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Abstract and Figures

The Himalaya – a global biodiversity hotspot – harbours diverse flora and fauna, but increasingly beset with multiple threats, including biological invasion by invasive alien species. Here, we aimed to investigate the diversity, distribution, and drivers of alien flora in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), a region spread across 12 states/union territories in India. We developed a comprehensive checklist on alien flora of IHR based on review of 141 studies published from 1934-2022, and further disentangled the key environmental (average annual rainfall, total area, protected area, forest area, total plant richness) and socioeconomic (total population, traffic length) correlates that better explain regional alien and naturalizd plant richness. We recorded 771 alien plant species, including 375 cultivated and 396 naturalized species. We found the species native to Southern America and those with perennial life span and herbaceous growth form were most represented in the IHR. Similarly, the annual herbs native to Southern American had a higher probability to become naturalized in the IHR. Based on the species composition of the total alien and naturalised flora distributed across different parts of the IHR, we found evidence of distance decay of floristic similarity. The total alien plant richness was best explained by the average annual rainfall, while the naturalized plant richness was best predicted by total traffic length. Our results identify the key environmental (i.e., average annual rainfall) and socioeconomic (i.e., total traffic length) drivers that determine the diversity and distribution patterns of alien and naturalized plants in the IHR. Our findings have practical applications in developing a scientifically-informed management and policy framework to mitigate the impacts of plant invasions and to predict the potential future plant invaders in the Himalaya. Overall, the checklist of alien flora of the IHR represents a step forward in filling the knowledge gaps on biological invasions from the Himalaya – a globally data-deficient region.
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Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
Available online 29 July 2022
2351-9894/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Diversity, distribution and drivers of alien ora in the Indian
Himalayan region
Sajad Ahmad Wani
, Rameez Ahmad
, Ruquia Gulzar
, Irfan Rashid
Akhtar Hussain Malik
, Irfan Rashid
, Anzar Ahmad Khuroo
Centre for Biodiversity & Taxonomy, Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190006, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Biological Invasion Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190006, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Department of Geoinformatics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190006, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Alien ora
Plant invasion
The Himalaya a global biodiversity hotspot harbors diverse ora and fauna, but increasingly
beset with multiple threats, including biological invasion by alien species. Here, we aimed to
investigate the diversity, distribution, and drivers of alien ora in the Indian Himalayan Region
(IHR), a region spread across 12 states/union territories in India. We developed a comprehensive
checklist on alien ora of IHR based on review of 141 studies published during the years 1934 to
2022, and further disentangled the key environmental (average annual rainfall, total area, pro-
tected area, forest area, total plant richness) and socioeconomic (total population, trafc length)
drivers that better explain regional alien and naturalized plant richness. We recorded 771 alien
plant species, including 375 cultivated and 396 naturalized species. We found that the species
native to Southern America and those with perennial life span and herbaceous growth form were
most represented in the IHR. Similarly, the annual herbs native to Southern America had a higher
probability to become naturalized in the IHR. Based on the species composition of the total alien
and naturalized ora distributed across different parts of the IHR, we found evidence of distance
decay of oristic similarity. The total alien plant richness was best explained by the average
annual rainfall, while the naturalized plant richness was best predicted by total trafc length. Our
results identify the key environmental (i.e., average annual rainfall) and socioeconomic (i.e., total
trafc length) drivers that determine the diversity and distribution patterns of alien and natu-
ralized plants in the IHR. Our ndings have practical applications in developing a scientically-
informed management and policy framework to mitigate the impacts of plant invasions and to
predict the potential future plant invaders in the Himalaya. Overall, the checklist of alien ora of
the IHR represents a step forward in lling the knowledge gaps on biological invasions from the
Himalaya a globally data-decient region.
1. Introduction
The terrestrial global biodiversity hotspots are rich repositories of diverse ora and fauna, but are currently experiencing an
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (R. Ahmad), (A.A. Khuroo).
First authorship equally shared.
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Received 21 April 2022; Received in revised form 30 June 2022; Accepted 21 July 2022
Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
extreme level of threat by a multitude of anthropogenic drivers (Myers et al., 2000, 2014; Chitale et al., 2014; Tilker et al., 2019).
Besides the rapid rate of habitat loss, the biodiversity hotspots are beset with the problem of biological invasions due to intentional
and/or unintentional introduction of alien species (Li et al., 2016; Pathak et al., 2019). For example, Early et al. (2016) reported that
about 16% of global biodiversity hotspots are highly vulnerable to invasive alien species (IAS). Historically, human-mediated activities
have introduced a large pool of species outside their native distribution ranges (van Kleunen et al., 2015; Dawson et al., 2017; Pyˇ
et al., 2017; Patzelt et al., 2022), however most of the introduced species fail to establish self sustaining populations in the wild (Patzelt
et al., 2022). Among the introduced species, only a small fraction establish and maintain populations without direct human inter-
vention (referred to as naturalized species) and only a subset of naturalized species spread rapidly and exert negative ecological and
economic impacts (referred to as invasive species) (Richardson et al., 2001; Blackburn et al., 2011). Although alien species have
occupied almost all parts across the globe, the available primary data on their diversity and distribution is still uneven and biased
across continents, with highest number of species reported from North America and Europe, whereas the lowest number recorded from
temperate and tropical Asia (Dawson et al., 2017; Pyˇ
sek et al., 2017, 2018; van Kleunen et al., 2015, van Kleunen et al.,2019).
Furthermore, the geographical patterns of future invasions are predicted to be different from those of today, and the number of alien
and naturalized species from developing countries, particularly those supporting relatively higher proportion of local biodiversity
because of their relatively lower economic development, is expected to increase in the near future (Seebens et al., 2015, 2019).
Therefore, an inventory of the alien species at regional scale based on globally standardized criteria is a prerequisite for making global
assessment of current status and future trends of alien oras, and to investigate their drivers and consequences (Seebens et al., 2017,
2018; Omer et al., 2021a).
Owing to the scale and extent of invasive alien plantsspread and their impact on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, biotic
inventories on alien and/or naturalized oras have become available for many regions of the world (e.g., Vinogradova et al., 2018,
Ansong et al., 2019; Pyˇ
sek et al., 2019; Sandvik et al., 2019; Fuentes et al., 2020; Meddour et al., 2020; Bordbar and Meerts, 2021;
Brandt et al., 2021; Omer et al., 2021a, 2021b; see also Pyˇ
sek et al., 2017; van Kleunen et al., 2019 for a global overview), including
countries and/or regions supporting the global biodiversity hotspots (e.g., Bhutan - Dorjee et al., 2020; Caucasus Akatova and
Akatov, 2019; China - Xu et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2021; India - Khuroo et al., 2012; Inderjit et al., 2018; Nepal - Bisht et al., 2016;
Russia - Leostrin and Pergl, 2021). Similarly, research focusing on alien plant invasions in the mountains is receiving increasing
attention (Alexander et al., 2016; Pauchard et al., 2016; Pathak et al., 2019), motivated in part by concern about the possible impacts
of IAS in mountain ecosystems where the climate is currently experiencing rapid warming trends (Gallardo et al., 2017; Hamid et al.,
2020). However, the majority of these inventories on alien and naturalized plants are available from the developed world, therefore
the geographical bias in terms of lacking data from developing countries limits our capacity to assess the magnitude of biological
invasions in mountain areas at a global scale (Dawson et al., 2017; Pyˇ
sek et al., 2017, 2019; van Kleunen et al., 2019).
India, one of the fastest developing countries, having a major portion of its geographical area under four global biodiversity
hotspots including the Himalaya (Singh, 2010; Zachos and Habel, 2011), is at an increased risk of invasion by alien species (Khuroo
et al., 2012, 2021; Inderjit et al., 2018; Pathak et al., 2019). About 49% of the total area of India is predicted to be prone to invasion at
moderate to high levels, and the biodiversity hotspot regions coincide with ‘invasion hotspots(Adhikari et al., 2015). The mountain
landscapes of the Indian Himalaya representing the major portion of the Himalaya biodiversity hotspot are experiencing un-
precedented anthropogenic pressure owing to accelerated economic activities (Chitale et al., 2014; Ahmad et al., 2019a, 2019b;
Khuroo et al., 2021) that have led to both intentional and unintentional introductions, and in many cases to the spread, of IAS (Pathak
et al., 2019; Khuroo et al., 2021). Despite the severe invasion risk posed to the native biodiversity of this ecologically fragile region, the
scarcity of scientic data on diversity and distribution of alien plants, and their environmental and economic drivers warrants urgent
research attention. In the absence of such studies, it is difcult to develop a holistic management strategy and policy framework to
mitigate the adverse impacts of those alien species which spread as invasive. Therefore, it is of global importance to document the
diversity and distribution of alien ora of this region and to disentangle its environmental and socioeconomic drivers.
It is in this context that the present study aimed to address the following questions: (i) What is the total taxonomic diversity of alien
ora in the Indian Himalayan Region, and its biogeographic afliation, life-history traits, and naturalization status? (ii) How is the
alien and naturalized species pool distributed across the Indian Himalayan Region, and what is the extent of species compositional
similarity between different sub-regions? and (iii) What are the major environmental and socio-economic drivers that determine the
patterns of alien and naturalized plant species richness in the Indian Himalayan Region?
By addressing these research questions, our study is expected to ll the existing global knowledge gap in invasion biology by
making available an inventory of alien ora in this global biodiversity hotspot and unraveling the patterns of distribution and dis-
entangling the drivers in the study region.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
The Himalaya, spread across different countries in South Asia, occupies a prominent place in the mountain systems of the world
(Sekar and Srivastava, 2010; Khuroo et al., 2021). The majority of the area under the Himalaya falls in India. The IHR, located between
2736N latitude and 7497E longitude, starts from Jammu and Kashmir in the west to Arunachal Pradesh in the east covering
about 16.2% of the countrys area (Sekar, 2012; Khuroo et al., 2021). In India, the IHR is administratively divided into 12 states/union
territories (hereafter regions): Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya,
Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, and the hill regions of Assam and West Bengal (Fig. 1). In this study, Jammu and Kashmir, also
S.A. Wani et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
includes Ladakh, as the two regions have been recently separated and the data is available prior to their separation. The IHR represents
an extended protected area network comprising of a total of ve biosphere reserves, 28 national parks, and 98 wildlife sanctuaries,
which together cover an area of 51,899 km
(Mathur et al., 2000; Khuroo et al., 2021). The region is endowed with an extensive range
of physiographic, climatic, and soil features. The region is considered as amongst the most eco-fragile mountainous landscapes of the
world and harbors rich oristic diversity (Samant et al., 2007), including 8000 species of angiosperms, 44 species of gymnosperms, 600
species of pteridophytes, 1736 species of bryophytes: 1159 species of lichens and 6900 species of fungi (Singh and Hajra, 1997; Khuroo
et al., 2021).
2.2. Development of checklist
We developed a checklist of alien ora in the IHR by undertaking an extensive review of scientic literature (141 research studies)
published over the last century (19342022) (see supporting Appendix-A). Although, the standard methodology for conducting
literature search is through online databases (e.g., Web of Science, Scopus) using specic keyword combinations and Boolean oper-
ators (ODea et al., 2021). However, given the aim of the present study, we used the regional and local oristic studies and new plant
reports related to IHR which are mostly not indexed in such databases and form the basis of our review. The procedure for developing
alien ora checklist was as follows: First, using the alien species list by Khuroo et al. (2012) as reference, we used the regional and state
oras of IHR to segregate those species occurring in the IHR. Next, we made targeted searches directly in the Google platform using the
combination of words related to alien species names (or its synonyms) and Indian Himalayan region or names of the states/union
territories forming the IHR to include additional species from the published papers. Finally, we also screened the references of the
related published papers to look for additional species records from the region. We included all the species in our checklist as ‘alien,
which were reported as ‘exotic, ‘non-indigenous, ‘foreign, ‘waifs, ‘adventives, ‘aliens, ‘naturalized, ‘invasive‘introduced, ‘alien
weeds, non-native, ‘strangerand ‘immigrantsfrom different parts of the IHR. We excluded those alien plants which occur exclusively
under the greenhouse conditions, pots, indoors, and other such articial conditions (Khuroo et al., 2012). We veried the taxonomic
validity of each species record primarily using Plants of the World online database (POWO,2022; For
counting species in the checklist and further analysis, all the infra-specic taxa (subspecies, varieties, forma) in the checklist were
Fig. 1. Map of the study area.
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Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
treated as separate taxa. Also, the family arrangement of taxa was upgraded according to the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group-IV
Classication (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2016). To record the alien status for each region, available major regional and state
oras, weed oras, research papers, books, and eld guides were screened to extract data on alien plant species (supporting
2.3. Species traits: origin and life history
We assigned the native distribution range of each species using the online database of the Plants of the World online (POWO, 2022; For analysis purposes, we aggregated the native distribution range of each species into ‘continent
according to the plant distribution scheme developed by Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG; currently named Biodiversity
Information Standards; Brummitt, 2001). If a speciesnative range falls within more than one continent, it was assigned to each of
them for analysis purposes. Also, we assigned the species life-span (annual, biennial, perennial) and growth-form (herb, grass, palm,
shrub, subshrub, tree, twiner, vine) categories based on eld observations, supplemented with authentic secondary sources, such as
e-oras (http://www.e We adopted a standard terminology for these categories (Mabberley, 2008).
2.4. Naturalization status
We assigned the naturalization status to each alien species present in the checklist based on relevant published literature (Ap-
pendix-A). We divided the species pool in the checklist into two broad categories (i) alien species under cultivation (Cl) (i.e., including
those species with no known history or present literature or eld-based record of escape into the wild), and (ii) alien species growing in
the wild in one or more regions of IHR, what we refer in this study as naturalized (N), including both cultivation escapes as well as
accidentally introduced alien species growing in the wild without human intervention (Richardson et al., 2001; Mehraj et al., 2021).
2.5. Data analysis
We performed all the analyses in R 4.0.2 (R Core Team, 2020) using the packages cited within. We used the Chi-square test on
Pearsons contingency tables to test whether there are signicant differences in the observed numbers of alien species among the
regions in terms of representation of species with different life-history categories and of different origins. The observed counts within
the combination of categories were compared with counts expected based on equal distribution across the categories. The deviation of
observed values from expected values within individual categories was expressed using Pearsons residuals in R package vcd 1.48
(Meyer et al., 2020). Similarly, we also used the Chi-square test to examine whether there are signicant differences in the observed
species number with respect to speciestraits (native distribution range, life span, and growth form) and naturalization status (i.e.,
cultivated v/s naturalized). Since, the Chi-square is a signicance statistic that does not tell anything about the strength of the rela-
tionship between the studied variables, we also used Cramers V, the most commonly used power test to estimate the strength of the
relationship in cases where Chi-square test showed signicant results between the variables (McHugh, 2013). The Cramers V ranges
between 0 and 1, with values close to 0 indicating no relationship between the studied variables and close to 1 suggesting strong
relationship (Akoglu, 2018). For ease of interpretation, the values of Cramers V >0 suggest no relationship, >0.05 weak rela-
tionship, >0.10 moderate relationship, >0.15 strong relationship and >0.25 very strong relationship between the variables
(Akoglu, 2018). We calculated the Cramers V statistic using the rcompanion 2.4.1 package (Mangiaco, 2021).
To evaluate the similarity among each pair of regions in the IHR in terms of their alien and naturalized species composition, we
calculated the Sorensons similarity index, C
=2ab/a +b, where ‘ais the number of species found in region A; ‘bis the number of
species in region B and ‘ab is the number of species common to both regions (Magurran, 2004). The Sorenson similarity index (C
varies between 0 (completely different) and 1 (completely identical) (Magurran, 2004). Also, to test if the dissimilarity in species
composition between the regions was a function of geographical distance between them, we performed the Mantel test using the R
package vegan 2.57(Oksanen et al., 2020), wherein we analyzed the matrix of Sorensons dissimilarity index between regions with
a matrix of corresponding geographical distances between them. For calculating the geographical distance, we rst extracted the
centroids of the polygons (i.e., states) using the feature to pointfunction and next exported the geocoordinates of these centroids using
the ‘Add XY Coordinatesfunction from data management tools in ArcGis v. 10.2 ( The euclidean
method was preferred for calculating the geographical distance between each pair of regions (Boscoe et al., 2012). The Sorensons
dissimilarity matrix and geographical distance were calculated using the vegdist() function in vegan 2.57package. We used Monte
Carlo simulation based on 10,000 permutations to evaluate the statistical signicance of the resultant correlation (Legendre and
Vaudor, 1991).
To evaluate the relative roles of different environmental and socio-economic drivers of alien and naturalized plant species richness
per region, we performed the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) analysis. For this purpose, we used environmental variables such as
average annual rainfall (AAR) (mm), protected area (PA) (km
), forest area (FA) (km
), total land area (TA) (km
), and total plant
species richness (TPR); and socio-economic variables such as total population (TP), total trafc length (TTL) (km), total road length
(TRL) (km), surfaced road length (SRL) (km) and railway length (RL) (km) as explanatory variables, while as the number of alien and
naturalized plant species were used as dependent variables. The environmental and socio-economic variables were obtained from the
secondary sources (see supporting Appendices A and B for data sources) at the spatial scale of states in line with state-wise alien and
naturalized plant richness. Before analysis, multicollinearity among the explanatory variables was tested using Pearsons correlation
matrix (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). We considered r =0.8 as a threshold of collinearity between two predictors (Fuentes et al., 2015).
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Among the highly correlated variables, the one having a direct impact on the alien species distribution was chosen based on the
recently published literature (Dar et al., 2015; Fuentes et al., 2015; Ascens˜
ao and Capinha, 2017; Inderjit et al., 2018; Rashid et al.,
2021). We used GLM with the negative binomial model, as it is appropriate for overdispersed count data characterized by conditional
variance greater than the conditional mean (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989; Rojas-Sandoval et al., 2017). At rst, we created a full model
with all the selected explanatory variables together, and then new models were generated by simplications of the full model to
evaluate explanatory variables. As a result, all models including all possible combinations of selected explanatory variables were
created for each dependent variable. Model selection was done based on the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc), a
modication of the AIC with a small sample bias adjustment (Burnham and Anderson, 2002). The model with the lowest AICc value is
Fig. 2. Representative invasive alien plant species in the Indian Himalayan Region: a) Leucanthemum vulgare, b) Ageratina adenophora, c) Eichhornia
crassipes, d) Nymphaea mexicana, e) Parthenium hysterophorus, f) Lantana camara, g) Datura stramonium, h) Alternanthera philoxeroides. (Image credits:
A. A. Khuroo, R. Gulzar)
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Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
considered to be most parsimonious and AICc differences between 0 and 2 suggest weak differences among the models, while dif-
ferences larger than 4 are considered to be large (Arnold, 2010). These analyses were performed using the glm.nb function in MASS
package (Venables and Ripley, 2002), together with the dredge function from MuMIn 1.43.17package (Barton, 2020) for different
model comparisons.
3. Results
3.1. Taxonomic composition
We recorded a total of 771 alien plant species in the IHR belonging to 459 genera in 112 families. The angiosperms were repre-
sented by 734 (ca. 95%) species under 445 genera in 107 families and gymnosperms by 37 (ca. 5%) species under 14 genera in ve
families (see supporting Appendix-C). The checklist of all the plant species, with their respective family, native biogeographic range,
naturalization status, and life-history traits are given in supporting Appendix-C. Of the 112 families represented in the alien ora of the
IHR, the ve species-rich families were Fabaceae (101 species), Asteraceae (72 species), Solanaceae (43 species), Myrtaceae (32
species) and Malvaceae (30), which together contribute 278 (ca. 36%) plant species in the entire alien ora of the IHR. Similarly, the
ve species-rich genera include Senna (16 species), Solanum (15 species), Eucalyptus and Ipomoea (14 species each), and Acacia (11
species), together contributing a total of 70 (ca. 9%) alien plant species in the alien ora of the IHR (Appendix-C). Some of the
representative invasive alien plant species occuring in the IHR are shown in Fig. 2.
3.2. Region-wise alien species richness
The distribution of total alien ora in the 12 regions in IHR shows considerable variation in species richness (Table 1). The highest
number of alien plant species (633) are present in Uttarakhand, followed by Assam (364 species), and Tripura (269 species), while the
lowest number (108 species) is found in Meghalaya (Table 1). Once again Uttarakhand turned out to be the most dominant region in
terms of both the cultivated and naturalized alien plant species with 319 and 314 species respectively (Table 1). In contrast, Sikkim
showed the highest value (0.0271 and 0.0195 species km
) for total and naturalized alien plant species densities (i.e., species number
relative to the area of the region), while as Jammu and Kashmir exhibited the lowest values for each of the total, cultivated and
naturalized plant species densities (0.0009, 0.0002 and 0.0007 species km
respectively) (Table 1).
3.3. Species traits: origin and life history
The majority of the alien plant species in the IHR have native range of Southern America (319; ca. 28%), followed by Northern
America (272; 24%), Asia-temperate (165; ca. 15%), Africa (142; 13%), Asia-tropical and Europe (83; 7% each), Australasia (53, 5%)
and Pacic islands (8; 1%) (Supporting Appendix-D Table S1). At the individual region scale, Southern America again turned out to be
the major source of species pool to the alien ora of all the regions in the IHR (Table S1). However, the source regions of alien plants
differed signicantly between the individual regions (
=172.53, df =77, p<0.001). More specically, there was a higher over-
representation of species from Australasia for Uttarakhand, from Asia-temperate and Europe for Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and
Kashmir, and from Southern America for Darjeeling (West Bengal), but highly under-represented were the species from Asia-temperate
for Darjeeling (West Bengal), from Asia-tropical for Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, from Australasia for Jammu and
Kashmir, and form Southern America for Uttarakhand (Supporting Appendix-D Fig. S1). However, the Cramers V statistic showed a
weak relationship between the source region of alien plants and their destination (Cramers V =0.08, 95% condence intervals
(hereafter CI): 0.080.10).
The alien ora of the IHR consists of 575 (ca. 75%) perennials, 187 (ca. 24%) annuals, and nine (ca. 1%) biennials (Supporting
Appendix-D Table S2). Also, perennial was the dominant life span category in all the individual regions in IHR (Table S2). Furthermore,
Table 1
Status of total alien, cultivated, and naturalized ora for each state/union territory in the Indian Himalayan Region. The numbers are shown along
with densities (km
) in brackets for each category.
State/ Union territory Alien Cultivated Naturalized
Assam (AS) 364 (0.0047) 140 (0.0018) 224 (0.0028)
Arunachal Pradesh (AU) 186 (0.0023) 49 (0.0006) 137 (0.0017)
Himachal Pradesh (HP) 249 (0.0045) 78 (0.0014) 171 (0.0030)
Jammu and Kashmir (JK) 198 (0.0009) 49 (0.0002) 149 (0.0007)
Meghalaya (MG) 108 (0.0049) 28 (0.0012) 80 (0.0036)
Manipur (MN) 138 (0.0062) 48 (0.0022) 90 (0.0040)
Mizoram (MZ) 121 (0.0057) 39 (0.0019) 82 (0.0039)
Nagaland (NG) 126 (0.0076) 33 (0.0020) 93 (0.0056)
Sikkim (SK) 192 (0.0271) 54 (0.0077) 138 (0.0195)
Tripura (TR) 269 (0.0257) 108 (0.0103) 161 (0.0154)
Uttarakhand (UK) 633 (0.0119) 319 (0.0060) 314 (0.0059)
West Bengal (Darjeeling) (WB) 203 (0.0023) 51 (0.0006) 152 (0.0018)
Indian Himalayan Region (total) 771 375 396
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statistically these life span categories were not equally represented within the individual regions (
=70.85, df =22, p<0.001).
Annuals were highly over-represented in Jammu and Kashmir, but highly under-represented in Uttarakhand (Supporting Appendix-D
Fig. S2). Also, highly over-represented were the perennials from Uttarakhand but under-represented from Jammu and Kashmir
(Fig. S2). Furthermore, the Cramers V statistic showed a moderate relationship between the life span and individual regions (Cramers
V =0.11, CI =0.100.15).
In terms of growth form, the majority of alien plant species in the IHR were herbs (282, ca. 37%) followed by trees (218; 28%),
shrubs (137; 18%), vines (48; 6%), subshrubs (31; 4%), grasses (29, 4%), palms (15, 2%) and twiners (11; 1%) (Supporting Appendix-D
Table S3). Herb was also the dominant growth form category in all the regions in the IHR (Table S3). Furthermore, these growth form
categories were not equally represented within each region (
=158.31, df =77, p<0.001). Highly over-represented were the herbs
from Jammu and Kashmir, and palms and trees from Uttarakhand, while as highly under-represented were herbs from Uttarakhand,
shrubs from Jammu and Kashmir, and trees from Darjeeling (West Bengal) (Supporting Appendix-D Fig. S3). However, a weak
relationship was found between the growth form and individual regions (Cramers V =0.09, CI =0.100.12).
3.4. Naturalization status
Of the total 771 alien plant species present in the IHR, 375 (ca. 48%) species are known to be still under cultivation, while 396
(52%) species are growing in the wild as naturalized species. Further, the naturalization status categories were not equally distributed
within the life span (
=61.37, df =2, p<0.001) and growth form categories (
=171.48, df =7, p<0.001). For life span, annuals
have a higher probability to become naturalized (over-represented among the naturalized species but under-represented among the
cultivated ones), while perennials show the opposite trend (Fig. 3a). Similarly, according to the growth form, herbs have the higher
probability to become naturalized (over-represented among the naturalized species but under-represented among the cultivated ones),
while trees have the lowest probability to become naturalized (under-represented among the naturalized species but over-represented
among the cultivated ones) (Fig. 3b). Moreover, the Cramers V statistic showed a very strong relationship for naturalization status
with both life span (Cramers V =0.28, CI =0.230.35) and growth form categories (Cramers V =0.47, CI =0.420.53).
Furthermore, the categories of naturalization status were not equally distributed across the species origins (
=49.60, df =7,
Fig. 3. Comparison of observed and expected numbers of species according to their naturalization status and (a) life span and (b) growth form
categories. The Pearsons residuals derived from the contingency table are shown. Positive values of residuals sign higher observed values than
expected, negative residuals sign lower observed values than expected. The color represents the associated Pearsons residuals. [Abbreviations used:
G =Grass, H =Herb, P =Palm, S =Shrub, SS =Sub-shrub, T =Tree, TW =Twiner, V =Vine].
S.A. Wani et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
p<0.001). Species from Europe, Northern America, and Southern America had the highest probability of being naturalized; this
category was over-represented in the naturalized species, while cultivated species from these continents were under-represented
(Fig. 4).
3.5. Similarity in species composition of regional alien and naturalized oras
The total alien plant species similarity among the different regions in IHR as measured by Sorenson index varied from 0.25 to 0.73
(mean =0.44, SD =0.10) (Fig. 5a). Assam and Tripura are the most similar regions in terms of total alien ora, while Meghalaya and
Uttarakhand are the most dissimilar (Fig. 5a). In terms of naturalized alien plant species, the Sorensens similarity values varied
between 0.30 and 0.73 (mean =0.49, SD =0.10) (Fig. 5b). Here, Assam and Tripura, and Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim are the most
similar states, while Mizoram and West Bengal (Darjeeling) showed the most dissimilarity (Fig. 5b). Statistically, the results of the
Mantel test showed a signicant correlation between the Sorensens dissimilarity values for both the total alien and naturalized plant
species composition and the corresponding geographical distance among the regions in IHR (r=0.34 and 0.31 respectively; p<0.05).
3.6. Drivers of alien and naturalized plant richness
The Pearsons correlation analysis showed that total trafc length (TTL) was highly correlated with each of the total road lengths
(TRL), railway length (RL), surfaced road length (SRL), and total population (TP) (r >0.80), while as total area (TA) was highly
correlated with the protected area (PA) (r =0.92) (Supporting Appendix-D Fig. S4). Thus, from each pair of highly correlated vari-
ables, we selected TTL instead of TRL, RL, SRL, and TP and, TA instead of PA for further analysis. Based on the GLM statistic using alien
plant species richness as the dependent variable, the model showed that including all the selected explanatory variables explained 77%
of the variation in the data. However, the AICc scores for determining the most parsimonious model suggested that among all the
models obtained (Supporting Appendix-D Table S4), a single model (ΔAICc <2) including average annual rainfall turned out to be the
best predictor of the alien plant richness in each region of the IHR (AICc =151.57; AIC
=0.37) (Table 2). The other ve best
models (ΔAICc <4) included a combination of average annual rainfall and total trafc length (AICc =154.51; AIC
=0.08), total
trafc length (AICc =154.52; AIC
=0.08), forest area (AICc =155.01; AIC
=0.07), total area (AICc =155.02; AIC
0.07) and total plant richness (AICc =155.23; AIC
=0.06) (Table 2). However, these ve models were less well supported than
the most parsimonious (best-t) model (Table 2). Similarly, using the naturalized plant species richness as the dependent variable, the
results of GLM revealed that including all the explanatory variables in the model explained about 72% of the total variation in the data.
The AICc scores again suggested that among all the models obtained (Supporting Appendix-D Table S5), only a single model (ΔAICc <
2) including total trafc length was the best predictor of the naturalized plant richness in each region of the IHR (AICc =136.27;
=0.36) (Table 2). The other ve best models (ΔAICc <4) included average annual rainfall (AICc =138.76; AIC
total area (AICc =139.14; AIC
=0.08), a combination of average annual rainfall and total trafc length (AICc =139.23; AIC
=0.08), forest area (AICc =139.60; AIC
=0.07) and total plant richness (AICc =139.73; AIC
=0.06) (Table 2). However,
these ve models were once again less well supported than the best-t model (Table 2). Overall, these results indicate that the alien
Fig. 4. Comparison of observed and expected numbers of species according to their naturalization status and native biogeographical region. The
Pearsons residuals derived from the contingency table are shown. Positive values of residuals sign higher observed values than expected, negative
residuals sign lower observed values than expected. The color represents the associated Pearsons residuals. [Nativity - AFR =Africa, ATM=Asia
temperate, ATR =Asia tropical, AUS =Australasia, EUR =Europe, NAM =Northern America, PAC =Pacic, SAM =Southern America].
S.A. Wani et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
plant richness increases with the optimal climatic conditions especially average annual rainfall, while the total trafc length being the
prime indicator of economic activities plays a key role in facilitating the establishment and naturalization of alien plant species in the
4. Discussion
In the present study, a total of 771 alien plant species were recorded from the IHR, contributing about 48% to the total alien ora of
India (Khuroo et al., 2012). Also, a total of 396 naturalized plant species occur in the region, which together contributes ca. 84% of the
total naturalized ora of India (Inderjit et al., 2018). Such a higher number of alien and naturalized plant species present in the region
can be due to availability of diverse and heterogeneous landscapes, which provides multiple openings for the introduction and spread
of alien species in these regions (Bellard et al., 2014; Adhikari et al., 2015; Rojas-Sandoval et al., 2017; Khuroo et al., 2021). Also, the
rapidly increasing population and accelerating developmental activities experienced by the region as a result of reduced forest cover,
agricultural expansion, and urbanization and more recently due to increased tourism activities favor the introduction, establishment,
and spread of alien species (Jha and Bawa, 2006; Pathak et al., 2019; Khuroo et al., 2021). Moreover, the studied region has a long
history of serving as a trading route across Central Asia with eastward extension to the Far-east and westwards to the Middle East which
facilitated the easy colonization and establishment of introduced ora in the region.
The alien ora of Indian Himalaya followed the pattern of few winners at the cost of many losers, with only ve families
contributing ca. 36% of the total alien ora. This result is in accordance with the alien ora of India, wherein the rst ten families
contributed about 42% to the total alien ora (Khuroo et al., 2012). The predominant families found in this study are also among the
major contributors, although not exactly in the same order, to alien or naturalized oras of other Asian (Jiang et al., 2011; Uludag
et al., 2017; Patzelt et al., 2022) African (Ansong et al., 2019; Omer et al., 2021a) and European countries (Sandvik et al., 2019;
Leostrin and Pergl, 2021). The possible explanation for this can be that these families are known to be globally species-rich families and
hence harbor a higher proportion of alien species (Lambdon et al., 2008; Khuroo et al., 2012, 2021). Another plausible reason for this
can be the presence of key life-history traits including cosmopolitan nature and weedy tendency, and the relatively higher proportion
of agricultural or ornamental plants in these families, which in turn corresponds to a signicantly higher proportion of alien plant
species in such families (Medvecka et al., 2012; Mehraj et al., 2018; Khuroo et al., 2021).
During the present study, Uttarakhand was the dominant Indian Himalayan state both in terms of the number of total alien and
naturalized plant species. The probable reasons for this can be (i) more economic development (e.g., trafc length including widely
developed macadamized roads, abandoned non-macadomized roads, and railway length, and higher population density. Infact, the
locally abandoned roads that are interacting with protected areas such as forests play a major role in the introduction and naturali-
zation of some species in these pristine ecosystems (Grzedzicka, 2022) (ii) wide elevational gradient starting from the great Indian
Gangetic Plains to the highest mountain peaks in the Himalaya (Khuroo et al., 2021).
The Indian Himalaya had a majority representation of alien plant species from Southern America (28%). Again, Southern America
turned out to be the major source region to the alien ora of all the individual Himalayan regions. This trend is following several other
local and regional studies (Negi and Hajra, 2007; Weber et al., 2008a; Jiang et al., 2011; Khuroo et al., 2012; Jaryan et al., 2012;
Fig. 5. Plot of Sorensen similarity indices between the Indian Himalayan states/union territories based on (a) total alien and (b) naturalized plant
species composition. For the full form of abbreviations refer to Table 1.
S.A. Wani et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
Table 2
Coefcients estimated from the Generalized Linear Models for all the possible combinations of the selected explanatory variables using alien and naturalized plant species richness per state/union territory
as the dependent variables. Coefcients were estimated with negative binomial models. Models are arranged by AICc values. M all are the models including all the selected variables while M1, M2, M3,
M4, M5 and M6 are the six best-t models based on the AICc values.
Average annual rainfall (mm) Forest area (km
) Total plant species richness Total Area (km
) Total trafc length (km) AICc Δ AICc AIC
Models for alien plant richness
M1 -0.00027 151.57 0 0.37
M2 -0.00043 2.17e-06 154.51 2.94 0.08
M3 1.07e-06 154.52 2.95 0.08
M4 5.29e-06 155.01 3.44 0.07
M5 1.36e-06 155.02 3.45 0.07
M6 3.87e-06 155.23 3.67 0.06
M all -0.00069 1.09e-05 -5.39e-06 7.98e-05 3.06e-06 179.06 27.49 3.93e-07
Models for naturalized plant richness
M1 1.20e-06 136.27 0 0.36
M2 -0.00017 138.76 2.49 0.10
M3 1.94e-06 139.14 2.87 0.08
M4 -0.0003 1.92e-06 139.23 2.96 0.08
M5 4.83e-06 139.60 3.33 0.07
M6 3.73e-05 139.73 3.46 0.06
M all -0.00049 7.79e-06 -3.15e-06 7.00e-05 2.36e-06 164.85 28.58 2.21e-07
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Uludag et al., 2017; Inderjit et al., 2018). The probable reason for such a higher representation of species from Southern America can
be that these species nd the best habitats in the tropical climates of mainland India. Once established in the low-altitude areas, these
species move upwards along the mountains and become adapted to the mountainous landscapes of the Indian Himalaya as well
(Khuroo et al., 2021).
The alien ora of Indian Himalaya, as well as the individual states, was dominated by herbaceous growth form. The high proportion
of herbaceous taxa in alien oras has been reported by several other studies also (Singh et al., 2010; Jiang et al., 2011; Rojas-Sandoval
et al., 2017; Inderjit et al., 2018). The probable explanation for this can be the presence of traits like greater dispersal potential and the
ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions which can aid in a relatively higher proportion of herbs in the alien oras (Pyˇ
and Hulme, 2005; Khuroo et al., 2021). Another possible explanation can be the higher level of anthropogenic disturbance witnessed in
these eco-fragile mountainous regions (Adhikari et al., 2015). Such disturbed conditions could result in the successful establishment
and spread of rapidly colonizing ruderal plant species, like herbs (Inderjit et al., 2018).
During the present study, perennials turned out to be the dominant life form in the alien ora of Indian Himalaya as well as the
individual regions. This predominance of perennials in the alien oras has been shown by several other research studies conducted
both at the regional (Singh et al., 2010; Jaryan et al., 2012; Mehraj et al., 2018) as well as the broader spatial scales (Lambdon et al.,
2008; Weber et al., 2008a). This can be attributed to the fact that perennials by employing the vegetative propagation and clonal
strategies in their life cycle, dominate the alien oras (Milbau and Stout, 2008; Khuroo et al., 2021).
In the present study, the majority of the alien species (48%) were under cultivation. This result is in agreement with the alien ora
of entire India, where 51% of species were found to be under cultivation (Khuroo et al., 2012). To the best of our knowledge, most of
the studies conducted so far have focussed only on the naturalized component of alien ora (e.g., Jiang et al., 2011; Inderjit et al., 2018;
sek et al., 2017, but see Pergl et al., 2016; Patzelt et al., 2022). Interestingly, our study includes the cultivated pool of alien plant
species in addition to the wild occurring alien ora. The cultivated pool of alien ora is as equally important as the naturalized pool
because it acts as the future source of potentially invasive species (Khuroo et al., 2021). Several case studies exist in which the species
were initially under cultivation, but with time have escaped into the wild and grow at different stages along a naturalization-invasion
continuum (Khuroo et al., 2012, 2021; Gulzar et al., 2022).
The present study also showed that the higher tendency to become naturalized was observed in the species from Europe and the
Americas. This trend has been reported by several other researchers as well (Huang et al., 2009, 2010; Jiang et al., 2011). The probable
explanation for higher naturalization success of species from the Americas can be that most of the species from the American continents
have been reported to exhibit a strong allelopathic effect on the native species and thus exhibit strong competitive ability (Huang et al.,
2009). Another possible reason can be the climate matching between the region of origin and destination which favors the spread of
alien species and ultimately aids in their naturalization process. Similarly, herbaceous growth form has the highest tendency to become
naturalized while trees have the lower probability. This may again be attributed to species invasiveness traits possessed by the herbs
like shorter life cycle, greater dispersal potential, ability to tolerate harsh conditions, phenotypic plasticity to adapt to the changing
environment, and successful establishment in the disturbed habitats (Jiang et al., 2011; Khuroo et al., 2021).
The similarity among the 12 Indian Himalayan regions in terms of both numbers of alien and naturalized plant species showed
considerable variation. The possible explanation for such a variation in species composition may be the preferential human-mediated
introduction of alien species which is biased for different anthropogenic activities. Further, the differences in the altitudinal range and
topography of the studied Himalayan regions could be one of the key drivers that determine the composition and distribution patterns
of vegetation in eco-fragile mountainous areas (Mokarram and Sathyamoorthy, 2015; Malik and Nautiyal, 2016). More interestingly,
for both alien and naturalized plant composition, the dissimilarity between individual states was a function of distance as proved by
the Mental test, thereby providing empirical evidence for the existence of distance decay of similarity relationship.
The study identified that alien plant richness is best predicted by the average annual rainfall, while as the naturalized plant richness
is best predicted by total trafc length. The key role of average annual rainfall in governing both the total alien and naturalized plant
richness patterns has been conrmed by several other studies (Fuentes et al., 2015; Inderjit et al., 2018). This can be explained by the
fact that the alien plant species can be successful only in those new habitats where the local climatic conditions are favorable for their
growth, survival and establishment (Fuentes et al., 2015; Inderjit et al., 2018). Broadly speaking, the harsh environments with low
moisture may be less vulnerable to the growth and establishment of alien species, because only a few species are adapted to such harsh
environments (Zafferman et al., 2015). Further, the significant role of the total trafc length in shaping the patterns of naturalized
plant species in the Indian Himalayan regions is in line with the findings of several studies which have reported that transportation
networks act as conduits for the introduction and spread of alien species (Meunier and Lavoie, 2012; Dar et al., 2015; Ascens˜
ao and
Capinha, 2017; Rashid et al., 2021). Trafc length, being the backbone of the countrys economic development favors the introduction
and establishment of alien plant species and facilitates their spread and naturalization process (Meunier and Lavoie, 2012; Fuentes
et al., 2015; Rojas-Sandoval et al., 2017), as evidenced from the positive relationship between the countries leading in the road
networks and the corresponding number of alien species they harbor (Weber et al., 2008b; Christen and Matlack, 2009; Sharma et al.,
2010). Besides being a measure of economic development, the construction of road networks results in the disturbance of natural areas,
thus accelerating biological invasions (Reaser et al., 2007; Kueffer et al., 2010). Furthermore, vehicles act as an important vector for
plant dispersal, and road networks associated with higher trafc densities result in high propagule pressure of naturalized alien species
(Von der Lippe and Kowarik, 2008; Ansong and Pickering, 2013).
5. Conclusions and future research direction
The present study is novel in being the rst comprehensive compilation and analysis of alien ora in the IHR, including the
S.A. Wani et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02246
cultivated species pool which was neglected completely in the previous study (Inderjit et al., 2018). We provide a detailed taxonomic
inventory of the alien ora along with their native biogeographical range, life-history traits, and naturalization status. It also pinpoints
the existing knowledge gaps in the geographical distribution of alien plant species by providing trends in diversity and regional
distribution in this Himalaya biodiversity hotspot. Finally, it also provides an empirical assessment of key environmental, and so-
cioeconomic correlates of the alien and naturalized plant richness in the individual Himalayan regions. Hopefully, the research insights
from the present study nds practical applications in developing the scientically-informed management and policy framework to
mitigate the impacts of invasive species and to predict the potential future invaders in the Himalaya a globally data-decient region.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Sajad Ahmad Wani: Data curation; Formal analysis; Software; Validation; Visualization; Writing - original draft, revision. Rameez
Ahmad: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Methodology; Software; Validation; Visualization; Writing - original draft
& editing, revision. Ruquia Gulzar: Data curation; Validation, revision. Irfan Rashid (Botany): Supervision; Writing review &
editing. Akhtar Hussain Malik: Data curation; Validation. Irfan Rashid (Geoinformatics): Supervision; Writing review & editing.
Anzar Ahmad Khuroo: Conceptualization; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Su-
pervision; Writing - original draft & editing, revision.
Declaration of Competing Interest
No conict of interest from the authors.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
Anzar Ahmad Khuroo acknowledges the nancial support by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and
Technology, Government of India, under grant order No. BT/PR29607/FCB/125/17/2018. Sajad Ahmad Wani and Ruquia Gulzar
acknowledge the University Grants Commission (UGC), the Government of India for providing the fellowship. We are highly thankful
to Petr Pyˇ
sek and Jan Pergl, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic for providing constructive comments on
the previous versions of the manuscript. We are thankful to two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments which has improved
the quality of the manuscript.
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02246.
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S.A. Wani et al.
... Diversity patterns and structural compositions are two major prioritized factors that should be considered to improve our understanding of ecosystem conservation and management (Altaf et al., 2022;Wani et al., 2022). Several research has been conducted on floristic compositions based on different parameters, such as topographical (elevation, slope, aspect, etc.) and environmental variables (e.g., temperature, precipitation, etc.), explaining the importance of mountain forests in the world (Báez et al., 2022;Cheng et al., 2023;Li et al., 2020;Monge-González et al., 2020) and in India (Ahmad et al., 2020;Buragohain et al., 2023;Murthy et al., 2016). ...
... Furthermore, concerning studies on elevation, beta diversity is crucial (Baselga, 2010). The Sorensen dissimilarity index is one of the common methods used to assess beta diversity (Krishnadas & Osuri, 2021;Wani et al., 2022) based on presenceabsence data (Koleff et al., 2003). Based on the Sorensen (β sor ) and Simpson (β sim ) indices, the overall spatial dissimilarity is partitioned into two parts (nestedness and turnover). ...
... The dissimilarity among the zones may be due to the high difference in elevation, a key driver for this study, which is consistent with other studies (Hilmers et al., 2018;Swenson et al., 2011), while in their studies, they have also suggested that age and time can also be a reason for the changes in species turnover. For example, in our study, we have observed that based on the partitioning of β sor , turnover (β SIM ) contributed more compared to nestedness (β SNE ) to overall dissimilarity for all the zones, which aligns with similar studies (Viana et al., 2016;Wani et al., 2022;Yao et al., 2020). A significant contribution of the turnover component could point to a natural process of species replacement (Soininen et al., 2018). ...
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Srivilliputhur Wildlife Sanctuary holds significant value being a part of Western Ghats, which remains unexplored in terms of vegetation. The current study is the first quantitative assess- ment of tree distribution along an elevation gradient combined with environmental variables. Sampling was conducted from December 2020 to April 2021 in six elevation zones (Z1 to Z6). A total of 135 plots of 20m × 20m size were established, and the stems were measured (>30 cm GBH). Across a 5.4 ha studied area, 2157 individuals representing 188 tree species and 48 families were documented. Tree density (348-473 ind. ha−1), basal area (21.71-36.59 m2 ha−1), and species richness (84-122) were highest at mid-elevations. One-way ANOVA result high- lighted the significant influence of elevation on species richness (p < 0.05). Canonical Correspondence Analysis revealed a good correlation between environmental variables and elevation. Furthermore, beta diversity showed intermediate dissimilarity between zones, ran- ging from 0.30 to 0.61. Z1 and Z6 exhibited the most dissimilarity (60%). Our study revealed tree diversity was least at higher elevations, suggesting good evidence of elevation and environmental filtering in shaping the overall tree diversity. Besides, the scarcity of a few species showed a point of concern. Hence, the current study suggests the implementation of strategic conservation plans to conserve species diversity in this area.
... The Himalayan region is recognized for its breath-taking landscape and unique biodiversity, which includes an immense variety of animal, plant and microorganism species. However, the biodiversity of this unique landscape is under threat due to escalating human activities and rising temperatures (Thapa et al., 2018;Wani et al., 2022). Globally, the spread of invasive species is recognized as one of the dominant causes for environmental changes (Khuroo et al., 2007;McDougall et al., 2011;Pysek et al., 2020). ...
... During the last decade there are many studies have examined the status, distribution, and spread dynamics of invasive species in the Himalayas (Sood et al., 2011;Sekar, 2012;Jaryan et al., 2013;Thapa et al., 2018;Lamsal et al., 2018;Pathak et al., 2019;Rai and Singh, 2021;Wani et al., 2022;Joshi et al., 2024a;Nayak et al., 2024). Recently, Wani et al. (2022) documented 771 alien plant species in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), with many being invasive. ...
... During the last decade there are many studies have examined the status, distribution, and spread dynamics of invasive species in the Himalayas (Sood et al., 2011;Sekar, 2012;Jaryan et al., 2013;Thapa et al., 2018;Lamsal et al., 2018;Pathak et al., 2019;Rai and Singh, 2021;Wani et al., 2022;Joshi et al., 2024a;Nayak et al., 2024). Recently, Wani et al. (2022) documented 771 alien plant species in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), with many being invasive. However, sociological studies on plant invasions have been relatively lower in recent years (Chaudhary et al., 2022;Kumar and Garkoti, 2024). ...
... It covers 12 states of India of India from Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. Its forest cover is vital to maintain environment and ecological balance (Wani et al 2022) and provide numerous ecological and environmental services. Indian Himalayan Region is mostly dominated with different types of s . ...
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is one of the dominant species of the Indian Himalayan region. The species is well known for its beautiful Rhododendron arboreum flowers and ecological importance. The flowers of is used by the local people to make juice, jam, syrup, chutney, honey, squash, R. arboreum etc. But, increasing demand of its products and uncontrolled collection of flowers by local inhabitants for ethno-botanical purposes and fulfillment of their basic livelihood, the species is facing threat in its natural habitat. Additionally, reduced regeneration capability due to various ecological and anthropogenic factors has led to drastic reduction in natural population of in forest. Sustainable harvesting R. arboreum practices and community awareness can help balance human needs with ecological preservation ensuring the survival of this vulnerable species for future generations. Present review focuses on ecological behavior of the species, its socioeconomic importance, regeneration, threats and an immediate conservation measure to combat it's over exploitation.
... Trees, Forests and People 18 (2024) 100721 (Wani et al., 2023). However, many studies (Ahmad et al., 2021;Rawat and Negi, 2021;Wani et al., 2022) revealed that topography and climatic conditions in the Himalayan region vary significantly, contributing to variations in species diversity and distribution patterns with respect to slope, aspect and altitude. Particularly, the temperature system and diversification of forest species are regulated by altitude of an area (Bhardwaj et al., 2021). ...
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Antecedentes: Los inventarios florísticos documentan especies observadas en una región y constituyen aportes básicos para el conocimiento de sus recursos bióticos. Jalisco es uno de los estados con mayor riqueza florística a nivel nacional. Sin embargo, las constantes adiciones que se documentan con el trabajo exploratorio y los periódicos cambios taxonómicos hacen necesario tener un inventario actualizado de sus plantas vasculares. Preguntas: ¿Cuál es la riqueza, endemismo y distribución de la flora vascular de Jalisco? Especies de estudio: Traqueofitas. Sitio y años de estudio: Jalisco; septiembre 2020 a febrero 2024. Métodos: Se compiló una lista actualizada de especies a partir de revisión de literatura, consulta de especímenes del herbario IBUG y bases electrónicas disponibles en línea. Se estimó la riqueza total para el estado y para cada municipio. Se estimaron los índices de diversidad taxonómica y de complementariedad de especies entre municipios. Resultados: La flora vascular incluyó 242 familias, 1,622 géneros y 7,110 especies. Se registraron 3,310 especies endémicas de México, 412 especies endémicas de Jalisco y 390 especies exóticas. Los municipios con más especies fueron Autlán de Navarro, Cuautitlán de García Barragán y La Huerta. Conclusiones: La flora vascular de Jalisco ocupa el cuarto lugar entre las floras más ricas de México. El incremento en las cifras de riqueza, endemismo, incluso de especies introducidas, pone de manifiesto la necesidad de continuar documentando la flora mexicana.
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Biological invasions pose a significant threat to sustenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services, with their incidence expected to rise due to globalization and climate change. Regional inventories of alien species are important for monitoring and managing the biological invasions, particularly in world’s mountains which till recently were immune to invasions but are increasingly becoming vulnerable to invasive species. This study presents the first comprehensive inventory and status assessment of the alien flora in Ladakh – a remote and unique biogeographic region in Indian Trans-Himalaya. Based on field data collected from 2018 to 2023, we provide taxonomic composition of alien flora in Ladakh, including information on invasion status (cultivated, naturalized and invasive), biogeographic affiliation, habitat and life-form characteristics, and pathways of introduction. In total, we recorded 104 alien plant species, accounting ∼ 5.7% to the region's flora. Of these, 24 alien species are under cultivation, while the remaining 80 are aliens growing in wild, with 52 naturalized and 28 invasive. The most species-rich families are Asteraceae (20 species), Amaranthaceae (12 species), Poaceae (7 species), Salicaceae (6 species), and Fabaceae (5 species). Most alien species in the region are native to temperate Asia (34 species), followed by Europe (30 species). The alien species primarily colonize human-dominated habitats, such as roadsides and agricultural fields. Additionally, we found that the elevational distribution of the alien species richness in the region exhibits a unimodal hump-shaped pattern, with the highest number of alien species (73 species) occurring between 2600–3000 meters. The elevational width and maximum elevation of alien species was positively correlated with the maximum elevation in their native region. In an era of rising risks of climate change and rapid land-use transformation in the Himalayan highlands, this first assessment of the alien flora of the Ladakh will foster further research, inform early eradication, and guide pro-active plant invasion management in the region, with lessons for such environments elsewhere.
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Legumes have various types of active constituents with disinfection and disease-prevention properties. They are highly nutritious , providing carbohydrates, proteins, fibre, vitamins, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. They are free of saturated fats and cholesterol. The Fabaceae or Leguminosae is regarded as legume family, which includes a major group of plant resources in the northwestern Himalayan region, primarily used as food as well as medicine. The term 'Nutraceutical' is derived from two words 'nutrient' means nourishing food component and 'pharmaceutical', which means a medicinal drug. It refers to any product derived from food resources having extra health benefits and nutritional value. These include minerals, vitamins , herbs and their extracts, which provide us with health benefits and play a significant role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases like diabetes, renal disorders, gastrointestinal ailments, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, Alzheimer's disease , Parkinson's disease, allergies, eye conditions, obesity and so forth. Therefore, nutraceuticals may contribute to preventing chronic diseases, improving health, postponing the ageing process and increasing life expectancy by supporting the functions and integrity of the body. The northwestern Himalayan region has several species of legumes of utmost significance due to their nutraceutical and therapeutic potential. Among these, major legumes are lentil, chickpea, soybean, kidney bean and groundnut, while several others legumes have rather limited commercial significance. Various parts, that is, young pods, fresh or mature seeds, leaves and flowers, of these legume plants are used for human consumption. In this article, efforts have been made to compile the nutraceutical and medicinal inferences of leguminous plants of northwest Himalaya. The information provided also pertains to the nutritional benefits, antinutritional properties and distribution of legumes in various regions of northwestern Himalaya through the analysis of different works available in the literature.
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Legumes have various types of active constituents with disinfection and disease‐prevention properties. They are highly nutritious, providing carbohydrates, proteins, fibre, vitamins, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. They are free of saturated fats and cholesterol. The Fabaceae or Leguminosae is regarded as legume family, which includes a major group of plant resources in the north‐western Himalayan region, primarily used as food as well as medicine. The term ‘Nutraceutical’ is derived from two words ‘nutrient’ means nourishing food component and ‘pharmaceutical’, which means a medicinal drug. It refers to any product derived from food resources having extra health benefits and nutritional value. These include minerals, vitamins, herbs and their extracts, which provide us with health benefits and play a significant role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases like diabetes, renal disorders, gastrointestinal ailments, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, allergies, eye conditions, obesity and so forth. Therefore, nutraceuticals may contribute to preventing chronic diseases, improving health, postponing the ageing process and increasing life expectancy by supporting the functions and integrity of the body. The north‐western Himalayan region has several species of legumes of utmost significance due to their nutraceutical and therapeutic potential. Among these, major legumes are lentil, chickpea, soybean, kidney bean and groundnut, while several others legumes have rather limited commercial significance. Various parts, that is, young pods, fresh or mature seeds, leaves and flowers, of these legume plants are used for human consumption. In this article, efforts have been made to compile the nutraceutical and medicinal inferences of leguminous plants of north‐west Himalaya. The information provided also pertains to the nutritional benefits, antinutritional properties and distribution of legumes in various regions of north‐western Himalaya through the analysis of different works available in the literature.
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Caucasian hogweeds, mainly the Sosnowsky’s hogweed Heracleum sosnowskyi and the giant hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum, create one of the most problematic plant invasions in the world. Due to their large size (weeds reaching 4–5 meters in height), they seem to be herbaceous plants that can threaten birds living in forest stands. This research quantified the structure and diversity of the forest birds’ community in forests with varying areas of invasive hogweeds located in south-eastern Poland. Changes in the accompanying non-forest birds’ community were also assessed. The study addressed the following questions: 1. How does the invaded area correlate with the abundance of forest birds? 2. How do communities and species respond to invaded vegetation? 3. How do the invading plants affect the various types of diversity of forest and non-forest birds? It turned out that both surveyed bird communities had a lower alpha diversity in invaded sites. Only forest birds, not able to change their location easily, formed a unique community (i.e., had a higher beta diversity) near invaders. Forest birds showed unchanged functional diversity based on the relative bird abundance and their connection, or lack of it, with the forest development phases. The effect of hogweeds on the abundance of forest birds was more negative in severely invaded areas with anthropogenic habitats. Non-forest birds showed higher species loss near the invasion, constant beta diversity and decreased functional diversity. This study is important as the forest is a climax community in the temperate zone, and unused open areas become spontaneously overgrown with young forests. Weeds disseminating after crop abandonment can highly and commonly affect forest and non-forest bird communities co-occurring in this type of overgrowing area.
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We present the first inventory and status assessment of the alien flora of Oman, mainly based on field data collected from 1998 to 2021. The study provides (i) a comprehensive account of alien vascular plant species occurring in the wild in Oman, with information on their taxonomic composition. For each species information is given on (ii) invasion status (casual, naturalized or invasive), biogeography, habitat and life-form characteristics, and pathways of introduction. Further, we (iii) explain the differences in the alien species composition in different parts of the country, and (iv) analyse the drivers of plant invasions in Oman. Out of the 111 alien species reported (7.7% of the total Oman vascular flora), 34 species are casuals and 77 naturalized; of the latter seven are considered invasive. The moderate number of alien plant species is likely a result of the country’s arid climate, with extremely high summer temperatures and low annual precipitation in most of its area, and the relatively long isolation of the country. The families richest in alien plant species are Fabaceae (17 species), Asteraceae (14 species) and Poaceae (12 species). More alien plants were found in northern Oman (82 species) than in southern Oman (60 species), and very few species are recorded from the central desert (7 species). The main habitats colonized were man-made habitats, either ruderal or agricultural. Most species alien to Oman are native to South America (49 species) or North America (43 species). This inventory provides a knowledge base for developing a national management strategy for alien vascular plants in Oman.
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The Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R. Congo) represents a striking gap of knowledge on alien plant species. In this paper, we use digitised herbarium collections to assemble a new checklist of alien plant species in D.R. Congo and to examine patterns in the alien flora. The new checklist comprises 436 alien species i.e., 189 (43%) casuals, 247 (57%) naturalised of which 80 (18% of aliens) are invasive. Discrepancies with previous databases are discussed. For many species in previous databases, all herbarium specimens come from cultivated specimens (e.g. botanic gardens) and we failed to find evidence for occurrence outside of cultivation. A total of 166 taxa were not included in previous lists, 41 of which are new records to the flora of D.R. Congo. Considering the size of the country and its rich native flora, the alien flora of D.R. Congo does not appear to be species-rich. The alien flora is particularly rich in Fabaceae (16%) and in annual species (37%). The Americas are by far the most important source continent (65%) and the proportion of annuals of American origin is particularly large among the most widespread species. 90% of invasive species are from the Americas. Invasive success is discussed in terms of residence time. The very low number of new species records after 1960 is similar to other African countries and could be due to decreasing sampling effort. The results illustrate how herbarium collections can be used to critically revise existing checklists of alien species in tropical Africa. Field work is urgently needed to improve coverage of recent introductions and to monitor the status of alien species, especially in protected areas and around botanic gardens.
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Invasive species are a subset of naturalized species, and naturalized species are a subset of alien species. Determining the relationship among these three assemblages would be helpful in predicting and preventing biological invasion. Here, we reviewed the families, lifeforms, origins, introduction pathways and phylogenetic diversity of alien, naturalized and invasive vascular plants in China. The results show that species in the Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae families had a high dominance among alien, naturalized and invasive species. Moreover, almost all alien species in the Amaranthaceae, Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae and Euphorbiaceae families became naturalized species, and about 26.7% of the naturalized species became invasive species. Perennial herbs comprised a higher proportion of alien species than did annual herbs, though annual herbs were more suited to becoming invasive than perennial herbs. A considerable proportion (57.8%) of invasive species were introduced from America. More than half (56.5%) of alien species were introduced for their ornamental value, and half of these have become naturalized in China. Moreover, about half (55.2%) of all invasive species were introduced for their economic value (including ornamental, foraging and medicinal purposes). Invasive species were phylogenetically clustered and phylogenetically distant from alien and naturalized species, which indicates that phylogenetic differences could be helpful in becoming invasive. There is no doubt that human activity plays a significant role in biological invasion. This study suggests that when introducing alien species to a region, decision-makers should certainly consider the species’ phylogeny, beyond just its fundamental characteristics.
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Biological invasions are one of the most defining features of the Anthropocene. Most studies on biological invasions focus on the later stages of the invasion process, that is after species have already become naturalized. It is frequently overlooked, however, that patterns in origin, phylogeny and traits of naturalized alien species might largely reflect which species have been introduced in the first place. Here, we quantify and assess such introduction biases by analyzing 5317 plant species introduced for cultivation (i.e. primarily as ornamental garden plants) in the 10 countries composing Southern Africa. We show that this cultivated alien flora represents a non‐random subset of the global flora and that this bias at the introduction stage largely contributes to patterns in geographic origin, phylogenetic composition and traits of the naturalized flora. For example, while species from Australasia are, compared to the global flora, disproportionally overrepresented in the naturalized cultivated flora of Southern Africa, this pattern is driven by their higher likelihood of introduction for cultivation. The same is true for the overrepresentation of free‐standing woody species in the naturalized cultivated flora. The strong phylogenetic clustering of the naturalized cultivated flora is also, to a large extent, driven by introduction bias. Although functional traits explained little variation in naturalization success of cultivated plants, naturalization success was more likely for plants with intermediate seed mass and height and high specific leaf area. Thus, despite strong biases in which species have been introduced to Southern Africa, there are significant patterns in the species characteristics related to naturalization probability. Our quantification of introduction biases demonstrates that they are huge, and that accounting for it is important to avoid over‐ or under‐emphasizing the characteristics of successfully naturalized alien plants.
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The significant portion of global terrestrial biodiversity harboured in the mountains is under increasing threat from various anthropogenic impacts. Protecting fragile mountain ecosystems requires understanding how these human disturbances affect biodiversity. As roads and railways are extended further into mountain ecosystems, understanding the long‐term impacts of this infrastructure on community composition and diversity gains urgency. We used railway corridors constructed across the mountainous landscapes of the Kashmir Himalaya from 1994 to 2013 to study the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on species distributions and community dynamics. In 2014 and 2017, we collected vegetation data along 31 T‐shaped transects laid perpendicular to the railway line, adopting the MIREN (Mountain Invasion Research Network) road survey methodology. Plant communities shifted significantly from 2014 to 2017, potentially because of an ongoing species redistribution after railway construction, driven mainly by declines in both native and non‐native species richness, and an increasing abundance of a few non‐native species, especially in areas away from the railway track. These patterns indicate an advancing succession, where initially—rare—pioneer species are replaced by increasingly dominant and often non‐native competitors, and potentially suggest a trend towards delayed local extinctions after the disturbance event. Native and non‐native species richness was negatively correlated with elevation, but that relationship diminished over time, with the abundance of non‐natives significantly increasing at higher elevations. Synthesis and applications. Transport corridors seem to facilitate the spread of non‐native species to higher elevations, which has serious implications considering the warming mountain tops. Our results indicate that the plant communities next to railways do not reach equilibrium quickly after a disturbance. More than 10 years after railway establishment within Kashmir Himalaya, succession continued, and signs pointed towards a landscape increasingly dominated by non‐native species. Our study indicates that the single disturbance event associated with constructing railway in this Himalayan region had large and long‐lasting effects on plant communities at and around this transport corridor and suggests the need for a long‐term region‐wide coordinated monitoring and management program.
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The manuscript presents the first comprehensive assessment of alien vascular plants in Kostroma Oblast (Upper Volga, central European Russia), a region with low human density and high proportions of natural and seminatural habitats (boreal forests). The data set combines literature published for 1866–2020 and direct field observations made in 2011–2020. Among the 1200 vascular taxa listed for this region, 330 are neophytes, including 125 casual and 172 naturalized species, with 21 species considered invasive; 33 casual species recorded for the region have vanished. Additionally, we identified 14 naturalized species as potentially invasive. Overall, naturalized alien plants made up ca. 14% of the vascular flora of Kostroma Oblast. Elodea canadensis, Erigeron canadensis, Heracleum pubescens, Lupinus polyphyllus, and Matricaria discoidea are the most widely distributed invasive species across the region. The majority of naturalized taxa originated from Eurasia (i.e., Europe, the Mediterranean, and Asia), while in invasive flora, there is a clear dominance of species from North America. Biennial/perennial herbs are the most common naturalized plants, followed by annuals, while woody species are poorly represented. Twenty-five naturalized species (ca. 8% of all neophyte taxa) were recorded in at least half of all districts in the region. The number of naturalized species per district was notably uneven, increasing in districts with higher human population densities. Compared to other European regions in Russia, Kostroma Oblast has poor alien and particularly naturalized flora; this condition is linked to the socioeconomic features and climatic conditions of the region.
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Since the early 1990s, ecologists and evolutionary biologists have aggregated primary research using meta-analytic methods to understand ecological and evolutionary phenomena. Meta-analyses can resolve long-standing disputes, dispel spurious claims, and generate new research questions. At their worst, however, meta-analysis publications are wolves in sheep's clothing: subjective with biased conclusions, hidden under coats of objective authority. Conclusions can be rendered unreliable by inappropriate statistical methods, problems with the methods used to select primary research, or problems within the primary research itself. Because of these risks, meta-analyses are increasingly conducted as part of systematic reviews, which use structured, transparent, and reproducible methods to collate and summarise evidence. For readers to determine whether the conclusions from a systematic review or meta-analysis should be trusted - and to be able to build upon the review - authors need to report what they did, why they did it, and what they found. Complete, transparent, and reproducible reporting is measured by 'reporting quality'. To assess perceptions and standards of reporting quality of systematic reviews and meta-analyses published in ecology and evolutionary biology, we surveyed 208 researchers with relevant experience (as authors, reviewers, or editors), and conducted detailed evaluations of 102 systematic review and meta-analysis papers published between 2010 and 2019. Reporting quality was far below optimal and approximately normally distributed. Measured reporting quality was lower than what the community perceived, particularly for the systematic review methods required to measure trustworthiness. The minority of assessed papers that referenced a guideline (~16%) showed substantially higher reporting quality than average, and surveyed researchers showed interest in using a reporting guideline to improve reporting quality. The leading guideline for improving reporting quality of systematic reviews is the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Here we unveil an extension of PRISMA to serve the meta-analysis community in ecology and evolutionary biology: PRISMA-EcoEvo (version 1.0). PRISMA-EcoEvo is a checklist of 27 main items that, when applicable, should be reported in systematic review and meta-analysis publications summarising primary research in ecology and evolutionary biology. In this explanation and elaboration document, we provide guidance for authors, reviewers, and editors, with explanations for each item on the checklist, including supplementary examples from published papers. Authors can consult this PRISMA-EcoEvo guideline both in the planning and writing stages of a systematic review and meta-analysis, to increase reporting quality of submitted manuscripts. Reviewers and editors can use the checklist to assess reporting quality in the manuscripts they review. Overall, PRISMA-EcoEvo is a resource for the ecology and evolutionary biology community to facilitate transparent and comprehensively reported systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
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Aim: The Pacific exhibits an exceptional number of naturalized plant species, but the drivers of this high diversity and the associated compositional patterns remain largely unknown. Here, we aim to (a) improve our understanding of introduction and establishment processes and (b) evaluate whether this information is sufficient to create scientific conservation tools, such as watchlists. Location: Islands in the Pacific Ocean, excluding larger islands such as New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia. Methods: We combined information from the most up-to-date data sources to quantify naturalized plant species richness and turnover across island groups and investigate the effects of anthropogenic, biogeographic and climate drivers on these patterns. In total, we found 2,672 naturalized plant species across 481 islands and 50 island groups, with a total of 11,074 records. Results: Most naturalized species were restricted to few island groups, and most island groups have a low number of naturalized species. Island groups with few naturalized species were characterized by a set of widespread naturalized species. Several plant families that contributed many naturalized species globally also did so in the Pacific, particularly Fabaceae and Poaceae. However, many families were significantly over-­ or under-­represented in the Pacific naturalized flora compared to other regions of the world. Naturalized species richness increased primarily with increased human activity and island altitude/area, whereas similarity between island groups in temperature along with richness differences was most important for beta diversity. Main conclusions: The distribution and richness of naturalized species can be explained by a small set of drivers. The Pacific region contains many naturalized plant species also naturalized in other regions in the world, but our results highlight key differences such as a stronger role of anthropogenic drivers in shaping diversity patterns. Our results establish a basis for predicting and preventing future naturalizations in a threatened biodiversity hotspot.
Naturalisation is the most crucial stage along the ecological process of introduction-naturalisation-invasion continuum. Therefore, reporting the transition of alien plant species at the naturalised stage along the continuum can be crucial for the early warning and rapid response in invasion management. Here we report Ranunculus repens as a new distribution record from Kashmir Himalaya. We provide a floristic account of this newly naturalised species and photographic illustrations of the distinguishing characters from an allied species, R. bulbosus, with which it is misidentified in the region. We also investigated the ecological aspects of this naturalised species by undertaking quadrat sampling in the R. repens-dominated community. Our results revealed that R. repens show positive association with those native species in the community which possess similar traits, but show interestingly negative association with other alien species found within the same community, thus hinting towards habitat filtering among the alien species pool in the region. Hopefully, the present study will validate report of R. repens from this Himalayan region, facilitate its field identification, guide control strategies at this early stage of naturalisation when chances of management success are maximum and prompt further studies on its potential invasion risk. Supplemental data for this article is available online at