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Abstract and Figures

Smart devices in various application areas are becoming increasingly prevalent for efficient handling of multiple critical activities. One such area of interest is high-security militarized environments. Due to military zones’ harsh and unpredictable nature, monitoring devices deployed in such environments must operate without power interruption for extended time periods. Therefore, it is essential to choose an appropriate application design for operating these “things” in the internet of things (IoT) environment such that energy can be conserved throughout the operating span of an application. This paper presents two application modules and analyzes their performance in terms of energy conservation considering a military-based IoT-Fog architecture. The two modules are: A sequential application module, and a master-worker application module. Experimental results show that the master-worker module incurs lower energy consumption and communication overhead than the sequential application module. Significantly, the master-worker module exhibits a lower delay in tuple execution by almost four milliseconds while also accounting for lower simulation time and higher network utilization. The module achieves significant savings in energy consumption, making it more effective in handling smart devices.
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Discover Internet of Things (2022) 2:4 |
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Discover Internet of Things
An energy‑aware application module forthefog‑based internet
ofmilitary things
BashirYusufBichi1· SaifulIslam2 · AnasMaazuKademi3· IshfaqAhmad4
Received: 29 April 2022 / Accepted: 7 June 2022
© The Author(s) 2022 OPEN
Smart devices in various application areas are becoming increasinglyprevalent for ecient handling ofmultiple critical
activities. One such area of interest is high-security militarized environments. Due to military zones’ harsh and unpredict-
able nature, monitoring devices deployed in such environments must operate without powerinterruption forextended
timeperiods. Therefore, it is essential to choose an appropriate application design for operating these “things” in the
internet of things (IoT)environment such that energy can be conservedthroughout the operating span ofan application.
This paper presents two application modules and analyzes their performance in terms of energy conservation consider-
ing a military-based IoT-Fog architecture. The two modules are: A sequential application module, and amaster-worker
application module. Experimental results show that the master-worker module incurs lower energy consumption and
communication overhead than the sequential application module. Signicantly, the master-worker module exhibits a
lower delay in tuple execution by almost four milliseconds while also accounting for lower simulation time and higher
network utilization. The module achieves signicant savings in energy consumption, making it more eective in handling
smart devices.
Keywords Fog computing· IoT· Master-worker module· Military-based IoT· Sequential module
1 Introduction
The internet of things (IoT) is ubiquitous and is changing the way we live and work. Applications of theIoT are becom-
ing popular in a myriad of elds of life, including education, health, transportation, security, and surveillance [1]. The IoT
is a network of heterogeneous devices capable of capturing and sharing information without human intervention [2].
IoTnetworks are classied as cyber-physical systems of interaction between the abstract cyber system and the physical
environment using the Internet [2]. The aim is to allow these things to autonomously acquire vital information from the
deployment area [3]. For instance, smart devices can be deployed on roadsides and surveillance cameras to help track
oenses or violations of trac rules [4, 5].
Moreover, these things can prove to be a signicant source of information in the military environment due to the
distinct operations, such as smart surveillance and monitoring activities. For instance, Dastjerdi and Buyya [6] describe
* Saif ul Islam, sai;; Bashir Yusuf Bichi,; Anas Maazu Kademi,; Ishfaq Ahmad, | 1Department ofComputer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad,
Islamabad, Pakistan. 2Department ofComputer Science, Institute ofSpace Technology, Islamabad44000, Pakistan. 3Department
ofManagement Information Systems, Yasar University, No 37-39 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. 4Department ofComputer Science
andEngineering, The University ofTexas atArlington, Arlington, USA.
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how sensors in IoT work by sending a stream of data to a given IoT network where the application running in the fog
environment processes data and sends feedback to actuators. Innovative surveillance technologies coupled with IoT
have paved the way for the emergence of the military based Internet of Things [7].
Military environments are increasingly being populated by smart things [3, 7]. These things perform tasks that may
involve collaboration, sensing, communication, and decision-making. Their increasing demand shows how IoTs gain
ground in military activities to enhance and improve information gathering and dissemination. Figure1 shows how
intelligent devices deployed within an army zone interact with the edge for task processing.
Military-based IoT devices(also known as the internet of military things (IoMT)) are usually close to the fog environ-
ment. Fog computing is the extension of the cloud, and its main objective is to bring computing resources closer to
the users [8]. Typically, fog computing resources are available at a one-hop wireless distance. This enables fog devices
to perform context-aware computation and data processing as per user requirements because the fog can provide
location-based customization in terms of content, services, and applications to the IoT devices [810]. With the adop-
tion and integration of technologies in the area of cloud, fog, and IoT, the concept of integrated-fog-cloud-IoTs (IFCIoTs)
focuses on issues such as an increase in performance, less energy consumption, and lower network usage compared to
traditional networking components [9, 11].
Being part of an IoT architecture, Military-based IoTs share some common characteristics and challenges, the signi-
cant of which is a growing demand for energy conservation due to the rapid expansion of military-based IoT devices.
Minimizing energy through ecient use of resources has proven successful in the IoT environment. Therefore, one can
expect it to be even more successful when a cost reduction mechanism is employed to manage IoT devices in a military
environment [12]. Managing and conserving energy consumption is highly recommended, as pointed out in [1]. The
authors forecast that the future of military environments is gradually transforming into digital gadgets [1]. These gadgets
constantly consume energy to perform the assigned responsibility. Therefore, energy conservation is highly desired for
sustainable operation. We consider the need for energy conservation due to the energy constraints of IoT sensors that
exclusively rely on battery power. Moreover, these devices may need to communicate over the Internet through wireless
communication and perform surveillance of the environment where they are deployed constantly. Such activities con-
sume a signicant amount of energy, which needs to be minimized for operational, economic, and environmental reasons.
Adopting IoTs into the military introduces a new generation of cyber-physical applications with improved capabilities
specically targeted for combat eectiveness [7]. The sensitivity of a military eld often requires constant surveillance
by employing various sensors within the militarized zones. These sensors are constantly monitoring the area where they
are deployed to detect an abnormal state due to intrusion or security breach. The military eld’s highly dynamic and
sensitive nature makes it unpredictable, prompting the need for constant sensing of the militarized area to detect any
intrusions. However, continuous sensing by the sensors can lead to a considerable increase in energy consumption that
Fig. 1 A military-based IoT-
Fog application architecture
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Discover Internet of Things (2022) 2:4 | Research
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reduces the lifetime of such devices. Improving the operational lifetime of IoT devices in the militarized environment
is crucial due to energy constraints as they are expected to operate in unattended harsh environments. Therefore, new
solutions are required to reduce the energy consumption of IoT devices within military zones. This paper aims to study
the energy consumption of IoT devices and propose a solution to improve the energy eciency of IoT deployed in fog
conguration. The paper adopts two strategies from [13], namely the sequential and master-worker modules. The details
of the two modules are discussed in Sect.3.
1.1 Motivation andcontribution
Intensied by the integration with the cloud, resource management in Fog computing is intricate because of the diver-
sity and resource limitation of the nodes to respond to the computational request of IoT-enabled systems. Other factors
that add more diculties are the sensing capacity dierences of the devices, distributed application structure, and
their coordination. Developing ecient resource management in an IoT-based fog computing environment requires a
comprehensive strategy.
The management component conceptualized in the architecture consists of Controller and Module Mapping objects
that identify available resources and place them. This is enabled by iFogSim, which uses Sense-Process-Actuate and
distributed dataow model while simulating any application scenario in a Fog computing environment. Figure2 show
Military IoT’s system architecture and interaction with the conceptual relation with the iFogSim components. The physi-
cal components consist of Fog devices, the lower layer devices directly connected with associated sensors and actuators
that realize the Military IoT’s data sensing and control implementation. The sensors generate tuples referred to as tasks.
The logical components include the modules and the edges of the application. While the collection of inter-dependent
modules facilitates distributed data ow, the edges dene a dependency between modules. Two application models,
the master-worker and the Sequential Unidirectional dataow application model, are proposed.
This paper investigates the pattern of energy consumption, network usage, execution time, and tuple latency that
may arise when handling critical IoT devices in a sensitive militarized environment. Our work is focused on these two
basic approaches in the context of application module strategy, the “sequential module” and “master-worker module” for
handling data in IoT. The aim is to build a lower energy consumption scheme when an application is invoked to process
the captured data acquired by IoT devices within the militarized zone.
Complementing the literature, the main contributions of this paper are:
It evaluates two application modules and analyzes their performance in terms of energy conservation under military-
based IoT-Fog architecture.
It provides an edge network solution from the logical components of the application and dynamic network consid-
eration while dealing with trade-os.
Assuming a physical topology conguration with experiments in a realistic edge and core cloud testbed, we develop
further avenues to enable the design of resource management techniques to minimize the latency and maximize
Fig. 2 The sequential applica-
tion module
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In the next part of this paper, Sect.2, we analyze the related work. The system model and problem formulation are
presented in Sect.3 and 4, respectively. The proposed strategy is detailed in Sect.5, and the experimental evaluation and
simulation results are discussed in Sect.6. Section7 concludes the paper with directions for future work.
2 Related work
The IoT revolution is transforming the entire spectrum of computing-based services. A new wave of rapid infrastructure
development is sweeping the globe, encompassing virtually everything digital, ranging from data centers, supercom-
puters, clusters, embedded systems, servers, and networks to power grids, sensors, appliances, and mobile devices
instruments [14]. With a broad application in many elds, including healthcare, military surveillance, buildings, and
transportation, the need for high bandwidth and processing capability and energy eciency performing tasks is ever-
present as the modern system is expected to utilize cutting-edge technologies like 6G, IoT, etc.
Hameed etal. [15] devised a cluster-enabled capacity-based load balancing approach, providing lower energy con-
sumption, and improving the performance in vehicular fog distributed computing to process the IoT requests eciently.
They use a dynamic clustering approach that considers vehicles’ position, speed, and direction.
Furthermore, energy emissions have a critical impact on the environment. In [16], a strength Pareto evolutionary
algorithm (SPEA-II)-based higher-level algorithm was proposed to augment power conservation. In this regard, machine
temperature is used as a parameter for job placement.
The design of the data centers also has a critical impact on energy consumption, cost, and performance. These issues
require a compact solution in terms of software and hardware. Khalid and Ahmad [17] developed an evolutionary algo-
rithm based upon a higher-level heuristic designed to nd Pareto optimal decisions for a cloud controller. The technique
considers real-time electric price variations due to load and renewable power availability while assigning requests to
data centers. Meanwhile, An energy-ecient approach called eLCRQ was proposed in [18]. They optimized the energy
consumption of the CPU by exploiting the parallelism. Here and in many other example areas, energy eciency is the
goal that must be addressed.
Also, in live virtual reality (VR) streaming, the considerable bandwidth and the energy required to deliver live VR
frames in the wireless video sensor network (WVSN) become bottlenecks, making it impossible for the application to be
deployed more widely. To solve the bandwidth and energy challenges, Chen etal. [19] proposed a lightweight neural
network-based viewport prediction method for live VR streaming in WVSN.
In more critical areas, the energy-aware application module of IoT from a military perspective is a topic that explores
energy consumption at the things, edge, and data center levels. Although there is no related research work in the eld
under consideration, we present closely related works targeted toward energy conservation in IoT, including military
gadgets IoTs.
In [20], the authors presented a technique that considers the physical components of the IoT systems, including
sensors, standard networking, and other acquisition components, to bridge the gap between theoretical analysis and
practical applicability. The authors apply various application parameters to the proposed scenario, i.e., prediction and
experimental demonstration. The authors conclude that dierent application parameters have varying impacts on the
power consumption of IoT.
Mebrek etal. [21] investigated the nature of energy consumption in the IoT-Fog-Cloud Environment by using an evo-
lutionary algorithm approach. The scenario employed by the authors involves a data center at the top of the network
with fog nodes at the edges that serve the IoT devices. This scenario was parameterized into three components or steps
to derive a solution to minimize energy consumption. The simulation results show that a considerable amount of energy
is reduced when the proposed fog computing architecture is adopted. Another work presented in [22] investigated
various technologies, such as Zigbee or IEEE 802.15.4, low power WSN, ultra-low power Bluetooth low energy (BLE)
wireless standards in a mesh topology, among other technologies. The authors conclude that using BLE reduces energy
consumption signicantly within IoT devices. This is because BLE can extend the sleep time of sensor nodes. The work in
[23] focused on some domains, such as data centers that heavily rely on a continuous ow of energy to operate commu-
nications entities and devices. The energy sources were the primary concern in their discussion. Based on the observation
made on each energy source identied, the authors concluded that a strategic mechanism needs to be put in place to
balance IoT devices’ resource requirements, human experience, and the cost that may be induced to the environment.
Assila etal. [24] proposed a scheme based on a matching game approach to achieve low-energy consumption
in IoT devices and clouds through fog computing facilities by employing a caching technique. The authors use the
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Galer-Shaphey algorithm for matching IoT devices to a suitable fog environment. The simulation result shows a remark-
able reduction in energy consumption.
Table1 further analyses additional closely related research work along with the environment-focused problem,
approach, and the added advantage and the weaknesses of each work. Existing strategies mainly optimize the quality
of service features separately in dierent application environments. Most of the studies aimed at optimizing energy
consumption using various approaches, focusing on the IoT devices’ physical components––they do not consider the
logical components. Very few of these studies use the graph-based computation strategy, although an ecient tool
to represent the association and connections between the devices is found in the network theory. The literature is
augmented with the proposed technique aimed at the application module’s logical components to optimize energy in
military-based IoT devices further.
3 The system model
Military-enabled IoTs require the help of a middleware application that can collect and analyze raw data captured by
IoT devices [7]. The application module contains the necessary instructions for executing the specic IoT application
function. Generally, it includes functions that receive data, process received data, and perform analytical tasks on data
to provide a real-time response to the concerned application [28]. According to [29], the application is modeled as a col-
lection of modules composed of dierent data processing elements. Processing military IoT applications locally or within
a nearby fog is very important for energy conservation, as computation distance is distributed rather than centralized to
a distant server [30]. In this research, we present two application modules to nd better (less) execution time and lower
energy consumption while handling tasks at the things level. The application may consist of distributed fog processes
[28]. These processes are mapped onto computing instances contained within the fog, cloud, and various edge devices.
IoT applications are designed to execute over devices that have the required resources. These resources can be sensors,
actuators, computing, and communication resources. The applications are built based on the distributed data ow (DDF)
model, where dierent functions or modules can be deployed on multiple physical devices. This is because the output
from one module is considered an input for another module [29, 31].
Inspired by [32], we employ the idea of the directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) model for the proposed technique. The
DAG models consist of vertices that contain four application modules and a sensor representing an IoT device. These
sensors send tuples (the fundamental unit of communication among entities) to the application modules along the
edges of the modules. Edges of the DAG show data dependency between modules. The actuator displays the output of
the processed data generated by the IoT sensor.
3.1 The sequential module
The application module processes tasks in a unidirectional pattern in the sequential module. Each module has a specic
job to carry out on the incoming data. It then forwards the output to the next module as an input for processing until it
reaches the actuator as the nal output. The process is illustrated in Fig.2.
In the sample module depicted in Fig.2, sensor emitted tasks are sent to module 1. Module 1 processes the tasks
and produces an output “Result 1”. The output (Result 1) is sent as an input to the next module (i.e., module 2), which
processes it and produces an output “Result 2”. Result 2 is sent to the next module as input. The process continues until
the last module has the outcome which is sent back to the rst module. The rst module then sends the nal output to
the actuator.
3.2 The master‑worker module
The master-worker module works by start sending tasks to a specic module (worker 1). Worker 1 processes the task and
returns the resulting output to the master module. The received output is sent to the next module (worker 2). This process is
illustrated in Fig.3 and is repeated until all the required modules process data. Lastly, the master module is responsible for
sending the processed data to the actuator.
The master module has control over the workers, and, as the name implies, workers only process the tasks sent by the
master module and return the results. The master module then sends the task to the next worker module until the task is
completely processed. The output is then sent to the actuator. As in the sequential application module, the rst module is
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Table 1 Related work
Related work Problem/environment Goal Approach Strength Weakness
[21] Balancing energy consump-
tion in IoT-Fog-Cloud physical
To reduce energy consumption
by IoT application through
evolutionary algorithm
Evolutionary algorithm
approach based on genetic
The algorithm reduces energy
consumption and achieves
high utilization
The energy consumption of the
IoT is minimized only when the
number of devices is increased
[22]Reducing power consumption in
IoT devices for IoT-WSN-based
To lower energy consumption Implementation using various
low-power wireless technolo-
The BLE extends the lifetime of
a sensor by prolonging the
sleep mode of the sensor
Although the technique reduces
energy consumption, it is
unsuitable for long-range wire-
less communication
[23] Optimizing energy of IoT-based
devices for home appliances To generate optimized clean
and renewable sources of
energy for IoT devices
Investigative based approach to
dierent energy sources Conceptual analysis of minimiz-
ing energy consumption by
balancing demand on the IoT
No practical experiment to prove
the eectiveness of the meth-
[24] Low energy consumption for IoT
devices in the Fog environ-
Lowering energy consumption
at the physical device level Matching game approach by
employing the most used
algorithm called Gale-Shapley
The algorithm shows a consid-
erable reduction in energy
The energy-optimized at the IoT
level, the primary concern, is rel-
atively lower than that achieved
at the edge or fog level
[25] Minimize energy consumption
and latency in the industrial
Sensor network
An energy-ecient task o-
loading mechanism with an
ecient task-device matching
Multilevel feedback queuing
policy and Hall’s theorem Task priority, low complexity,
binary ooading, and device
Minimizing the average queuing
delay of tasks, not execution
[26] Joint optimization of energy
consumption and latency as a
multi-objective problem
Minimizing power consumption
and time delay for IoT devices Metaheuristic methods; NSGAII
genetic algorithm and Bees
Making a trade-o between
energy consumption and
Considers several IoT requests but
not type
[27] Energy ecient and secure algo-
rithm for mobile fog cloud Energy eciency a better
throughput, reducing and
detecting malicious data
Hybrid algorithm using block-
chain technology Applying a malicious data
detection (MDD) algorithm Weak interoperability and focuses
on the hardware devices
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Discover Internet of Things (2022) 2:4 | Research
1 3
always responsible for sending the output to the actuator. A common feature between the two scenarios is the user interface
module. The user interface is deployed to provide the output of the video stream fraction captured by the IoT devices within
the area of interest. For the proposed scenario, we will consider the value for inter-module edges (i.e., tuple input and task)
CPU capacity involved in each module, as shown in Table2.
4 Problem formulation
Energy conservation is essential, especially in a militarized environment. According to [1], the US Department of Defense
(DoD) is employing mechanisms to help in reducing the overall energy consumption of its facilities. These eorts are carried
out to avoid potential energy constraints, which is a critical challenge in adopting IoTs within the military eld. Suri etal. [34]
state that commercial IoTs can easily be recharged from a stable energy source, whereas the case for military-based IoTs is
dierent due to their unique challenges of reachability and accessibility. Therefore, energy conservation is considered a key
challenge for the sustainable adoption of military-based IoTs. This work analyzes the energy consumption, network usage,
and execution time of tasks for the two application scenarios being investigated in this article.
The iFogSim simulator inherits the CloudSim simulator’s energy model [35]. We applied the same model for energy cal-
culation, formulated mathematically in Eq.1.
is the energy consumed by the nodes during the simulation,
is the current energy consumption,
are current time and the last utilization update time of the host, and
is the last utilization by the host. Another critical
parameter is the network usage which is given in Eq.2 as used in [34]:
is the network usage,
are total delay or latency and total tuple size, respectively. Maxst is the maximum
simulation time.
Fig. 3 The Master-Worker
application module
Table 2 The simulation
parameters Tuple type CPU requirements (MIs) N/W
Tuple input 1000 20,000
Tuple task 1 2000 2000
Interface tuple 500 2000
Tuple task 2 100 100
Tuple output 100 100
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5 Proposed strategy
The application module presented in this paper is based on logical components of iFogSim applications [29]. The applica-
tion modules [13, 29], being inter-dependent entities, promote the concept of distributed application with application
edges representing dependency between modules as discussed in the proposed sequential application module and
master-worker application module. The proposed modules are built upon the context of video surveillance object track-
ing military IoT application presented in [33]. The modules consist of distributed intelligent cameras that can perform
specic functions, such as motion detection, object detection, and object tracking. Other functions include user interface
and pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) control.
We demonstrate militarized IoT scenarios intending to get the model having minimal energy consumption in the par-
ticular deployment situation. The application model proposed in this paper allows IoT devices, for instance, surveillance
cameras deployed in the militarized eld, to perform a sensor-process-actuator relationship. The processing module
processes raw data captured by the device in sequential or in a master-worker relationship. The application module
consists of 3 processing modules and an interface to display the captured data for the two scenarios employed.
Based on the scenarios mentioned above, we have used the following two algorithms for the modules to enable the
energy-aware placement in IoT Fog-Cloud paradigm. Algorithm1 is the Master-Module mapping, which allows IoT-Fog
placement. It returns the ecient mapping of modules of an application onto a network infrastructure. Take the tasks T
sent to each worker that processes and sends back the output. It may rst sort the tasks and modules according to their
capacity and requirement. The Control Loop of the algorithm runs for all the application tasks that need to be processed.
Algorithm2 is the sequential application module, where sensors send a set of input tasks to the rst modules, which
compute and send the tasks to the immediate next module and the last module. The rst module received the previous
module’s output and then sent it to the actuator.
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6 Experiments andevaluation
Ecient utilization of the available resources in the presence of constraints makes energy management challenging to
achieve. Therefore, evaluating the impact of applications and resource management policies on energy consumption
is vital in critical sectors such as military environments. This enables performance optimization and operational adapta-
tion of the systems.
Extensive simulations have been conducted to analyze the performance of proposed techniques. The simulations are
performed in the iFogSim simulator using the iFogSim module termed “DCNS” [29]. The application modules of iFogSim
are customized to accommodate the proposed scenarios. The number of investigated military IoT scenarios, termed
‘areas’, varies from 2 to 12, and in each simulation scenario, we assume a physical topology conguration having 2, 4,
6, 8, 10, and 12 areas of interest. Simulation parameters are summarized in Table2, which provides the maximum CPU
requirements in millions of instructions (MIs) for each task.
Conguration parameters of nodes used in simulation experiments are summarized in Table3.
Simulations are conducted in DCNS main class, which is meant for intelligent surveillance in the iFogSim simulator,
where the surveillance area varies from 2 devices (i.e., an intelligent camera) to 12. Furthermore, we assume 4 smart
nodes as monitoring entities for the deployed site in each surveillance area. These smart nodes are connected to a gate-
way through which the intelligent devices gain access to the edge and the centralized data center over the Internet, as
shown in Fig.4. The physical topology of the surveillance area is classied and carried out in dierent congurations in
each simulation scenario, i.e., cong 1 through cong 6.
6.1 Energy consumption
This section analyzes the variation in energy consumption at the mobile, edge, and datacenter levels by the given appli-
cation modules. Figure5 shows the comparison of the energy consumed at the data center for sequential and master-
worker modules. We make use of CPU capacity for each of the nodes in our employed modules as shown in Tables2
and 3. Simulation results show a slight variation between the energy consumption of the two modules. The sequential
module (SM) consumes more energy than the master-worker module (MWM).
Figure6 compares the result for energy consumption at the mobile level. Here, the master-worker module has lower
energy consumption than the sequential module. This is because the level of communication of the master-worker
module is less than the sequential module.
Figure7 shows energy consumption at the edge level. Based on the results observed, we can see that in some
instances, the energy consumption at the sequential module is less than that of the master-worker module. However,
the overall consumption of the two modules shows that the master-worker module achieves lower energy consumption
than the sequential module.
Figure8 provides an overview of the average energy consumed by the sequential module and master-worker module
in all three levels, i.e., the overall average energy consumption attained by the two scenarios in the entire system. The
results clearly show that the master-worker module achieves signicant savings in energy consumption. Experimental
results prove that employing a master-worker application module is more eective in handling smart devices. This is
because all the nodes in the sequential module are actively participating in the execution, unlike the master-worker
module, which does not require the engagement of all nodes within the module.
6.2 Network usage
Figure9 shows the network utilization in each of the evaluated scenarios—the network usage increases as the number
of devices connected to the application increases. The results show that the master-worker module exhibits higher
Table 3 The conguration
parameters Parameter Value
Tuple input 10,000 (MIs)
Tuple task 1 20,000 bytes
Interface tuple 2ms
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network utilization than the sequential module. In fact, in the master-worker module, the master node always receives
the resulting input from each worker module. Alternatively, in the case of a sequential application module, each module
forwards the resulting data to the next module. Module 1 and module 2, or worker 1 and worker 2 in the case of the
Master-Worker module, are placed at the edge of the node. This allows for a signicant decrease in how data is sent to
the cloud data center.
6.3 Tuple CPU execution delay
Figure10 shows the tuple CPU execution delay for the Sequential application and master-worker application modules.
Results reveal that the master-worker module has a lower delay in tuple execution while the sequential module is rela-
tively higher. Such behavior is that the sequential application module consumes more CPU time than the master-worker
application module. The reason for higher CPU time is that all nodes actively participate in the execution process in the
Fig. 4 The description of
surveillance areas
Fig. 5 The energy Consump-
tion at Data Centre
Config1 Config2 Config3 Config4 Config5 Config6
Energy (in Mega Joules)
Comparison of Energy Consumpon at Data Center Level
DC Energy SM DC Energy MWM
Fig. 6 The mobile level
energy consumption
Config1 Config2 Config3 Config4 Config5Config6
Energy (Mega Joules)
Comparison of Energy Consumpon at Mobile Level
Mobile Energy SM Mobile Energy MWM
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Discover Internet of Things (2022) 2:4 | Research
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sequential module, unlike in the master-worker module, which involves only the concerned node at a time. Based on our
ndings, we can conclude that the master-worker module can handle tuple execution faster than the sequential module.
6.4 Simulation time
Figure11 shows the comparison of simulation time for the sequential module and master-worker module. The execu-
tion time of each scenario increases linearly as the number of devices and transmission rate increases. We also observed
that the simulation time of the master-worker module is comparatively lower than the sequential module because the
number of activities carried out by the sequential model is higher than the master-worker module.
6.5 Performance comparison
The performance of the proposed approaches in the two modules is evaluated, and the energy consumption is compared
with the techniques mentioned in [2124]. In [21], a method was introduced to reduce the energy consumption and
the quality of service (QoS), whereas in [22], optimize battery usage and power consumption. Lutui etal. [23] presented
strategy for optimizing energy requirements in a smart house through device eciency. While their work considers the
physical components of the IoT, we augment the techniques by focusing on the logical components of the application
module to optimize further the energy consumed by the military-based IoT devices. The environments are dierent, but
it was shown that proper deployment of modules, signicant savings in energy consumption, about three times for the
edge devices making it more eective in handling smart devices.
IoT and related wireless network technologies nd their way into military elds and are critical for monitoring and
tracking. However, these technologies have drawbacks, including energy consumption, latency, complex infrastructure,
Fig. 7 The edge level energy
Config1 Config2 Config3 Config4 Config5 Config6
Energy (Mega Joules)
Comparison of Energy Consumpon at Edge Level
Edge Energy SM Edge Energy MWM
Fig. 8 The average energy
consumption on the
sequential and master-worker
DE Energy Edge EnergyMobile Energy
Fig. 9 The network usage
on sequential module and
master-worker module
Config1 Config2 Config3 Config4 Config5 Config6
Network Usage
Physical Topology Configuraon
Network Usage in KB
Network Usage SM Network Usage MWM
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Research Discover Internet of Things (2022) 2:4 |
1 3
etc. The sensor cloud-based model for critical sectors constitutes applications characterized by a need for adapting to
variable and unpredictable operating environments. While our motivation is to study the approaches that will oer
energy-ecient processing of the request and data, the paper focused on the logical components of the application
modules. However, considering the physical and logical components of the IoT systems may provide further energy
management on these constrained devices with limited power sources while providing better latency. This should be
further research to bridge the gap between theoretical analysis and practical applicability.
In addition, the proposed work applies to fewer sensing devices, such as cameras, it could be extended to other smart
sensing devices as energy conservation is a key goal of all the devices deployed in a militarized eld.
Built based on the DDF model, complete characteristics of the application DAG have not been investigated, only the
energy of the data processing procedure presented. In future work, however, the other dynamic characteristics, energy
of the data transmission procedure, are aimed to be addressed while integrating network connectivity, failure of nodes,
etc., further dynamic characteristic of Fog and Cloud components. The future scope would also look into multiple task
processors’ transmission power allocation of an edge computing system with multiple independent tasks.
7 Conclusions
The emergence of the IoT allows sensors and devices to observe the surrounding environment and make decisions
autonomously. Innovative surveillance technologies have paved the way for the emergence of the military-based IoT.
However, these high-security environments are harsh and unpredictable, and the devices deployed in such environ-
ments operate continuously for a long. The New IoT-Fog architecture paradigms that include critical sectors are becom-
ing feasible for real-time decision making, and nding ecient energy conservation in the IoT-based application data
processing is vital. Hence, it is essential to choose an appropriate application design for operating that can conserve
energy throughout the lifetime of applications.
Towards these aims, two application modules were presented, and their performance was analyzed: the sequential
application module and the master-worker application module. It was found that the master-worker module has lower
energy consumption and communication overhead compared to the sequential application module. This enables the
creation of an energy-aware environment for the growing smart military devices by lowering the energy consumption
and extending the operation lifespan of the devices deployed within such a hostile military environment. The experimen-
tal results show that energy consumption within the military-based IoT can be reduced when an appropriate application
scenario is implemented.
Fig. 10 The tuple CPU execu-
tion delay for SM and MWM
Config1 Config2 Config3 Config4 Config5 Config6
Time (ms)
Tuple CPU execuon delay
Tuple (CPU) execuon delay SM Tuple CPU)execuon me MWM
Fig. 11 Execution time for SM
and MWM
Config1 Config2 Config3 Config4 Config5 Config6
Execuon Time (ms)
Physical Topology Configuraon
Execuon Time of Module
Execuon Time SM Execuon Time MWM
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Discover Internet of Things (2022) 2:4 | Research
1 3
Author contributions Conceptualization, BYB. and SuI; methodology, BYB and SuI; software, BYB and AMK; validation, BYB, SuI, AMK, and IA;
formal analysis, BYB; investigation, SuI, IA; resources, AMK and IA; data curation, BYB; writing—original draft preparation, BYB, AMK; writing—
review and editing, IA and AMK, BYB; visualization, BYB; supervision, SuI and IA; project administration, SuI and IA; All authors have reviewed
the manuscript and agreed to publish this version of the manuscript. All authorshave read and approved the nal manuscript.
Data availability Not applicable; the study does not report any data.
Competing interests Authors declare no competing interests.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article
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... They demonstrate how middleware solutions, especially for those used in tactical settings, might offer features that help lessen some of the drawbacks associated with IoT-enabled military applications. The work done in [114] proposes two application models, "the sequential module" and the "master-worker module," to process data collected by the end devices within the IoMT network. The work explores energy-efficient strategies for managing IoT devices in military environments using fog computing. ...
... In this paper, we performed a comprehensive analysis of solutions developed to optimize communication capabilities in IoBT systems. The proposed techniques to deal with specific challenges such as power management [5,20,107,108,113,114], network security [45,[119][120][121][122][123]126], cyber security [91,124,125,[129][130][131][132], data management [136,137], and interoperability [97][98][99]115]. Our analysis distinguishes the approaches employed and highlights the challenges and performance in the studies considered. ...
... The drawback is that the work does not explicitly discuss the scalability of the proposed protocol, particularly in large-scale networks, where the number of nodes and network complexity can significantly impact performance. The strength of the master-worker module in [114] lies in the considerable savings achieved in energy consumption, making it effective in handling smart devices. The drawback is that the paper only focused on the logical components of the application modules. ...
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The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in military settings has introduced the notion of “Internet of Battle Things” (IoBT), transforming modern warfare by interconnecting various equipment and systems essential for battlefield operations. This connectivity facilitates real-time communication, data sharing, and collaboration among military assets, enhancing situational awareness, decision-making processes, and overall operational effectiveness. The domain for IoBT encompasses a broad range of military assets, from drones and ground vehicles to soldier-worn wearables, sensors, and munitions. These assets are capable of collecting and transmitting critical information from the battlefield, including location data, status updates, environmental conditions, and the movements of adversaries. IoBT networks depend on robust communication networks, secure data transmission protocols, advanced data analytics for processing vast datasets, and seamless integration with command-and-control infrastructures. However, IoBT devices and systems function in dynamic and challenging battlefield conditions which present unique communication challenges. This study aims to review research efforts that provide current state-of-the-art solutions, their limitations, and emerging technologies. We classify these challenges into interoperability, power and energy management, security, and network resilience, while also discussing future research directions to improve communication in IoBT networks.
... For instance, in an electric power grid, the fuel store is a critical entity. Other entities that may critically depend on the electric power grid may be within other infrastructures such as water and gas [22,25,27,30,31]. Due to the interconnection and interdependency of these infrastructures, the failure of some entities in one system may even shut down a subset of entities in another system. ...
... The catastrophe was of enormous proportions. The disabled power stations triggered the shutdown of service points in the internet communication network [22,25,27]. This caused the damage to spread to controllers of other entities that relied on the internet, which caused more power stations to shut down. ...
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A wide range of critical infrastructures are connected via wide area networks as well as the Internet-of-Thing (IoT). Apart from natural disasters, these infrastructures, providing services such as electricity, water, gas, and Internet, are vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Clearly, damages to these infrastructures can have dire consequences on economics, health services, security and safety, and various business sectors. An infrastructure network can be represented as a directed graph in which nodes and edges denote operation entities and dependencies between entities, respectively. A knowledgeable attacker who plans to harm the system would aim to use the minimum amount of effort, cost, or resources to yield the maximum amount of damage. Their best strategy would be to attack the most critical nodes of the infrastructure. From the defender’s side, the strategy would be to minimize the potential damage by investing resources in bolstering the security of the critical nodes. Thus, in the struggle between the attacker and defender, it becomes important for both the attacker and defender to identify which nodes are most critically significant to the system. Identifying critical nodes is a complex optimization problem. In this paper, we first present the problem model and then propose a solution for computing the optimal cost attack while considering the failure propagation. The proposed model represents one or multiple interconnected infrastructures. While considering the attack cost of each node, the proposed method computes the optimal attack that a rational attacker would make. Our problem model simulates one of two goals: maximizing the damage for a given attack budget or minimizing the cost for a given amount of damage. Our technique obtains solutions to optimize the objective functions by utilizing integer-linear programming while observing the constraints for each of the specified goals. The paper reports an extensive set of experiments using various graphs. The results show the efficacy of our technique in terms of its ability to obtain solutions with fast turnaround times.
... Centrally situated in this framework are the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. Specifically, the IEEE 802.15.4 standard has been a vanguard, incorporating the CSMA protocol and underlining an exigency for low data rate communications coupled with a pronounced emphasis on energy efficiency [7], [8]. This study embarks on a meticulous examination and critical appraisal of alternatives to the CSMA protocol, spotlighting the Slotted ALOHA protocol. ...
Conference Paper
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Given the proliferation of connected devices and the prioritization of real-time data acquisition across various scenarios, enhancing the energy efficiency within Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is of paramount importance. This work has focused on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and addresses existing medium access control protocols such as CSMA or Slotted ALOHA and proposes refinements in the Slotted ALOHA protocol through incorporating techniques like Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) and Q-learning. These enhancements have demonstrated to be promising in terms of average delay reduction, energy efficiency and bolstered network throughput. As it facilitates more efficient energy management it constitutes a robust alternative to conventional CSMA in WSN MAC sub-layer protocols.
... Many research studies have tried to address the placement problem from various perspectives. Some have considered minimising the overall application latency [12,[15][16][17][18] while placing the application modules on fog nodes, whereas some research has considered the energy consumption [19][20][21] of the fog nodes while placing the application modules. Despite the efforts in the previous research, there's a need for more robust solutions that take into account both latency, energy consumption, and the completion time of the applications. ...
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In recent years, fog computing has gained significant popularity for its reduced latency (delay), low power consumption, mobility, security and privacy, network bandwidth, and real-time responses. It provides cloud-like services to Internet of Things (IoT) applications at the edge of the network with minimal delay and real-time responses. Fog computing resources are finite, computationally constrained, and powered by battery cells, which require optimal power management. To facilitate the execution of IoT services on fog computing resources, applications are broken down into a group of data-dependent application modules. The application modules communicate and transfer data from one module to another in order to achieve a common goal. With the limitations on computing resource capacity and the rise in demand for these resources for application module processing, there is a need for a robust application module placement strategy. Inefficient application module placement can result in a tremendous hike in latency, a higher completion time, a fast drain on battery cells, and other placement problems. This paper focuses on minimising the average delay, completion time (Makespan time), and energy usage of the fog system while placing the data-dependent modules of the IoT application on resources in the fog layer. To achieve the said objectives, a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm based on the Red Deer Algorithm (RDA) and the Harris Hawks Optimisation Algorithm (HHO) is proposed. The optimisation algorithms independently search for a placement solution in the search space and update the best solution based on some probability function. The proposed hybrid algorithm was implemented using the iFogSim simulator and evaluated based on average completion time, average latency, and average energy consumption. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid heta-heuristic algorithm over the traditional RDA and HHO algorithms.
... The enabling of civil-military collaboration for disaster management in smart city scenario has been discussed in [20]. The use of IoT-fog architecture for military sector with an emphasis on energy conservation has been discussed in [21]. In the present work, the geospatial information is analysed to reach the affected region from the source during disaster management. ...
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Mission-critical applications refer to the real-time applications, which require fast and secure service provisioning, such as defense sector and disaster management. This paper proposes a delay-aware and secure service provisioning model for such types of applications. As a use-case, we have considered the defense sector, which is a vital sector for a country’s all-round well-being including security, safety, society, and economy. In the conventional sensor-cloud model, the sensor data is stored and processed in the cloud. However, the sensor nodes have small coverage and the use of the long distant cloud servers increases the delay. Therefore, the conventional sensor-cloud model may not be efficient for defense application. Moreover, data hiding for security purposes is another important aspect of this field. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a mobility-aware sensor-fog paradigm for mission-critical applications based on network coding and steganography, referred to as Mobi-Sense. In Mobi-Sense, steganography is used for hiding the data during transmission. The theoretical results demonstrate that Mobi-Sense outperforms the existing frameworks with respect to delay and power consumption by (4080)\sim (40-80)%. The simulation results present that Mobi-Sense reduces the delay by (1840)\sim (18-40)% than the conventional sensor-cloud framework for mission-critical applications. An optimal path finding algorithm based on deep learning has been deployed in the context of disaster scenario. The experimental analysis shows that the proposed optimal path finding method achieves precision and accuracy above 90%. This is observed that our proposed modules have outperformed existing baselines in terms of accuracy, delay, and power consumption.
... The ecological business economy is an economy that achieves a high degree of unity and the sustainable development of rapid economic development and environmental protection [12,13]. In order to study the growth strategy of the ecological business economy, this paper uses deep learning algorithms and theoretical models of environmental regulation to conduct research. ...
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The concept of ecological commercial economy refers to the use of ecological economics principles and system engineering methods to change production and consumption patterns within the scope of the carrying capacity of the ecosystem in order to tap into all of the available resource potential. It develops some economically developed and ecologically efficient industries and builds a culture with reasonable systems, a harmonious society, and a healthy ecological environment. This paper aims to use deep learning algorithms to study environmental protection and the optimization of ecological business economic growth from the perspective of sustainable development. In this regard, this paper proposes a theoretical model of environmental regulation, which aids in the study of the sustainable development of the ecological economy. Through experimental analysis, this study determined that the non-renewable resources of the two cities designated M and N dropped from 82% and 99% in 2017 to 78% and 79% in 2021, a decrease of 3% and 20%, respectively. This shows that the non-renewable resources of the four cities in area A generally showed a downward trend. The experimental results show that the deep learning theory and the environmental regulation model play a specific and effective role in the researching of the ecological business economy.
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Internet-of-Things (IoT) connects various physical objects through the Internet and it has a wide application, such as in transportation, military, healthcare, agriculture, and many more. Those applications are increasingly popular because they address real-time problems. In contrast, the use of transmission and communication protocols has raised serious security concerns for IoT devices, and traditional methods such as signature and rule-based methods are inefficient for securing these devices. Hence, identifying network traffic behavior and mitigating cyber attacks are important in IoT to provide guaranteed network security. Therefore, we develop an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on a deep learning model called Pearson-Correlation Coefficient - Convolutional Neural Networks (PCC-CNN) to detect network anomalies. The PCC-CNN model combines the important features obtained from the linear-based extractions followed by the Convolutional Neural Network. It performs a binary classification for anomaly detection and also a multiclass classification for various types of attacks. The model is evaluated on three publicly available datasets: NSL-KDD, CICIDS-2017, and IOTID20. We first train and test five different (Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, K Nearest Neighbour, Classification and Regression Tree,& Support Vector Machine) PCC-based Machine Learning models to evaluate the model performance. We achieve the best similar accuracy from the KNN and CART model of 98%, 99%, and 98%, respectively, on the three datasets. On the other hand, we achieve a promising performance with a better detection accuracy of 99.89% and with a low misclassification rate of 0.001 with our proposed PCC-CNN model. The integrated model is promising, with a misclassification rate (or False alarm rate) of 0.02, 0.02, and 0.00 with Binary and Multiclass intrusion detection classifiers. Finally, we compare and discuss our PCC-CNN model in comparison to five traditional PCC-ML models. Our proposed Deep Learning (DL)-based IDS outperforms traditional methods.
The refinement and intelligent control of shield tunneling is the development trend of modern tunnel construction technology. In order to better predict and control the surface subsidence caused by shield excavation, this paper takes the shield construction of Luoyang Metro Line 2 from Longmen Station to Longmen Avenue Station as the background, and proposes a method based on edge intelligence for shield construction in water-rich sand egg strata. Methods for predicting land subsidence. First, low latency and faster data processing are achieved by collecting a large amount of data containing dynamic information about geological conditions and surrounding environments during the shield tunneling process; then using the iFogSim simulator to create different configurations; second, establishing support A surface subsidence model based on vector regression was established, and the model was deployed on the edge equipment; finally, the model was evaluated using the monitoring data of surface subsidence of the water-rich sand egg formation in Luoyang area. The research results show that the edge computing-based system has lower latency and higher processing speed than only deploying cloud data centers. After Pearson-related parameter tuning and model comparison training with Linear as the kernel function, the mean square error of the predicted value and the collected value of the surface subsidence is better than the other two kernel functions. The method proposed in this paper can provide real-time prediction service for large-scale surface subsidence prediction caused by shield construction, and is more practical.KeywordsSurface deformationUpper soft and lower hard soil layerCurved shield constructionMindlin solutionRandom medium theory
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Fog computing has recently emerged to in-situ processing and energy-aware data offloading of Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the industrial sensor networks. Besides that, increasing the performance of large-scale IoT applications by improving the emergency response time has become a critical issue in sensor networks. To address the above-mentioned challenges, in this paper, we design a novel Energy-aware Data Offloading ( EaDO ) technique to minimize the energy consumption and latency in the industrial environment. The proposed EaDO strategy first outlines the emergency information of the incoming tasks with the attribute values. Next, the EaDO strategy schedules the emergency tasks using a multilevel feedback queuing policy to improve the schedulability. Moreover, a graph-theoretic approach, called as Hall’s theorem is also adopted for finding maximum matching between scheduled tasks and active computing devices, including distributed fog devices and centralized cloud servers. Extensive simulation results exhibit that the EaDO strategy significantly improves the energy consumption rate of the industry generated tasks up to 23%-30% over the existing algorithms.
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Live virtual reality (VR) streaming (a.k.a., 360-degree video streaming) has become increasingly popular because of the rapid growth of head‐mounted displays and 5G networking deployment. However, the huge bandwidth and the energy required to deliver live VR frames in the wireless video sensor network (WVSN) become bottlenecks, making it impossible for the application to be deployed more widely. To solve the bandwidth and energy challenges, VR video viewport prediction has been proposed as a feasible solution. However, the existing works mainly focuses on the bandwidth usage and prediction accuracy and ignores the resource consumption of the server. In this study, we propose a lightweight neural network-based viewport prediction method for live VR streaming in WVSN to overcome these problems. In particular, we (1) use a compressed channel lightweight network (C-GhostNet) to reduce the parameters of the whole model and (2) use an improved gate recurrent unit module (GRU-ECA) and C-GhostNet to process the video data and head movement data separately to improve the prediction accuracy. To evaluate the performance of our method, we conducted extensive experiments using an open VR user dataset. The experiments results demonstrate that our method achieves significant server resource saving, real-time performance, and high prediction accuracy, while achieving low bandwidth usage and low energy consumption in WVSN, which meets the requirement of live VR streaming.
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The mobile fog-based cloud (MFBC) plays a major role for the Internet of Things (IoT) and is highly suitable for obtaining virtualized data without additional waiting time. However, the limited battery power of mobile devices limits access to abundant data. To address this problem, an energy-efficient and secure algorithm should be introduced to reduce energy consumption for the MFBC. In this paper, an energy-efficient and secure hybrid (EESH) algorithm is introduced for the MFBC to support the IoT. The EESH algorithm uses the voltage scaling factor to reduce energy consumption. The performance of the EESH algorithm is substantially better than the state-of-the-art contending algorithms when the number of IoT-tasks increases, and EESH consumes minimal energy. Furthermore, the identity of mobile cloud users is of paramount significance; therefore, the EESH is further secured by applying a malicious data detection (MDD) algorithm using blockchain technology. The capability of the processors on the server side of the MFBC is analyzed and improved for the IoT. The proposed EESH, MDD and underlying algorithms are programmed on the Java platform. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithms on the MFBC is compared with that of known algorithms in terms of security, energy efficiency, throughput and latency.
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Today, there exists a growing demand for Internet of Things (IoT) services in the form of vehicle networks, smart cities, augmented reality, virtual reality, positioning systems, and so on. Due to the considerable distance between the IoT devices and the central cloud, using this option may no longer be a suitable solution for delay-constraint tasks. To overcome these drawbacks, a complementary solution called fog computing, also known as the cloud at the edge is used. In this solution, nodes at the edge of the network provide resources for IoT applications. Although offloading tasks on the fog nodes save energy on IoT devices, it increases task response time. Therefore, making a trade-off between energy consumption and latency is crucial for IoT devices. Because offloading falls into the category of NP-hard knapsack problems, metaheuristic methods have been widely used in recent years. In this paper, we formulate the problem of joint optimization of energy consumption and latency in the form of a multi-objective problem and solve it using the non-dominant sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) and Bees algorithm (BA). Also, to improve the quality of solutions, we combine each of these methods with a robust type of differential evolution approach called minimax differential evolution (MMDE). This combination moves the solutions to better areas and increases the convergence speed. The simulation results show that NSGA-based methods have remarkable robustness compared to BA-based methods in terms of significant criteria such as energy consumption, time delay, and so on. Our statistical analysis shows that both NSGA-based and BA-based metaheuristic methods not only do not significantly increase energy consumption but also drastically reduce response time.
Exorbitant energy expenses can supersede data center profits. Electricity prices often vary across the geographic regions, caused by gaps in the supply-demand, time of use, and production cost factors. Geo-distributed cloud data centers facilitated by a smart grid and enabled by cloud computing can potentially utilize the spatiotemporal diversity of energy prices to reduce operational expenditure and maximize profit. In this paper, we solve the data center profit by formulating it as a constrained multi-objective optimization problem. The proposed solution utilizes an evolutionary algorithm-based higher-level heuristic that optimizes data center revenue and expense objectives simultaneously. The proposed technique provides system managers with trade-off solutions suited to varied operational scenarios. Ours is a multi-step approach, utilizing the optimization scheme to obtain Pareto optimal solutions for the request dispatch and resource allocation problem. When broadly evaluated against a comparative resource optimization scheme, our technique increases revenue while lowering expense and collectively yields a higher profit. It exhibits such performance over a broad range of price changes regardless of the data center's size and utilization level. The extensive simulation results ascertain the effectiveness of the proposed approach across a myriad of system parameters.
Energy-efficient mechanisms for reducing the latency in queuing of multiple threads running on multi-core chips have been a topic of great interest. This is because not only is a high latency undesirable, but it also collectively exacerbates the energy consumption. For lowering latency, one can use techniques such as lock-free algorithms, but they keep threads spinning, incurring high CPU usage, which in turn consumes higher energy. Common blocking synchronization primitives such as mutual exclusion locks or semaphores may be more energy-efficient, but their performance can be poor because they incur high latency. This paper proposes a new approach that combines a lock-free algorithm with resource efficiency of blocking synchronization primitives. The algorithm, named eLCRQ, is implemented as queueing scheme that uses the lightweight Linux Futex system call to construct a block-when-necessary layer on top of the popular lock-free LCRQ. The algorithm judiciously uses the block-when-necessary principle, which results in a close to lock-free performance under contention. For no-contention conditions, we use the Futex System call for conditional blocking instead of spinning in a retry loop. The advantage of this scheme is that it releases the CPU, allowing it to perform other tasks without wasting its energy on useless spinning. We analyzed the performance of our scheme on a heterogeneous platform and with varying levels loads. We also compared the proposed scheme with other well-known IPC mechanisms under various settings. Our experimental results illustrate that eLCRQ-spin achieves better latency and higher energy reduction.
An IoT-enabled cluster of automobiles provides a rich source of computational resources, in addition to facilitating efficient collaboration with vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. This is enabled by vehicular fog computing where vehicles are used as fog nodes and provide cloud-like services to the Internet of things (IoT) and are further integrated with the traditional cloud to collaboratively complete the tasks. However, efficient load management in vehicular fog computing is a challenging task due to the dynamic nature of the vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). In this context, we propose a cluster-enabled capacity-based load-balancing approach to perform energy- and performance-aware vehicular fog distributed computing for efficiently processing the IoT jobs. The paper proposes a dynamic clustering approach that takes into account the position, speed, and direction of vehicles to form their clusters that act as the pool of computing resources. The paper also proposes a mechanism for identifying a vehicle's departure time from the cluster, which allows predicting the future position of the vehicle within the dynamic network. Furthermore, the paper provides a capacity-based load-distribution mechanism for performing load-balancing at the intra- as well as the inter-cluster level of the vehicular fog network. The simulation results are obtained using the state-of-the-art NS2 network simulation environment. The results show that the proposed scheme achieves balanced network energy consumption, reduced network delay, and improved network utilization.
Data center profits are directly impacted by electric power consumption, which in turn has critical environmental implications. Geo distributed data centers maximize profits by optimizing resource allocation and leveraging diverse power tariffs available in a deregulated market. However, a power network state apathetic profit maximization can destabilize the grid and hamper a data center's sustainability goals. In this paper, we formulate the data center profit maximization as a constrained optimization problem. We then propose a multi-level algorithm where the lower level scheme is based on evolutionary optimization. The algorithm simultaneously optimizes revenue and expenses while preserving QoS and power network stability. The proposed approach considers real-time demand-based energy price variations to orchestrate request routing and resource allocation. The approach is suitable for heterogeneous and homogeneous data center architectures. The proposed scheme is also thermal-aware and considers both computing and cooling consumption. Simulation results show that the proposed technique is effective; it achieves a higher profit over a broad range of price variations and data center utilization levels.