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International Science Community Association Farmers' perception on transitioning to organic agriculture (OA) in Tsirang Received

  • Royal University of Bhutan, College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Bhutan
  • Bhutan Agro Industries Ltd


Organic agriculture (OA) has its roots in traditional agricultural practices. By best results from generation to generation. In Bhutan, given the importance and the country's commitment to convert fully to organic, it is imperative to investigate how farmers feel on this matter as they are th the ground. Accordingly, this study was conducted to (i) identify the drivers and deterrents of transitioning to OA and (ii) assess farmers' perception on transitioning to OA in Tsirang Dzongkhag. A total of 326 farm from five Gewogs and interviewed using semi who were aware of OA and its benefits were more likely to convert organic (p more likely to go organic compared to those who did not receive any training (p reluctant to convert organic (p≤.001). An independent sample t to organic compared to older farmers (p on farmers' perception to convert to organic (p farming, (ii) health benefits of OA, (iii) environmental benefits and (iv) low cost of production with (46.9%), (41.4%), (18.5%) and (14.2%) respectively. Farmers also identified some major challenges such as (i) labor shortage (90.9%), (ii) labor intensity (43.2%), (iii) low yield (36.4%) and (iv) pest and diseases (36.4%). Majority (53.40%) of respondents were not in favor of Bhutan converting to 100% organic just yet. The study shows that most (64.8%) of the respondents following organic practices supported going orga
Research Journal of
Agriculture and Forestry
Vol. 8(1), 1-8, January (20
International Science Community
Farmers’ perception on transitioning to organic agriculture (OA) in Tsirang
Organic agriculture (OA) has its roots in traditional agricultural practices. By
best results from generation to generation. In Bhutan, given the importance and the countrys commitment to convert fully to
organic, it is imperative to investigate how farmers feel on this matter as they are th
the ground. Accordingly, this study was conducted to (i) identify the drivers and deterrents of transitioning to OA and (ii)
assess farmers’ perception on transitioning to OA in Tsirang Dzongkhag. A total of 326 farm
from five Gewogs and interviewed using semi
who were aware of OA and its benefits were more likely to convert organic (p
more likely to go organic compared to those who did not receive any training (p
reluctant to convert organic (p
.001). An independent sample t
to organic compared to older farmers (p
on farmers’ perception to convert to organic (p
farming, (ii)
(18.5%) and (14.2%) respectively. Farmers also identified some major challenges such as (i) labor shortage (90.9%), (ii)
labor intensity (43.2%), (ii
i) low yield (36.4%) and (iv) pest and diseases (36.4%). Majority (53.40%) of respondents were
not in favor of Bhutan converting to 100% organic just yet. The study shows that most (64.8%) of the respondents following
organic practices supported going orga
Keywords: Deterrents, drivers, o
Conventional agriculture (CA) has been dominant in previous
decades and contributed to increased agricultural productivity
and improved farmers’ living standards
. Though CA provides
maximum yield in most cases, concerns about environment,
economic and soc
ietal impacts of CA have led many farmers to
pursue alternative practices that can make food production more
Organic agriculture (OA) is one widely used method that is
thought of as a viable alternative to avoid the ill effects of
synthetic agro-chemical use
. Low external inputs with
sustainable strategies have emerged as viable alternative and
OA appears to be more successful in marginal areas where agro
chemicals have not been extensively used such as in Bhutan
OA was launched in Bhutan
in 2003. The philosophies of
Bhutan’s development concept based on Gross National
Happiness (GNH) and the principles of OA share common
With the whole world into the organic movement, Bhutan in
2010 also announced to the world, at Rio+20 summit
Agriculture and Forestry
Farmers perception on transitioning to organic agriculture (OA) in Tsirang
district, Bhutan
Pema Thinley and Sonam Tashi
College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Punakha
Available online at:
February 2018, revised
May 2019, accepted
Organic agriculture (OA) has its roots in traditional agricultural practices. By
trial and error, local farmers passed their
best results from generation to generation. In Bhutan, given the importance and the countrys commitment to convert fully to
organic, it is imperative to investigate how farmers feel on this matter as they are th
e principal implementers of the plan on
the ground. Accordingly, this study was conducted to (i) identify the drivers and deterrents of transitioning to OA and (ii)
assess farmers perception on transitioning to OA in Tsirang Dzongkhag. A total of 326 farm
from five Gewogs and interviewed using semi
structured questionnaires. Results of binary regression indicated that farmers
who were aware of OA and its benefits were more likely to convert organic (p
.001). Farmers who received
more likely to go organic compared to those who did not receive any training (p
.001). Non organic farmers were still
.001). An independent sample t
test indicated that young farmers were more likely to conver
to organic compared to older farmers (p
.05). Mann-
Whitney U test suggested that large households had positive influence
on farmers perception to convert to organic (p
.05). The main drivers influencing OA were (i) traditional method of
health benefits of OA, (iii) environmental benefits and (iv) low cost of production with (46.9%), (41.4%),
(18.5%) and (14.2%) respectively. Farmers also identified some major challenges such as (i) labor shortage (90.9%), (ii)
i) low yield (36.4%) and (iv) pest and diseases (36.4%). Majority (53.40%) of respondents were
not in favor of Bhutan converting to 100% organic just yet. The study shows that most (64.8%) of the respondents following
organic practices supported going orga
nic while only 90.8% of non-
organic respondents were not in favor of the idea.
agriculture, perception, transition, Tsirang.
Conventional agriculture (CA) has been dominant in previous
decades and contributed to increased agricultural productivity
. Though CA provides
maximum yield in most cases, concerns about environment,
ietal impacts of CA have led many farmers to
pursue alternative practices that can make food production more
Organic agriculture (OA) is one widely used method that is
thought of as a viable alternative to avoid the ill effects of
. Low external inputs with
sustainable strategies have emerged as viable alternative and
OA appears to be more successful in marginal areas where agro
chemicals have not been extensively used such as in Bhutan
in 2003. The philosophies of
Bhutans development concept based on Gross National
Happiness (GNH) and the principles of OA share common
With the whole world into the organic movement, Bhutan in
2010 also announced to the world, at Rio+20 summit
that it will
become a 100% organic nation by 2020
has around 56,118 acres under organic management
the and Samdrup Jongkhar in the south were declared as organic
districts in 2004 and 2012 respectively.
However, given the a
cute labor shortage and the potential of
SAC’s in yield elevation, farmers may be tempted to pursue CA
or continue CA, if already into it. The biggest barrier most
farmers face when switching to organic production is the change
in their mindset. Farmers ad
challenges such as shortage of labor, pest and diseases, limited
land holding and often lower yield
On the contrary promoters of OA argue it to be better in all
aspects or at par to CA
. As Bhutan has not been affected much
by agro-
chemicals due to the age old traditional farming
practices which have been dominant, transitioning to OA will
not be a problem
Therefore, transiting to a fully organic country will largely
depend on farmers and their perception/choice. We are y
know the basis of their choice or preference of what factors
would encourage farmers to embrace OA or conversely
discourage them.
ISSN 2320 – 6063
J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
Farmers perception on transitioning to organic agriculture (OA) in Tsirang
trial and error, local farmers passed their
best results from generation to generation. In Bhutan, given the importance and the country’s commitment to convert fully to
e principal implementers of the plan on
the ground. Accordingly, this study was conducted to (i) identify the drivers and deterrents of transitioning to OA and (ii)
assess farmers perception on transitioning to OA in Tsirang Dzongkhag. A total of 326 farm
ers were randomly selected
structured questionnaires. Results of binary regression indicated that farmers
.001). Farmers who received
training were
.001). Non organic farmers were still
test indicated that young farmers were more likely to conver
Whitney U test suggested that large households had positive influence
.05). The main drivers influencing OA were (i) traditional method of
health benefits of OA, (iii) environmental benefits and (iv) low cost of production with (46.9%), (41.4%),
(18.5%) and (14.2%) respectively. Farmers also identified some major challenges such as (i) labor shortage (90.9%), (ii)
i) low yield (36.4%) and (iv) pest and diseases (36.4%). Majority (53.40%) of respondents were
not in favor of Bhutan converting to 100% organic just yet. The study shows that most (64.8%) of the respondents following
organic respondents were not in favor of the idea.
become a 100% organic nation by 2020
5. As of today Bhutan
has around 56,118 acres under organic management
6. Gasa in
the and Samdrup Jongkhar in the south were declared as organic
districts in 2004 and 2012 respectively.
cute labor shortage and the potential of
SACs in yield elevation, farmers may be tempted to pursue CA
or continue CA, if already into it. The biggest barrier most
farmers face when switching to organic production is the change
in their mindset. Farmers ad
opting OA are deterred, by
challenges such as shortage of labor, pest and diseases, limited
land holding and often lower yield
On the contrary promoters of OA argue it to be better in all
. As Bhutan has not been affected much
chemicals due to the age old traditional farming
practices which have been dominant, transitioning to OA will
Therefore, transiting to a fully organic country will largely
depend on farmers and their perception/choice. We are y
et to
know the basis of their choice or preference of what factors
would encourage farmers to embrace OA or conversely
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2320 – 6063
Vol. 8(1), 1-8, January (2020) Res. J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
International Science Community Association 2
Given the importance of OA in Bhutan, and the governments
serious commitment on transitioning to 100% organic, it is also
necessary to investigate the factors that would either encourage
or deter farmers from adopting OA. The core objectives of this
study are to assess farmer’s perception on transitioning to OA
and identify the drivers and deterrents in adopting Organic
Agriculture in Tsirang district.
Materials and methods
Study area: The study was conducted in Tsirang Dzongkhag
with assistance from the concerned agriculture extension agents.
Data collection and sample size: From 12 gewogs in Tsirang
Dzongkhag, five were selected randomly. Stratified random
sampling was used to select households (hh) for the study from
respective gewogs. Non-farming households were excluded
from all gewogs. The size of sample was determined by using
Yamane’s formula with 95% confidence interval. Data
collection was carried out using semi-structured questionnaires.
There were 326 sample households from a total of 1,727
Data analysis: The data was analyzed using International
Business Machines Corporation-Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (IBM-SPSS), v.23.0. Data were checked for
normality and homogeneity prior to analysis. Mostly the data
were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Variable scales were
measured using Likert’s scale score varying from 1 to 5.
Independent sample t-test and Mann Whitney U test were used
to analyze farmers age and farm labor size with two groups of
respondents - those who were in favor and those who were not
on Bhutan shifting to fully organic. A binary logistic regression
was used to find farmers perception on transition to organic
agriculture with awareness, training received, method of
farming and gender.
Results and discussion
Respondents profile: A total of 326 households were selected
for the survey intended for this study. The results show that
67.1% of the respondents were males and the remainder
females, indicating that the respondent selection is mixed, but in
favor of males by more than one fold. It shows that majority of
the respondents who are actively engaged in agricultural
activities were males. The majority of respondents (47.5%) were
uneducated while less than 1% of the respondents had university
degree. A total of 248 (76%) respondents practiced OA while 78
respondents practiced CA.
Respondents age: The minimum age of respondent was 18
years old while the maximum age was 89 years old. From
grouping of respondents according to their age groups, majority
of them (47%) fell in 41-60 years’ group indicating decline in
youths taking up farming (Table-1). Bhutanese farming
comprises relatively less mechanized farming, so youth are
considered as the backbone of OA farming but it is observed
that more and more youth are migrating to urban areas
In age
group 41-60 years, it was observed that out of 154 respondents,
77% of them were more than 50 years old indicating aging labor
force (M = 49.5).
Table-1: Respondents’ age profile.
Age No of
Percentage (%)
Male Female
Below 12 0 0 0
13-18 3 0 1
19-40 124 26 12
41-60 154 31 17
Above 61 45 10 3
Total 326 67 33
Crop Information: Yield comparison: The study found that
there was a considerable yield gap but constricted to important
cash crops such as paddy, potato and chili while other crops
such as mustard, broccoli, cauliflower and cardamom had
negligible yield gap between organic and non-organic farmers
In this study non-organic farmers were found to have 8.45%
higher yield in paddy compared to organic farmers, with
21.98% and 21.49% higher in potato and chili respectively.
Crop Management: Usage of Synthetic agro-Chemicals: About
23.93% respondents reported that they use synthetic agro-
chemicals (SACs). About 44% of the respondents have seen
negative impacts related to use of synthetic chemical fertilizers
(SCFs) whether they use it or not. From the study it was found
that 22.10% of respondents use fertilizer (urea) for soil nutrient
management. Urea was used at the rate of 38 kg/ac mainly for
paddy cultivation (Table-2). Only 5.3% of respondents used
herbicides (butachlor) for weed management. Herbicide
particularly Butachlor was used mainly in paddy at an average
rate of 10 kg/ac.
Table-2: Usage of SACs.
Variables Yes
Mean value of SACs
Do you use synthetic
Chemical fertilizers 22.1 77.9
38 10
Do you use SCP/H? 5.3 94.7
SCP/H=Synthetic chemical pesticides/Herbicides, SACs =
Synthetic Agro Chemicals.
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2320 – 6063
Vol. 8(1), 1-8, January (2020) Res. J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
International Science Community Association 3
Figure 1: Yield comparison.
Usage of Organic Manure: The study found that organic
manures were obtained through integrated system of farming to
maintain soil fertility and health. Organic manures were applied
at an average rate of 911.20 kg/ac for paddy, 835.16 kg/ac and
693.61 kg/ac for maize and vegetables respectively. This is
comparatively low compared to recommended 4-5 ton/ac. This
could be due to limited source of organic manure as most
farmers do not have livestock integrated in their farming
For soil nutrient management, 34.40% of respondents used cow
dung, 24.50% cow dung with poultry (CDP) and 18% used cow
dung and leaf litter (CDL). Cow dung was found to be the main
source of organic nutrient management in respondents’ farms.
No other sources of nutrient management such as vermi-
compost or compost were used by farmers’ which was related to
having no knowledge of the process to make such organic
Awareness on Organic Agriculture: 7.67% of the respondents
attended training on OA compared to 92.33% who did not
(Figure-2). Majority of respondents (58.90%) were not aware of
OA, while only 41.10% responded “yes” to the knowledge and
understanding of OA (Figure-3). Despite frequent awareness
and trainings given by extension agents in Tsirang, majority of
the farmers are still unaware of OA, which could be due to the
remoteness of their dwellings from the gewog center.
Understanding of OA: Majority of farmers (47.5%) understand
OA by defining it as traditional method of farming followed by
27% and 25.5% defining it as having more pest and diseases and
organic production to be healthy respectively. Only 2.8% of the
respondents defined OA as a sustainable method of farming
Figure-2: Training on OA.
Figure3: Awareness on OA(n=326).
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Root crop (Raddish)
Yield (Kg/ac)
Average yield organic Average yield Non organic
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences______________________________________________
ISSN 2320 – 6063
1-8, January
(2020) Res. J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
International Science Community Association
Respondents’ understanding of OA.
The results show that respondents’ concept of OA is restricted
more towards their age old traditional method of farming which
has similar practices to OA of having an integrated system using
locally available resources free of SACs. Their concept of OA is
close to definition given by the NOP that OA is an approach to
agriculture where the aim is to create integrated, humane,
environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural
production systems, which maximizes reliance on-farm derived
The respondents’ idea of OA is also influenced by the deterrents
of OA such as high occurrences of pests and diseases which
they relate it to having low yield and poor quality reducing the
demand and income of farmers. Their idea of OA takes least
consideration on the sustainability provided by practicing
organic farming. This could be due to low awareness among
farmers on the actual concept of OA.
Drivers of Organic Agriculture:
Table-3 shows the major
factors that encourage respondents to continue or adopt OA.
Majority of the respondents (46.9%) felt that they want to
continue or are encouraged to adopt OA because OA resembles
traditional way of farming. Similarly, 41.4% of respondents
were in favor of health awareness being a major driver,
followed by environmental benefits (18.5%) of OA. Only 0.6%
of the respondents related experiencing illness due to use of
SACs. Even strong policies from the government was rated as a
low driver in taking up OA.
Bhutan is bestowed with its age old method of agriculture
production which by default share the same principles of an
organic production
. Bhutanese farmers heavily depend on
traditional knowledge that advocates the use of organic
materials such as cattle manure, leaf litter, poultry manure and
crop residues as organic fertilizers
. Their indigenous
knowledge on farming is compatible to organic farming
methods which can be a huge driving factor that ultimately lead
to farmers accepting and promoting the idea of OA.
Among majority of rural and poor farmers who make their
living through agriculture, one of the main causes of health
issue is due to exposure to SACs. Comparative analysis of
nutritional value of the two systems reveal considerable
difference in favor of organic
. On average organic foods are
said to contain 10-60% more healthy fatty acids, 5-90% higher
vitamin C content and 10-50% more secondary metabolites with
higher mineral content and dry matter
Farmers were aware of some environmental benefits of OA such
as utilization of local renewable resources, improved soil
fertility and low water pollution. The continuous use of large
quantities of synthetic nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus
fertilizers to elevate yield in CA leave toxic residues, which
penetrates into groundwater, as well as flows, into water bodies
leading to eutrophication, anoxia and consequently to the
gradual decrease in biodiversity
. As the current global
movement is in-line with clean environment and natural
products, Bhutan could easily become a pioneer in organic
Deterrents to adopt OA: Organic farmers:
Table-4 shows the
factors that deterred farmers from continuing or adopting OA.
Majority of respondents felt that labor shortage (90.9%) was the
most deterring factor followed by labor intensity (43.2%), low
yield and pest and diseases (36.4%). This could be because
respondents’ had a mean of 3 members living in their household
and working in the farm resulting in labor shortage.
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences______________________________________________
ISSN 2320 – 6063
1-8, January
(2020) Res. J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
International Science Community Association
Labor shortage has become an important issue, particularly
because OA is labor intensive
. Organic farming was found to
be labor-intensive which requires additional labor ranging from
7% to a high of 75% based on requirements during each
intercultural operations
Only 3.4% of respondents felt that poor soil fertility in organic
farms to be a deterring factor in taking up OA. This could be
due to the nature of organic farming which includes
sustainability through nutrient recycling compared to CA which
includes mono cropping depriving the soil of organic matter as
well as various macro and micro nutrients apart NPK in longer
run. Addition of organic manure rich in organic matter also
helps to stabilize the soil pH in OA, which is missing in most
CA practices leading to acidification, deterioration of soil
structure and texture.
Non-Organic farmers:
Table-5 shows the factors that deter
non-organic farmers from adopting OA. Similar to organic
farmers, majority (82.6%) of the respondents felt that labor
shortage is the main deterrent. Low yields (43.5%) from organic
farms and small land holding (36.2%) were other major
deterrents for non-organic farmers from adopting OA. Even low
support from the government was rated as a low deterrent in
taking up OA.
Main drivers for adopting OA.
Drivers Strongly disagree (%) Disagree (%) Neutral (%) Agree (%) Strongly agree (%)
Traditional way of farming 0.0 0.6 8.6 43.8 46.9
Health Benefit 0.0 0.0 17.9 40.7 41.4
Environmental benefits 0.0 9.3 34.0 38.3 18.5
Government policies 4.9 45.7 30.9 17.3 1.2
Experienced ill health 66.0 8.0 15.4 9.9 0.6
Likert scale: 1=Strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly agree.
Factors that deter farmers from continuing OA.
Deterrents Strongly Disagree (%) Disagree (%) Neutral (%) Agree (%) Strongly Agree (%)
Labor shortage 0.0 0.0 1.1 8.0 90.9
Labor intensive 0.0 0.0 9.1 47.7 43.2
Low yield 0.0 1.1 6.8 55.7 36.4
Pest and diseases 3.4 6.8 30.7 22.7 36.4
Poor soil fertility 22.7 40.9 26.1 6.8 3.4
Factors that deter farmers from converting to OA.
Deterrents Strongly Disagree (%) Disagree (%) Neutral (%) Agree (%) Strongly Agree (%)
Labor shortage 0.0 0.0 4.3 13.0 82.6
Low yield 0.0 5.8 15.9 34.8 43.5
Small land holding 8.7 2.9 20.3 31.9 36.2
Low governmental support 0.0 13.0 39.1 44.9 2.9
Poor soil fertility 0.0 18.8 47.8 33.3 0.0
Low market value 8.7 39.1 40.6 11.6 0.0
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences______________________________________________
ISSN 2320 – 6063
1-8, January
(2020) Res. J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
International Science Community Association
Similarly, labor shortage was found to be a major factor during
conversion to OA as Bhutan has the highest internal migration
rate in Asia, which should be a big concern to the policy
. Espousing organic way of life and practices
undeniably require additional labor inputs, especially in
managing soil fertility and pest compared to conventional
A similar study
reported that one of the main constraints of
organic- based farming is the yield gap that has been evident
which comes to around 9-25% higher in conventional farming.
Farmers’ income will only increase if organic crops out-yield
conventional crops
. Though organic yields may increase
beyond current productivity but it may not become as high as in
systems using chemical inputs.
Results from this study also showed that small land holding
proved to be a deterrent among farmers to convert organic.
Farmers having large farm holdings and higher income can
easily take the risk to practice organic cultivation methods
Conversely it can be very difficult for farmers with small farm
holding to compete with its counterparts as most farmers in
Bhutan are not even self-sufficient and are not ready to take the
risks involved.
Perception on Transitioning to OA:
When asked if Bhutan
should convert to a fully organic country and upon explaining
the country’s unprecedented aim of converting to fully organic
by 2020, irrespective of being organic or not majority (53.40%)
of participants were not in favor of transitioning to organic.
We found that 64.8% (
=248) of organic farmers were in favor
of converting to organic. This could be due to various drivers of
OA. Traditional farming methods which share similar principles
as OA was found as a major factor which enabled farmers to
continue OA. Health benefits and knowledge on harmful effects
of chemical usage was also reported to be a major driving
Conversely 90.8% (n=78) of respondents following CA were
not in favor of converting to organic. This could be due to
various deterrents discussed above. Labor shortage was reported
by 82.6% of respondents. Similarly, a large number of non-
organic respondents (43.5%) complained of lower yield in
organic farming to be a deterrent for them converting to OA.
Age and perception:
An independent sample t-test was
conducted to compare respondents’ age with two groups of
respondents; those who were in favor of transiting fully organic
and those who were not. There was a significant difference in
the score between those who were in favor of transitioning to
fully organic (
=13.5) and those who were not
(324) = -2.87,
= .004.
These results suggest that farmers’ age does have a significant
effect on their perception. Specifically, our results suggest that
younger farmers respond positively to going fully organic
compared to older farmers (Table-6).
In a similar study conducted in Nigeria, it was found that young
farmers were more likely to practice OA than old farmers as
older farmers exhibited more aversion to various risks related
compared to younger farmers
. Age predisposes a supportive
factor of an individual’s strength to physically demanding work
which is required in organic practices especially in a country
like Bhutan where farm mechanization is very difficult.
A similar study conducted in the United States of America
(USA) also found that young farmers, or those having less
experience with organic farming, were drawn to organic
farming relating to the healthy lifestyle offered by OA, relative
to profitability when compared to older or experienced
Household size and perception of farmers:
A Mann-Whitney
U test was conducted to compare respondent household size
with two groups of respondents; those in favor of transiting
organic and those who were not in favor. The result suggested
that respondents having larger family members living and
working on the farm/labor force (
Mdn= 178.76
) were more
positive on going organic compared to those having less family
members living and working on the farm (
= .004 (Table-7).
Farmers having large number of household members adopted
organic farming practices than those having comparatively
smaller number of household members
. This could be
because of more labor required in organic practices throughout
the cultivation season. This also confirms that large household
size reduces labor constraints amongst farm families.
Comparison of farmers’ age with their perception on transitioning to OA.
EVA= Equal variances assumed, EVNA= Equal variances not assumed.
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) MD Std. Error Dif.
Respondent Age
EVA .48 .48 -2.87 324 .004 -4.25 1.48
-2.86 315.82 .004 -4.25 1.48
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences______________________________________________
ISSN 2320 – 6063
1-8, January
(2020) Res. J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
International Science Community Association
Comparison of household size and perception.
Family members living and
working on the farm
Mann-Whitney U 10904.500
Wilcoxon W 26129.500
Z -2.877
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .004
Awareness, training, gender, method of farming and
Results of the binary logistic regression indicated
that there was a collective significant difference between two
groups of farmers; who thought Bhutan should convert to fully
organic and those who thought Bhutan should not convert to
fully organic with farmer’s awareness (
.001), training
received (p
.001) and method of farming (
The data indicated that farmers respond positively on converting
to organic as awareness increases. Organic farmers are more
ready to continue OA despite various deterring factors while
non-organic farmers are still reluctant irrespective of the
harmful effects of SACs. The data also indicated that farmers
who received training on OA were more positive than those who
did not avail training (Table-8).
Binary logistic regression to compare awareness,
training, gender and method of farming with perception on
transitioning to OA
Variables B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp
AWR 1.509 0.308 24.006 1 .000 4.523
TRN 3.471 1.046 11.009 1 .001 32.17
Gender 0.525 0.32 2.693 1 .101 1.691
ONO -1.652 0.411 16.187 1 .000 0.192
Constant -6.605 2.275 8.431 1 0.004 0.001
Likelihood ration test: x
= 297.554, (d.f. = 4), n = 326, Cox &
Snell R
= .37, Nagelkerke R
= .50, AWR = Awareness, TRN =
Training, ONO = Organic or not, GN = Gender.
The results of logistic regression analysis indicated that the
regression model containing all four predictors was statistically
significant (
.001) indicating that the predictor variables
significantly predicted the outcome.
Awareness showed strong relationship to respondents’
perception. It recorded an odds ratio of 7.874 suggesting that a
person who is aware of organic farming practices is 7.874 times
more likely to respond positively ongoing organic.
Farmers’ awareness on the environmental, economic and health
benefits of organic method of cultivation are important factors
that motivate farmers to practice OA
. Awareness is
encouraging, in particular, for a developing country like Bhutan
where farmers have low level of formal education.
In a similar study conducted adopters of OA had a higher mean
level of education relating to awareness when compared to non-
adopters as education on organic method of farming is a helpful
tool for farmers in analyzing choices and making decisions of
anticipated benefits
Non-organic farmers developed a “lukewarm” attitude towards
organic farming systems as it required more organic fertilizers
with tedious procedures for soil treatment and the thought that
non-organic farmers have to enrich soil conditions by utilizing
only organic enrichers and natural resources for at least three
years during conversion left them apprehensive about income
stability and related uncertainties
. Organic farmers on the
other hand having experienced the hardships and benefits are
more willing to continue organic agriculture.
Despite various training given on OA by extension agents
farmers are reluctant to adopt OA. Farmers tend to have higher
trust in experience based knowledge from self and other farmers
than in information given by governmental agencies or
professional experts of OA
. This could be one reason farmers
are still reluctant to participate even though various training
programs are conducted.
The study shows majority (58.90%) of farmers are not aware of
OA. This is despite frequent trainings and awareness
programme conducted by the government. From a total of 326
respondents in Tsirang Dzongkhag, only 41.10% of respondents
are aware of OA.
Drivers of OA include (i) Traditional method of farming, (ii)
health awareness, (iii) environmental benefits, (iv) low cost of
production and (v) market opportunities.
The study also identified several deterrents which discouraged
farmers from converting to organic. Deterring factors for
organic farmers from continuing OA were (i) labor shortage, (ii)
labor intensive/ laborious nature of organic farming, (iii) low
yield and (iv) pest and disease occurrences. Factors that deterred
non-organic farmers from adopting OA were found to be similar
to organic farmers. These include (i) labor shortage, (ii) low
yield, (iii) lack of awareness and (iv) high pest and disease
Binary logistic regression showed that awareness, education and
method of farming to be significantly related to farmers’
perception. Awareness and increasing literacy level of our
farmers can greatly help change this perception.
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences______________________________________________
ISSN 2320 – 6063
1-8, January
(2020) Res. J. Agriculture and Forestry Sci.
International Science Community Association
Mann-Whitney test showed significant relationship between
total number of people living and working on the farm and
farmers’ perception on shifting to organic. As per the study
larger the farm household size, farmers were more positive to
going organic.
Independent sample t-test showed significant relationship
between age and farmers perception. Specifically, the result
suggested that younger farmers respond positively to convert to
fully organic compared to older farmers.
Farmers’ perception on converting to organic agriculture is
negative. Majority of the respondents felt that Bhutan should not
convert to fully organic or not just yet with 53.40% supporting
the idea. We suggest that it is time for the government to equip
our farmers with the right knowledge on OA through awareness
and trainings. Minimizing rural urban migration or providing
better on farm opportunities to youth could greatly benefit
farmers from problems of labor shortage.
We are thankful to College of Natural Resources and gewog
officials of Tsirang Dzongkhag, for rendering full support and
help during this study. Further, we would like to show our
sincere appreciation to all the people who helped us financially,
in data collection and guidance with their immeasurable
knowledge with utmost willingness throughout this period.
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Sustainability is about ecosystem integrity, social well-being, economic resilience, and good governance. According to the current state of knowledge and development, how does organic agriculture contribute to each of these sustainability dimensions?
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Agriculture forms the backbone of economy of many countries particularly developing countries around the world and Bhutan is not an exception. In Bhutan, agriculture provides employment and livelihoods to more than half of the total population. However, the contribution of agriculture to Gross Domestic Product has been decreasing over the years and there are several reasons affecting agricultural productivity. One of the reasons is cited is the decreasing labour force in the agriculture sector. Bhutanese farming comprises of relatively less mechanized farming so youths are considered as the mainstay of agriculture farming but over the last decade or so, it is observed that more and more youths are migrating to urban areas and as a result decreasing the labour force in rural areas. It is not clear why youths are not interested in taking up agriculture related employment despite increasing rate of unemployment in Bhutan. The objective of this paper is to document the perception and knowledge of youth towards agriculture and to analyze the factors affecting youth’s perception of agriculture related employment. The data were collected from the selected youth ranging from 13 to 24 years from east, west, central and southern part of the country. The respondents included school students, school drop outs, and unemployed youth and undergraduate students from selected colleges under the Royal University of Bhutan. Respondents also included teachers and farmers. The research reveals that young students in high school who hail from rural areas and with farmer parents perceive that agriculture can be a potential area for employment. However, the principal components analysis reveal that some of the factors affecting youth not taking up agriculture related employment are crop loss, lack of resource, parents pressure, relatively less access to technical and financial support. Youth suggests that with adequate technical and financial support profitable and sustainable farming can be made attracting youth entrepreneurs. Retaining and encouraging youths to promote agriculture in rural areas can substantially enhance food security in Bhutan. Therefore, this paper aims to provide the ways on how youth can be attracted and engaged in agriculture sector and its implications to food security of Bhutan.
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A study was conducted to compare organic and conventional rice production within and between three agro-ecological zones (AEZ) under farmers’ management in Bhutan. Soil properties, rice grain yield and benefit-cost return (BCR) were compared between two production systems in 2012 and 2013. Total nitrogen (N) was significantly higher in the organic farm in 2013. Soil organic matter (OM) and available phosphorus (P) were the only soil parameters that were consistently and significantly higher in the organic farm in both years. In the mid AEZ, available P was significantly higher in the organic farm in both years. In the low AEZ, the total N was significantly higher in conventional farm in 2013. In all three AEZs, there was no statistically significant difference in grain yields between organic and conventional rice farms. However, the grain yield was highest in high AEZ and lowest in low AEZ for both the systems.The costs of plant protection inputs were sig- nificantly higher in conventional farm, and cost of manure application and weeding was significantly higher in organic farm. The gross returns from a hectare land did not differ significantly between organic and conventional farms but the production cost from a hectare land was significantly higher in organic farm. The BCR wassignificantly higher in conventional farm. It is interest- ing to note that the overall yields did not differ between two systems; thus, at the present selling price of Nu. 60 per kg for both organic and conventional rice, the gross returns are same for both the systems. The study sug- gests that, with the present management conditions and without considering premium price of organic rice, the conventional rice production is more profitable than organic system in Bhutan. However, if organic rice fetches premium price, then the BCR of organic system may become similar to or higher than conventional system.
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A study was conducted to investigate the prospects of organic agriculture (OA) in Bhutan from the experts’ perspective, particularly the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) aspect. Thirty-five Bhutanese experts were interviewed. The strengths of OA were (i) good alignment of the principles of OA with Bhutan’s development philosophy, (ii) strong policy and political support, (iii) pristine environment, (iv) OA practices similar to traditional farming, and (v) compatibility of OA with the local farming knowledge. The major weaknesses were (i) a lack of awareness of the benefits of OA, (ii) lack of incentives, (iii) shortage of farm labor, (iv) small and irregular supply of organic product, (v) lack of clarity in policy, (vi) limited plant protection materials, and (vii) a lack of coordination between agencies. Opportunities were (i) a huge regional and global organic market, (ii) promoting healthy lifestyle, (iii) sustainable use of resources, (iv) lowering dependence on food and input imports, (v) development of local organic manure suppliers, (vi) creating seed sovereignty, (vii) conserving local crops, (viii) building soil fertility, (ix) introducing premium price for organic products, and (x) addressing unemployment. Threats included (i) increasing incidences of pests and diseases, (ii) decline in sources of organic manure, and (iii) limited sources of organic manures and fertilizers.
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Organic farming as a sustainable agricultural approach is a growing concept in South West Nigeria. This study investigated the attitude of vegetable farmers toward organic agriculture practices in South West Nigeria and the determinants of their attitude. Cluster sampling was used to select 315 farmers from list obtained from the farmers’ cooperative societies. Farmers were interviewed in person. Attitude was measured as a pooled score of respondents’ responses to 25 positive and negative statements made on a five point Likert scale. Data was analysed using frequency counts, percentages, means and a probit regression model. A majority of the farmers had positive attitude toward organic agriculture practices. The most important attitudinal statement ranked by the farmers was that organic agriculture strengthens the use of indigenous knowledge (4.55). The results of the probit model revealed that farm size, farming experience, household size, membership of organization and sources of information (t = 0254, 0.089, 0.125,0.694, 0.021, p<0.01) respectively showed a positive relationship with attitude toward organic farming practices. Therefore, there is need for effective linkage of research systems with extension services on relevant organic practices, as a build up to traditional farming, adaptable and sustainable to local conditions of vegetable farmers. Key words: Organic agriculture, vegetable farmers, attitude, linkage, South West Nigeria.
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The study was attempted to explore the major factors influencing the extent of practice of organic farming technologies (called OFTs from here) by the Bangladeshi farmers. The empirical data for the study were collected from the organic farmers of the selected villages of Tangail district in Bangladesh. The results of the study identified four factors like development of knowledge and awareness regarding environmental issues, creation of health awareness, and simplicity of the OFTs and availability of basic production factors as the major influential factors which can increase the extent of practice of OFTs by the farmers. Taking these factors into account the policy makers can formulate a strategy to increase the extent of practice of various OFTs by the farmers for the successful expansion of organic farming in Bangladesh.
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Biodynamic farming practices and systems show promise in mitigating some of the detrimental effects of chemical-dependent, conventional agriculture on the environment. The physical, biological, and chemical soil properties and economic profitability of adjacent, commercial biodynamic and conventional farms (16 total) in New Zealand were compared. The biodynamic farms in the study had better soil quality than the neighboring conventional farms and were just as financially viable on a per hectare basis.
The Government of Bhutan, a poor rugged mountainous kingdom in the Himalayas, aims to convert the whole agricultural area to Organic Agriculture (OA) by 2020 in an effort to provoke a substantial increase of productivity and farmers income while preserving the environment. Currently less than 10 % of the agricultural area of Bhutan is in OA production. We analysed the assumptions of the Bhutanese Government cited above from an agronomic perspective. According to our estimates, farmer incomes after conversion will increase only if organic crops will out-yield conventional crops or if farmers can realize higher market prices. Organic yields may partly increase beyond current productivity but may not become as high as in systems using agrochemicals. Under these premises, higher farmer incomes after mass conversion are not likely. The current low agricultural productivity is mainly a result of low soil fertility combined with other system-independent factors such as inadequate input supply, e.g. low quality seeds, lack of techniques and knowledge, inefficient management, labour shortage and poor infrastructure. These problems need to be tackled with integrated approaches, which should include organic management practices such as growing fodder legumes. Integrating more strategies of OA into Bhutanese agriculture is expected to have positive ecological effects. System comparisons between conventional and organic production require more empirical data on the agronomic and economic performances, which are yet to be generated in Bhutan. In addition to trade policies, market and infrastructure development, the organic sector will benefit from a well-resourced Centre of Excellence to focus on research and knowledge transfer.