ResearchPDF Available

SJES Volume 27 Issue 11 Pages 1-22

  • Facultyof Physical Education in Benha University
Effect of brainstorming on techari thinking and learning of some
basketball skills For junior high school girls
Dr/Ahmed shoki mohamed
D/Sameh Mohmoud Abdelal
Esraa Hassan zakria
With the aim of researching the effect of brainstorming on the
development of aikari thinking and of some of the skills of the basket and
the characteristics of the preparatory rafter, the researcher limited the
experimental method and the number of research clues were selected.
D) A schoolgirl
After collecting data, statistical processes, and tuning, she arrived at
immediate conclusions and recommendations
I would use brainstorming to have a positive effect on the advancement
of motor skills in basketball
 Concern with the preparation of reprehensible majority duties at all
levels of students in a manner consistent with the offender of Repeaters
and work to follow up on them
 Training teachers in the formulation of lessons is good in line with
thinking factors. Education courses are sufficient for teachers to prepare
the lessons used, brainstorm and provide them with skills development
Introducing the field of mathematical thinking in all its skills in the
curriculum: keywords.:
Brainstorming, creative reporting, gym class)
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-Nonis:Technology and Teacher Preparation creating student
involvement and creativity the university of Tennese .
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