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Refugee Women Business Mentors: New Evidence for Women’s Empowerment


Abstract and Figures

With over 27.1 million refugees displaced globally across national borders as a result of protracted crises, conflict, and danger, resettlement in host nations remains challenging. One approach for empowering refugee women in their host nations is to enhance their economic participation through entrepreneurship. We contribute to the growing research on refugee women’s entrepreneurship by focusing on refugee women entrepreneurs as mentors to other refugee women and exploring the impact of mentoring upon the empowerment of refugee women business mentors. The aim of the study is to explore the impact of being a mentor on the empowerment of refugee women entrepreneurs settled in the United Kingdom. As such, the research question asks to what extent does being a mentor influence the empowerment of refugee women entrepreneurs. The qualitative study involved six refugee women business mentors who co-designed and led an entrepreneurship training programme for refugee women in the United Kingdom and charted their empowerment journeys through four potential empowerment junctures within the mentoring process. First, the refugee woman as a mentee, then as a member of a mentoring group, thirdly as a facilitator in the mentoring process, and finally as a reflective agent. Our contribution to the women’s entrepreneurship discipline lies in our finding that refugee women’s engagement as mentors enhanced their empowerment in ways that their entrepreneurship alone cannot.
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Citation: Street, C.P.; Ng, P.Y.;
Al-Dajani, H. Refugee Women
Business Mentors: New Evidence for
Women’s Empowerment.
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154. https://
Academic Editor: Fernando Almeida
Received: 19 May 2022
Accepted: 18 July 2022
Published: 26 July 2022
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Refugee Women Business Mentors: New Evidence for
Women’s Empowerment
Claire P. Street 1, Poh Yen Ng 1, * and Haya Al-Dajani 2
1Christ Church Business School, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury CT1 1QU, UK;
2Prince Mohammed Bin Salman College, King Abdullah Economic City 23964-2522, Saudi Arabia;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-1227-927700
With over 27.1 million refugees displaced globally across national borders as a result of pro-
tracted crises, conflict, and danger, resettlement in host nations remains challenging. One approach
for empowering refugee women in their host nations is to enhance their economic participation
through entrepreneurship. We contribute to the growing research on refugee women’s entrepreneur-
ship by focusing on refugee women entrepreneurs as mentors to other refugee women and exploring
the impact of mentoring upon the empowerment of refugee women business mentors. The aim
of the study is to explore the impact of being a mentor on the empowerment of refugee women
entrepreneurs settled in the United Kingdom. As such, the research question asks to what extent does
being a mentor influence the empowerment of refugee women entrepreneurs. The qualitative study
involved six refugee women business mentors who co-designed and led an entrepreneurship training
programme for refugee women in the United Kingdom and charted their empowerment journeys
through four potential empowerment junctures within the mentoring process. First, the refugee
woman as a mentee, then as a member of a mentoring group, thirdly as a facilitator in the mentoring
process, and finally as a reflective agent. Our contribution to the women’s entrepreneurship discipline
lies in our finding that refugee women’s engagement as mentors enhanced their empowerment in
ways that their entrepreneurship alone cannot.
Keywords: refugee women; empowerment; mentoring; entrepreneurship
1. Introduction
Within this paper, we explore how a refugee-led business mentoring programme
in the host nation of the United Kingdom empowers entrepreneurial refugee women
mentors. Our findings offer some hope to the millions of refugee women fleeing their
hometown. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
this massive global refugee displacement means that receiving countries located in Europe
as well as the Global South continue to face humanitarian, social, economic, and political
challenges, as well as the consequences of hosting refugees. Existing research points to a
complicated economic integration process owing to adverse circumstances arising from
traumatic exodus experiences, particularly for refugee women who endure massive family
responsibilities [
]. The UNHCR defines refugees as people who have fled war, violence,
conflict, or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country”.
Much of the available literature on refugee women in both Global North and Global
South host nation contexts considers refugee women there as necessity entrepreneurs [
home-based entrepreneurs [
], or micro-entrepreneurs [
], requiring training and mentoring
support to establish their enterprises. As such, we offer a unique focus through our
consideration of refugee women as mentors, with experience and expertise, and thus
agency, to mentor other nascent refugee women entrepreneurs.
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154.
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 2 of 21
Within this paper, we offer a novel approach to refugee women’s entrepreneurship
by focusing upon refugee women in the United Kingdom as business mentors offering
their mentoring services on a business start-up training programme. Indeed, the aim of the
study is to explore the impact of being a mentor on the empowerment of refugee women
entrepreneurs settled in the United Kingdom. As such, the research question asks to what
extent does being a mentor influence the empowerment of refugee women entrepreneurs.
To this extent, the aim and research question addressed in this paper contribute to
advancing contemporary understandings of women’s empowerment in two ways; firstly,
by exploring how being a refugee woman business mentor delivering mentoring services
to other nascent refugee women entrepreneurs empowers the refugee woman business
mentor. Indeed, we argue that being a mentor is more empowering to the refugee woman
than being an entrepreneur. This argumentation arises from our data analysis, which
showed that, in being a mentor, the refugee women are able to analyse and apply their
entrepreneurship knowledge, skills, and experiences to support their mentees. In many
ways, being a mentor signaled their position as role models, capable of supporting others,
as a result of their own entrepreneurship journeys in their resettlement in the United
Kingdom. Secondly, we explore how the nascent refugee women entrepreneurs mentored
by the refugee woman business mentor are also more empowered than nascent refugee
women mentored by non-refugee women mentors because of the shared familiarity with
psycho-social, well-being, and economic challenges of the displacement journey involving
uprootedness and re-rootedness, as well as the sense of temporary permanence.
As such, the contribution of this study is threefold—a contribution to the women’s
empowerment literature, a contribution to the sustainable development literature, and
a contribution to the refugee mentoring literature. By focusing upon refugee women as
business mentors rather than mentees, we maintain that women’s empowerment is a
cyclical process [
]. We contribute to that literature that has limited its lens to viewing
refugee women in both Global North and Global South host nation contexts as informal
sector necessity entrepreneurs, home-based entrepreneurs, or micro-entrepreneurs requir-
ing business support rather than as successful entrepreneurs with business experience and
expertise, as well as agency, and who can offer mentoring and business advice to other
early entry entrepreneurs. Indeed, the sustainability literature on gender equality and
women’s empowerment is also biased towards refugee women who require help rather
than those who can offer that help; thus we contribute to bridging this gap in the litera-
ture. Additionally, we also contribute to the gender-blind literature on refugee ‘life skills’
mentoring, which enables “refugees to embark on the challenging and personal journey of
change from powerlessness to control over their lives” [
] (p.338). We do so by recognising
the specificities of the role that refugee women mentors play in this regard.
Additionally, we contribute to the under-explored literature on refugee women’s
entrepreneurship and respond to the call for more contemporary research into the diversity
of women’s entrepreneurship in a broader range of contexts [
], highlighting the
importance of expanding the visibility and voices of refugee women during their economic
and social integration processes [13].
Following the introduction, this paper begins with a review of the literature on
women’s empowerment, entrepreneurship and refugees, and refugee women as busi-
ness mentors. This literature review is followed by a description of the context of the
United Kingdom (UK) in which the study was undertaken, and then the research methodol-
ogy is described. After the methodology section, we present the findings and then discuss
these in relation to the literature, before concluding with a set of future research directions
and implications for research, policy, and practice.
1.1. Women’s Empowerment
In the last thirty years, women’s empowerment has been a key goal in the dialogue on
social development [
]. Khwaja [
] suggests the definition of empowerment to consist
of two main traits: influence and information, which allow people to voice their choices
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 3 of 21
and obtain impactful outcomes on decisions. Empowerment brings a slightly different
meaning to different groups and contexts [
]. It can be coined under an umbrella defi-
nition: Empowerment was as an iterative process with key components including an enabling
environment that encourages popular participation in decision-making that affects the achievement
of goals like poverty eradication, social integration and decent work for all as well as sustainable
development [
] (page 5). According to Alsop et al. [
], two main components are found
in empowerment: agency and institutional environment. With the ability to act on one’s
value (agency) and the opportunity to utilise agency successfully within the institutional en-
vironment, empowerment is manifested [
]. Agency is a process of making free decisions
by oneself, which can be for socially beneficial/well-being reasons to the extent that they
are matched with one’s values and identities [
]. Drydyk [
] further proposed that the
three distinct but related dimensions of empowerment are as follows: agency, well-being,
freedom, and power. He posits that development may be less empowering than it might
have been if any of these dimensions are not fulfilled. Wood et al. [
] call for more research
on marginalised women and their needs, where it is important to listen to their personally
meaningful empowerment goals that would bring a more significant impact on women’s
role in society.
In the context of women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship process, Al-Dajani
and Marlow [
] note that empowerment is about process and agency. It requires women
to play the active agent role in the process of social change or have an increase in power.
During the empowerment process, women need to have access to resources and must
also be able to use them effectively to gain more power [
]. Rowlands [
] divides the
expression of power into four categories: power over (ability to resist manipulation); power to
(creating new possibilities); power with (acting in a group); and power from within (enhancing
self-respect and self-acceptance). This categorisation of power could be used as a tool to
evaluate the empowerment process. Based on Rowlands’ categorisation, recent work by
Ng et al. [
] found that power to’, power with’, and power from within are prevalent among
women entrepreneurs within a collective society, and personal empowerment contributed
to the empowerment of the society. They suggest examining the empowerment process
based on different contexts as women entrepreneurs are not a homogeneous group.
1.2. Refugee Women and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is considered a refugee settlement strategy that can offer signifi-
cant contributions to the labour markets of local economies and enhance the livelihoods
and well-being of the refugee and their families [
]. However, Collins [
] contends that
refugees are the most unlikely entrepreneurs as they often lack assets, financial capital,
and credit history. Their qualifications are not accepted, or they do not have the required
documentation [
], and thus lack quantifiable human capital. In addition, their access to
social capital from informal networks of family and friends may be narrow, and refugees
may have limited knowledge of the rules and regulations, institutional processes, and
legal frameworks of starting a new business in their host countries. These challenges have
more significant implications for refugee women who wish to undertake the entrepreneur-
ship pathway, as research found that women and minority groups have fewer affiliated
networks [
]. Research has also indicated that refugee women often feel incapable [
Mawson and Kasem [
] suggest that refugees would profit from access to networks of
other refugee entrepreneurs for business mentoring and guidance, especially those who
have faced comparative challenges, for example, language, financial records, and lack of
social networks. While these networks would help start a business, they would likewise
help social integration, empowering refugees to move past their limited ecosystem and
gain exposure to a broader diversity of life. It is, therefore, important to explore how
mechanisms like teaching and mentoring fellow refugees amplified one’s personal agency
in entrepreneurship and developed a positive self-identity in society [29].
Business growth programmes for women entrepreneurs succeed when they address
specific gendered vulnerabilities of women [
], thus highlighting the importance of hav-
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 4 of 21
ing targeted entrepreneurship support programmes for women. Indeed, Marchand and
Dijkhuizen [
] found that participation in refugee entrepreneurship programmes strength-
ened the refugees’ personal development and empowerment. Though entrepreneurship is
often posed as an economic endeavour focused on the individual, Al-Dajani and Marlow [
demonstrate that it is also a socio-politically situated venture where disadvantaged women
on the periphery can be empowered through their enterprises. With a massive number of
refugee women displaced in developed countries, refugee women who have successfully
settled and developed their own ventures could be a crucial resource to the host countries.
] (2018) recommended support programmes that link new refugees with
established refugee entrepreneurs as mentors and coaches to nascent entrepreneurs. These
programmes can be in the form of one-off mentoring sessions or workshops that facilitate
contact between refugees and successful refugee entrepreneurs who have gone through
a similar experience. However, there is little targeted research on mentors for nascent
entrepreneurs in the refugee entrepreneurship context [32], especially on how the refugee
women entrepreneurs are empowered through their mentoring experiences. There is a
great potential for these refugee women entrepreneurs to give back by supporting others to
pursue a better life and business venture. To support policy endeavours that emphasise
equality and inclusivity for the underprivileged such as refugee women, more research on
refugee women’s entrepreneurship, especially on their role as business mentors, is needed.
1.3. Refugee Women as Business Mentors
There is a breadth of studies on how mentoring influences entrepreneurship, espe-
cially in nurturing future entrepreneurial activity [
]. Bozeman and Feeney [
] offer a
definition of mentoring as an informal transmission of knowledge over a sustained period
between the mentor and mentee. The mentoring process is often considered one of the step-
pingstones of enterprise success [
]. Limited social networking opportunities among
women entrepreneurs are widely recognised [
], and gendered roles have challenged
women entrepreneurs to access resources and social capital [
]. Unsurprisingly, the
situation is more challenging for refugee women living in a culturally dissimilar host
country. The value of peer mentors, that is, refugees who mentor other refugees, reduces
what Hynes [
] suggests is a mistrust specifically concerning the ‘refugee experience’.
Smith [
] also alludes to this, although in the context of the researcher and participant
relationship, the same can be applied to facilitating a mentor–mentee relationship based
on a shared social identity, in this case being a refugee. According to Al-Dajani and Mar-
low [
], empowered women, who then act as role models for other women, positively affect
self-identity. The close mentorship of participants throughout the entrepreneurial process
is a way to develop refugees’ self-confidence. The use of refugee mentors can facilitate
identity formation and recognition, thus fostering the women refugees’ self-confidence,
self-respect, and self-esteem [44].
Several studies have investigated the impact of using a refugee or peer mentor-
ing approach to support newly arrived refugees [
]. Both Paloma et al. [
] and
Gower et al. [49]
found that mentors’ empowerment increased during the mentoring dura-
tion. Krisi and Nagar [
], drawing on “helper theory” [
], report mentors feeling empow-
ered after their mentoring experience. Although studies have investigated the impact of
mentoring support programmes on the mentees, few have focused solely on the mentor,
especially when the mentors have a shared status with the mentee [
]. This urges
Bagnoli and Estache [
] to call for more research on the impact of mentoring on mentors
and how they view their roles. Jain and Chaudhary [
] claim that entrepreneur mentors
are under-researched in categorisation and effectiveness. There is a lack of research examin-
ing the effect of refugee women’s mentoring on entrepreneurship.
Berntsen et al. [56]
insist that the entrepreneurship literature acknowledges the critical role of enablers, yet the
underlying components and contextual effects remain understudied and under-theorised.
Following the logic that entrepreneurship empowers women and mentoring nurtures en-
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 5 of 21
trepreneurship, refugee women participating in entrepreneurship programmes as mentors
should achieve high levels of empowerment.
1.4. Research Context: The United Kingdom
As of mid-2021, UNHCR [
] reports that the United Kingdom had 135,912 refugees
and 83,489 pending asylum cases. The majority of those claiming asylum came from Iran,
Eritrea, Albania, Iraq, and Syria. Of those, a third were women. Refugee women face a
number of barriers to integration into the United Kingdom, including gender discrimination
in the labour market, lack of affordable childcare, and social isolation [
]. In the United
Kingdom, asylum seekers who do not have refugee status yet do not have the right to
work, except in exceptional circumstances, but once they are granted refugee status, they
are entitled to the same benefits as British citizens, including the right to work and start
a business.
The United Kingdom’s integration strategies include entrepreneurship as a solution
to employment and self-reliance. Despite this, there was a lack of entrepreneurship pro-
grammes specifically targeting refugees before 2015 in the United Kingdom [
]. This
meant very few refugees, let alone refugee women, had completed any entrepreneurial
mentoring programmes when recruiting participants for this project. There is still no
specific entrepreneurship mentoring provision designed for refugee women in the United
Kingdom. Refugee entrepreneurship support here often fails to consider childcare needs
and cultural preferences for women-only sessions. The programmes are usually focused on
individualistic pursuits of entrepreneurship, failing to utilise a community and collectivist
mindset. Women are often excluded from participation because of parental responsibilities.
The preference for women-only entrepreneurship programmes is often dismissed in discus-
sions on mentoring programme design, citing the need within the U.K. context to exclude
gender preferences as unnecessary when providing entrepreneurship support.
According to Richey et al.’s [
] evaluation of the U.K. refugee entrepreneurship
pilot scheme that involved year-long, tailored business support programmes for refugees
designed and delivered by the Centre for Entrepreneurs and funded by the Home Office
and the National Lottery Community Fund after 2018, to “prove the efficacy of refugee
entrepreneurship programmes and to experiment with different models of delivery” [
(p. 2), there is significant demand for business support from refugee communities, and
the delivered refugee business support programmes resulted in the creation of new start-
ups initiated in a range of settings and circumstances. Richey et al.’s [
] evaluation
identified seven overarching recommendations for supporting refugee entrepreneurship in
the United Kingdom, but these were not gender-specific and will be highly dependent upon
available government motivation and funding, which is limited because of the economic
consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia–Ukraine conflict.
2. Materials and Methods
This study explored a women-only entrepreneurship mentoring model that was
designed and facilitated by refugee women entrepreneurs as mentors, mentoring other
refugee women entrepreneurs. We concentrate on four potential empowerment junctures
within the mentoring process (See Figure 1). First, the refugee woman as a mentee, then
as a member of a mentoring group, thirdly as a facilitator in the mentoring process, and
finally as a reflective agent.
Six refugee women mentors aged 25 to 49 were recruited through a network for refugee
entrepreneurs and a local refugee charity. This recruitment was through the connections of
the lead researcher who conducted the interviews and knew the participants as she had
previously been a volunteer mentor to refugees herself. As the ‘first wave’ of recipients of
refugee entrepreneurship mentoring, these women became obvious choices to recruit to the
study. In addition, as an academic with refugee entrepreneurship mentoring experience,
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 6 of 21
she had observed and empathised with some of the specific issues facing refugee women
being mentored in entrepreneurship within the United Kingdom. This positioning helped
develop and sustain a trustful, mutually considerate, and reciprocated relationship between
the researcher and the participants [61].
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 22
Figure 1. Four critical junctures of the mentoring process.
Six refugee women mentors aged 25 to 49 were recruited through a network for ref-
ugee entrepreneurs and a local refugee charity. This recruitment was through the connec-
tions of the lead researcher who conducted the interviews and knew the participants as
she had previously been a volunteer mentor to refugees herself. As thefirst wave of re-
cipients of refugee entrepreneurship mentoring, these women became obvious choices to
recruit to the study. In addition, as an academic with refugee entrepreneurship mentoring
experience, she had observed and empathised with some of the specific issues facing ref-
ugee women being mentored in entrepreneurship within the United Kingdom. This posi-
tioning helped develop and sustain a trustful, mutually considerate, and reciprocated re-
lationship between the researcher and the participants [61].
The participants were selected based on the following criteria: (a) awarded or in the
process of being granted refugee status, (b) completed tertiary educated, (c) engaged in
an entrepreneurial endeavour, and (d) indicating the ability and willingness to help other
refugee women develop their entrepreneurial intention. Table 1 outlines the profile of the
participants. All six participants held at least a university degree, with two holding post-
graduate qualifications. At the time of recruitment, four participants had been awarded
refugee status, and two were in the application process.
All participants signed an informed consent form explaining the study’s aims and
process. The assurance of anonymity would be through using numbered identifiers. Ini-
tially, all potentially identifying demographic information was excluded [62], but on re-
quest from the participants, their country of origin was re-instated for representation pur-
Table 1. Participant demographics.
Identifier Country of
Origin Education Level Age Category Life Status Business
Mentor 1 Palestine Bachelor’s degree 30–34 Single Online clothing store
Mentor 2 Palestine PhD 30–34 Single Designer
Mentor 3 Yemen Master’s degree 30–34 Single Food blogger and pop-up res-
taurant owner
Mentor 4 Libya Bachelor’s degree 25–29 Single Motivational speaker and ac-
Mentor 5 Eritrea Bachelor’s degree 2529 Divorced w/children Online products
Mentor 6 Afghanistan Bachelor’s degree 44–49 Married w/children Food stall
Reflective agent
Figure 1. Four critical junctures of the mentoring process.
The participants were selected based on the following criteria: (a) awarded or in the
process of being granted refugee status, (b) completed tertiary educated, (c) engaged in
an entrepreneurial endeavour, and (d) indicating the ability and willingness to help other
refugee women develop their entrepreneurial intention. Table 1outlines the profile of
the participants. All six participants held at least a university degree, with two holding
postgraduate qualifications. At the time of recruitment, four participants had been awarded
refugee status, and two were in the application process.
Table 1. Participant demographics.
Identifier Country of Origin Education Level Age Category Life Status Business
Mentor 1 Palestine Bachelor’s degree 30–34 Single Online clothing store
Mentor 2 Palestine PhD 30–34 Single Designer
Mentor 3 Yemen Master’s degree 30–34 Single Food blogger and pop-up
restaurant owner
Mentor 4 Libya Bachelor’s degree 25–29 Single Motivational speaker
and activist
Mentor 5 Eritrea Bachelor’s degree 25–29 Divorced w/children Online products
Mentor 6 Afghanistan Bachelor’s degree 44–49 Married w/children Food stall
All participants signed an informed consent form explaining the study’s aims and pro-
cess. The assurance of anonymity would be through using numbered identifiers. Initially,
all potentially identifying demographic information was excluded [
], but on request from
the participants, their country of origin was re-instated for representation purposes.
The six participants facilitated an entrepreneurship workshop for sixteen refugee
mentees. An initial interview was conducted with each of the participating mentors
where a discussion around their entrepreneurial start-up journey, mentoring they had
received themselves, and their expectations for the mentoring process was carried out.
The interviews usually lasted about an hour. All interviews were conducted in English;
although this was not one of the participant criteria, all participants were bilingual and
chose to be interviewed in English.
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 7 of 21
Two weeks before the workshop, a mentor discussion group was organised to explain
the concept of the workshop and define their roles as mentors. The participants were
invited to share their new venture creation stories. The guidelines were unstructured to
foster a free-flowing conversation within the group. These open conversations resulted in
discussions that moved between English, Arabic, and Farsi and entailed exchanges about
the asylum process and the struggles of starting their businesses in the United Kingdom.
The lead researcher recorded the face-to-face discussions using a discreet camera placed
on the table and recorded the video chat with their consent. In the discussion group, the
mentors designed and contributed to the content for the entrepreneurship workshop. It
was immediately apparent that the mentors wanted to create a safe and non-judgemental
space for their refugee mentees. The workshop would be a women-only space based on
shared gendered preferences. The mentors decided that their mentees could bring their
children to the workshop to promote and encourage attendance.
The two-day workshop entailed several group-guided meditation sessions designed
and run by the mentors. During the mentoring sessions, the mentees were assigned to a
specific mentor in groups of three; they would then rotate between mentors to hear different
entrepreneurial stories. First, the mentor would introduce herself and share the story of her
entrepreneurial beginnings. Next, the participants were engaged by discussing their own
stories of entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial ideas; these were recorded in their ‘working
documents’, which served as a business model canvas by the end of the two-day workshop.
This documentation of ideas allowed the participants to have an obvious idea of what
they needed to do to set up a new business or further develop their existing business idea.
They moved through the sessions, hearing multiple stories throughout the day while being
supported by the mentors to build their understanding, confidence, and entrepreneurial
planning in terms of business strategy, marketing and social media, financial management,
as well as health and well-being.
After the mentoring workshop, the mentors were again interviewed using a semi-
structured conversational technique in their chosen space. Except for two interviews
conducted online using Skype, the other four were undertaken in-person at coffee shops
selected by the mentor participants. There was a marked difference in the atmosphere of
the interviews. The familiarity, camaraderie, and trust built through our shared experience
as researcher and participant meant that the conversations were rich, relaxed, and detailed.
The participants reflected on their mentoring experience and spoke about what being a
mentor meant to them, lessons learned in the mentoring process, any meaningful changes
they had experienced, and what they would change about their mentoring style. They also
shared which of their mentees they had stayed connected with and the positives they took
away from the overall mentoring experience.
The data examined in this study included (a) interview transcripts from the interviews
conducted with six participating refugee women mentors, (b) recorded observations from
the two-day entrepreneurship workshop for refugee women, and (c) notes taken by the lead
researcher throughout the project and during the refugee mentor discussion group. The
first interviews conducted with the participants focused on questions about their own new
venture creation and what they felt they could offer in terms of experience and know-how
to refugee women participating in an entrepreneurship workshop. For example, Can
you tell me about how you started your business? A review of the initial individual mentor
interviews facilitated the following questions: Why have you agreed to be a mentor? What
are your expectations for the mentoring process in the context of an entrepreneurship workshop
for refugee women? The subsequent interviews centred on the personal changes that the
mentors had encountered through their mentoring experience, including identity and
recognition, belief in oneself, and networking. The final stage of interviews questioned
whether their mentoring experience has led to any consequential personal transition.
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 8 of 21
We focused our qualitative, thematic analysis on the feedback referring to the mentor’s
own personal changes through mentoring. For example, Did you learn anything meaningful
about yourself from your mentoring experience? Consequently, the data generated from the
initial structured questions about their entrepreneurship endeavours were used as an
adjunct to the personal narratives of their mentoring experience and the subsequent data
from the mentor discussion group, observations, and researcher field notes. Through
a reflexive thematic analysis, we show the oscillation between fear and empowerment
through the junctures of mentee and entrepreneur, which settle and fix on empowerment
during the mentoring process.
Using Rowland’s [
] categorisation of empowerment—power over (ability to resist
manipulation), power to (creating new possibilities), power with (acting in a group), and
power from within (enhancing self-respect and self-acceptance)—as coding units, we were
able to develop themes from the narratives under the concept of empowerment. This
allowed us to evaluate the empowerment process at each of the mentoring junctures.
Individual responses were coded at level one, and overall key themes across all cases at
level two. Finally, to illustrate the empowerment potential of the mentoring process, we
use excerpts from the participant interviews that related to their experience as mentees,
entrepreneurs, mentors, and finally reflective agents. Table 2shows the data coding and
supporting quotes.
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 9 of 21
Table 2. Data coding and proof quotes.
Provisional Categories and
First-Order Codes Interview Excerpts Theoretical Categories
(Second-Order Themes)
Aggregate Theoretical
Statements about experiences as a
mentee in an entrepreneurship
“As a recipient of mentoring, I think there was a vulnerability and being vocal of my concerns and
needs and weaknesses at the start of the relationship with my mentor. I did enjoy allowing myself
to be vulnerable, and then the next thing is feeling empowered to be challenged to figure out my
own path and what I wanted to do next.”—Mentor 3
Be challenged
Challenge to
create potential
“Through my experience as a mentee, I was introduced to potential funders for my business, but
the issue was I didn’t know how to talk to them. I felt intimidated by these men, so I never pitched
my idea, and I never got the funding I needed...There was not anyone that could be turned to for
help and support with this.”—Mentor 5
Lack of confidence
“I have all this education and experience; one of my mentors was a young man in his early
twenties with no real understanding of who I was; at times, I felt a bit patronised
. . .
.”—Mentor 2
Statement about experiences of
being an entrepreneur
“I am always conflicted; I keep asking whether I should surrender to the fear or take the
empowerment.”—Mentor 2 Conflicted
Feeling of ‘lack’
“I’ve been here for five years. But I still don’t know how things work here. I really needed to ask
someone like, oh what and where can I start? How do I start?”—Mentor 6 Lack of support
“I did not have anyone that was like-minded when I started my business.”—Mentor 1 Isolation
“Women are more comfortable if you create a space for them and allow them to talk about their
hopes and understand how they can go about them. I don’t know about the participants, but that
is one of the major issues for me. I have a dream, but I don’t know how to do it.”—Mentor 2
Barriers to realisation
. . . .there is a lack of entrepreneurs but also a lack of women role models. . . . .., I asked myself
why are Eritrean women so afraid to try new things?”—Mentor 5
Lack of knowledge
Lack of role models
Statement about their experiences
being a mentor
“Initially, I looked at these women; they were all married with children, and I thought, what can I
teach these women? I know nothing.”—Mentor 2 Humbled
Empowering through
manifestation of power
over (ability to resist
“When you live with fear, you can never take risks. You can never improve. You can never
consider these ideas, but if you have people who have these dreams and with the ability to elicit
this to get them to talk about them, then you do empower them to think. Oh yes, there’s
something I do like and there’s something I can improve, so why not. It’s just this breaking the
fear. So, you create this place where you think you get your participants to think that we are all
equals. Don’t think of me as the mentor; I’m just a participant like you. I’m learning from you,
learning from me, so it’s all equal, so that breaks the fear, that breaks kind of the hierarchy that we
are talking about.”—Mentor 2
Equality Power to (creating
new possibilities)
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 10 of 21
Table 2. Cont.
Provisional Categories and
First-Order Codes Interview Excerpts Theoretical Categories
(Second-Order Themes)
Aggregate Theoretical
Statement about their experiences
being a mentor
“Mentoring means guiding and helping them figure out their own path and what they want to do.
I think it’s important because I come from a culture that spoon-feeds, so I want to empower
women from similar cultures and backgrounds to question and make their own life
decisions.”—Mentor 3
Culturally sensitive
“I feel empowered that I can share my experiences . .. ”—Mentor 1 Supporting others
“You are in the company with other women who are positive and full of energy . .. Such lovely,
active, full of positive energy women, they just give me more positive feelings and energy to
encourage me to work for my future. I’m not just going to sit back and relax now that I had my
children; I have my degree. That’s it.”—Mentor 6
Positive energy
“I felt empowered to be in an all-women setup; it’s unusual we don’t experience that on a daily
basis; it’s a reminder that we are valuable, and the guidance we give is more valuable if we are
relatable role models. Men are important, but it is just as important for women to feel in a safe
space and feel like you are valuable. So, I think that’s how I was empowered in that
environment.”—Mentor 3
Safe space
Power with (acting in
a group)
“So, you don’t look at other people that, oh, she’s intimidating. She’s done this this, I can never do
this, I’ll give up, I can never be like this, but if you feel that you are in an equal place, equal
position, you feel oh OK. Actually, I can relate to this person. She’s gone through much that I’ve
been through, and we can learn from each other. We can learn together.”—Mentor 2
Shared learning
“It boosted my confidence; I feel like I have been learning every day since I started my business; I
didn’t realise how much I knew until I started sharing it.”—Mentor 3 Self confidence
“My mentoring experience allowed me to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. A lot of the
women were interested in starting similar businesses in food. It gave me the opportunity to reflect.
I had been so in the middle of things. This gave me space to share my failures and acknowledge
how much I had done so I could give suggestions. To encourage them to make mistakes and not
just fantasise about starting a business. It was so helpful thinking back on the things I had
done.”—Mentor 3
Power from within
(enhancing self-respect
and self-acceptance)
“Being able to meet other refugee women is super inspirational, and it reinforces why I started my
business. I want to give back to those communities because that is where I come from.”—Mentor 5
Giving back
“When I see people fighting for their dreams, I think I have to be more like them.”—Mentor 4 Relatability
“What has been the most helpful is networking with people who are similar to me, other
minorities, I can relate to; I find it easier.”—Mentor 1
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 11 of 21
Table 2. Cont.
Provisional Categories and
First-Order Codes Interview Excerpts Theoretical Categories
(Second-Order Themes)
Aggregate Theoretical
Statement reflecting on their
different junctures in
entrepreneurship/reflective agent
“I think the most valuable lessons I took away was never underestimate the other person’s ability;
you unconsciously feel you are superior, but it’s easy to get into the space of I am better, I know
more. You feel you are ahead of the game, especially it’s important to keep yourself grounded.
The exchange of life experience is just as important; you learn something from them that might
not be professional.”—Mentor 3
Learning from one another
Empowering ‘us’
“The workshop gave me new ways of thinking, to be with other successful women, wonderful
women and see how they started their businesses; It gives me the courage to carry on.”—Mentor 6
Woman as role model
“we were sharing as women.”—Mentor 4“ Gendered perspective
“It boosted my confidence. I knew that I was skilled, and I had a more professional background
than the women I mentored, and even if I didn’t have all the answers, I was just meant to guide
them. And help them find the answers together.” —Mentor 6
Working together
“This felt different. I could share what I had learnt, I could share all the knowledge I had gained
through my experiences, and they listened, and they were interested in what I had to
say.”—Mentor 3
“I didn’t know (name removed) before, and now I’m following her on Instagram. She is amazing;
the way she helped (name removed) with her business idea is amazing.”—Mentor 7 Connection
“I felt a connection with the Syrian and Iraqi refuge women. I felt so grateful that I was so
privileged . . . I totally understood; through the whole asylum process, I spent a lot of time with
other refugees, and this reminded me of those days. I wanted these women to be in a better
position and try to live a normal life.” —Mentor 3
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 12 of 21
3. Findings
In order to illustrate the journeys relevant to the potential empowerment of mentoring,
we highlight the profiles of three of the six participating mentors (Mentors 2, 3, and 5).
Unlike the other participants in this study, these three were all interviewed and observed
over a three-year period as part of a wider ethno case study into refugee entrepreneurs and
had themselves been through mentoring programmes before starting their entrepreneurial
endeavours and subsequently becoming mentors. Following the profiles, the findings
presented also include the responses and reflections of the other three Mentors 1, 4, and 6.
3.1. Mentor 2
A 35-year-old Palestinian woman, living in the United Kingdom as a refugee for six
years. She holds a doctorate from a U.K. university and had entrepreneurial intentions at
the start-up stage. In addition, she had a background in education and had participated in
mentoring programmes within the United Kingdom, as well as having worked with both
NGOs and institutions creating workshops mentoring artists in her home country of Pales-
tine. She was recruited to the project through an introduction to the lead researcher by a
volunteer working in the local refugee community. She speaks English and
Arabic fluently.
Mentor 2 reflected that, in her culture, the refugee women she would mentor epito-
mise success, that is, being married with children. Yet, regardless of her own life achieve-
ments and academic qualifications, she doubted her ability to offer anything of value to
her mentees.
Initially, I looked at these women; they were all married with children, and I thought,
what can I teach these women? I know nothing.
Mentor 2’s previous experience in running workshops proved to be invaluable in the
setup of the mentoring workshop. The other mentors embraced her strategies for creating
what she termed “equal” space. She felt that oral storytelling facilitated equality as it
equalised the considerable discrepancy in educational attainment between the mentors and
their mentees. In addition, this was a way to create an informal workshop to be inclusive
and not alienate any participants from too complex delivery.
3.2. Mentor 3
A 31-year-old Yemeni woman. She has refugee status and had lived in the United
Kingdom for five years at the start of the project. She holds a master ’s degree in social
entrepreneurship from a U.K. university and described herself as a “serial entrepreneur”.
She is bilingual in Arabic and English. She started a pop-up restaurant showcasing Yemeni
food, presented a YouTube channel talking about her “foodie” experiences worldwide, and
was in her second year of trading. She continued to work a main job while starting her
business. She came to the project having participated in several mentoring programmes
that matched host country mentors with refugee entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom.
The mentoring programme covered various aspects of business start-ups and facilitated
networking; it also introduced refugees to potential funders. She was recruited as a mentor
for this mentoring project because she had been known to the lead researcher, who had
been one of her entrepreneurship mentors through the programmes mentioned above.
Mentor 3 was uniquely positioned to co-curate the entrepreneurship workshop. She
had extensive knowledge of entrepreneurship through her studies, participation in nu-
merous entrepreneurship programmes, and her own new venture experiences. Most
importantly, she was willing to share her knowledge with other women.
Mentoring means guiding and helping them figure out their own path and what they
want to do. I think it’s important because I come from a culture that spoon-feeds, so I
want to empower women from similar cultures and backgrounds to question and make
their own life decisions.
Her own experience as a mentee gave her valuable insights into creating a safe and
empowering space for refugee women to explore entrepreneurship. In addition, she was
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 13 of 21
sensitive to cultural aspects and acknowledged her own privilege numerous times during
the project.
3.3. Mentor 5
A 24-year-old Eritrean refugee woman living in the United Kingdom. She holds a
bachelor’s degree from a U.K. university and speaks fluent English and Arabic. She was
divorced and had two young children. After her divorce, she decided to start a business
to provide for and support her children. She had initially created a business focusing on
STEM-based clothing for girls because she wanted to encourage her own daughters to think
differently. However, having struggled with this start-up, she shifted her business focus to
creating a holistic, sustainable lifestyle brand for Muslims. The idea came to her when she
was preparing for the Hajj; she did not know how to prepare and struggled to find products
that aligned with her values. This inspired her to start an e-commerce business producing
and selling eco-friendly Hajj gift boxes. She mentioned social justice and environmental
causes as driving factors for her business and specifically supporting other refugee women.
She provided interesting insight:
“Coming from an Eritrean background, there is a lack of entrepreneurs but also a lack of
women role models. There was one older lady who was very entrepreneurial and started an
internet cafébut other than that, they seem risk-averse. Do you know that it was actually
the Somalian women who are kick-arse, who are amazing, they are so entrepreneurial,
they have a hustle about them, I found that really inspiring. But I asked myself why are
Eritrean women so afraid to try new things?”
Mentor 5 was known to the lead researcher through a refugee entrepreneurship
network. She had also participated in a refugee entrepreneurship mentoring programme
that utilised host country mentors. However, she spoke about not always being able to
attend all the mentoring sessions as she had childcare responsibilities. Mentor 5 also
acknowledged how much she had learnt about the mechanics of a business start-up as a
mentee, but expressed doubts about her confidence, especially when pitching her business
ideas. She was trying to raise venture finance and get shareholders for the business;
however, she said she felt intimidated and expressed not having the “language’ to speak
to male investors. She reflected that raising funds had been extremely difficult; she had
used her own savings to start the business and said that she had had to continue working
in order to finance her business as she was a single mother.
Her dream was to return to Eritrea one day to provide skill transfer and develop
infrastructure for the country.
The following findings are reflective of all six mentors, although Mentors 1, 4, and 6
did not participate in any mentoring programmes as mentees themselves prior to starting
their new ventures and becoming mentors.
3.4. Empowerment as a Mentee
When talking about their own experience of being a mentee, Mentor 3 reflected:
As a recipient of mentoring, I think there was a vulnerability and being vocal of my
concerns and needs and weaknesses at the start of the relationship with my mentor. I did
enjoy allowing myself to be vulnerable, and then the next thing is feeling empowered to
be challenged to figure out my own path and what I wanted to do next. (Mentor 3)
This narrative clearly demonstrates the (power over) and (power to) categories of em-
powerment, which showed an ability to confront manipulation and create new possibilities.
Whereas Mentor 3 was able to gain some empowerment as a mentee, interestingly,
Mentor 5
expressed that she was not able to challenge that manipulation (power over) in order to
create potential (power to):
Through my experience as a mentee, I was introduced to potential funders for my
business, but the issue was I didn’t know how to talk to them. I felt intimidated by these
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 14 of 21
men, so I never pitched my idea, and I never got the funding I needed...There was not
anyone that could be turned to for help and support with this. (Mentor 5)
3.5. Empowerment as an Entrepreneur
When discussing mentors’ business start-up process, a recurrent theme emerged; all
mentors mentioned being fearful (power over):
I have fear, and I have education; how must these women feel? (Mentor 3)
This fearful feeling could be explained by Vromans et al.’s [
] study that refugee
women often feel incapable. Rowlands [
] reminds us that when people are consistently
refused power, they may start to internalise those attributes and start to consider them true.
Interestingly, we observed an oscillation between fear and empowerment when another
mentor questioned their ability to overcome fear (power over) when asked about being
an entrepreneur:
I am always conflicted; I keep asking whether I should surrender to the fear or take the
empowerment. (Mentor 2)
Mentors 1 and 6 were able to reflect on their early entrepreneurship experience:
I did not have anyone that was like-minded when I started my business. (Mentor 1)
I’ve been here for five years. But I still don’t know how things work here, I really needed
to ask someone like, oh what and where can I start? How do I start? (Mentor 6)
There was also a strong feeling of ‘lack’ of support, knowledge, and role models when
the women became an entrepreneur.
3.6. Empowerment as a Mentor
The participating mentors embraced designing and creating the refugee entrepreneur-
ship workshop in the group discussion session. As a result, the language they used started
to change, and they spoke less about fears and more about the empowerment they felt
within the group. They were demonstrating all four categories of empowerment: resisting
manipulation (power over), creating possibilities (power to), acting within a group (power
with), and enhancing self-respect and self-acceptance (power within).
Mentor 3 reflected:
I felt empowered to be in an all-women setup; it’s unusual we don’t experience that
on a daily basis; it’s a reminder that we are valuable, and the guidance we give is more
valuable if we are relatable role models. Men are important, but it is just as important for
women to feel in a safe space and feel like you are valuable. So, I think that’s how I was
empowered in that environment. (Mentor 3)
Rowlands [
] explains that an element of (power to) is led by a desire for a group
to achieve what it is adept at, where interests are aligned, and the group sets its own
collective agenda.
Mentor 5 referred directly to the mentoring experience as giving her time to acknowledge
her skills and achievements, thereby demonstrating (power from within) and (power with):
It boosted my confidence; I feel like I have been learning every day since I started my
business; I didn’t realise how much I knew until I started sharing it. (Mentor 5)
Mentor 3 echoed this view, evidencing all categories: (power over, power to, power with,
and power from within):
My mentoring experience allowed me to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. A
lot of the women were interested in starting similar businesses in food. It gave me the
opportunity to reflect. I had been so in the middle of things. This gave me space to
share my failures and acknowledge how much I had done so I could give suggestions. To
encourage them to make mistakes and not just fantasise about starting a business. It was
so helpful thinking back on the things I had done. (Mentor 3)
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 15 of 21
The mentoring programme opened many opportunities to network and collaborate,
which boosted their self-esteem [
]. This increase in self-esteem was prevalent when
the mentors described the realisation of their accomplishments through their mentoring
experience. It also revealed that refugee entrepreneurs gain knowledge, resources, and
validity by conceptualising their ideas with their social contacts [65].
In the comments below, we see a definite reference to the (power with) and (power from
within) categories, again demonstrating empowerment through mentoring:
“Being able to meet other refugee women is super inspirational, and it re-enforces in me
why I started my business. I want to give back to those communities because that is where
I come from.” (Mentor 5)
“The workshop gave me new ways of thinking, to be with other successful women,
wonderful women and see how they started their businesses, It gives me the courage to
carry on.” (Mentor 4)
“You are in the company with other women who are positive and full of energy.” (Mentor 1)
“When I see people fighting for their dreams, I think I have to be more like them.” (Mentor 6)
Mentor 3 compared her experiences of being a mentee and her role as a mentor:
“I have all this education and experience; one of my mentors was a young man in his
early twenties with no real understanding of who I was; at times, I felt a bit patronised
. . .
This felt different. I could share what I had learnt, I could share all the knowledge I
had gained through my experiences, and they listened, and they were interested in what I
had to say.” (Mentor 3)
This comparison highlights the importance of what Rowlands [
] terms dignidad,
being deserving of and having a right to respect from others. This is more explicitly stated
by the following comment:
“What has been the most helpful is networking with people who are similar to me, other
minorities, I can relate to, I find it easier.” (Mentor 5)
3.7. Empowerment as a Reflective Agent
Mentor 3’s empowerment through mentoring extends, in turn, to respect for and
acceptance of others [23].
“I loved that they were sharing their hopes and dreams. It made me focus on teaching
people to empower themselves, boosting confidence and giving them opportunities to
question and ask why? Women just don’t question.” (Mentor 3)
Mentor 2 initially spoke about her own conflicts regarding “surrendering to fear or
taking empowerment” within her own entrepreneurial journey. Then, she reflected on her
mentoring experience, which appeared to have a particularly positive influence on the
language she used and the development of her own empowerment; when in a subsequent
interview, she said:
“When you live with fear, you can never take risks. You can never improve. You can
never consider these ideas, but if you have people who have these dreams and with the
ability to elicit this, to get them to talk about them, then you do empower them to think.
So, oh yes, there’s something I do like, and there’s something I can improve, so why not.
It’s just this breaking the fear.” (Mentor 2)
Regardless of starting their journey at the entrepreneur juncture (see Figure 1) and
not receiving mentoring themselves, Mentors 1, 4, and 6 were able to reflect on their
empowerment received as entrepreneurship mentors. We see (power to, power with, and
power from within), which were extended to others when they recount their experience:
“To just show them the way to do it or suggesting a way to do it is the perfect way to help
them . . . you give energy, and you take energy” (Mentor 6)
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 16 of 21
“Such lovely, active, full of positive energy women, they just give me more positive
feelings and energy to encourage me to work for my future.” (Mentor 4)
“I didn’t know (name removed) before the workshop. She is amazing, the way she helped
(name removed) with her business idea is amazing, I love encouraging people to get
involved with the community.” (Mentor 1)
4. Discussion
We describe the mentoring model as a training workshop facilitated and curated by
refugee women entrepreneurs and highlight their empowerment journey through their
multiple roles as mentee, entrepreneur, mentor, and reflective agent. To answer the research
question on to what extent does being a mentor influence the empowerment of refugee
women entrepreneurs, Figure 2illustrates the main findings.
Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 22
Regardless of starting their journey at the entrepreneur juncture (see Figure 1) and
not receiving mentoring themselves, Mentors 1, 4, and 6 were able to reflect on their em-
powerment received as entrepreneurship mentors. We see (power to, power with, and power
from within), which were extended to others when they recount their experience:
“To just show them the way to do it or suggesting a way to do it is the perfect way to
help them…you give energy, and you take energy (Mentor 6)
“Such lovely, active, full of positive energy women, they just give me more positive feel-
ings and energy to encourage me to work for my future.” (Mentor 4)
“I didn’t know (name removed) before the workshop. She is amazing, the way she helped
(name removed) with her business idea is amazing, I love encouraging people to get in-
volved with the community.” (Mentor 1)
4. Discussion
We describe the mentoring model as a training workshop facilitated and curated by
refugee women entrepreneurs and highlight their empowerment journey through their
multiple roles as mentee, entrepreneur, mentor, and reflective agent. To answer the re-
search question on to what extent does being a mentor influence the empowerment of
refugee women entrepreneurs, Figure 2 illustrates the main findings.
Figure 2. The empowerment journey.
Figure 2 shows the development of empowerment. Empowerment is not necessarily
built incrementally at each juncture, but waivers and oscillates. The first juncture of mentee
begins the process of creating potential empowerment. Although the assumption is that,
as an entrepreneur (an agent of change), the refugee woman would be empowered, she is
in fact conscious of her lack of power. During the stage as mentee and entrepreneur, the
refugee women faced a challenge to create their own potentials and were often limited by
theirlack’ of many aspects, though some of them considered the notion of empowerment.
Through mentoring, she is able to realise her own empowerment through her sharing of
her achievements and finally, as a reflective agent, she is empowered by her shared
mentoring experience. It extends beyond individual empowerment, to a collective sense
of being together in the entrepreneurial journey, with nascent entrepreneurs from a simi-
lar background or life experiences as a refugee.
This study extends the women’s empowerment literature by showing how mentor-
ing is more empowering than the entrepreneuring itself for refugee women. Reflecting on
their start-up journey, the mentors felt inadequate and intimidated, as noted in prior lit-
erature [2,28]. They often questioned their ability to overcome fear and faced challenges
to create productive potential. However, the expression of power changed when they be-
came a mentor and curated and delivered a refugee women’s entrepreneurship training
workshop. The refugee women mentors became more confident with a positive self-re-
flection [7,8]. Their acknowledgement of their skills and abilities to support others (power
with and power from within) shows that their aspiration to inspire others has brought a
significant empowerment effect onto themselves. This finding aligns with Ng et al. [24]
that women entrepreneurs gain empowerment through a collective agenda. In addition,
the findings also show that empowerment is a process and not an end goal [66]. It is an
engaging process to ensure gain where the mentors play an active role in the process of
supporting other refugee women. This enabled them to increase power while making a
Figure 2. The empowerment journey.
Figure 2shows the development of empowerment. Empowerment is not necessarily
built incrementally at each juncture, but waivers and oscillates. The first juncture of mentee
begins the process of creating potential empowerment. Although the assumption is that,
as an entrepreneur (an agent of change), the refugee woman would be empowered, she is
in fact conscious of her lack of power. During the stage as mentee and entrepreneur, the
refugee women faced a challenge to create their own potentials and were often limited by
their ‘lack’ of many aspects, though some of them considered the notion of empowerment.
Through mentoring, she is able to realise her own empowerment through her sharing
of her achievements and finally, as a reflective agent, she is empowered by her shared
mentoring experience. It extends beyond individual empowerment, to a collective sense of
being together in the entrepreneurial journey, with nascent entrepreneurs from a similar
background or life experiences as a refugee.
This study extends the women’s empowerment literature by showing how mentoring
is more empowering than the entrepreneuring itself for refugee women. Reflecting on
their start-up journey, the mentors felt inadequate and intimidated, as noted in prior
literature [
]. They often questioned their ability to overcome fear and faced challenges
to create productive potential. However, the expression of power changed when they
became a mentor and curated and delivered a refugee women’s entrepreneurship training
workshop. The refugee women mentors became more confident with a positive self-
reflection [
]. Their acknowledgement of their skills and abilities to support others (power
with and power from within) shows that their aspiration to inspire others has brought a
significant empowerment effect onto themselves. This finding aligns with Ng et al. [
that women entrepreneurs gain empowerment through a collective agenda. In addition,
the findings also show that empowerment is a process and not an end goal [
]. It is an
engaging process to ensure gain where the mentors play an active role in the process of
supporting other refugee women. This enabled them to increase power while making a
social change. These findings demonstrate that what makes the refugee woman a mentor
unique is that she does not come to the process with this self-efficacy but develops and
realises self-confidence through her engagement in the mentoring process [8,31].
This study underlines mentoring as a vital way of helping marginalised women to
navigate and survive a system in which they are significantly underrepresented. We ad-
dress the gap in the literature by examining the mentor’s perspective in refugee mentoring
programmes [
]. By becoming a mentor in an entrepreneurship training program,
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 17 of 21
we noticed a strong willingness and engagement from the refugee women entrepreneur
mentors to give back to the mentoring program. Recognising their prior limitations in
venture development, they are keen to guide the nascent entrepreneur to find the right
path in business. This further enriches the under-explored literature on refugee women’s
entrepreneurship. The findings show that not all refugee women entrepreneurs are moti-
vated by personal success; instead, they are empowered when they can help others to grow
and progress in business aspirations which they can achieve through mentoring others.
This offers a novel insight into refugee women’s entrepreneurship literature.
The participants in this study noted that they wanted to empower refugee women
with similar experiences or shared social identities. As such, key features of the training
workshop designed by the refugee women mentors and that removed significant barriers to
participation were, firstly, the women-only mentoring programme and training workshop,
and secondly, allowing the participants to bring their children and babies to the mentoring
sessions and the training workshop. These influenced the refugee women’s participation
positively as childcare responsibilities are often cited as significant barriers to women’s
economic empowerment [
] and because refugee women, in particular, can be reluctant
to leave their babies and young children in another’s care, or may not have the social and
financial means to do so. Prior literature acknowledges a lack of social capital among
women entrepreneurs generally owing to their gender roles and responsibilities [
This study offers evidence that refugee women-to-refugee women mentoring can bring
fruitful results and help expand their networks. The findings offer new considerations into
the design of training programmes aimed at supporting refugee women and their benefits
for refugee women with shared social identities.
This study also illustrated that having more refugee women’s input and designed
training programmes will contribute to refugee women’s personal development and em-
powerment [
]. Accordingly, the study also gives voice and agency to displaced
women by involving them in an entrepreneurship mentoring programme [
]. By position-
ing the refugee women entrepreneurs as core players in an entrepreneurship mentoring
programme, we discovered their potential to support others and, in doing so, empower
themselves. As such, we challenge the biases toward refugee women as needful groups.
The participants are all highly educated and multilingual women entrepreneurs. Their
participation in this mentoring program is voluntary, thus demonstrating their agency
even as refugees [
]. They do not shy away from becoming a mentor to support nascent
entrepreneurs who share displacement experiences like them. The International Women’s
Development Agency [
] advocates for enabling peer support, learning, and solidarity,
supporting women to show their leadership capacity, and expanding women’s recognition
and position in the community by increasing women’s participation in programmes. Our
findings provide support by showing the beneficial impacts of engaging refugee women
entrepreneurs as mentors and leaders in entrepreneurship training programmes for refugee
women. The participants explicitly demonstrated their role as agents of change by fa-
cilitating a safe and equal space and creating an atmosphere of inspiration. In addition,
they were able to exercise cultural sensitivity from a shared and informed background by
accommodating their mentees’ needs to bring their children with them to the workshop
and mentoring sessions, thus addressing gendered vulnerabilities [30].
5. Conclusions
This study explored the nature and influence of a refugee women-led entrepreneurship
programme on the empowerment of the refugee woman mentor. Through the narratives of
the participants who co-created and delivered the entrepreneurship training programme,
we demonstrated that refugee women’s engagement as mentors enhanced their empower-
ment in ways that their entrepreneurship alone could not. Unfortunately, however, this
empowering facet of the refugee woman as a mentor is not integrated into any fundamental
entrepreneurship support from the United Kingdom as a host country. This is because
the focus on empowerment as an incremental process for refugee women is contrary to
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 18 of 21
the United Kingdom’s neoliberal agenda of monetary self-reliance as the goal for refugee
integration. In addition, the country’s hostile immigration policy [
] and the more recent
formalised policy to relocate and transfer responsibility for refugees to Rwanda [
] do
more to invoke vulnerability [
] than empowerment. This means that the voice of the
refugee woman must be represented in a way that presents her views, is sensitive to her
vulnerabilities, and acknowledges the negative effects of a hostile immigration policy on
the empowerment of the refugee woman.
With regards to policy implications, as a refugee-receiving country, the United King-
dom should be facilitating the empowerment of refugee women through relevant and
appropriate entrepreneurship support. There needs to be a shift in the approach that views
refugee women as a problem requiring management [
]. This perspective of refugee
women as passive beneficiaries means that most entrepreneurship programmes are often
structured from a top-down approach. In fact, policy in this area remains underdeveloped
and problematic. It often excludes what Doná[
] expounds as the refugee woman’s voice,
perspective, and experiences in the creation and representation of power. Policymakers
concerned with sustainable outcomes should consider involving refugee women in creating
and providing entrepreneurship support aligned with empowerment. Thereby enabling
refugee women who have entrepreneurial knowledge to share that as part of an incremental
and cyclical empowerment programme.
We highlight the implications of policy and practice and directions for further research.
First, we utilise refugee women entrepreneurs as entrepreneurship mentors where they
also co-created and implemented an entrepreneurship mentoring programme. Based on the
positive outcomes, we recommend to policymakers to seek more input from the refugees
themselves in designing and delivering refugee entrepreneurship programmes. Policies and
programmes to support refugee entrepreneurship should enable refugee women to be part
of the creation and implementation rather than being viewed as acquiescent participants.
Refugees women should also be invited to co-create refugee entrepreneurship programmes
as part of a process of incremental empowerment. This enablement should be conscious of
the sensitivities of both gender [74] and culture [29].
Second, from a practical implication’s perspective, offering women-only entrepreneur-
ship programmes that incorporate child-friendly programmes. Initiatives to establish
women-only and child-friendly entrepreneurship programmes are conspicuously absent in
the United Kingdom, considering many refugees women’s gender and cultural sensitivi-
ties and childcare responsibilities. Our research suggests that women only, child-friendly
solutions should be prioritised when designing entrepreneurship programmes for refugee
women. Business support agencies will need to counter the exclusionary nature of training
and mentoring programmes in terms of participants’ childcare needs. Facilitated childcare
must be included in the programme design as a priority and matter of course. Otherwise,
those most in need of these programmes are not able to access them.
It is important to note that this study examined the refugee entrepreneur mentor
within the context of the United Kingdom, and among one group of refugee entrepreneur
mentors. As such, further research and expansion are needed to look at refugee women
mentors in multiple and diverse contexts within refugee receiving nations located in both
the Global North and the Global South. This study only observes the empowerment process
of refugee women from their entrepreneurial journey to mentoring. Future studies could
further explore the empowerment process experienced by refugee women as they integrate
into a new society. As more women and children are displaced globally, more research
in the receiving nations is needed to expand the current knowledge on refugee women,
especially on how to empower them. Doing so will contribute to the United Nations’ goal
of ‘leaving no one behind’.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, P.Y.N. and H.A.-D.; Data curation, C.P.S.; Formal analysis,
C.P.S.; Investigation, C.P.S.; Methodology, C.P.S.; Writing—original draft, C.P.S., P.Y.N. and H.A.-D.;
Writing—review and editing, C.P.S., P.Y.N. and H.A.-D. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Sustainability 2022,14, 9154 19 of 21
This research received no external funding, but the two-day workshop was funded by
European Union’s Interreg Program through a collaborative project with the University of Essex and
Accelerating Women’s Enterprise.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Essex (2018) and later by
Canterbury Christ Church University (ETH2021-0089) for studies involving humans.
Informed Consent Statement:
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest:
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.
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... 2 Entrepreneurship serves as a vital empowerment and poverty alleviation tool for refugee women in host countries (Street et al., 2022). However, refugees face formidable obstacles in entrepreneurial pursuits, including a lack of financial resources, absence of credit histories, and insufficient collateral for securing loans (Collins, 2017). ...
... Recognizing the economic contributions of refugee women entrepreneurs, this study seeks to explore the entrepreneurial leadership skills of Congolese refugee women in Durban and their role in poverty alleviation. Refugee women's entrepreneurship has emerged as a pathway to empowerment, integration, and improved well-being in host countries (Street et al., 2022;Al-Hamad et al., 2024). Mentoring programs have shown positive impacts on refugee women entrepreneurs' empowerment (Street et al., 2022). ...
... Refugee women's entrepreneurship has emerged as a pathway to empowerment, integration, and improved well-being in host countries (Street et al., 2022;Al-Hamad et al., 2024). Mentoring programs have shown positive impacts on refugee women entrepreneurs' empowerment (Street et al., 2022). Despite these benefits, refugee women entrepreneurs still encounter various constraints and barriers (Al-Hamad et al., 2024). ...
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Refugee women entrepreneurship has been played a crucial role in economic development and poverty alleviation in both sending and receiving countries. Although their contribution to socioeconomic development in South Africa, they face various challenges including proper identity documents from the Department of Home Affairs, financial resources, and services to enter the labor market in SA. The purpose of this study is to explore the entrepreneurial skills of DR Congolese refugee women in Durban. This study used qualitative research methodology including both explanatory and descriptive theories during data collection. The study used in-depth interviews and questionnaires where ten Congolese refugee women informal traders between the age of 24 and 41 years were selected through snowball techniques from Congolese community in Durban. The results revealed that entrepreneurial activity has been considered as an approach of empowering refugee women and poverty alleviation in their receiving countries. The findings show that refugees are the most unlikely entrepreneurs as they lacked the resources to launch a new enterprise with no history of credit and lack of assets or security to bank loan. The study revealed the needs of UNHCR, NGOs and government’s support in terms of sponsoring refugees’ projects, especially business training and appropriate identity documents from the department of Home Affairs. The economic contributions of female refugee entrepreneurs from the Congo in South Africa could be substantial if supported by gender-responsive policies and the provision of formal identification documents, along with access to business training opportunities. This would enhance their well-being and contribute to the economic growth of Durban.
... Therefore, the basic concept of mentoring is to educate, where the mentor is "driving" and "guiding," which differs from guidance based on motivation or counseling based on psychological help (St-Jean & Tremblay, 2020). Furthermore, mentoring focuses more on business guidance and advice, especially in the early stages of business start-ups (Street et al., 2022;Kubberød & Ladegard, 2021). Entrepreneurship mentoring at HEI can encourage students in HEI towards entrepreneurship (Middleton, 2020;Nabi et al., 2021;Sansone et al., 2021a), it will develop skills and capabilities (Fauchald et al., 2022;Nate et al., 2022;Saino, 2019) of students to become entrepreneurs. ...
... Several authors have developed a mentoring model. The concept of mentoring at the university, the basis of which is to focus on career development and psychosocial development (Street et al., 2022;Nabi et al., 2021;Liao et al., 2022;Liu et al., 2022;Carpintero, 2015). ...
... Several authors have developed a mentoring model. The concept of mentoring at the university, the basis of which is to focus on career development and psychosocial development (Street et al., 2022;Nabi et al., 2021;Liao et al., 2022;Liu et al., 2022;). In conclusion, while entrepreneurship mentoring programs in Malaysia, China, the USA, and the UK share some similarities, they also differ in their approach and emphasis. ...
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This paper presents the key findings of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) aimed at investigating the mentoring approaches practiced by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Malaysia, China, the United States of America (USA), and the United Kingdom (UK) to enhance their support systems for aspiring post-graduation entrepreneurs. Recognizing the growing significance of entrepreneurship in today's society, these HEIs have emphasized entrepreneurial mentorship to support and nurture student entrepreneurs. Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology, the review focuses on two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to identify the competencies required by mentor entrepreneurs who are lecturers within these institutions. Secondly, it seeks to identify the specific areas of emphasis in mentoring entrepreneurs within HEIs in the four selected countries. The selected articles are categorized into three main themes: entrepreneur mentoring competencies, entrepreneurship mentoring focus, and the mentoring approaches practiced at HEIs in these countries. The findings reveal that mentor entrepreneurs, typically lecturers, possess essential competencies, including personality traits, practical experience, relevant skills, and comprehensive knowledge of entrepreneurship. Differences and similarities in the focus and approach to mentoring entrepreneurs are observed among the four countries, reflecting their unique entrepreneurial landscapes and cultural contexts. However, commonalities also exist, particularly in the overarching goal of supporting and nurturing aspiring entrepreneurs. In conclusion, this SLR highlights the competencies required by mentor entrepreneurs and sheds light on the diverse approaches adopted by HEIs in Malaysia, China, the USA, and the UK to mentor and guide students in entrepreneurship. These findings can inform the development of effective mentoring programs tailored to the specific needs and challenges faced by aspiring entrepreneurs in different educational contexts. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, HEI's entrepreneurs, mentee, mentor, mentor's competencies, mentorship
... Mentors for start-up businesses are considered critical in providing the necessary support to budding entrepreneurs [15]. They provide essential foundations to enable entrepreneurs to develop their full potential and prepare to face global competition and market dynamics [16,17]. Mentors not only provide practical support but also psychosocial and emotional support to budding entrepreneurs [10,18,19]. ...
... Mentors not only provide practical support but also psychosocial and emotional support to budding entrepreneurs [10,18,19]. They also help in developing important entrepreneurial networks [2,16]. For students in higher education institutions (HEIs), the ambition to be 'The Next Jack Ma' is often an inspiration, but the reality is that starting a business while studying is challenging [20,21]. ...
This study investigates the personalities of lecturers as mentors to startup entrepreneurs at higher education institutions (HEIs). The problem stems from the need to understand how specific personality traits contribute to effective mentorship. The objective is to explore how altruism, enthusiasm, and harmonism in lecturers influence their mentoring roles. A qualitative approach was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with Malaysian Polytechnic and Community College (PolyCC) lecturers who were finalists in the Best Entrepreneurship Mentor Award Category of the Ministry of Higher Education Entrepreneurship Award (MEA) 2021. These lecturers mentor student entrepreneurs who have successfully sustained their businesses. Thematic analysis was conducted using ATLAS.ti 9 to identify patterns and interactions. The resulting Entrepreneurial Mentor Personality Competency Model Framework, with a high inter-rater reliability (Cohen's Kappa value of 0.99), highlights key personality traits essential for effective mentorship. Additionally, the transferability of this model was validated by an entrepreneurship mentoring expert from Coventry University, United Kingdom (UK). This framework aims to guide HEI lecturers in fostering student entrepreneurship, providing a comprehensive guideline to help students achieve their entrepreneurial aspirations.
... Empowering women through education could be effective at reducing gender inequality at birth by lessening the preference for sons over daughters [10,11]. Among the various factors that could influence women's empowerment, such as education, income, and assets, Street et al. [12] show that being a business mentor to other women raises their sense of empowerment. Furthermore, training in microfinance is positively linked to various empowerment indicators such as intra-household decision making, as well as political and community participation [13]. ...
... Our findings are consistent with the literature on women's empowerment and gender equality [8,9]. In particular, positive treatments such as serving as a business mentor and receiving training in microfinance, improve women's sense of empowerment [12,13]. Our results are also in line with those from studies on the impacts of government policies that specifically target intimate relationships in women. ...
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This study investigates the extent to which the legislation targeting domestic violence may influence both women’s victimization by their partners and marital dissolution in 54 developing countries. We find that the legislation is effective in reducing domestic violence against women, evidenced by the decreases in the composite indices of emotional abuse, less severe violence, more severe violence, and sexual violence by 13.6, 14.4, 19.6, and 11.5%, relatively, relative to the sample averages. The legislation also makes women less likely to be divorced. Our heterogeneity analysis reveals that the disadvantaged population, i.e., rural women, poorly educated women, women having poorly educated spouses, and women from relatively poorer households, might receive less protection from the domestic violence law. Our findings call for more reforms in the legislative systems, so that domestic violence victims can be better protected.
... In contrast, this study specifically targets empowerment and well-being among refugee women by providing tailored instructional training and mentorship to address their specific needs and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for building entrepreneurial capacity. Street et al. (2022) explore the impact of refugee women entrepreneurs serving as mentors to others in the U.K., while Senthanar et al. (2021) investigate the motivations and challenges of entrepreneurship among Syrian refugee women in Canada, highlighting systemic barriers and gendered contexts that shape their entrepreneurial endeavors in industries like food/catering and tailoring. Similarly, Mangrio et al. (2019) and Spehar (2021) primarily discuss the challenges and barriers faced by refugee women without proposing solutions. ...
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Female refugees encounter unique challenges in host societies. These challenges often surpass those faced by male refugees, particularly in accessing the job market and making economic contributions to their new communities. Despite substantial literature on the challenges faced by refugee women, there remains a significant gap in research specifically focused on targeted educational and entrepreneurial interventions for this demographic. Additionally, studies exploring effective integration strategies through such targeted initiatives are notably scarce. This study, motivated by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, seeks to fill this gap by examining the intersection of gender, immigration status, and climate change adaptation. It evaluates the effectiveness of an educational intervention tailored for refugee women within a transdisciplinary framework incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) and social science disciplines. This intervention aims to enhance subjective well-being, particularly by fostering sustainable entrepreneurship, facilitating integration into host societies, and fostering long-term contributions to climate change adaptation and resilience. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study yields quantitative findings suggesting positive shifts in participants’ overall well-being post-intervention, albeit not reaching statistical significance. Qualitative analysis reveals four central themes: pre-program feelings of isolation and detachment, personal growth, supportive ecosystems, and increased sense of belonging. The qualitative findings serve to complement and enrich our understanding of the intervention’s effectiveness, offering valuable insights that may not be fully captured through quantitative measures alone. From these findings, it is evident that a gender-focused approach is essential for providing tailored integration support. These insights are valuable for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders alike. By recognizing and addressing the specific challenges faced by refugee women during resettlement, this intervention not only facilitates their integration into host societies but also enhances their overall well-being.
... Empowerment is an iterative process with key components including an enabling environment that encourages people's participation in decision-making that affects the achievement of goals such as poverty alleviation, social integration and decent work for all as well as sustainable development (e.g. Street, 2022). ...
The research uses the synthetic scoping review method to reveal a state-of-the-art entrepreneurial orientation study in social entrepreneurship context. This research was carried out in a mixed method approach with three stages: a systematic review and scoping review as a qualitative approach and bibliometric mapping with co-occurrence analysis as a quantitative approach. The results of a systematic review show that a social entrepreneurial orientation has been initiated since 1906. In Spain and the United States, quantitative research dominates. The scoping review results reveal seven dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation typical in the social entrepreneurship context. Furthermore, the results of the co-occurrence analysis raise five major themes, namely 1) women entrepreneurial orientation and women empowerment, 2) the dimension of women entrepreneurial and get new dimensions are women flexibility and women ethics, 3) women entrepreneurial orientation and intangible resources, 4) women entrepreneurial orientation and family to work conflict, 5) business performance. Keywords: women empowerment, dimension of women entrepreneurial orientation, intangible resources, family to work conflict, business performance
Purpose The study deploys Anthias' intersectional framework of social spaces and her concept of translocational positionality to explore the barriers to entrepreneurship for refugee entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom (UK). In particular, the study aims to assess how migrant identities require a specific form of business support. Design/methodology/approach A total of 32 semi-structured interviews with 14 refugee entrepreneurs and 18 business support agents were conducted between April and October 2022 and, together with field notes, were combined for thematic analysis in NVivo 12. Findings Organisational, representational, intersubjective and experiential barriers combined to create practical and psychological deterrents to entrepreneurship for refugees. However, an explicitly humanistic and de-centred approach to business support was (partially) able to counter such barriers. Practical implications Policymakers and business support agencies should consider intersectional characteristics and the importance of a compassionate and individual approach when designing business support programmes for refugee entrepreneurs. Originality/value Two intersectional concepts of social spaces and translocational positionality are brought into conversation with each other, creating a novel approach to framing the barriers to entrepreneurship for refugees.
This article examines the trajectory of global human rights expansion, with a specific focus on the advancement of girls’ and women’s education. By adopting a generational lens and using a reflective standpoint, I unpack the role of gender-specific social capital in fostering agency and empowerment among girls, particularly within the Global South. Building upon Porter’s Girls’ education, development and social change: ‘Seeding, Strengthening and Linking’ (Global Fund for Women) (2016), I propose a civic pedagogical PCCS (Place-based education initiatives, Cost-efficient and ecologically sound innovations, Collective intelligence building, Shared knowledge inquiry) model as a response to humanitarian crises, ideological disparities, and armed conflicts. Additionally, I draw upon the Indian concept of jugaad to comprehend the social, spatial, and economic negotiations in the Global South, enabling strategic resourcefulness. Furthermore, I introduce a Dalitbahujan feminist lens to emphasise the significance of girls’ education in the current decade and beyond. By reexamining Porter’s narratives and considering global circumstances, I focus on the dynamics of gender-oriented social capital. This article enriches the discussion on girls’ education within the frameworks of 21st-century ideologies of neoliberalism, philanthrocapitalism, and neo-capitalism, highlighting the crucial role of collaborative efforts.
Purpose The international mentoring literature predominantly features traditional company-assigned expatriates as protégés overlooking other types of global talent, such as immigrants, refugees, and international graduates, who may help organizations gain long-term IHRM competitive advantages. We integrate multidisciplinary research to better understand the role of mentoring as a global talent management tool, identify research gaps, and propose future research directions. Design/methodology/approach We draw on an integrative review of 71 academic journal articles published between 1999 and 2024 to explore the role of mentoring in managing global talent (i.e. expatriates, immigrants, refugees, and international students and graduates). Findings We found that research has identified and examined relationships between various antecedents and outcomes of mentoring but mainly treating mentoring as a talent development tool. Less is known about the role of mentoring as a recruitment and selection tool in the pre-employment context. Mentoring is an important HRM tool that contributes to managing a global talent pool and developing existing employees. Originality/value The review contributes to a better understanding of the characteristics and processes involved in mentoring in a global context by proposing a framework that incorporates antecedents of mentoring, characteristics of the mentoring process, and mentoring outcomes. It highlights the value of mentoring as a recruitment and selection tool supporting global talent management and identifies avenues for future research.
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to develop an empirically informed framework to analyze women empowerment and entrepreneurship, contextualized within a collective society. Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted 15 in-depth semi-structured interviews with women entrepreneurs located in the United Arab Emirates to understand their entrepreneurial experiences and how they were empowered. Findings Findings suggest that the three aspects of power characterized as “positive” from within Rowlands’ distinctions (“power to”, “power with” and “power within”) dominate, as opposed to those emphasized in the literature (“power to” and “power over”). Findings include empowerment of the “me” (individual) also synergistically contributes to empowerment of the “we” (society), when considering empowerment within a collective society. Originality/value A psychology model was used as a basis to develop a Collective Empowerment Process Framework. This framework provides a fresh look at empowerment, allowing for explanations of how women in specific contexts experience empowerment and social change.
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The Empowerment and Peer Mentoring of Migrant and Refugee Women pilot program (EMPOWER) provides a mechanism for migrant women who have established lives in Australia to mentor newly arrived women to build the ability, confidence, and knowledge to overcome barriers to the social determinants of health such as employment. Female migrant mentors (n = 21) met with their mentees (n = 32) on a regular basis over a period of 3 to 12 months between September 2019 and November 2021. The individual mentoring was augmented by group workshops facilitated by content experts and the research team. The unique perspectives of the mentors were explored through individual interviews (n = 15) and analysis of journal entries (n = 58) submitted regularly by mentors throughout the program. Thematic analysis revealed that mentors were intrinsically motivated to build strong and trusting connections with their mentees, which were pivotal to reducing inequalities for mentees and their families. Mentors had high expectations of themselves and demonstrated commitment and flexibility to accommodate mentees’ needs. However, they sometimes struggled when supporting mentees who were overwhelmed by the systemic and other stressors associated with resettlement and pre-migration trauma. Regular networking and moral support for mentors would enhance future programs.
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The Empowerment and Peer Mentoring of Migrant and Refugee Women study (EMPOWER) examined the effectiveness of a participatory, peer mentoring program specifically tailored for migrant and refugee women to build ability, confidence, and knowledge to seek employment, a known contributor to mental health and wellbeing. Female migrant mentors (n = 21) supported three cohorts of mentees (n = 32), predominantly from Middle Eastern and Asian backgrounds, over a period of 9–12 months each between September 2019 and November 2021. The program consisted of both individual mentoring and group workshops facilitated by content experts and the research team. The mental health and wellbeing outcomes for the mentees were explored through individual interviews with both mentors and mentees. Results indicate the program helped participants develop social connections, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and personal health and safety skills. There are ongoing mental health needs in this cohort related to competing priorities and trauma. The development of trusting, respectful relationships with mentors who are committed and flexible is essential for positive wellbeing outcomes. Peer mentoring programs for migrant and refugee women can enhance mental health and wellbeing outcomes and facilitate independence. Mentors need resources to provide appropriate mental and physical health support for some groups.
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This article explores the underexamined role of personal enablers in migrant entrepreneurship. Drawing on timeline interviews, the study relays the importance of entrepreneur enablers in migrants’ business endeavours over time, ranging from coincidental and ephemeral encounters to the development of supportive communities. In the absence of accessible business support structures, the role of chance in migrants’ entrepreneurial trajectories increases, leading migrants to become self-employed, often against the grain of their own expectations or those of their inner circle of contacts or the wider society. The timeline interviews are a helpful method to capture how particular people, in conjunction with broader societal and smaller personal developments, influence entrepreneurial choices and progression over time. The study adds a dynamic and agentic perspective to migrant entrepreneurship literature underlining the importance of personal enablers to support migrant entrepreneurial developments over time.
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We observe the opportunity-production processes of aspiring refugee entrepreneurs in their host countries. Our process data from eighteen refugee entrepreneurs reveal heterogeneity in how entrepreneurs move across the opportunity-production stages of conceptualization, objectifica-tion, and enactment. We identify four patterns, which are characterized by differences in iteration , order, and continuity. By theorizing on process characteristics and connecting these characteristics to embeddedness and temporality, we provide insights into how cognitive alignment and use of networks from home countries versus host countries help expand the explanatory scope of the opportunity-production theory from ordinary entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs who are subject to disruption in their lives.
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The relationship between empowerment and entrepreneurship in collective societies is, in our view, insufficiently examined. Accepted definitions of empowerment and the assumptions underlying programs and research designs based on them result in outcomes that self-fulfil and, as a result, disappoint. Several issues are prevalent: the empowerment potential of programs is overestimated and the dominant view of what constitutes an ‘empowered self’ does not go deep enough to explore, and reframe, the self and its relationship to agency—two issues at the core of empowerment definitions and formulations. In this conceptual article, we examine the entrepreneurship and empowerment literature to suggest ways forward for the future health and relevance of the subject area