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#GlockeAktiv: A corpus linguistic study of German youth language on YouTube


Abstract and Figures

This thesis is a corpus linguistic investigation of the language used by young German speakers online, examining lexical, morphological, orthographic, and syntactic features and changes in language use over time. The study analyses the language in the Nottinghamer Korpus deutscher YouTube‐Sprache ("Nottingham corpus of German YouTube language", or NottDeuYTSch corpus), one of the first large corpora of German‐language comments taken from the videosharing website YouTube, and built specifically for this project. The metadatarich corpus comprises c.33 million tokens from more than 3 million comments posted underneath videos uploaded by mainstream German‐language youthorientated YouTube channels from 2008‐2018. The NottDeuYTSch corpus was created to enable corpus linguistic approaches to studying digital German youth language (Jugendsprache), having identified the need for more specialised web corpora (see Barbaresi 2019). The methodology for compiling the corpus is described in detail in the thesis to facilitate future construction of web corpora. The thesis is situated at the intersection of Computer‐Mediated Communication (CMC) and youth language, which have been important areas of sociolinguistic scholarship since the 1980s, and explores what we can learn from a corpus‐driven, longitudinal approach to (online) youth language. To do so, the thesis uses corpus linguistic methods to analyse three main areas: 1. Lexical trends and the morphology of polysemous lexical items. For this purpose, the analysis focuses on geil, one of the most iconic and productive words in youth language, and presents a longitudinal analysis, demonstrating that usage of geil has decreased, and identifies lexical items that have emerged as potential replacements. Additionally, geil is used to analyse innovative morphological productiveness, demonstrating how different senses of geil are used as a base lexeme or affixoid in compounding and derivation. 2. Syntactic developments. The novel grammaticalization of several subordinating conjunctions into both coordinating conjunctions and discourse markers is examined. The investigation is supported by statistical analyses that demonstrate an increase in the use of non‐standard syntax over the timeframe of the corpus and compares the results with other corpora of written language. 3. Orthography and the metacommunicative features of digital writing. This iii iv analysis identifies orthographic features and strategies in the corpus, e.g. the repetition of certain emoji, and develops a holistic framework to study metacommunicative functions, such as the communication of illocutionary force, information structure, or the expression of identities. The framework unifies previous research that had focused on individual features, integrating a wide range of metacommunicative strategies within a single, robust system of analysis. By using qualitative and computational analytical frameworks within corpus linguistic methods, the thesis identifies emergent linguistic features in digital youth language in German and sheds further light on lexical and morphosyntactic changes and trends in the language of young people over the period 2008‐2018. The study has also further developed and augmented existing analytical frameworks to widen the scope of their application to orthographic features associated with digital writing.
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    
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    Nottinghamer Korpus deutscher YouTube‐Sprache 
    YouTube   NottDeuYTSch   
          
  YouTube        
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 YouTube   
 NottDeuYTSch corpus       
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           
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       
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  
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   
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            
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           
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          
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 
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 
            
   YouTube      
      NottDeuYTSch      
   
   
Linguistic Conventions
     
Item Convention Example
     
    Beispiel 
    [Ig"zA:mpl]
   
   Beispiel
   YouTube
     
  [NOUN]
    
  w[oi]l+[est]*n?
          
             
            
           
           
           
        
          
    
Abbreviation Explanation
 Dortmunder Chatkorpus    
       
 Das deutsche Referenz Korpus   
        
 
 Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache Kernkorpus des
20. Jahrhunderts      
       
 Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache Kernkorpus des
21. Jahrhunderts      
       
 Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache WebXL
Metakorpus      
  
 Internetbasierte Kommunikation und Social Media Korpora
     
    
    
    NottDeuYTSch 
 Das Nottinghamer Korpus deutsche YouTube‐Sprache 
     
      
 
      YouTube 
Citing from corpora
    NottDeuYTSch        
          
      
        
   
        
      
1 Introduction 1
Part I Investigating German youth language on
YouTube 7
2 Research context for Digitally Mediated Communication and
youth language 9
     
   
    
      
      
      
     
   
   
         
       YouTube 
  YouTube       
3 Constructing the NottDeuYTSch corpus 59
    
     NottDeuYTSch  
      
   YouTube  
   NottDeuYTSch 
      
     
      NottDeuYTSch  
     NottDeuYTSch  
    NottDeuYTSch 
4Affengeil and abogeil lexical and morphological developments
in digital youth language 97
 Geil     
    geil 
 Geil   NottDeuYTSch 
      geil 
     
 Geil     
 Geil    
   geil     NottDeuYTSch  
   geil     
    geil     
Part II Syntactic developments in digital youth lan‐
guage: subordinating conjunctions 145
5Weil es kamen viele neue updates emergent non‐standard word
order following subordinating conjunctions 147
   NottDeuYTSch     
    
     
      NottDeuYTSch  
      
    NottDeuYTSch  
      
     
         
6 From subordinating conjunctions to discourse markers? Investi‐
gating grammaticalization in digital youth language 191
          
      
     
       
NottDeuYTSch 
     
    NottDeuYTSch  
      
        
Part III Orthographic innovation in Digital Writing 221
7Deine rechtschreibung ist god like kappa :) the use of ortho‐
graphic features for metacommunication 223
     
   
   
      NottDeuYTSch  
     NottDeuYTSch  
      NottDeuYTSch
 Contents
      NottDeuYTSch 
      NottDeuYTSch  
      
    
   
   
  
        
       
8 Conclusions 273
Part IV Bibliography and Appendix 281
Bibliography 283
A Appendix: Statistical tables of the NottDeuYTSch corpus 343
Contents 
  
        
       
       
      
           
NottDeuYTSch 
       NottDeuYTSch  
         YouTube 
   YouTube     
           
          
       
         
      NottDeuYTSch  
       NottDeuYTSch   
        
         
         
        
          
        
       
         
     NottDeuYTSch  
          
NottDeuYTSch 
         
      NottDeuYTSch  
    geil    
        geil  
NottDeuYTSch 
        geil    
NottDeuYTSch 
List of Tables 
        
     geil  
NottDeuYTSch 
         
geil   NottDeuYTSch 
       geil 
      NottDeuYTSch  
        geil 
   NottDeuYTSch 
        geil 
   NottDeuYTSch 
        
 geil   NottDeuYTSch  
     geil   NottDeuYTSch  
       NottDeuYTSch 
       
         
     NottDeuYTSch  
         
     
       
       
       
   
       
     NottDeuYTSch   
      
          
DWDS          
NottDeuYTSch 
        
   NottDeuYTSch 
     NottDeuYTSch   
      
       
NottDeuYTSch 
          
         
   weil    weil   
NottDeuYTSch 
    
        
        
  
       NottDeuYTSch  
 List of Tables
       NottDeuYTSch   
          
NottDeuYTSch 
     NottDeuYTSch  
List of Tables 
  
          
        
        
       
       
        
       
         
   
         
        
        
       
 YouTubers 
   YouTube     
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 YouTube      
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         
          
   geil   DWDS Kernkorpora    
     
   geil    Die Tageszeitung 
Mannheimer Morgen   Die Zeit   
       
     hammergeil    
NottDeuYTSch 
      geil  
       affen  geil 
   NottDeuYTSch 
     geil     NottDeuYTSch 
        geil   
 NottDeuYTSch 
         NottDeuYTSch
List of Figures 
        
    DeReKo   DWDS Webkorpus
        
    DWDS Kernkorpus 21Dortmunder Chat‐Korpus
 NottDeuYTSch 
        
   NottDeuYTSch    
        
         
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Chapter 1. Introduction
          
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         
     
        
     NottDeuYTSch      
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           
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         
           YouTube
      NottDeuYTSch   
          
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     YouTube       
          
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           
   NottDeuYTSch   
          
     geil   
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             
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        
   geil     
             
Chapter 1. Introduction
 
         
         
     
          
          
           
        
           
        
             
         
        
 
      
         
        
         
         
           
        
        
   NottDeuYTSch      
        
           
           
         
          
Part I
Investigating German youth
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    
   
           
           
           
           
       
             
         
           
             
         
      
         
          
           
          
          
            
             
           
          
          
           
NottDeuYTSch         
            
          
              
       
           
         
  Jugendsprache       
         
       NottDeuYTSch     
          
         
          
         
             
          
          
         
             
      
            
       
           
            
 Chapter 2. Research on DMC and youth language
     YouTube     
            
      
2.1 Defining Digitally Mediated Communication
        
       
          
          
          
           
         
            
     
       
       
        
           
   
            
         
 
         
         
    
           
         
         
           
        
       
2.1. Defining