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Impact of initial conditions on modelling extreme precipitation: case of November 29–30, 2010 floods over Morocco

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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
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Abstract and Figures

Extreme Precipitation is a weather hazard that affects the society directly and harmfully. Because of the process involved in the formation of precipitation at several spatial and temporal scales, the forecast of precipitation is still challenging the weather models. The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of initial condition on the modelling of extreme precipitation by the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) limited area model ALADIN (Aire Limitée Adaptation dynamique Developpement INternational) at 10 km horizontal resolution. The case study corresponds to the extreme flooding event of November 29–30, 2010 across Morocco with daily precipitation reaching 178 mm over Casablanca city. A detailed description of the atmosphere dynamic during this event is given to help the understanding of the precipitation generation. Several experiments were performed to assess the impact of conventional and satellite data. Furthermore, sensitivity studies were carried out for the surface initialisation and the start mode. The assimilation experiment with an optimal setting had produced dynamical fields that were more favourable for the heavy precipitation occurrence. The evaluation of precipitation forecast has been performed by comparison to the surface precipitation observations. The results showed that the combined surface/upper-air assimilation of both conventional and satellite observations produced a clear improvement in term of precipitation location and intensity forecast.
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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2022) 8:5683–5693
Impact ofinitial conditions onmodelling extreme precipitation: case
ofNovember 29–30, 2010 floods overMorocco
ZahraSahlaoui1,2 · FatimaZahraHdidou1,2· KhalidElRhaz1· SoumiaMordane2
Received: 31 May 2022 / Accepted: 13 July 2022 / Published online: 26 July 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
Extreme Precipitation is a weather hazard that affects the society directly and harmfully. Because of the process involved
in the formation of precipitation at several spatial and temporal scales, the forecast of precipitation is still challenging the
weather models. The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of initial condition on the modelling of extreme precipitation
by the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) limited area model ALADIN (Aire Limitée Adaptation dynamique Developpe-
ment INternational) at 10km horizontal resolution. The case study corresponds to the extreme flooding event of November
29–30, 2010 across Morocco with daily precipitation reaching 178mm over Casablanca city. A detailed description of the
atmosphere dynamic during this event is given to help the understanding of the precipitation generation. Several experiments
were performed to assess the impact of conventional and satellite data. Furthermore, sensitivity studies were carried out for
the surface initialisation and the start mode. The assimilation experiment with an optimal setting had produced dynamical
fields that were more favourable for the heavy precipitation occurrence. The evaluation of precipitation forecast has been
performed by comparison to the surface precipitation observations. The results showed that the combined surface/upper-air
assimilation of both conventional and satellite observations produced a clear improvement in term of precipitation location
and intensity forecast.
Keywords Atmospheric modelling· Heavy precipitation event· Data assimilation· Morocco
The precipitation is among the most impact-relevant meteor-
ological phenomena. It has a direct impact on human safety,
activity and economy. Flash floods are the most widespread
and harmful weather-related natural disasters, which are
closely related to the precipitation frequency and intensity.
Furthermore, taking into account the connection between
the climate changes and the precipitation intensity, several
studies had shown an increase of extreme precipitation
event occurrence over large parts of the globe (Bulti etal.
2021; Tabari 2020). Therefore, high-resolution precipitation
forecasts are highly needed for a better risk management
and decision making. Additionally, accurate precipitation
forecast is also highly required for urban (Moujahid etal.
2018), industrial and agricultural applications. It is also a
crucial input for flood forecasting systems and hydrological
models (El Khalki etal. 2020).
The precipitation forecast, at short and medium range,
is mainly based on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)
models. Former studies (Igri etal. 2015, Rao etal. 2020)
showed that the precipitation forecast accuracy is closely
linked to the model initial conditions, especially in case of
extreme events. During the last years, the data assimilation
methods used in meteorology had been widely improved,
which allowed taking advantages from the widespread and
diversified observation network.
The numerical weather prediction was developed in the
Moroccan Meteorological Service within the framework of
ALADIN (Aire Limité Adaptation dynamique Developpe-
ment INternational) consortium (ALADIN 1997). It is an
international cooperation, led by Météo-France that started
in 1990, in association with Eastern Europe countries.
Morocco joined the project in 1993 as the first non-European
country. The Moroccan operational forecast suite has started
* Zahra Sahlaoui
1 CNRM, Direction Générale de La Météorologie, Casa-Oasis,
B.P:8106, 20240Casablanca, Morocco
2 LPPSMM, Faculty ofSciences Ben M’Sik, University
Hassan II, 20085Casablanca, Morocco
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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Under the conditions of climate change, extreme events occur more frequently with higher energy for devastation. Planning for effective management of climate-related risks demands clear information at the local scale. This study aims to characterize the extreme events in the daily precipitation records and to assess the changes under future climate conditions in flood vulnerable city of Adama. For this, the extreme rainfall events during 1965 and 2016 were analyzed on the basis of 10 selected extreme precipitation indices. Using a statistical downscaling model (SDSM), future daily precipitation in the city for the period 2021–2080 was downscaled from the outputs of two Global Circulation Models (CanESM2 and HadCM3) under five climate change scenarios. Taking the climate conditions during 1971 and 2000 as a base, changes in precipitation extreme events in future periods (2021–2050 and 2051–2080) were investigated using the delta approach. The study reveals that the extreme precipitation events in Adama city were increasing over the period of 1965–2016. The results also indicate a successful application of the SDSM for downscaling local-scale future daily precipitation from the outputs of large-scale atmospheric information for the study area. Moreover, under future climate change scenarios, the extreme precipitation would increase up to 2080, despite the changes will be highest during 2050 and 2080, indicates the study area could experience frequent and more severe floods during the coming 60 years due to the changes in global climate. This study would support planning for effective management of flood risks due to the impacts of climate change on extreme precipitation in Adama city.
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The hydrological cycle is expected to intensify with global warming, which likely increases the intensity of extreme precipitation events and the risk of flooding. The changes, however, often differ from the theorized expectation of increases in water‐holding capacity of the atmosphere in the warmer conditions, especially when water availability is limited. Here, the relationships of changes in extreme precipitation and flood intensities for the end of the twenty-first century with spatial and seasonal water availability are quantified. Results show an intensification of extreme precipitation and flood events over all climate regions which increases as water availability increases from wet to dry regions. Similarly, there is an increase in the intensification of extreme precipitation and flood with the seasonal cycle of water availability. The connection between extreme precipitation and flood intensity changes and spatial and seasonal water availability becomes stronger as events become less extreme.
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Flash floods are common in small Mediterranean watersheds and the alerts provided by real-time monitoring systems provide too short anticipation times to warn the population. In this context, there is a strong need to develop flood forecasting systems in particular for developing countries such as Morocco where floods have severe socioeconomic impacts. In this study, the AROME (Application of Research to Operations at Mesoscale), ALADIN (Aire Limited Dynamic Adaptation International Development) and WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) meteorological models are evaluated to forecast flood events in the Rheraya and Ourika basin located in the High-Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The model evaluation is performed by comparing for a set of flood events the observed and simulated probabilities of exceedances for different precipitation thresholds. In addition, two different flood forecasting approaches are compared: the first one relies on the coupling of meteorological forecasts with a hydrological model and the second one is a based on a linear relationship between event rainfall, antecedent soil moisture and runoff. Three different soil moisture products (in-situ measurements, European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative ESA-CCI remote sensing data and ERA5 reanalysis) are compared to estimate the initial soil moisture conditions before flood events for both methods. Results showed that the WRF and AROME models better simulate precipitation amounts compared to ALADIN, indicating the added value of convection-permitting models. The regression-based flood forecasting method outperforms the hydrological model-based approach, and the maximum discharge is better reproduced when using the WRF forecasts in combination with ERA5. These results provide insights to implement robust flood forecasting approaches in the context of data scarcity that could be valuable for developing countries such as Morocco and other North African countries.
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The impact of assimilating zenith total delay (ZTD) observations from the Moroccan ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network into the high-resolution operational model AROME-Morocco (2.5 km) is assessed over one month. The objective is to investigate the impact on moisture field and rainy event forecasts in a three-dimensional variational (3D-Var) data assimilation framework with a 3-hour cycling. As a first step, a pre-processing of ZTD observations is performed for quality control and bias correction and it points out that all GNSS stations available in the network can be potentially assimilated. Then, two parallel experiments, with and without assimilation of GNSS ZTD, are performed during February–March 2018, for 48-hour lead times. Compared against other observation systems of humidity (radiosonde and surface network), a small and beneficial improvement is found in the atmospheric moisture short-range forecast, despite the limited number of GNSS stations over Morocco. The impact of assimilating GNSS ZTD data on precipitation forecasts is evaluated both subjectively and objectively. The objective precipitation scores against daily rain gauge observations show that the impact is mixed, positive for larger rainfall accumulations and neutral to negative for smaller rainfall accumulations. A specific evaluation for a case study of a rain event highlights an improvement in terms of intensity and location of precipitating areas when GNSS ZTD observations are assimilated.
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The ability of precipitation assimilation is assessed in a convective scale model in order to improve the precipitation forecast for a Mediterranean heavy rain event that took place on November 4, 2017. The proposed assimilation method is based on a two‐step approach. First, one‐dimensional variational (1D‐Var) assimilation is applied on hourly accumulated precipitation to retrieve temperature and specific humidity profiles. These retrieved profiles are then combined in relative humidity profiles before being assimilated into the AROME (Application of Research to Operational at MEsoscale) 3D‐Var system. Three experiments are run for this case study. The results show that precipitation assimilation has a positive impact on both moisture analysis and the forecast of dynamic fields. A comparison of 24 hr‐accumulated precipitation forecasts with precipitation analysis from radar and gauge data (ANTILOPE) demonstrates the ability of rain assimilation to improve convective precipitation forecasts. A statistical evaluation against rain gauges indicates better scores due to the additional moisture information given by the precipitation assimilation. To improve intense precipitation forecast in the case of a Mediterranean event, a one‐dimensional variational (1D‐Var) + 3D‐Var approach is proposed for the assimilation of surface precipitation in the convective scale model AROME (Application of Research to Operational at MEsoscale). Relative humidity profiles are retrieved from the hourly accumulated surface precipitation and then assimilated into the AROME 3D‐Var system. The case study of the heavy rain Mediterranean event that took place on November 4, 2017, shows that precipitation assimilation has a positive impact on both moisture analysis and the forecast of dynamic fields and precipitation.
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A national priority at the Moroccan level is to understand the spatiotemporal rainfall irregularity to anticipate suitable strategies for water and agriculture management. The most northern mountainous region shows intense sensitivity to extreme hydroclimatic hazards which may compromise the future of socioeconomic acceleration and further weaken environmental balances. However, planning and decision making require accurate data, on a detailed scale and with good spatial distribution which is not the case in several south-Mediterranean countries where rainfall data and/or well-established hydro-meteorological network is lacking. In this paper, abundant rain gauge measurements combined with time-series open data (1958-2015) were used to study the rainfall variability. Results show an annual rainfall increase trend since 1996 with frequent, intense and abundant rains causing violent torrents and floods. This humid trend alternates with short but severe dry periods. Spatial distribution shows a rainfall increase from eastern to western area and from the coastal plains to high mountains. Based on a continuous daily rainfall dataset (from 1988 to 2012) from six scattered stations, it appears that the pattern of heavy and extreme wet days takes the form of an irregular interannual cycle. Trends of the annual precipitation daily concentration indicate a significant positive trend in the center than in the East of the study area. Considering these observations, a review of water needs/obligations priorities seems crucial so that a new conscious and adaptative environmental policy would approve new procedures for a sustainable management.
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Information on extreme rainfall frequencies is required for Urban Drainage (UD) networks design. In this paper, the Regional Frequency Analysis (RFA), based on the L-moments, is used to: (i) analyze the trend of Annual Maximum Precipitation (AMP) over two analysis periods (1970–1989 and 1990–2015), (ii) estimate the regional Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves of northern Morocco and (iii) assess the impact of the changes in rainfall intensities on the UD networks design during analysis periods. In reference to Hosking & Wallis (1997) and Alila, (1999), the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution has been used as a regional distribution to estimate regional quantiles for the analysis periods (1970–1999 and 1990–2015). The results show an increase up to 9% for quantiles used in UD networks design.
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Convection-permitting models (CPMs) have provided weather forecasting centres with a step-change in capabilities for forecasting rainfall. They are now used operationally to forecast precipitation in many parts of the world, including the UK. CPMs are models in which the dynamics of atmospheric convection is treated with sufficient accuracy in order to make it viable to switch off convection parametrization. This review describes the current state-of-the-art in operational CPM-based numerical weather prediction (NWP), primarily within the UK, and the historical development of CPMs. The characteristics of CPM systems and forecasts are highlighted and placed in an international context to recognize similar trends and highlight some differences. It is shown that the realism of CPM-based forecasts can provide improved subjective guidance on convection, and, when measured on appropriate scales, can improve rainfall forecasting skill compared to coarser-resolution NWP. Data assimilation techniques used with operational CPMs are reviewed and given historical context. Examples of new types of observations that may increase the skill of forecasts from improved initial conditions are discussed. CPM-based nowcasting systems are shown to provide considerable improvements in short-range forecasts of rapidly developing, intense systems. As a result, these CPM-based systems provide a new forecasting capability. Finally, the development of CPMs has also required new techniques to verify forecasts and define their skill. These have revealed that the lack of predictability of the smallest scales involving convection means that ensemble techniques are required to represent forecast uncertainty, resulting in a new capability to provide objective forecast probabilities of local precipitation.
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p>Satellites are uniquely capable of providing uniform data coverage globally. Motivated by such capability, this study builds on a previously described methodology that generates numerical weather prediction initial conditions from satellite total column ozone data. The methodology is based on two principal steps. Firstly, the studied linear regression between vertical (100hPa-500hPa) Mean Potential Vorticity (MPV) and MetOp/GOME2 total ozone data (O3) generates MPV pseudo-observations. Secondly, the 3D variational (3D-Var) assimilation method is designed to take into account MPV pseudo-observations in addition to conventional observations. After a successful assimilation of MPV pseudo-observations using a 3D-Var approach within the Moroccan version of the ALADIN limited-area model, the present study aims to assess the dynamical behavior of the short-range forecast at upper levels during heavy precipitation events (HPEs). It is found that MPV assimilation offers the possibility to internally monitor the model upper-level dynamics in addition to the use of Water Vapor Satellite images.</p
A localized extreme precipitation event occurred over Munsiyari (Uttarakhand, India) on 2nd July 2018 causing flash floods, landslides and damage to the hydropower project. A preliminary study has been carried out by using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with three-dimensional variation data assimilation technique (3DVAR) to examine the feasibility of the model to predict the localized phenomena. Sensitivity experiments were carried out with two different microphysics in the model. Results show that P3 1-category plus double moment cloud water microphysics scheme with 3DVAR in WRF simulates the quantity of precipitation closer to the observed precipitation over Munsiyari. The vertical velocity and relative humidity were also simulated well during 3DVAR data assimilation as compared to without data assimilation over study region.