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Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 1 of 5
Academic Article
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts
in Development Article Critique
Almighty C. Tabuena *
Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000, Philippines
This article critique aims to determine and evaluate the strengths and shortcomings of the article titled
"Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their message?" by Evan Tublitz in 2014, reviewed and
critiqued in order to evaluate and analyze the role of art and artists in development and to draw new
perspectives on life, as art is primarily a means of communication. Language-bound ideas are often conveyed
through painting, sculpture, and music, and they do so to reveal new perspectives, just like other artists. Seeing
and understanding artwork is necessary to express oneself and understand the world. This attitude comes
through in the art. The artistic framing and communication of ideas captivated the author to consider the whole
piece or section to form an intellectual idea-an artist shapes and glazes clay to express ideas; artists, like
musicians, begin with an idea. During this event, we all maximized our contributions to the bodies of
knowledge, liberty, and freedom. In addition, there are many ways to express oneself in photography. The
artist gives us a new perspective as it shows how intellectual and emotional concepts influence perceptions of
the world. Emotions, thoughts, images, and ideas are elicited by humans who want to educate, persuade, move,
and broaden their minds. In conclusion, the artist as philosopher's role is to inspire, comprehend, and transform
others, and possibly to transfer this knowledge. Art is created to express itself. The audience consumes and
interacts with art, where ideas are acquired and communicated.
Keywords: Arts, artists, critique, communication, development, expression
* Corresponding author:
Almighty C. Tabuena E-mail:
Received: 30 June 2022,
Revised: 6 July 2022,
Accepted: 11 June 2022
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2): 257373
E-ISSN 2773-9953 (online)
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 2 of 5
Each artistic expression, regardless of medium, is an attempt to introduce the audience to a new way
of experiencing life through the lens of the subject matter being explored at the time of creation (Tabuena &
Domingo, 2021; Tublitz, 2014). As a result, every art form, including music, contributes to another life for
individuals, in which a range of motions and interests are imparted for human sustainability and development-
centers of industry, as well as sites from where new aesthetic trends emerge, grow, and disseminate.
In terms of the arts industry, the pursuits that were significantly acquired in some locations resulted
in the establishment of a type of art that could support their economic and social elements of existence.
Throughout history, economic necessities, material desires, and political ambitions have brought people from
various cultures and communities together, often over long distances, in order to meet their needs and fulfill
their objectives. Whether via confrontations or collaborative efforts, these convergences have resulted in the
flow of knowledge and ideas amongst people (Annenberg Learner, 2019). Due to the fact that art is solely a
means of communication, this article titled "Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their
message?" by Evan Tublitz (2014) was reviewed and critiqued in order to evaluate and analyze the arts for
development and to draw new perspectives on life, as art is primarily a means of communication.
Significance of the Study
There are numerous ways to communicate through art without using words. They can also be plainly
visible, such as in a celebratory photo of a political figure. However, there are other times when a work of art
communicates through aspects you might not immediately notice, such as the color scheme, composition (the
underlying form and how elements relate to one another), or the way the forms are joined or dispersed. Art
frequently reflects on the time period in which it was created, whether as a statement of support or a reaction
against something, and it often explores broad ideas or themes, some more obvious than others. Since art is
primarily a form of communication, this study sought to identify and assess the benefits and drawbacks of
how creative expression assists artists in communicating their message.
The primary objective of this article critique is to assess the strengths and shortcomings of the article
titled "Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their message?" by Tublitz (2014), reviewed and
critiqued in order to evaluate and analyze the role of art and artists in development and to draw new
perspectives on life, as art is primarily a means of communication. Furthermore, it sought to look into the use
of art as a means of communication, learn some of the ideas that are expressed in art and how they convey
meaning, and investigate the messages in different art forms.
This article employed a descriptive qualitative approach through a critique process and book review
of one of Tublitz's (2014) works titled "Creative Expression-How do Artists transmit their message?"
(Creswell, 2009; Tabuena et al., 2021). Choosing a qualitative descriptive approach is essential when a
straightforward description of a phenomenon is desired. This approach can be particularly useful when
researchers want to know who was involved in an event as well as what was involved in it and where it
occurred. It is also useful when researchers want to know who was involved in an event as well as where it
took place (Lambert & Lambert, 2012).
The author of an article critique, on the other hand, is required to critically examine a piece of research
or other appropriate, relevant, and reliable materials and other sources in order to determine and evaluate the
strengths and shortcomings of the article. Even though a critique may include a quick synopsis of the research,
the primary focus should be on the review, analysis, and interpretation of the research itself (Tabuena &
Hilario, 2021).
Result and Discussion
In general, the artist is attempting to portray both intellectual and emotional concepts that are often
constrained by the spoken or written word by transporting us to another world through his or her work. Using
their art, the artist creates a pastiche of emotional and intellectual pictures, frequently juxtaposing competing
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 3 of 5
ideas to illuminate an alternative way of seeing, thereby allowing the audience to discover new vistas of
understanding for themselves (Tublitz, 2014; Zimmermann, 2017). It is essential for teachers to introduce
students to different ways of looking at and finding meaning in artwork as a means of expressing themselves
and understanding the world through various art forms in various settings, fields, and communication (Bravo
et al., 2022; David, 2021; De Souza et al., 2021). This approach allows one to naturally express the idea of
communication in various art forms.
One of the author's other points was that he found it fascinating to watch how artists frame an idea
and transmit it to an audience. When a musical composer develops a musical phrase to evoke a specific
emotional reaction, the intellectual notion is created by looking at the piece or section as a whole. Further, the
dance choreographer accomplishes this by devising a specific movement and framing it within the perspective
of the entire piece or portion in order to produce a persuasive intellectual and emotional amalgam that is
memorable and compelling. In addition, the potter shapes a piece of clay and then glazes it to bring out specific
ideas he or she wants to express. The painter or visual artist chooses a subject and then realizes it to create a
whole concept that is comprised of many smaller parts that, like the musician, elicit specific emotional
responses through the juxtaposition of color, shape, and content.
The arts were discovered in each of us during this particular event in our lives-there is an established
culture that appears to take the arts for granted, and yet, we all maximized ourselves into the bodies of
knowledge, liberty, and freedom during this unique event. It is the author's belief that both intellectual and
emotional concepts were merged into one concrete feature of living-where the mind, which constitutes our
identity as the arts, combined into an identity in which these arts become distinctive and functional to an
individual's existence-that has had the greatest impact.
One particularly interesting aesthetic expression can be found, most notably in photography, but it can
also be found in movies and literature as well. This fresh perspective is provided by the artist, who guides us
to perceive something that was present throughout the event but that we may not have noticed otherwise.
Another type of communication that corresponds to the other side of the arts-reflecting the idea that intellectual
and emotional concepts (Desai, 2019) were constructed to affect conceptions in the world, specifically in life-
in which a series of events became founded and perceptive through an individual's competencies-is a form of
communication that corresponds to the other side of the arts.
The same technique can be accomplished with words by establishing a vantage point (the position of
the reader observing the events unfolding) from which to examine the events in order to concentrate on a
specific perspective. To establish the right concepts and sentiments, the world of music must be built in order
for the listener to have a vantage point from which to see things. The context serves as a framework for the
point or message that the composer is attempting to communicate. In contrast to other forms of human
expression, the creative arts are distinguished by the fact that we are dealing with a world of non-verbal
communication-even in literature (Vibulpatanavong, 2020), where words are merely a vehicle for thoughts
and feelings.
We humans employ a variety of instruments, including sounds, words, visual images, movement, and
ideas, among others, to elicit feelings, thoughts, images, and ideas in an audience in order to transmit a specific
message (the creator wants to share). The goal is to inform, cajole, move, and open the audience's thinking
and perspective in order for them to perceive the world in a different light than they had previously. As a
result, whether in a particular nation, a specific group, or even in an individual's own life, the arts have a
significant impact on society; the arts have contributed to the development of human existence itself.
An inquiry into the social effects of Philippine music revealed that 92 percent of those surveyed agreed
that the music brings people together by creating harmonious communication and comfort, as well as helping
them make friends and improve their interpersonal skills. Another 82 percent agreed that music has been used
by people to express liberalism, particularly in some speeches and acts of expression of freedom of expression.
As a result of their character and the messages it conveys to them about their holistic well-being, Philippine
music has a variety of significant implications for people's lives. A considerable contribution to this process
is made by musical engagements, which have a significant impact on one's lifestyle, behavior, and overall
condition as a member of society (Tabuena, 2020).
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 4 of 5
Painting, sculpture, and music all attempt to convey ideas that are frequently constrained by the spoken
or written word. They, and other artists, prevalently juxtapose diametrically opposed ideas in order to reveal
novel perspectives. Teachers must instill in students the ability to view and interpret artwork in order for them
to express themselves and comprehend the world. This attitude manifests itself naturally in artistic expression.
Additionally, the author was fascinated by how artists frame and communicate ideas to an audience. The
intellectual notion is formed by considering the entire piece or section in its entirety. On the other hand, a
potter uses clay to express ideas by shaping and glazing it. As with a musician, a painter or visual artist begins
with a subject and then expands upon it to create a larger concept.
Despite a culture that appears to take the arts for granted, during this specific event, we all maximized
our valuable contributions to the bodies of knowledge, liberty, and freedom. The author believes that the mind,
which forms our identity as the arts, when combined into an identity in which these arts become distinctive
and functional to an individual's existence, has had the greatest impact. Aesthetic expressions in photography,
but also in film and literature, are varied. The artist offers a unique perspective, highlighting an aspect of the
event that we may have missed. It demonstrates how intellectual and emotional concepts were developed to
influence perceptions of the world, specifically life-a series of events founded on and perceptible through an
individual's competencies. Similarly, establishing a vantage point can achieve the same effect. The world of
music must be constructed for the listener in order to instill the appropriate concepts and sentiments. The
composer's point is surrounded by this context. Even in literature, where words serve as vehicles for thoughts
and emotions, the creative arts address non-verbal communication.
Humans employ a variety of tools to elicit an audience's emotions, thoughts, images, and ideas in
order to communicate a message. The objective is to educate, persuade, move, and expand the audience's mind
and perspective in order for them to see the world in new ways. Thus, the arts have a sizable impact on society,
whether at a national, group, or individual level. The artist as philosopher's role is to create new perspectives
on life in order to inspire others to think and evolve further-to inspire others to comprehend and transform
and, perhaps, transfer this knowledge to others. Art exists solely for communication's sake. By consuming and
interacting with art, the audience brings it to life and endows it with its own existence. When ideas are acquired
and communicated, they come to life and take on a life of their own.
Conflict of Interest
The author declares that there was no conflict of interest in the completion of this research article
(article critique).
The researcher would like to express his gratitude first to Evan Tublitz, the author of the work titled
"Creative Expression-How do Artists communicate their message?" for this article critique. Secondly, to
Assoc. Prof. Mary Leigh Ann C. Perez, my former professor in Music in Development during my
undergraduate course, as part of the material taken which was submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements at the Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines.
Creative Expression on How Do Artists Communicate Their Message: An Arts in Development Article Critique
Asian Journal of Arts and Culture 2022; 22 (2) Page 5 of 5
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