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Sanctions for not being read out by the auction office



Auction minutes that the Class II Auction Officer does not read will affect their validity. The problem in this paper is about how the validity of the deed is not read out by the auction official, as well as the form of legal protection for the Class II Auction Officer for acceptable sanctions due to the auction minutes not being read out in the implementation of an electronic non-execution auction. This paper aims to analyze the validity of the deed that was not read out by the auction official in the performance of an electronic non-execution auction and a form of legal protection for Class II auction officials. This writing uses a normative juridical method with a statutory and conceptual approach. The study results indicate that the minutes of auction through the internet media have fulfilled the elements contained in Article 1868 of the Civil Code. Legal protection for Class II Auction Officials can be carried out in 2 (two) ways: preventive legal protection, namely by making new rules or improving the provisions of the old laws. Repressive legal protection is to take legal action in the form of an appeal against the Administrative Court or an appeal against the Supreme Court. In the request and cassation, repressive legal protection should be prioritized. How to cite item: Wijaya, I. (2022). Sanctions for not being read out by the auction office. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 13(2), 164-174. DOI:
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ISSN PRINT 2356-4962 ISSN ONLINE 2598-6538
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Sanctions for not being read out by the auction office
I Nengah Gowinda Wijaya.
I Nengah Gowinda Wijaya; Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya; MT. Haryono Street Number 169; Malang
City; 65145; East Java; Indonesia.
Article history:
Received 2022-06-18
Received in revised form
Accepted 2022-08-01
Legal Protection; Auction Offi-
cial; Electronic Non-Execution
Auction minutes that the Class II Auction Officer does not read will affect
their validity. The problem in this paper is about how the validity of the deed
is not read out by the auction official, as well as the form of legal protection
for the Class II Auction Officer for acceptable sanctions due to the auction
minutes not being read out in the implementation of an electronic non-ex-
ecution auction. This paper aims to analyze the validity of the deed that was
not read out by the auction official in the performance of an electronic non-
execution auction and a form of legal protection for Class II auction officials.
This writing uses a normative juridical method with a statutory and concep-
tual approach. The study results indicate that the minutes of auction through
the internet media have fulfilled the elements contained in Article 1868 of
the Civil Code. Legal protection for Class II Auction Officials can be carried
out in 2 (two) ways: preventive legal protection, namely by making new
How to cite item:
Wijaya, I. N. G., (2022), Sanctions
for not being read out by the auc-
tion office. Jurnal Cakrawala
13(2) 164-174.
rules or improving the provisions of the old laws. Repressive legal protec-
tion is to take legal action in the form of an appeal against the Administra-
tive Court or an appeal against the Supreme Court. In the request and cassa-
tion, repressive legal protection should be prioritized.
Corresponding Author:
* I Nengah Gowinda Wijaya.
E-mail address:
|165 |
Optimizing the role of political party courts in resolving internal political party disputes
Ferry Anggriawan, Mohammad Fahrial Amrulla, Fadilla Dwi Lailawati
1. Introduction
Auctions are sales of goods that are open to
the public with a written and verbal price offer
that increases or decreases to reach the highest
price. (Karina, 2020) As a legal institution, there
have been regulations in the legislation since the
time of the Dutch East Indies Colonial Govern-
ment; the code is contained in the Ven du
Reglement or VR, which was announced at
Staatsblad 1908, number 189. (Enrawati, 2020) The
Dutch heritage regulations are still valid nation-
ally, of course, with some adjustments to these
regulations and the regulation of auction fees,
which are contained in the State Gazette of 1949
Number 390 and as the legal basis for conducting
auctions and also being the basis for the birth of
various technical regulations and provisions re-
garding auctionsmade by the Government in the
form of a decision or Regulation of the Minister of
Finance and a Circular Letter of the Directorate
General of State Assets. (Sudiarto, 2021)
The auction begins with the Auction An-
nouncement process. (Mangunsong, 2020) Auc-
tion officials may conduct auctions. Auction offi-
cials can be divided into 2 (two), namely Class I
and Class II auction officials. (Ferels, 2021) Auc-
tion Officers generally carry out Auctions, both
Class I and II Auction Officers, to lead land or
company inventory auction activities in the con-
text of eliminating company inventory.
The Minutes of Auction must contain a state-
ment of the agreement between the seller and the
auction buyer. After finding the auction’s winner,
the Auction Officer reads the minutes of the auc-
tion in front of the sellers and buyers of the auc-
tion. (Dewi, 2021) The minutes of the auction that
have been read out will be signed by all parties in
front of the auction official. The Minutes of Auc-
tion is perfect evidence of the existence of an auc-
tion. (Qindy, 2021) Minutes of the auction are au-
thentic deeds. Thus the authentication of minutes
must be accounted for by the auction office.
At the beginning of the sale and continuing
the deal that was stopped in the middle of the auc-
tion, the central part of the minutes must be read
aloud by or on behalf of the auctioneer to the par-
ties present at the auction. Article 38 of the V.R
states (up to S. 1912-583.) that every page of the
news event, except the last page, must be ratified
with a signature by the auctioneer or his proxy. The
minutes are signed by the auctioneer or his repre-
sentatives and by the person for whom the applica-
tion for sale is made; if he does not want to partici-
pate in signing it or is not present at the closing of
the minutes, then it must be stated in the minutes.
The statement that the seller does not want to sign
or is not present shall act as a signing.
Article 39 V.R explains that it is not permis-
sible to make changes or additions to the official
report, except at the margin or, if there is no space,
directly before the place where the official an-
nouncement is signed, by pointing to the page and
line concerned. Words, letters, or numbers listed
in the minutes are not allowed, except with a thin
line so that what was written there can still be
read. The number of words, letters, and numbers
underlined must be listed in the margins of the
paper page. Everything according to this article is
written in the margins of the minutes and must be
signed by the signatories.
The framework for the article explains that
in the report, the losses referred to are in the form
of falsification of data or nominals in the auction
minutes other than what has been agreed upon in
the auction; there is a clause that is not by the auc-
tion rules so that it violates the law. Law, causing
material loss to the buyer and seller of the auc-
tion, and so on. Thus, the author’s initial assump-
tion is that the risk of minutes of auction being
made not by the provisions of the form of the min-
utes of an auction, the minutes of an auction will
no longer become an Authentic Deed, as is the case
with the fulfillment of the provisions in Article 37
Vendu Reglement which states that the head of
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Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, Volume 13 Number 2, August 2022
ISSN PRINT 2356-4962 ISSN ONLINE 2598-6538
the minutes of an auction must read to auction
participants by auction officials. (Marziah, 2019)
About these provisions, the Regulation of
the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indone-
sia Number 213/PMK.06/2020 concerning Auction
Implementation Guidelines, especially in the at-
tachment for the Implementation of Auction Bid-
ding by Electronic Mail (e-mail), number 6 (six)
states that at the time of the auction, the Auction
Officer shows the Head of Auction Minutes and
open a recapitulation of auction bids together with
the Seller and 2 (two) witnesses, each 1 (one) per-
son from the KPKNL or Auction Hall and 1 (one)
person from the Seller.
In the attachment to the Implementation of
Auction Bidding through the Auction Application,
number 2 (two) states that the auction through the
Auction Application begins with the presentation
of the Head of the Auction Minutes by the Auc-
tion Officer with the following procedures and
conditions: (a) for auctions through the Auction
Application with closed bidding. Bidding), con-
ducted by the schedule for opening the list of auc-
tion bids as stated in the auction announcement;
(b) for auctions through the Auction Application
with open bidding, conducted by the auction sched-
ule as stated in the auction announcement.
Thus, in conducting the auction without the
presence of the auction participant (electronically),
bidding by electronic mail and auction application,
the Class Auction Officer is obliged to display the
head of the auction minutes before the bid is made.
Based on the description above, it can be seen that
there is a conflict of legal norms between Article
37 of the Vendu Regulation, which states that the
head of the minutes of the auction must be read to
the auction participants by the auction official, and
the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number
213/PMK.06/2020 concerning Instructions for
Auction Implementation: The auction Officer must
display the head of the minutes of the auction be-
fore the auction bid is made without the presence
of the auction participant (electronically).
This problem is what underlies the author
to conduct legal research with the title “Legal Pro-
tection of Class II Auction Officials on Sanctions
Due to Unread Auction Minutes in the Implemen-
tation of Non-Executive Auctions Electronically.”
The problems to be raised in this paper are 1). What
is the validity of the auction minutes that the Class
II Auction Officer does not read out in the non-
execution of electronic auctions? 2. What is the le-
gal protection for Class II Auction Officers for sanc-
tions that can be received due to auction minutes
that are not read out in the implementation of non-
execution auctions electronically?
Based on the scientific work written by Vina
Putri Salim and Bambang Sugeng Aria d i
Subagyono published in the journal Notaire (Salim,
2022), it was found that the validity of the online
non-execution voluntary auction (e-Marketplace
Auction Platform) without an auction official is
legal and can be binding. The parties, because the
auction is also an agreement that adopts the char-
acteristics of a sale and purchase agreement (Ar-
ticle 1457 BW), and as long as the auction has met
the legal requirements of the contract according
to Article 1320 BW. In addition, any related elec-
tronic information/document will still be consid-
ered valid as long as the information contained in
it can be accessed, displayed, guaranteed for its
integrity, and accounted for.
In addition, PMK 213/2020 concerning auc-
tion implementation instructions applies mutatis
mutandis (can be used if needed) to auctions con-
ducted online as in conventional auctions, except
for the bidding method and the presence of bid-
ders. Legal protection of the parties is to take le-
gal action in dispute resolution, where the parties
can choose a settlement through court, arbitration,
or other alternative dispute resolution institutions
(conventional/online dispute resolution by the
provisions of the Laws and Regulations. There-
fore, this writing specifically discusses the sanc-
tions due to the auction minutes not being read
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Optimizing the role of political party courts in resolving internal political party disputes
Ferry Anggriawan, Mohammad Fahrial Amrulla, Fadilla Dwi Lailawati
out by the auction officials in implementing the
non-electronic execution of auctions.
2. Methods
The type of research used by the researcher
in this research is normative juridical law research.
The author chose this type of research to conduct
research on legal principles and systematics as well
as horizontal synchronization to analyze legal is-
sues in the form of the validity of the auction min-
utes that the Class II Auction Officer did not read
out in the implementation of electronic non-execu-
tion auctions as well as legal protection against
Class II Auction Officer for the sanction that can
be received due to the minutes of the auction not
being read out in the implementation of the vol-
untary electronic non-execution auction. This study
uses a research approach in the form of a statu-
tory approach and a conceptual approach. It uses
analytical techniques in the form of grammatical
and systematic interpretation.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. The validity of the auction minutes that
are not read out by class II auction offi-
cials in the implementation of non-execu-
tion auctions electronically
Auctions via internet media or e-auction are
regulated in Article 1, 1 of the Regulation of the
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia,
Number 213/PMK.06/2020, auctions via the
internet are sales of goods that are open to the
public with a written price offer without the pres-
ence of bidders to achieve the highest price through
an internet-based auction application. (Salim, 2022)
The provisions of Article 1 point 4 of the Law of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 con-
cerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008
(State Gazette Number 58, Supplement to the State
Gazette Number 4843) concerning Information and
Electronic Transactions. (Miptahul, 2020)
Electronic Documents are Electronic Infor-
mation that is created, forwarded, sent, received,
or stored in analog, digital, electromagnetic, opti-
cal, or similar forms, which can be seen, displayed,
and heard through a Computer or Electronic Sys-
tem, including but not limited to writing, sound,
pictures, maps, designs, photographs or the like,
letters, signs, numbers, access codes, symbols or
perforations that have meaning or meaning or can
be understood by able people. Based on these pro-
visions, the definition and mechanism of the auc-
tion offer have been expanded, especially from the
point of view of the media used to hold the auc-
tion. Auctions are no longer only direct sales of
goods open to the public but also indirectly through
electronic media. (Zaki, 2016)
The authority given to the Auction Officer
as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Fi-
nance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 213/
PMK.06/2020 says that the Auction Officer is
obliged to make an auction report or commonly
referred to as the Minutes of Auction. The min-
utes of the auction, according to the Regulation of
the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indone-
sia Number 213/PMK.06/2020, are the minutes of
the auction made by the Auction Officer. This Min-
utes of Auction is also an authentic deed with per-
fect evidentiary power. The Minutes of Auction
produced during the auction through the internet
media are also categorized into electronic docu-
ments. This is because the Head of Auction Min-
utes is shown before the auction starts on the auc-
tion application.
The minutes of the auction, which is also an
electronic document, must also meet the elements
in Article 1868 of the Civil Code concerning au-
thentic deeds. The form and procedure for mak-
ing Minutes of Auction are the same as making
Minutes of Auction, which is carried out through
conventional auctions. However, the difference
lies in how the traditional auction is carried out
by being physically present. In contrast, auctions
through internet media are carried out using elec-
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Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, Volume 13 Number 2, August 2022
ISSN PRINT 2356-4962 ISSN ONLINE 2598-6538
tronic devices. Meanwhile, another difference lies
in the reading of the Minutes of Auction and the
signing of the Minutes of Auction.
The Auction Officer reads the Minutes of
Auction in conventional auctions to the bidders,
but unlike the Minutes of Auction in auctions via
internet media, the Head of Minutes of Auction
via the internet is only displayed on the auction
application that has been provided before the auc-
tion begins without any reading. This is regulated
in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 213/PMK.06/2020,
which states that the Implementation of the Auc-
tion Through the Internet begins with the presen-
tation of the Head of the Auction Minutes by the
Auction Officer”. The procedure for showing the
Minutes of Auction based on PMK Number 213/
PMK.06/2020 is as follows: (a). For auctions
through internet media with closed bidding, con-
ducted by the schedule for opening the list of auc-
tion bids as stated in the auction announcement;
(b). Auctions through internet media with open
bidding are carried out according to the auction
schedule stated in the auction announcement.
However, in the above provisions, contrary
to the conditions in Article 37 Vendu Reglement,
which is the basis of the auction rules, namely at
the beginning of the sale as well as in continuing
the deal, which stops in the middle of the auction,
the central part of the minutes must be read aloud
by or on behalf of the auctioneer to the auction-
eer. Audience. The matter of reading must be
mentioned in the minutes so that the reading of
the Minutes of Auction is part of the Verlidjen or
the inauguration of the assignment of the deed
and the signing of the Minutes of Auction. If the
Auction Officer makes the Minutes of Auction, the
Minutes of Auction must also be read out by the
Auction Officer.
Verlidjen is a verb from the word verleden,
meaning to have made. This last word comes from
the old Dutch language and is no longer used in
everyday language and is only used in the field of
law. The purpose of the reading of the deed is so
that the bidders have a guarantee if they have
signed what they heard before (the task by the
Auction Officer) to gain confidence that the Min-
utes of Auction contains what the bidders want.
Suppose the reading of the Minutes of Auction is
related to the function of the authentic deed in
proof. In that case, it can be seen that in making
the Minutes of Auction, reading the act is an obli-
gation for the Auction Officer to exercise his posi-
Similarly, in an auction through internet
media, the Head of the Auction Minutes should
still be read out, not just broadcast. According to
Tan Thong Kie, reading the deed has benefits, in-
cluding a). When the inauguration (verlidjen) of the
act is about to end, there is still an opportunity for
the official to correct mistakes in writing words/
sentences that were previously invisible because
there could be fatal or embarrassing mistakes; b).
The appearers are allowed to ask unclear or not
understood questions from the contents of the
deed that were read out; c). Public officials and
appearers have the opportunity at the last second
before the appearers have signed the deed, wit-
nesses, and public officials to rethink the act, ask
questions, or change the contents of the deed.
As for the violations committed, if the Auc-
tion Officer does not read the Minutes of Auction,
then the Minutes of Auction will have the power
of proof as an underhand deed. In other words,
the Minutes of Auction loses its authenticity. How-
ever, if connected with the provisions in Article
1868 of the Civil Code states. As for the elements
in Article 1868 of the Civil Code, the form of the
act is made by what is determined by the law
wettelijkje state
The making of Minutes of Auction via the
internet in the Regulation of the Minister of Fi-
nance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 213/
PMK.06/2020 Guidelines for Implementing Auc-
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Optimizing the role of political party courts in resolving internal political party disputes
Ferry Anggriawan, Mohammad Fahrial Amrulla, Fadilla Dwi Lailawati
tions with Written Bids Without the Presence of
Bidders Through the Internet Media are not ex-
plicitly regulated. It only governs the presenta-
tion of the Minutes of Auction and the signing of
the Minutes of Auction. Making Auction Minutes
through the internet is the same as conventional
Auction Minutes, the only difference being the
implementation. So that in making the Minutes of
Auction through the internet media must adhere
to the regulations for making Conventional Auc-
tion Minutes such as the Vendu Reglement regu-
lated in Article 37 to Article 39 and Regulations of
the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indone-
sia Number 27/PMK.06/2016 (State Gazette of the
Republic of Indonesia of 2016 Number 270) con-
cerning Instructions for Implementation of Auc-
In PMK Number 27/PMK.06/2016 (State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2016
Number 270), Chapter VI concerning Minutes of
Auction regulates the composition. Article 85 para-
graph (2) Minutes of Auction consists of (a). Head
Section; (b). Body Parts; and (c). Foot Part.”25
Minutes of the Auction are made in Indonesian,
and each minute of the auction is assigned a serial
number. Article 86 PMK Number 27/PMK.06/2016
(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year
2016 Number 270) explains that the Head of the
Minutes of Auction shall at least contain: (a). The
auction’s day, date, and time are written in letters
and numbers; (b). full name and domicile of the
Auction Officer; (c). number and date of the deci-
sion letter on the appointment of the Auction Of-
ficer; (d). number and date of special assignment
letter for Class Auction Officer; (e). full name, oc-
cupation, and place of domicile or domicile of the
Seller; (f). the number or date of the auction appli-
cation letter; (g). location of auction; (h). the na-
ture of the goods being auctioned and the reasons
for the goods being auctioned; (i). If the auction
object is in the form of immovable property in the
form of land or land and buildings, it must be
stated: 1. status of rights or other documents ex-
plaining proof of Ownership; 2. Number and date
of SKT/SKPT from the Land Office; and 3. addi-
tional burdensome information, if any; (j). If the
auction object is in the form of movable goods,
the quantity, type, and specification of the goods
must be stated; (k). the method of Auction An-
nouncement that has been carried out by the seller;
(l). auction bidding method, and the terms and
conditions of the auction.
Then in the Bipada section, the minutes of
the auction are regulated in Article 87 of PMK
Number 213/PMK.06/2020. At least it must con-
tain: (a). the number of incoming and valid auc-
tion bids; (b) the name, brand, type, type, and
quantity of the auctioned goods; (c). the name,
occupation, and address of the buyer in his name
or as a proxy on behalf of a legal entity/business
entity/another person; (d). the creditor bank as
the buyer for the person or legal entity or busi-
ness entity whose name will be appointed, in the
case that the creditor bank is the buyer of the auc-
tion; (e). auction price with numbers and letters;
and (f). a list of goods sold or held, accompanied
by the price, name, and address of the highest bid-
ding Bidder.
Meanwhile, at the foot of the Auction min-
utes, it is stated in PMK Number 213/PMK.06/
2020: (a). the number of items offered or auctioned
with numbers and letters; (b). the number of goods
sold or sold in numbers and letters; (c). the total
price of goods that have been dealt with numbers
and letters; (d). the total cost of the goods being
held in numbers and letters; (e). the number of
documents or letters attached to the Minutes of
Auction with numbers and letters; (f). the number
of changes made (notes, additions, scribbles with
their replacements) or no changes is written in
numbers and letters; (g). the signature of the Auc-
tion Officer and the Seller or the proxy of the
Seller, in the case of an auction of movable goods
or the signature of the Auction Officer, the Seller
or the representative of the Seller and the Buyer
or the representative of the Buyer, in the case of
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Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, Volume 13 Number 2, August 2022
ISSN PRINT 2356-4962 ISSN ONLINE 2598-6538
an auction of immovable goods; and (h). signa-
tures of witnesses for auctions with bids without
the presence of Bidders by electronic mail (email),
postal drum, or internet (closed bidding).
The deed is made by (door) or before
(tenoverstain) public officials (openbaar ambtenaar).
The provisions of Article 1, number 35 of the Regu-
lation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 213/PMiK.06/2020 state that
Minutes of Auction are minutes of auction imple-
mentation made by the Auction Officer, which is
an authentic deed and has perfect evidentiary
power. According to Article 1a, the Vendu
reglement states that: Without prejudice to the
provisions of the following paragraph in this ar-
ticle, public sales may not be made other than be-
fore the auctioneer. Meanwhile, according to Ar-
ticle 35 of the Vendu Regulation, it is stated that
for each general sale made by the auctioneer or
his proxies, during the sale, for each day of the
auction or sale, a separate report must be made,
which means that in making the minutes of an auc-
tion, both in conventional auctions and by con-
ducting auctions through internet media or e-auc-
tions, the Auction Officials still make them.
The public official who makes the deed must
be the official who has the authority to do the act
in his working area. Based on the provisions in
Article 1 number 14 of the Regulation of the Min-
ister of Finance Number 213/PMK06/2020, the
Auction Officer is a person who is given special
authority to carry out the sale based on the legis-
lation of goods by auction. This means that the
Auction Officer or Auctioneer is a person who is
given special authority by the Minister of Finance
to carry out the sale of goods by auction based on
statutory regulations.
The Auction Officer is divided into 2 (two)
groups: (a). Auction Officer or Class I Auctioneer
authorized to carry out Execution Auctions, Man-
datory Non-execution Auctions, and Voluntary
Non-execution Auctions; (b). Auction Officer or
Class II Auctioneer confirmed to carry out Volun-
tary Non-execution Auctions. Thus, according to
the author of the Minutes of Auction through the
internet media, it has fulfilled the elements con-
tained in Article 1868. The Minutes of Auction’s
implementation of the auction through the internet
media can be categorized as an authentic deed and
used as perfect evidence.
However, the problem is in the reading of
the Minutes of Auction, which is not read out and
is only displayed on the auction application as
stated in Article 13 paragraph (1) of the Regula-
tion of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 213/PMK.06/2020 which is not
by the provisions in Article 37 Vendu Reglement
which states that the Minutes of Auction must be
read out. Solving the problem must use the prin-
ciple of Lex Specialis Derogat Legi Generalis,
which says that specific laws and regulations over-
ride general rules and regulations. By using this
principle, the reading of the Minutes of Auction
may not be carried out because of the Regulation
of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indo-
nesia Number 213/PMK.06/2020, which regulates
it thus.
With the preceding, the Minutes of Auction
remains an authentic deed as long as no one makes
a lawsuit at a later date. If the parties file a law-
suit against the Minutes of Auction and it can be
proven an untruth, the Minutes of Auction can be
canceled. If there is a case regarding the denial of
the Minutes of Auction, what should be denied
must be proven, whether there are things that are
not by the procedures specified in the provisions
of the laws and regulations, including must also
be able to prove there is a violation of the external
aspects, formal aspects, and material aspects of the
Minutes of Auction. The burden of proof regard-
ing what is denied is borne by the party who de-
nies it. If it cannot prove the untruth, anyone must
accept the deed. Denial or denial must be made
with a lawsuit to the court. The plaintiff must
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Optimizing the role of political party courts in resolving internal political party disputes
Ferry Anggriawan, Mohammad Fahrial Amrulla, Fadilla Dwi Lailawati
prove that formal aspects are violated or inappro-
priate in the act. (Intan, 2016)
3.2. Legal protection for class II auction offi-
cials for sanctions that can be received
due to auction minutes that are not read
out in the implementation of non-execu-
tion auctions electronically
The Minutes of Auction through the internet
media has fulfilled the elements contained in Ar-
ticle 1868, so the Minutes of Auction in the imple-
mentation of the auction through the internet me-
dia can be categorized as an authentic deed and
used as perfect evidence. However, the problem
is in the reading of the Minutes of Auction, which
is not read out and is only displayed on the auc-
tion application as stated in Article 13 paragraph
(1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 90/PMK.06/
2016 which is not by the provisions of Article 37
Vendu Regulation which states that the Minutes
of Auction must be read out. Solving these prob-
lems must use the principle of Lex Specialis
Derogat Legi Generalis. By using this principle,
the reading of the Minutes of Auction may not be
carried out due to the Regulation of the Minister
of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number
90/PMK.06/2016, and the Minutes of Auction re-
main an authentic deed as long as no one makes a
lawsuit in the future. In the possibility of a law-
suit, in this case, it is necessary to have legal pro-
tection for Class II Auction Officers in the conduct
of the auction.
Legal protection is divided into 2 (two)
namely preventive legal protection and repressive
legal protection. Preventive legal protection is pre-
ventive before a person and group perforan-
degative activity or commits a crime intended to
avoid or negate the occurrence of concrete actions.
(Dahana, 2012) The government’s protection aims
to prevent violations beforeions and provide limi-
tations in carrying out a legal act. Repressive legal
protection seeks to resolve a problem or dispute.
This legal protection is the absolute protection in
the form of sanctions such as fines, imprisonment,
and additional penalties if a conflict has occurred
or a violation has been committed. (Muchsin, 2003)
The competent judiciary carries out a settlement
of disputes in the protection of this repressive law.
If obligations are violated, the perpetrator can be
punished for his actions.
According to Philipus M. Hadjon, there are
two kinds of means of legal protection, namely
preventive legal protection and repressive legal
protection. (Hadjon, 2007) In this preventive legal
protection, legal subjects can submit objections or
opinions before a government decision gets a de-
finitive form. The goal is to prevent disputes from
occurring. Preventive legal protection is significant
for government actions based on freedom of move-
ment because, with a preventive legal guardian,
the government is encouraged to be careful in
making decisions based on discretion. However,
in Indonesia, there is no regulation regarding pre-
ventive legal protection. (Hadjon, 2007)
Repressive legal protection aims to resolve
disputes. The handling of legal protection by the
General Courts and Administrative Courts in In-
donesia belongs to this category of legal protec-
tion. The principle of legal protection against gov-
ernment actions is based on and stems from the
concept of recognizing and protecting human
rights because, according to history from the west,
the birth of ideas regarding the recognition and
protection of human rights is directed at restric-
tions and placing community obligations. And
government. The rule of law is the second prin-
ciple underlies legal protection against government
acts. Associated with the recognition and protec-
tion of human rights, the award, and protection
of human rights hathe central place and can be
linked to the goals of the rule of law. (Hadjon,
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Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, Volume 13 Number 2, August 2022
ISSN PRINT 2356-4962 ISSN ONLINE 2598-6538
Preventive legal protection is preventative
before a person and group performs a harmful
activity or commits a crime intended to avoid or
negate the occurrence of concrete actions. (Dahana,
2012) This protection provided by the government
aims to prevent violations and provide limitations
in carrying out a legal act. In essence, preventive
legal protection is the protection offered by the
government to avoid a breach before the occur-
rence of a violation. As previously explained, there
are no regulations governing legal protection for
auction officials who do not read out the minutes
of the auction; the provisions of laws and regula-
tions only regulate sanctions that can be imposed
on auction officials if they do not read the min-
utes of the auction, resulting in a loss to one party.
This results in the aggrieved party being able
to file for cancellation of the minutes of the action
based on Article 2 of Law Number 5 of 1986, which
is an exception for not being tried in the State
Administrative Court, stating that: “and if it turns
out that during the auction there are things that
contrary to the applicable provisions and detri-
mental to the debtor or the auctioneer, the party
concerned may file a lawsuit for the cancellation of
the minutes of the auction to the General Court of
Justice based on an unlawful act by the Authority.
In connection with the limitation of the pre-
vious sub-chapter that there is a conflict between
the provisions of the vendu reglement and PMK
in particular regarding the obligation to read the
minutes of the auction in a mandatory non-execu-
tion auction electronically, which in this case can
be resolved on the principle of lex specialis derogat
legi generalis, the Class II Auction Officer may
waive the obligation read out the minutes of the
auction as regulated in Article 37 of the Vendu
Reglement, according to the author, it is neces-
sary to make new rules or improvements to the
provisions of the old rules in which the regula-
tions amend or confirm that with the enactment
of this new provision, the conditions in Article 37
of the Vendu Reglement are expressly declared
invalid. As for the affirmation or amendment it-
self, it can be done in the closing provisions so
that the closing conditions not only emphasize that
the entry into force of this PMK will invalidate
the provisions in the previous PMK but also the
rules of Article 37 VR.
Repressive protection, this legal protection
aims to resolve a problem or dispute. This legal
protection is the absolute protection in the form
of sanctions such as fines, imprisonment, and ad-
ditional penalties if a conflict has occurred or a
violation has been committed. (Muchsin, 2003) The
competent judicial body carries out a settlement
of disputes in the protection of this repressive law.
If any obligations are violated, the perpetrator will
be punished. Indonesia is a legal state that recog-
nizes everyone as a human being against the law,
thus recognizing everyone as a legal subject.
Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution stipulates
that all citizens have the same position in law and
government and are obliged to uphold the law
and government without exception. There are sev-
eral understandings of legal subjects. (Natadimaja
2009) Legal subjects, according to Subekti, are the
bearers of rights or subjects in law, namely people.
Based on this, it can be concluded that legal sub-
jects are everything that can obtain rights and ob-
ligations from the law, so everything referred to
in that sense is humans and legal entities. ( Al
Qindy, 2021)
So, the law recognizes humans as bearers of
rights and obligations as legal subjects or people.
It can be said that legal issues support rights and
responsibilities. Therefore, every legal case, both
natural and Recht persons, must have rights and
obligations attached to each of them individually.
Accountability must have a basis, namely things
that give rise to legal rights for a person to sue
others, as well as things that give birth to the obli-
gation of others to provide accountability for legal
actions that have been done.
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Optimizing the role of political party courts in resolving internal political party disputes
Ferry Anggriawan, Mohammad Fahrial Amrulla, Fadilla Dwi Lailawati
About the issue of the minutes of the auc-
tion not being read out, it is deemed to be detri-
mental to the parties in the auction; the Auction
Officer may take legal action in the form of an
appeal against the State Administrative High Court
or an appeal against the Supreme Court of the
Republic of Indonesia.
4. Conclusion
The Minutes of Auction through the internet
media has fulfilled the elements contained in Ar-
ticle 1868, so the Minutes of Auction in the imple-
mentation of the auction through the internet me-
dia can be categorized as an authentic deed and
used as perfect evidence. Legal protection for
Class II Auction Officials can be carried out in (two)
ways, namely: (1). preventive legal protection by
making new rules or improvements to old ones;
and (2). Repressive legal protection is to take le-
gal action in the form of an appeal against the
Administrative Court or an appeal against the Su-
preme Court.
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Auction basically adopts the characteristics of a sale and purchase agreement (1457 BW), where the elements of price and goods are important elements. The difference is that auctions require the presence of an Auction Officer, especially for execution auctions and mandatory non-execution auctions. The auction has special regulations (Lex Specialis) namely Vendu Reglement, Vendu Instructie, and PMK 213/PMK.06/2020 concerning Auction Implementation Guidelines. The implementation of online auctions is carried out through the e-Marketplace Auction Platform where the implementation is usually carried out without an auction officer, for example auctions on eBay. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of voluntary non-execution auctions conducted online without auction officer and protection for parties who suffered losses due to default. This research is a legal research with a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. The results of the research are the validity of online voluntary non-execution auctions in the absence of an auction officer is valid by adopting the characteristics of a sale and purchase agreement. And for the legal protection, parties can take legal remedies for dispute resolution by choosing a settlement either through courts, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution (conventionally/ online) in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.Keywords: Online Auction; Default; Auction Officer.AbstrakLelang pada dasarnya mengadopsi karakteristik dari perjanjian jual beli (1457 BW), dimana unsur harga dan barang merupakan unsur penting. Perbedaannya adalah pada lelang mengharuskan kehadiran seorang Pejabat Lelang, terutama untuk lelang eksekusi dan lelang non eksekusi wajib. Lelang memiliki peraturan khusus (Lex Specialis) yaitu Vendu Reglement dan Vendu Instructie sebagai peraturan lelang yang masih berlaku hingga saat ini. Selain itu pelaksanaan lelang juga diatur dalam PMK 213/PMK.06/2020 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang. Pelaksanaan lelang secara online dilakukan melalui Platform e-Marketplace Auction dimana pelaksanaannya biasa dilakukan tanpa pejabat lelang, contohnya lelang di eBay. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keabsahan lelang non eksekusi sukarela yang dilakukan secara online tanpa pejabat lelang dan bagaimana perlindungan bagi para pihak yang mengalami kerugian akibat wanprestasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah keabsahan lelang non eksekusi sukarela secara online tanpa adanya pejabat lelang adalah sah dengan mengadopsi karakteristik perjanjian jual beli. Dan perlindungan bagi para pihak adalah dengan melakukan upaya hukum penyelesaian sengketa dengan memilih penyelesaian baik melalui pengadilan, arbitrase ataupun lembaga penyelesaian sengketa alternatif lainnya (secara konvensional/ online dispute resolution) sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Perundang-undangan. Kata Kunci: Lelang Online; Wanprestasi; Pejabat Lelang.
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Notary is a general official authorized to make authentic deed, one of which is making the deed of auction document in accordance with the Notary Position Act, but in other provisions, the Auction Regulation states that the authorized to make the deed of auction is the Auction Officer which raises the issue of who is authorized to make the deed of the auction minutes. This study aims to find out the legal consequences if the notary makes the minutes of auction document and the authority of the notary in making the deed of the auction according to Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to the Notary Position Act. This research is a normative research, the approach used is the legislation approach and conceptual approach. Based on the results of this study that the authorized to make the auction minutes is the Auction Officer not a Notary but the Notary can make the auction minutes if the notary concurrently serves as an Auction Officer, namely as Class II Auction Officer. Notary makes the deed of auction document in his capacity as an Auction Officer not as a Notary, then the legal consequence if the Notary makes the deed of auction document is the deed is null and void, the cancellation is done through the court and if any party is harmed by the deed, the Notary can be sued for an act against the law which is a compensation claim.Keywords: Notary; Minutes of Auction; Auction Officer.Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta autentik salah satunya adalah membuat akta risalah lelang sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris, namun dalam ketentuan lain yakni Peraturan Lelang menyebutkan bahwa yang berwenang membuat akta risalah lelang adalah Pejabat Lelang sehingga menimbulkan masalah siapakah yang berwenang untuk membuat akta risalah lelang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akibat hukum apabila notaris membuat akta risalah lelang dan kewenangan notaris dalam membuat akta risalah lelang menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa yang berwenang membuat risalah lelang adalah Pejabat Lelang bukan Notaris namun Notaris dapat membuat risalah lelang apabila notaris merangkap jabatan sebagai Pejabat Lelang yakni sebagai Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Notaris membuat akta risalah lelang dalam kapasitasnya sebagai Pejabat Lelang bukan sebagai Notaris, kemudian akibat hukum apabila Notaris membuat akta risalah lelang adalah akta tersebut batal demi hukum yang pembatalannya dilakukan memalui pengadilan dan bila ada pihak yang dirugikan atas dibuatnya akta tersebut maka Notaris dapat digugat melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum yang merupakan gugatan ganti rugi.Kata Kunci: Notaris; Risalah Lelang; Pejabat Lelang.
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This journal’s purpose is to understand the harmonization of authority arrangements for making auction minutes and to find out the evidentiary strength of auction minutes. This research uses normative legal research with an approach to the concept of law and legislation. Based on the lex special derogate legi generale principle, the authority to prepare auction minutes is based on Staatsblad No. 189 which was promulgated in 1908 concerning Vendu Reglement / VR (hereinafter referred to as Tender Regulations) which regulate the authority to make Minutes of Auction rests with the Auction Officer not the Notary Public. Although a Notary Public can be appointed as Class II Auction Officer according to Article 7 the Vendue Intructie in Indonesian is called an auction instruction Jo. Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 175 / PMK.06 / 2010 concerning Class II Auction Officers (hereinafter referred to as PMK Class II Auction Officers), however this authority is given the capacity of a Notary as Class II Auction Officer and not the capacity as a Notary. The power of proof of the auction minutes according to Article 1868 of the Criminal Code, the minutes of auction fulfilling the three elements of the deed must be made by a General Official, the deed is determined by law and the General Official who makes it must be authorized to make the deed so that it is said that the Minutes of Auction are authentic deeds having the power of proof that perfect. Tujuan jurnal ini yaitu untuk memahmi harmonisasi pengaturan kewenangan Pembuatan Risalah Lelang dan untuk mengetahui kekuatan pembuktian risalah lelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan konsep hukum dan perundang-undangan. Berdasarkan asas lex special derogate legi generale pengaturan kewenangan Pembuatan Risalah Lelang adalah berdasarkan Staatsblad No. 189 yang diundangkan pada tahun 1908 tentang Vendu Reglement/VR (selanjutnya disebut Peraturan Lelang) yang mengatur kewenangan membuat Risalah Lelang terdapat pada Pejabat Lelang bukan pada Notaris. Walaupun Notaris dapat diangkat sebagai Pejabat Lelang Kelas II menurut Pasal 7 Vendue Intructie dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut Intruksi lelang Jo. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 175/PMK.06/2010 tentang Pejabat Lelang Kelas II (selanjutnya disebut PMK Pejabat Lelang Kelas II), namun wewenang itu diberikan kapasitas Notaris sebagai Pejabat Lelang Kelas II dan bukan kapasitasnya sebagai Notaris. Kekuatan pembuktian risalah lelang menurut Pasal 1868 KUHPer, Risalah lelang memenuhi ketiga unsur akta itu harus dibuat seorang Pejabat Umum, akta itu ditentukan oleh undang-undang dan Pejabat Umum yang membuat harus berwenang membuat akta tersebut sehingga dikatakan Risalah Lelang merupakan akta otentik memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna.
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Abstract an auction object the formal use of mortgage online in KPKNL arranged in Article 54 paragraph (3) Minister of Finance Regulation Number 106/PMK.06/2013 that the supply of indirect in writing can be done via email or the internet. The auction the object a mortgage via email done through the application of auction email (ALE), both in terms of registration prospective bidders and documents should be equipped with the determination of the winning bidder performed on these applications. Legal certainty in this case that is at the time of the registration process bidders up to set the winning bidder through ALE. This strengthens with the Law Number 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transaction, where Article 5 paragraph (1) described that information electronically and/or document electronic and/or result print is a legal evidence legitimate. The principle of legal certainty of the opinion that an auction had been conducted by KPKNL for the legal protection to parties concerned to an auction. This is in accordance with rights legislation are explained that when debtors injured promise, the holder the mortgage over its own power has the right to sell by auction common. Implementing auction made treatise auction by officials an auction is a certificate authentic in accordance with Article 1867 and 1868 the book the Act of Civil Law. Treatise auction used the seller/the owner goods, buyers and officials auction to maintain and carry out their rights and duties and have the power of perfect in accordance with Article 1 the 32 Minister of Finance Regulation Number 106/PMK.06/2013. Key words: Legal Certainty, The Protection of the Law, Auction, Mortgage Object, Online Volume Abstrak Penggunaan resmi obyek lelang hipotek secara online di KPKNL diatur dalam Pasal 54 ayat (3) Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 106/PMK.06/2013 yang pasokan tidak langsung secara tertulis dapat dilakukan melalui email atau internet. Lelang objek hipotek melalui email dilakukan melalui penerapan email lelang (ALE), baik dari segi pendaftaran calon peserta lelang dan dokumen harus dilengkapi untuk penentuan pemenang lelang dilakukan pada aplikasi ini. Kepastian hukum dalam hal ini yaitu pada saat bidder proses pendaftaran hingga mengatur pemenang tender melalui ALE. Ini telah memperkuat dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik, di mana Pasal 5 ayat (1) dijelaskan informasi yang elektronik dan/atau dokumen elektronik dan/atau hasil cetak adalah bukti hukum yang sah. Prinsip kepastian hukum berpendapat bahwa lelang telah dilakukan oleh KPKNL untuk perlindungan hukum kepada pihak yang berkepentingan untuk lelang. Hal ini sesuai dengan undang-undang hak dijelaskan bahwa ketika debitur cedera janji, pemegang hipotek atas kekuatan sendiri memiliki hak untuk menjual melalui lelang umum. Menerapkan lelang dibuat risalah lelang oleh pejabat lelang adalah sertifikat otentik sesuai dengan Pasal 1867 dan 1868 Kitab UndangUndang Hukum Perdata. Risalah lelang digunakan penjual/pemilik barang, pembeli dan pejabat lelang untuk mempertahankan dan melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban mereka dan memiliki kekuatan yang sempurna sesuai dengan Pasal 1 Menteri 32 Keuangan Nomor 106/PMK.06/2013. Kata Kunci: Kepastian Hukum, Perlindungan Hukum, Lelang, Objek Hipotek, Online
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p>Currently, auction can be done through internet media a.k.a. e-auction. E-auction sells the goods by offering written prices without the presence of participants conducted through an internet-based auction application. This internet-based auction is similar with conventional one. The difference is in case of face-to-face which will affect the originality of Auction Treatise. Treatise is the official report of auction issued by Auction Officer. This paper aims at analyzing the validity of treatise as an authentic document in e-auction. This is a normative juridical writing by analyzing the validity of e-auction treatise reviewed with legislation related to internet-based auction. The results indicate that the treatise in e-auction is authentic since it follows the principles written in Article 1868 of the Civil Code. However, in PMK Number 90/PMK.06/2016 and Vendu Reglement concerning the recitation of the chief of Auction Treatise can be done using Lex Specialis Derogat Legi Generalis principles. The e-auction treatise also has valid proof as long as there is no lawsuit filing. Saat ini, lelang dapat dilakukan melalui media internet atau e-auction. E-auction adalah penjualan barang dengan penawaran harga secara tertulis tanpa kehadiran peserta lelang yang dilakukan melalui aplikasi lelang berbasis internet. Lelang berbasis internet ini sama seperti pelaksanaan lelang konvensional. Perbedaanya terletak dalam hal tatap muka yang nantinya akan berpengaruh terhadap keotentikan Risalah Lelang. Risalah Lelang adalah berita acara pelaksanaan lelang yang dibuat oleh Pejabat Lelang. Makalah ini mеngаnаlіsis kеаbsаhаn аktа Rіsаlаh Lеlаng sеbаgаі аktа оtеntіk dаlаm pеlаksаnааn lеlаng еlеktrоnіk. Penulisan ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan menganalisis keabsahan Risalah Lelnag elektronik yang dikaji dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan lelang melalui internet. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Risalah Lelang dalam lelang internet merupakan akta otentik karena telah memenuhi unsur-unsur dalam Pasal 1868 KUH Perdata. Namun dalam PMK Nomor 90/PMK.06/2016 dan Vendu Reglement tentang pembacaan Kepala Risalah Lelang tersebut dapat terselesaikan dengan asas Lex Specialis Derogat Legi Generalis. Risalah Lelang dalam lelang melalui media internet juga memiliki kekuatan pembuktian sempurna sepanjang tidak ada yang melakukan gugatan.</p
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Abstract Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dasar hukum dan menjelaskan pembuktian risalah lelang bagi pemenang eksekusi hak tanggungan; metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode yuridis normatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembuktian risalah lelang bagi pemenang eksekusi hak tanggungan, pada kasus Pengadilan Negeri Meulaboh Nomor: 08/PDT.G/2013/PN MBO dimana dalam praktiknya pembuktiannya terhadap risalah lelang yang dikeluarkan oleh KPKNL (Tergugat I) Banda Aceh sudah berdasarkan prosedur pelaksanaan lelang, setelah pelaksanaan berakhir tidak adanya kepastian hukum terhadap Bank (Tergugat II) tidak mendapatkan ganti kerugian disebabkan adanya gugatan penggugat pada Pengadilan Negeri Meulaboh dan pemenang lelang (Tergugat III) tidak dapat menguasai objek lelang karena debitor tidak bersedia mengosongkan objeknya. Berdasarkan putusan hakim seharusnya memperhatikan keadilan dan kemanfaatan bagi para pihak tidak hanya dengan kepastian hukum semata karena hakim bukan corong Undang-Undang sesuai dengan Pasal 10 ayat (1) undang-undang Nomor 49 tahun 2009 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman. Keywords Pembuktian, Risalah Lelang, Eksekusi Hak Tanggungan
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The problem that will be discussed in this research is whether the deed made before the notary is legally valid, in case of violation of Article 16 Paragraph (1) Letter (a) of Notary Position Law, how the Notary’s responsibility to the deed already issued by a notary if it does not implement Article 16 Paragraph (1) Subparagraph (a) of the Notary Position Law. The research method used is normative. Based on the result of research in the validity of the deed made before the notary in case of violation of Article 16 Paragraph (1) Subparagraph (a) of Law on Notary Position, as the case of transition or sale and purchase of building on Malang City Government land. Found a deed made by a notary, and has been issued by a notary, in case of violation of Article 16 Paragraph (1) Letter (a) Law on the position of Notary, legally valid. Sanctions only affect the legal subject of a Notary pursuant to Article 16 paragraph (11) that is subject to sanctions in the form of written warning, suspension, dismissal with respect; or dismissal with disrespect.
Creditors as bidders of hypothecation object frequently encounter obstacles such as: the auction objectclearance is impeded by debtor’s or third party’s resistance, debtor’s denial for havingneglected his duty to the creditor, creditor’s statement that it is not the time for creditor to execute the mortgage, and debtor’s denial to the amount of debt including all costs previously expended by creditor for the hypothecation. The research used descriptive analytic method with juridical empirical approach. The data were sourced from secondary data. This research was conducted at KPKNL, Medan as the research location. The data were collected by conducting library research and field research. The data were collected through document study or library research and interviews. The instruments used to collect data consisted of document study or library research and interview. The datawere analyzed by using qualitative data analysis method. The conclusion was drawn deductively. The result of the research demonstrates that auction minutes are an authentic deed which has complete evidence force. Any obstacles encountered and efforts made by KPKNLto overcome the obstacles in implementing foreclosure sale on hypothecation in KPKNL have to be well handled, and auction bidders who have good faith have to be protected by the law.
Perlindungan Hukum dan Keamanan Terhadap Wisatawan
  • M M Dahana
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Tinjauan Hukum Atas Pembatalan Risalah Lelang Karena Adanya Kepentingan Yang Dirugikan Akibat Dari Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara (Studi Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 486 K/TUN/2017)
  • Enrawati
Enrawati. (2020). Tinjauan Hukum Atas Pembatalan Risalah Lelang Karena Adanya Kepentingan Yang Dirugikan Akibat Dari Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara (Studi Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 486 K/TUN/2017). Al-Hikmah, 1(2), 90-106, DOI: jhah.v1i2.3337.