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K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri Sempur’s Theological Thinking and Its Implications in Mashlahah Al-Islamiyyah Fi Ihkami Al-Tawhidiyyah



K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri (died 1975) was a cleric in Sempur Village, Plered District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java. One form of his legacy is in the form of written works known as "nuqilan" or adaptations. One of them is Mashlahah Al-`Islamiyyah Fi `Ihkami Al-Tawhidiyyah (MIFIT) which specifically reveals thoughts on theological aspects in Islam. Uncovering patterns of theological thinking and religious teachings that can be applied in the lives of rural communities. This research uses the reception method, which is a critical study of the text and revealing the meanings contained in it. It is a qualitative method in whihch every sentence contained in the text is interpreted and connected with the reality of its implementation in everyday life in order to set an example to the audience, both students and society. The philological and textological studies of MIFIT critically produced the model of theological thinking that is very Ahlussunnah-centric by revealing the arguments of the Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith as well as several Sunni scholars from the Middle East and the Indonesian Archipelago. The implications are at the level of practice of religious teachings in life which tend to be exclusive even though they prioritize tolerance.
P-ISSN: 2808-0467
E-ISSN: 2808-5051
1264 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Ade Kosasih, Sutiono Mahdi, Tb. Ace Fahrullah
Faculty of Culture, Padjajaran University, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia
1 2 3
Received: June
Revised: July
Approved: July
Background: K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri (died 1975) was a cleric in
Sempur Village, Plered District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java. One form
of his legacy is in the form of written works known as "nuqilan" or
adaptations. One of them is Mashlahah Al-`Islāmiyyah `Ihkāmi Al-
Tawhīdiyyah (MIFIT) which specifically reveals thoughts on theological
aspects in Islam.
Aim: Uncovering patterns of theological thinking and religious teachings
that can be applied in the lives of rural communities.
Method: This research uses the reception method, which is a critical study
of the text and revealing the meanings contained in it. It is a qualitative
method in whihch every sentence contained in the text is interpreted and
connected with the reality of its implementation in everyday life in order to
set an example to the audience, both students and society.
Findings: The philological and textological studies of MIFIT critically
produced the model of theological thinking that is very Ahlussunnah-centric
by revealing the arguments of the Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith as well as
several Sunni scholars from the Middle East and the Indonesian Archipelago.
The implications are at the level of practice of religious teachings in life
which tend to be exclusive even though they prioritize tolerance.
theology, K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri Sempur, philology
Theology is the main teaching in religion which includes belief in God in terms of essence,
existence, and relationships with all of his creatures (Rozi, 2019). This theology underlies other
ideas. Therefore, it is very important to explore the thoughts of a character in order to construct
thoughts as a whole.
Many Islamic figures and scholars have discussed this theological issue. One of the
scholars was K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri from Sempur Village, Plered District, Purwakarta
Regency, West Java. He is a character who compiles many of his books as a form of reading
and his thoughts in various religious teachings in adapted form. One of the adaptations is
entitled Mashlahah Al-`Islāmiyyah Fī `Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah (MIFIT). In simple terms, the
title of the book can be translated into “The Benefit of Islam in the Teachings of Monotheism.”
As a figure in his area, Tubagus Ahmad Bakri was well-known as a scholar who
consistently teaches Islam to the community, especially in the Sempur area. In addition, he was
also known as a Sufi by combining Islamic teachings with a consistent Sundanese context in
general Islam like other Nusantara scholars. A more detailed discussion in exploring his
thoughts through works that are directly related to the teachings is necessary. Therefore,
conducting research on Mashlahah Al-`Islāmiyyah `Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah is very
K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri Sempur’s Theological Thinking and Its Implications in Mashlahah Al-Islāmiyyah
Fi Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah
1265 Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 1(10), Jul 2022
important to reveal some information, namely the thoughts that are contained in the MIFIT
text, the reference in MIFIT, and the pattern of theological thinking revealed in MIFIT.
Research by Afidah et al. (2020) examines the meaningfulness of Mama Sempur's life in
one of his works, namely Cempakadilaga. Other researchers such as Arofah (2020) and
Fatkhullah et al. (2018) also discuss his philosophical works but none of them touched the
MIFIT one. Therefore, the researchers felt the urgency of conducting a research on the
particular work for its wide range of information, especially for Moslems.
This research can contribute in the form of moderate Islamic values and discourses for
society in improving the quality of life that is full of meaning. Mama Bakri Sempur has set a
good example and example in the midst of society about the practice of Islamic teachings by
not destroying the existing order of society. As proof of his example, every year i.e. the 11th
month (Zulqaidah) of the Hijri year is held Haul (Ceremony commemorating the day of his
death). In fact, every day there are people from various places who make pilgrimages to his
This research uses a qualitative approach by revealing in detail the phenomena contained
in the text. The type of study is a textological study, which is a study to reveal about birth,
descent, copying, interpretation, and understanding of texts (Kosasih, 2014). Tracing birth,
descent, copying the MIFIT text is carried out using descriptive analytical methods on existing
sources. The interpretation and understanding of the text with the intertext method, namely
connecting with other related texts.
This research began with an inventory and description of manuscripts by Mama Bakri
Sempur, then one manuscript was chosen, namely a manuscript entitled Mashlahah Al-
'Islāmiyyah 'Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah. The manuscript was translated from the start page
section to the end page. After that, an in-depth study and study was carried out to take important
themes from the text. In the study and study of the text, reception analysis is carried out by
connecting the meaning of this text with the previously existing texts or their hypograms. The
hypogrammed texts were the Quran, the Hadith of the Prophet, and the works of early
generations of scholars in Islamic history.
The development of human civilization today has reached a worrying stage. Various
dehumanization events have occurred in various parts of the earth and the exploitation of
natural resources that exceeds boundaries on the other side (Kelman, 2017), no exception for
Indonesia. This condition is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of
2020 until the end of 2021. This causes the creation of new habits and cultures that were not at
all unexpected before. This phenomenon occurs when humans reach modern life. As a
characteristic, all aspects of human life are left and only controlled by human mind (Boyer,
2018). As a result, humans become restless because they are disappointed with the reality that
does not meet their expectations. Many attempts were made to overcome various inequalities
and psychological and sociological problems at a large cost, but many failed (Marmarosh et
al., 2020). Perhaps it is time for the society to look at local wisdom or the intellectual treasures
of heritage in the form of texts that are full of spiritual values.
K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri Sempur’s Theological Thinking and Its Implications in Mashlahah Al-Islāmiyyah
Fi Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah
1266 Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 1(10), Jul 2022
The deification of rationale in life has eroded spiritual values that come from religious
teachings that have long been adhered to. It should be realized that one of the most important
human sides is the spiritual life (Ershov et al., 2019). It encourages people to seek true
protection through religion and spiritual life. Therefore, religions, including Islam, are very
quickly accepted by various groups, including the people across Indonesia. It has been a dozen
centuries since Islam entered this archipelago, including this Bumi Parahyangan or Pasundan.
This long period of time has contributed greatly to the people of the archipelago in general and
to Pasundan in particular. Islam has become part of people's lives in the archipelago with
evidence of many relics in the form of teachings documented in manuscripts stored in various
museums as well as individuals. Religious teachings have been internalized in life, so they have
become local wisdom inherent in the community. It is undeniably happening in everyday
society. Islam is not only a religion but also a culture and civilization in Indonesia. Islam and
culture, both local and national, have become a strong unit to form local wisdom.
Islam, which appears as an alternative and solution to various crises caused by humans,
from the beginning of its history to the development and progress of human civilization that
accompanies it, is able to play a role and answer various problems faced by humans. This is
possible because Islam harmonizes the relationship between reason and conscience, between
humans and their God (Kurmanaliyeva, 2021). Without that harmony, fear, anxiety, ambition,
and the emotions to pursue, life will be out of control (John, 2018). As a result, humans will be
trapped in despair, uprooted from their past, and no longer hopeful. Islam and Moslems in
Indonesia are the main elements of society, not only in the majority but also in their daily
customs which have such strong Islamic nuances (Sholehuddin et al., 2021). This is evidenced
by various important events in his daily life. It is no exaggeration to say that Indonesian culture
is regional culture plus Islamic culture. Even Islam in Indonesia has a distinctive form of Islam.
To reveal the various values of local wisdom, the study of the text as an intellectual treasure
is a very important effort. The study of the manuscript using the steps of philological studies
will obtain results that are very relevant to answer today's problems. The progress of the
western world which has reached its peak is the work of philology since the Middle Ages.
Philology can be appointed as a field that can also make a nation superior, dignified, and
globally competitive on the basis of local wisdom (Sari & Murdiono, 2021).
The treasures of Islamic thought of local figures, especially those related to theology, are
objects of research that deserve attention. One of the popular figures in Tatar Sunda with his
thoughts is K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri (Mama Sempur, died 1975). Mama Sempur's
intellectuality is not to be taken lightly because his academic adventures are very convincing.
In addition to studying with local scholars, Mama Sempur is also one of the students of famous
scholars in Mecca and across the country such as Ahmad Dahlan, Nawawi Al-Bantani, Mahfud
ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Manan Al-Turmudzi, Habib Usman Al-Batawi and Sheikh Kholil. ibn
Abdul Lathief Bangkalan (Afidah et al., 2020).
Theological thinking is very important to be expressed to contribute to the development
and empowerment of society (Nasution, 1986). The theology referred to in this research is
modern theology, namely theology that prioritizes substantive thinking including matters
related to the problems of ignorance, poverty, the environment, science and technology,
employment, and other aspects of life (Abbas, 2015). All the problems of social life are
K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri Sempur’s Theological Thinking and Its Implications in Mashlahah Al-Islāmiyyah
Fi Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah
1267 Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 1(10), Jul 2022
revealed in Mama Sempur's manuscript entitled Maslahah Al-Islamiyyah Fi Ahkam Al-
Tawhidiyyah (MIFIT).
Starting his description, MIFIT explained the substance of Islam as an inclusive religion.
The inclusiveness of Islam transcends nations, races, traditions, cultures, and languages, also
transcends the boundaries of time and age. Therefore Islam is suitable for anyone, anytime, and
anywhere. Then it was emphasized that Islam is to encourage people to continue to improve
the correct understanding of Islam. A very clear emphasis as a guarantee to obtain a happy life
in this world and the hereafter.
Satemen-temenna agama Islam éta agama pikeun ‘am tur langgeng henteu peugatna
ngangeunteng ka hareup tur patut ka sakur-sakur zaman tur agama Islam anu nuduhkeun ka
manusa kana hiji barang anu aya dina éta barang kasampurnaan dua (hiji) bagian hirup di
dunya (kadua) bagian hirup di akhirat jeung kasampurnaan hirup dua kali (hiji) hirup di
dunya (kadua) hirup anu henteu aya maotna, ari hirup anu henteu aya maotna éta nyaéta hirup
di akhirat. (Bakri, n.d.)
The quote above comes from Risâlah al-hamîdiyah bayâni haqîqah al-diyânah al-
`islâmiyah by Husain al-Jasri, a scholar in the land of Sham. Mama Sempur, in the quote above,
emphasizes the nature of Islam that should be known by the public so that they do not
misunderstand it. If categorized based on modern theology, it shows the universality of Islam.
Then, Mama Sempur revealed the essence of monotheism by quoting the following views
of Al-Gazali:
Kanyahokeun ku maneh saenya-enya na netepkeun tauhid éta nyaéta lima perkara dina
ushuluddin henteu weunang ka sakur-sakur jalma ‘aqil balig tina nga i’tikadkeun anu lima
perkara(Bakri, n.d.)
What is meant by the five things as a statement of monotheism which is the theological
basis is the belief that Allah is omnipresent, omnipotent, immaterial, and omniscient. The five
basics of faith are the essence contained in the sentence ilâha illa Allah. Therefore, the
meaning contained in the sentence is to believe in the essence of Allah with these five things.
The quote shows that Mama Sempur teaches the essence of absolute monotheism or absolute
monotheism. In that case, the style of theology is Asy'ariyah, namely moderate theology
according to Al-Gazali's view (A. Kosasih & Fahrullah, 2019).
Mama Sempur expressed the necessity to be a role model and role model for intellectuals
in life in the wider community. Intellectual life must be accompanied by high moral integrity
in order to realize scientific charity and scientific knowledge. This quote is taken from the view
of al-Suythi in Jami Al-Shagir. Mistakes committed by knowledgeable people, followed by
many and audiences, so it is likely that this error will continue. Therefore, the consequences of
a knowledgeable person who make mistakes are very dangerous. So should try to avoid the
various possibilities in this behavior. Mama Sempur took this view, in particular, from Al-
Gazali. However, Mama Sempur, adopts this view by providing a picture that is in accordance
with life in her environment, so it is very relevant. In that context, intellectuality must be more
advanced among the people. This proves that his theological thinking is intellectual in nature
(A. Kosasih & Fahrullah, 2019).
K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri Sempur’s Theological Thinking and Its Implications in Mashlahah Al-Islāmiyyah
Fi Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah
1268 Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 1(10), Jul 2022
In addition to the dangers of bad deeds committed by knowledgeable people, Mama
Sempur also reminded about the habit of fanatical or exclusive debate. Two terms are used,
namely munazarah 'arguing' and ta'ashshub 'fanatic' in arguing. In debates, there are often
corners of people, not even a little bit of hatred, not showing the truth. This is Mama Sempur's
inclusive attitude (A. Kosasih & Fahrullah, 2019).
As for the impact of this dynamic, universal, intellectual, inclusive, and moderate
theological thought, Mama Sempur revealed five articles related to life that must be
implemented. The five articles are matters of charity, the essence of God and the nature of His
perfection, the urgency of warning about life in the hereafter, moral integrity, and the obligation
to take care of oneself (A. Kosasih & Fahrullah, 2019).
In the first article, the charities that must be abandoned are individualistic, avoiding
goodness, lying, splitting, fighting each other, hostile, and inciting. In the second article, the
essence and perfect nature of Allah proven by establishing the argument that Allah is most just
with the gift of reason for humans, so that humans can achieve their glory. The third article,
warning of the coming of the hereafter so that humans can do good and avoid the slander of
the world. The fourth article, Allah's pleasure can only be done by leaving friendship with
people who behave badly and must be willing to gather with people who behave well, avoid
the hustle and bustle of the world's life, avoiding greed and excessiveness, leaving excessive
love for the world, leaving the habit of sleeping in a state of zeal and having to have ablution
forever, avoiding greed, not feeling irritated with situations and circumstances, punishing
oneself to obey and remind yourself to be obedient and refrain from following your lust, sleep
less, especially at dawn, because at that time prayers are answered, be patient for the sake of
happiness in the hereafter and remain worship even if you are tired so that you will rest in the
hereafter, really eat Halal food if you want to be safe, therefore, do not associate with people
whose work is mixed with haram, and get used to eating a little food in order to produce a spirit
of obedience and eliminate shyness. The fifth article, the five obligations to take care of oneself,
namely body, religion, reason, property, and lineage (Descendants) (A. Kosasih & Fahrullah,
Mama Sempur was a figure who combined Islamic teachings with the local rural context
in Pasundan. His long intellectual adventure has inspired him as a scholar whose understanding
of Islamic teachings is very deep. His reading of texts, both the Al-Quran and Hadith as well
as the books of the scholars, has produced works as a reception of quite a lot of Islamic
teachings. By exposing the arguments of the Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith as well as a
number of Sunni thinkers from the Middle East and the Indonesian Archipelago, the
philological and textological research of MIFIT critically produced the model of theological
thinking that is particularly Ahlussunnah-centric. The ramifications are at the level of applying
religious precepts in daily life, which frequently stress tolerance but also have a tendency to be
K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri Sempur’s Theological Thinking and Its Implications in Mashlahah Al-Islāmiyyah
Fi Ihkāmi Al-Tawhīdiyyah
1269 Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 1(10), Jul 2022
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia also has a lot of cultural and traditional potential that can be elaborated in halal tourism attractions. This study aims to describe Islamic tradition and religious culture in halal tourism in terms of empirical evidence from Indonesia. This research is a qualitative study using the literature (literature) from previous studies. The library research procedure in this research begins in detail with the selection of topics, then explores information, determines the focus of research, collects data sources, reads data sources, makes research notes, processes research notes, and ends with drawing conclusions. Data collection techniques in this study used editing, organizing, and finding. Data analysis in this study used deductive and interpretative methods. The results show that Islamic tradition and religious culture in the halal tourism industry has a very important role in the halal tourism industry. These two elements are the main attraction in the attraction of halal tourism destinations in In- donesia. Tourists can learn and feel about Islamic tradition and religious culture in halal tourism packages that have religious and kindness values. The integration of Islamic tradition and religious culture in halal tourism is allowed in Islam as long as it does not conflict with Islamic law.
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Objective: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) threatened not only people’s physical health but also every aspect of their psychological well-being: from their struggle to avoid contracting the disease, to their coping with the disruption of the normal course of their lives, to the trauma they endured when the virus took the lives of those they loved. The objective of this article is to consider the group-level processes that sustain people’s physical and psychological well-being during COVID-19. Method: Applying group dynamic and group therapy theory and research, we explore why COVID-19 spread so rapidly. We also explore how people cope with prolonged social isolation, distress, and social inequities, as well as how people deal with the psychological trauma of the disease, which includes heightened levels of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and complicated bereavement. Results: Researchers and theorists suggest that human beings are fundamentally social, and the need to gather with others is extremely important, especially during times of distress. The need to belong as well as the importance of reducing loneliness during uncertain times often encourages people to connect, despite recommendations to remain socially distant. Conclusions: Group treatment options developed by group psychotherapists are effective at reducing depression, anxiety, complicated grief, and stress. We conclude by examining the growing impact of online groups and the many ways that these groups help people improve their psychological well-being during the COVID-19 crisis.
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This paper examines Ibn Arabi's concept of ecosufism, a new philosophical foundation and paradigma in understanding nature, domination and control over natural resources amidst of global environmental crisis, caused by anthropocentric exploitation towards nature. This ecosufism is related to the constellation of religious orientation amongst monotheism, polytheism and pantheism and the relationship between God and nature in response to the environmental problem. This paper explains Ibn Arabi's philosophical thought on ecology and examines how this notion is based on his Sufi view on the relationship of God, humans and nature. This study shows that Ibn Arabi’s concept of waḥdat al-wujūd (unification of being) and al-insān al-kāmil (perfect human) generate his perception of nature preservation. These two fundamental concepts are relevant to be used as a paradigm for promoting ecosufism, which consider nature as God's manifestation. A perfect human is the one who could realize such a perspective. Protecting nature is necessary because of its position as God's manifestation.
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This study reveals the story of Dajjal who experienced a shift in interpretation. This is due to the response of each reader with a different background. To disclose it, this research uses the reception theory proposed by Hans Robert Jauss. This research is the result of philology research from Saifu ad-Dharib (SaD) script. This manuscript was written by KH. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri, Purwakarta, West Java, with a thickness of 32 pages. Meanwhile, the section of the manuscript taken only the story of Dajjal contained in Chapter 4 and part of Chapter 5. From the results of the manuscript SaD taken only transliteration and translation. From the results of the study, it was found that the author of SaD responded that Dajjal in question is Ibn Sayyad. It is realized by the author that there are two opinions concerning the birth or previous Dajjal, but the author responds and interprets that Dajjal has been born ie that existed in the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In addition, Dajjal will come out with 70,000 followers who are mostly artists. The great Dajjal before the exit will be preceded by the existence of the small Dajjal-Dajjal which is now emerging, ie Persatuan Islam, Muhammadiyah, Wahabi, and Shi'a. This manuscript was born at the time of the condition of Muslims who are still in conflict, so the reception of Dajjal refers to the organization of the period above. The manuscripts of his day can be used as propaganda material. Keywords: Dajjal, reception theory, saifu ad-dharib RESEPSI CERITA DAJJAL DALAM NASKAH SAIFU AD-DHARIB Abstrak Penelitian ini mengungkap cerita Dajjal yang mengalami pergeseran tafsir. Hal itu disebabkan karena adanya tanggapan dari setiap pembaca yang berlatar belakang berbeda. Untuk mengungkap itu, maka penelitian ini menggunakan teori resepsi yang dikemukakan oleh Jauss. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil penelitian filologi dari naskah Saifu ad-Dharib. Naskah ini ditulis oleh KH. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, dengan ketebalan naskah 32 halaman. Sementara itu, bagian naskah yang diambil hanya cerita Dajjal yang terdapat pada Bab 4 dan sebagian Bab 5. Dari hasil naskah SaD yang diambil hanya transliterasi dan terjemahan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa penulis SaD menanggapi bahwa Dajjal yang dimaksud adalah Ibnu Sahayyad. Disadari oleh penulisnya bahwa ada dua pendapat terkait lahir atau belumnya Dajjal, namun penulis menanggapi dan menafsirkan bahwa Dajjal telah lahir yakni yang ada pada zaman Nabi Muhammad saw. Selain itu, Dajjal akan keluar dengan disertai 70.000 pengikut yang sebagian besar adalah seniman. Dajjal besar sebelum keluar akan didahului dengan adanya Dajjal-Dajjal kecil yang sekarang ini sudah muncul, yaitu Persatuan Islam, Muhammadiyah, Wahabi dan Syi’ah. Naskah ini lahir di saat kondisi umat Islam yang masih saling bersitegang, sehingga resepsi terhadap Dajjal merujuk pada organisasi masa di atas. Naskah pada zamannya dapat digunakan sebagai bahan propaganda. Kata kunci: Dajjal, teori resepsi, saifu ad-dharib
This chapter describes al-Farabi (870–950 CE) and Ibn Rushd as both “interpret[ing] divine revelation and human reason as two forms of knowledge which complete rather than nullify each other.” Rushd recommended that in cases where “divine revelation has principle contradictions” with conclusions reached by human reason and natural science, an “allegorical interpretation of the Qur’anic words” was the best approach to resolving any such apparent conflicts. She concludes by noting that “[t]he ability of al-Ghazali to promote his own opinion in reaction to the questions raised by Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina and other Islamic philosophers, followed by Ibn Rushd’s reaffirmation of the harmony between human reason and divine revelation, and the unique dialogue that ensued—this is the cultural heritage of the classical Islamic era.” The author’s treatment of the relation between divine revelation and human reason in connection to divine and natural law, and the ability of Muslim scholars to engage these questions through open academic dialogue, hints at her own post-Soviet context.
This study is aimed to find values of the meaning of life that written by Ajengan Mama Sempur in the Book of Campaka Dilaga. This study used a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The result of this study was found that the meaning of life of a Muslim can be found through the five values that exist in the five clauses and faidah’s chapters, namely: First clause, discussing the urge to work / work for Muslims. The second clause, discussing the prohibition of doing business or doing work that is prohibited by Islam. The third clause, discussing the obligation to establish good relations with neighbors. The fourth clause, discussing the obligation of Muslims to serve and obey the legitimate government. The fifth clause, discussing the rules of ushul fiqh preventing harm is better than bringing benefit. The conclusion of this research is that the meaning of life can be found in the Sufistic values of Mama Sempur and her thoughts about the value of community life in accordance with the current conditions so as to give birth to good character.