gastric lipase produced in Pichia pastoris also
remained in the cell wall [
]. The efficiency of the extraction of human gastric lipase from
hairy roots was shown to be pH-dependent, with markedly more lipase being released at
pH 2.2 than at pH 5 [
]. Here, the effect of salts on lipase release was investigated. The
addition of 1 M NaCl or of 0.2 M CaCl
enhanced the release of lipase from root powder at
pH 5 (Figure 1). The effect of the 0.2 M CaCl
solution on lipase release was found to be
three times higher than that of the 1 M NaCl solution, although the ionic strength of the
solution was lower than that of the NaCl solution. This result suggests a specific
action of calcium ions. In plant cell walls, calcium ions interact with pectin by forming
bridges between homogalacturonan chains [
]. The extensive effect of CaCl
on lipase
release from roots suggests involvement of pectin in lipase retention in the cell wall at pH 5.
Life 2022,12, 1249 7 of 9
To investigate the interaction of lipase with cell wall components, gastric lipase was
added to either root powder or crude cell wall extracts or cell wall extracts from which
soluble pectin had been removed. The binding of lipase to root powder and to cell wall
powder was very effective whereas it was markedly lower on cell wall powder from which
pectin had been extracted (Figure 4). This strengthened the hypothesis of lipase interaction
with pectin in root cell walls. The negative charges of pectin at pH 5 might be responsible
for the association with lipase, expected to be positively charged below its pI of 6.9. In
contrast, at pH 2.2, homogalacturonans are expected not to be charged, which would
explain the release of lipase at this pH. Similarly, the addition of CaCl
might trigger lipase
release at pH 5 by competing for the negative charges of pectin.
The time course analysis of lipase activity in solution at pH 2.2 revealed a slow decrease
down to approximately 75% of the initial activity after 14 days (Figure 2). There was more
activity loss at pH 5, down to approximately 45%. Although this could indicate higher
stability of lipase at pH 2.2 than at pH 5, the following observation points towards another
mechanism. The transfer of lipase solutions into new tubes after 14 days resulted in a sharp
drop in activity after 24 h. This strongly suggested that lipase adsorption on tubes was
occurring. This hypothesis was confirmed by a tube-binding assay that revealed lipase
activity on the surface of the tubes. The binding was 15 times more extensive at pH 5 than at
pH 2.2. The adsorption of various lipases on polypropylene beads has been reported, with
the immobilization causing a loss of enzyme activity in some cases [
]. The propensity of
gastric lipase to adsorb on surfaces has to be taken into account when using this enzyme.
Human gastric lipase was found to be more stable in gastric juice than when puri-
fied [
]. It was found that the half-life of purified gastric lipase was only 25 min at pH 2
and pH 3 and 101 min at pH 5 whereas it was over 24 h in gastric juice at pH 3 and pH 5
and 510 min at pH 2. The stability of recombinant lipase extracted from plant roots here
was higher than that of native lipase in gastric fluid. Some plant co-extracted proteins
or other molecules may have a stabilizing effect on lipase. Alternatively, higher stability
might result from differences in the protein structures of the native and the recombinant
enzymes, due to differences in the glycan structures deposited on proteins by animal and
plant cells [
]. In any case, the higher stability of the recombinant enzyme extracted from
plant roots is a valuable feature for its use as a biocatalyst.
The effect of the association of lipase with root cell wall on the lipase thermal tolerance
was evaluated. The half-life of lipase in solution in LEB at 60
C was approximately
15 min
(Figure 3). In contrast, the half-life of lipase in dry roots at 100
C was over an
hour, revealing much higher temperature stability of the lipase in dehydrated roots than
in solution. When hydrated roots were incubated at 60
C for 30 min, the lipase activity
dropped by 67% whereas lipase in solution under similar treatment lost 80% of its activity
(Figure 3). The thermal tolerance of lipase in dehydrated roots is therefore mainly due
to dehydration.
The protective effect of dehydration was also confirmed by long-term stability mea-
surements. It has been previously shown that approximately 17% of lipase activity was
lost in roots kept at room temperature for two months [
]. In that experiment, no silica
gel was used for the storage of the roots, which resulted in the roots being exposed to
atmospheric moisture. Here, the storage of roots in the presence of silica gel ensured more
extensive dehydration and long-term preservation of lipase activity. There was no loss
of extractable lipase activity in dehydrated roots over a period of 27 months. Although
freeze-drying is a well-established method of tissue or protein preservation, long-term
studies are lacking [
]. In order to maintain the activity of proteins upon freeze-drying,
a protecting agent must often be added to them [
]. The high stability of human gastric
lipase in lyophilized plant roots revealed a high tolerance of the enzyme to dehydration.
Tributyrin was hydrolyzed around root powder specked on an agarose plate (Figure 5),
which indicated that some gastric lipase was released from the roots and diffused onto
the agarose to hydrolyze the substrate. The slow release of lipase at pH 5 initiated the
production of butyric acid, which decreased the pH around the roots, causing the release of
Life 2022,12, 1249 8 of 9
more enzymes. This induction mechanism likely explains the diffusion of the enzyme on
the agar plate, indicated by the enlargement of the halos around the specks, over 24 h.
5. Conclusions
This work has revealed interesting properties of a plant-produced human gastric
lipase, such as high stability at room temperature and high tolerance to dehydration, that
could be leveraged in the design of supplement formulations for the treatment of certain
patients. The propensity of gastric lipase to bind pectin or to adsorb on surfaces suggests
that the immobilization of the enzyme may be easy. The stability of the enzyme favors its
use as a biocatalyst in solvents or in ionic liquids. The strong association of lipase with roots
provided a slow-release form of the enzyme that can be utilized in biochemical reactions,
whether in aqueous or non-aqueous solvents. The ease of production of this extremophilic
human enzyme by plant roots enables the production of structural variants of the enzyme
that will improve its properties and its biosynthesis capacity.
Supplementary Materials:
The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www., Table S1: Lipase activity extracted from roots kept at room
temperature for various amounts of time.
This research was funded by MESRI (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la
Recherche et de l’Innovation), grant number EA3900 and by the SFR (Structure Fédérative de
Recherche) Condorcet, LIPACT project.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data is contained within the article or Supplementary Materials.
I am very grateful to Catherine Sarazin for helpful discussions and critical
reading of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
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... Apart from the extensive body of research dedicated to exploring bioactive small molecules derived from plants, a notable study by Dr. Guerineau reported the successful production of recombinant human gastric lipase by Arabidopsis thaliana root culture while also providing a comprehensive characterization of the enzyme's properties [13]. This investigation showcases the application of molecular pharming in plants as a means to synthesize recombinant proteins, which are big molecules. ...
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The plant kingdom has long been revered for its complex biochemical pathways, which give rise to an incredible array of bioactive compounds [...]
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Lyophilization is a cost-effective method for biological specimen preservation but detailed tissue-specific reference protocols are still lacking. Moreover, data are limited on the long-term stability of proteins and nucleic acids in lyophilized samples. Here, we offer lyophilization protocols for various rat and mouse tissues (kidney, heart, liver, lung, aorta, and skin) coupled with technical hints for optimal sample preparation. We demonstrate that lyophilized samples stored at 4 °C for 20 months can yield protein and RNA of similar quantity and quality to −80 °C storage, while phosphorylated proteins are preserved as well. Freeze-dried and subsequently pulverized samples can provide more consistent, more reliable data especially when investigating focal injuries, such as fibrosis. We developed a protocol for the concentration of biological solutions and achieved 20-times concentration in human peritoneal dialysis effluent solution which enables the previously unattainable detection of proteins in these samples. We established a method for water removal as well as accurate water content measurement of fecal samples, which can be valuable for gut metabolome analysis. Taken together, lyophilization is a valuable tool for the preservation of biological samples with many advantages. We aim to draw attention to the wide range of possibilities offered by freeze drying in pre-clinical or basic research.
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Arabidopsis hairy roots were used to produce human gastric lipase. When treated with 2,4-D, the hairy roots developed into thick organs that produced more protein than untreated roots. This was first assessed using green fluorescent protein-producing root lines from which the protein diffused into the culture medium. When growing hairy roots which express the human gastric lipase gene, very little lipase was found in the medium. Incubating the roots in a low pH buffer resulted in lipase diffusion into the buffer, avoiding the need for grinding. The activity of the enzyme on 4-methylumbellireryl-oleate and on tributyrin was determined. Approximately 6000 units of enzyme were recovered per gram of root. The enzyme was also extracted from freeze-dried roots before and after a 2-month storage period at room temperature. This work demonstrates the relevance of Arabidopsis hairy roots for the production of human gastric lipase.
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Over the last three decades, the expression of recombinant proteins in plants and plant cells has been promoted as an alternative cost-effective production platform. However, the market is still dominated by prokaryotic and mammalian expression systems, the former offering high production capacity at a low cost, and the latter favored for the production of complex biopharmaceutical products. Although plant systems are now gaining widespread acceptance as a platform for the larger-scale production of recombinant proteins, there is still resistance to commercial uptake. This partly reflects the relatively low yields achieved in plants, as well as inconsistent product quality and difficulties with larger-scale downstream processing. Furthermore, there are only a few cases in which plants have demonstrated economic advantages compared to established and approved commercial processes, so industry is reluctant to switch to plant-based production. Nevertheless, some plant-derived proteins for research or cosmetic/pharmaceutical applications have reached the market, showing that plants can excel as a competitive production platform in some niche areas. Here, we discuss the strengths of plant expression systems for specific applications, but mainly address the bottlenecks that must be overcome before plants can compete with conventional systems, enabling the future commercial utilization of plants for the production of valuable proteins.
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Treatment with 2,4-D induced the development of callus-like structures on Brassica rapa hairy roots grown in liquid medium. The structures probably originated from pericycle cell divisions and developed in a non-concentric manner to give conical organs, which did not separate from the roots, whereas the root cortical and epidermal cell layers degenerated. Various cell types were found within the structures, indicating that these differ from simple calli. They are likely to represent secondary root primordia that fail to elongate as a result of hormonal pressure. Hairy roots transformed with a human gene encoding gastric lipase (hGL) were used to produce the recombinant protein. Lipase activity was measured in the culture medium of these roots. The analysis of N-glycans on hGL produced by hairy roots revealed the presence of paucimannosidic N-glycans. Moreover, when the root cultures were treated with 2,4-D, approximately 2.7 times more lipase activity was measured in the culture medium, compared to untreated root cultures, revealing the higher efficiency of this system for the production of a heterologous protein. In addition, some His-tag epitope was found on EGFP in the medium of 2,4-D-treated roots expressing a his-egfp gene, whereas the same tag was totally degraded in the medium of untreated roots, suggesting a reducing effect of 2,4-D on the release of proteolytic activity in the culture medium. We propose to name this new hairy root-derived protein production process “rhizocalli”.
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Plants remain a major source of new drugs, leads and fine chemicals. Cell cultures deriving from plants offer a fascinating tool to study plant metabolic pathways and offer large scale production systems for valuable compounds – commercial examples include compounds such as paclitaxel. The major constraint with undifferentiated cell cultures is that they are generally considered to be genetically unstable and cultured cells tend to produce low yields of secondary metabolites especially over time. Hairy roots, a tumor tissue caused by infection of Agrobacterium rhizogenes is a relevant alternative for plant secondary metabolite production for being fast growing, able to grow without phytohormones, and displaying higher stability than undifferentiated cells. Although genetic and metabolic stability has often been connected to transgenic hairy roots, there are only few reports on how a very long-term subculturing effects on the production capacity of hairy roots. In this study, hairy roots producing high tropane alkaloid levels were subjected to 16-year follow-up in relation to genetic and metabolic stability. Cryopreservation method for hairy roots of Hyoscyamus muticus was developed to replace laborious subculturing, and although the post-thaw recovery rates remained low, the expression of transgene remained unaltered in cryopreserved roots. It was shown that although displaying some fluctuation in the metabolite yields, even an exceedingly long-term subculturing was successfully applied without significant loss of metabolic activity.
Almost all plant cells are surrounded by a wall constructed of co-extensive networks of polysaccharides and proteoglycans. The capability to analyse cell wall components is essential for both understanding their complex biology and to fully exploit their numerous practical applications. Several biochemical and immunological techniques are used to analyse cell walls and in almost all cases the first step is the preparation of an alcohol insoluble residue (AIR). There is significant variation in the protocols used for AIR preparation, which can have a notable impact on the downstream extractability and detection of cell wall components. To explore these effects, we have formally compared ten AIR preparation methods and analysed polysaccharides subsequently extracted using high-performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC-PAD) and Micro Array Polymer Profiling (MAPP). Our results reveal the impact that AIR preparation has on downstream detection of cell wall components and the need for optimisation and consistency when preparing AIR.
Alginate and pectin are emblematic natural polyuronates that have been widely used in food, cosmetics and medicine. Ca-dependent gelation is one of their most important functional properties. The gelation mechanisms of alginate and pectin, known as egg-box model, were believed to be basically the same, because their Ca-binding sites show a mirror symmetric conformation. However, studies have found that the formation and the structure of egg-box dimmers between alginate and pectin were different. Very few studies have reviewed those differences. Therefore, this study was proposed to first summarize the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that can influence the gelation of alginate and pectin. The differences in the effect of these factors on the gelation of alginate and pectin were then discussed. Meanwhile, the similarity and difference in their gelation mechanism was also summarized. The knowledge gained in this review would provide useful information for the practical applications of alginate and pectin.
Ionic liquids (ILs) - as environmentally friendly “green” solvents- have been progressively used in various reactions as reagents, solvents and co-solvents including lipase-catalysed reactions. In fact, lipase-catalysed reactions in ILs are considered as a “green”-reaction and are more advantageous than chemical methods owing to the easy recovery of the product and the mild conditions of the reactions. The use of lipase in ILs provides many technological advantages compared to conventionally used solvents, such as selectivity enhancement, enzyme stability improvement, higher conversion rate, and better recyclability and recovery system. Nevertheless, in some cases, especially in hydrophilic ILs, lipase exhibits activity reduction when compared with organic solvents. Currently, various attempts have been made to enhance the performance of lipases in ILs. The main objective of this review is to demonstrate recent developments in the technology of using ILs as reaction media for lipase. It is expected that this review might be an inspiration in ILs assisted lipase-catalysed reactions to produce value-added materials including biofuels as well as biodiesel.
The cDNA encoding human gastric lipase (HGL) was integrated into the genome of Pichia pastoris using the pGAPZα A transfer vector. The HGL signal peptide was replaced by the yeast α-factor to achieve an efficient secretion. Active rHGL was produced by the transformed yeast but its levels and stability were dependent on the pH. The highest activity was obtained upon buffering the culture medium at pH 5, a condition that allowed preserving enzyme activity over time. A large fraction (72 ± 2%) of secreted rHGL remained however bound to the yeast cells, and was released by washing the cell pellet with an acid glycine-HCl buffer (pH 2.2). This procedure allowed establishing a first step of purification that was completed by size exclusion chromatography. N-terminal sequencing and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry revealed that rHGL was produced in its mature form, with a global mass of 50,837 ± 32 Da corresponding to a N-glycosylated form of HGL polypeptide (43,193 Da). rHGL activity was characterized as a function of pH, various substrates and in the presence of bile salts and pepsin, and was found similar to native HGL, except for slight changes in pH optima. We then studied by site-directed mutagenesis the role of three key residues (K4, E225, R229) involved in salt bridges stabilizing the lid domain that controls the access to the active site and is part of the interfacial recognition site. Their substitution has an impact on the pH-dependent activity of rHGL and its relative activities for medium and long chain triglycerides.
Hairy root cultures generated using Agrobacterium rhizogenes are an extensively investigated system for the overproduction of various secondary metabolite based pharmaceuticals and chemicals. This study demonstrated a transgenic Catharanthus roseus hairy root line carrying a feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS) maintained chemical and genetic stability for 11 years. The AS gene was originally inserted in the hairy root genome under the control of a glucocorticoid inducible promoter. After 11 years continuous maintenance of this hairy root line, genomic PCR of the ASA gene showed the presence of ASA gene in the genome. The mRNA level of AS was induced to 52 fold after feeding the inducer compared to the un-induced control. The AS enzyme activity was 18.4 nmol/(min*mg) in the induced roots compared to 2.1 nmol/(min*mg) in the control. In addition, the changes in terpenoid indole alkaloid concentrations after overexpressing AS were tracked over 11 years. The major alkaloid levels in induced and control roots at 11 years are comparable with the metabolite levels at 5 years. This study demonstrates the long term genetic and biochemical stability of hairy root lines which has important implications for industrial scale applications. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.