A Survey of Weed Species of Barley Crop Fields in Farms of GMR Agricultural Project in Jardina -Soloq Region, Libya
The goals of the present work were to document the weed species in barley fields in Farms of GMR agricultural project in Jardina-Soloq region. The present work is based on field research conducted from January 2016 to March 2018 in Farms of Global Monitoring Report (GMR) agricultural project in Jardina-Soloq region. Multiple field visits were performed to investigate weed species in a barley crop. The plants were identified with the help of available literature and through comparison with the already identified plant species. Data inventory has been documented in the form of family, Botanical name, vernacular name, life form, and habit. The total 80 weed species was collected, related to 65 genera and 23 families. Dicotyledons were represented by 68 species, 55 genera, and 20 families, and Monocotyledons were represented by 12 species, 10 genera, and 3 families. The maximum number of species were of family Fabaceae (17 species), followed by family Asteraceae (15 species) and Poaceae (09 species).
... In Libya however, the recognition of weed science as a discipline with the same position as other crop protection disciplines, such as entomology and plant pathology, has been neglected (Kukula and Ghanuni, 1992). There is a good number of studies on weeds of the crops that have been reported from different parts of the country i.e., Sirte Ihsaeen, 2008), Melytania (Al-Zerbi, 2004), Jardina-Soloq Region (Omar et al. 2020), Masiklo (Abu Khsheem, 2020. ...
... The next largest family was Brassicaceae with seven species, Apiaceae and Chenopodiaceae included three species each. The most previous studies on Libyan flora recorded that these families included the largest number of species, such as, (Ali andJafri, 1976-1977;El-Gadi, 1988-1989Alaib and Ihsaeen, 2008;Omar et al. 2020;and Ihsaeen, 2005). Five families namely, Amaryllidaceae, Convolvulaceae, Geraniaceae, Malvaceae and Polygonaceae included two species each. ...
... On the basis of the data provided the highest frequency was computed for Melilotus indicus with 84 % followed by Eruca sativa with 80 %, whereas, the lowest frequency recorded for Avena fatua with 8%. Most of the previous studies, such as Omar et al. (2020), Ihsaeen (2005) ...
A field survey was carried out to highlight the most important and problematic weeds of barley crop at District Beir Bullerjam, Soloq Region, Libya for two seasons (2020 to 2021). The current study is based on field research where recorded most weed the grown species by survey followed by using quadrats and finally calculating the weed density and their frequency. samples from the fields of the barley crop using a quadrat of size 1 m × 1 m randomly thrown at different points in the fields. The plants were identified with the help of available literature and through comparison with the already identified plant species. Data inventory has been documented in the form of family, Botanical name, vernacular name and life cycle. A total of 67 weed species belonging to 54 genera and 21 families of angiosperms. The dominant families according to the number of species were Asteraceae (14 species), Fabaceae (11 species), Poaceae (9 species), and Brassicaceae (7 species). The most dominant life cycle was annuals having 57 followed by perennials having nine species and biennials represented by only two species.The results further revealed that the highest density (43.48 mˉ²) and (30.36 mˉ²) were recorded for Lolium rigidum and Melilotus indicus respectively, while the highest frequency were recorded for Melilotus indicus and Eruca sativa with 84% and 80 respectively.
أجريت هذه الدراسة خلال شهر يناير حتى شهر مايو سنة 2652بمزارع مشروع النهر الصناعي
بمنطقة سلوق حيث تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة الحشائش بمزارع النهر الصناعي. تم حصر 00نـوعاً من
الحشائش النامية طبيعياً في حقول القمح، تنتمي هذه الأنـواع إلى 15جنساً وموزعة على 22فصيلة تتبع
جميعها إلى مغطاة البذور، متمثلة في ذوات الفلقتين بـ 10نوعاً تتبع 52فصيلة، بينما أحتوت ذوات الفلقة
الواحدة على تسعة أنواع تتبع ثلاث فصائل. كما بينت النتائج أشكال الحياة للأانواع المتواجدة بمنطقة الدراسة،
حيث كان عدد النباتات فوق سطحية ) (Chamaephytesستة أنواع بنسبة مئوية ()% 2.5؛ وعدد النباتات
الأرضية ) (Cryptophytesبثلاثة أنواع وبنسبة ( )% 5.1؛ وعدد النباتات الشبه أرضية
) (Hemicryptophytesبأربعة أنواع وبنسبة ( )% 0.5؛ بينما كان أكبر عدد للنباتات الموسمية
) (Therophytesحيث بلغت 12نوعأ وبنسبة ( ،)%07.7كما سجل نوع واحد من النباتات الطفيلية
) (Parasiticبنسبة مئوية ( .)%5.1وبنا ًء على عدد الأنواع النباتية تم حصر أربع فصائل سائدة في منطقة
الدراسة وهي الفصيلة البقولية ) (Fabaceaeالأكثر تواجدا مع المحصول حيث بلغ عدد الأنواع التابعة لها 50
نوعاً من الحشائش تليها الفصيلة الصليبية ( )Brassicaceaeمتمثلة في ثمانية أنواع من الحشائش، ثم الفصيلة
النجيلية ( )Poaceaeالتي تمثلها سبعة أنواع من الحشائش
Field studies were undertaken at Malkandher Research Farm, NWFPAgricultural University, Peshawar during Rabi 2002-03, to investigate theeffectiveness of different herbicides including new molecules tribenuron-methyland thifensulfuron-methyl against grasses and broadleaf weeds. Theexperiment was data out in randomized complete block design with fourreplications. The experiment comprised of 11 herbicides and a weedy check.The herbicidal treatments were post emergence applications of thifensulfuron-methyl at the rate of 0.037, thifensulfuron-methyl at the rate of 0.05,tribenuron-methyl at the rate of 0.05, triasulfuron + terbutryn at the rate of0.15, bromoxynil + MCPA at the rate of 0.45, isoprcturon at the rate of 0.01,carnfentrazone ethyl ester at the rate of 0.093, MCPA at the rate of 0.49, andchlorfluazuron at the rate of 0.96 kg a.i ha-1. Ghaznavi-98 variety of wheat inplot size of 5x 1.5 m2 was planted during the third week of October 2002. Datawere recorded on Number of tillers plant-1, 1000 kernel weight (g), biologicalyield (t ha-1) and grain yield (t ha-1). The lowest weed density and maximumgrain yield was recorded in Affinity 50 WDG, Buctril-M 40EC and Logran Extra64 WDG to the tune of 4.133, 3.866 and 3.599 tons ha-1, respectively. Minimumyield (2.133 tons ha-1) was recorded in the weedy check plots.
Forty species related to 21 families were identified as the weeds of wheat from village Lahor, District Swabi during April 2005. Poaceae (7 spp), followed by Brassicaceae (5 spp), Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae (each with 4 spp) were the important families. The remaining families had single species. The most frequent species with more than 45% average frequency were Anagallis arvensis L., Arenaria serphyllifolia L., Chenpodium album L., Fumaria indica (Hausskn) H. N. Pugsley., Melilotus indica (L.) All., Rumex dentatus (Meissn) Rich., and Veronica biloba Linn. Based on importance value four communities viz., Arenaria -Anagallis-Chenopodium, Fumaria-Rumex-Chenopodium, Fumaria-Chenopodium-Anagallis, Arenaria-Fumaria-Chenopodium were deciphered. Caryophyllaceae, Fumariaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae and Primulaceae were the dominant families on the basis of family importance values. The biological spectrum showed that there were 82.5% therophytes and 12.5% hemicryptophytes. Geophytes and chamaephytes were represented by one species each. Leaf spectra consisted of 42.5% microphylls, 35% nanophylls and 22.5% leptophylls. Biomass of the forbs was higher than the grasses. Species diversity was higher in Koz Mulk and Pani owing to crop rotation.
The global agrochemical market in 1991 was $26800 million, yet biological products were reported to account for only $120 million of sales per annum—less than 0.5 % of the total. The majority of these sales are attributed to bio-insecticides of which Bacillus thuringiensis accounts for over 90%, but B. thuringiensis could be described as a biologically produced insecticide, rather than a true biocontrol agent. Biological products have technical limitations, including extreme specificity, sensitivity to environmental factors and problems with robustness of the formulations, but ironically, it is these limitations which also give biological control an image of environmental acceptability. Nonetheless, some of the limitations will be overcome and sales will increase, but primarily in niche situations such as the control of soil-borne diseases and the control of insect pests showing resistance to agrochemicals. In order for significant inroads to be made into such niche markets it is imperative that progress with biological products is not impaired by over-regulation, and a rational approach by all regulatory bodies is required. Overall, though, agrochemicals are likely to continue to be the major method of crop protection for the foreseeable future, and the biological control field now needs clear, well-defined goals if current successful niche products can be the basis for future success rather than a limited experiment in alternative technology.
If we accept the evidence at face value, we are led to conclude that emmer was probably domesticated in the upper Jordan watershed and that einkorn was domesticated in southeast Turkey. Barley could have been domesticated almost anywhere within the arc bordering the fertile crescent. All three cereals may well have been harvested in the wild state throughout their regions of adaptation long before actual farming began. The primary habitats for barley, however, are not the same as those for the wheats. Wild barley is more xerophytic and extends farther downslope and into the steppes and deserts along the wadis. It seems likely that, while all three early cereals were domesticated within an are flanking the fertile crescent, each was domesticated in a different subregion of the zone.
Lest anyone should be led to think the problem is solved, we wish to close with a caveat. Domestication may not have taken place where the wild cereals were most abundant. Why should anyone cultivate a cereal where natural stands are as dense as a cultivated field? If wild cereal grasses can be harvested in unlimited quantities, why should anyone bother to till the soil and plant the seed? We suspect that we shall find, when the full story is unfolded, that here and there harvesting of wild cereals lingered on long after some people had learned to farm, and that farming itself may have originated in areas adjacent to, rather than in, the regions of greatest abundance of wild cereals.
We need far more specific information on the climate during incipient domestication and many more carefully conducted excavations of sites in the appropriate time range. The problem is far from solved, but some knowledge of the present distribution of the wild forms should be helpful.
Genetic evidence for a second domestication of barley (Hordeum vulgare) east of the Fertile Crescent
- P L Morrell
- M T Clegg
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A key to the families of flora of Libya
- F B Erteb
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