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About the Fresnel Drag Effect

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Abstract and Figures

When an EM signal travels through a cable which rigidly connects a source and observer, it experiences an altered refractive index by the cable's co-motion with the observer relative to the signal. The present work examines this effect known as the Fresnel drag effect. The examination concludes that Fresnel was on the right track whilst explaining why he was so by drawing context to the work by Maxwell which came after Fresnel's . -- Its a raw draft but i thought to put it out there as people may be interested in what i found - including the context to Maxwell's work , Fresnel's original intend and relationship to experiment .
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The Co-Moving Drag Effect
Hanna Edwards
Absolute Motion Sensing, Lake Albert, New South Wales, Australia,
Apr 11, 2022
When an EM signal travels through a cable which rigidly connects a source
and observer, it experiences an altered refractive index by the cable’s co-
motion with the observer relative to the signal. The present work examines
this effect.
Keywords— Absolute Motion, Motion Sensing, Optics, Fresnel Drag Effect
The original approach to this topic was made by Augustin-Jean Fresnel who proposed
that light was ”a vibration in a universal fluid” known as the ether [1]. Fresnel further
proposed that the presence of an optic medium implies a greater ether density, with its
motion affecting the speed of light propagating through it.
These propositions fundamentally agree with the worldview presented in Edwards(2019)
[2], which proposes a fabric of space in which light is a travelling- and restmatter a stand-
ing disturbance. Consequently absolute motion can be defined as motion relative to an
EM signal, whilst rest reference values are defined at rest in the fabric. If we understand
energy as quantifying an amount of change over space and time, the presence of a pat-
tern of change increases the energy density in a given volume- and hence the density of
the fabric of space. As the propagation velocity of a travelling disturbance is set by the
density of its medium, the presence of restmatter implies a lowered propagation velocity
as it implies a greater density.
Within this worldview which fundamentally aligns with Fresnel’s, we want to relive
Fresnel’s drag effect derivation - the closest description of which was found in a book by
Whittaker from 1910 with the title ”A history of the theories of aether and electricity”
(((Something to ponder/discuss: if we consider the derivation of Fresnel’s drag coeffi-
cient 11/n2by Laub [4] which changes the speed of propagation to c/n±v(11/n2), the
formula appears to appreciate the velocity of the medium vas seen by an observer whilst
employing first order approximations in its derivation. Cite more relativistic derivations.
At the same time, experiments aimed at probing Fresnel’s theory by Fizeau, Harress or
Pogany were not designed to measure the laboratory motion through the ether [3,4,5]
whilst the experiment by Fizeau, which measured Fresnel’s drag coefficient to a close
agreement, was based on the velocity of a medium relative to the observer (and source).
probably due to the abs motion vector almost cancelling in sagnac-like experiments , do
the math similar to LHC to first see for yourself and then prove your assumption Hanna
Also discuss that Maxwell discovered his famous relationship AFTER Fresnel guessed(?)
the squarred relationship - but also that considering Argo-like experiment a factor 11/n2
was born by demand (look up in conspiracy of light homepage - yup that awesome guy
you are now in contact with ;-) you are patching this here up for ;-)) )))
So to relive a derivation in Fresnel’s sense, the here presented drag effect models a sit-
uation where the medium remains fixed between source and observer, to describe a drag
effect born by the co-motion of the medium with the observer relative to the signal.
To examine this co-moving drag effect, let us consider an EM wave travelling into-
versus out of the direction a cable travels. In either case, the propagating wave encounters
the same absolute amount of molecules during its passage. However in the first case it
encounters less molecules per unit time - and in the second more. In the first case it will
therefore perceive a reduced refractive index nand hence a faster cn1> cn- and in the
second an increased refractive index nand hence a slower cn2< cn(Fig.1).
Fig.1: The effect of absolute motion of an optical medium onto the
speed of light passing through it with cn2< cn< cn1.
In 1865 Maxwell published his famous work where he derived the speed of light from what
became known as ”Maxwell’s equations” as
from which he deduced that ”light is an electromagnetic disturbance propagated through
the field” as the value matched that measured for light [Maxwell ref]. As this statement
of Maxwell’s again fundamentally agrees with the worldview presented in Edwards,2019
we are basing our revival of Fresnel’s drag effect derivation on the following context and
definition of the refractive index nas
where in the sense of our worldview we consider µ as representing the to the speed of
light effective ether density in our optic medium at absolute rest and µooas the ether
density of free space. Then it holds that
µ =µoon2
From here it follows that µxxwith
µxx=µ µoo=µoo(n21)
represents the contribution by the molecules of the optic medium to the ether density as
relevant to the speed of light through the optic medium. Alternatively we can think of
the ether density concerning the speed of light in our optic medium µ to compose from
the contributions of the fabric of space and the molecules of the optic medium
µ =µoo+µxx
To this point we agree with Fresnel’s original derivation as presented by Whittaker [3].
As the next step we have to put our optic medium into absolute motion. Let us do so into
the same direction as the signal. This only concerns the part µxxto move through the
fabric at an absolute speed v. Whittaker appears to suggest that the following question
was ask: ”If we give the molecule-part µxx=µoo(n21) the speed v, what equivalent
speed fvwould this entail for µ =µoon2such that the following equation holds”
µoo(n21) v=µoon2fv
We directly see that
f= (1 1
which is Fresnel’s famous drag coefficient. From there, as presented by Whittaker [3] the
derivations continues to conclude that therefore the speed of light cnthrough an optic
medium moving at absolute speed vaway from the signal is
cn=cn+ (1 1
as opposed to its speed cnthrough the same medium if it were at absolute rest. This could
be reasoned in that the RHS of the equation µoo(n21) v=µoon2(1 1
describes a mathematical equivalence with a speed (1 1
n2)vat which the entire ether
moves, if the molecule-part on the LHS moves at speed v, to yield this identical result.
Lorentz Dispersion Term
Clasically - i.e. Lorentz believed in the ether.
Make own section or better include in the above.
Application to experiments - own plus look at conspiracy of light webpage.
Sagnac-like experiments [4-5, 10-14] are independent of the refractive index and are
known to follow the formula t=2vL
c2which describes the time difference between 2
counterpropagating signals where vis the tangential velocity of rotation of the loop and
Lthe total length of the fibre.
The Fresnel’d drag coefficient has been laudated for this by Knopf [4] the following way.
Let us first consider the refractive index such that
. We do however postulate the existence of a drag effect xsuch that
t=2vLn2(1 x)
which implies the assumption that the present effect is reduced by a drag effect which is
to be subtracted from it. We directly see that if
x= 1 1/n2
we derive
However this derivation is not bottom up physically derived. But:
cn vL
When we substitute
cn=cn+ (1 1
cn=cn(1 1
for each direction respectively we get
c/n +vv/n2vL
c/n v+v/n2+v=L
c/n v/n2L
c/n +v/n2
Which for v << c approximates to
Fresnel on right track
for helping me obtain papers and find research i was after
1. Fresnel, A. (1818) ”Lettre D’Augustin Fresnel A Francois Arago ”Sur L’Influence Du
Mouvement Terrestre Danse Quelques Phenomenes D’Optique” Annales de chimie
et de physique, 9: 57
2. Edwards, H. (2019) ”The Absolute Meaning of Motion to the Optical Path” Results
in Physics, 14: 102410
ELECTRICITY”, Dublin University Press Series, Hodges, Figgis, & Co., LTD.,
4. Laub, J. (1907) ”Zur Optik der bewegten orper”, Annelen der Physik, 328: 738–744
5. Drezet, A. (2005) ”The physical origin of the Fresnel Drag of light by a moving
dielectric medium” The European Physical Journal B, 45(1): 103-110
add 2 more from Dirk and Lorentz for intro theory and contradictions as of which
theory is right as of correct predictions
6. Cassini, A.; Levinas, M. L. (2019) ”Einstein’s reinterpretation of the Fizeau experi-
ment: How it turned out to be crucial for special relativity” Studies in History and
Philosophy of Modern Physics, 65: 55-72
7. Knopf, O. (1920) ”Die Versuche von F. Harress ueber die Geschindigkeit des Lichtes
in bewegten Koerpern” Annalen der Physik, 4(62): 389-447
8. Pogany, P. (1928) ”Ueber die Wiederholung des Harresschen Versuches” Annalen
der Physik, 4(85): 244-256
9. Lineweaver, C.H. (1996) “The CMB Dipole: the Most Recent Measurement and
some History” arxiv: astro-ph/9609034
10. Edwards, H. (2022) ”Experimental Evidence of Lorentz Variance Breaking in Dif-
ferent Astronomical Orientations” (Cross-Reference)
11. Cahill, R.T. (2006) “The Roland De Witte 1991 Detection of Absolute Motion and
Gravitational Waves” Progress in Physics, 3: 60-65.
12. Sagnac, G. (1913) “The Luminiferous Ether Demonstrated by the Effect of the
Relative Motion of the Ether in an Interferometer in Uniform Rotation” Comptes
Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, 157: 708-710
13. Sagnac, G. (1913) “Regarding the Proof for the Existence of a Luminiferous Ether
Using a Rotating Interferometer Experiment” Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des
Sciences, 157: 1410-1413
14. Pascoli, G. (2017). “The Sagnac effect and its interpretation by Paul Langevin” C.
R. Physique, 18: 563-569
15. Wang, R.; Zheng, Y.; Yao, A.; Langley, D. (2003) “Modified Sagnac experiment
for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light beams in a
uniformly moving fiber” Physics Letters A, 312: 7-10
16. Wang, R.; Zheng, Y.; Yao, A. (2004) “Generalized Sagnac Effect” Physical Review
Letters, 93: 143901.
17. Maxwell, James Clerk (1865). ”A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field”
(PDF). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 155: 459–512
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The French physicist Georges Sagnac is nowdays frequently cited by the engineers who work on devices such as ring-laser gyroscopes. These systems operate on the principle of the Sagnac effect. It is less known that Sagnac was a strong opponent to the theory of special relativity proposed by Albert Einstein. He set up his experiment to prove the existence of the aether discarded by the Einsteinian relativity. An accurate explanation of the phenomenon was provided by Paul Langevin in 1921.
Full-text available
The present manuscript aims to clarify why motion causes matter to age slower in a comparable sense, and how this relates to relativistic effects caused by motion. A fresh analysis of motion, build on first axiom, delivers proof with its result, from which significant new understanding and computational power is gained.A review of experimental results demonstrates, that unaccelerated motion causes matter to age slower in a comparable, observer independent sense. Whilst focusing on this absolute effect, the present manuscript clarifies its context to relativistic effects, detailing their relationship and incorporating both into one consistent picture. The presented theoretical results make new predictions and are testable through suggested experiment of a novel nature. The manuscript finally arrives at an experimental tool and methodology, which as far as motion in ungravitated space is concerned or gravity appreciated, enables us to find the absolute observer independent picture of reality, which is reflected in the comparable display of atomic clocks.The discussion of the theoretical results, derives a physical causal understanding of gravity, a mathematical formulation of which, will be presented. Keywords: Kinematics, Gravity, Atomic clocks, Cosmic microwave background
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Experiments were conducted to study light propagation in a light waveguide loop consisting of linearly and circularly moving segments. We found that any segment of the loop contributes to the total phase difference between two counterpropagating light beams in the loop. The contribution is proportional to a product of the moving velocity v and the projection of the segment length Delta(l) on the moving direction, Deltaphi=4piv x Delta(l)/c(lambda). It is independent of the type of motion and the refractive index of waveguides. The finding includes the Sagnac effect of rotation as a special case and suggests a new fiber optic sensor for measuring linear motion with nanoscale sensitivity.
In this article, we aim at clarifying the role played by Fizeau's 1851 experiment, both in the context of discovery and in the context of justification of the special theory of relativity. In 1907 Laue proved that Fresnel's formula was a consequence of the relativistic composition of velocities; since then, Einstein regarded Fizeau's experiment as confirmatory evidence for his theory, and even as a crucial experiment in favor of the relativistic addition of velocities. On the other hand, in the 1920's Einstein stated that this experiment was decisive in the path that led him to the discovery of his theory before 1905, but he did not explain why. We survey all the available evidence on this subject and conclude that the original ether-drag experiment was reinterpreted within a new conceptual framework in which the meaning of the very concept of velocity undergoes a radical change.
Der von der Firma Carl Zeiss freundlichst Überlassene Apparat wurde in Budapest mit Unterstützung der Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund aufgebaut. Beiden Körperschaften gebührt mein innigster Dank.