
Complex-analytic intermediate hyperbolicity, and finiteness properties

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Motivated by the finiteness of the set of automorphisms [Formula: see text] of a projective manifold of general type [Formula: see text], and by Kobayashi–Ochiai’s conjecture that a projective manifold [Formula: see text]-analytically hyperbolic (also known as strongly measure hyperbolic) should be of general type, we investigate the finiteness properties of [Formula: see text] for a complex manifold satisfying a (pseudo-) intermediate hyperbolicity property. We first show that a complex manifold [Formula: see text] which is [Formula: see text]-analytically hyperbolic has indeed finite automorphisms group. We then obtain a similar statement for a pseudo-[Formula: see text]-analytically hyperbolic, strongly measure hyperbolic projective manifold [Formula: see text], under an additional hypothesis on the size of the degeneracy set. Some of the properties used during the proofs lead us to introduce a notion of intermediate Picard hyperbolicity, which we last discuss.

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We extend Lang's conjectures to the setting of intermediate hyperbolicity and prove two new results motivated by these conjectures. More precisely, we first extend the notion of algebraic hyperbolicity (originally introduced by Demailly) to the setting of intermediate hyperbolicity and show that this property holds if the appropriate exterior power of the cotangent bundle is ample. Then, we prove that this intermediate algebraic hyperbolicity implies the finiteness of the group of birational automorphisms and of the set of surjective maps from a given projective variety. Our work answers the algebraic analogue of a question of Kobayashi on analytic hyperbolicity.
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We extend Lang's conjectures to the setting of intermediate hyperbolicity and prove two new results motivated by these conjectures. More precisely, we first extend the notion of algebraic hyperbolicity (originally introduced by Demailly) to the setting of intermediate hyperbolicity and show that this property holds if the appropriate exterior power of the cotangent bundle is ample. Then, we prove that this intermediate algebraic hyperbolicity implies the finiteness of the group of birational automorphisms and of the set of surjective maps from a given projective variety. Our work answers the algebraic analogue of a question of Kobayashi on analytic hyperbolicity.
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In this paper, we study a variation in a conjecture of Debarre on positivity of cotangent bundles of complete intersections. We establish the ampleness of Schur powers of cotangent bundles of generic complete intersections in projective manifolds, with high enough explicit codimension and multi-degrees. Our approach is naturally formulated in terms of flag bundles and allows one to reach the optimal codimension. On complex manifolds, this ampleness property implies intermediate hyperbolic properties. We give a natural application of our main result in this context.
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Let X be a complex algebraic variety. We say that X is Borel hyperbolic if, for every finite type reduced scheme S over the complex numbers, every holomorphic map from S to X is algebraic. We use a transcendental specialization technique to prove that X is Borel hyperbolic if and only if, for every smooth affine complex algebraic curve C , every holomorphic map from C to X is algebraic. We use the latter result to prove that Borel hyperbolicity shares many common features with other notions of hyperbolicity such as Kobayashi hyperbolicity.
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Demailly’s conjecture, which is a consequence of the Green–Griffiths–Lang conjecture on varieties of general type, states that an algebraically hyperbolic complex projective variety is Kobayashi hyperbolic. Our aim is to provide evidence for Demailly’s conjecture by verifying several predictions it makes. We first define what an algebraically hyperbolic projective variety is, extending Demailly’s definition to (not necessarily smooth) projective varieties over an arbitrary algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and we prove that this property is stable under extensions of algebraically closed fields. Furthermore, we show that the set of (not necessarily surjective) morphisms from a projective variety Y to a projective algebraically hyperbolic variety X that map a fixed closed subvariety of Y onto a fixed closed subvariety of X is finite. As an application, we obtain that Aut(X){{\,\mathrm{Aut}\,}}(X) is finite and that every surjective endomorphism of X is an automorphism. Finally, we explore “weaker” notions of hyperbolicity related to boundedness of moduli spaces of maps, and verify similar predictions made by the Green–Griffiths–Lang conjecture on hyperbolic projective varieties.
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These notes are an expanded version of lectures delivered at the AMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry, held at Santa Cruz in July 1995. The main goal of the notes is to study complex varieties (mostly compact or projective algebraic ones), through a few geometric questions related to hyperbolicity in the sense of Kobayashi. A convenient framework for this is the category of "directed manifolds", that is, the category of pairs (X, V) where X is a complex manifold and V a holomorphic subbundle of T X . If X is compact, the pair (X, V) is hyperbolic if and only if there are no nonconstant entire holomorphic curves f : C → X tangent to V (Brody's criterion). We describe a construction of projectivized k-jet bundles P k V , which generalizes a construction made by Semple in 1954 and allows to analyze hyperbolicity in terms of negativity properties of the curvature. More precisely, π k : P k V → X is a tower of projective bundles over X and carries a canonical line bundle O P k V (1) ; the hyperbolicity of X is then conjecturally equivalent to the existence of suitable singular hermitian metrics of negative curvature on O P k V (−1) for k large enough. The direct images (π k) ⋆ O P k V (m) can be viewed as bundles of algebraic differential operators of order k and degree m, acting on germs of curves and invariant under reparametrization. Following an approach initiated by Green and Griffiths, we establish a basic Ahlfors-Schwarz lemma in the situation when O P k V (−1) has a (possibly singular) metric of negative curvature, and we infer that every nonconstant entire curve f : C → V tangent to V must be contained in the base locus of the metric. This basic result is then used to obtain a proof of the Bloch theorem, according to which the Zariski closure of an entire curve in a complex torus is a translate of a subtorus. Our hope, supported by explicit Riemann-Roch calculations and other geometric considerations, is that the Semple bundle construction should be an efficient tool to calculate the base locus. Necessary or sufficient algebraic criteria for hyperbolicity are then obtained in terms of inequalities relating genera of algebraic curves drawn on the variety, and singularities of such curves. We finally describe some techniques introduced by Siu in value distribution theory, based on a use of meromorphic connections. These techniques have been developped later by Nadel to produce elegant examples of hyperbolic surfaces of low degree in projective 3-space; thanks to a suitable concept of "partial projective projection" and the associated Wronskian operators, substantial improvements on Nadel's degree estimate will be achieved here. 2 J.-P. Demailly, Kobayashi hyperbolic projective varieties and jet differentials Key words: Kobayashi hyperbolic variety, directed manifold, genus of curves, jet bundle, jet differential, jet metric, Chern connection and curvature, negativity of jet curvature, variety of general type.
This two volume work on Positivity in Algebraic Geometry contains a contemporary account of a body of work in complex algebraic geometry loosely centered around the theme of positivity. Topics in Volume I include ample line bundles and linear series on a projective variety, the classical theorems of Lefschetz and Bertini and their modern outgrowths, vanishing theorems, and local positivity. Volume II begins with a survey of positivity for vector bundles, and moves on to a systematic development of the theory of multiplier ideals and their applications. A good deal of this material has not previously appeared in book form, and substantial parts are worked out here in detail for the first time. At least a third of the book is devoted to concrete examples, applications, and pointers to further developments. Volume I is more elementary than Volume II, and, for the most part, it can be read without access to Volume II.
This paper studies the intrinsic measures on complex manifolds first introduced by Eisenman in analogy with the intrinsic distances of Kobayashi. Some standard conjectures, together with several new ones, are considered and partial or complete answers are provided. Most of the counterexamples come from a doser examination of unbounded domains in complex euclidean space. In particular, a large class of unbounded hyperbolic domains are exhibited. Those unbounded domains of finite euclidean volume are also singled out for discussion.
Let X be a smooth connected projective manifold, together with an snc orbifold divisor Δ\Delta , such that the pair (X,Δ)(X, \Delta ) is log-canonical. If KX+ΔK_{X}+\Delta is pseudo-effective, we show, among other things, that any quotient of its orbifold cotangent bundle has a pseudo-effective determinant. This improves considerably our previous result (Campana and Păun in Ann. Inst. Fourier. 65:835, 2015), where generic positivity instead of pseudo-effectivity was obtained. One of the new ingredients in the proof is a version of the Bogomolov-McQuillan algebraicity criterion for holomorphic foliations whose minimal slope with respect to a movable class (instead of an ample complete intersection class) is positive.
In this note we show that if a projective manifold admits a K\"ahler metric with negative holomorphic sectional curvature then the canonical bundle of the manifold is ample. This confirms a conjecture of the second author.
We discuss an example of an open subset of a torus which admits a dense entire curve, but no dense Brody curve.
In the three decades since the introduction of the Kobayashi distance, the subject of hyperbolic complex spaces and holomorphic mappings has grown to be a big industry. This book gives a comprehensive and systematic account on the Caratheodory and Kobayashi distances, hyperbolic complex spaces and holomorphic mappings with geometric methods. A very complete list of references should be useful for prospective researchers in this area.
In ? 2 we provide some criteria for the extension of 7. These are applied to prove stability theorems for families of complex structures (? 3 and ? 4), particularly complex structures uniformizable on bounded domains of the complex number space and of complex toral structures. In ? 1, basic definitions and facts are recollected for the convenience of the reader.
In [6], Eisenman and Kobayashi introduced measures on any complex manifold. These measures are intrinsic to the complex structure of the manifold. They are not trivial if the manifold admits Hermitian metric with holomorphic sectional curvature bounded from above by a negative constant. Hence if all these measures are totally degenerate, the complex manifold tends to be "'non-negatively curved". In this paper, we introduce other intrinsic measures on the complex manifold. They are dominated by the Eisenman-Kobayashi measure. However, they enjoy more properties than the Eisenman-Kobayashi measure. They behave very welt under meromorphic transformations. We believe that they will be useful in studying birational geometry. The first part of this paper is devoted to studying the applications of these measures. First of all, we recall that if a compact Riemannian manifold has non-negative curvature; then unless the manifold is fiat, its first Betti number is strictly less than its dimension. We study the complex analogue of this theorem. Precisely, we prove that if the intrinsic measures of an algebraic manifold vanish, then the Albanese map is surjective. In the proof of this theorem, we have to apply a generalization of a theorem we proved in [ 15]. The introduction of the intrinsic measures is designed to overcome the difficulty of the singularities that we encounter