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In this letter, a microwave imaging strategy based on an artificial neural network (ANN) is applied, for the first time, to experimental data gathered from simplified neck phantoms. The ANN is used for solving the underlying inverse scattering problem, with the aim of retrieving the dielectric properties of the neck for monitoring and diagnostic purposes. The ANN is trained using simulated phantoms, to overcome the limited availability of experimental data. First, a simple configuration with a liquid-filled glass beaker is tested. Then, simplified 3-D-printed models of the human neck are considered. The preliminary findings indicate the possibility of training the network with numerical simulations and testing it against experimental measurements.
Initial Experimental Tests of an ANN-Based
Microwave Imaging Technique for
Neck Diagnostics
Chiara Dachena , Alessandro Fedeli ,Member, IEEE, Alessandro Fanti ,Member, IEEE,
Matteo B. Lodi ,Member, IEEE, Giorgio Fumera, Member, IEEE,
Matteo Pastorino ,Fellow, IEEE, and Andrea Randazzo ,Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract In this letter, a microwave imaging strategy based
on an artificial neural network (ANN) is applied, for the first time,
to experimental data gathered from simplified neck phantoms.
The ANN is used for solving the underlying inverse scattering
problem, with the aim of retrieving the dielectric properties
of the neck for monitoring and diagnostic purposes. The ANN
is trained using simulated phantoms, to overcome the limited
availability of experimental data. First, a simple configuration
with a liquid-filled glass beaker is tested. Then, simplified 3-D-
printed models of the human neck are considered. The prelim-
inary findings indicate the possibility of training the network
with numerical simulations and testing it against experimental
Index Terms—Artificial neural networks (ANNs), biomedical
imaging, inverse scattering, machine learning (ML), microwave
imaging (MWI).
MICROWAVE imaging (MWI) emerged several decades
ago as a promising diagnostic technique for biomedical
applications [1]. Recently, besides the widespread applica-
tions related to breast tumor [2]–[5] and brain stroke detec-
tion [6]–[8], the use of MWI for other parts of the body,
such as torso and arms [9], [10], has gained attention, too.
Specifically, this work deals with MWI for diagnosing and
monitoring neck diseases, such as cervical myelopathy [11]
and tumors [12], [13]. Indeed, although magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) represent
the gold standard, they are either expensive or relying on ion-
izing radiations. MWI represents a complementary technique
that, due to its nonionizing nature and the possibility of using
cheap components, may allow frequent monitoring. Moreover,
Manuscript received 20 June 2022; accepted 22 July 2022. (Corresponding
author: Alessandro Fedeli.)
Chiara Dachena, Alessandro Fedeli, Matteo Pastorino, and
Andrea Randazzo are with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecom-
munications Engineering and Naval Architecture (DITEN), University of
Genoa, 16145 Genoa, Italy (e-mail:; alessandro.;;
Alessandro Fanti is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, University of Cagliari, 09123 Cagliari, Italy, and also with
the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-CA, Complesso Universitario di
Monserrato, 09042 Cagliari, Italy (e-mail:
Matteo B. Lodi and Giorgio Fumera are with the Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, 09123 Cagliari, Italy
Color versions of one or more figures in this letter are available at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2022.3194805
since it aims at reconstructing the dielectric properties from
scattered-field measurements, it also potentially provides addi-
tional diagnostic information.
MWI is based on the solution of a strongly ill-posed and
nonlinear inverse problem [1]. Several solving approaches,
based on quantitative [3], [14] or qualitative methods [15],
[16], have been developed. In this context, we developed in
[11] a quantitative technique based on a regularization proce-
dure in Lebesgue spaces for the diagnosis of cervical myelopa-
thy. Inversion methods based on machine learning (ML)
paradigms have also been recently devised [17], considering
both convolutional [18] and fully connected artificial neural
networks (ANNs) [19]. In particular, the applicability of a fully
connected ANN for neck tumor detection has been studied,
through numerical simulations, by us in [12]. Such an ANN
can be in principle applied also to other parts of the body,
provided that a proper training dataset is adopted. It is worth
noting that other ANNs have been tried on other body parts,
e.g., for breast cancer [19] and brain stroke detection [20].
Although ANNs have been found to be quite effective,
one of the main obstacles in their practical application is the
amount of data required in the training phase [21]. In fact,
in MWI, the requirement of massive quantities of data for the
training phase does not allow training ANNs with experimental
data only. For this reason, most works are limited to numerical
analyses or use data from well-known datasets (e.g., the
Fresnel one [22]–[28]), and few contributions make use of
custom experimental data in the test phase [20]. Therefore,
the application of ANNs to experimental data still represents
a great challenge, which needs to be faced to uncover the full
potential of ML for MWI.
The aim of this letter is to report some initial tests against
experimental data of an ANN that has been trained with
numerical models only. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
this is the first time that a deep learning approach is used with
experimental data gathered from neck-mimicking phantoms.
This letter is organized as follows. An overview of the MWI
method and the ANN architecture is provided in Section II.
Preliminary experimental results are reported and discussed in
Section III. Section IV reports some concluding remarks.
Let us consider the tomographic imaging system
summarized in Fig. 1. Sequally spaced antennas are located
around the neck on a circumference of radius rnand acquire
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 1. Structure of the proposed MWI system and the inversion approach
based on a fully connected neural network.
measurements of the electric field with a multi-illumination,
multistatic, and multifrequency approach. In this configuration,
Sviews are considered, with M=S1 receiving antennas
for each view, and data are measured at Ffrequencies.
Between the antennas and the neck, a layer of matching
medium (with dielectric permittivity εmm and electric
conductivity σmm)is present. The developed approach aims
at reconstructing the differences in the dielectric properties
inside the investigation domain Dtwith respect to a given
reference configuration. In the following, Ef,s,mdenotes
the difference between the z-component of the total electric
field due to the actual and reference configurations (for
the fth frequency, the sth view, and the mth measurement
point). Moreover, εr,nand σnare the differential dielectric
properties in the nth subdomain (n=1,...,Nt)in which
Dtis discretized. As it is well known, the retrieval of εr,n
and σnstarting from Ef,s,mconstitutes a nonlinear and
ill-posed inverse problem [1]. An ANN-based inversion
approach, originally proposed in [12], is adopted in this letter.
As shown in Fig. 1, the input of the network is an array
containing the real and imaginary parts of Ef,s,m,i.e.,I=
The ANN is composed of Khidden layers, each one
containing Lneurons characterized by a weight vector
Wk,land a bias bk,l, with k=1,...,Kand l=1,...,L.
The output Okof the kth layer is computed as in [12].
The output layer has 2Ntneurons (with weight vector
WK+1,land a bias bK+1,l)and a regression function
is added to predict the dielectric properties in the
investigation domain, which are contained in the output
array O=[εr,1,...,ε
output is computed as O=R[Wt
K+1,2NtOK+bK+1,2Nt]t,whereRis the rectified linear
unit (ReLu) activation function. The Adam method [29]
is used in the training phase to minimize the loss
function L=(1/Dtr)i(
rσ i
σ i
),whereDtr is the number of
samples, εi
r,rand εi
r,aare the reconstructed and actual
real parts of the relative dielectric permittivity of the ith
sample, and σ i
rand σ i
aare the corresponding electric
Some preliminary experimental results are presented in this
section to test the reconstruction capability of the proposed
ANN. The adopted MWI system is described in [11]. It con-
sists of S=10 slotted cavity-backed bow-tie antennas and
a vector network analyzer connected to the antennas through
a switch matrix. A mixture of water and 70% glycerin (vol-
umetric), enclosed in polyethylene bags interposed between
the antennas and the phantom, is used as matching medium.
Fig. 2. Configuration of the experimental target and reconstructed maps.
(a) Beaker. (b) εr.(c)σ . (d) 3-D printed neck “phantom 1” [11]. (e) εr.
(f) σ . (g) 3-D printed neck “phantom 2” [11]. (h) εr.(i)σ .
F=4 frequencies between 600 and 750 MHz with 50-MHz
frequency step have been considered for the first two cases,
whereas for the third case, F=7 frequencies between 600 and
900 MHz have been used. Such parameters have been chosen
based on the analysis performed in [11], where it has been
found that frequencies between 500 and 1 GHz, with a match-
ing medium having relative dielectric permittivity between
5 and 60, provide a good tradeoff between low reflection
from skin and high penetration into the neck. The developed
network has K=5 hidden layers and L=448 neurons for
each layer. Such parameters have been chosen according to the
analysis performed in [12]. The initial weights of the ANN are
drawn from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean value and
standard deviation equal to 102, whereas the initial biases are
set to zero. A constant L2norm regularization parameter equal
to 104is adopted to avoid overfitting, with a mini-batch size
of 256. An initial learning rate equal to 103is used in the
Adam method, with a maximum of 500 epochs.
In the first case, a circular glass beaker with external radius
rb=53.5 mm filled with a 70% glycerin:water mixture
and containing a circular inclusion with radius ri1=8.5
mm placed at (23,3)mm is considered [see Fig. 2(a)]. The
inclusion is filled with an 80% glycerin:water mixture. The
dielectric properties of these mixtures have been estimated
from reflection measurements performed on a liquid-filled
section of a short-circuited coaxial line [11]. The network
has been trained using a dataset of D=10 000 numerically
simulated configurations. Since the aim is to detect just the
inclusion inside the phantom, each target is modeled as a
circular cylinder with radius rn=6.2 cm (to account for
beaker and matching medium) and dielectric properties εmm =
43ε0S/m and σmm =0.8 S/m [11], in which a cylindrical
inclusion with random radius rt1(5,10)mm and position
(inside the beaker) is present. The dielectric permittivity of the
inclusion randomly ranges from 30ε0to 40ε0and its electric
conductivity is in the range [0.4,0.7]S/m. The investigation
domain is discretized into Nt=3024 square cells of side
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
2 mm. The scattered fields are computed with a custom solver
based on the method of moments [30]. A subset of 90% of
samples is used to train the network, whereas the remaining
ones are used for validation. The obtained values of the loss
function are 1.03 and 1.1 for the training and validation sets,
respectively. The reference configuration is the phantom with-
out the inclusion, i.e., a homogenous circular structure with
dielectric properties equal to those of the matching medium.
In order to use the experimental data for testing the
ANN, a scattered-field calibration has been performed [31],
where the fields measured in the presence of a known
target are used to derive a set of scaling coefficients,
one for each transmitter–receiver pair and frequency. The
calibrated measurements are then obtained as Ef,s,m=
f,s,mare the uncalibrated
data and EM,R
f,s,mand ESI,R
f,s,mare the experimental and simu-
lated fields for the calibration target, respectively. In particular,
in this case, the calibration target is a circular inclusion with
radius ri2=6.2 mm that has been placed inside the beaker at
(23,5)mm. The reconstructions of εrand σ are reported
in Fig. 2(b) and (c). The internal inclusion is correctly local-
ized, and a quite good estimation of the dielectric properties
is obtained although εris underestimated.
In the second test case [see Fig. 2(d)], a 3-D-printed model
of the human neck is considered (“phantom 1” of [11]).
The considered printed structure contains some of the main
anatomical details, such as the air-filled trachea in the anterior
part of the neck and the external fat layer [11]. The 3-D-
printing material is polylactic acid (PLA), whose dielectric
properties are εPLA =3ε0and σPLA =0.001 S/m. The trachea
is characterized by εtra =ε0,σtra =0 S/m, and the neck filling
has εneck =43ε0and σneck =0.8 S/m. An inclusion with
radius rs1=12 mm has been placed inside the neck phantom
at (10,5)mm. The network has been trained by using a dataset
built from a numerical model of the phantom (containing
the external layer and the trachea), in which inclusions with
different random positions (inside the inner part) and radius
rt2(3,15)mm have been located. The dielectric properties
vary in the same ranges of the previous case. The reference
scenario is the phantom without inclusions. To calibrate the
data, an inclusion with radius rs2=5 mm has been placed
at (10,9)mm. The reconstructed values of εrand σ are
shown in Fig. 2(e)–(f). In this case, too, the inclusion is well
detected, although εris slightly overestimated and σ is
Finally, a more complex 3-D-printed model with vertebral
column filled with glycerin (εver =9.77ε0and σve r =
0.36 S/m) is considered [“phantom 2” of [11], Fig. 2(g)].
A circular printed inclusion with radius rv1=5mmhas
been located inside the vertebra at (0.5,0)mm. The numerical
models used in the training procedure reproduce the printed
structure and contain random inclusions inside the vertebra
with radius in the range rt3(3,12)mm. The ranges of the
dielectric properties are the same as before, and the structure
without inclusion is used as a reference scenario. To calibrate
the data, an inclusion with radius rv2=9 mm has been
considered inside the vertebra at (5,0)mm. The reconstructed
maps of the dielectric properties are shown in Fig. 2(h)–(i).
Even in this more involving case, the inclusion is well detected
in both εrand σ , and the reconstructed values are quite
For completeness, the performances of the approach have
been evaluated using the mean relative errors e{tot,b,in} =
(1/N{t,b,in})rnD{t,b,in}(|γrec(rn)γact (rn)|/|γact(rn)|),where
γrec and γact are the reconstructed and actual values of εror
σ , respectively, rnis the center of the nth cell of the inves-
tigation domain, D{b,in}is the background (b)or the inclusion
(in)region, and N{b,in }is the corresponding number of cells.
Moreover, the relative errors on the estimated radius and center
of the inclusion have been evaluated, too. In particular, the
radius error, er, is computed as er=|rrra|/|ra|,wherera
and rrare the actual and estimated radiuses, respectively, the
latter obtained by setting a threshold equal to 40% on the
maximum reconstructed value of εr. Similarly, the center
errors, ecd,xand ecd,y, are the relative errors on the xand
ycoordinates of the reconstructed inclusion. The errors are
reported in Table I for the three considered cases. In the
second configuration, etotrand etot and ebrand eb are
slightly higher than in the first case. Indeed, in Fig. 2(e)–(f),
some artifacts in the background are present. Moreover, ein
is about twice the value of the rst case, and this is motivated
by the underestimation of the reconstructed values of σ .
In all cases, low radius and position errors are obtained, thus
allowing to identify and locate the inclusion suitably. In the
last case, errors are generally comparable with the simplest
Finally, the robustness of the method with respect to uncer-
tainties in the values of the dielectric properties used in the
training set was tested (considering test cases #1 and #2).
In particular, the network has been trained with a model having
a variation of ±5% of the dielectric properties (outside the
inclusion). The average increase in the relative errors is 2.45%
for etotrand 9.15% for etot .
In this letter, initial experimental tests of an ANN approach
for quantitative MWI of the human neck have been discussed.
The considered ANN, which is composed of fully connected
layers, has been trained by means of numerical simulations and
then tested, for the first time, against experimental data. Three
different phantoms with inclusions have been considered: a
liquid-filled glass beaker, and a simplified and a complex
3-D-printed model of the human neck. The preliminary results,
although obtained with simplified phantoms in a laboratory
environment, are promising. In all cases, it has been possible
to identify with quite good accuracy position, dimension,
and dielectric properties of the inclusion, as summarized in
Table I. Future works will be aimed at a more extensive
analysis of the performance, also including more advanced
phantoms and possibly real necks. More complex neural
network architectures will be considered, too. The potential
extensions of the approach to other frequency bands (with the
necessary tradeoffs in terms of attainable accuracy) and to
different parts of the body will be addressed, too.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
... However, most of the studied deep learning architectures have been successfully applied to real-life experimental scenarios. For example, in [78], the ANN model proposed in [68] was employed to reconstruct two simplified 3-D printed neck phantoms, where a total relative error of ≤0.1 was observed. In cases where the authors did not have an experimental setup of their own, a common alternative is to use experimental data available from the Fresnel Institute [79]. ...
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The demand for fast and accurate electromagnetic solutions to support current and emerging technologies has fueled the rapid development of various machine learning techniques for applications such as antenna design and optimization, microwave imaging, device diagnostics, and more. Multi-fidelity (MF) surrogate modeling methods have shown great promise in significantly reducing computational costs associated with surrogate modeling while maintaining high model accuracy. This work offers a comprehensive review of the available MF surrogate modeling methods in electromagnetics, focusing on specific methodologies, related challenges, and the generation of variable-fidelity datasets. The article is structured around the two main types of electromagnetic problems: forward and inverse. It begins by summarizing key machine learning concepts and limitations. This transitions to discussing multi-fidelity surrogate model architectures and low-fidelity data techniques for the forward problem. Subsequently, the unique challenges of the inverse problem are presented, along with traditional solutions and their limitations. Following this, the review examines MF surrogate modeling approaches tailored to the inverse problem. In conclusion, the review outlines promising future directions in MF modeling for electromagnetics, aiming to provide fundamental insights into understanding these developing methods.
... Microwave testing has been applied in varied fields, like aerospace engineering [9], mechanical engineering, food engineering [10], [11], petroleum engineering, chemical engineering [12], civil engineering, forestry and medical science. Taking the last type as an example, research has been conducted on the detection of skin cancer [13], breast cancer [14], neck diseases [15], blood glucose [16] and colonoscopy [17]. ...
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Tooth diseases including dental caries, periodontitis and cracks have been public health problems globally. How to detect them at the early stage and perform thorough diagnosis are critical for the treatment. The diseases can be viewed as defects from the perspective of non-destructive testing. Such a defect can affect the material properties (e.g., optical, chemical, mechanical, acoustic, density and dielectric properties). A non-destructive testing method is commonly developed to sense the change of one particular property. Microwave testing is one that is focused on the dielectric properties. In recent years, this technique has received increased attention in dentistry. Here, the dielectric properties of human teeth are presented first, and the measurement methods are addressed. Then, the research progress on the detection of teeth over the last decade is reviewed, identifying achievements and challenges. Finally, the research trends are outlined, including electromagnetic simulation, radio frequency identification and heating-based techniques.
... The measured scattered electrical fields were used to reconstruct two-dimensional images solving the inverse scattering problem. The model detected significant changes in the size of the spinal cord and suggested that further studies on the human neck should be considered in the future to validate the capabilities of similar approaches using the DL model [142]. Similarly, Costanzo. ...
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Microwaves are non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation with waves of electrical and magnetic energy transmitted at different frequencies. They are widely used in various industries, including the food industry, telecommunications, weather forecasting, and in the field of medicine. Microwave applications in medicine are relatively a new field of growing interest, with a significant trend in healthcare research and development. The first application of microwaves in medicine dates to the 1980s in the treatment of cancer via ablation therapy; since then, their applications have been expanded. Significant advances have been made in reconstructing microwave data for imaging and sensing applications in the field of healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled microwave systems can be developed to augment healthcare, including clinical decision making, guiding treatment, and increasing resource-efficient facilities. An overview of recent developments in several areas of microwave applications in medicine, namely microwave imaging, dielectric spectroscopy for tissue classification, molecular diagnostics, telemetry, biohazard waste management, diagnostic pathology, biomedical sensor design, drug delivery, ablation treatment, and radiometry, are summarized. In this contribution, we outline the current literature regarding microwave applications and trends across the medical industry and how it sets a platform for creating AI-based microwave solutions for future advancements from both clinical and technical aspects to enhance patient care.
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Background: microwave imaging (MWI) has emerged as a promising modality for breast cancer screening, offering cost-effective, rapid, safe and comfortable exams. However, the practical application of MWI for tumor detection and localization is hampered by its inherent low resolution and low detection capability. Methods: this study aims to generate an accurate tumor probability map directly from the scattering matrix. This direct conversion makes the probability map independent of specific image formation techniques and thus potentially complementary to any image formation technique. An approach based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to convert the scattering matrix into a tumor probability map. The proposed deep learning model is trained using a large realistic numerical dataset of two-dimensional (2D) breast slices. The performance of the model is assessed through visual inspection and quantitative measures to assess the predictive quality at various levels of detail. Results: the results demonstrate a remarkably high accuracy (0.9995) in classifying profiles as healthy or diseased, and exhibit the model's ability to accurately locate the core of a single tumor (within 0.9 cm for most cases). Conclusion: overall, this research demonstrates that an approach based on neural networks (NN) for direct conversion from scattering matrices to tumor probability maps holds promise in advancing state-of-the-art tumor detection algorithms in the MWI domain.
In wireless electric vehicle charging systems, misalignments between ground-assembled transmitter and vehicle-assembled receiver are undesirable but inevitable, which may cause efficiency deterioration and even thermal risks. The recognition of horizontal misalignment, including that in the longitudinal and lateral direction, has been made gradual progress by previous works. While yaw angle, with rare attention, can also degrade the charging performance, especially for those employing non-centrosymmetric coupling coils, such as rectangular coils. In this paper, a data-driven strategy based on improved ResNet is proposed to recognize the above multi-type misalignments simultaneously, which is accurate, reliable, and of practical and general value. Large-scale data is sampled using the proposed detection coils by double-group cooperation, which features high sensitivity to the misalignments of all kinds, especially yaw angle. Benefit to the compression technique in the pre-processing phase, the number of training data and labels can be successfully reduced by 3/4. As the core algorithm of the overall strategy, the adaptive channel parameter recalibration ResNet (ACPR-ResNet) can effectively perceive slight differences among similar input samples and map them to proper labels. This is achieved by an adaptive operation of nonlinear transformation and recalibrated importance of channel features during the training process. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is verified experimentally using a 6.6-kW prototype. Within the 24×24 cm range, 95.2% of the test cases have an error of less than 1.7 cm when recognizing horizontal misalignment, and 91.7% of the test cases have an error of less than 1.5° when recognizing yaw angle.
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In this paper, a microwave imaging approach based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) for neck tumor detection is presented. The aim of this technique is to retrieve the geometric and dielectric properties of the neck to identify the possible presence of tumors, starting from scattered electric field data. A fully-connected neural network is developed to test the feasibility of the proposed approach. Moreover, a numerical model including the main features of a cross section of the neck is specifically designed in order to create a suitable training dataset. Subsequently, for the optimization of the ANN architecture and performance evaluation, a numerical analysis is conducted. A set of simulated cases, based on realistic neck phantoms, is tested to evaluate the robustness of the network. Preliminary results show the possibility to identify and locate neck tumors.
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Biomedical imaging is a relevant noninvasive technique aimed at generating an image of the biological structure under analysis. The arising visual representation of the characteristics of the object is affected by both the measurement process and reconstruction algorithm. This procedure can be considered as a hybridization of data information, measurement physics, and prior information.
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We present a neural network architecture to determine the volume and complex permittivity of grain stored in metal bins. The neural networks output the grain height, cone angle and complex permittivity of the grain, using the input of experimental field data ( S -parameters) from an electromagnetic imaging system consisting of 24 transceivers installed in the bin. Key for practical applications, the neural networks are trained on synthetic data sets but generate the parametric information using experimental data as input, without the use of calibration objects or open-short-load measurements. To accomplish this, we formulate a data normalization scheme that enables the use of a loss function that directly compares measured S -parameters and simulation model fields. The normalization strategy and the ability to train on synthetic data means we do not need to collect experimental training data. We demonstrate the applicability of this synthetically trained neural network to experimental data from two different bin geometries, and discuss the ability of these neural networks to successfully infer parameters that can be used for grain inventory management. Our neural-network-based approach enables rapid inference, providing a more cost-effective long-term solution than existing optimization-based parametric inversion methods.
In this work, we present a deep-learning-based low-frequency (LF) data prediction scheme to solve the highly nonlinear inverse scattering problem (ISP) with strong scatterers. The nonlinearity of ISP is alleviated by introducing the LF components in full-wave inversion. In this scheme, a deep neural network (DNN) is trained to predict the absent LF scattered field data from the measured high-frequency (HF) data. Then, a frequency-hopping technique is applied to invert the predicted LF data and measured HF data, where the inverted LF model is served as an initial guess for the HF data inversion. In this way, the risk of HF data inversion getting trapped in local minima is largely reduced. Furthermore, an iterative training method is employed to continuously update the DNN based on the previous inverted model to predict more accurate LF data, thereby improving the reconstruction result. Both synthetic and experimental results are performed to verify the efficacy of this scheme.
The end-to-end scalable cascaded convolutional neural networks (SC-CNNs) are proposed to solve inverse scattering problems (ISPs), and the high-resolution image can be directly obtained from the scattered field with the guiding by multiresolution labels in the cascaded blocks. To alleviate the difficulty of solving the ISPs via a full-wave way, the proposed SC-CNNs are physically decomposed into two parts, i.e., the linear transformation and the multiresolution imaging networks. The first part is composed of one CNN block and is used to mimic the linear transformation [e.g., backpropagation (BP)] from scattered field to the preliminary image, whereas the second part consists of a few cascaded CNN blocks to realize the reconstruction from the rough image to high-resolution image. With more high-frequency components incorporating into the multiresolution labels, the cascaded networks can be guided through those labels, avoiding black-box operations and enhancing the physical meaning and interpretability. The proposed SC-CNNs are verified by both the synthetic and experimental examples and it is proved that better performance can be achieved in terms of both inversion accuracy and efficiency compared to the BP-Unet and direct inversion scheme (DIS).
In this work, we introduce a learning-based method to achieve high-quality reconstructions for inverse scattering problems (ISPs). Particularly, the proposed method decouples the full-wave reconstruction model into two steps, including coarse imaging of dielectric profiles by the back-propagation scheme, and a resolution enhancement of coarse results as an image-to-image translation task solved by a novel perceptual generative adversarial network (PGAN). A perceptual adversarial (PA) loss, which is defined as a perceptual loss for the generator network using hidden layers from the discriminator network, is employed as a structural regularization in PGAN. The PA loss is further combined with the pixel-wise loss, and also possibly the adversarial loss, to enforce a multi-level match between the reconstructed image and its reference one. The adversarial training of the generator and discriminator networks ensures that the structural features of targets are dynamically learned by the generator. Numerical tests on both synthetic and experimental data verify that the proposed method is highly efficient and it achieves superior imaging results compared to other data-driven methods. The validation of the proposed PGAN on ISPs also provides a fast and high-precision way for solving other physicsrelated imaging problems.
Stroke identification by means of microwave tomography requires a very accurate reconstruction of the dielectric properties inside patient's head. This is possible when a precise measurement system is combined with a full nonlinear inversion method. In this article, the inversion of S-parameter data collected in a metallic chamber is performed with a nonlinear inversion strategy in Lebesgue spaces with nonconstant exponents. This is the first time that this kind of nonlinear S-parameter electromagnetic formulation has been applied to this problem. The inverse-scattering method incorporates a 2-D electromagnetic model of the imaging chamber based on a finite-element formulation, which has led to a complete redefinition of the solving procedure with respect to previous works. This allows a suitable description of the multistatic S-parameters due to the interactions between the incident radiation and the structure under test. The developed inversion procedure is first assessed by means of numerical simulations. The experimental results, obtained with a clinical microwave system prototype containing a liquid-filled 3-D SAM phantom with an inhomogeneity mimicking a hemorrhagic stroke, further prove the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Bringing deep learning techniques to electromagnetic imaging is of interest considering its great success in various fields. Deep neural nets however are known for being data hungry machines, and in many practical cases, such as electromagnetic medical imaging, there is not enough to feed them. Scarcity of data necessitates reliance on simulations to generate a sufficiently large dataset for deep learning to perform any complicated task. Simulations however, can not perfectly represent real environments and therefore, any neural net trained on simulation data will invariably fail when evaluated on real data. This work customizes a deep domain adaptation technique for matching distributions of complex-valued electromagnetic data. We demonstrate the advantage of using complex-valued models over regular ones. An operational neural network trained on simulation data and adapted to practical data to perform brain injury localization is presented.
An inverse scattering method working at microwave frequencies for cervical diagnostics is proposed in this work. The aim is the diagnosis of cervical myelopathy, which is a disease that affects the first part of the spinal cord (between the C3 and C7 vertebra). A preliminary feasibility analysis oriented toward the development of an imaging system is reported. The system prototype includes a set of antennas that illuminate the neck and retrieve samples of the scattered electric field. The related inverse scattering problem is solved by using a nonlinear Newton-type reconstruction procedure, which provides two-dimensional images of the dielectric parameters of a neck cross section. A simplified cylindrical phantom mimicking the human neck has been designed for assessing the feasibility of the envisioned microwave measurement system and processing technique. Numerical results are reported to evaluate the capabilities of the proposed approach. Moreover, initial experimental results have been obtained by using cylindrical containers and a 3D printed version of the developed neck phantom.
Deep learning based inverse scattering (DL-IS) methods attract much attention in recent years due to advantages of fast speed and high-quality reconstruction. The loss functions of neural networks in DL-IS methods are commonly based on a pixel-wise mean squared error (MSE) between the reconstructed image and its reference one. In this paper, we introduce a structural similarity (SSIM) loss function to combine with the MSE loss for reconstructing dielectric targets under a DL-IS framework. The SSIM loss imposes a further regularization on the target at the perceptual level. Numerical tests for both synthetic and experimental data verify that this new perceptually-inspired loss function can effectively improve the imaging quality and the generalization capability of the trained model.