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Pollinator type strongly impacts gene flow within and among plant populations for six Neotropical species


Abstract and Figures

Animal pollinators directly affect plant gene flow by transferring pollen grains between individuals. Pollinators with restricted mobility are predicted to limit gene flow within and among populations, whereas pollinators that fly longer distances are likely to promote genetic cohesion. These predictions, however, remain poorly tested. We examined population genetic structure and fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS) in six perennial understory angiosperms in Andean cloud forests of northwestern Ecuador. Species belong to three families (Gesneriaceae, Melastomataceae, and Rubiaceae), and within each family we paired one insect‐pollinated with one hummingbird‐pollinated species, predicting that insect‐pollinated species have greater population differentiation (as quantified with the FST statistic) and stronger FSGS (as quantified with the SP statistic) than hummingbird‐pollinated species. We confirmed putative pollinators through a literature review and fieldwork, and inferred population genetic parameters with a genome‐wide genotyping approach. In two of the three species pairs, insect‐pollinated species had much greater (>2‐fold) population‐level genetic differentiation and correspondingly steeper declines in fine‐scale genetic relatedness. In the Gesneriaceae pair, however, FST and SP values were similar between species and to those of the other hummingbird‐pollinated plants. In this pair, the insect pollinators are euglossine bees (as opposed to small bees and flies in the other pairs), which are thought to forage over large areas, and therefore may provide similar levels of gene flow as hummingbirds. Overall, our results shed light on how different animal pollination modes influence the spatial scale of plant gene flow, suggesting that small insects strongly decrease genetic cohesion.
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Pollinator type strongly impacts gene flow within
and among plant populations for six Neotropical species
Diana Gamba | Nathan Muchhala
Department of Biology, University of
Missouri at Saint Louis, Saint Louis,
Missouri, USA
Diana Gamba
Present address
Diana Gamba, Department of Biology,
The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.
Funding information
American Society of Plant Taxonomists;
Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center
Handling Editor: Ian MacGregor-Fors
Animal pollinators directly affect plant gene flow by transferring pollen grains
between individuals. Pollinators with restricted mobility are predicted to limit
gene flow within and among populations, whereas pollinators that fly longer
distances are likely to promote genetic cohesion. These predictions, however,
remain poorly tested. We examined population genetic structure and fine-scale
spatial genetic structure (FSGS) in six perennial understory angiosperms
in Andean cloud forests of northwestern Ecuador. Species belong to three
families (Gesneriaceae, Melastomataceae, and Rubiaceae), and within each
family we paired one insect-pollinated with one hummingbird-pollinated
species, predicting that insect-pollinated species have greater population
differentiation (as quantified with the F
statistic) and stronger FSGS
(as quantified with the S
statistic) than hummingbird-pollinated species. We
confirmed putative pollinators through a literature review and fieldwork, and
inferred population genetic parameters with a genome-wide genotyping
approach. In two of the three species pairs, insect-pollinated species had much
greater (>2-fold) population-level genetic differentiation and correspondingly
steeper declines in fine-scale genetic relatedness. In the Gesneriaceae pair,
however, F
and S
values were similar between species and to those of the
other hummingbird-pollinated plants. In this pair, the insect pollinators are
euglossine bees (as opposed to small bees and flies in the other pairs), which
are thought to forage over large areas, and therefore may provide similar levels
of gene flow as hummingbirds. Overall, our results shed light on how different
animal pollination modes influence the spatial scale of plant gene flow,
suggesting that small insects strongly decrease genetic cohesion.
2b-RAD sequencing, Andean cloud forest understory, fine-scale spatial genetic structure,
hummingbird pollination, insect pollination, neotropical plants, population genetic structure
Understanding how plant mutualists influence spatial
patterns of genetic diversity is central to plant biology,
especially in the present scenario of biodiversity decline
due to human-accelerated environmental change (Aguilar
et al., 2008,2019; Dick et al., 2008; Hardy et al., 2006).
Animal pollinators directly affect gene flow within and
Received: 10 December 2021 Revised: 13 June 2022 Accepted: 23 June 2022
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3845
Ecology. 2022;e3845. © 2022 The Ecological Society of America. 1of12
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among flowering plant populations via the transfer of pollen
grains (Hamrick et al., 1992;Loveless&Hamrick,1984).
Early reviews on patterns of genetic structure in plants
pools, whereas animal pollination is associated with higher
population genetic differentiation (Duminil et al., 2007;
Hamrick & Godt, 1996)aswellasstrongerfine-scale
spatial genetic structure (FSGS; i.e., the nonrandom spatial
distribution of closely related individuals) (Dick et al., 2008;
Gelmi-Candusso et al., 2017). However, those studies
lumped together all animals, overlooking the effect of differ-
ent pollinators on gene flow dynamics within and among
plant populations. More recently, global reviews on the
effects of various factors on population genetic differentia-
tion for 337 plant species (Gamba & Muchhala, 2020)and
on the strength of FSGS for 147 plant species (Gamba and
Muchhala, unpublished manuscript) found that plants
pollinated by small insects have a greater genetic structure
than plants pollinated by large insects and vertebrates.
These findings are consistent with differences in pollen
dispersal among different types of animal pollinators.
Pollen dispersal ultimately depends on the foraging
behavior and pollen carryover capacity of pollinators
(Levin, 1979). Pollinators with large foraging areas can
carry pollen long distances, potentially enhancing gene
flow within and among plant populations, while pollina-
tors with local foraging behavior may reduce gene flow.
This trend has been predicted in seminal reviews
(Levin, 1981; Loveless & Hamrick, 1984), and supported
in empirical studies of temperate and subtropical plants
(Breed et al., 2015; Kramer et al., 2011; Linhart
et al., 1987; Linhart & Grant, 1996), and in a recent study
in a set of neotropical Merianieae (Dellinger et al., 2022).
Studies of pollinator movement show that small
insects, such as flies, solitary bees, and small beetles,
generally forage in relatively small areas, visiting most
flowers in a single plant and then moving to nearby
plants (Campbell, 1985; Escaravage & Wagner, 2004;
Hasegawa et al., 2015). Conversely, large insects such as
moths, butterflies, and large bees have larger foraging
areas, frequently associated with traplining behavior
(i.e., repeatedly visiting a sequence of flowers over several
locations) (Levin, 1979; Murawski & Gilbert, 1986;Rhodes
et al., 2017;Schmitt,1980). Similarly, volant vertebrates
such as nonterritorial hummingbirds and bats also follow a
traplining foraging behavior (Fleming, 1982; Lemke, 1984,
1985; Tello-Ramos et al., 2015), potentially covering
even greater distances than large insects (Campbell &
Dooley, 1992; Castellanos et al., 2003; Linhart, 1973;
Melampy, 1987;Sahley,2001; Serrano-Serrano et al., 2017;
Webb & Bawa, 1983), and flying across fragmented habitats
(Breed et al., 2015; Byrne et al., 2007;Hadley&Betts,2009;
Krauss et al., 2017;Levin,1979;Machadoetal.,1998;
Sahley, 2001; Solís-Hern
andez & Fuchs, 2019; Southerton
et al., 2004). Therefore, pollination by volant vertebrates
should increase the spatial scale of intraspecific gene flow,
resulting in larger genetic plant neighborhoods (sensu
Webb, 1984,Wright,1946), relative to pollination by insects
(Bezemer et al., 2016;Karronetal.,1995; Krauss, 2000;
Krauss et al., 2009).
In this study we examined if, relative to hummingbird
pollination, insect pollination is in fact associated with:
(1) greater genetic differentiation between populations,
and (2) stronger FSGS structure within populations. We
focused on six frequent and locally abundant perennial
understory angiosperms in the Andean cloud forest of
northwestern Ecuador, a highly diverse but threatened
ecosystem. Species belong to three families, and within
each family we paired one insect-pollinated species
(euglossine bees, or small buzzing bees, or hoverflies and
wasps) with one species predominantly pollinated by
traplining hummingbirds (Table 1). All six focal species
share a similar geographic range, are putatively
outcrossing, and mostly similar in their seed dispersal
(see Methods: Study species and pollinators). Therefore,
we expect that any trend of variation in population
TABLE 1 Characteristics of studied species and sites where they were sampled.
Species Growth form Pollinators (source) Fruit type Sites
Drymonia brochidodroma (Gesneriaceae) Herbaceous Euglossine bees (this study) Fleshy capsule SL, T
Drymonia tenuis (Gesneriaceae) Subshrub Traplining hummingbirds
Fleshy capsule SL, P, B
Miconia rubescens (Melastomataceae) Shrub Small buzzing bees
Berry SL, P, B
Meriania tomentosa (Melastomataceae) Shrub Traplining hummingbirds/bats
Dry capsule SL, P, B
Notopleura longipedunculoides (Rubiaceae) Subshrub Wasps/flies/bees (this study) Berry SL, P, B
Palicourea demissa (Rubiaceae) Shrub Traplining hummingbirds
Berry SL, B
Abbreviations: B, Bellavista; P, El Pahuma; SL, Santa Lucía; T: Las T
Weinstein & Graham, 2017.
Renner, 1989; Gamba & Almeda, 2014.
Muchhala & Jarrin-V, 2002; Dellinger et al., 2019.
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genetic differentiation and FSGS across species will be
due primarily to pollination mode. We confirmed puta-
tive pollinators through fieldwork, and we used a
genome-wide genotyping approach to obtain data for esti-
mates of genetic structure.
Study sites
We performed this study in Santa Lucía (0.12 N, 78.6 W),
El Pahuma (0.02 N, 78.6 W), Bellavista (0.01 S, 78.7 W),
and Las T
angaras (0.08 S, 78.8 W), four private reserves
located on the northwestern slope of the Andean cordillera
of Ecuador, in the province of Pichincha ~40 km northwest
of Quito. Sites are 523 km apart, historically connected by
continuous forest that is now selectively logged, composed
of secondary and primary cloud forest ranging from 1800
to 2500 m in elevation, and part of the southern end of the
biogeographic Choco(Mordecai et al., 2009). Because
they are nearby and similar in elevation, they share many
species, yet the distance between them potentially imposes
a physical barrier for the movement of pollinators, making
them ideal for studying the effect of different animal polli-
nators on plant gene flow.
Study species and pollinators
To select our focal species, we compiled a list of species
occurring at all sites using the database of the
Missouri Botanical Garden and visited the sites to observe
abundances. We selected six perennial understory angio-
sperms from three families, based on their high abundance
and frequency along transects of the reserves. We chose one
insect-pollinated and one hummingbird-pollinated species
per family, including Drymonia brochidodroma Wiehler
and Drymonia tenuis (Benth.) J.L.Clark (Gesneriaceae),
Miconia rubescens (Triana) Gamba & Almeda and
Meriania tomentosa (Cogn.) Wurdack (Melastomataceae),
and Notopleura longipedunculoides (C.M.Taylor) C.M.Taylor
and Palicourea demissa Standl. (Rubiaceae; with the
hummingbird-pollinated species listed second in each case).
Pairing by family allowed us to account for phylogenetic
autocorrelation when comparing F
and S
values between
insect-pollinated vs hummingbird-pollinated plants, although
we note that pairs differed in how closely related they
were to each other: the Gesneriaceae species pair was the
most closely related (same genus: Drymonia), followed by
the Rubiaceae species pair (same tribe: Palicoureeae), and
last by the Melastomataceae species pair (same subfamily:
We obtained information on pollination mode from
peer-reviewed literature (Clark et al., 2015; Dellinger
et al., 2019; Gamba & Almeda, 2014;Muchhala&
Jarrin-V, 2002;Renner,1989; Weinstein & Graham, 2017),
and by videotaping plants in the field (Table 1). Specifically,
for species with little information on pollination mode
(D. brochidodroma and N. longipedunculoides), we con-
firmed putative pollinators by videotaping flowers with four
high-definition Sony digital camcorders for 4 days at each
site. Cameras simultaneously videotaped four individuals
per day (one species per day, eight individuals per species
per site). Flowers were videotaped in the morning (6:30 AM
to 11:30 AM) and in the afternoon (01:30 PM to 06:30 PM).
Among hummingbird-pollinated species, M. tomentosa is
also pollinated by nectar bats (Muchhala & Jarrin-V, 2002)
and, along with D. tenuis and P. demissa, can also be
visited by territorial hummingbirds (Dellinger et al., 2019,
Weinstein & Graham, 2017).
Based on our field observations, the spatial distribution
of all six species appeared widespread and consistent within
sites, with occasional clusters of conspecifics. Geographic
distributions are also similar; all species occur along western
Ecuador, with our study sites near the center of their ranges
(Global Biodiversity Information Facility). Little information
is known about their seed dispersal and floral biology,
although fruit and floral morphology and previous field
studies in closely related species gave some clues. Most study
species have fleshy fruits (Table 1)thatarepresumably
consumed by understory birds, as reported for M. rubescens
(Kessler-Rios & Kattan, 2012) and closely related species
(Loiselle & Blake, 1999), as well as for Psychotria,which
is related to Palicourea and similar in habit and habitats
(Loiselle et al., 1995;Loiselle&Blake,1993;Theim
et al., 2014). Drymonia have fleshy capsules, often termed
display-capsulesin understory Gesneriaceae, because of
their presumed role in animal attraction (Clark et al., 2012).
The limited reports suggest these are also consumed by
understory birds, as well as frugivorous bats and monkeys
(Wiehler, 1983). The capsular fruits of M. tomentosa
probably have wind- or gravity-dispersed seeds, as in many
understory Melastomataceaewiththesametypeoffruit
(Renner, 1989), potentially making this species the most
limited in seed dispersal. All six species have mechanisms to
reduce selfing, either via marked herkogamy (i.e., spatial
separation of stigma and anthers via style elongation) in the
Melastomataceae (Renner, 1989), protandry (i.e., temporal
separation of male and female phases, with anthers
releasing pollen and dying-off before stigma is receptive)
in the Gesneriaceae (Clark et al., 2012;Wiehler,1983), or
distyly (i.e., polymorphism in style length within a popula-
tion in which flowers in one individual are monomorphic)
in the Rubiaceae (Bawa & Beach, 1983). Self-incompatibility
(via intramorph incompatibility) is common in the
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Rubiaceae (Bawa & Beach, 1983), but less clear in
the Gesneriaceae and Melastomataceae, where both self-
incompatibility and self-compatibility have been docum-
ented (Ramírez-Aguirre et al., 2016; Renner, 1989).
Molecular work and genotyping
We collected leaf tissue and extracted DNA from
20 individuals per species from each of the three study
sites (please refer to Table 1for sampled sites per spe-
cies). We largely followed available trails in the reserves,
making sure sampled individuals were at least 20 m apart
from each other, and taking GPS coordinates for each.
We used a genome-wide restriction site-associated DNA
sequencing technique termed 2b-RAD (Wang et al., 2012)
to build loci de novo (Catchen et al., 2013) and obtain
1001000 of unlinked SNPs (please refer to Appendix S1:
Sections S1 and S2). For estimating population genetic
parameters, we removed ~20% of total individuals
genotyped due to >50% missing data (217 individuals
per species; Appendix S1: Table S1). Please refer to
Gamba and Muchhala (2022) for all geographic and
genetic data.
Inference of population genetic parameters
We used the program GenoDive v3.0 (Meirmans & Van
Tienderen, 2004) to calculate genetic diversity statistics
for each species. We assessed population genetic struc-
ture using the F-statistics derived from an Analysis of
Molecular Variance (AMOVA; Excoffier et al., 1992).
AMOVA determines the proportion of genetic variance
partitioned within individuals, among individuals within
subpopulations, and among subpopulations. Related
F-statistics were obtained with an infinite allele model;
therefore, they are equivalent to G-statistics (Nei, 1973;
Nei & Chesser, 1983). These include F
(the mean
reduction in heterozygosity of an individual relative to the
total population), F
(the inbreeding coefficient among
individuals within sites), and F
(the global genetic
differentiation among sampled sites). The statistical signifi-
cance of these diversity statistics was assessed using 1000
random permutations of the data, while their standard
deviations were obtained by jackknifing over loci.
To visualize population genetic structure for each
species, we used principal component analyses (PCA).
After SNP calling and filtering, we obtained a VCF for
each species with the final set of SNPs from the program
populationson our pipeline (Appendix S1: Section S2).
We then used the R program (Core Team, 2018)
SNPRelate (Zheng et al., 2012) to convert the VCF to a
GDS file with snpgdsVCF2GDS and to compute PCA on
each speciesSNP set with snpgdsPCA.
Inference of fine-scale spatial genetic
We evaluated FSGS for each species via spatial auto-
correlation analyses at the individual level (Vekemans &
Hardy, 2004) using the program SPAGeDi v.1.3a (Hardy &
Vekemans, 2002). We first transformed individuals
decimal degree coordinates into the Universal Transverse
Mercator coordinate system, which is compatible with
the SPAGeDi version we used. We then assessed genetic
relatedness between all pairs of individuals iand jwith
Nasons kinship coefficient, F
(Loiselle et al., 1995). We
specified five distance intervals for each species and
allowed the program to define their maximal distance such
that the number of pairwise comparisons within each
interval was kept approximately constant. F
values were
regressed on the natural logarithm of the spatial distance
separating pairs of individuals, ln(d
), to quantify regres-
sion slopes, b. To test for significant fine-scale spatial
structure, spatial positions of individuals were permuted
1000 times to obtain a frequency distribution of bunder
the null hypothesis that F
and ln(d
) are not correlated.
We quantified the strength of FSGS with the S
(Vekemans & Hardy, 2004), which is calculated as
b/(1 F
), where F
is the mean F
between all pairs of
individuals in the first distance interval containing nearest
neighbors (< ~1 km for all species). The S
statistic mainly
depends on the slope of the kinshipdistance curve,
allowing direct comparisons of FSGS among species
(Vekemans & Hardy, 2004). Standard errors of all
FSGS statistics were obtained by jackknifing over loci. To
visualize FSGS, we plotted the mean F
at each distance
interval over the five distance intervals for each species.
We recorded, in total, 10 individuals and 30 h (i.e.,
~3 h/individual) for D. brochidodroma, and 12 individuals
and 35 h (i.e., ~2.9 h/individual) for N. longipedunculoides.
From these videos, we observed that D. brochidodroma was
exclusively visited by euglossine bees (also please refer to
Clark et al., 2015), with five bee visits lasting ~10 s each,
whereas N. longipeduncoloides was visited by wasps,
hoverflies, and small bees. We recorded 18 wasp visits last-
ing ~60 s each, 10 hoverfly visits ~30 s each, and five bees
visits ~15 s each. Although we did not record pollinators for
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M. rubescens, their anther morphology and small
flowers conformed to the buzz-pollination syndrome
common to this genus, adapting them to small buzzing
bees that shake anthers to release pollen from
tiny apical pores (Brito et al., 2016). Drymonia tenuis,
M. tomentosa,andP. demissa are primarily pollinated
by traplining hummingbirds; for a complete list please
refer to Weinstein and Graham (2017).
Filtered genetic datasets
After SNP calling and quality control using different
filtering procedures, we obtained a mean of 2,797,308
SNP loci per species (1,091,949 SD; range:
879,1384,151,836), with average coverage ranging from
14.095.1 read depth per locus across species
(Appendix S1: Table S1). After removing individuals with
>50% missing data, final sample sizes of individuals per
species per study site ranged from 818 (mean =
13 3 SD), and the number of variant loci ranged from
10444907 (mean =2699 1427 SD) across species, with
missing data across species ranging from 24%38%
(mean =33% 5 SD) (Appendix S1: Tables S2 and S3).
Gene diversity was similar across species; total
expected heterozygosity (H
) ranged from 0.210.25
(mean =0.23 0.02; Appendix S1: Table S2) and mean
expected heterozygosity within sites (H
) ranged from
0.170.26 (mean =0.22 0.02). Additionally, all species
showed statistically significant levels of inbreeding, as
indicated by significant G
values depending on whether
these were pooled across sites (mean =0.30 0.14 SD;
Appendix S1: Table S2) or analyzed separately by site
(mean =0.32 0.16 SD; Appendix S1: Table S3).
Population-level genetic structure
AMOVA results revealed that, in all species, most of the
genetic diversity resides within populations/sites, whereas
less genetic diversity resides among sites (Appendix S1:
Table S4). AMOVA F
showed that for most species a
large proportion of individuals across study sites were out
of HardyWeinberg equilibrium, and this was likely to be
due to inbreeding. In fact, AMOVA F
was significant for
all species, congruent with our G
estimates above, and
confirming that there was substantial inbreeding within
sites across studied species. Furthermore, AMOVA F
was variable (range =0.030.21, average =0.10 0.06)
but significant for all species, demonstrating considerable
genetic differentiation among study sites (Table 2).
Regarding pollination systems, for two of the three pairs of
species (Melastomataceae and Rubiaceae), F
values were
more than twice as high for the insect-pollinated species,
while in the final pair (Gesneriaceae), F
values were
comparable for the insect- and hummingbird-pollinated
species (Table 2,Figure1). A PCA of filtered SNPs showed
some separation of individuals following their site of
origin (Appendix S1: Figure S1), but the percentage varia-
tion explained by PC1 and PC2 was generally <15%,
suggesting admixture between sites. In M. rubescens and
N. longipedunculoides, however, PC1 and PC2 explained
~20 and 35%, respectively, of the SNP variation, in accor-
dance with their higher F
Fine-scale spatial genetic structure
FSGS was significant for all studied species, in that
regression slopes bof pairwise kinship coefficients on
the natural logarithm of spatial distance were always
significantly negative (Table 3). The extent of FSGS as
quantified with the S
statistic varied by an order of
magnitude across species, ranging from 0.009 to 0.089
(mean =0.04 0.03 SD). This variation is evident in our
FSGS visualizations (Figure 2;AppendixS1:TablesS5S10),
which showed that species pollinated by insects tended to
have steeper average kinshipdistance slopes (Figure 2a,c,e)
than species pollinated by hummingbirds (Figure 2 b,d,f).
Given that standard errors associated with each average F
are vanishingly small (Appendix S1: Tables S5S10), they
are not observable in Figure 2.S
values were higher for all
insect-pollinated species relative to hummingbird-pollinated
ones (average =0.054 0.03 SD vs. 0.017 0.01 SD).
Among species pairs, this pattern was most pronounced in
the Melastomataceae and Rubiaceae pairs, with little differ-
ence in the Gesneriaceae pair (Table 3,Figure1).
The contrasting effect of different pollinators on plant
gene flow has remained largely unexplored, especially
in the Neotropics (Wessinger, 2021, but please refer
to Dellinger et al., 2022). Our study highlights that
pollinator type can have a strong impact on genetic
structure: among our species pairs, two of the three species
pollinated by insects had greater levels of population
genetic differentiation and stronger FSGS than their
hummingbird-pollinated counterparts (Tables 2and 3,
Figure 1). Our findings support the idea that pollinator
movement during foraging affects the spatial scale of
intraspecific plant gene flow, with the limited movement
of small insects restricting gene flow within and among
populations, and the traplining behavior of hummingbirds
promoting genetic cohesion.
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Our chosen study species allowed us to control for
other factors that might impact plant population
genetic structure and FSGS, increasing the probability
that differences in F
and S
values are in fact due
directly to animal pollination mode rather than a
confounding variable. For example, pairing species
within families allowed us to control for phylogenetic
autocorrelation in our dataset. Furthermore, all
species belong to cloud forest understory sites inside
the southern end of the Choco Andean corridor
TABLE 2 Estimates of population genetic structure for each studied species.
Species Ntotal Nloci AMOVA F
Drymonia brochidodroma 35 4907 0.42 (0.007) 0.37 (0.007) 0.08 (0.004)
Drymonia tenuis 29 1044 0.56 (0.014) 0.51 (0.015) 0.10 (0.010)
Miconia rubescens 34 2171 0.50 (0.009) 0.43 (0.010) 0.13 (0.005)
Meriania tomentosa 32 3883 0.29 (0.008) 0.24 (0.008) 0.06 (0.003)
Notopleura longipedunculoides 41 1815 0.35 (0.013) 0.17 (0.014) 0.21 (0.008)
Palicourea demissa 30 2376 0.22 (0.012) 0.19 (0.012) 0.03 (0.003)
Note:Ntotal, number of genotyped individuals in the final genetic dataset; Nloci, number of variant loci in the final genetic dataset; AMOVA F
the deviation from HardyWeinberg equilibrium within individuals relative to the expected heterozygosity in the total population; AMOVA F
represents the
inbreeding coefficient among individuals within sites; AMOVA F
represents the global genetic differentiation among sampled sites. Significance of statistics
and F
) is denoted in bold (p=0.001) and is based on 1000 permutations of the data. The insect-pollinated species is listed first for each pair.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 1 Genetic parameters evaluated in three insect-pollinated vs three hummingbird-pollinated plants paired by taxonomic
family, corresponding to (a) AMOVA F
values and (b) S
values. Error bars surrounding dots correspond to standard errors obtained
through jackknifing over loci. Lines connect species pairs by family: solid line for the Rubiaceae, dashed line for the Melastomataceae, and
dotted line for the Gesneriaceae.
TABLE 3 Estimates of FSGS parameters for each studied species.
Species Npairs F
(SE) bln(distance) S
Drymonia brochidodroma 595 0.053 (0.003) 0.024 (0.001) 0.025 (0.001)
Drymonia tenuis 406 0.044 (0.007) 0.021 (0.002) 0.022 (0.002)
Miconia rubescens 561 0.105 (0.005) 0.043 (0.002) 0.048 (0.002)
Meriania tomentosa 496 0.051 (0.002) 0.018 (0.001) 0.019 (0.001)
Notopleura longipedunculoides 820 0.180 (0.006) 0.073 (0.003) 0.089 (0.003)
Palicourea demissa 435 0.018 (0.002) 0.009 (0.001) 0.009 (0.001)
Note:Npairs, number of comparisons between all pairs of conspecific individuals; F
, kinship coefficient between individuals in the first distance interval
(separated by <1 km); bln(distance), slope of the regression of kinship coefficients on the natural logarithm of spatial distance; S
, intensity of FSGS for each
species. Standard errors (SE) were obtained through jackknifing over loci. Significance of parameters (F
and b) is denoted in bold (p< 0.01) and is based on
1000 permutations of individual locations. The insect-pollinated species is listed first for each pair.
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(Mordecai et al., 2009) that are relatively well
connected by a continuous corridor of forests.
Therefore, pollinator movement between sites for all
barriers. Similarly, the geographic distribution of our
study species greatly overlaps, especially in Ecuador
and Colombia, and study sites are always well within
their distributions (rather than at the edges, which
might affect genetic structure; Global Biodiversity
Information Facility). Miconia rubescens has the
widest distribution, Notopleura longipedunculoides
extends to Panama, Meriania tomentosa and
Palicourea demissa to Peru (the former also to
Venezuela), whereas the two Drymonia are restricted
to Ecuador and Colombia. Seed dispersal across spe-
cies is likely to be similar; seeds either fall under
mother plants (Noé, E. Toapanta, personal
observation, March 2016) or are predominantly con-
sumed by understory frugivores (observed by birders
and guides in the study sites). Additionally, most species
pairs have the same type of fruit: D. brochidodroma and
D. tenuis have fleshy capsules, and N. longipedunculoides
and P. demissa have berries. The exception is the
Melastomataceae pair, in which M. tomentosa has dry
capsules and M. rubescens has fleshy berries. We would
expect capsular seeds to be dispersal limited and there-
fore correspond with higher F
and S
values than a spe-
cies with fleshy berries, which is likely to be dispersed by
animals. Our data instead found that M. tomentosa has
lower F
and S
values than M. rubescens, suggesting
that vertebrate pollination (by hummingbirds and bats)
in this species overrides any dispersal limitation
imposed by the dry capsules. Furthermore, all species
exhibited occasional clusters of individuals in our
FIGURE 2 Average kinshipln(distance) curves of each studied species. Filled symbols represent significant (p< 0.05) average kinship
coefficient values based on 1000 permutations of individual spatial locations among all individuals. Open symbols represent non-significant
(p> 0.05) average kinship coefficient values. Dotted lines correspond to linear regressions. For associated standard errors of average F
at each
distance interval refer to Appendix S1: Tables S5S10. (a) Drymonia brochidodroma.(b)Drymonia tenuis.(c)Miconia rubescens.(d)Meriania
tomentosa.(e)Notopleura longipedunculoides.(f)Palicourea demissa. Photographs by Diana Gamba.
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study sites. In fleshy fruited plants, this clustering is
often associated with the foraging behavior of under-
story birds that aggregate around preferred food
sources (Kessler-Rios & Kattan, 2012;Loiselle&
Blake, 1993;Smith,2001) therefore potentially limiting
gene flow via seed dispersal.
Our study species have various mechanisms to
reduce autogamy (via protandry, herkogamy, or distyly;
see Methods: Study species and pollinators), yet they all
exhibited significant levels of inbreeding as evidenced by
their F
values (Table 2). This could be due to spatial
distributions and mating between close relatives, or to
pollinators transferring pollen between flowers on the
same plant (geitonogamy), as all species typically have
multiple flowers open at any given time. Interestingly,
the Rubiaceae species showed the lowest F
which makes sense given that the distyly and
intramorph incompatibility exhibited by these species
(Bawa & Beach, 1983) is likely to be a more effective
mechanism at preventing geitonogamy than protandry
or herkogamy, given that individual plants are either
short or long styled (i.e., all flowers on a plant have the
same morphology). Observed differences in inbreeding
levels, however, do not seem to underlie the differences
we found in population genetic differentiation or strength
of FSGS. Inbreeding can increase genetic structure by
increasing genetic drift (Duminil et al., 2007; Vekemans &
Hardy, 2004) however, among our focal species,
inbreeding coefficients (AMOVA F
in Table 2)werenot
correlated with AMOVA F
(r=0.06, t=0.11, p=0.9)
nor with S
(r=0.25, t=0.52, p=0.6).
We note that differences in F
and S
values were
more pronounced between the Rubiaceae species pair
(7-fold and 10-fold, respectively), followed by the
Melastomataceae pair (2.2-fold and 2.5-fold, respec-
tively), and last by the Gesneriaceae pair (almost equiv-
alent values; Tables 2and 3,Figure1). Notopleura
longipedunculoides (Rubiaceae) is largely pollinated by
the same individual and stay among nearby plants (D.
Gamba, personal observation, January 2018), consistent with
it having the greatest observed F
and S
values. Miconia
rubescens (Melastomataceae) is pollinatedbyrelativelysmall
pollen-collecting bees (e.g., Melipona and Trigona;
Renner, 1989), consistent with the intermediate F
and S
values. Finally, D. brochidodroma (Gesneriaceae) is polli-
nated by euglossine bees, which are larger and have been
reported to fly long distances (Janzen, 1971;L
et al., 2008), in line with D. brochidodroma having the
smallest F
and S
values among our insect-pollinated
plants. Therefore, differences between insect pollinators may
explain this pattern. Among our vertebrate-pollinated
species, P. demissa is visited by ~15 hummingbird species,
M. tomentosa is visited by ~eight hummingbird species and
by nectar bats (Muchhala & Jarrin-V, 2002), and D. tenuis is
visited by ~seven hummingbird species (Weinstein &
Graham, 2017). Some of these hummingbirds are territorial,
but most are traplining (Weinstein & Graham, 2017), there-
fore the latter should override the potential isolating effect of
theformer.ThefactthatthetwoDrymonia species had such
similar F
and S
values suggests that euglossine bees and
hummingbirds may be similar in their pollen dispersal abil-
ity. Overall, our genetic structure results are also consistent
with direct measures of pollen dispersal based on paternity
analyses, in that bats and hummingbirds can transport pol-
len for several kilometers, large insects such as euglossine
bees for more than 600 m, while insects smaller than a hon-
eybee rarely transfer pollen more than 300 m (Dick
et al., 2008;Webb&Bawa,1983).
We might also expect different vertebrates to vary in
pollen dispersal ability in the same way that insects
do. For instance, foraging behavior among humming-
birds can strongly impact plant gene flow (Cuevas
et al., 2018;Murawski&Gilbert,1986; Schmidt-Lebuhn
et al., 2019), as evidenced by the fact that territorial
hummingbirds move pollen much shorter distances than
traplining hummingbirds (Betts et al., 2015; Ohashi &
Thomson, 2009; Wolowski et al., 2013). Hummingbirds
and bats may also differ, as the latter have been
found to carry pollen more efficiently (Muchhala &
Thomson, 2010) and to longer distances than humming-
birds (Lemke, 1984,1985; Tello-Ramos et al., 2015). We
encourage future work to look more in depth at how
plant gene flow is affected by behavioral differences
within pollinator guilds. For example, foraging ranges of
pollinators might predict the spatial scale of plant gene
flow, but this could be complicated by behaviors such as
grooming or differences in pollen retention on fur,
feathers, and insect hairs. A larger sample with details
on pollinator behavior would clarify the effects of these
differences on plant population structure.
Our study provides new evidence on the contrasting
effect that different animal pollinators can have on the
spatial scale of intraspecific plant gene flow. We found
that plants pollinated by small insects have considerably
higher population genetic differentiation and stronger
FSGS than hummingbird-pollinated plants. Our results
also suggest that large insects, such as euglossine bees,
can connect plant populations as effectively as traplining
hummingbirds. Therefore, the effect of different animal
pollinators on neotropical plant gene flow can be signifi-
cantly different at local (within populations) and regional
(among populations) scales (e.g., Dellinger et al., 2022).
Our results are also relevant to conservation efforts,
suggesting that plants pollinated by small insects are
likely to be very susceptible to habitat fragmentation
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(more so than vertebrate-pollinated plants, e.g., Côrtes
et al., 2013), as this can further isolate populations and
result in the loss of genetic variability due to increased
genetic drift (Aguilar et al., 2008,2019). Nevertheless,
focal studies show that plants pollinated by humming-
birds and bats can also experience detrimental effects due
to habitat fragmentation (Hadley et al., 2018; Hadley &
Betts, 2009; Nunes et al., 2017; Wanderley et al., 2020).
Future studies should seek to compare how animal
foraging behavior, animal flying distances, and their
related effect on plant gene flow might be altered due to
anthropogenic disturbance.
Diana Gamba and Nathan Muchhala planned and
designed the research. Diana Gamba collected and ana-
lyzed the data. Diana Gamba wrote the initial draft of
the manuscript. Diana Gamba and Nathan Muchhala
contributed equally to substantial revisions of the
Thanks to Nora Oleas and Paola Peña for help with the
research permit in Ecuador (MAE-DNB-CM-2015-017).
Robert Ricklefs, Christine Edwards, and Carmen
Ulloa provided advice in this study. We also thank field
assistants An Nguyen, Carlos Imery, and Alexander
Lascher-Posner for their valuable help. Thanks to fami-
lies at Santa Lucía, Bellavista, El Pahuma, and Las
angaras cloud forest reserves for their conservation
efforts and hospitality. Finally, we thank Amanda
Grusz for help with SPAGeDi analyses. This research
was supported by two graduate research grants from
the Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center at UMSL
and one research grant from the American Society of
Plant Taxonomists to Diana Gamba.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Data (Gamba & Muchhala, 2022) available from Dryad:
Diana Gamba
Nathan Muchhala
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the Supporting Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Gamba, Diana, and
Nathan Muchhala. 2022. Pollinator Type Strongly
Impacts Gene Flow Within and among Plant
Populations for Six Neotropical Species.Ecology
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... This can be especially advantageous for insular plants, whose gene pool is often limited (Frankham, 1997). For example, it is known that both specialist and generalist birds promote gene flow among plants through their pollination behaviours, facilitating the transfer of pollen over greater distances compared to bees (Bezemer et al., 2016;Gamba & Muchhala, 2022). ...
... Rodríguez-Rodríguez & Valido, 2008. In this regard, it is known that birds also increase pollen and therefore gene flow within and among plant populations due to their higher mobility (Bezemer et al., 2016;Gamba & Muchhala, 2022). Thus, avoiding bees would positively affect the evo- ...
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Many insular plant species inhabiting different archipelagos worldwide present typical ornithophilous floral traits (e.g. copious nectar, red‐orange colours), but most of them are visited by insectivorous/granivorous birds and lizards, which act as generalist pollinators. Oceanic islands promote these ecological interactions mainly due to the scarcity of arthropods. Our goal is to understand how these generalist interactions contribute to the shift of floral traits from entomophily (mainland) to ornithophily or saurophily (island), where specialist nectar‐feeding birds have not inhabited. We used the well‐known pollination interactions occurring in the Canary Islands to evaluate two proposed ecological hypotheses, bee‐avoidance or bird‐attraction, explaining evolutionary transitions of floral traits. Specifically, we studied the flower colour conspicuousness of bird‐pollinated Canarian species visited by birds and lizards with their closest relatives from the mainland mainly visited by bees. We analysed the chromatic contrast of flower colours using visual models of bees, birds and lizards and the achromatic contrast in visual models of bees. We also compared reflectance spectra marker points of flowers with available spectral discrimination sensitivities of bees and birds. Using a phylogenetically corrected framework of independent plant lineages, our results revealed that bird‐pollinated Canarian species showed lower chromatic contrast according to bees and lizard visual models than their mainland relatives, but similar chromatic contrast for bird vision. In addition, reflectance spectra marker points of the Canarian species were displaced to the longest wavelengths, far from the wavelengths of maximum discrimination of bees, but close to birds. We conclude that the avoidance of bees would be a primary ecological strategy explaining the evolutionary transitions of flower colours from melittophily to ornithophily. The lower conspicuousness of bird‐pollinated Canarian flowers in lizards is perhaps a side effect of the bee‐avoidance strategy rather than an independent evolutionary strategy. Together, these findings provide insights into how vertebrate generalist pollinators can also lead to divergence of floral traits in insular habitats, but also in other arthropod‐poor habitats. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... However, we could not capture differences in the diversity indices and genetic distribution related to the pollinating agents of the species retrieved here ( Figure S2). Gamba and Muchhala (2023) highlighted that pollen dispersal depends on the foraging behavior of pollinators and this Barcellos et al. 6 Genetic diversity in Bromeliaceae 7 capacity can vary significantly between animals from the same taxonomic group, such as insects. In their study, they found that plants pollinated by large insects, such as euglossine bees, can connect plant populations as effectively as some kinds of hummingbirds. ...
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Bromeliaceae has been used as a model Neotropical group to study evolutionary and diversification processes. Moreover, since large parts of the Neotropics are under anthropogenic pressure, a high percentage of possibly threatened species occurs. Despite this, concrete proposals for conservation based on genetic data are lacking. We compilated all genetic data obtained by nuclear microsatellites for Bromeliaceae and compared the levels of genetic diversity of subfamilies and their taxa, considering traits of life history and distribution in conservation and no conservation areas. We retrieved a total of 87 taxa (ca. 2.5% of the family size) and most present a mixed mating system, anemochoric dispersion, are ornithophilous, and were sampled outside Conservation Units, the majority occurring in the Atlantic Forest. Also, we found differences in some genetic indexes among taxa concerning seed dispersal mechanisms (e.g. Zoochoric taxa with higher diversity and lower inbreeding), mating systems (e.g. autogamous taxa showed higher inbreeding), outside/inside conservation units (allelic richness higher in not protected areas), and among different subfamilies (e.g. higher genetic diversity in Bromelioideae). The results obtained in this review can be useful for proposing conservation strategies, can facilitate the comparison of related taxa, and can help advance studies on the Bromeliaceae family.
... Evidence suggests that pollination and dispersal modes, as well as reproductive and mating systems, affect inbreeding degree and gene flow, which in turn affects population GD (da Silva Carvalho et al., 2015;Wessinger, 2021). For example, short-distance pollinated and short-range seed-dispersed plants are more vulnerable to losing GD in response to human disturbances and fragmentation than long-distance pollinated and long-range seed-dispersed plants (Kramer et al., 2008;De Kort et al., 2021;Gamba and Muchhala, 2022). Therefore, the longdistance transmission contributes to gene flow in wide-ranging populations, maintaining GD between populations (Kramer et al., 2008;Anderson et al., 2011). ...
Genetic diversity (GD) in populations is important in determining the adaptive potential of populations and is thus thought to influence whether populations decrease or increase in abundance. Yet, a robust evaluation of this premise is needed. By integrating data of 1636 observations from 589 studies globally, we evaluated the relative GD (measured as log response ratio of expected heterozygosity, lnRR) of endangered and invasive plant species compared to control (common or native) species. We also evaluated the variables that influence the variation in population GD within each plant group. Results suggest that the decline in GD is lagging behind the population decline of most endangered plants and that a lower GD did not limit the population expansion of most invasive plants. The effect of inbreeding and gene flow on the relative GD of invasive species was mediated by population size, whereas gene flow directly but nonlinear impacted that of endangered plants, and inbreeding influenced it through an indirect pattern. Mating system was the most important life-history and ecological characteristic to drive relative GD of both endangered plants and invasive plants. The relative GD of endangered plants was also influenced by life form, distribution and rarity form. Overall, genetic diversity was not found to determine species status (endangered or invasive), but species characteristics and genetic factors do have a clear influence on species' evolutionary potential. Understanding the factors that influence GD is key to prioritize management actions on endangered and invasive plants with low and high GD, respectively.
... For instance, the endemic Viola cazorlensis is mainly pollinated by the hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum which is able to fly long distances and thus create a flow of pollen between individuals located far apart within the same population. Reproductive patterns are key in generating genetic spatial variation (Ennos 2001;Vekemans and Hardy 2004;Gamba and Muchhala 2022). In the case of our Mediterranean endemic species, it is likely that the increase in foraging types that comes with increased pollinator diversities promotes greater pollen movement, which in the long run would relax the SGS. ...
Changes in epigenetic states can allow individuals to cope with environmental changes. If such changes are heritable, this may lead to epigenetic adaptation. Thus, it is likely that in sessile organisms such as plants, part of the spatial epigenetic variation found across individuals will reflect the environmental heterogeneity within populations. The departure of the spatial epigenetic structure from the baseline genetic variation can help in understanding the value of epigenetic regulation in species with different breadth of optimal environmental requirements. Here, we hypothesise that in plants with narrow environmental requirements, epigenetic variability should be less structured in space given the lower variability in suitable environmental conditions. We performed a multispecies study that considered seven pairs of congeneric plant species, each encompassing a narrow endemic with habitat specialisation and a widespread species. In three populations per species we used AFLP and methylation-sensitive AFLP markers to characterise the spatial genetic and epigenetic structures. Narrow endemics showed a significantly lower epigenetic than genetic differentiation between populations. Within populations, epigenetic variation was less spatially structured than genetic variation, mainly in narrow endemics. In these species, structural equation models revealed that such pattern was associated to a lack of correlation between epigenetic and genetic information. Altogether, these results show a greater decoupling of the spatial epigenetic variation from the baseline spatial genetic pattern in endemic species. These findings highlight the value of studying genetic and epigenetic spatial variation to better understand habitat specialisation in plants.
... Degraded matrices with little or no suitable habitat may be significant barriers to hummingbird movement (Hadley and Betts 2009, Volpe et al. 2014, Volpe et al. 2016) and result in lower abundance or absence of hummingbirds in suitable habitat patches (Kormann et al. 2016). Importantly, isolation between populations causes reduced gene flow between populations of hummingbirds (Licona-Vera and Ornelas 2014) and pollinated plant species (Torres-Vanegas et al. 2019, Gamba andMuchhala 2022). Reduced movement of hummingbirds may therefore lead not only to population declines and lower genetic diversity in their populations but also reduce plant reproduction (Kormann et al. 2016), modify plant-pollinator networks (Chávez-González et al. 2020) and affect trait evolution between coadapted species (Medeiros et al. 2018). ...
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Ensuring connectivity is crucial to protect landscapes but it requires knowledge about how animals use ecosystems throughout the year. However, animal movements remain largely unknown in biodiversity hotspots, even for species that fulfill key ecological roles, as is the case of hummingbirds in the Andes. In the complex topography of mountain slopes, movement of these avian pollinators may occur either between habitat patches with asynchronous plant blooms or across ecosystems that are located within the same elevation bands or along altitudinal gradients. Here, we used two decades (2000–2020) of records from citizen science data and boosted regression trees to predict monthly distributions for 55 hummingbird species in the Andes. We identified shifts in altitudinal distribution between contiguous months and calculated changes in the proportion of predicted distributions occupied by ecosystem types. Our findings reveal substantial altitudinal movement and differences in the proportion of ecosystem types utilized throughout the year that had not been previously reported for several species. Yet the magnitude of altitudinal and ecosystem shifts varies between hummingbird clades, and in some cases changes in the proportion of ecosystem types within estimated distributions occurs with little variation in altitude. All ecosystems across the Andes show temporal changes in hummingbird occurrence, but these are higher in natural landscapes compared to croplands or urban areas. Finally, we used phylogenetic logistic regression to test whether altitudinal and ecosystem shifts affect population trends. We found that higher ecosystem seasonality is more strongly associated with decreasing populations in comparison to altitudinal shifts. Altogether, our study reveals complex patterns of movement in hummingbirds and highlights the importance of ecological connectivity across different ecosystem types. More generally, it demonstrates the opportunity of using citizen science data to increase understanding about species' seasonal occurrences, so that landscapes can be better managed to protect animal movement. Keywords: boosted regression trees, eBird, ecological connectivity, species distribution models
... Taken together our results suggest that in C. concinna subsp. concinna, larger bees and long-tongued flies may be able to maintain genetic connectivity across part of this taxon's range (Kramer et al. 2011;Gamba and Muchhala 2022). In addition, although bees and long-tongued flies are the most common pollinators of C. concinna subsp. ...
Differences in reproductive strategies can have important implications for macro- and micro-evolutionary processes. We used a comparative approach through a population genetics lens to evaluate how three distinct reproductive strategies shape patterns of divergence among as well as gene flow and genetic diversity within three closely related taxa in the genus Clarkia. One taxon is a predominantly autonomous self-fertilizer and the other two taxa are predominantly outcrossing but vary in the primary pollinator they attract. In genotyping populations using genotyping-by-sequencing and comparing loci shared across taxa, our results suggest that differences in reproductive strategies in part promote evolutionary divergence among these closely related taxa. Contrary to expectations, we found that the selfing taxon had the highest levels of heterozygosity but a low rate of polymorphism. The high levels of fixed heterozygosity for a subset of loci suggests this pattern is driven by the presence of structural rearrangements in chromosomes common in other Clarkia taxa. In evaluating patterns within taxa, we found a complex interplay between reproductive strategy and geographic distribution. Differences in the mobility of primary pollinators did not translate to a difference in rates of genetic diversity and gene flow within taxa - a pattern likely due to one taxon having a patchier distribution and a less temporally and spatially reliable pollinator. Taken together, this work advances our understanding of the factors that shape gene flow and the distribution of genetic diversity within and among closely related taxa.
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Background Persicaria amphibia , a member of the Polygonaceae family, exists both aquatic and terrestrial forms. It is native to North America, Asia, Europe, and some parts of Africa. Objective This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity within and among populations of P. amphibia and the distribution characteristics of each population to investigate insights into the genetic structure and conservation of P. amphibia . Methods In this study, the genetic diversity and structure of 84 P. amphibia individuals from 7 populations in South Korea were analyzed using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). We used 2,469 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to analyze genetic diversity, principal components, structure, and phylogeny. Results Our results showed a mean observed heterozygosity and mean expected heterozygosity of 0.34409 and 0.34082, respectively. Genetic diversity analysis indicated that the variation among populations (60.08%) was greater than that within populations (39.92%). Fixation index values, principal components analysis, structure, and phylogeny analyses showed that the population in Gyodongdo, Ganghwa Island was highly different. Conclusion These results provide important insights for better understand the population history and genetic structure of P. amphibia .
The orchid family is renowned for its enormous diversity in pollination biology. Many orchid species use deception to attract pollinators, and the main strategy in terrestrial orchids is food deception. Food‐deceptive orchids usually show a low number of pollinator visitations, making field observations of pollinators difficult. In this study visual census, pollinator capture and molecular analysis of pollinaria found on caught insects allowed us to obtain information on species composition of orchid pollinators. A total of 321 insects were caught; most specimens were hymenopterans ( Apis mellifera , Bombus ruderatus and Eucera rufa ) and coleopterans ( Tropinota hirta and T. squalida ). The identity of species to which pollinaria found on the insect's body belonged was confirmed by molecular analysis. Moreover, some individuals of Billaea lata (Tachinidae, Diptera) were captured and photographed with the pollinaria on their head. Two new and important results emerged clearly in this work: a dipteran, Billaea lata , pollinator of Anacamptis pyramidalis , and two beetles in the genus Tropinota are pollinators of Orchis italica . Our results confirm that generalized food‐deceptive orchids of the genera Orchis and Anacamptis show weak pollinator specificity.
In flowering plants, pollinators contribute to gene flow while they also respond to variation in plant traits together determined by genetic, epigenetic and environmental sources of variation. Consequently, a correlation between abundance and diversity of pollinators and the genetic and epigenetic characteristics of plant populations such as diversity or distinctiveness is expected. However, no study has explored these long‐term dimensions of plant–pollinator interactions. Mediterranean narrow endemics often exhibit unexpectedly high levels of population genetic and epigenetic diversity. We hypothesize that pollinators may contribute to explain this pattern. Specifically, given the higher sensitivity of small, isolated population to gene flow, we expect a stronger association of pollinators with population genetic and epigenetic variability in narrow endemics than in widely distributed congeners. We studied five pairs of congeneric plant species, consisting of one narrow endemic with a restricted distribution and one widespread congener, found in the Sierra de Cazorla mountains (SE Spain). We characterized the pollinators in up to three populations per species to estimate their diversity and visitation rates. Additionally, we calculated the genetic and epigenetic diversity and distinctiveness of each population using AFLP markers and methylation‐sensitive AFLP markers (MSAP), respectively. We assessed the relationship between pollinator diversity and visitation rates. The diversity of pollinators did not vary according to the plant´s distribution range, but visitation rate was higher in widespread species. As predicted, only narrow endemics showed a significant association between pollinators and their population genetic and epigenetic characteristics. Specifically, higher pollinator diversity and visitation rates entailed higher population genetic diversity and lower epigenetic distinctiveness. This work shows the importance of investigating the relationship between pollinator diversity and population genetics and epigenetics to better understand the evolution of plant rarity.
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Plant–hummingbird interactions are considered a classic example of coevolution, a process in which mutually dependent species influence each other’s evolution. Plants depend on hummingbirds for pollination, whereas hummingbirds rely on nectar for food. As a step towards understanding coevolution, this review focuses on the macroevolutionary consequencesof plant–hummingbird interactions, a relatively underexplored area in the current literature. We synthesize prior studies,illustrating the origins and dynamics of hummingbird pollination across different angiosperm clades previouslypollinated by insects (mostly bees), bats, and passerine birds. In some cases, the crown age of hummingbirds pre-datesthe plants they pollinate. In other cases, plant groups transitioned to hummingbird pollination early in the establishmentof this bird group in the Americas, with the build-up of both diversities coinciding temporally, and hence suggestingco-diversification. Determining what triggers shifts to and away from hummingbird pollination remains a major openchallenge. The impact of hummingbirds on plant diversification is complex, with many tropical plant lineages experienc-ing increased diversification after acquiringflowers that attract hummingbirds, and others experiencing no change oreven a decrease in diversification rates. This mixed evidence suggests that other extrinsic or intrinsic factors, such as localclimate and isolation, are important covariables driving the diversification of plants adapted to hummingbird pollination.To guide future studies, we discuss the mechanisms and contexts under which hummingbirds, as a clade and as individualspecies (e.g. traits, foraging behaviour, degree of specialization), could influence plant evolution. We conclude bycommenting on how macroevolutionary signals of the mutualism could relate to coevolution, highlighting theunbalanced focus on the plant side of the interaction, and advocating for the use of species-level interaction data inmacroevolutionary studies.
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Animal pollinators mediate gene flow among plant populations, but in contrast to well‐studied topographic and (Pleistocene) environmental isolating barriers, their impact on population genetic differentiation remains largely unexplored. Comparatively investigating how these multifarious factors drive microevolutionary histories is, however, crucial for better resolving macroevolutionary patterns of plant diversification. We here combined genomic analyses with landscape genetics and niche modelling across six related Neotropical plant species (424 individuals across 33 localities) differing in pollination strategy to test the hypothesis that highly mobile (vertebrate) pollinators more effectively link isolated localities than less mobile (bee) pollinators. We found consistently higher genetic differentiation (FST) among localities of bee‐ than vertebrate‐pollinated species with increasing geographic distance, topographic barriers, and historic climatic instability. High admixture among montane populations further suggested relative climatic stability of Neotropical montane forests during the Pleistocene. Overall, our results indicate that pollinators may differentially impact the potential for allopatric speciation, thereby critically influencing diversification histories at macroevolutionary scales.
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Pollinators influence patterns of plant speciation, and one intuitive hypothesis is that pollinators affect rates of plant diversification through their effects on pollen dispersal. By specifying mating events and pollen flow across the landscape, distinct types of pollinators may cause different opportunities for allopatric speciation. This pollen dispersal‐dependent speciation hypothesis predicts that pollination mode has effects on the spatial context of mating events that scale up to impact population structure and rates of species formation. Here I consider recent comparative studies, including genetic analyses of plant mating events, population structure and comparative phylogenetic analyses, to examine evidence for this model. These studies suggest that highly mobile pollinators conduct greater gene flow within and among populations, compared to less mobile pollinators. These differences influence patterns of population structure across the landscape. However, the effects of pollination mode on speciation rates is less predictable. In some contexts, the predicted effects of pollen dispersal are outweighed by other factors that govern speciation rates. A multiscale approach to examine effects of pollination mode on plant mating system, population structure and rates of diversification is key to determining the role of pollen dispersal on plant speciation for model clades.
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Evaluating the factors that drive patterns of population differentiation in plants is critical for understanding several biological processes such as local adaptation and incipient speciation. Previous studies have given conflicting results regarding the significance of pollination mode, seed dispersal mode, mating system, growth form, and latitudinal region in shaping patterns of genetic structure, as estimated by FST values, and no study to date has tested their relative importance together across a broad scale. Here we assembled a 337‐species dataset for seed plants from publications with data on FST from nuclear markers and species traits, including variables pertaining to the sampling scheme of each study. We used species traits, while accounting for sampling variables, to perform phylogenetic multiple regressions. Results demonstrated that FST values were higher for tropical, mixed‐mating, non‐woody species pollinated by small insects, indicating greater population differentiation, and lower for temperate, outcrossing trees pollinated by wind. Among the factors we tested, latitudinal region explained the largest portion of variance, followed by pollination mode, mating system and growth form, while seed dispersal mode did not significantly relate to FST. Our analyses provide the most robust and comprehensive evaluation to date of the main ecological factors predicted to drive population differentiation in seed plants, with important implications for understanding the basis of their genetic divergence. Our study supports previous findings showing greater population differentiation in tropical regions and is the first that we are aware of to robustly demonstrate greater population differentiation in species pollinated by small insects.
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Endangered species in isolated habitats (e.g., inselbergs) may escape mate limitation during patch colonization through autonomous self-pollination. After colonization, the higher the number of plants breeding randomly within populations through cross-pollination, the lower is genetic erosion caused by genetic drift and inbreeding. Additionally, pollen flow among patches can increase population genetic variation [natural genetic recovery (NGR)]. Autonomous self- and cross-pollination were investigated within small isolated populations of the rare hummingbird-pollinated Ameroglossum pernambucense and A. manoel-felixii from inselbergs of Northeastern Brazil. We also used A. manoel-felixii and the widespread Encholirium spectabile (mainly bat-pollinated) to compare potential for NGR. In both Ameroglossum species, we performed controlled pollination experiments to test for autonomous self-pollination. Additionally, we compared fruit and seed production (reproductive output) between flowers exposed to and isolated from pollinators to test the potential for cross-pollination. We assessed the extent of cross-pollination within populations, using Wright’s genetic neighborhood model. In A. manoel-felixii and E. spectabile, we tested the potential for NGR among three nearby inselbergs. Pollen movement was tracked using fluorescent dyes. Populations of both Ameroglossum species self-pollinate, but pollinators increased fecundity, revealing potential for cross-pollination. Nonetheless, the area comprising random cross-pollination corresponded to ~ 3% of the area occupied by the Ameroglossum populations, suggesting poor capacity to counteract genetic erosion. In contrast, although both species showed potential for NGR, bat pollination in E. spectabile may facilitate NGR in more remote populations. This study suggests the predominant role of cross-pollination among small, isolated populations as the main force against genetic erosion.
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In tropical trees, forest fragmentation has been shown to affect mating and gene flow patterns. Mobile dispersal vectors should be less sensitive to fragmented landscapes and may ameliorate the genetic effects of forest fragmentation on plant populations. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed gene flow patterns in Symphonia globulifera, a tropical tree species with highly mobile pollinators and seed dispersers in the Osa Peninsula in southern Costa Rica. We used microsatellites to study genetic diversity and realized gene flow patterns between a continuous forest and a forest fragment. We found high levels of genetic diversity in adults and seedlings at both sites. Parentage analyses suggest near-neighbor matings and frequent long-distance gene flow events. Half the progeny beneath an adult was not sired by that tree and the majority of established seedlings were the result of long-distance gene dispersal. Gene flow from the forest into the fragment was more common than from the fragment into the continuous forests. Despite long distance gene flow events, seedling spatial genetic structure was stronger and extended further in the forest fragment likely due to limited seed dispersal. We conclude that fragmentation affects gene flow in this tropical tree and may compromise its genetic diversity in forest fragments even for a species with mobile pollen and seed vectors.
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Most of the world's land surface is currently under human use and natural habitats remain as fragmented samples of the original landscapes. Measuring the quality of plant progeny sired in these pervasive environments represents a fundamental endeavour for predicting the evolutionary potential of plant populations remaining in fragmented habitats and thus their ability to adapt to changing environments. By means of hierarchical and phylogenetically independent meta‐analyses we reviewed habitat fragmentation effects on the genetic and biological characteristics of progenies across 179 plant species. Progeny sired in fragmented habitats showed overall genetic erosion in contrast with progeny sired in continuous habitats, with the exception of plants pollinated by vertebrates. Similarly, plant progeny in fragmented habitats showed reduced germination, survival and growth. Habitat fragmentation had stronger negative effects on the progeny vigour of outcrossing‐ than mixed‐mating plant species, except for vertebrate‐pollinated species. Finally, we observed that increased inbreeding coefficients due to fragmentation correlated negatively with progeny vigour. Our findings reveal a gloomy future for angiosperms remaining in fragmented habitats as fewer sired progeny of lower quality may decrease recruitment of plant populations, thereby increasing their probability of extinction.
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Floral adaptation to a single most effective functional pollinator group leads to specialized pollination syndromes. However, adaptations allowing for pollination by two functional groups (bimodal pollination systems) remain a rarely investigated conundrum. We tested whether floral scent and nectar traits of species visited by two functional pollinator groups indicate specialization on either of the two pollinator groups or adaptations of both (bimodal systems). We studied pollination biology in four species of Meriania (Melastomataceae) in the Ecuadorian Andes. Pollinator observations and exclusion experiments showed that each species was effectively pollinated by two functional groups (hummingbirds/bats, hummingbirds/rodents, flowerpiercers/rodents), nectar composition followed known bird preferences, and scent profiles gave mixed support for specialization on bats and rodents. Our results suggest that nectar-rewarding Meriania species have evolved stable bimodal pollination strategies with parallel adaptations to two functional pollinator groups. The discovery of rodent pollination is particularly important given its rarity outside of South Africa.
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Several hummingbird‐pollinated plant lineages have been demonstrated to show increased rates of diversification compared to related insect‐pollinated lineages. It has been argued that this pattern is produced by a higher degree of specialization on part of both hummingbirds and plants. We here test an alternative hypothesis: The often highly territorial hummingbirds may on average carry pollen over shorter distances than other pollinators and drive diversification by reducing gene flow distances. We present experimental data from pollen analogue tracking showing shorter dispersal distances in hummingbird‐pollinated than in bee‐pollinated species among ten Neotropical species of Justicia (Acanthaceae). Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.
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The Octopleura clade of Miconia is a natural group of Neotropical subshrubs and small trees comprising some thirty- three species. These had previously been described in Ossaea and Clidemia, two traditionally recognized genera of Miconieae, but this natural group is nested within the megadiverse genus Miconia. This study represents the first comprehensive monograph of the clade across its entire range based on a study of over 2100 collections from seven herbaria. Thirteen new combinations are made (Miconia aguilarii, M. aurantiaca, M. biolleyana, M. boekei, M. chocoensis, M. evanescens, M. incerta, M. laxivenula, M. palenquensis, M. quinquenervia, M. radicans, M. reitziana, and M. rufibarbis). Thirteen new names are provided for epithets preempted in Miconia (M. albertobrenesii, M. alboglandulosa, M. approximata, M. atropurpurea, M. bensparrei, M. bractiflora, M. erikasplundii, M. magnifolia, M. neocoronata, M. quadridomius, M. sessilis, M. spiciformis, and M. variabilis). Six new species are proposed (M. alatissima, M. anchicayensis, M. formicaria, M. latidecurrens, M. renatoi, and M. veraguensis). A taxonomic key, detailed descriptions, distribution maps, and phenological and ecological information are presented for all species, along with SEM images of seed morphology for selected species. A preliminary geospatial conservation assessment is made for each species. Diagnostic illustrations are included for all new taxa and other selected species. A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four genic loci is presented, along with a reconstruction of ancestral character states. Molecular and morphological data are used to develop a better understanding of the constituent species of the clade and their evolutionary relationships. Three subclades, Approximata, Quinquenervia, and Variabilis, are evident within the Octopleura clade, and supported by morphological synapomorphies.
The integrity of species in sympatric contact sites is dependent on the existence of reproductive isolating mechanisms, which restrict gene flow between them. Co‐flowering plants with divergent floral traits or syndromes may evolve in order to attract divergent functional groups of pollinators, facilitating plant coexistence. However, we know little about the mechanisms that enable the coexistence of species with similar floral morphologies. We evaluated several reproductive isolation barriers between Salvia elegans and S. fulgens, two sympatric sages with a similar ornithophilous floral syndrome, offering nectar as the main reward. The evaluated barriers included broad‐scale geographic isolation, floral phenologies, and floral visitors as pre‐pollination barriers, and fruit set, seed number and seed germination as post‐pollination barriers. We found considerable geographic isolation and significant altitudinal differences between the two sages. The flowering period of both Salvia species always overlapped extensively during the three years of this study but hummingbirds were highly specific, visiting one or the other Salvia species and showing an aggressive territorial behavior. Interspecific experimental crosses revealed that hybrid seeds might be formed although strong asymmetric barriers were found depending on the species acting as the maternal donor. Despite the low level of flowering asynchrony, reproductive isolation was remarkably high in the two sages. Geographic isolation and pollinator fidelity were the main factors, responsible for maintaining species integrity. Despite an extensive review, we found very few studies quantifying the efficiency of isolation barriers in Neotropical plants or even the importance of hummingbirds as pollinators. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.