Available via license: CC BY-SA 4.0
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P-ISSN: 2808-5957
E-ISSN: 2808-6724
Siska Wijayanti*, Elvia Sulmiarini, Vitria, M Fiqih Sholakhul Hakim
Accounting Major, Pamulang University, Indonesia
* siskawijayanti@gmail.com
Plastic waste has become a common problem in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has actually issued many
policies to overcome the impact of plastic waste, but so far the Indonesian government has not succeeded in
dealing with plastic waste. Currently, Indonesia has many young generations. As the younger generation in
Indonesia, we propose a solution to deal with plastic waste, namely by using environmentally friendly bags made
from spun bonds. We also implement the solutions we offer for the children at Rumah Yatim and Dhuafa Islahul
Hayat Foundation, Pondok Petir.
Keywords: plastic waste, solution, implementation
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Plastic waste is one type of garbage that is difficult to decompose. Strong constituent bonds
in the formation of plastic make plastics long to decompose (Utami et al., 2014). Plastic waste has
been a problem for Indonesia since long ago (Narto & Suparno, 2020). The amount of plastic waste
in Indonesia is motivated by the many uses of plastic in everyday life by the people of Indonesia
(Maslamah et al., 2020).
Plastic is used in almost every aspect of life. Plastic becomes a wrapping material for food,
beverages, and others. It is undeniable, the use of plastic in everyday life is very helpful to the
community. For example, plastic as a food or beverage wrapper can make the food or drink awake
so that it is durable. Not only as a food or beverage wrapper, but plastic is also used as a material
for making toiletries, cooking utensils, and others related to human life. It is certain that all houses
in Indonesia must have plastic waste every day (Satrivi & Purnama, 2021). Indonesia is one of the
most plastic waste contributing countries in the world. In 2010 it was noted that Indonesia is the
second most contributing country to plastic waste in the world after China with the plastic waste
of 3.2 million tons (Rarasati & Pradekso, 2019).
The impact of plastic waste is not only felt by the people who produce the waste but also has
an impact on the environment (Kusminah, 2018). There are many negative impacts caused by
plastic waste, both for humans and for the environment. The impact of plastic waste for humans is
pollution in everyday life, if plastic waste is dumped carelessly in the river it will pollute the river
and will make the water dirty, dirty water will have an impact on humans, namely humans can not
get clean water from the river anymore (Sahabuddin, 2012). The impact of plastic waste on the
environment is very much, for example, if plastic waste is dumped carelessly in the river it will
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cause river pollution so that the ecosystem in the river will be disrupted. Plastic waste dumped in
rivers will also be able to reach the ocean and will cause pollution to marine ecosystems as well.
Plastic waste can also have an impact on the soil environment if plastic waste is dumped carelessly
in the soil and as we know plastic waste is one type of waste that is difficult to decompose it will
cause pollution in the soil by reducing soil fertility rates and damaging ecosystems in the soil
(Purwaningrum, 2016). If plastic waste dumped in the soil is difficult to decompose then most
people choose how to burn waste so that plastic waste quickly disappears, but the way it negatively
affects the air around because it will cause air pollution by adding carbon dioxide. Air pollution
will also have an impact on humans because living humans need oxygen and if the air is polluted
then the quality of oxygen obtained by humans will also decrease and will cause many health
problems for humans (Fath, 2021).
Of the many negative impacts caused by plastic waste, further handling or action is needed
regarding plastic waste in Indonesia. Plastic waste must be reduced so that the quality of life of
Indonesian people increases. Since long ago the Indonesian government has made various policies
regarding the reduction of plastic waste and the Indonesian government has started a greening
movement to improve the quality of the environment in Indonesia. However, until now the way
done by the Indonesian government is still less effective because plastic waste in Indonesia is still
very much. There is a need for awareness from each individual to maintain the surrounding
environment to be maintained because one of the policy factors and actions were taken by the
Indonesian government to reduce the impact of plastic waste does not work is the lack of awareness
about the importance of maintaining the environment by the people of Indonesia.
Awareness about the importance of maintaining the surrounding environment is very
important owned by the people of Indonesia to realize a clean and healthy environment we can
start from ourselves and from the surrounding environment. One way to overcome the impact of
plastic waste is to reduce the use of plastic in everyday life. It has become a common thing when
in shopping we will definitely get a plastic bag or crepe to accommodate groceries. Indirectly, this
habit is one of the activities to contribute the most plastic waste to Indonesia. The use of plastic
bags can be found in other alternatives in order to reduce the use of plastic. For example, the use
of bags that can be used repeatedly. The use of environmentally friendly bags can be an alternative
to reduce plastic waste. The description of the problem of plastic waste in Indonesia behind the
author to pour the idea of using environmentally friendly bags in order to reduce plastic waste. We
can use a bag made of spun-bond so that the bag can be used repeatedly. The use of
environmentally friendly bags can start from ourselves and invite the surrounding community.
The method applied in this activity is hands-on practice. Where the practice in this activity
is carried out with several stages, including:
1) Purchase of eco-friendly bags made from spun bond: The purchase of this bag is done at
the online shop. The purpose of purchasing these bags is to save time in the practice of
activities and also to get factory quality. The purchase of this bag also aims to help small
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and medium-sized businesses. Assistance provided in the form of bag purchases, so as to
increase sales of small and medium-sized businesses; and
2) Socialization of environmentally friendly bag creations: Socialization regarding the
creation of environmentally friendly bags is carried out at Rumah Yatim and Dhuafa
Yayasan Islahul Hayat, Pondok Petir. The selection of this location aims to instill a love of
environmentally friendly bags in children because habits will be easily formed if applied
or introduced early. The hope of socialization regarding the creation of environmentally
friendly bags for children is to increase the sense of environmental care and also increase
the interest in using environmentally friendly bags. Interest in children can arise because
of the socialization process carried out by self-decorating methods. So, each child can
decorate their own spunbond bag according to their respective creativity with the help of a
companion. Another reason for the selection of socialization places is to provide happiness
to orphans and Dhuafa through environmentally friendly bag creation activities. It is hoped
that with this activity children at Rumah Yatim and Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat, Pondok
Petir can rejoice and enjoy every series of activities carried out.
The technique used in this activity to increase interest in creating environmentally friendly
bags to reduce plastic waste is to not limit every child's creativity. Every child is given the freedom
to decorate the bag obtained according to their imagination. Every child is also given the freedom
to express their feelings through the creation of bags they make. The purpose of the liberation of
creativity in children in The Orphan House and Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat, Pondok Petir is to
reduce boredom to this series of activities and also to increase the imagination of children in
Orphan House and Dhuafa Islahul Hayat Foundation, Pondok Petir.
PKM (Community Service) activities conducted by Pamulang University Students were held
for one day on the stairs of November 7, 2021, which was attended by 15 children in Orphanage
and Dhuafa Islahul Hayat Foundation, Pondok Petir with children around the age of elementary
school children.
Table 1. Results of PKM (Service to the Community) at Rumah Yatim and Dhuafa Yayasan
Islahul Hayat, Pondok Petir
Activity Output
Lack of interest in
children in Rumah Yatim
and Dhuafa Yayasan
Islahul Hayat, Pondok
Petir to do
environmentally friendly
bag creations.
Explaining the excitement
of decorating
environmentally friendly
bags accompanied by
jokes from escort brothers.
1) Introduction of
eco-friendly bags
made from the spun
2) Environmentally
friendly bag
decking made from
spun bond; and
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3) Making jokes in
between decorating
The difficulty of setting
the conditions to be
conducive when doing
activities to decorate
environmentally friendly
The division of the team by
the brother of the escort
brothers. So, each
companion brother has the
task to accompany several
children in order to create
conducive circumstances.
1) Environmentally
friendly bag
decking runs
2) Every child can
participate in
activities in an
orderly manner;
3) Comfortable and
conditions during
the activity.
It is not easy to bring
creativity to children in
The Orphan House and
Dhuafa Islahul Hayat
Foundation, Pondok
In between activities held
jokes or jokes to dilute the
atmosphere so as not to
tense with the aim to relax
the minds of children.
Older siblings also help
bring creativity to children
by giving ideas or fishing
for ideas.
1) Every child
manages to
decorate a well-
owned bag;
2) Creativity
contained in
friendly bags made
from spun bonds
carried out by
various children;
3) Every child is
happy with their
It is easy to appear bored
during activities.
The companion brother
makes the atmosphere fun
or dilutes the atmosphere.
1) The companion
brother familiarizes
himself with each
child by inviting
them to chat;
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2) Playing games on
the sidelines of
activities; and
3) Tell each child.
Here is some documentation during the activity:
Figure 1. The Process of Explaining Environmentally Friendly Bags
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Figure 2. Environmentally Friendly Bag Creation Briefing Process
Figure 3. Examples of A Child Who Successfully Created Spunbond Bags
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Figure 4. Togetherness with children
The selection of activities carried out by the Pamulang University team is based on the
condition of the Indonesian state which has a lot of plastic waste and still cannot cope. Plastic
waste has been a problem for Indonesia for a long time. Many factors cause a lot of plastic waste
in Indonesia, one of which is the use of plastic in everyday life by the people of Indonesia. To
prevent or overcome the impact of plastic waste, we as wise citizens can do so by reducing the use
of plastic in everyday life.
One way that can be done to reduce the use of plastic in everyday life can be done through
yourself first and the surrounding environment. Reducing the use of plastic is not easy to do,
because Indonesian people have long used plastic materials in everyday life, but we can start the
habit of reducing the use of plastic from ourselves and people. The easiest change to make is to
change own’s self first and change people. The habit of using plastic in everyday life does need to
be overcome, because considering the large production of plastic waste in Indonesia. Reducing the
use of plastic in everyday life is also a form of a love of the homeland, because by reducing the
use of plastic in everyday life then we are also guarding our country against environmental
pollution and ecosystems in the environment.
If a country maintains the environment and ecosystems in that environment, then the
development and growth of the country will be better. With a good environment and environmental
ecosystem, the country can run or use the resources owned optimally or maximally. If the country
can use or run the resources it has optimally or maximally, then the economy in that country will
be better because the good economy in a country is obtained from the success of a country in
carrying out its economic role. As a good color of the country, we should help the country in
growing and developing our country's economy.
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One way that can be done to reduce plastic waste is to reduce the use of plastic in everyday
life. One of the most widely used uses of plastic in everyday life is the use of plastic or crepe bags.
It can be ascertained that all houses in Indonesia must have plastic bags or crepes. The use of
plastic bags or crepes that are often used only once and then made makes the pile of plastic waste
in Indonesia increase. Therefore, we can reduce the use of plastic waste or crepe in everyday life
by using environmentally friendly bags that can be used many times.
The use of environmentally friendly bags that can be used many times is very effective to
overcome plastic waste. The use of environmentally friendly bags that can be used many times
will reduce the use of plastic bags or crepes and environmentally friendly bags that can be used
many times is also one form of a frugal life, because by using bags that are not easily damaged the
people of Indonesia will save money to buy plastic bags. Or kresek many times, by using bags
that are not easily damaged Indonesian people will also reduce plastic waste because the bags they
use will not be easy to become waste.
The reason why plastic waste is a problem for the Indonesian state is that plastic waste is one
type of waste that is difficult to decompose. The decomposition of plastic waste takes years
because plastic manufacturing materials have very strong carbon bonds. If plastic waste continues
to accumulate in Indonesia, environmental pollution will be a big problem for Indonesia. A
polluted environment will damage the quality of life of Indonesian people. Not only that, the
polluted environment will cause the Indonesian economy to be bad because with a polluted
environment Indonesia will not be able to manage the resources owned properly. The management
of resources that are undertaken if done optimally will cause a decrease in the economic level in
Indonesia. The decrease in economic levels will cause the welfare of Indonesian people to also
decrease. The economic downturn will lead to more unemployment in Indonesia. If unemployment
is increasing, then many Indonesians can not get income to meet the needs of life.
Actually, the Indonesian government has issued many policies to overcome plastic waste,
but until now the Indonesian government's efforts to reduce plastic waste are still not effective
because there is still a lot of plastic waste in Indonesia. The problem of plastic waste is not only a
concern in Indonesia but around the world. Garbage is the most common problem but has not been
resolved until now. Not only does Indonesia have a problem regarding plastic waste, but China is
also a country that has problems regarding plastic waste. The problem of plastic waste is a global
problem because almost all people in the world can not be separated from the role of plastic in
everyday life.
One of the problems caused by plastic waste is global warming, where global warming
occurs due to the depletion of the ozone layer caused by a lack of oxygen. Plastic waste can cause
reduced oxygen because plastic waste that accumulates will cause environmental pollution, both
water, soil, and air. If the environment is polluted, oxygen-producing plants will not be able to
grow properly and the quality of oxygen both in Indonesia and in the world will decrease and will
cause environmental problems that affect humans, for example, global warming.
Indonesia has a lot of young people. The younger generation in Indonesia should be able to
find or create solutions to the existing plastic waste problem. The development of the era
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accompanied by the development of technology should be able to help the younger generation in
Indonesia to think creatively and innovatively to find solutions to problems for plastic waste in
Indonesia. In the current era, there are many young people who create innovation in the field of
business. Innovation in the field of business should be accompanied by innovation to improve the
surrounding environment because if the environment occupied is healthy, then every activity we
do in the environment will be optimal. Optimal activities will produce maximum output.
As a young generation from Pamulang University, we create innovative and creative ways
to tackle the problem of plastic waste in Indonesia. The way we do this is to use an environmentally
friendly bag made of spun-bond. The selection of students that use environmentally friendly bags
made from spun bond because the bag can be used repeatedly and can be purchased at e-commerce
or on the free market. The use of spun-bond bags is one of the right solutions because of the
implementation of the solution we can do from ourselves. After successfully implementing the use
of spun-bond bags against ourselves, we can spread the implementation to others or the
surrounding environment.
The target we aim to improve the implementation of plastic waste reduction solutions by
using bags made from spunbond is children in Rumah Yatim dan Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat,
Pondok Petir. We chose them as the first goal we aimed for because the habit of starting a good
thing should be instilled as early as possible. Therefore, the first goal we aim for is children with
the age range of elementary school, because at that age children have begun to have a sense of
responsibility, and creativity has appeared in themselves. Another reason for the selection of the
first target for the implementation of plastic waste reduction solutions is to strengthen the
friendship with the Orphan House dan Dhuafa Islahul Hayat Foundation, Pondok Petir, and to
entertain children there.
The activities we did at Rumah Yatim dan Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat, Pondok Petir to
realize the solution we thought about was to create a bag made from spunbond that is still plain.
So, the activities we do with children at Rumah Yatim dan Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat, Pondok
Petir is to make creations on bags made from spunbond. The first activity we do is introduce the
importance of reducing plastic waste in the surrounding environment and also explain that to
reduce plastic waste in the surrounding environment we can do it through ourselves and the people
around us.
The next activity we do is to accompany children at rumahYatim dan Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul
Hayat, Pondok Petir doing creations on bags made from spunbond. In doing creations on spunbond
bags we do not limit the creation of every child. The role we carry out in these activities is as a
companion so that in doing creations on children's spunbond bags at The Orphan House dan
Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat, Pondok Petir has a picture or guidance to find their own
The end result of the activities we did at Rumah Yatim and Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat,
Pondok Petir is that every child managed to pour their creativity on a bag made of spunbond that
is still plain into a beautiful bag. Every child is satisfied with the results of their creativity. Our
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goal is to increase creativity in every child and also to foster the desire to use spunbond bags as a
form of implementation of plastic waste reduction solutions in Indonesia.
Based on the activities we have done at Rumah Yatim and Dhuafa Yayasan Islahul Hayat,
Pondok Petir as a form of implementation of plastic waste reduction solutions in Indonesia can be
concluded that lifestyle changes to reduce plastic use in everyday life can be done through
ourselves and the surrounding environment. Effective changes need to be implemented as early as
possible. Therefore, as a younger generation, we need to be diligent to remind people around us
about the importance of reducing plastic waste.
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