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The Effect of Translation on the Approximated First Order Polarization Tensor of Sphere and Cube


Abstract and Figures

Throughout this paper, the translation effect on the first order polarization tensor approximation for different type of objects will be highlighted. Numerical integration involving quadratic element as well as linear element for polarization tensor approximation will be presented. Here, we used different positions of an object of fixed size and conductivity when computing the first order polarization tensor. From the numerical results of computed first order polarization tensor, the convergence for every translation is observed. Moreover, discretization of the geometric objects into triangular meshes was done by using meshing software called NETGEN mesh generator while for the numerical computation, MATLAB software was used. We found that the translation has no effect on the approximated first order PT for sphere and cube after we have computed the first order PT for both geometries with a few center of masses. The numerical results of approximated first order polarization tensor is plotted by comparing the numerical results with analytical solution provided.
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Open Journal of Science
and Technology
Suzarina Ahmed Sukri1, Taufiq Khairi Ahmad Khairuddin2*, Yeak Su Hoe3
1,3 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor, 81310 Malaysia
2UTM Center for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (UTM-CIAM), Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor, 81310 Malaysia
*Corresponding Author email:
Throughout this paper, the translation effect on the first order polarization tensor
approximation for different type of objects will be highlighted. Numerical
integration involving quadratic element as well as linear element for polarization
tensor approximation will be presented. Here, we used different positions of an
object of fixed size and conductivity when computing the first order polarization
tensor. From the numerical results of computed first order polarization tensor, the
convergence for every translation is observed. Moreover, discretization of the
geometric objects into triangular meshes was done by using meshing software
called NETGEN mesh generator while for the numerical computation, MATLAB
software was used. We found that the translation has no effect on the approximated
first order PT for sphere and cube after we have computed the first order PT for
both geometries with a few center of masses. The numerical results of approximated
first order polarization tensor is plotted by comparing the numerical results with
analytical solution provided.
Article History
Submission: July 25, 2020
Revised: August 30, 2020
Accepted: September 22, 2020
Numerical Integration;
Triangular Elements;
Electric Field
Abbreviations: NIL
In the applications of electric or electromagnetic such as medical imaging and metal
detection, some properties of an electrical conducting object will be described for
classification of object purposes. These properties include the material (or the
conductivity) of the object, size, shape and also the orientation of the object. The object
could be a tumor with larger value of conductivity than normal tissues in medical
imaging (1) or a fish hook avoided by electrosensing fish (2-6) whereas, in metal
detection, the object could be a buried landmine or a gun carried by a person when
walking under metal detector (7-13).
There are probably many approaches exist that can be used to describe these objects
and their properties. One way to characterize these objects is to implement the
Polarization Tensor (PT) terminology, as can be seen in the previous listed references.
This approach seems to offer lower computational cost as it does not require for
example, complete image of the object to describe the object.
Research Article
Open Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3 No. 3
In applied mathematics, Ammari and Kang (14), they have shown that the leading
term of asymptotic expansion that represent the disturbance in electrical field because
of the existence of object with conductivity is called Generalized Polarization Tensor.
Given the conductivity and geometry of the object, by solving system of integral
equation, the associated GPT in the matrix form or in some literatures known as PT
for object with specific conductivity can be determined. In other words, given GPT
due to the presence of a known or unknown object, the geometry and conductivity of
the related object can be described or predicted (15-17).
PT for an object with some conductivity when presented in the electrical field does not
give any information about the specific location of the object. Other methods must be
integrated with PT to locate the object when reconstructing the image of the object
(14), for example. Similarly, a person can carry a gun at any parts of the body before
entering a metal detector, and when the gun is detected, the body must be searched
manually by a security officer.
Therefore, the translating effect of the object on the computation of its first order PT
will be investigated throughout this study. Theoretically, as will be stated later on, the
PT of an object with specific conductivity are independent of the position of the object.
Therefore, our numerical results on computing the first order PT of an object at
different locations must be the same or at least, have only very small differences
between them. This will justify whether our numerical method produces a good
approximation to the PT. Besides, for some cases, computing the PT of an object at
different locations will also help to verify that the resulting PT is correct.
The paper will is organized as follows. First, the background of mathematical term of
the PT related to the disturbance in electric field because of the existence of object with
specific conductivity will be reviewed in the next section. From the mathematical
background, we will explain the translation of the PT and methods used to generate
the numerical results of each translation. Then, numerical results showing the effect
of translation on the approximation of the PT will be presented in graphical form.
Lastly, discussion and some conclusions about the numerical results obtained are
Polarization tensor as considered here actually initiates from a transmission problem
of the inverse conductivity equation which has being reviewed by a numbers of
literatures. Ammari and Kang (14) consider a Lipschitz bounded domain
where the origin
is inside the boundary domain
will represent the
conductivity of domain
The condition of the conductivity
must satisfy the
condition where,
01k +
. By assuming harmonic function, which denotes as
and the solution of the problem in (1) is
Open Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3 No. 3
div(1 ( 1) ( )grad( )) 0 in
( ) ( ) (| | ) as | |
k B u
u x H x O x x
+ =
represents the characteristic function of
. There are numerous industrial
application that employ the mathematical formulation in (1); for example in medical
imaging where we can see from Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) system,
material sciences as well as in detection of landmine (1, 14, 18).
Far-field expansion that represent PT has been introduced by Ammari and Kang (14)
where it yields to
| |,| | 1
( 1)
( )( ) ( ) ( , ) (0) as | |
x ij
u H x x M k B H x
= +
that denotes the multi indices, while
is the fundamental solution of the
( , )
M k B
is the generalized polarization tensor (GPT) or can be simply called
as PT. Since GPT can show the conductivity distribution of an object, therefore,
physicist usually assigned GPT as the dipole in electromagnetic applications. In this
case, (2) represent the perturbation on the electrical field
because of the presence of
a conducting object
Furthermore, according to Ammari and Kang, the GPT in (2) can also be defined by
system of integral equations over the boundary of
which is
( , ) ( ) ( )
ij i
M k B y y d y
is formulated as
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
i B x
y I K x y
,x y B
is the identity while
is the outward normal vector of
to the boundary
. In this case, the definition of
( 1) / 2( 1)kk
= +
which contain the conductivity,
Singular integral operator,
associated with Cauchy principal value
. is given
and yield to
( ) p.v. ( ) ( )
x y d y
. (5)
In order to directly compute the PT of
for conductivity
, where
must satisfy
01k +
, we can simply determine it by substituting the conductivity and
equation (3), (4) and (5).
In this work, we restrict our investigation on the first order PT, when the multi indices
of GPT is
| | | | 1ij==
. Thus, by construction, the first order PT is represented by matrix
of 3 by 3. If
is a sphere of volume
, then from the analytical formula that has been
Open Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3 No. 3
derived and introduced by Ammari and Kang (14), its first order polarization tensor
will yield to
3 (2 ) 0 0
( , ) ( 1) | | 0 3 (2 ) 0 .
0 0 3 (2 )
M k B k B k
= +
In the next section, we will revise previous theoretical results which suggest that the
first order PT is independent of the position of
. After that, we explain our numerical
method for the first order PT approximation for sphere and cube geometries of
constant density at specified conductivity but with different center of mass.
In the previous section, it is required that the origin must be in
but not the center of
mass for
. So, the center of mass for
can be anywhere when its first order PT is
computed. The following proposition is considered from the study of Ammari and
Kang (14), which explains the first order PT is independent of the position of object
Proposition 1
( , )M k B
be the first order polarization tensor for an object
at conductivity
01k +
be a translation vector. If
( , )M k B+z
is the first order PT for
is translated by
( , ) ( , )M k B M k B+=z
The above proposition specifically tells us that if the center of mass of
is changed,
then its first order PT will remain the same. If we regard the first order PT as a physical
parameter of
such as surface area, volume or density, the first order PT is
independent of position of
. This information is useful to us as it can help us to verify
whether the first order PT of
that is numerically computed is correct or not; thus, we
can compare the first order PT for
, computed at two different center of mass and
ensure that they are the same.
In general, the first order PT can only be computed by numerical method, except when
is a sphere. In this case, finite element approach will be employed to approximate
the first order PT for sphere and cube based on equations (3), (4) and (5). Here, to
numerically compute first order PT for sphere and cube geometries, each object will
be initially created in the software Netgen (19) at a specified center of mass. After that,
mesh of the object consisting of a set of triangular elements will be automatically
created by the software. Since the integrals involved as given in (3) and (5) are surface
integrals, the triangular elements generated are actually the surface elements of the
object. The required nodes for each triangle given by Netgen will be exported to
Matlab for computation of the PT by finite element method. For comparison in this
study, quadratic and linear element which involve six and three nodes in each triangle
will be used (20).
Open Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3 No. 3
After generating the triangular elements for both objects, their first order PT will be
computed at a specified conductivity
. The procedures when using linear elements
are based on Khairuddin and Lionheart (21) and we refer to Reddy (20) when
developing numerical algorithm with quadratic elements to approximate the first
order PT. Then, we will increase the size of the mesh with Netgen and repeat the
processes until satisfactory results are obtained. Usually, the size of mesh must be
increased until the numerical computations of the first order PT converge to one value.
The convergence first order PT will then be used as the convergence approximation
of the first order PT. However, at the moment, approximating the first order PT is time
consuming because of the large size for the mesh used. So, our results here might only
be preliminary results.
For sphere, the error in approximating the first order PT can be computed by
comparing the approximated first order PT with (6). Since the analytical solution of
the first order PT for cube geometries has yet to be found, we cannot compute its error.
However, we can still further investigate what happens to the first order PT
approximation for both cube and sphere when the center of mass for both objects are
changed. In order to achieve this, the center of mass for both sphere and cube are
redefined in Netgen before the new meshes are created for computing the new first
order PT but still at the same conductivity. Mesh for sphere and cube at a few center
of masses will be considered in this study when approximating the first order PT for
both objects.
For the purpose of first order PT approximation for sphere of radius 0.01, at a few
center of masses, four coordinates are chosen and defined as the center in Netgen. The
four chosen centers of mass for the sphere are
. For each sphere with different center of mass, the meshes are then generated in
Netgen and surprisingly, the size for the mesh for each sphere can still be the same.
As the positions of each sphere are different from each other, the nodes for the
triangular elements will be different although the total elements are the same. For the
computation purposes, the sizes of the mesh for each sphere used are
Using the generated meshes, the first order PT for the sphere are numerically
approximated at conductivity
. After that, the error for each computation will
be computed. If
is the approximated first order PT for sphere and
is the first
order PT for sphere given by (6), then the error,
is given by
|| ||
|| ||
. (7)
where for a
Open Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3 No. 3
( )
33 2
|| || ij
are the elements of the matrix
. Fig. 1 then shows the error against total
surface elements of the approximated first order PT for sphere of radius
when the center of mass for the sphere are respectively
. As we can see in all graphs of Fig. 1, the error
decreases as the total surface elements increase in approximating the first order PT for
each sphere and the error when using quadratic elements for the sphere is smaller
than the linear elements for each mesh, as expected.
Now, in order to study the translation effect on the approximated first order PT,
graphs in Fig. 2 are plotted. These graphs show the average of the elements,
for the
approximated first order PT,
against the total surface elements for each mesh used.
In this case,
is computed by the formula
( )
are the elements of the matrix
. Based on the graphs, we have noticed
increases when
is computed either by linear or quadratic elements increased.
Both average approach to the straight line which represents the average elements of
the first order PT for the sphere computed based on the analytical formula (6). It is
expected that, for each mesh,
computed based on
that is approximated by
quadratic elements (Quad) are closer to the straight line than
computed based on
that is approximated by linear elements (Lin). Moreover, it is also observed that, for
each mesh, the average elements of
are all the same when
are approximated by
both linear or quadratic elements although the center of mass for the sphere are
(a) (b)
Open Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3 No. 3
(c) (d)
Fig. 1. The error,
against the total surface elements in approximating the first order PT for sphere of radius 0.01
at conductivity
where the center of the mass for the sphere are respectively (a)
, (b)
and (d)
Finally, Fig. 3 shows the average of the elements for the approximated first order PT
for cube against the total surface elements for each mesh used. Here, the total surface
elements or the size of the mesh for the cube generated automatically in Netgen are
192, 768, and 3072. In addition, the first order PT for the cube of size
0.04 0.04 0.04
, in
this case, are approximated based on (3), (4) and (5) also at conductivity
However, only quadratic elements are used during the numerical approximation.
Here, it is found that, for each mesh, the average elements of first order PT
approximation for cube resulted in similar number of mesh although the center of
mass for the cube are
( 0.02,0,0)
Fig. 2. The average elements,
of the approximated first order PT by both linear and quadratic elements against
the total surface elements for the mesh. The first order PT for sphere of radius 0.01 at conductivity
Open Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 3 No. 3
approximated when the center of the mass for the sphere are respectively
. The straight line represents the average elements of the first order PT for sphere computed based on
the analytical formula (6).
Fig. 3. The average elements,
of the approximated first order PT by quadratic elements for cube (size
0.04 0.04 0.04
and conductivity
) against the total surface elements for the mesh, where, the center of
the mass for the cube are respectively
( 0.02,0,0)
In this study, we can observe that as the first order PT for sphere is evaluated either
by linear or quadratic elements, the error of the computation is smaller if quadratic
elements is used. The results are also true when the center of mass of the sphere are
changed, as presented in Fig. 1. Moreover, the average elements of PT when it is
approximated for both sphere or cube geometries are similar when the center of mass
for both objects are relocated at a different place. This suggests that the approximated
PT are also similar for both objects independent of their center of mass. Therefore,
these results agree with the previous proposed theory stated in Proposition 1.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Ministry of Education (MOE) for the MyBrainSc scholarship and
Research Management Center (RMC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for the financial funding through
research grant with vote number 5F251.
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... They also mentioned that the determinant for the first order PT of the spheroid remains the same before and after the spheroid is rotated. Morever, the study by Sukri et al., [24] had numerically shown that the first order PT of a few objects do not depend on the location of objects that is, the first order PT for an object does not change even though the center of gravity for the object is changed. Similarly, the numerical examples of the first order PT for translated and rotated objects was also conducted by Khairuddin et al., [25]. ...
Full-text available
In order to enhance identification of objects in electrical imaging or metal detection, the polarization tensor is used to characterize the perturbation in electric or electromagnetic field due to the presence of the conducting objects. This is similar as describing the uniform fluid flow that is disturbed after a solid is immersed in the fluid during the study of fluid mechanics. Moreover, in some applications, it is beneficial to determine a spheroid based on the first order polarization tensor in order to understand what is actually represented by the tensor. The spheroid could share similar physical properties with the actual object represented by the polarization tensor. The purpose of this paper is to present how scaling on the matrix for the first order polarization tensor will affect the original spheroid represented by that first order polarization tensor. In the beginning, we revise the mathematical property regarding how scaling the semi axes of a conducting spheroid has an effect to its first order polarization tensor. After that, we give theoretical results with proofs on how scaling the matrix for the first order polarization tensor affects the volume and semi axes of the spheroid. Following that, some numerical examples are provided to further justify the theory. Here, different scalar factors will be used on the given first order polarization tensor before the new volume and semi axes of the spheroid are computed. In addition, we also investigate how the size of the scale on the first order polarization tensor influence the accuracy of computing the related volume and semi axes. In this case, it is found that a large error could occur to the volume and the semi axes when finding them by solving the first order PT with that has being scaled by a very large scaling factor or a too small scaling factor. A suggestion is then given on how to reduce the errors.
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The terminology polarization tensor (PT) has many useful practical applications especially in electrics and electromagnetics. In this case, it must be firstly determined by some appropriate methods. Besides, understanding some properties of the PT might also be very useful in order to apply it. In this study, we investigate the first order PT for ellipsoids to determine its material and type based on the PT. First of all, we show that the first order PT for ellipsoid is a nonzero matrix. After that, we prove that, instead of classifying the first order PT for ellipsoid by the material of the ellipsoid, we can also classify the conductivity and the material of the ellipsoid by determining whether the first order PT for ellipsoid is either positive or negative definite matrix. After that, by further investigating the first order PT for the ellipsoid, we can classify the semi principal axes of the ellipsoid according to the elements of its first order PT.
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Polarization tensor is an old terminology in mathematics and physics with many recent industrial applications including medical imaging, nondestructive testing and metal detection. In these applications, it is theoretically formulated based on the mathematical modelling either in electrics, electromagnetics or both. Generally, polarization tensor represents the perturbation in the electric or electromagnetic fields due to the presence of conducting objects and hence, it also desribes the objects. Understanding the properties of the polarization tensor is necessary and important in order to apply it. Therefore, in this study, when the conducting object is a spheroid, we show that the polarization tensor is positive-definite if and only if the conductivity of the object is greater than one. In contrast, we also prove that the polarization tensor is negative-definite if and only if the conductivity of the object is between zero and one. These features categorize the conductivity of the spheroid based on in its polarization tensor and can then help to classify the material of the spheroid.
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This paper extends the previous works to further explore the role of the first order polarization tensor in electro-sensing by the weakly electric fish specifically for object discrimination and characterization. The first order polarization tensor for few objects used in the considered experiment are calculated and discussed to identify whether there are other evidences to suggest that a weakly electric fish able to recognize the tensor when choosing or rejecting an object. Our findings in this study suggest that all fish during most of the experiments face difficulties to discriminate two objects when their first order polarization tensors are almost similar depending on the types of training given to them.
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In this paper, numerical approximation and two properties of first order Polarization Tensor for 3-D domain are highlighted. Based on the definition of the generalized polarization tensor by integral equation, the quadrature method is adapted to simplify the approximation of the first order polarization tensor. Furthermore, the softwares MATLAB and Netgen Mesh Generator are used for computation purpose. Here, the numerical results obtained by following the method show reasonable convergence to the exact first order polarization tensor but at several known factors. Finally, these results are further discussed to demonstrate the transformation and types of the first order polarization tensor for few different objects.
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There has been a lot of interest over recent years in the study of mathematical aspects and applications of the polarization tensor. This promising terminology appears widely in electric and electromagnetic inverse problems. Our main purpose in this paper then is to review the polarization tensor biologically in electro-sensing by a weakly electric fish and in the engineering problems which are based on the Eddy current principle. Here, the mathematical formulations of the polarization tensor for both cases are firstly presented. At the same time, a few related applications will also be briefly explained.
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Weakly electric fish generate electric current and use hundreds of voltage sensors on the surface of their body to navigate and locate food. Experiments (von der Emde and Fetz 2007 J. Exp. Biol. 210 3082–95) show that they can discriminate between differently shaped conducting or insulating objects by using electrosensing. One approach to electrically identify and characterize the object with a lower computational cost rather than full shape reconstruction is to use the first order polarization tensor (PT) of the object. In this paper, by considering experimental work on Peters' elephantnose fish Gnathonemus petersii, we investigate the possible role of the first order PT in the ability of the fish to discriminate between objects of different shapes. We also suggest some experiments that might be performed to further investigate the role of the first order PT in electrosensing fish. Finally, we speculate on the possibility of electrical cloaking or camouflage in prey of electrosensing fish and what might be learnt from the fish in human remote sensing.
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This chapter addresses the problem of identifying metallic objects in buried land mines and discriminating them from clutter using low-frequency electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques. From dipolar fields, the magnetic polarizability tensor extracted from the target response can be used as a basis for identification. Here, a deterministic nonlinear optimization method is presented to estimate target polarizability matrix and location by fitting a dipole model to EMI data collected above target in a least squares sense. Using finite element simulated data with added synthetic low-frequency noise (10 dB SNR), results show initial guess misestimating target position with few centimeters in the transversal (x, y) plane can be corrected very close to the true location. The method is also able to estimate the polarizability tensor to within 12 % error of the true tensor.
Full-text available
The aim of this paper is provide new insights into the properties of the rank 2 polarizability tensor Mˇˇ\check{\check{\mathcal M}} proposed in (P.D. Ledger and W.R.B. Lionheart Characterising the shape and material properties of hidden targets from magnetic induction data, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, doi: 10.1093/imamat/hxv015) for describing the perturbation in the magnetic field caused by the presence of a conducting object in the eddy current regime. In particular, we explore its connection with the magnetic polarizability tensor and the P\'olya-Szeg\"o tensor and how, by introducing new splittings of Mˇˇ\check{\check{\mathcal M}}, they form a family of rank 2 tensors for describing the response from different categories of conducting (permeable) objects. We include new bounds on the invariants of the P\'olya-Szeg\"o tensor and expressions for the low frequency and high conductivity limiting coefficients of Mˇˇ\check{\check{\mathcal M}}. We show, for the high conductivity case (and for frequencies at the limit of the quasi-static approximation), that it is important to consider whether the object is simply or multiply connected but, for the low frequency case, the coefficients are independent of the connectedness of the object. Furthermore, we explore the frequency response of the coefficients of Mˇˇ\check{\check{\mathcal M}} for a range of simply and multiply connected objects.
Conference Paper
Polarization Tensor (PT) has many applications in science and engineering. It can be used to improve reconstruction of image in medical imaging, improve metal detection for security screening or landmine clearance and also to study electrosensing fish. In some applications, it is useful to determine an ellipsoid that has the same PT with some other objects and this is possible because the explicit formula of the PT for ellipsoid can be set equal to some given PT and then solve to obtain all three axes of the ellipsoid. Therefore, in this study, based on a given first order PT, we will discuss a new method to determine the two distinct semi axes of a spheroid (an ellipsoid with two equal axes) so that the first order PT for the spheroid is similar to the given first order PT. In order to achieve this, we rely on some results about the depolarization factors for ellipsoid established in our previous study. Our new proposed method has suggested that the semi axes of the spheroid can be determined almost analytically from the explicit formula of the semi axes derived from the first order PT for spheroid where, a few examples have also been given here. The numerical results in the examples have also shown that the first order PT for a few spheroids computed based on the values of the semi axes are similar to the original given first order PT.
This chapter reviews the state of the art and the current open problems in electrical impedance tomography (EIT), which seeks to recover the conductivity (or conductivity and permittivity) of the interior of a body from knowledge of electrical stimulation and measurements on its surface. This problem is also known as the inverse conductivity problem and its mathematical formulation is due to A. P. Calderón, who wrote in 1980, the first mathematical formulation of the problem, “On an inverse boundary value problem.” EIT has interesting applications in fields such as medical imaging (to detect air and fluid flows in the heart and lungs and imaging of the breast and brain) and geophysics (detection of conductive mineral ores and the presence of ground water). It is well known that this problem is severely ill-posed, and thus this chapter is devoted to the study of the uniqueness, stability, and reconstruction of the conductivity from boundary measurements. A detailed distinction between the isotropic and anisotropic case is made, pointing out the major difficulties with the anisotropic case. The issues of global and local measurements are studied, noting that local measurements are more appropriate for practical applications such as screening for breast cancer.