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2nd National Conference on Computer, Communication & Information Technology
Feb. 15-16, 2013
Sinhgad Institute of Computer Sciences (MCA), Pandharpur (MS), India 177
Online Learning – CBR Approach
Dr. P. P. Jamsandekar1 & M. K. Patil2
Abstract: Online learning is becoming very popular where
internet provides wide variety of tools, aids that provides
the learning material (notes, question – answers,
assignments, problems). An internet is a unique platform to
connect learners with educational resources. Many
researchers have focused on developing e-learning tools to
facilitate the students. But, they neglect the learning
behavior of the students, their difficulty levels and the
essential things required for their courses. Therefore, in our
system we focus the CBR approach in students learning. In
our proposed system we can generate the appropriate
course material as per the work background of the students
through online learning.
Keywords: CBR, e-learning
The major challenges in teaching are to improve the
instructional productivity and quality learning. A case
based reasoning (CBR) system can be seen as a special
type of knowledge based system2. Case based systems
deal with cases or episodes which represent instances of
concepts or their generic form [3].
1. Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University,
Institute of Management of Rural Development, Sangli
2. Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed
University, Abhijit Kadam Institute of Management
and Social Sciences, Solapur
In general, CBR cycle can be described by the following
four processes [2]:
- Retrieve the most similar case or cases
- Reuse the information and knowledge in that case to
solve the problem
- Revise the proposed solution
- Retain the parts of this experience likely to be
useful for future problem solving.
Online learning where students have different
behavior, culture. In this paper, we conceptualize a
system to support students and their learning behavior.
We kept the profile of the students in a Case Base. The
system maintains the behavior of students, the pattern
through which information retrieved. The Case Base
holds knowledge base, learning style, and interesting
field. The system facilitates the notes, points, learning
content and instructional material [5].
The proposed system is based on finding the different
cases, the learning patterns of the students. It preserves
past cases in Case Base. A system has basic three
components Student, Teaching Aid and Course. All these
components have an interface through which students
can post the cases, problems, requirements5.
The following characteristics that fulfill the CBR
approach for student modeling:
1) In the learning environment students, teaching aids
and corresponding study material are kept across
the network.
2) The student’s behavior, background knowledge, and
skills are kept in Student Case Base of CBR System.
2nd National Conference on Computer, Communication & Information Technology
Feb. 15-16, 2013
Sinhgad Institute of Computer Sciences (MCA), Pandharpur (MS), India 178
3) Students generally attempt to register in various
courses at the same time. The system highlights the
common features and categorizes the same.
The process of student modeling is shown in figure
below. The following activities take place during the
student modeling when the student interacts with the
Inputting a new case
A new case means the learner unable to get the
desired solution. The new case may be processed and
further treatment, assessment arranged by the CBR
system. The reasoning mechanism of CBR will search
for the most similar case in order to support the
Analyze an inquiry
It is very difficult to analyze the cases by the learners.
We maintain an index, for case evaluation, so that is easy
to analyze the case and provide the desired solution.
Case retrieval
The case-based reasoning system saves a lot of data
for reference. It holds the cases in Case Base.
It locates the solution for the most similar case by
comparing the similarities. It will provide an
approximate appropriate result to the learners. We are
using the case retrieval methods such as inductive
learning, knowledge inference, nearest neighbor. It is
easy to get the instruction manuals, notes to the learners
by effectively applying the case retrieval technique.
Case adaptation and reuse
It will be possible that, we need to modify the
retrieved case. We need to use the different adaption
methods in order to solve the problems of new inputted
case by the learner. We are applying exact adaptation,
interpolation method or adaptation rules.
Revision of a case
When the solutions of the similar cases that were
picked out are not suitable for the new case, revisions
can be used. A new solution will be generated and it is
treated as a final one.
Retaining a case
Save the case into case base to enhance its
completeness and to consolidate the self-learning
mechanism of the system.
The architecture focuses on indexing as the key to
reuse of what is learned from experience. In addition to
having experiences, students should reflect on and assess
those experiences to extract both what might be learned
from them and the circumstances in which those lessons
might be appropriately applied.
The CBR cycle through which an application of what
they are learning, interpretation of feedback, and
explanation and revision of conceptions several times.
Online learning by a CBR approach focuses on the
role previous experience plays in reason- ing suggests
that learners should be encouraged to reuse their own
previous experiences. It also suggests that they might be
helped along to solve more complex problems than they
could by themselves by having access to the cases
(experiences of others).
2nd National Conference on Computer, Communication & Information Technology
Feb. 15-16, 2013
Sinhgad Institute of Computer Sciences (MCA), Pandharpur (MS), India 179
The architectural module has divided into basic
components Student Module, Expert Module and
Teaching & Course Module and has a basic interface
with support of Case Base and internet e-resources.
The interfaces of student module, is an interface
between the course & teaching aid in support of expert
module. The expert module maintains the record of
student profile while operating the system. The expert
module identifies the cases raised by the learner and their
The course system manages the course material as
per student’s requirement. The teaching aid decides the
topic or lessons, to be supplied to the students according
to student’s background. The student module keeps the
record in case base for future reference and manages the
student performances and course material accordingly.
Following are the basic operations that can be carried
out while interacting with CBR System.
Student Module: To analyze the students learning
behavior, pattern, the problems given to the system
Expert Module: To retrieve the desired solution from the
case base
Course: To store and process, categories the problem
domain in a course
Teaching AID: The information content, study material
The student gets interacted with the CBR System via
an interface. The student post their queries, cases to the
CBR system through system module. The cases is
compared with the existing available cases. These past
cases are stored in case base. If the new case appeared,
then it will be handled by the CBR Cycle. The student
retrieves the desired solution via Course, Teaching aid
via internet. The educational material in hypermedia
form in a Web-based educational system makes learning
a task-driven process such as E-Resources, Tutoring tool
and teaching agents.
CBR approach emphasizes the need for students
actually to carry out and test their ideas, not just think
about them.
CBR-based online learning is for personalized
knowledge database and self assessment analysis system.
The proposed learning system considers the subject
difficulty level to a successive level to enhance the
students leaning behavior.
This paper makes the basic contribution to generate
appropriate course materials to learners based on
individual learner requirements, and help them to learn
more effectively in a Web-based environment.
[1] Janet L. Kolodner, Jakita N. Owensby, and Mark Guzdial (2008).
Case Based Learning Aids. New York Springer. 32, pp. 829 – 861
[2] Rajendra Akerkar (2012). Introduction to AI, PHI Eastern
Economy Edition.
[3] Campbell, J M and Smith S D (2006). CBR research using the
‘Think’, ‘Plan’, ‘Do’ classification method. Association of
Researchers in Construction Management. pp. 177-186.
[4] Mu-JungHuang, Hwa-ShanHuang and Mu-YenChen (2006).
Constructing a personalized e-learning system based on genetic
algorithm and case-based reasoning approach. Ecpert System
with Applications. Elsevier Publication pp.1-9.
[5] O. P. Rishi, Rekha Govil, and Madhavi Sinha (2007). Distributed
Case Based Reasoning for Intelligent Tutoring System: An Agent
Based Student Modeling Paradigm. World Academy of Science
& Engineering pp.273 – 276