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Hareport hazard: Identifying hare activity patterns and increased mammal–aircraft strike risk at an International Airport

Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation

Abstract and Figures

Abstract Reported strike events between wildlife and aircraft are hazardous to aircraft and airfield operations and are increasing globally. To develop effective mitigation strategies, the relative hazard a species poses to aircraft, as well as information relating to its life history, are key to the development of effective mitigation strategies in Wildlife Hazard Management Plans. However, given the complex nature of airfield environments with access restrictions and the presence of sensitive equipment, the collection of high‐quality ecological data can be difficult. Here we use motion‐activated camera traps to collect activity data on a population of Irish hares (Lepus timidus hibernicus) inhabiting the airfield at Dublin International Airport, to investigate the link between hare activity and aircraft activity in relation to hare strikes. Camera traps revealed that the hare population at the airfield largely displayed a bimodal crepuscular activity pattern, with activity peaking at sunrise and at sunset. Recorded hare strike times at the airfield were closely associated with hare activity times with a high temporal overlap between these datasets. In comparison, hare activity and aircraft movement activity had a moderate overlap across all seasons, with strikes peaking at times with low aircraft movements. We demonstrate the importance of understanding the circadian and seasonal activity patterns of hazardous species at airfields for targeted strike mitigation.
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Hareport hazard: Identifying hare activity patterns and
increased mammalaircraft strike risk at an International
Samantha Ball
, Anthony Caravaggi
& Fidelma Butler
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, Distillery Fields, University College Cork, Cork T23 TK30, Ireland
daa, Airport Fire & Rescue Service, Dublin K67 CX65, Ireland
School of Applied Sciences, University of South Wales, 9 Graig Fach, Glyntaff, Pontypridd CF37 4BB, UK
Airfield management, circadian activity,
wildlife hazard, wildlife management, wildlife
Samantha Ball, School of Biological, Earth
and Environmental Science, Distillery Fields,
University College Cork, Cork T23 TK30,
Ireland. Tel: +353 21 4904676; Email:
Editor: Marcus Rowcliffe
Associate Editor: Oliver Wearn
Funding Information
daa: EBPPG/2018/43 Irish Research Council
University College Cork Consortia
Received: 1 March 2022; Revised: 10 June
2022; Accepted: 27 June 2022
doi: 10.1002/rse2.293
Remote Sensing in Ecology and
Conservation 2023;9(1):33–45
Reported strike events between wildlife and aircraft are hazardous to aircraft
and airfield operations and are increasing globally. To develop effective mitiga-
tion strategies, the relative hazard a species poses to aircraft, as well as informa-
tion relating to its life history, are key to the development of effective
mitigation strategies in Wildlife Hazard Management Plans. However, given the
complex nature of airfield environments with access restrictions and the pres-
ence of sensitive equipment, the collection of high-quality ecological data can
be difficult. Here we use motion-activated camera traps to collect activity data
on a population of Irish hares (Lepus timidus hibernicus) inhabiting the airfield
at Dublin International Airport, to investigate the link between hare activity
and aircraft activity in relation to hare strikes. Camera traps revealed that the
hare population at the airfield largely displayed a bimodal crepuscular activity
pattern, with activity peaking at sunrise and at sunset. Recorded hare strike
times at the airfield were closely associated with hare activity times with a high
temporal overlap between these datasets. In comparison, hare activity and air-
craft movement activity had a moderate overlap across all seasons, with strikes
peaking at times with low aircraft movements. We demonstrate the importance
of understanding the circadian and seasonal activity patterns of hazardous spe-
cies at airfields for targeted strike mitigation.
Wildlife collisions or ‘strikes’ with transport vehicles can
have serious consequences for passenger safety, industry
economics (e.g. Dolbeer & Begier, 2021), the local econ-
omy (e.g. Jaren et al., 1991) and wildlife conservation
efforts (e.g. Clair et al., 2019). While the majority of
strike-related research has focused on road traffic net-
works (e.g. Popp & Boyle, 2017; Wright et al., 2020), sim-
ilar consequences are also reported for other modes of
transport including rail (Dorsey et al., 2017), shipping
networks (Laist et al., 2001) and air transportation
(Altringer et al., 2021). Mammals are well represented
within the literature regarding strikes for most modes of
transport (e.g. Pokorny et al., 2022), yet relatively little
research has focussed on mammals in the context of the
air transportation sector, despite mammalian strikes com-
posing 310% of reported strikes in the aviation industry
(Ball, Caravaggi, & Butler, 2021b). Terrestrial mammals
are hazardous to aircraft only when they move on to the
active runway, therefore, understanding the circadian
(over 24 hours) and seasonal activities of animals inhabit-
ing or using the airfield could help to identify periods of
increased risk when animals are likely to come into con-
tact with aircraft. Identifying these periods of risk can
then allow for the targeted development and application
of strike mitigation measures.
Animal behaviours and activity patterns are greatly
influenced by a variety of pressures within their environ-
ment, including- but not limited to- food availability
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
(Pereira, 2010), predation risk (Ross et al., 2013),
disturbance and anthropogenic activities (Lendrum
et al., 2017). Circadian and seasonal activity patterns are
photoresponsive cycles regulated by the suprachiasmatic
nucleus of the hypothalamus in mammals (Meijer
et al., 2010), allowing for species to fulfil daily require-
ments (e.g. feeding) while adapting to seasonal day length.
This plasticity (Phillips et al., 2013) allows for mammals
to exploit the ecological environment they inhabit and
alter activities relative to changing sunrise and sunset
times. Hence, in the context of wildlife management,
wildlife hazards are likely to exhibit temporal variability,
particularly with increasing distances from the equator
where seasonality becomes increasingly pronounced. This
highlights the importance of understanding species com-
position and associated life histories of potentially haz-
ardous fauna on an airfield-specific basis.
Given the sensitive nature of airfield environments, the
collection of high-quality ecological data can often be com-
plicated, requiring the use of remote field methods due to
limited accessibility, such as camera traps (Carswell
et al., 2021; Scheideman et al., 2017), radio telemetry (York
et al., 2000), GPS tracking (Askren et al., 2019) and predic-
tive modelling based on pre-existing movement data
(Arrondo et al., 2021). Lagomorphs (particularly rabbits
and hares) are frequently reported in airfield environments
and are reportedly involved in strike events near globally
(Ball, Caravaggi, & Butler, 2021b; Dolbeer & Begier, 2021;
Kitowski, 2016). A population of the Irish hare (Lepus timi-
dus hibernicus, Bell 1837), an endemic subspecies of the
Mountain hare (L. timidus, Linnaeus 1758), resides at
Dublin Airport in the Republic of Ireland where strike
events between hares and aircraft have been increasing by an
average of 14% annually since 1997 (Ball, Butler,
et al., 2021a). The damage potential of a hare strike
(10,576 J; Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a), in tandem with the
conservation status (Caravaggi et al., 2017; Reid
et al., 2010) of this endemic subspecies, require that effec-
tive management strategies be developed to mitigate against
strike events. Here, we investigate whether motion-activated
camera traps an easily accessible and relatively inexpensive
method of monitoring can be successfully used to identify
periods of increased strike risk between aircraft and hares.
Understanding the relationship between animal activity
patterns and temporal distributions of air traffic can help to
comprehend and mitigate strike risk (Arrondo et al., 2021;
Carswell et al., 2021; Schwarz et al., 2014). Here, we apply
an approach more frequently used in inter-specific compe-
tition and predatorprey modelling (e.g. Caravaggi
et al., 2018; Ross et al., 2013) to an industry setting. We
hypothesize that aircraft-hare activity overlap will fluctuate
seasonally, and that hare activity represents a better indica-
tor of strike patterns than aircraft activity. We focus on the
Irish hare as a model species and propose that this
approach could be used to identify periods of risk associ-
ated with other ground dwelling species at airfields world-
wide and for use on public road networks.
Materials and Methods
Study area
Dublin International Airport (53.4264°N, 6.2499°W) is
Ireland’s largest civil airport and one of the busiest in Eur-
ope, with almost 250,000 aircraft movements recorded in
2019 alone. The airfield was composed of approximately
275 hectares (680 acres) of grassland throughout the study
period, which increased to approximately 370 hectares
(914 acres) in August 2021 due to the expansion of the air-
field to incorporate an additional runway. The grasslands
are maintained according to a long grass management pol-
icy (UKCAA Safety Regulation Group CAP, 2008) com-
prising of a blend of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)
and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). The airfield is located
on the east coast of Ireland and experiences a temperate
climate. A mean temperature of 9.4°C and mean rainfall of
62.8 mm was recorded throughout the study period (July
2019May 2021; MET Eireann, 2021).
Strike data
A database of all strike events at the airfield has been
maintained since 1990, encompassing all confirmed strike
events with avian and mammal species. The first strike
event with a hare was reported at the airfield in 1997.
These data were provided by the daa (Dublin Airport’s
managing body). Carcasses were recovered from active
areas (i.e. runways, taxiways) following a reported strike
event or during mandatory routine inspections with the
location and environmental conditions surrounding an
event recorded (e.g. weather; see Ball, Butler,
et al., 2021a). From 2012 onwards, temporal data detail-
ing the date and time of a strike were also recorded,
resulting in n =238 hare strike events with an associated
strike time from 2012 until December 2021. Despite the
presence of other mammal species occasionally reported
at the airfield including foxes (Vulpes vulpes), hedgehogs
(Erinaceus europaeus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), rats
(Rattus norvegicus), domestic cats (Felis catus) and bats
(Kelly et al., 2017), strike events with these species are
rare (Bolger & Kelly, 2008). With an increasing number
of hare strike events reported annually and a sufficient
kinetic energy to cause damage to an aircraft (Ball, Butler,
et al., 2021a), the Irish hare is the most hazardous mam-
mal species at the airfield. Therefore, here we focus on
the Irish hare due to a high incidence of strike events.
34 ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard S. Ball et al.
Camera trapping
Seven Bushnell Trophy Cam HD (model 119476) camera
traps were deployed into the grasslands surrounding the
main runway at Dublin Airport (RW28-10 L), at seven
fixed locations, identified a priori by airfield safety
authorities and dependant on the location of appropriate
permanent structures (e.g., gate posts). Camera positions
were not changed due to ongoing construction work
throughout the study period. Cameras were positioned
50 cm above ground level with a ~15
downwards tilt
with cameras pointing away from areas of high aircraft
and vehicle traffic, to prevent false triggers and operated
24/7 with the use of infrared for nocturnal image capture
(Appendix 1and Appendix 2). The shortest distance
between the two closest camera traps was 520 m (0.5 km,
range 520 m920 m), to minimize spatial replication.
This was well beyond the typical hare home range
0.02 m Caravaggi et al., 2016) and slightly
over the median home range size of male hares reported
by Wolfe and Hayden (1996) of 0.5 km
. Cameras were
left in situ for 3269 days (dependant on logistics, camera
performance and accessibility), for each season between
July 2019May 2021 (Appendix 3), for a total of 360 cal-
endar days. Seasons were defined as spring (MarchMay),
summer (JuneAugust), autumn (SeptemberNovember)
and winter (DecemberFebruary). Interannual survey data
were pooled for each season. Cameras were programmed
to record two-time stamped images when triggered by
movement at medium sensitivity, with a 60-second inter-
val between images.
Circadian activity- data analysis
Camera trap images were assumed independent of each
other if they were separated by a minimum of 30 min-
utes, or by a clearly different animal (e.g. distinguish-
able markings; Viviano et al., 2021) and therefore
defined as an independent mammal detection. As cam-
era traps were only triggered by movement (i.e., activ-
ity), we also assumed that detections of hares were a
true reflection of the circadian activity of the species.
For trigger events where the image contained more than
one individual (n =39 events), only a single event was
recorded (Caravaggi et al., 2018). Aircraft movement
data for the runway (RW28-10 L) were obtained from
the daa, whereby a movement is defined as a take-off
or landing manoeuvre. All aircraft manoeuvres were
considered to be independent events. These data were
truncated to include only those dates where camera
traps were deployed on the airfield. All statistical analy-
sis was carried out in programme R v 4.0.4. (R Core
Team, 2021).
A cross-correlation function (CCF) was used to deter-
mine negative (h) or positive (h+) lags in time series
data between aircraft and hares. CCFs show correlations
between events in time series data (X
where a positive lag (h+) shows a correlation between
and Y
(i.e., X succeeds Y). Likewise, a negative lag
(h) shows a correlation between X
and Y
(i.e., X pre-
cedes Y). The significance of the correlation coefficient
was established by calculating the tvalue, where the criti-
cal tvalue (P=0.05, 22 degrees of freedom, one-
tailed) =1.72. The Overlap package (Meredith & Rid-
out, 2021) was used to determine the temporal overlap
between hares and aircraft, by estimating the overlap
coefficient (Δ), where Δ= 0 indicated no overlap and
Δ= 1 indicated complete temporal overlap. Data were
bootstrapped 1,000 times to generate 95% confidence
intervals (CI) of the overlap coefficient (Zanni
et al., 2021). The Δ
estimator was used for all pairwise
comparisons between aircraft movements and hare activ-
ity and was also used to compare aircraft movements and
hare strike events across the whole year. The Δ
was used for seasonal aircraft strike pairwise combinations
due to seasonal strike records ranging from 5469 events
(Meredith & Ridout, 2021) and for seasonal hare activity
vs. seasonal hare strike comparisons. Temporal overlaps
between hares and aircraft were ranked as either high
(Δ>0.75), moderate (0.50 <Δ<0.75) or low
(Δ<0.50), for each season (Monterroso et al., 2014).
Given Irelands northern latitude, day length varies sub-
stantially with seasons with the longest days in the sum-
mer experiencing ~17 hours of daylight, and the shortest
days in the winter experiencing ~7 hours of daylight.
Therefore, to investigate how activity patterns changed in
relation to the rising of a setting sun seasonally, trigger
events were offset to either sunrise or sunset (i.e. 00:00
11:59 offset relative to sunrise, 12:0023:59 offset relative
to sunset; Caravaggi et al., 2018). All daytime offsets (i.e.,
events which occurred between sunrise and sunset) were
converted to positive integers and night-time offsets (i.e.,
events which occurred between sunset and sunrise) to
negative integers. As an example, a detection at 10:15 on
a day where sunrise was at 08:00 would have an offset
value of +2 hrs 15mins, which would indicate diurnal
activity. Similarly, a detection at 20:30 on a day where
sunset was at 19:00 would have an offset value of -1 hr.
30 mins, indicating nocturnal activity. Finally, a detection
which occurred at 03:55 (after midnight) would be offset
to sunrise and on a day where this was at 07:15, an offset
value of -3 hrs 20mins would be allocated, indicating
nocturnal activity closer to sunrise than sunset. These off-
set values were used as the dependant variable in a one-
way analysis of variance with post hoc Tukey tests, to test
differences in activity patterns across seasons. Likewise, as
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 35
S. Ball et al. Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard
the Covid-19 pandemic substantially impacted on the
number of aircraft movements at Dublin Airport, the
same method was used to compare hare activity between
seasons (i.e., Summer 2019 vs. Summer 2020) to test
whether hares exhibited altered activity patterns with the
relief in aircraft movements.
Camera trap data and aircraft movement data were
from the same sampling periods with aircraft movement
data having been truncated to match camera trap deploy-
ment dates (between July 2019May 2021). As hare strike
data were available from 20122021 (n=238), the entire
data set was used to investigate the overlap patterns with
aircraft movements and hare activity to ensure a sufficient
sample size for robust estimates (Lashley et al., 2018;
Meredith & Ridout, 2021). Truncating hare strike data to
the sampling period dates (July 2019May 2021) would
result in an insufficient sample size (n=17) to reliably
estimate activity overlap.
Camera trap detections
Of the potential 2,520 recording days (i.e., 7 cameras
recording for 360 calendar days), 2,144 were successful
(85%). Camera failings were a result of removal by per-
sonnel, hares chewing through camera straps as well as
battery and mechanical failure. A total of 684 indepen-
dent mammalian detections were recorded on the airfield
at Dublin Airport, from 5 species, across 360 calendar
days (i.e., full 24-hour periods; Table 1). The Irish hare
was the most frequently detected species, making up
84.9% (n=574) of detections, followed by the red fox
(Vulpes vulpes) with 14.6% (n=100) of detections. The
European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus,n=5), Euro-
pean rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus,n=3) and domestic
cat (Felis catus, n =2) were rarely recorded. Over the
course of the study period (360 days), a total of 114,559
aircraft movements were recorded at the airfield
(Table 2).
Activity patterns
Hares demonstrated a largely crepuscular activity pattern,
with peaks in activity recorded at, or close to, sunrise and
sunset (Fig. 1). This pattern was less defined during the
winter months, when hares were active over a longer per-
iod, likely due to the prolonged hours of darkness typical
of the season in Ireland (e.g., day length on winter solstice
in Dublin is approximately 7 hours and 30 minutes, com-
pared with approximately 17 hours on the summer sol-
stice). In contrast, while aircraft movements were
recorded continuously throughout the year, the majority
of movements occurred according to a diurnal pattern
(Fig. 1). Movements rapidly increased around 06:00
across all seasons and remained high for the duration of
the day, decreasing in volume approaching midnight
(00:00). Overlap between hares and aircraft was moderate
across the year (58%; CI 5360%) and across all seasons
(Table 3), with spring having the highest activity overlap
(63%; CI 5565%). Activity overlap estimates for the
sampling periods prior to the Covid-19 pandemic were
slightly lower than those when both years were considered
together (4151%; Appendix 4).
Hare activity generally preceded aircraft activity, with a
significant peak of activity at zero indicating contempora-
neous activity patterns recorded only for the winter sam-
pling period (peak =0, r =0.576, t =3.30; Table 4),
when hare activity was less confined to a strictly crepus-
cular pattern. Significant correlations between aircraft and
hares were observed across all seasons, with activity pat-
terns crossing zero throughout the year (peak =3,
r=0.628, t =3.79) as well as for the summer
(peak =1, r =0.592, t =3.45), autumn (peak =2,
r=0.608, t =3.59) and winter sampling periods
(Table 4).
Table 1. Total number of seasonal detections of Irish hare and red fox using camera traps at Dublin Airport 20192021. Sampling commenced
in the Summer of 2019 until Spring 2021.
Species Year Summer Autumn Winter Spring
No. of independent
No. days
No. of animal
No. of triggers per
50 days
Irish hare
Lepus timidus
140 30 45 59*
174 152 175 57.2
282*46*114*158*400 208 444 94.7
Red fox
Vulpes vulpes
118 9 10 12*49 152 49 16.1
27*13*10*21*51 208 51 12.1
Year 1 =Summer 2019- Spring 2020.
Year 2 =Summer 2020- Spring 2021.
Denotes the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in Ireland.
*Denotes sampling periods during the Covid-19 pandemic in Ireland.
36 ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard S. Ball et al.
Significant differences (P<0.001) in hare activity rela-
tive to sunrise/sunset were recorded across all seasons at
Dublin Airport (F
=81.89, P<0.0001), with the
exception of autumnwinter and springsummer (Fig. 2).
Due to disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic to
standard airfield activity patterns, interannual hare activ-
ity for each season was compared (F
P<0.0001) to ensure that activity patterns were a true
reflection of circadian activity with no significant differ-
ences observed between the same season for each year.
Using Tukey’s HSD test, small differences (diff) in mean
activity offsets were observed for spring (diff: -0.87, 95%
CI =2.13, 0.39, P=0.42), summer (diff:1.32, 95%
CI =0.28, 2.92, P=0.19), autumn (diff: -0.33, 95%
CI =2.27, 1.61, P=0.99) and winter (diff:-0.62, 95%
CI =2.07, 0.84, P=0.90).
Table 2. Total number of Aircraft Movements (ACM) 20192021 recorded by the (daa) for the time frame during which the cameras were
deployed on the airfield to record wildlife activity. Sampling commenced in the Summer of 2019 until Spring 2021.
Year Summer Autumn Winter Spring Total No. days No. of ACM per 50 days No. of ACM per 50 days prior to Covid-19
1 24,219 36,363*17,287 2,363*
80,232 152 26,392 32,445
2 16,035*5,697*8,022*4,613*34,367 211 8,144 NA
Year 1 =Summer 2019- Spring 2020.
Year 2 =Summer 2020- Spring 2021.
Denotes the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in Ireland.
*Denotes sampling periods during the Covid-19 pandemic in Ireland.
0.00 0.06
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Aircraft (n=6,976)
Hare (n=271)
Δ =0.63
0.00 0.04 0.08
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Aircraft (n=40,254)
Hare (n=122)
Δ =0.55
0.00 0.04 0.08
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Aircraft (n=42,060)
Hare (n=76)
Δ =0.52
0.00 0.04
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Aircraft (n=25,309)
Hare (n=159)
Δ =0.59
0.00 0.04 0.08
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Aircraft (n=114,599)
Hare (n=628)
Δ =0.58Δ =0.58
Figure 1. Overlap estimates of hare activity and aircraft movements at Dublin Airport. Shaded grey areas indicate times when activity
overlapped. Dotted and solid black lines indicate sunrise/sunset times on the shortest day and longest day of the sample period respectively.
Events are indicated along the x-axis for hares (blue) and aircraft movements (black).
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 37
S. Ball et al. Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard
Strike patterns
Strike events across the year followed a crepuscular pat-
tern. The highest number of strikes was recorded simulta-
neously to peak hare activity in the morning (04:00
07:59; 33% of strike events) and following the peak in the
evening (21:0023:59; 27% of strike events). Strike event
times had a high (Δ>0.75) level of overlap with hare
activity patterns across the year (86%; CI 8090%, Fig. 3),
as well as throughout the summer, autumn and winter
seasons. Spring was the only season where a moderate
overlap was recorded (66%; CI 5474%).
Strike event times had a moderate overlap with aircraft
activity times across the year (58%; CI 5161%), with
varying degrees of overlap across seasons. Highest overlap
was recorded during the autumn period (62%; CI 53
73%) with the least amount of overlap recorded during
the summer (39%; CI 2946%; Table 3). Significant dif-
ferences (P<0.001) in strike events relative to sun-
rise/sunset were recorded (F
=6.14, P<0.0001) for
winter compared with all other seasons (Fig. 2). Aircraft
movements generally picked up from approximately
06:00, with a high proportion of strike events recorded
until 08:00 across the year. A second peak in strike events
was recorded at night (21:00-23:59) when hourly aircraft
movements were declining (Fig. 4, Appendix 5). Overall,
12% of strikes occurred between 07:0007:59 and a fur-
ther 12% between 23:0023:59.
Here we show that camera trap data can be used to iden-
tify the circadian and seasonal periods of increased strike
risk in the air transportation sector (see Carswell
et al., 2021). Prior research has investigated the suitability
of camera traps for use on airfields for understanding
species composition (Scheideman et al., 2017) and here
we demonstrate their suitability in determining the activ-
ity patterns of a terrestrial mammal species in relation to
aircraft movements. This study, using camera traps in a
transportation management setting, represents a valuable
addition to the growing literature on camera trap applica-
tions for wildlife conservation and management (e.g. Car-
avaggi et al., 2018; Garrote et al., 2019; Hofmeester
et al., 2020; Jachowski et al., 2015; Schwartz et al., 2018).
More importantly, it demonstrates the suitability of this
survey method for quantifying ecological phenomena of
management concern in busy, dynamic and heavily regu-
lated environments.
Previous studies have demonstrated that lagomorphs
alter activity patterns with increasing human influence on
the landscape (Wong & Candolin, 2015; Ziege
et al., 2016). However, the activity patterns of the Irish
hare recorded during this study did not appear to be
influenced by ongoing operations at Dublin Airport and
were similar to previously recorded seasonal and circadian
activity patterns for this sub-species (Caravaggi
et al., 2018). The hare population at Dublin Airport
Table 3. Annual and seasonal temporal overlap estimates for hare
activity (20192021), aircraft movement activity (20192021) and
reported strikes between hares and aircraft (20122021) at Dublin
Airport with bootstrapped confidence intervals (95%).
Season Overlap estimate (%) Upper CI Lower CI
i. Hare activity and aircraft activity temporal overlap (Fig. 1)
Annual 58.3 53.3 59.9
Spring 62.7 54.8 64.7
Summer 55.0 45.5 59.7
Autumn 52.0 41.9 58.3
Winter 59.2 51.6 64.8
ii. Aircraft activity and recorded hare strike events (20122021)
temporal overlap (Appendix 5)
Annual 57.6 51.3 61.4
Spring 61.3 53.1 70.8
Summer 38.4 29.0 46.0
Autumn 62.6 52.9 73.0
Winter 61.7 52.3 68.0
iii. Hare activity and recorded hare strike events (20122021)
temporal overlap (Fig. 3)
Annual 85.8 79.5 90.3
Spring 66.1 54.2 74.0
Summer 74.5 64.2 84.5
Autumn 78.2 69.5 91.1
Winter 79.5 72.0 91.9
Table 4. Annual and seasonal associations and dissociations in tem-
poral activity between hares and aircraft at Dublin Airport, estimated
using Cross-Correlation Functions (CCF). r=Pearson’s correlation
Season Lag (from) Lag (to) Peak lag t-value r
Annual 12 89 3.14 0.557*
Annual 503 3.79 0.628*
Spring 534 2.42 0.603*
Spring 999 1.62 0.327
Summer 12 89 2.64 0.491*
Summer 401 3.45 0.592*
Autumn 11 89 2.28 0.438*
Autumn 512 3.59 0.608*
Winter 11 810 2.76 0.507*
Winter 4 2 0 3.30 0.576*
Winter 10 12 12 1.55 0.315
Negative lags indicate that hare activity preceded aircraft movements
and positive lags indicate that hare activity followed aircraft move-
ments. Zero indicates that activity was contemporaneous.
*Denotes significant lag.
38 ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard S. Ball et al.
exhibited a bimodal, crepuscular activity pattern, with
clear peaks in activity at sunrise and sunset for the spring
and summer seasons when days are longer. A higher rate
of diurnal activity was also recorded during these seasons,
likely due to energetic requirements and the need to con-
tinue foraging beyond the hours of (semi-) darkness.
During the autumn and winter seasons, hares exhibited a
trimodal activity pattern, with peaks at sunrise, sunset
and at approximately midnight, as seen in some other
mammal species (Brivio et al., 2016; Ikeda et al., 2019).
Generally, activity times of the Irish hare at Dublin Air-
port preceded peak aircraft activity times, with winter
being the only season when a significant peak in hare
activity was contemporaneous with aircraft movements.
Given that the majority of aircraft movements occurred
in the daytime, this is to be expected as hares were pre-
dominantly active prior to the start of daily airfield oper-
The development of effective strike mitigation measures
requires an understanding of strike events and factors
driving these events. Overlap between hare activity and
aircraft movements was moderate (58%) but was high
between hare activity times and hare strike times at the
airfield (85%), with strikes typically occurring according
to a bimodal pattern with a peak at 04:0007:59 and
another at 21:0023:59. Identifying times of higher risk is
useful from a management execution and implementation
perspective. These, for instance, are the times during
which scaring and patrol efforts may be increased or air-
craft may receive additional alerts about possible hare
activity. Indeed, concentrating efforts for only 2 hours a
day (07:0007:59 and 23:0023:59) could be greatly bene-
ficial. However, as animals adjust activity seasonally with
changing sunrise and sunset times, actual intraspecies
activity peaks may change week to week based on natural
and artificial light levels (Hoffmann et al., 2018). Indeed,
Detection time
relative to sunrise/set
Strike time
relative to sunrise/set
Figure 2. (A) Detection time of hare activity (20192021) on the airfield using motion-activated camera traps and (B) time of reported hare strike
events (20122021) relative to sunrise and sunset for each season. Shaded areas indicate hours after sunset and lighter areas indicate hours after
sunrise. Mean SD are represented by boxplots (left) and the density and spread of the data are represented by raincloud plots (right; Allen
et al., 2021). The mean annual offset of events relative to sunrise and sunset across all seasons is represented by the dashed line.
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 39
S. Ball et al. Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard
we have demonstrated that hare activity at Dublin
changes according to sunrise and sunset times and on a
seasonal basis. Consequently, airfield managers need to
operate a suite of mitigation measures that are flexible in
their response to changing animal activity patterns.
Despite several road ecology studies demonstrating that
increased volumes of road traffic are associated with
increased roadkill rates (e.g. Haigh, 2012), strikes
occurred at Dublin when aircraft movement numbers
were relatively low, indicating that hare activity is a better
indicator of strike risk than the volume of aircraft move-
ments. This has important considerations should aircraft
activity patterns be altered and suggests that strike risk
may remain high at specific times of the day (periods of
high hare activity) even during periods when aircraft
activity patterns are altered (e.g. such as during the
Covid-19 pandemic and economic crashes (Franke &
John, 2011)). This furthermore demonstrates the
importance of maintaining high-quality strike data on a
local and national scale (e.g. FAA, 2021).
With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, national
lockdowns were implemented in Ireland at the end of
March 2020 with aircraft movement numbers being
severely impacted during the remainder of the year. As
with road-traffic data on collisions with mammals (e.g.
Łopucki et al., 2021), this reduction in air traffic coin-
cided with a reduction in the number of hare strikes
recorded at Dublin Airport. An average of 77% of
recorded hare strikes at Dublin Airport occurred during
AprilDecember from 20122019. However, only 38% of
strike events were recorded during this time frame in
2020. Although there was a small decrease (~8%) esti-
mated in the size of the population once surveys resumed
(June 2020July 2021) from pre-lockdown data (SB,
unpublished data), this is unlikely to explain the reduction
in strike numbers. Despite this, annual strike rates (per
0.00 0.06 0.12
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Strikes (n=69)
Hare Activity (n=271)
Δ =0.66
0.00 0.06 0.12
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Strikes (n=54)
Hare Activity (n=122)
Δ =0.75
0.00 0.04 0.08
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Strikes (n=56)
Hare Activity (n=76)
Δ =0.78
0.00 0.04 0.08
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Strikes (n=59)
Hare Activity (n=159)
Δ =0.80
0.00 0.04 0.08
Density of Activity
0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
Strikes (n=238)
Hare Activity (n=628)
Δ =0.86
Figure 3. Overlap estimates of hare activity and hare strikes at Dublin Airport. Shaded grey areas indicate times when activity overlapped. Dotted
and solid black lines indicate sunrise/sunset times on the shortest day and longest day of the sample period respectively. Events are indicated
along the x-axis for hares (blue) and strikes (black).
40 ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard S. Ball et al.
10,000 aircraft movements) with the Irish hare did not
decrease, notwithstanding a 65% reduction in aircraft
movements for 2020 compared with 2019 (daa, unpub-
lished data). Indeed, strikes increased from 0.54 strikes
per 10,000 aircraft movements in 2019 (Ball, Butler,
et al., 2021a), to 0.92 strikes per 10,000 aircraft move-
ments in 2020, indicating that the number of aircraft
movements are at least partially responsible for the num-
ber of strike events. However, strike rates in 2019 were
unusually low, potentially attributed to population man-
agement practices in 2018 (1.89 strikes per 10,000 aircraft
movements; Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a) and habitat distur-
bance in 2019 due to ongoing construction works for a
new runway. These observed changes in strike rate at the
airfield could potentially be attributed to the consequen-
tial changes in aircraft movement patterns, land use
changes by the hares or potentially due to increased naiv-
ety of the population (Mumme et al., 2000; Schwartz
et al., 2020). Despite the conservation status of the Irish
hare, strike events are unlikely to have population level
impacts (Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a). Dublin Airport was
not the only airfield to report an increased strike rate
with hares, with Italian airports reporting an 81%
increase in hare strike rate during the 2020 lockdown
periods (Montemaggiori, 2021).
Despite changes to air traffic volume at Dublin post
the implementation of Covid-19 lockdown measures, the
circadian activity of the hares at the airfield did not
change between seasonal sampling periods (i.e., summer
2019 vs. summer 2020). While hare activity data for the
spring prior to pandemic-related disruptions to aircraft
traffic were not available, we do not believe that reduced
aircraft movements impacted on hare activity at Dublin
Airport. Circadian activity patterns for spring followed
the same bimodal pattern as the summer sampling period
and were consistent with previously published activities of
the Irish hare (Caravaggi et al., 2018). While circadian
activity of the hares was unchanged by the reduction of
air traffic, camera traps documented a change in hare
grouping behaviour at the airfield. Prior to the pandemic,
more than one hare was recorded in a frame only 0.89%
of the time and group size did not exceed two. Multiple
hares were recorded 11% of the time during the same
seasons in 2020, with up to four hares recorded within a
single frame. Other mountain hare populations have been
recorded to spend long periods of time under canopy
0 6 12 18 24
Frequency of detection (%)
Activity Type
Figure 4. Activity times for the Irish hare (circadian), aircraft movements and recorded strike events (20122021) between hares and aircraft at
Dublin Airport, across the year. Hare and aircraft activity data were collected between 20192021. Light grey shaded areas demonstrate the
range of sunrise and sunset times through the study period (i.e., 21st June vs. 21st December). Dark grey shaded areas demonstrate hours of
darkness across the whole study.
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 41
S. Ball et al. Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard
cover to avoid predation (Rehnus, 2014). However, by
design, Dublin Airport is devoid of diverse habitat which
could offer shelter to wildlife. With reports of increased
and altered bird and wildlife activity at airfields with
reduced air traffic (Schrimpf et al., 2021), the forming of
these groups could be a social response to perceived
increase in predation pressure at the airfield, with reduced
aircraft movements to deter predators. Alternatively,
reduced aircraft movements and consequential reduced
disturbance could have allowed for the formation of lei-
surely social groups.
Daily and seasonal activities are thought to be two beha-
vioural factors influencing mammal strike incidents with
aircraft (Schwarz et al., 2014). As mammal strike events are
becoming an increasing concern to the airline industry,
understanding these patterns could help to mitigate strike
risk at airfields by allowing for the targeted implementation
of strike mitigation measures. Such measures could include
increased runway patrols (e.g. Crain et al., 2015), species-
specific noise and light harassment (Biondi et al., 2011), or
giving prior warning to pilots operating during periods of
increased risk. While aircraft movement temporal activity
and volume are likely to play a role in strike patterns, we
found wildlife activity itself to be more closely associated
with strike patterns, highlighting the importance of under-
standing the ecology and life histories of the fauna using
the airfield environment. Hence, while we use data for the
Irish hare, these methods would be suitable for a cohort of
terrestrial mammals associated with airfields (e.g. canids,
Crain et al., 2015; ungulates, Biondi et al., 2011), assuming
that an adequate number of detections (~100; Lashley
et al., 2018) are obtained. High-quality data are vital to aid
wildlife strike prevention research on airfields and for other
modes of transportation within the sector (Steiner
et al., 2014). An added benefit of data collection through
the use of camera traps is the ability to capture the activities
of sympatric species using one piece of equipment which
can help inform risk and management decisions regarding
multiple species (Appendix 6).
Using predatorprey data analytical methods and relatively
inexpensive remote sensing equipment, we determined the
activity patterns of a mammal species inhabiting the airfield
in a large, international airport and identified periods of
increased risk. Strike events were more closely associated
with hare activity at the airfield rather than aircraft activity.
This demonstrates the importance of identifying and
understanding the wildlife populations utilising the airfield
environment. These data can be used to inform the devel-
opment of suitable mitigation strategies focussed on the
species of concern (as opposed to the near-impossible task
of altering aircraft activity) and to identify periods of
increased risk with other mammalian species at other air-
We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the airfield
staff and airport authorities at Dublin Airport for providing
aircraft movement and hare strike data. Thanks to Gerry
Keogh, Jim Eviston, Bob Navan and Clemence Parneix of
the daa for project support and for providing bespoke data.
Thank you to the fire crew at Dublin Airport for field assis-
tance. Thank you to Thomas Kelly (UCC/daa) for the long-
term collation of hare strike data and as a project mentor.
To Allen Whitiker (UCC) for equipment support and tech-
nical guidance. This work was conducted as part of a PhD
studentship funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC) and
the daa in collaboration with University College Cork (pro-
ject EBPPG/2018/43). Open access funding provided by
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Supporting Information
Additional supporting information may be found online
in the Supporting Information section at the end of the
Appendix 1. Images demonstrating that camera traps
were effective at capturing activity during hours of day-
light (top) and darkness (bottom).
Appendix 2. Minimum Metadata Standards for camera
trap deployment. This is in in Excel format attached sepa-
Appendix 3. camera trap deployment log.
Appendix 4. Overlap estimates of hare and aircraft activ-
ity for sampling periods prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Appendix 5. Overlap estimates of aircraft activity and
recorded hare strike events (20122021) temporal overlap.
Appendix 6. An example of how the methodology is
applicable to other terrestrial mammal species.
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 45
S. Ball et al. Camera Traps Inform Airport Wildlife-Hazard
... Identifying patterns as to when high-risk species are entering tarmacked areas is essential to the development of strike mitigation measures on both a seasonal and temporal scale. Tarmacked area interactions occurred during the current study according to a bimodal, crepuscular pattern, similar to activity patterns previously recorded for Irish hares (Caravaggi et al., 2018) and indeed, for this specific population (camera trap data; Ball et al., 2022). We found cumulative movement and the number of tarmacked airfield interactions to be highest during the Spring sampling period. ...
... However, with the majority of interactions from these data having been recorded with semi-operational or inactive areas (runways 16-34 and 10L-28R, respectively), it is uncertain how frequently hares would interact with tarmacked areas with frequent aircraft movements. At Dublin Airport, aircraft movements increase from c.06:00 and remain constant for the duration of the day, before dropping off approaching midnight (00:00; Ball et al., 2022). ...
... Similarly, data for hazardous mammal species could be utilised, to identify likely periods of increased risk (e.g. Ball et al., 2022). Likewise, it is important to note that alternative remote sensing methods (e.g. ...
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Understanding how animals move and use space within an environment is vital for the development and implementation of effective management actions. Within airfield environments, animal movement can present a substantial risk to aircraft, resulting in wildlife‐aircraft collisions (strikes) if animals enter into the manoeuvring areas of the airfield, namely the runways, taxiways and areas that connect the two (hereafter collectively referred to as ‘tarmacked areas’). However, reliable ecological data to inform management decisions can be difficult to obtain in such environments, due to access restrictions. Here, we present the first GPS data describing the movement ecology and spatial use of mammals on an airfield – Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus), at Dublin International Airport – through the deployment of five GPS collars. A total of 4571 tarmacked area interactions were recorded between December 2021 and August 2022, with all five hares engaging with tarmacked areas. Between December and August, the highest number of interactions were recorded for the month of April (n = 1073), followed by March (n = 703). There was a mean of 4.3 (range: 0–65) interactions with tarmacked areas, per hare, per day throughout the study period. Hares most frequently engaged with tarmacked areas between 05:00 and 07:59, with some seasonal variation. The greatest cumulative distance moved per month was observed in May (505 km) and April (503 km). We identified that the average home range size of collared hares was 2.8 km² (±SD 0.1 km²), based on 95% Kernel Utilisation Distribution. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the hares incorporate tarmacked area habitat types into their home ranges with up to 13% of one individual's movements incorporating these areas. Our study demonstrates the suitability of GPS tracking devices for studying the movement ecology of high‐risk mammal species at airfields in order to inform airside management practices.
... Wildlife strike risk is a term used to summarize the threat wildlife pose to aircraft along two dimensions; (1) the likelihood of a wildlife strike incident-i.e., frequency-and, given its occurrence, (2) the likelihood that such an incident results in a negative outcome-i.e., severity [12][13][14] . Wildlife strike risk is influenced by a multitude of ecological and biological factors that affect the presence, abundance, and behavior of wildlife in proximity to airports and aircraft [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] . The objective of wildlife hazards management at airports, then, is to manage such factors so as to the limit the frequency and severity of wildlife strike incidents 17,23,24 . ...
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Collisions between wildlife and aircraft, commonly referred to as wildlife strikes or bird strikes, are rare events that pose considerable safety and economic risks to the aviation industry. Given the potentially dramatic consequences of such events, airports scheduled for passenger service are required to conduct wildlife hazard assessments and implement wildlife hazard management plans for the purpose of mitigating wildlife strike risk. The evaluation of such management, however, is complicated by imperfect reporting that mediates the relationship between realized wildlife strike risk and wildlife strike metrics. In this paper, we shed light on such phenomena by investigating the staggered adoption of a federal wildlife hazards management program at joint-use airports across the contiguous United States. This research design allowed us to exploit variation in both management presence across airports, over time as well as variation in the quality of wildlife strike reporting within airports. As hypothesized, we found that wildlife hazards management intervention has a significant impact on the quality of reporting, as evidenced by a substantial increase in the number of civil strikes reported over the management period. Where pre-existing reporting mechanisms were more robust, however, we found that wildlife hazards management had a significant impact on realized wildlife strike risk as evidenced by a decrease in strike-induced economic damages among military aircraft. Overall, we found that the estimated economic benefits of the studied airport wildlife hazards management program were 7 times greater than the costs over the management period. Our results have important implications for the measurement of wildlife strike risk and the management of wildlife hazards at airports, as well as important insights pertaining to the use of observational data for causal inference, particularly in the context of risk management.
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Collisions with vehicles are a major cause of wildlife mortality. During the COVID‐19 pandemic, many countries enforced lockdowns that reduced vehicular traffic and consequently wildlife‐vehicle collisions. However, no study has yet explored how traffic‐related mortality declined across multiple species of wildlife, leaving doubts about the species‐specific impact of COVID‐19 on wildlife ecology and management. We modelled how two lockdowns (in spring and autumn 2020) influenced wildlife‐vehicle collisions throughout Slovenia, in central Europe, by comparing weekly roadkill in 2020 with 2010–2019 time series for European roe deer (n = 53,259), red fox (n = 9,889), Eurasian badger (n = 5,170), brown hare (n = 5,050), stone marten (n = 4,267), wild boar (n = 1,188) and red deer (n = 1,088). During the spring lockdown (16 March–30 April 2020), we observed far fewer collisions than expected for roe deer and badgers. During the autumn lockdown (20 October–31 December 2020), we observed significantly fewer collisions for roe deer and wild boar, but we noted an excess of collisions with badgers. Traffic reduction had a major influence on roe deer, whose roadkill decreased between 156 and 321 individuals. Heterogeneous changes in road mortality across the seven studied species indicate that reductions in human mobility can trigger complex species‐specific dynamics in wildlife assemblages, which may generate compensatory effects beyond lockdowns. For some species, such as roe deer, local reductions in the number of roadkill attained a significant fraction of the overall mortality. This could affect local population dynamics in cases where lockdowns are repeated over a number of years. Policy implications. Management aimed at reducing vehicular traffic, and therefore human disturbance and roadkill, can be evaluated using time‐series analysis of data on multiple species. During times of restricted human movement, local‐scale reductions should be estimated and accounted for in adaptive management, such as for planning culling quotas, to minimize their ecological and socio‐economic impacts while optimizing the outcomes of science‐based population management.
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The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in extraordinary declines in human mobility, which, in turn, may affect wildlife. Using records of more than 4.3 million birds observed by volunteers from March to May 2017–2020 across Canada and the United States, we found that counts of 66 (80%) of 82 focal bird species changed in pandemic-altered areas, usually increasing in comparison to prepandemic abundances in urban habitat, near major roads and air-ports, and in counties where lockdowns were more pronounced or occurred at the same time as peak bird migration. Our results indicate that human activity affects many of North America’s birds and suggest that we could make urban spaces more attractive to birds by reducing traffic and mitigating the disturbance from human transportation after we emerge from the pandemic.
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Collisions between wildlife and aircraft are a serious and growing threat to aviation safety. Understanding the frequency of these collisions, the identity of species involved, and the potential damage that can be inflicted on to aircraft aid mitigation efforts by airfield managers. A record of all animal carcasses recovered from Dublin International Airport, Ireland’s largest civil aviation airport, has been maintained since 1990 where strikes with the endemic Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus), a protected subspecies of mountain hare, are of particular concern despite substantial management efforts from the airfield authority. The first strike event with a hare was recorded in 1997, and strike events have substantially increased since then, with a sharp increase recorded in 2011. Over a 30-year period, a total of 320 strike events with the Irish hare have been recorded at the airfield. To date, no strike event with a hare has resulted in damage to an aircraft. However, carcasses can present as a major attraction to avian scavenger species in addition to posing as a risk of causing foreign object damage in the event of an undetected carcass. Hare strikes are discussed in the context of the rate of civil aircraft movements, possible direct and indirect damage to aircraft, and airfield wildlife hazard management. Here, we demonstrate that not only are strike events increasing by 14% on an annual basis, but that the kinetic energy of such an event has the potential to cause significant damage to an aircraft.
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Birds striking aircrafts cause substantial economic loss world‐wide and, more worryingly, human and wildlife fatalities. Designing effective measures to mitigate fatal bird strikes requires an in‐depth knowledge of the characteristics of this incident type and the flight behaviours of the bird species involved. The characteristics of bird strikes involving aircraft crashes or loss of human life in Spain were studied and compared to flight patterns of birds monitored by GPS. We tracked 210 individuals of the three species that cause the most crashes and human fatalities in Spain: griffon and cinereous vultures Gyps fulvus and Aegypius monachus and white storks Ciconia ciconia. All the crashes involved general aviation aircrafts, while none were recorded in commercial aviation. Most occurred outside airport boundaries, at midday, and in the warmest months, which all correspond with the maximum flight activity of the studied species. Bird flight altitudes overlapped the legal flight altitude limit set for general aviation. Policy implications. Mitigation of fatal bird strikes should especially address the conflict between general aviation and large soaring birds. Air transportation authorities should consider modifying the flight ceiling for general aviation flights above the studied species' maximum flight altitude. Moreover, policymakers should issue pilots with recommendations regarding the dates and times of peak activity of large soaring bird species to improve flight safety.
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Globally, wildlife is affected by unprecedented changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, the lockdown effect on the traffic-related mortality in hedgehogs in an urban area was studied. Comparing the pre-pandemic (2018 and 2019) and pandemic (2020) years, we showed that hedgehog roadkill levels during the lockdown period were over 50% lower (which means a decrease greater than the decrease in road traffic in the same period measured by the number of accidents or the average number of vehicles per day). Based on literature data, we showed that this may mean at least tens of thousands of hedgehogs have survived on a national scale. We report the need to start intensive research on the possible demographic and genetic effects of this unique phenomenon. We also ask how stable the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic will be on wildlife and whether the lockdown (which is an anthropause) may reverse the negative trends in the decline in the number of wild species, including hedgehogs.
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Analysis of spatiotemporal partitioning is pivotal to shed light on interspecific coexistence. Most research effort has involved large-sized carnivores and their prey, whereas little attention has been devoted to lagomorphs. We assessed spatiotemporal overlap among the European brown hare Lepus europaeus and its potential competitors and predators through camera-trapping in an area in Central Italy. We estimated the interspecific patterns of the spatiotemporal activity rhythms of brown hares, its potential predators (the red fox Vulpes vulpes, the pine marten Martes martes, the domestic cat Felis catus, and the domestic dog Canis familiaris), and a competitor, the roe deer Capreolus capreolus. Brown hare activity was studied in natural conditions as well as in a fenced area that excluded terrestrial predators and competitors. Free-ranging hares developed a more nocturnal behavior to avoid diurnal predators (i.e., domestic carnivores and martens). Although high temporal overlap was observed between free-ranging brown hares and both red foxes (82%) and roe deer (81%), hares avoided fox by being more active on darkest nights, as well as avoided roe deer through spatial partitioning. We suggest that hares may adapt their spatiotemporal behavior to avoid potential predators and competitors.
Wildlife strikes are a significant issue in the aviation industry, especially strikes with medium- to large-sized mammals, which pose a high risk of damage to aircraft and human safety. Despite the identified threat that mammals can pose to aircraft, few works have been published on ways to rank and predict the risk of mammalian species to aircraft. This study used remote camera trap data collected from an array of wildlife camera traps at the Prince George International Airport (YXS), Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, to calculate strike risk for various species of mammals involved in runway incidents between January 2012 and December 2018. Carnivores such as red foxes and coyotes were found to be the highest risk mammal species at YXS, but foxes were found airside infrequently compared to coyotes. Binary logistic regression modelling was used in an attempt to predict variables leading to runway incidents with coyotes at YXS. The highest supported logistic regression model predicting coyote incidents included the variables ‘weekday’, ‘month’ and ‘season’. Although data from camera traps did not help to predict incidents, trend data collected from camera traps mirrored coyote incident data, suggesting that camera traps are useful for capturing times of the day and seasons of the year in which coyotes are active at the airport. Suggestions are provided as to how cameras might be used to track the movement of animals more accurately and what other data could be useful in helping to build risk assessments and models to predict aircraft incidents with mammals of interest.
Wildlife incidents with aircraft cost airports and operators worldwide an average of US$1.28bn annually. In Canada, Airport Wildlife Management Plans (AWMPs) are designed to provide an outline of specific wildlife hazards at airports and recommend countermeasures to minimise strike risk. Wildlife incident reports are a key component in the development of such plans. Here, wildlife incident reports were compiled and compared to data collected using newly-installed digital wildlife camera trap technology at the Prince George International Airport. Seven camera traps were monitored for a total of 2,426 sampling days (9,228 camera days) between 2009 and 2016 and recorded a total of 3,046 animals within 16 different animal species/groups. Airport personnel recorded 4,640 animals and 23 different species/ groups during the same period. Camera traps recorded almost five times as many animals (n = 2,525) on days when no wildlife incident reports were filed than days when wildlife incident reports were filed (n = 521) and camera traps recorded no images. Z-test for proportions analyses indicated that birds (ie flocks) were more commonly observed and reported by airport personnel than were captured by camera traps, while mammals such as moose (Alces alces), black bears (Ursus americanus) and snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) were more commonly recorded by camera traps. These findings suggest that data from camera traps can help in the development of more informed AWMPs.
Current lower bound estimates of the economic burden of wildlife strikes make use of mean cost assignment to impute missing values in the National Wildlife Strike Database (NWSD). The accuracy of these estimates, however, are undermined by the skewed nature of reported cost data and fail to account for differences in observed strike characteristics—e.g., type of aircraft, size of aircraft, type of damage, size of animal struck, etc. This paper makes use of modern machine learning techniques to provide a more accurate measure of the strike-related costs that accrue to the US civil aviation industry. We estimate that wildlife strikes costed the US civil aviation industry a minimum average of $54.3 million in total losses annually over the 1990–2018 period. If one assumes that wildlife strikes were underreported by as much as a factor of 3 over the same period, our estimates still fall below previous lower bound estimates.
The number of reported collisions (i.e. strikes) between aircraft and wildlife is increasing globally, with consequences for personnel and passenger safety as well as for industry economics. These are important considerations for airport operators that are obliged to mitigate wildlife hazards at airfields. Incidents involving mammals account for approximately 3–10% of all recorded strikes. However, relatively little research has been conducted on mammal strikes with aircraft outside of the USA. We collate mammal strike data from six major national aviation authorities and a global aircraft database and review the available scientific and grey literature. We aim to identify which mammal families are involved in strike events and how widespread the issue is on a global scale. We also aim to demonstrate the importance of consistently recording strike instances in national databases. We identified 40 families that were involved in strike events in 47 countries. Reported mammal strike events have been increasing by up to 68% annually. Chiroptera (4 families) accounted for the greatest proportion of strikes in Australia; leporids and canids in Canada, Germany and the UK; and Chiroptera (5 families) and cervids in the USA. More mammals were struck during the landing phase of an aircraft's rotation than any other phase. Circa‐diel strike risk was greatest at dusk and circa‐annum strike risk was greatest during late summer, with some international variation. The total estimated cost of damage resulting from reported mammal strikes exceeded US$103 million in the USA alone, over 30 years. Mammal strikes represent a substantial risk in airfield environments. Monitoring of existing wild mammal populations is required to understand temporal trends in presence, abundance, and activity patterns and to inform management decisions. Increased and accurate reporting of strike events globally is needed to inform Wildlife Hazard Management Plans and support effective strike mitigation.