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Modern physiology vindicates Darwin's Dream

Experimental Physiology


New findings: What is the topic of this review? To revisit the 2013 article "Physiology is rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology." What advances does it highlight? The discovery that the genome is not isolated from the soma and the environment, and that there is no barrier preventing somatic characteristics being transmitted to the germline, means that Darwin's pangenetic ideas become relevant again. Abstract: Charles Darwin spent the last decade of his life collaborating with physiologists in search of the biological processes of evolution. He viewed physiology as the way forward in answering fundamental questions about inheritance, acquired characteristics, and the mechanisms by which organisms could achieve their ends and survival. He collaborated with 19th century physiologists, notably John Burdon-Sanderson and George Romanes, in his search for the mechanisms of trans-generational inheritance. The discovery that the genome is not isolated from the soma and the environment, and that there is no barrier preventing somatic characteristics being transmitted to the germline, means that Darwin's pangenetic ideas become relevant again. It is time for 21st century physiology to come to the rescue of evolutionary biology. The article outlines research lines by which this could be achieved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Received: 23 May 2022 Accepted: 11 July 2022
DOI: 10.1113/EP090133
Modern physiology vindicates Darwin’s dream
Denis Noble
Department of Physiology, Anatomy &
Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Denis Noble, Department of Physiology,
Anatomy & Genetics Parks Road, Oxford OX1
Funding information
Handling Editor: Jeremy Ward
Charles Darwin spent the last decade of his life collaborating with physiologists
in search of the biological processes of evolution. He viewed physiology as the
way forward in answering fundamental questions about inheritance, acquired
characteristics, and the mechanisms by which organisms could achieve their ends
and survival. He collaborated with 19th century physiologists, notably John Burdon-
Sanderson and George Romanes, in his search for the mechanisms of transgenerational
inheritance. The discovery that the genome is not isolated from the soma and the
environment, and that there is no barrier preventing somatic characteristics being
transmitted to the germline, means that Darwin’s pangenetic ideas become relevant
again. It is time for 21st century physiology to come to the rescue of evolutionary
biology. This article outlines research lines by which this could be achieved.
Charles Darwin, evolutionary biology, extracellular vesicles, George Romanes, inheritance of
acquired characteristics, John Burdon-Sanderson, pangenesis
This article revisits an earlier article published in Experimental Physio-
logy nearly a decade ago (Noble, 2013) entitled ‘Physiology is rocking
the foundations of evolutionary biology’. The justification for a revisit
is that many new physiological experiments and interpretations of
genomic data have appeared. The time is ripe for a reassessment.
I begin with a largely ignored historical fact: Charles Darwin’s later
ideas on evolution inspired new physiological experimentation on the
processes that could be involved. He was also deeply involved in those
experiments. In fact, in the last decade (1872–1882) of his life, he
collaborated with three physiologists: Michael Foster, John Burdon-
Sanderson and George Romanes. These collaborations initially focused
on the physiological processes that could explain some of Darwin’s
observations on plants at his home, Down House in Kent.
He was intrigued by plants capable of catching insects, such as
Venus’ fly-trap,Dionaea muscipula. The leaves develop rows of sensitive
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Experimental Physiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Physiological Society.
hairs which sense when an insect arrives on the plant. What intrigued
Darwin was the rapidity with which the convex leaves can snap
together while changing shape to become concave, so forming a cavity
within which the insect becomes trapped (Hodick & Sievers, 1988).
Plants are not generally capable of such rapid movement. The fly-trap
and similar insectivorous plants are unusual in reacting so quickly. He
worked therefore with Burdon-Sanderson to determine whether the
rapid trigger might be electrical, just as 19th century physiologists
had demonstrated rapid action potentials in nerves and muscles in
animals. Burdon-Sanderson (1873, 1888) and Burdon-Sanderson and
Page (1876) showed that the mechanism does indeed involve an action
potential (Williams, 1973,2002). Modern experiments show that
plants do this via calcium channels (Beilby, 1984; Williamson & Ashley,
1982; see Krol et al., 2006 for discussion and further references).
(Darwin did not put his name to the 1873 publication, as was his custom
generally in such collaborations.)
Burdon-Sanderson also introduced Darwin to his student at UCL,
George Romanes, which led to a collaboration of great importance to
Experimental Physiology. 2022;107:1015–1028. 1015
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evolutionary biology. In The Origin of Species (Darwin, 1859) Darwin
had already subscribed to the inheritance of acquired characteristics
through use and disuse, in addition to the process of natural selection.
He refers to such inheritance around 12 times in the book. In his
Introduction to the 1964 Harvard reprint of Darwin’s book (Mayr,
1964, 1982), Mayr writes:
Curiously few evolutionists have noted that, in addition
to natural selection, Darwin admits use and disuse
as an important evolutionary mechanism. In this he
is perfectly clear. For instance. .. on page 137 he
says that the reduced size of the eyes in moles and
other burrowing mammals is ‘probably due to gradual
reduction from disuse, but aided perhaps by natural
selection’. In the case of cave animals, when speaking of
the loss of eyes he says, ‘I attribute their loss wholly to
disuse’ (p. 137). On page 455 he begins unequivocally,
‘At whatever period of life disuse or selection reduces
anorgan...’.Theimportance hegivestouse or disuse is
indicated by the frequency with which he invokes this
agent of evolution in the Origin. I find references on
pages 11, 43, 134, 135, 136, 137, 447, 454, 455, 472,
479, and 480.
Nine years later, in The Variation of Animals and Plants Under
Domestication (Darwin, 1868), he speculated on the possible
mechanisms of pangenesis since he realised that, in organisms
with separate specialised germ-lines, there would need to be
communication between the soma and the germ-line for such
pangenetic inheritance to be possible. He treated his theory of
pangenesis as a ’beloved child’ (Desmond & Moore, 1991, p 551),
so this was no passing fancy. He very much wished it to be true. He
postulated the existence of tiny particles, which he called gemmules,
which could communicate from the soma to the germ-line. He wrote:
Physiologists maintain, as we have seen, that each cell,
though to a large extent dependent on others, is to a
certain extent, independent or autonomous. I go one
step further, and assume that each cell casts off a free
gemmule, which is capable of reproducing a similar cell.
(Darwin, 1868, vol. 2, pp. 377)
He fully acknowledged the speculative nature of his theory:
The existence of free gemmules is a gratuitous
assumption, yet it can hardly be seen as very
improbable, seeing that cells have the power of
multiplication through the self-division of their
contents. (Darwin, 1868, vol. 2, pp. 378)
He therefore imagined his gemmules as rather like spores. As I will
show in a later section of this article, Darwin was correct to see cells
as ‘casting off a free gemmule’, and we have had to wait for more than
New Findings
What is the topic of this review?
Revisiting the 2013 article ‘Physiology is rocking
the foundations of evolutionary biology’.
What advances does it highlight?
The discovery that the genome is not isolated from
the soma and the environment, and that there is
no barrier preventing somatic characteristics being
transmitted to the germline, means that Darwin’s
pangenetic ideas become relevant again.
a century for the resolution of microscopy of living tissues to become
great enough to visualise what I will argue are Darwin’s gemmules
(see video ‘Rediscovering the real Darwin’:
But, in orthodox 20th century evolutionary biology, Darwin’s idea
was dismissed outright since, if true, it would break a cardinal, but
unproven (see, e.g., Noble, 2016, pp. 126–128), assumption of the
Modern Synthesis, that is, the Weismann Barrier, which postulates
that the germline is isolated from influences via the organism or its
environment. It is important to note that Weismann’s idea was first
formulated after Darwin’s death in 1882 (Weismann, 1892, 1893).
Darwin therefore never had an opportunity to respond to Weismann’s
radical proposal.
Yet, the evidence shows that, had he lived to see it, Darwin would
have opposed Weismann, since Darwin treated pangenesis as his
‘beloved child’, in the sense that he put a lot of effort into trying to prove
it. This evidence is clear in his sustained collaboration with George
Romanes. Their strategy was to perform experiments in which the
tissues of different plant species were grafted together to see whether
they could communicate their presumed gemmules, and so their
characteristics, to each other, conceivably even fusing to form new
species. Had they succeeded, they would have discovereda mechanism
by which hybridisation could lead to a form of symbiogenesis.
Romanes became Darwin’s staunch defender against Weismann.
When Darwin passed away, Romanes persisted with the experiments,
and eventually published an article in the Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society in which he proposed a theory of physiological selection
in addition to natural selection (Romanes, 1886). Romanes also became
the Secretary of the Linnean Society. But his theory of physiological
selection remained just that, an interesting and potentially ground-
breaking theory, but largely without the experimental evidence that he
and Darwin had tried hard to find. The problem was that the methods
of microscopy of the 19th century did not have the resolution required
to visualise what might have existed as the postulated gemmules.
Romanes died in 1894, at the early age of 46. Had he lived
just another few years he would have witnessed the rediscovery
of Mendel’s work on genetics and could have planned pangenesis
experiments much more likely to succeed. He might even have
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FIGURE 1 photographs of pages from the 1876 Minute Book showing that Burdon-Sanderson chaired the inaugural meeting at which T. H.
Huxley, Michael Foster and George Romanes were all present, and that Charles Darwin was elected one of the first Honorary Members
predated Waddington (1942, 1959) in his fruit fly experimentsshowing
the inheritance of an acquired characteristic. As it was, Darwin’s
dream that his young colleague might vindicate his pet theory died
with Romanes. It would take more than a century before that dream
could be fully resurrected. Unfortunately, Weismann and his imagined
Barrier, not Romanes’s and Darwin’s also-imagined gemmules, became
the basis on which the 20th century Modern Synthesis was developed.
Romanes’s and Darwin’s ‘beloved child’ was still-born.
Further evidence for the close professional relations between Darwin
and the early British physiologists comes from the minutes of the
foundation meetings of The Physiological Society in 1876. The two
titans of evolutionary biology, Charles Darwin and Thomas Henry
Huxley, were foundation members. Figure 1shows that the first
meeting was chaired by Burdon-Sanderson at his London home with
Huxley, Foster and Romanes all present as founding members. The
minutes also show Charles Darwin elected to Honorary Membership
at the subsequent meeting in Romanes’s home, when the minutes were
signed by Michael Foster. When I first noticed these minutes during the
Centenary celebrations of the Society in 1976 (Noble, 1976) I imagined
that the founders simply wished to honour Charles Darwin as the
greatest naturalist of the 19th century. I did not realise that the honour
was also due to Darwin in his additional role in the science of physio-
logy itself. Darwin clearly saw physiology as an essential cornerstone
of the nuanced version of evolutionary theory that he was developing
with Romanes in his last decade.
With this historical introduction, I will now turn to the role of physio-
logy in evolutionary biology today and how it can vindicate Darwin’s
‘beloved child’. I will show how we can echo Darwin’s and Romanes’s
search for a physiological understanding of the evolutionary process
and so complete Darwin’s dream.
3.1 Origin of the 2013 Experimental Physiology
A decade ago, in 2012, I lectured to the Congress of the Chinese
Association of Physiological Sciences in Suzhou (see video on https://, which was repeated as
the President’s Lecture at the 2013 International Congress of Physio-
logical Sciences in Birmingham, UK, and subsequently published in
Experimental Physiology (Noble, 2013). That article has been highly
cited, but it, and particularly the videoed lectures on which it is based,
were also the subject of a wave of abusive critical comments on social
media and weblogs challenging all the evidence presented for physio-
logy ‘rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology’ (see 2016 video
on Yet, over the
intervening decade, there has been no response published in a peer-
reviewed journal by any of the vociferous critics. So, the article still
stands and it is worth summarizing the central points. They were:
Selection is at the level of organisms, not genes.
Acquired characteristics can be inherited, as Darwin also assumed.
There is no replicator separate from the vehicle.
Genomes are not isolated from the organism and its environment.
There was sufficient evidence in 2013 to justify these points and
that they require a fundamental revision of 20th century evolutionary
theory which, incidentally, would bring it into line with Darwin’s own
later position. Selfish Gene theory (Noble, 2011) and the associated
ideas of genetic causation (Noble, 2008a) need revising. One way to
illustrate that need is to ask how the concept of the Tree of Life has
developed. As illustrated in Figure 2, the tree idea as first sketched
by Lamarck (1809) and Darwin (1837) has now become an extensive
network as much as it is a tree.
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FIGURE 2 The tree of life becomes a network. Black lines
represent the classical tree; grey lines represent the extent to which
the tree has become a network There is promiscuous exchange and
development of nucleotide sequences between unicellular life forms.
Later symbiotic fusions of cyanobacteria and proteobacteria enabled
the development of multicellular plants and animals. In multicellular
organisms, plants, animals and fungi, the exchange of nucleotide
sequences and proteins between somatic and germline cells can
influence the development of future generations. (Based on the work
of Carl Woese, who identified the Archaea, and a diagram from
Franklin Harold, In Search of Cell History, University of Chicago Press,
3.2 Species have frequently exchanged their
components during evolution
The reason the tree has become an extensive network is that organisms
have frequently exchanged their components, including nucleotide
sequences, during their evolution. Several papers and books published
recently document the details (Noble, 2021a, 2021b,2022;Shapiro,
2022a, 2022b; Shapiro & Noble 2021). Shapiro & Noble (2021)
document in detail the many experimental discoveries made over
a period of many years that fall outside the range of the M.odern
Synthesis, but are neglected or downplayed in modern textbooks and
popularisations. Out of 40 such discoveries identified and referenced,
only three are given any attention at all, and usually not accurately.
Many of these discoveries relate to the way in which species exchange,
develop and fuse their nucleotide sequences and genomes (the grey
lines in Figure 2).
Symbiogenesis (the process most relevant to Darwin’s and
Romanes’s efforts), for example, is hardly referred to at all in Futuyma
and Kirkpatrick’s (2018) standard textbook, Evolution, and its main
champion, Lynn Margulis, is not even openly acknowledged. Yet,
as Darwin would surely have recognised given its proximity to the
processes he was researching with Romanes, symbiogenesis was a
crucial evolutionary transition, creating greatly improved production
of ATP, leading to the possibility of multicellular organisms. Metazoan
life as we now know it on our planet, including humans, simply would
not have been possible without this transition. Plants developed from
fusion of cyanobacteria with eukaryote ancestors to generate what
became plastids. Alphaproteobacteria fused with urkaryotes to form
mitochondria in the eukaryotic cell line.
Darwin and Romanes were therefore correct to look for physio-
logical processes by which different species could fuse their
constituent components and properties. Today, we know that this
has happened time and again during the evolution of life on earth.
Had Romanes lived to witness the work of Mereschkowsky (1910)
and Kozo-Polyansky (1924) on the fusion processes that gave plants
their energy-producing plastids, he would have had the clue he needed:
the first indications that fusion of different species could succeed in
generating new species. The 20th century development of evolutionary
biology could have been based on Romanes’s idea of physiological
selection, meaning selection of a fusion process that resulted in new
physiological processes. Instead, we had to wait until 1971 for Lynn
Margulis (1970, 1981) to show that a similar process had generated
mitochondria in eukaryotes.
3.3 The hardening of the Modern Synthesis
Noble (2021a) complements the article with Shapiro (Shapiro & Noble,
2021) since it unravels the historical process by which orthodox
evolutionary biology became trapped in a highly restricted version
of the Modern Synthesis. The evolutionary biologist Steven J. Gould
(2002) called this historical change the ‘hardening’ of the Modern
Synthesis. That hardening has recently been analysed from a historical
perspective in Noble and Noble (2022), showing that it can be dated to
around 1963, when Julian Huxley wrote an Introduction to the second
edition of his book Evolution: The Modern Synthesis (Huxley, 1942,
2010). Huxley’s original book, the 1942 edition, was extraordinarily
broad, with a substantial number of the discoveries identified by
Shapiro and Noble (2021) acknowledged or foreseen. By contrast, the
introduction to the 1963 edition is deeply influenced by the work of
Watson and Crick on the double helix nature of DNA. Huxley writes:
I have left to the end the most important scientific event
of our times the discovery by Watson and Crick that
the deoxyribonucleic acids DNA for short are the
true physical basis for life, and provide the mechanism
of heredity and evolution. Their chemical structure,
combining two elongated linear sequences in a linked
double spiral or bihelix, makes them self-reproducing,
NOBLE 1019
and ensures that they can act as a code, providing an
immense amount of genetical ’information,’ together
with occasional variations of information (mutations)
which also reproduce themselves. Linear constructions
of DNA are, of course, the primary structures in the
genetic organelles we call chromosomes. (Huxley, 1963,
p 614 in the 2010 reprint)
biologists at that time, Huxley was so impressed with the molecular
biological discoveries of Watson and Crick and their interpretation as
supporting the Central Dogma of molecular biology (Crick, 1958, 1970)
that he did not stop to ask the question whether it really is true that the
double helix ‘makes them self-reproducing’, nor whether they really ‘act
as a code’. Neither of Huxley’s conclusions are correct. I am certainly
not the first to point out the errors involved. Yet they are still not widely
3.4 Summary of why DNA does not self-replicate
The essence of this argument can be summarized in five stages:
DNA cannot replicate ‘like a crystal’ (Dawkins, 1976). It is a flexible
thread wound around the chromatin proteins that can be partially
unwound when it needs to be used as a template to make RNAs and
The natural error-rate of DNA replication is around 1 in 104which, in
a genome of 3 billion base pairs, would generate as many as hundreds
of thousands of errors.
In normal cell division those errors are then corrected by the living
cell which can reduce the error rate to just 1 in 1010.
.Mismatches in the double helix, and other molecular clues, are used
by the cell to enable the highly accurate error-correction process.
So far as we know, only the complex processes of a living cell make
this possible.
Therefore, there is no replicator separate from its vehicle. DNA
cannot replicate faithfully outside a living cell. This fact alone destroys
Selfish Gene theory as a valid scientific hypothesis (Noble & Noble,
3.5 ‘Selfishness’ in genes is not physiologically
Dawkins’s justification for calling genes ‘selfish’ is that they increase
their number in the gene pool and that this can be experimentally
counted: ‘Genes can be counted and their frequency is the measure
of their success’ (Dawkins, 2016, p 346). But this is vacuous since we
cannot use the defining characteristic of a ‘selfish’ gene, that is, success
in increasing its number in future generations, as the only experimental
prediction the theory can make. The founding definitions of a valid
theory cannot be used as experimental confirmation of the theory,
since they are necessarily true. Nor can the problem be side-stepped
by defining all genes as selfish, as I earlier wrote:
What does ‘selfish’ mean in the selfish gene story? First
we must decide whether ‘selfish’ defines a property that
is universal to all genes (or even all DNA sequences) or
whether it is a characteristic that distinguishes some
DNA sequences from others. This is not as easy as it
may seem. I suspect that the original intention was that
all genes could be represented as ‘seeking’ their own
success in the gene pool, regardless of how effective
they might be in achieving this. One reason for thinking
this is that so-called junk DNA is represented in the
selfish gene story as an arch-example of selfishness:
hitching a ride even with no function.
But on that interpretation, the demonstration that the
concept is of no utility in physiological science is trivially
easy. Interpreted in this way, a gene cannot ‘help’ being
selfish. That is simply the nature of any replicator.
But since ‘selfishness’ would not itself be a difference
between successful and unsuccessful genes (success
being defined here as increasing frequency in the gene
pool), nor between functional and non-functional genes,
there would be no cashable value whatsoever for the
idea in physiology. Physiologists study what makes
systems work. It matters to us whether something is
successful or not. Attributing selfishness to all genes
therefore leaves us with nothing we could measure to
determine whether ‘selfishness’ is a correct attribute.
As metaphor, it may work. But as a scientific hypothesis
it is empty. (Noble, 2011, p. 1010).
3.6 Physiological sensing and communication
networks control the error-correcting process
The fact that DNA is not a self-replicator is what gives living organisms
control over the error-correcting process. The immune system uses
this control to reduce error-correction in the variable part of the DNA
template for immunoglobulins and so generate millions of new DNA
sequences from which the organism selects the very few that can
work as the template for a successful antibody. The same process of
hypermutation occurs in bacteria (e.g., in reaction to antibiotics) and
in many other organisms when under stress. Organisms can therefore,
at least partly, direct their own evolution. These are the reasons
why evolution cannot be completely blind (Noble & Noble, 2017).
Organisms have the ability to feel their way forwards in difficult times,
which is when they employ hypermutation and other genetic processes
to find a way through. The process is one in which disorder, such as
random mutations, can be harnessed to serve the ordering regulatory
processes in living systems (Noble, 2016; Noble & Noble, 2018).
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Controlling the error-correcting process is a well-documented way
for organisms to react functionally since, in the immune system, it is
functionally directed for two reasons. First, the process is activated
in response to environmental challenges, and is therefore targeted
at meeting those challenges. Second, it can be targeted at specific
sequence regions in the genome (Odegard & Schatz, 2006). Under-
standing the ability for organisms to achieve such targeting depends
on unravelling the extraordinary processes by which events at the
cell surface can trigger messages travelling via the microfilaments to
specific regions of the nucleus (e.g., Ma et al., 2014; Kar et al., 2016).
So much for the idea that the genes are ‘sealed off from the outside
world’ (Dawkins, 1976). On the contrary, they are the most open to
influences from the environment (Noble & Noble, 2021). For a valuable
review of the physiological mechanisms of stress-induced evolution
see Mojica and Kueltz (2022), who list the five stress-induced changes
as: (1) mutation rates, (2) histone post-translational modifications,
(3) DNA methylation, (4) chromoanagenesis and (5) transposable
element activity.
I will return to the role of signalling via microfilaments in a later
3.7 Are extracellular vesicles capable of
functioning as Darwin’s gemmules?
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) were first identified using electron micro-
scopy.Cells were found to be surrounded by a variety of what appeared
to be debris, ‘cellular dust’ (Corbel & Lorico, 2019). They are known
to be formed by cells in a variety of ways. They are called exosomes
when formed from multi-vesicular bodies in cells, ectosomes or micro-
vesicles when formed from the cell membrane, and apoptotic bodies
when released during cell death. Raposo et al. (1996) were the first
to show that exosomes could contain components that induce T cell
responses. Since then, functional properties have been found in a
wide variety of clinical conditions, summarised in Exosomes: A Clinical
Compendium (Edelstein et al., 2019). I was one of the editors of that
volume and I was surprised by the wide variety of cell types and
forms of communication that had been found in many different clinical
conditions. It was impossible to avoid an obvious question. Darwin in
1868 had written ‘each cell casts off a free gemmule, which is capable of
reproducing a similar cell’. His text only needs revising to read capable
of influencing other cells (instead of ‘reproducing a similar cell’) for his
gemmules to become the extracellular vesicles of today. After all, his
idea did not need them to reproduce, only to influence characteristics.
I therefore contributed an article myself to the book (Noble, 2019)
drawing attention to the possibility that EVs and exosomes could
function as Darwin’s supposed gemmules.
3.8 Transmission of regulatory molecules and
nucleotide sequences to the germline
Molecules capable of influencing gene regulation can be trans-
mitted to the germ cells in a variety of circumstances, including in
vitro transfers in which sperm cells act as vectors for introducing
DNA into egg cells, transmission of regulatory small RNAs from
the epididymus to epididymal spermatozoa, long distance trans-
mission from the brain to the germline, and reverse transcription of
nucleotide sequences into the genome (Cossetti et al., 2014;Chen
et al., 2016; Chen, Yan & Duan, 2016; Lavitrano et al., 1989, 2006;
Noble, 2019; Skvortsova et al., 2018; Spadafora, 2018; Zhang et al.,
Good examples of functional transmission of soma characteristics
include the work of Zhang et al. (2018) identifying the nucleotide
sequences that transmit paternally acquired metabolic disorders, and
Toke r e t al. ( 2022) showing the transgenerational inheritance of sexual
attractiveness in C. elegans viasmallRNAsandHRDE-1.Thereviewby
Skvortsova et al. (2018) is particularly valuable since it covers a very
wide field of work on transgenerational inheritance and a wide variety
of possible mechanisms.
The question now, therefore, is not whether Darwin’s idea was
correct in supposing that gemmules (aka EVs) exist, and that the soma
can influence the germline, but rather what transgenerational forms of
inheritance are actively promoted. This is a new field of research and
it is full of opportunities for physiological approaches to clarify (see
Allis et al., 2015). As physiologists we have no difficulty with accepting
the influence of parental transmission on the health and disease of
their children. Gluckman and Hanson’s book, The Fetal Matrix: Evolution,
Development and Disease (2005), showed even 17 years ago that we
already know that Darwin was correct both in accepting the existence
of parental influences in inheritance, but also in recognising the
importance of physiology in understanding the processes by which
evolution is achieved.
In view of the immense impact that the Central Dogma had on Julian
Huxley and the unnecessary hardening of the Modern Synthesis, it
is time that the diagrams of the Central Dogma should be updated
to include the physiological processes that control DNA replication,
expression and reorganisation. Figure 3does that by placing the
functional physiological networks in a central place in the chains of
causes and effects between the environment, the organism, its DNAs,
RNAs and proteins.
Figure 3also represents the extent to which feedback control
is involved in organisms, all the way from the environment to the
genome. We owe this understanding to the application of control
theory in physiology, pioneered by Claude Bernard in the 19th
century and Walter Cannon in the 20th. Bernard can therefore
be regarded as the first systems biologist (Noble, 2008b). His
work may well have been known to Darwin since the founders
of The Physiological Society in 1876 much admired Bernard.
He referred to the ‘constancy of the internal environment’, but
today we know that none of the regulated variables are strictly
constant. Organisms need to balance the regulation of one variable
against another. Organisms are not simple thermostats. Bernard’s
‘constancy of the internal environment’ has therefore been replaced
by processes that require much more complex decisions in balancing
the regulation of one controlled variable against that of many
NOBLE 1021
RNAs form parts
of networks
Networks control DNA replicaon
and error-correcng
Networks control
protein folding
Proteins form
parts of networks
Networks control
RNA replicaon
Environment influences
funconal networks
Organisms create
Direct effects of e.g. radiaon on DNA
FIGURE 3 The Central Dogma of
molecular biology (bottom row of the relations
between DNA, RNA and proteins) placed in the
context of physiological control by the
functional physiological networks. Those
networks are subject to environmental
influences (black arrow) as well as contributing
to the environment (white arrow). DNA
expression and reorganisation is under control
by the functional networks (hatched arrow).
RNAs and proteins form important
components of the functional networks
(upward shaded arrows), while the functional
networks determine how protein amino acid
chains are folded (downward arrow from
networks to proteins). The physical
environment also has direct effects on DNA,
for example, through radiation breakage.
The unravelling of the fundamental bases of the Modern Synthesis
depends on the accumulation of contrary experimental evidence by
many scientists during the last 100 years. In this section I will
briefly summarise those findings that are relevant to the diagrams
in Figures 2and 3, and indicate who was responsible for them. In
my experience many physiologists are unaware of the major changes
that are underway in evolutionary biology and why those changes are
very important for the future contributions physiology could make to
those developments. The aim of this section of my paper is to point
the way for physiologists to understand and catch up on knowledge
of these important evolutionary processes and to propose areas for
future research.
4.1 Symbiogenesis
The process by which symbiogenesis became recognised as a major
step in understanding evolutionary biology is the subject of a
shortreviewbyGray(2017). Lynn Margulis was the scientist
responsible for resurrecting an idea first proposed by Mereschkowsky
(1910) and Kozo-Polyansky (1924) for the cyanobacterial origin of
plastids (chloroplasts) in plants. Margulis (1970, 1981) identified
alphaproteobacteria as the origin of mitochondria in eukaryotes. The
evidence depends on:
a confluence of data biochemical, molecular, and
cell biological, coupled with the characterisation in a
group of eukaryotic microbes (the jakobid flagellates)
of a gene-rich mitochondrial genome that strongly
resembles a shrunken bacterial genome now provides
a compelling case for a single, endosymbiotic, alpha-
protobacterial origin of mitochondria. (Gray, 2017,
p 1286)
In the case of plants ‘a compelling case for an endosymbiotic
origin has always been easier to make for the plastid than for the
mitochondrion.’ Gray also points out that ‘there is clearly much more
to be discerned’ (p. 1287). This is an open invitation for physiology
and genomics to investigate these issues further. There is also the
open question: which other organelles might have originated through
symbiogenesis? Recall that the lipid membranous structures do not
depend on DNA templates. They must have had origins independent
of DNA. Furthermore, the membranous structures of eukaryotic cells
represent vast quantities of structural information which must be
inherited in addition to DNA (Noble, 2017b). Lipid membranes are also
1022 NOBLE
the true ‘crystal-like’ replicators. Lipid molecules automatically insert
themselves into membranes, which is how membranes grow between
cell replication cycles.
This is a suitable point at which to note that all attempts to draw
tree–network diagrams, such as Figure 2, are compromises. Just like
maps, they should not be confused with what they aim to represent.
We should not take even Woese’srevision as sacrosanct (Vane-Wright,
4.2 Discovery of archaea
Until the work of Carl Woese (Woese, 1967;Woese&Fox,1977)it
was generally assumed that there was a linear progression of early life
forms before the evolution of eukaryotes. Woese’s great achievements
were to identify a distinct group, the archaea, as phylogenetically
distant from bacteria, and to show that eukaryotic forms have more
biochemical properties in common with archaea than with bacteria.
These discoveries (Woese, Kandler & Wheelis, 1990) led to the three-
part early Tree of Life forming the basis of Figure 2. Woese was
trained and worked as a biophysical biochemist, the first sequence-
based phylogeneticist, but I also regard him as a brilliant physiologist.
In 2005 he published an article in Current Biology in which he wrote:
I see the question of biological organization taking two
prominent directions today. The first is the evolution
of (proteinaceous) cellular organization, which includes
sub-questions such as the evolution of the translation
apparatus and the genetic code, and the origin and nature
of the hierarchies of control that fine-tune and precisely
interrelate the panoply of cellular processes that constitute
cells. It also includes the question of the number of
different basic cell types that exist on earth today: did
all modern cells come from a single ancestral cellular
organization? (Woese, 2005, my emphasis)
He correctly saw the significance of ‘hierarchies of control that
fine-tune cellular processes’ (represented here in Figure 3), which can
be viewed as a perspective very similar to the principle of biological
relativity,that is, causation from and to all levels of organisation (Noble,
2016). His work was strongly resisted by evolutionary biologists
adhering to the Modern Synthesis (Mayr, 1998).
4.3 Discovery of natural genetic engineering
The idea of ‘natural’ genetic engineering should be uncontroversial,
yet it also has been strongly resisted. After all, what scientists now
achieve in genetically engineering organisms is frequently based on
the CRISPR techniques first discovered in prokaryotes, endowing them
with the natural biochemical processes that form their equivalent
of the immune system by generating acquired resistance to viruses
(Barrangou et al., 2007). This work led to the award of the Nobel Prize
in Chemistry to Charpentier and Doudna in 2020.
But the idea that organisms can themselves engineer changes
in their nucleotide sequences and change the organisation of their
genomes originates much earlier with the work of Barbara McClintock
who, in the 1940s and 1950s, showed that maize plants reorganise
their chromosomes when under stress. As early as the 1930s she
showed the link between chromosomal rearrangement and the
recombination of genetic traits. Julian Huxley knew about similar work
in his book Evolution: The Modern Synthesis (Huxley, 1942;seeHuxley,
2010, p. 137). Yet, when McClintock (1953) published in the journal
Genetics she was completely ignored. Three decades later (1983) she
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. In her Nobel
lecture (McClintock, 1984) she clearly enunciated the principle that
the physiology of cellular control is the key in understanding these
McClintock’s mantle was then inherited by James Shapiro, a
bacterial geneticist at the University of Chicago, who demonstrated
the process of genetic engineering and reorganisation of genomes
in bacteria (Shapiro, 1992, 2011,2022a, 2022b). This major trans-
formation of the molecular biology of evolutionary processes has also
been strongly resisted by supporters of the Modern Synthesis, since
his work involves non-random and saltatory mutations as well as the
violation of the Central Dogma that protein action cannot change the
genome (and possibly because Shapiro has repeatedly described these
capacities of organisms as a form of intelligence). He is in good company
since Darwin also used ‘intelligence’ to characterise the capacities of
worms and plants (Bradley, 2020, pp. 63–67). The refusal by many
evolutionary biologists to recognise how control processes in living
systems form the basis of intelligence is a deep misunderstanding of
evolution. No-one doubts that humans and other primates show what
we naturally call intelligence. Yet their, and our, intelligent abilities
must themselves have evolved from other organisms, including single
cell organisms. Evolution has generated those processes naturally
through successive transitions, each of which enables further trans-
itions with new characteristics. Those processes are properties of living
organisms and are proper subjects for physiological research since
stochasticity in living organisms is harnessed (used) by physiological
control processes (Noble & Noble, 2018, 2022a). Shapiro’s work is now
beautifully collated in the latest edition (Shapiro, 2022a) of his book
Evolution: A View from the 21st Century.
The use of the word ‘natural’ here is comparable to the distinction
Darwin made between natural and artificial selection. In his 1859
book, Darwin invented the idea of natural selection by comparison
with deliberate (artificial) selection by humans breeding animals and
plants for desirable characteristics. But he also realised that the same
deliberation is manifest in the choices (sexual selection) made by many
organisms, including birds (Darwin, 1859;1868, vol. 2, pp. 75; 1871,
chap. 8).
4.4 The tree becomes a network
In addition to the processes of natural genetic engineering, living
organisms have been promiscuous in the exchange and reorganisation
NOBLE 1023
of nucleotide sequences. It was formerly thought that such exchange
is limited to single-cell organisms but, as discussed earlier, cells in
multicellular organisms also convey nucleotide sequences to each
other via extracellular vesicles.
Darwin is justly acknowledged for his famous ‘I Think’ tree sketch
in one of his experimental notebooks (Darwin, 1837), though it should
be more widely known that Lamarck first drew a tree of life nearly
three decades earlier in 1809 (see Gould, 2000). I doubt whether
either Darwin or Lamarck would be surprised that their 19th century
attempts to capture the evolutionary connectedness of all species
should now be supplanted by a tree–network, as in Figure 2.Both
were flexible in the light of evidence, Darwin through his gemmules
idea, leading to acknowledgement that natural selection is not the only
process in evolution, and Lamarck through abandoning his original idea
of a single ladder of life.
Yet, when the British Magazine The New Scientist published an
editorial (Anon, 2009) on this seemingly obvious and important
development, it was immediately greeted with derision (Dennett et al.,
2009): ‘First it’s false, and second, it’s inflammatory.’ Why? Because
‘Your cover was handing the creationists a golden opportunity.’
I have some sympathy for this problem since I have myself been
misrepresented by creationists. But we should be answering
misrepresentation by patiently explaining the correct interpretation.
Scientists should not be seeking to close down debate and discussion.
Incidentally, Dennett et al. accepted that the tree has now become a
network, but then downplayed the fundamental significance of inter-
species and transgenerational transmission of nucleotide sequences
and characteristics:
Of course there’s a tree; it’s just more of a banyan
than an oak at its single-celled-organism base. The
problem of horizontal gene-transfer in most non-
bacterial species is not serious enough to obscure the
branches we find by sequencing their DNA.
This is the kind of reasoning that led supporters of the hardened
version of the Modern Synthesis to strongly oppose Carl Woese’s use
of nucleotide sequencing of bacterial and other species to discover the
archaea, leading to the significance of the processes of symbiogenesis.
Playing down the significance of important discoveries hinders
adventurous research by pretending that ‘nothing much/fundamental
has changed’. Not for nothing was Carl Woese described in Science
as ‘microbiology’s scarred revolutionary’ (Morell, 1997). Furthermore,
unicellular life forms are by far the most numerous and probably
responsible alone for 1–2 billion years of evolutionary history, while
lateral transfer between cells in metazoa and plants is precisely
what enables the inheritance of Lamarckian-style use-and-disuse
characteristics in species with specialised germlines.
4.5 Communication between membrane
receptors and nuclear DNA
The discovery of the functional significance of extracellular vesicles
is not the only example in modern physiological research where
the revolution in resolution in microscopy matters. The ability to
visualise the extensive networks of fine filaments in living cells using
fluorescent marking has also provided a solution to another problem
in evolutionary biology: if organisms can manipulate their nucleotide
sequences in ways that react functionally to environmental stress, how
do nuclear components react to external influences sensed by the cell
membrane receptors? The answer is that sub-membranous changes,
for example, in ion concentrations due to the opening of ion channels,
trigger molecular messages that can travel on the molecular motors
moving along the microfilaments and so travel to specific locations in
the nucleus.
To visualise this, imagine a small protein around 1 nm in radius
located near the cell membrane. The nucleus of a small cell around
20 µm in size would therefore be around 10 µmfromthesurface
membrane. If we magnified the small protein to be around 1 cm (as it
might be sketched in a diagram), a magnification of 10 million times, the
nucleus would appear to be 100 km away, roughly the distance from
Oxford to London. For a large cell around 100 µm, such as a human
oocyte, the nucleus would appear to be 1000 km away, roughly the
distance to the far north of Scotland. The microfilaments that trans-
port the motors and their cargo are about 25 nm in diameter and, on
the same magnification would be the size of a small footpath running
the whole length of the country.
Yet accurate and targeted transport of messenger molecules over
these tiny cell ‘roadways’ has been discovered in living cells. Examples
of recent physiological studies that demonstrate this process can be
found in the papers of Ma et al. (2014)andKaretal.(2016), working
on the transmission of signals from calcium concentration changes that
control the relevant gene activity in the nucleus. The molecular motors
can achieve this transport at a speed of up to 2 µm/s. The nucleus
can therefore be reached within just a few seconds. Visualising these
processes using fluorescent markers reveals a vast trafficking system
with messenger molecules moving rapidly in all directions between the
cell and its nucleus. The work of Kar et al. (2016) is ground-breaking
in showing the dependence on two calcium compartments. Multiple
causation must surely be the norm in physiological control systems.
These studies open the way for many further physiological
investigations on how cells control their genomes, and so may make
major contributions to evolutionary biology. Barbara McClintock pre-
dicted in 1984 that the genome would be found to be: ‘an organ of
the cell, monitoring genomic activities and correcting common errors,
sensing the unusual and unexpected events, and responding to them
by restructuring the genome’ (McClintock, 1984). Physiology is now
in a position to fulfil her dream too. Discovering the cellular signalling
pathways that can regulate gene expression and proof-correcting of
DNA replication would be crucial to fulfilling that dream.
4.6 Lamarckian forms of inheritance
The French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was professor of natural
history of insects and worms at the Botanical Garden in Paris when
he published his great work on evolution, Philosophie Zoologique,in
1809. He investigated natural processes by which evolution could
1024 NOBLE
have occurred. One of these was the physiological process of use
and disuse. In modern physiology, that process is evident everywhere
in the body. Identical twins who choose different lifestyles naturally
develop different muscular structure, and physiologists have now
identified the RNAs that mediate differential expression of muscle
proteins (Bathgate et al., 2018). A crucial evolutionary question now
is whether and how those control characteristics can be transmitted
across generations. This work provides a specific goal for research on
physiological signalling, particularly because it would ideally require
identification of multiple causation pathways, since many genes are
involved in the use–disuse regulation of muscle proteins (Ahmetov and
Fedotovskaya, 2015). The association levels with individual genes are
very low.
When Lamarck wrote his book he also thought, initially, that the
process of increasing complexity of life could be represented as a
ladder of life, continuous with no branching. But, as I have already
noted, he replaced this concept with his drawing of the first Tree of Life
(Lamarck, 1809, 1994, p. 649 in 1994 reprint). Lamarck’s tree of life is
much more detailed than Darwin’s sketch.
For championing evolution by natural processes he was praised by
Darwin as ‘this justly celebrated naturalist .. . who upholds the doctrine
that all species, including man, are descended from other species’
(Darwin, 1869). But in his own time in Paris he was completely trashed
by his arch rival at the natural history museum, Georges Cuvier, who
was a serial creationist. When Neo-Darwinism grew in ascendance
in the early 20th century, based on eliminating the inheritance
of acquired characteristics from evolutionary biology, Cuvier’s
ridicule was echoed by those who developed the Modern Synthesis.
Lamarck’s reputation as ‘this justly celebrated naturalist’ has never
Yet, there is ample evidence that Lamarck was essentially right
(Allis et al., 2015; Bateson & Gluckman, 2011; Escobar et al., 2021;
Gissis & Jablonka, 2011; Gluckman & Hanson, 2005; Gluckman et al.,
2016; Jablonka, 2016; Jablonka & Lamb, 2005, 2014;Noble,2021b;
Skvortsova et al., 2018). The demise of the Weismann Barrier, following
the discovery that regulatory nucleotide sequences developed bysoma
cells can be transmitted to the germline, resurrects the valid question:
how many such characteristics are transmitted in this way?
There are two factors standing in the way of research on this
question. The first is that few funding agencies are currently likely to
accept proposals. We must hope that will change with time as people
become more aware of the changes that are rapidly developing in the
field of evolutionary biology. The second is the multi-genic nature of
physiological control. As I have already noted in the work of Kar et al.
(2016), identifying multiple pathways of gene regulation is challenging,
but forms an essential part in unravelling the physiological control
processes involved.
4.7 Demise of gene-centrism
Gene-centric interpretations of physiology and evolution are far from
achieving their goals. One reason for this impasse is that association
studies do not reveal physiological causation (Felin et al., 2021a,
2021b). With Peter Hunter I have recently outlined how this impasse
might be negotiated (Noble & Hunter, 2020). Modelling physiological
regulatory networks could help to explain the low association scores
and identify where causation exists even when the association score is
very low. It all depends on how robust the networks are and how easily
they can switch from one pathway to another.
The details on why we need to move on from Selfish Gene theory,
as popularised by Dawkins (1976, 2016), have been published in Noble
and Noble (2022b). The Selfish Gene was a brilliant popular exposition
of Neo-Darwinism, but moving away from its simplicity is essential for
the future of physiology and evolutionary biology. Dawkins himself has
stated that ‘in some ways I would quite like to find ways to recant the
central message of The Selfish Gene. So many things are fast happening
in the world of genomics....’ (Dawkins, 2016, p 345). Indeed they are,
and I believe he can.
4.8 Function, purpose and teleology
The purposive teleological language used in some parts of this article is
deliberate. But I recognise that most scientists, including many physio-
logists, have been trained, as I was, to avoidsuch language in favour of a
passive descriptive form. I now use purposive language because I think
that the existence of purpose in organisms is a proper object of physio-
logical study, as argued in a recent article with my brother, Raymond
(Noble & Noble, 2022a). Living organisms are naturally purposive.
They must use anticipation and creativity in behaviour to survive. The
physiological processes involved must therefore have evolved. How
purposive anticipatory behaviour can be explained physiologically and
how explanations based on it can be tested empirically are the main
foci of some of our recent articles. Here I briefly summarise the main
1. The harnessing of stochasticity (first referred to in Noble, 2017a
and extensively developed in Noble et al., 2019; Noble & Noble,
2017, 2018,2021, 2022a,2022b) is a necessary process since, if
chance is merely experienced (the Neo-Darwinist view) rather than
used functionally, the faculty of choice is not possible. Purposive
behaviour depends on that faculty. Without it, organisms would
be automata. Purely passive descriptions of their behaviour would
then suffice.
2. Organisms capable of choice exhibit unlimited associative learning,
which is one of the empirical criteria for being able to attribute
consciousness and deliberative anticipatory action (Ginsburg &
Jablonka, 2019). Using that criterion those authors date the
evolution of this faculty as around the time of the Cambrian
Explosion, c. 500 million years ago, in which case it vastly predates
the evolution of the human species, and must be more widespread
than commonly assumed.
3. The unlimited nature of such learning also precludes representation
of organisms with agency as following specific fixed algorithms.
Fixed algorithms cannot generate behaviour dependent on the
NOBLE 1025
harnessing of stochasticity, since specific outcomes are then
necessarily unpredictable, although they may be explicable in
retrospect. The behaviour is more comparable to a game in which
the participants alter the rules as the game progresses (see also
item 6). Yet those flexible rules govern what happens.
4. The processes of choice in organisms with nervous systems may
include neuronal circuits that are subject to neural selection, as
first proposed by Gerald Edelman (1978) (and see Noble & Noble,
2021 for explanation). Edelman’s idea was summarily dismissed by
Crick (1989) as incompatible with Neo-Darwinist interpretations of
evolution, which led to its neglect. This is yet another opportunity
for physiological research, specifically neuroscience, to contribute
to evolutionary biology. It is also an example of how the Neo-
Darwinist mind-set restricts the questions that are regarded as
valid. Crick’s dismissal of Edelman’s Neuronal Selection theory was
based on the requirement of a strict separation between replicator
and vehicle. Edelman’s idea did not require that. Nor does such
separation exist, even for the genome.
5. The forms of causation differ in important ways between the
various levels of organisation in living organisms (Noble et al.,
2019). Most relevant to the question of agency and purpose, social
factors have a primary role, as explained in Noble and Noble (2021)
and in Noble and Ellis (2022). In principle, it is now possible to
understand how immaterial social factors can play the role they
must if agency is to be possible. Most importantly,it is not necessary
to resort either to Cartesian dualism or to supernatural events to
provide an explanation.
6. There is current interest in whether the development of artificial
intelligence (AI) could achieve the criteria for the equivalent
of agency in living organisms (Noble & Noble, 2019). In those
discussions Raymond and I have suggested that this may be difficult
or even impossible with silicon-based materials. To the extent
that a living organism can be compared to a computer (Bray,
2011), organisms are aqueous ‘computers’, with access to a vastly
greater degree of stochasticity at the molecular level. A significant
challenge for AI research is whether it would be necessary to
develop water-based computational systems. It took evolution
billions of years to do that. I doubt whether the achievement of
agency in AI systems is just around the corner.
The issue of agency and purpose in organisms is still strongly
disputed in evolutionary biology. However, with the exception of
agency itself, the majority of the possible research opportunities for
physiology’s future contributions to evolutionary biology outlined in
this article do not depend directly on this issue. Readers who prefer to
reject the idea of agency may still find valuable ideas for research in
what I have outlined.
I would like to think that Charles Darwin would be delighted that,
over a century later, his links with physiology through his work with
Burdon-Sanderson and with Romanes have been spectacularly reborn.
His dream is now very much alive. It is time for physiology to come
to the rescue of evolutionary biology by providing the evidence for
the causal mechanisms of evolutionary change, which Darwin himself
believed was lacking from his theories (Bradley, 2022; see also West-
Eberhard, 2008), and which are still lacking from the standard theories
This article would have been impossible without the cooperation
of many dissenters from the Modern Synthesis view of
evolution. For most of the last decade I have been privileged
to be part of THETHIRDWAYOFEVOLUTION (http://www. which has become a stimulating forum
for the exchange of ideas on new (and old!) trends in evolutionary
biology. Many of the members of that forum have themselves made
ground-breaking discoveries and developed innovative ideas that have
been ignored, downplayed and often ridiculed. I am far from being the
first dissenter from the Modern Synthesis to be denigrated in this way.
It has happened to a long line of scientists, starting with Lamarck (who
was completely trashed at his own funeral, seemingly never to recover
his reputation), followed by McClintock (ignored despite winning
a Nobel Prize for mobile genetic elements in 1981), Waddington
(excluded from the founding circle of the Modern Synthesis), Margulis
(downplayed or ignored despite the great importance of symbiogenesis
in evolution), and Jablonka and Lamb who pioneered reconsideration
of Lamarck in the light of epigenetic inheritance. For a more complete
list see Shapiro and Noble (2021). I also thank my colleagues in the
International Union of Physiological Sciences for their support and
encouragement during the periods when I was Secretary-General
(1994–2001) and President (2009–2017). Some of the key lectures
on which the 2013 article in Experimental Physiology was based were
given at IUPS Congresses. I thank my brother, Raymond Noble, who, as
zoologist, neuroscientist and philosopher, has joined me in publications
in many recent articles and books. Ben Bradley, Eva Jablonka, Perry
Marshall, James Shapiro, Corrado Spadafora, Richard Tsien and
Richard Vane-Wright made valuable comments on earlier drafts. I am
grateful to Sir Anthony Kenny for innumerable discussions on some of
the more philosophical issues involved. Some sections of the article are
based on my previous publications (all cited) but in journals less likely
to be read by physiologists. This article presents the arguments from a
specifically physiological viewpoint.
During the writing of this article, Denis Noble became a Fellow of
the Linnean Society.
Sole author.
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How to cite this article: Noble, D. (2022). Modern physiology
vindicates Darwin’s dream. Experimental Physiology,107,
... Charles Darwin is best known for his ideas on the links between genetic inheritance and evolution. Denis Noble (2013Noble ( , 2022 reminds (evolutionary biologists) of 'a largely ignored fact, namely that Charles Darwin, in the last decade of his life (1872-1882) got very interested in physiology, a discipline that he viewed as the way forward in answering fundamental questions about inheritance, acquired characteristics, and the mechanisms by which organisms could achieve their ends and survival' . Noble, who for many years pioneered linking evolution and physiology (Noble, 2008(Noble, , 2013(Noble, , 2017(Noble, , 2018(Noble, , 2022Dawkins & Noble, 2023) is, rightly in my opinion, very outspoken in his wording: 'It is time for physiology to come to the rescue of evolutionary biology by providing the evidence for the causal mechanisms of evolutionary change, which Darwin himself believed was lacking from his theories' Noble (2022) (and which are still lacking from the standard theories today). ...
... Denis Noble (2013Noble ( , 2022 reminds (evolutionary biologists) of 'a largely ignored fact, namely that Charles Darwin, in the last decade of his life (1872-1882) got very interested in physiology, a discipline that he viewed as the way forward in answering fundamental questions about inheritance, acquired characteristics, and the mechanisms by which organisms could achieve their ends and survival' . Noble, who for many years pioneered linking evolution and physiology (Noble, 2008(Noble, , 2013(Noble, , 2017(Noble, , 2018(Noble, , 2022Dawkins & Noble, 2023) is, rightly in my opinion, very outspoken in his wording: 'It is time for physiology to come to the rescue of evolutionary biology by providing the evidence for the causal mechanisms of evolutionary change, which Darwin himself believed was lacking from his theories' Noble (2022) (and which are still lacking from the standard theories today). ...
... Some authors warned of over-interpretation (e.g. Noble, 2018Noble, , 2022. ...
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It should be the ultimate goal of any theory of evolution to delineate the contours of an integrative system to answer the question: How does life (in all its complexity) evolve (which can be called mega‐evolution)? But how to plausibly define ‘life’? My answer (1994–2023) is: ‘life’ sounds like a noun, but denotes an activity, and thus is a verb. Life (L) denotes nothing else than the total sum (∑) of all acts of communication (transfer of information) (C) executed by any type of senders–receivers at all their levels (up to at least 15) of compartmental organization: L = ∑C. The ‘communicating compartment’ is better suited to serve as the universal unit of structure, function and evolution than the cell, the smallest such unit. By paying as much importance to communication activity as to the Central Dogma of molecular biology, a wealth of new insights unfold. The major ones are as follows. (1) Living compartments have not only a genetic memory (DNA), but also a still enigmatic cognitive and an electrical memory system (and thus a triple memory system). (2) Complex compartments can have up to three types of progeny: genetic descendants/children, pupils/learners and electricians. (3) Of particular importance to adaptation, any act of communication is a problem‐solving act because all messages need to be decoded. Hence through problem‐solving that precedes selection, life itself is the driving force of its own evolution (a very clever but counterintuitive and unexpected logical deduction). Perhaps, this is the ‘vital force’ philosopher and Nobel laureate (in 1927) Henri Bergson searched for but did not find. image
... RNAs and proteins form important components of the functional networks (upward shaded arrows), while the functional networks determine how protein amino acid chains are folded (downward arrow from networks to proteins). The physical environment also has direct effects on DNA, for example, through radiation breakage (Noble 2022a) D. Noble since they mean that new DNAs can be incorporated into the genome from new RNAs and that RNAs can also be replicated. Most representations of the Central Dogma show only those arrows that represent the processes Crick envisaged. ...
... I refer to the work of Dick Tsien (one of my former students at Oxford in the work on the heart's pacemaker mechanisms, now working at New York University) and Anant Parekh (now working in my department at Oxford University). In a recent article in Experimental Physiology (Noble 2022a) here is how I described their work: ...
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The Neo-Darwinist Modern Synthesis of evolutionary biology mistakenly relied on Crick`s Central Dogma of molecular biology as excluding any control of genome sequences by organisms. The mistake can be unraveled by considering how DNA is replicated. The most important part of that process is open to control by organisms. The reason is that only a small part of the process can be attributed to a mechanism of replication “like a crystal”, as proposed by the Selfish Gene theory. The larger part is attributable to extensive proof-correction by cut and paste enzymes that are coordinated by the living cell. That process reduces the error rate of replication from 1 to 104 nucleotides to 1 in 1010, which is a million-fold increase in accuracy. There is therefore no replicator separate from its vehicle, the living cell. That error rate is under control by organisms. The mechanisms by which Electro-Transcription (ET) coupling is achieved have now been identified. Similar mechanisms must exist for Electro-Gene-engineering (EG) coupling. Such mechanisms change the fundamentals of biology.
... Based on a phenotypic fitness criterion, the corresponding genotypes, composed of the initial cell states (bottom left) and the functional ANN parameters (top right, are subject to evolutionary reproduction-recombination and mutation operations-to form the next generation of cellular phenotypes that successively "compute" the corresponding system-level phenotypes via morphogenesis, etc. This view has been revised by Waddington [55,56], and more recent works [57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66], and has been the subject of vigorous debate [40,63,[67][68][69][70][71][72] with respect to its capabilities for discovery, its optimal locus of control, and the degree to which various aspects are random (uncorrelated to the probability of future fitness improvements). Important open questions concern ways in which the properties of development-the layer between the mutated genotype and the selected phenotype-are evolved and in turn affect the evolutionary process [36,39,45,46,[73][74][75][76][77][78]. ...
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In recent years, the scientific community has increasingly recognized the complex multi-scale competency architecture (MCA) of biology, comprising nested layers of active homeostatic agents, each forming the self-orchestrated substrate for the layer above, and, in turn, relying on the structural and functional plasticity of the layer(s) below. The question of how natural selection could give rise to this MCA has been the focus of intense research. Here, we instead investigate the effects of such decision-making competencies of MCA agential components on the process of evolution itself, using in silico neuroevolution experiments of simulated, minimal developmental biology. We specifically model the process of morphogenesis with neural cellular automata (NCAs) and utilize an evolutionary algorithm to optimize the corresponding model parameters with the objective of collectively self-assembling a two-dimensional spatial target pattern (reliable morphogenesis). Furthermore, we systematically vary the accuracy with which the uni-cellular agents of an NCA can regulate their cell states (simulating stochastic processes and noise during development). This allows us to continuously scale the agents’ competency levels from a direct encoding scheme (no competency) to an MCA (with perfect reliability in cell decision executions). We demonstrate that an evolutionary process proceeds much more rapidly when evolving the functional parameters of an MCA compared to evolving the target pattern directly. Moreover, the evolved MCAs generalize well toward system parameter changes and even modified objective functions of the evolutionary process. Thus, the adaptive problem-solving competencies of the agential parts in our NCA-based in silico morphogenesis model strongly affect the evolutionary process, suggesting significant functional implications of the near-ubiquitous competency seen in living matter.
... We will return to this central issue at the end of this Editorial, since we believe that the problem of the Weismann Barrier has now been solved experimentally. By contrast, Darwin worked hard during the last decade of his life, together with the physiologist George Romanes (1886a,b), to prove that there is soma-germline communication, so convinced was he that physiology held the clues to what was still missing from his grand scheme of evolutionary biology (Noble, 2022a). ...
... Based on a phenotypic fitness criterion, the corresponding genotypes, composed of the initial cell states (bottom left) and the functional ANN parameters (top right, are subject to evolutionary reproduction-recombination and mutation operations-to form the next generation of cellular phenotypes that successively "compute" the corresponding system-level phenotypes via morphogenesis, etc. This view has been revised by Waddington [55,56], and more recent works [57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66], and has been the subject of vigorous debate [40,63,[67][68][69][70][71][72] with respect to its capabilities for discovery, its optimal locus of control, and the degree to which various aspects are random (uncorrelated to the probability of future fitness improvements). Important open questions concern ways in which the properties of development-the layer between the mutated genotype and the selected phenotype-are evolved and in turn affect the evolutionary process [36,39,45,46,[73][74][75][76][77][78]. ...
In recent years, the scientific community has increasingly recognized the complex multi-scale competency architecture (MCA) of biology, comprising nested layers of active homeostatic agents, each forming the self orchestrated substrate for the layer above, and, in turn, relying on the structural and functional plasticity of the layer(s) below. The question of how natural selection could give rise to this MCA has been the focus of intense research. Here, we instead investigate the effects of such decision-making competencies of an MCA’s agential components on the process of evolution itself, using in-silico neuroevolution experiments of simulated, minimal developmental biology. We specifically model the process of morphogenesis with neural cellular automata (NCAs) and utilize an evolutionary algorithm to optimize the corresponding model parameters with the objective of collectively self-assembling a two-dimensional spatial target pattern (reliable morphogenesis). Furthermore, we systematically vary the accuracy with which an NCA’s uni-cellular agents can regulate their cell states (simulating stochastic processes and noise during development). This allowed us to continuously scale the agents’ competency levels from a direct encoding scheme (no competency) to an MCA (with perfect reliability in cell decision executions). We demonstrate that an evolutionary process proceeds much more rapidly when evolving the functional parameters of an MCA compared to evolving the target pattern directly. Moreover, the evolved MCAs generalize well toward system parameter changes and even modified objective functions of the evolutionary process. Thus, the adaptive problem-solving competencies of the agential parts in our NCA-based in-silico morphogenesis model strongly affect the evolutionary process, suggesting significant functional implications of the near-ubiquitous competency seen in living matter.
... Our model -like Noble's (2012) 'biological relativity' -is a way of thinking about organismic organization in the face of omnipresent but 'never identical' moments, and we believe that the model we are proposing here can shed useful light on what Noble (2022bNoble ( , p., 1019 calls animals' unique ability to 'feel their way through the world' , via their learned and habituated strategies for coordination in a changing environment in real-time. Yet such habituation, to be useful for an organism, we argue, must be grounded in the semiotics of agent-environment interaction via signs. ...
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Living systems at any given moment enact a very constrained set of end‐directed and contextually appropriate actions that are self‐initiated from among innumerable possible alternatives. However, these constrained actions are not necessarily because the system has reduced its sensitivities to themselves and their surroundings. Quite the contrary, living systems are continually open to novel and unanticipated stimulations that require a physiology of coordination. To address these competing demands, this paper offers a novel heuristic model informed by neuroscience, systems theory, biology and sign study to explain how organisms situated in diverse, complex and ever‐changing environments might draw upon the sparse order made available by ‘relevant noise’. This emergent order facilitates coordination, habituation and, ultimately, understanding of the world and its relevant affordances. Inspired by the burgeoning field of coordination dynamics and physiologist Denis Noble's concept of ‘biological relativity’, this model proposes a view of coordination on the neuronal level that is neither sequential nor stochastic, but instead implements a causal logic of phasic alignment, such that an organism's learned and inherited sets of diverse biological affinities and sympathies can be resolved into a continuous and complex range of patterns that will implement the kind of novel orientations and radical generativity required of such organisms to adaptively explore their environments and to learn from their experiences. image
... 2 However, there have been various studies in the past three decades showing that acquired traits can be inherited by subse-quent generations. [3][4][5][6][7][8] In these recent studies, however, and due to the limited number of generations examined, it is still unclear whether such inherited acquired traits can be stabilized and maintained over time to have an impact on trait evolution. ...
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Many herbivorous insects have specific host–plant preferences, and it is unclear how these preferences evolved. Previously, we found that Bicyclus anynana larvae can learn to prefer novel food odors from eating leaves with those odors and transmit those learned preferences to the next generation. It is uncertain whether such acquired odor preferences can increase across generations of repeated odor feeding and be maintained even in the absence of odor. In this study, we fed larvae with novel banana odor‐coated leaves (odor‐fed larvae) for five consecutive generations, without selection on behavioral choices, and measured how larval innate preferences changed over time. Then, we removed the odor stimulus from a larval subgroup, while the other group continued to be odor‐fed. Our results show that larvae learned to prefer the novel odor within a generation of odor feeding and transmitted the learned preference to the next generation, as previously found. Odor‐fed larvae preferred odor significantly more compared to control larvae across five generations of repeated odor or control feeding. However, this led neither to increased odor preference, nor its stabilization. This suggests that when butterfly larvae feed on a new host, a preference for that novel food plant may develop and be transmitted to the next generation, but this preference lasts for a single generation and disappears once the odor stimulus is removed.
... 7,8 Second, the genome does not provide an actual blueprint of the anatomy, but instead specifies the micro-level hardware (proteins) of each cell; it is the developmental physiology that processes the information required to implement morphogenesis. [9][10][11] Third, the setpoint toward which cells build is specified, in part, by bioelectrical prepatterns-spatiotemporal distributions of resting potential, 12 established by ion channels and shaped by electrical synapses known as gap junctions. Indeed, specific manipulation of ion channel and pump function has been shown to induce ectopic organs, 13 duplicate the primary body axis, 14,15 repair defects of the brain, 16 trigger regeneration of appendages under non-regenerative conditions, 17 prevent oncogene-driven tumorigenesis, 18,19 and induce morphologies appropriate to other species without genomic editing or transgenes. ...
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A unique exploration of teleonomy—also known as “evolved purposiveness”—as a major influence in evolution by a broad range of specialists in biology and the philosophy of science. The evolved purposiveness of living systems, termed “teleonomy” by chronobiologist Colin Pittendrigh, has been both a major outcome and causal factor in the history of life on Earth. Many theorists have appreciated this over the years, going back to Lamarck and even Darwin in the nineteenth century. In the mid-twentieth century, however, the complex, dynamic process of evolution was simplified into the one-way, bottom-up, single gene-centered paradigm widely known as the modern synthesis. In Evolution “On Purpose,” edited by Peter A. Corning, Stuart A. Kauffman, Denis Noble, James A. Shapiro, Richard I. Vane-Wright, and Addy Pross, some twenty theorists attempt to modify this reductive approach by exploring in depth the different ways in which living systems have themselves shaped the course of evolution. Evolution “On Purpose” puts forward a more inclusive theoretical synthesis that goes far beyond the underlying principles and assumptions of the modern synthesis to accommodate work since the 1950s in molecular genetics, developmental biology, epigenetic inheritance, genomics, multilevel selection, niche construction, physiology, behavior, biosemiotics, chemical reaction theory, and other fields. In the view of the authors, active biological processes are responsible for the direction and the rate of evolution. Essays in this collection grapple with topics from the two-way “read-write” genome to cognition and decision-making in plants to the niche-construction activities of many organisms to the self-making evolution of humankind. As this collection compellingly shows, and as bacterial geneticist James Shapiro emphasizes, “The capacity of living organisms to alter their own heredity is undeniable.”
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Life is purposefully creative in a continuous process of maintaining integrity; it adapts to counteract change. This is an ongoing, iterative process. Its actions are essentially directed to this purpose. Life exists to exist. Physiology is the study of purposeful living function. Function necessarily implies purpose. This was accepted all the way from William Harvey in the 17th century, who identified the purpose of the heart to pump blood and so feed the organs and tissues of the body, through many 19th and early 20th century examples. But late 20th century physiology was obliged to hide these ideas in shame. Teleology became the ‘lady who no physiologist could do without, but who could not be acknowledged in public.’ This emasculation of the discipline accelerated once the Central Dogma of molecular biology was formulated, and once physiology had become sidelined as concerned only with the disposable vehicle of evolution. This development has to be reversed. Even on the practical criterion of relevance to health care, gene-centrism has been a disaster, since prediction from elements to the whole system only rarely succeeds, whereas identifying whole system functions invariably makes testable predictions at an elemental level.
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The Hodgkin Cycle describes the interaction between electrical potentials and ion channel currents that enables impulses and rhythms to be generated in excitable cells. Contrary to most diagrams of that interaction, there can be no one‐way flow around the cycle, which is therefore better represented as a causal ring in which the different forms of causation operate simultaneously. Such rings of interactions between different levels of biological organisation occur everywhere in living systems. This insight became generalised in the principle of biological relativity. Multi‐level understanding of living organisms is not correctly represented by a gene‐centric interpretation of biology. That interpretation was based on the Central Dogma of molecular biology. Yet, careful analysis of the molecular biological experiments supposed to support gene‐centrism leads to its deconstruction. DNA does not replicate like a crystal. There is no replicator separate from its vehicle. Nor is the genome isolated from the rest of the body. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
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In the 1940s, the ‘modern synthesis’ (MS) of Darwinism and genetics cast genetic mutation and recombination as the source of variability from which environmental events naturally select the fittest, such ‘natural selection’ constituting the cause of evolution. Recent biology increasingly challenges this view by casting genes as followers and awarding the leading role in the genesis of adaptations to the agency and plasticity of developing phenotypes—making natural selection a consequence of other causal processes. Both views of natural selection claim to capture the core of Darwin’s arguments in On the Origin of Species . Today, historians largely concur with the MS’s reading of Origin as a book aimed to prove natural selection the cause ( vera causa ) of adaptive change. This paper finds the evidence for that conclusion wanting. I undertake to examine the context and meaning of all Darwin’s known uses of the phrase vera causa , documenting in particular Darwin’s resistance to the pressure to prove natural selection a vera causa in letters written early in 1860 . His resistance underlines the logical dependence of natural selection, an unobservable phenomenon, on the causal processes producing the observable events captured by the laws of inheritance, variation, and the struggle for existence, established in Chapters 1–3 of Origin .
A new theory about the origins of consciousness that finds learning to be the driving force in the evolutionary transition to basic consciousness. What marked the evolutionary transition from organisms that lacked consciousness to those with consciousness—to minimal subjective experiencing, or, as Aristotle described it, “the sensitive soul”? In this book, Simona Ginsburg and Eva Jablonka propose a new theory about the origin of consciousness that finds learning to be the driving force in the transition to basic consciousness. Using a methodology similar to that used by scientists when they identified the transition from non-life to life, Ginsburg and Jablonka suggest a set of criteria, identify a marker for the transition to minimal consciousness, and explore the far-reaching biological, psychological, and philosophical implications. After presenting the historical, neurobiological, and philosophical foundations of their analysis, Ginsburg and Jablonka propose that the evolutionary marker of basic or minimal consciousness is a complex form of associative learning, which they term unlimited associative learning (UAL). UAL enables an organism to ascribe motivational value to a novel, compound, non-reflex-inducing stimulus or action, and use it as the basis for future learning. Associative learning, Ginsburg and Jablonka argue, drove the Cambrian explosion and its massive diversification of organisms. Finally, Ginsburg and Jablonka propose symbolic language as a similar type of marker for the evolutionary transition to human rationality—to Aristotle's “rational soul.”
A reappraisal of Lamarckism—its historical impact and contemporary significance. In 1809—the year of Charles Darwin's birth—Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published Philosophie zoologique, the first comprehensive and systematic theory of biological evolution. The Lamarckian approach emphasizes the generation of developmental variations; Darwinism stresses selection. Lamarck's ideas were eventually eclipsed by Darwinian concepts, especially after the emergence of the Modern Synthesis in the twentieth century. The different approaches—which can be seen as complementary rather than mutually exclusive—have important implications for the kinds of questions biologists ask and for the type of research they conduct. Lamarckism has been evolving—or, in Lamarckian terminology, transforming—since Philosophie zoologique's description of biological processes mediated by "subtle fluids." Essays in this book focus on new developments in biology that make Lamarck's ideas relevant not only to modern empirical and theoretical research but also to problems in the philosophy of biology. Contributors discuss the historical transformations of Lamarckism from the 1820s to the 1940s, and the different understandings of Lamarck and Lamarckism; the Modern Synthesis and its emphasis on Mendelian genetics; theoretical and experimental research on such "Lamarckian" topics as plasticity, soft (epigenetic) inheritance, and individuality; and the importance of a developmental approach to evolution in the philosophy of biology. The book shows the advantages of a "Lamarckian" perspective on evolution. Indeed, the development-oriented approach it presents is becoming central to current evolutionary studies—as can be seen in the burgeoning field of Evo-Devo. Transformations of Lamarckism makes a unique contribution to this research.
Multilevel interpretations of development and evolution take to heart the contextual nature of both those processes, and so necessarily assume top-down causation occurs, right down to the physics level. In this article we revisit the Principle of Biological Relativity proposed by Noble in 2012, where all emergent levels of organisation are equally causally valid. While this is true in general for physical interactions between levels, we argue that in the case of conscious organisms making rational choices, there is indeed a preferred causal origin - namely the overall embracing influence of meaning and values. This is the opposite of what is suggested by a reductionist viewpoint, where it is the bottom-most physical level that is stated to be causally preferred (by some physicists), or the genetic level (by some evolutionary theorists). Charles Darwin was therefore correct to distinguish between Artificial (conscious) Selection, where values enter, and Natural Selection. The Modern Synthesis was wrong to exclude Darwin's distinction.
Genome change does not occur accidentally. The conventional Modern Synthesis view of gradual evolution guided solely by natural selection fails to incorporate many important lessons from direct examination of genome structure by cytogeneticists and modern genomic sequencers. Among other discoveries is the major role that interspecific hybridization has played in the rapid generation of new species. Interspecific hybrids display altered epigenetic regulation and genome expression, great genome variability (including activation of transposable elements and chromosome rearrangements), and frequently whole genome duplication (WGD) as well. These changes produce novel species with adaptively altered phenotypes and reproductive isolation due to meiotic incompatibility with the progenitor species. Genomics has revealed that hybrid speciation and WGD have been widespread among all types of eukaryotes, from yeast and diatoms to flowering plants and primates. The maintenance of the biological responses to interspecific hybridization across virtually all eukaryotic history indicates that eukaryotes have continuously inheritted a capability for rapid evolutionary change. In other words, the best-documented path to the origin of species we have is an inherited biological process, not a series of accidents.
Organisms mount the cellular stress response whenever environmental parameters exceed the range that is conducive to maintaining homeostasis. This response is critical for survival in emergency situations because it protects macromolecular integrity and, therefore, cell/organismal function. From an evolutionary perspective, the cellular stress response counteracts severe stress by accelerating adaptation via a process called stress-induced evolution. In this Review, we summarize five key physiological mechanisms of stress-induced evolution. Namely, these are stress-induced changes in: (1) mutation rates, (2) histone post-translational modifications, (3) DNA methylation, (4) chromoanagenesis and (5) transposable element activity. Through each of these mechanisms, organisms rapidly generate heritable phenotypes that may be adaptive, maladaptive or neutral in specific contexts. Regardless of their consequences to individual fitness, these mechanisms produce phenotypic variation at the population level. Because variation fuels natural selection, the physiological mechanisms of stress-induced evolution increase the likelihood that populations can avoid extirpation and instead adapt under the stress of new environmental conditions.