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Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique



This article critique aims to determine and evaluate the strengths and shortcomings of the article titled "Creative Expression—How do Artists communicate their message?" by Evan Tublitz in 2014, reviewed and critiqued in order to evaluate and analyze the role of art and artists in development and to draw new perspectives on life, as art is primarily a means of communication. Language-bound ideas are often conveyed through painting, sculpture, and music, and they do so to reveal new perspectives, just like other artists. Seeing and understanding artwork is necessary to express oneself and understand the world. This attitude comes through in the art. The artistic framing and communication of ideas captivated the author to consider the whole piece or section to form an intellectual idea—an artist shapes and glazes clay to express ideas; artists, like musicians, begin with an idea. During this event, we all maximized our contributions to the bodies of knowledge, liberty, and freedom. In addition, there are many ways to express oneself in photography. The artist gives us a new perspective as it shows how intellectual and emotional concepts influence perceptions of the world. Emotions, thoughts, images, and ideas are elicited by humans who want to educate, persuade, move, and broaden their minds. In conclusion, the artist as philosopher's role is to inspire, comprehend, and transform others, and possibly to transfer this knowledge. Art is created to express itself. The audience consumes and interacts with art, where ideas are acquired and communicated.
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 1 of 5
Academic Article
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts
in Development Article Critique
Almighty C. Tabuena *
Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000, Philippines
This article critique aims to determine and evaluate the strengths and shortcomings of the article titled
"Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their message?" by Evan Tublitz in 2014, reviewed and
critiqued in order to evaluate and analyze the role of art and artists in development and to draw new
perspectives on life, as art is primarily a means of communication. Language-bound ideas are often conveyed
through painting, sculpture, and music, and they do so to reveal new perspectives, just like other artists. Seeing
and understanding artwork is necessary to express oneself and understand the world. This attitude comes
through in the art. The artistic framing and communication of ideas captivated the author to consider the whole
piece or section to form an intellectual idea-an artist shapes and glazes clay to express ideas; artists, like
musicians, begin with an idea. During this event, we all maximized our contributions to the bodies of
knowledge, liberty, and freedom. In addition, there are many ways to express oneself in photography. The
artist gives us a new perspective as it shows how intellectual and emotional concepts influence perceptions of
the world. Emotions, thoughts, images, and ideas are elicited by humans who want to educate, persuade, move,
and broaden their minds. In conclusion, the artist as philosopher's role is to inspire, comprehend, and transform
others, and possibly to transfer this knowledge. Art is created to express itself. The audience consumes and
interacts with art, where ideas are acquired and communicated.
Keywords: Arts, artists, critique, communication, development, expression
* Corresponding author:
Almighty C. Tabuena E-mail:
Received: 30 June 2022,
Revised: 6 July 2022,
Accepted: 11 June 2022
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2): 257373
E-ISSN 2773-9953 (online)
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 2 of 5
Each artistic expression, regardless of medium, is an attempt to introduce the audience to a new way
of experiencing life through the lens of the subject matter being explored at the time of creation (Tabuena &
Domingo, 2021; Tublitz, 2014). As a result, every art form, including music, contributes to another life for
individuals, in which a range of motions and interests are imparted for human sustainability and development-
centers of industry, as well as sites from where new aesthetic trends emerge, grow, and disseminate.
In terms of the arts industry, the pursuits that were significantly acquired in some locations resulted
in the establishment of a type of art that could support their economic and social elements of existence.
Throughout history, economic necessities, material desires, and political ambitions have brought people from
various cultures and communities together, often over long distances, in order to meet their needs and fulfill
their objectives. Whether via confrontations or collaborative efforts, these convergences have resulted in the
flow of knowledge and ideas amongst people (Annenberg Learner, 2019). Due to the fact that art is solely a
means of communication, this article titled "Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their
message?" by Evan Tublitz (2014) was reviewed and critiqued in order to evaluate and analyze the arts for
development and to draw new perspectives on life, as art is primarily a means of communication.
Significance of the Study
There are numerous ways to communicate through art without using words. They can also be plainly
visible, such as in a celebratory photo of a political figure. However, there are other times when a work of art
communicates through aspects you might not immediately notice, such as the color scheme, composition (the
underlying form and how elements relate to one another), or the way the forms are joined or dispersed. Art
frequently reflects on the time period in which it was created, whether as a statement of support or a reaction
against something, and it often explores broad ideas or themes, some more obvious than others. Since art is
primarily a form of communication, this study sought to identify and assess the benefits and drawbacks of
how creative expression assists artists in communicating their message.
The primary objective of this article critique is to assess the strengths and shortcomings of the article
titled "Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their message?" by Tublitz (2014), reviewed and
critiqued in order to evaluate and analyze the role of art and artists in development and to draw new
perspectives on life, as art is primarily a means of communication. Furthermore, it sought to look into the use
of art as a means of communication, learn some of the ideas that are expressed in art and how they convey
meaning, and investigate the messages in different art forms.
This article employed a descriptive qualitative approach through a critique process and book review
of one of Tublitz's (2014) works titled "Creative Expression-How do Artists transmit their message?"
(Creswell, 2009; Tabuena et al., 2021). Choosing a qualitative descriptive approach is essential when a
straightforward description of a phenomenon is desired. This approach can be particularly useful when
researchers want to know who was involved in an event as well as what was involved in it and where it
occurred. It is also useful when researchers want to know who was involved in an event as well as where it
took place (Lambert & Lambert, 2012).
The author of an article critique, on the other hand, is required to critically examine a piece of research
or other appropriate, relevant, and reliable materials and other sources in order to determine and evaluate the
strengths and shortcomings of the article. Even though a critique may include a quick synopsis of the research,
the primary focus should be on the review, analysis, and interpretation of the research itself (Tabuena &
Hilario, 2021).
Result and Discussion
In general, the artist is attempting to portray both intellectual and emotional concepts that are often
constrained by the spoken or written word by transporting us to another world through his or her work. Using
their art, the artist creates a pastiche of emotional and intellectual pictures, frequently juxtaposing competing
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 3 of 5
ideas to illuminate an alternative way of seeing, thereby allowing the audience to discover new vistas of
understanding for themselves (Tublitz, 2014; Zimmermann, 2017). It is essential for teachers to introduce
students to different ways of looking at and finding meaning in artwork as a means of expressing themselves
and understanding the world through various art forms in various settings, fields, and communication (Bravo
et al., 2022; David, 2021; De Souza et al., 2021). This approach allows one to naturally express the idea of
communication in various art forms.
One of the author's other points was that he found it fascinating to watch how artists frame an idea
and transmit it to an audience. When a musical composer develops a musical phrase to evoke a specific
emotional reaction, the intellectual notion is created by looking at the piece or section as a whole. Further, the
dance choreographer accomplishes this by devising a specific movement and framing it within the perspective
of the entire piece or portion in order to produce a persuasive intellectual and emotional amalgam that is
memorable and compelling. In addition, the potter shapes a piece of clay and then glazes it to bring out specific
ideas he or she wants to express. The painter or visual artist chooses a subject and then realizes it to create a
whole concept that is comprised of many smaller parts that, like the musician, elicit specific emotional
responses through the juxtaposition of color, shape, and content.
The arts were discovered in each of us during this particular event in our lives-there is an established
culture that appears to take the arts for granted, and yet, we all maximized ourselves into the bodies of
knowledge, liberty, and freedom during this unique event. It is the author's belief that both intellectual and
emotional concepts were merged into one concrete feature of living-where the mind, which constitutes our
identity as the arts, combined into an identity in which these arts become distinctive and functional to an
individual's existence-that has had the greatest impact.
One particularly interesting aesthetic expression can be found, most notably in photography, but it can
also be found in movies and literature as well. This fresh perspective is provided by the artist, who guides us
to perceive something that was present throughout the event but that we may not have noticed otherwise.
Another type of communication that corresponds to the other side of the arts-reflecting the idea that intellectual
and emotional concepts (Desai, 2019) were constructed to affect conceptions in the world, specifically in life-
in which a series of events became founded and perceptive through an individual's competencies-is a form of
communication that corresponds to the other side of the arts.
The same technique can be accomplished with words by establishing a vantage point (the position of
the reader observing the events unfolding) from which to examine the events in order to concentrate on a
specific perspective. To establish the right concepts and sentiments, the world of music must be built in order
for the listener to have a vantage point from which to see things. The context serves as a framework for the
point or message that the composer is attempting to communicate. In contrast to other forms of human
expression, the creative arts are distinguished by the fact that we are dealing with a world of non-verbal
communication-even in literature (Vibulpatanavong, 2020), where words are merely a vehicle for thoughts
and feelings.
We humans employ a variety of instruments, including sounds, words, visual images, movement, and
ideas, among others, to elicit feelings, thoughts, images, and ideas in an audience in order to transmit a specific
message (the creator wants to share). The goal is to inform, cajole, move, and open the audience's thinking
and perspective in order for them to perceive the world in a different light than they had previously. As a
result, whether in a particular nation, a specific group, or even in an individual's own life, the arts have a
significant impact on society; the arts have contributed to the development of human existence itself.
An inquiry into the social effects of Philippine music revealed that 92 percent of those surveyed agreed
that the music brings people together by creating harmonious communication and comfort, as well as helping
them make friends and improve their interpersonal skills. Another 82 percent agreed that music has been used
by people to express liberalism, particularly in some speeches and acts of expression of freedom of expression.
As a result of their character and the messages it conveys to them about their holistic well-being, Philippine
music has a variety of significant implications for people's lives. A considerable contribution to this process
is made by musical engagements, which have a significant impact on one's lifestyle, behavior, and overall
condition as a member of society (Tabuena, 2020).
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 4 of 5
Painting, sculpture, and music all attempt to convey ideas that are frequently constrained by the spoken
or written word. They, and other artists, prevalently juxtapose diametrically opposed ideas in order to reveal
novel perspectives. Teachers must instill in students the ability to view and interpret artwork in order for them
to express themselves and comprehend the world. This attitude manifests itself naturally in artistic expression.
Additionally, the author was fascinated by how artists frame and communicate ideas to an audience. The
intellectual notion is formed by considering the entire piece or section in its entirety. On the other hand, a
potter uses clay to express ideas by shaping and glazing it. As with a musician, a painter or visual artist begins
with a subject and then expands upon it to create a larger concept.
Despite a culture that appears to take the arts for granted, during this specific event, we all maximized
our valuable contributions to the bodies of knowledge, liberty, and freedom. The author believes that the mind,
which forms our identity as the arts, when combined into an identity in which these arts become distinctive
and functional to an individual's existence, has had the greatest impact. Aesthetic expressions in photography,
but also in film and literature, are varied. The artist offers a unique perspective, highlighting an aspect of the
event that we may have missed. It demonstrates how intellectual and emotional concepts were developed to
influence perceptions of the world, specifically life-a series of events founded on and perceptible through an
individual's competencies. Similarly, establishing a vantage point can achieve the same effect. The world of
music must be constructed for the listener in order to instill the appropriate concepts and sentiments. The
composer's point is surrounded by this context. Even in literature, where words serve as vehicles for thoughts
and emotions, the creative arts address non-verbal communication.
Humans employ a variety of tools to elicit an audience's emotions, thoughts, images, and ideas in
order to communicate a message. The objective is to educate, persuade, move, and expand the audience's mind
and perspective in order for them to see the world in new ways. Thus, the arts have a sizable impact on society,
whether at a national, group, or individual level. The artist as philosopher's role is to create new perspectives
on life in order to inspire others to think and evolve further-to inspire others to comprehend and transform
and, perhaps, transfer this knowledge to others. Art exists solely for communication's sake. By consuming and
interacting with art, the audience brings it to life and endows it with its own existence. When ideas are acquired
and communicated, they come to life and take on a life of their own.
Conflict of Interest
The author declares that there was no conflict of interest in the completion of this research article
(article critique).
The researcher would like to express his gratitude first to Evan Tublitz, the author of the work titled
"Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their message?" for this article critique. Secondly, to
Assoc. Prof. Mary Leigh Ann C. Perez, my former professor in Music in Development during my
undergraduate course, as part of the material taken which was submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements at the Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines.
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 5 of 5
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... New styles of bamboo collaboration products must meet the requirements for product development and distribution in domestic and international markets (Upphapong et al, 2 0 1 3 ) . A visual concept is a combination of materials and methods made of various smaller parts that respond to reactions to the contrasts of color, form, as well as material (Tabuena, 2022). Diversity is necessary for creative thinking; therefore, it is essential to gather diverse materials and methods and approaches to innovative design (Prud'homme van Reine, 2017). ...
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The research on local wisdom in northeastern Thailand as a creativity source is part of the study of the bamboo weaving method's application to new concept design in the scope of cross- culture. Observing cultural community character and applying it to evaluating design between Northeastern cultural characters resulted in the development of a new weaving concept involving tung strings and bamboo strains. In approaching the bamboo weaving scope, the methods for selecting the population were purposeful and quotasampling, which aimed to emphasize the importance of creativity development, treatment of the material sector, and culture in the product function approach. Managing the community's design thinking step activity in the woven product as a source of creativity helps determine the framework based on conditions to set new goals for product development based on the philosophy of art in shape and methods used by the local community. Weaving is a social activity practiced by people in northeastern Thailand. On occasion, woven products are used as functional items, tung as decorative items, and silk weaving as an identity.
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The research aims are to explain the teaching methods and strategies contributing to formation of intercultural communication skills, to outline the challenges in the context of intercultural training, and to draw the pattern for development of intercultural communication skills among future specialists in the field of arts and culture. This study adopted an experimental methodology that observed the effects of teaching interventions (independent variables) on the level of intercultural communication skills among students (dependent variables). The experiment was realized through the qualitative tools (questionnaire and observation techniques). The experiment was conducted in five stages between September 2023 and January 2024. A total of 94 students (49 students from the experimental and 45 from the control group) and 14 external stakeholders served as a sample. The results showed that intercultural communication skills are formed through teaching methods and strategies oriented towards the increase in students’ diverse cultural background, including openness to cultural diversity, cultural empathy, social initiative, emotional stability, intercultural interaction and communication style, cultural creativity. Considering these teaching methods and strategies found that the pattern for development of intercultural communication skills among future specialists of arts and culture involves experimental learning, real life experience and cultural immersion activities, communication activities, curriculum improvement, creation of technology-based environment, implementation of regular feedback and assessment.
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This paper aimed to briefly discuss conceptualizing a capstone project through possible research topics, approaches, and methods in music for senior high school students. In conceptualizing possible research topics in music, this paper includes two (2) categories: curriculum-aligned research topics and academic and practical research topics. For curriculum-aligned research topics, these were taken from the three (3) specialized subjects under the Arts and Design Track of the present K-12 curriculum, including the following: Creative Industries II: Performing Arts, Apprenticeship and Exploration in the Performing Arts (Music), and Production in the Performing Arts. On the other hand, academic and practical research topics were lifted from the author's works. Exemplary research topics and literature reviews were conducted through Google Scholar, as this platform provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. This initiative was to prepare senior high school students for lifelong learning through planning, implementing, and presenting a culminating project reflecting their personal interests and the competencies they have acquired in secondary education.
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This study focused on promoting indigenous food plants (IFPs) for food security through a School of Living Traditions (SLT) on the indigenous knowledge (IK) of the Aeta Magbukon. The study used the qualitative ethnographic research method as it employed focus group discussions, which were participated by 30 Aeta Magbukon people aged 11-18 years and 7 Cultural Masters aged 55-69 for the duration of the 3 SLTs and 1 radio program. The participants' interest and the sincerity of the Cultural Masters were considerably noted to ensure the data's credibility. The study documented 35 species of IFPs and 15 traditional cooking methods taught by the Cultural Masters of the Aeta Magbukon, ensuring the transmission of indigenous skills and techniques. SLTs are a decent strategy to preserve IK because they uphold the nation's historical and cultural heritage. Moreover, SLTs help preserves and assimilate traditional culture and its various artistic expressions as a thriving component of national culture. Government institutions other than the National Commission for Culture and the Arts must also take responsibility in disseminating the value of IFPs in achieving food security and create policies and ordinances to protect forests where IFPs are sourced. Furthermore, the study highlighted the lack of existing investigation on the nutritional value and health benefits of IFPs.
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This study aimed to examine the inclination state among selected Filipinos using the Appraisal Theory in evaluating the appreciation level as an advocacy perspective towards the Philippine culture and arts. This study employed a transformative mixed method research design, both quantitative and qualitative views were considered through a survey questionnaire, an interview, and an assessment process conducted at Espiritu Santo Parochial School of Manila, Inc. and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Philippines. They were selected through convenience-quota and purposive sampling based on the subjects’ basic knowledge and appreciation of Philippine culture and heritage. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution and content analysis. Hake factor analysis was also used to measure the appraisal level in terms of art awareness and appreciation. The results revealed that the respondents grasped a high appraisal of the Philippine culture and arts. This implied progress factors in terms of art as a form of communication, museums as the priority tool for preservation and promotion, and the country’s identity and cultural history as to reframe art appreciation. On the contrary, they adapted more to the culture and arts of other countries than to cultural roots due to factors that cause it to deteriorate such as foreign cultures and modern technologies adaptation, lack of knowledge and participation, and the primordialism of ethnocentrism. The researchers assessed that the theory exposed understanding emotions as it is evident that the respondents can reframe others with their beliefs and values towards Philippine culture and arts.
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The present study assessed the language teachers' pedagogical beliefs and orientations in integrating technology in the online classroom and its effect on students' motivation and engagement. It utilized a cross-sectional correlational research survey. The study respondents were the randomly sampled 205 language teachers (μ= 437, n= 205) and 317 language students (μ= 1800, n= 317) of select higher educational institutions in the Philippines. The study results revealed that respondents hold positive pedagogical beliefs and orientations using technology-based teaching in their language classroom. Test of difference showed that female teachers manifested a firmer belief in student-centered online language teaching than their male counterparts. However, the utilization and attitude towards technology in the language classroom is favorably associated with the male teachers. As to students' level of language learning motivation and engagement, it was found out that male and female students have high level of language learning engagement. Further, the test of relationship showed that the higher the teachers' belief in utilizing student-centered teaching to integrate technology in the language classroom, the higher the students are motivated and engaged in learning. In like manner, it was also revealed that teacher-centered belief is negatively correlated to student’s motivation and engagement in online language learning. In this regard, the pedagogical assumptions that hold EFL teachers positively to integrate technology in the language classroom. This study generally offers implications for enhancing language teacher's digital literacy to promote motivating, fruitful, and engaging language lessons for 21ts century learning.
The primary objective of this study is to review and characterize research-based music assessments that might be used to guide and assist teachers and students in transforming their attitudes and perceptions, ability to express their ideas and concepts during the assessment process openly. This study employed descriptive and autoethnographic methods to elicit information about current conditions and practices through the library approach and literature review. The identified music assessment techniques were used to determine how well students comprehend important points in a session. It includes the Music Concept Memory Exercise and Instrumental and Vocal Schematic Processing for music lesson instructions and the Five-Letter Name Pitch Memory Test and Three-Chord Familiarization Assessment for basic instrumental music instructions. They are used as a core component deliberately designed to expose classroom teachers and prospective teachers to the essentials for effective instructional practices. Effective evaluation ensures that learners’ knowledge, understanding, and skills are transferred effectively in future contexts.
The way art is understood has been formalized. The primary objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with one of the methods in analyzing contemporary Philippine art forms and critiquing available local materials and appropriate techniques used in creating art. As part of the subject course in Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions, one of the core subjects in the Senior High School curriculum in the Philippines under the K-12 curriculum, one of the methods implemented in critiquing contemporary Philippine artworks is the Analysis-Interpretation-Discernment Method or the AID Method. This method will be carried out together with the description applied to contemporary art and the knowledge in the elements, principles, and contexts of arts. Criticism can be construed positively. Several critics discuss their reactions to various forms of art and weigh in on the works’ merits. One may not always agree with their assessments, as the criteria or standards of evaluation may differ significantly from those of the professional critic. In this circumstance, visiting contemporary art exhibitions and conversing with living artists is critical for developing a knowledge and appreciation for the Philippine arts and culture. The purpose of art criticism gives a significant role in the process of inquiry in relation to contemporary arts, that is, to distinguish the different contexts of art to a familiar art form as well as to appraise the culture of the Philippine arts with awareness and appreciation.
This study identified and annotated appropriate test items using the multiple-choice test item format in the cognitive domain of the taxonomy of educational objectives in assessing and evaluating musical learning through the descriptive-developmental research design. This assessment approach is one of the key skills needed of Music teachers to resolve the learning competencies, difficulties, and diversity of the current curriculum, to assist them in exploring the needs of their students and to provide them with a structure for determining the best and most suitable evaluative methodology in the assessment process. The data were analyzed using Bloom's taxonomy including knowledge, comprehension, analysis, application, synthesis, and evaluation. The annotation for each test item utilized a summary of main ideas and responses for a brief description and discussion in accordance with the cognitive domain and musical concept. Twenty-three illustrative multiple-choice test items were identified and annotated including areas in the Philippine music, Asian music, Western music, and choral works and conducting. Planning classroom tests and assessments requires determining what is to be measured and then defining it precisely so that tasks can be constructed using various relevant measures related to musical learning. This process implied that constructing an assessment requires a clear, concise, and complete direction incorporating the music rudiments and test format according to the behavioral indicators essential in constructing appropriate assessment, that is, an objective test item such as the multiple-choice test item format on the cognitive domain of the taxonomy of educational objectives in assessing and evaluating musical learning.
The research methodology outlines how research has been performed, addresses an unusual technique as well a description of whether a researcher has introduced a new method or substantially modified one that already occurs. This article takes the initiative in research education to help students develop and retain research skills in planning, preparing, and writing research methods as one of the K-12 learning skills among senior high school research courses. The research methodology comprises basic components including the design, sampling, tools, collection procedures, analysis, and ethical considerations. There are three types of study designs: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. One can explain the sampling procedure, size, subjects tested, and the location of the study in the sampling techniques. On the other hand, a researcher must mention the technical materials used in the study when writing the research instrument. The validity and reliability of the instruments should be tested before being used by the researcher. Since it involves gathering the information needed to resolve the research problem posed, data collection is considered to be the most important step of the research process. Data can be analyzed using a number of techniques, quantitative or qualitative. In addition, the study report should indicate whether and to what extent the studies comply with ethical standards. As a general rule, the research methods should be robust enough to reproduce the results. In this light, these overviews and exemplars help students demonstrate research writing skills and present research methodology throughout the research writing process.
The purpose of the research process is to benefit human life in various ways. It is important to consider how research methods are taught; equipping students with these research literacy skills leading to increased research output by an individual, particularly when it comes to the preliminary steps in planning data analysis procedures. It also provides the initiative in K-12 learning on research methods by assisting students in developing and retaining research skills and addressing the K-12 learning competency on data analysis procedures. As data analysis is viewed as the most complex and mysterious phase of a research project, scientific analysis requires an analytical systematic method that collects a large number of data points and is then evaluated to draw a reliable and relevant conclusion. To obtain valid results, data must be handled correctly from the time of collection through to the analysis stage. In this case, this article aimed to provide preliminary research data analysis methods, both in quantitative and qualitative researches for senior high school students. There are a variety of methods that may be utilized to analyze data. Data analysis needs carefully planning, regardless of whether the approach is to be based on qualitative or quantitative techniques.
This study reports findings from a literature review study that aimed to describe the principles and processes of constructing a teacher-made assessment tool for Music listening response as one of the needed concepts and skills of Music teachers to address and assess the learning competencies in the junior high school K to 12 Music curriculum for music listening learning competency. Based on the literature review, the researcher identified six themes that are further discussed in this paper: the philosophy and objectives of Music education, the development of Music tests and assessment tools, objective type of tests for listening, forms of Music listening response, assessment tool and test construction, and initiatives and methods on the assessment of Music listening responses. The quality of test construction depends largely on the part of the classroom teacher. The problems of measuring and evaluating students’ achievements are not always solved by using standardized tests. The different techniques in constructing teacher-made assessment tools may be a guide to fulfill satisfactorily the measurement that a teacher needs. The objectives, processes, forms, steps, initiatives, and methods in constructing teacher-made tests serve as a guide by the classroom teacher to construct tests scientifically.