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Human Trajectory Prediction via Neural Social Physics

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Abstract and Figures

Trajectory prediction has been widely pursued in many fields, and many model-based and model-free methods have been explored. The former include rule-based, geometric or optimization-based models, and the latter are mainly comprised of deep learning approaches. In this paper, we propose a new method combining both methodologies based on a new Neural Differential Equation model. Our new model (Neural Social Physics or NSP) is a deep neural network within which we use an explicit physics model with learnable parameters. The explicit physics model serves as a strong inductive bias in modeling pedestrian behaviors, while the rest of the network provides a strong data-fitting capability in terms of system parameter estimation and dynamics stochasticity modeling. We compare NSP with 15 recent deep learning methods on 6 datasets and improve the state-of-the-art performance by 5.56%-70%. Besides, we show that NSP has better generalizability in predicting plausible trajectories in drastically different scenarios where the density is 2-5 times as high as the testing data. Finally, we show that the physics model in NSP can provide plausible explanations for pedestrian behaviors, as opposed to black-box deep learning. Code is available:
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Human Trajectory Prediction via Neural Social Physics
Jiangbei Yue, Dinesh Manocha, and He Wang
Existing approaches generally fall into model-based and model-free methods. Model-
based methods tend to possess good explainability. However, they are less effective in
data fitting. Model-free methods based on deep learning excel at data fitting, but lack
explainability. Our paper proposes neural social physics that can explain pedestrian
behaviors and retain good data-fitting capabilities to predict human trajectories by
combining model-based and model-free methods.
A new neural differentiable equation model for trajectory prediction and analysis.
A new mechanism to combine explicit models with neural networks for prediction.
The NSP model performs well in: prediction, generalization and explainability
𝒅𝒕 𝒕 = 𝒇𝜽,𝝓 𝒕, 𝒒 𝒕 , 𝜴 𝒕 , 𝒒𝑻, 𝑬 + 𝜶𝝓(𝒕, 𝒒𝒕:𝒕−𝑴)
𝒒 𝒕 + 𝜟𝒕 𝒒 𝒕 +
𝒒 𝒕 ∆𝒕 = 𝒑 𝒕
𝒑 𝒕 + ∆𝒕
𝒑 𝒕 + 𝜶(𝒕, 𝒒𝒕:𝒕−𝑴 )
Dataset S-GAN Sophie PECNet Y-net NSP
ETH 0.81/1.52 0.70/1.43 0.54/0.87 0.28/0.33 0.25/0.24
Hotel 0.72/1.61 0.76/1.67 0.18/0.24 0.10/0.14 0.09/0.13
Univ 0.60/1.26 0.54/1.24 0.35/0.60 0.24/0.41 0.21/0.38
Zara1 0.34/0.69 0.30/0.63 0.22/0.39 0.17/0.27 0.16/0.27
Zara2 0.42/0.84 0.38/0.78 0.17/0.30 0.13/0.22 0.12/0.20
AVG 0.58/1.18 0.54/1.15 0.29/0.48 0.18/0.27 0.17/0.24
SDD 27.2/41.4 16.3/29.4 10.0/15.9 7.9/11.9 6.5/10.6
Prediction accuracy on public datasets. ADE/FDE
Interpretability of Prediction
Collisions in unseen scenarios
Red is observed. Green is our prediction. Black is the ground-truth. Blue is
pedestrians. 𝐹
𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙,𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑙 and 𝐹
𝑒𝑛𝑣 are shown as yellow, blue and black arrows.
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The real‐time simulation of human crowds has many applications. Simulating how the people in a crowd move through an environment is an active and ever‐growing research topic. Most research focuses on microscopic (or ‘agent‐based’) crowd‐simulation methods that model the behavior of each individual person, from which collective behavior can then emerge. This state‐of‐the‐art report analyzes how the research on microscopic crowd simulation has advanced since the year 2010. We focus on the most popular research area within the microscopic paradigm, which is local navigation, and most notably collision avoidance between agents. We discuss the four most popular categories of algorithms in this area (force‐based, velocity‐based, vision‐based, and data‐driven) that have either emerged or grown in the last decade. We also analyze the conceptual and computational (dis)advantages of each category. Next, we extend the discussion to other types of behavior or navigation (such as group behavior and the combination with path planning), and we review work on evaluating the quality of simulations. Based on the observed advancements in the 2010s, we conclude by predicting how the research area of microscopic crowd simulation will evolve in the future. Overall, we expect a significant growth in the area of data‐driven and learning‐based agent navigation, and we expect an increasing number of methods that re‐group multiple ‘levels’ of behavior into one principle. Furthermore, we observe a clear need for new ways to analyze (real or simulated) crowd behavior, which is important for quantifying the realism of a simulation and for choosing the right algorithms at the right time.
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When overpopulated cities face frequent crowded events like strikes, demonstrations, parades or other sorts of people gatherings, they are confronted to multiple security issues. To mitigate these issues, security forces are often involved to monitor the gatherings and to ensure the security of their participants. However, when access to technology is limited, the security forces can quickly become overwhelmed. Fortunately, more and more important smart cities are adopting the concept of intelligent surveillance systems. In these situations, intelligent surveillance systems require the most advanced techniques of crowd analysis to monitor crowd events properly. In this review, we explore various studies related to crowd analysis. Crowd analysis is commonly broken down into two major branches: crowd statistics and crowd behavior analysis. When crowd statistics determines the Level Of Service (LoS) of a crowded scene, crowd behavior analysis describes the motion patterns and the activities that are observed in a scene. One of the hottest topics of crowd analysis is anomaly detection. Although a unanimous definition of anomaly has not yet been met, each of crowd analysis subtopics can be subjected to abnormality. The purpose of our review is to find subareas, in crowd analysis, that are still unexplored or that seem to be rarely addressed through the prism of Deep Learning.
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Due to the interaction and external interference, the crowds will constantly and dynamically adjust their evacuation path in the evacuation process to achieve the purpose of rapid evacuation. The information from previous process can be used to modify the current evacuation control information to achieve a better evacuation effect, and iterative learning control can achieve an effective prediction of the expected path within a limited running time. In order to depict this process, the social force model is improved based on an iterative extended state observer so that the crowds can move along the optimal evacuation path. First, the objective function of the optimal evacuation path is established in the improved model, and an iterative extended state observer is designed to get the estimated value. Second, the above model is verified through simulation experiments. The results show that, as the number of iterations increases, the evacuation time shows a trend of first decreasing and then increasing.
Trajectory prediction aims to predict the movement trend of the agents like pedestrians, bikers, vehicles. It is helpful to analyze and understand human activities in crowded spaces and widely applied in many areas such as surveillance video analysis and autonomous driving systems. Thanks to the success of deep learning, trajectory prediction has made significant progress. The current methods are dedicated to studying the agents’ future trajectories under the social interaction and the sceneries’ physical constraints. Moreover, how to deal with these factors still catches researchers’ attention. However, they ignore the Semantic Shift Phenomenon when modeling these interactions in various prediction sceneries. There exist several kinds of semantic deviations inner or between social and physical interactions, which we call the “Gap”. In this paper, we propose a Contextual Semantic Consistency Network (CSCNet) to predict agents’ future activities with powerful and efficient context constraints. We utilize a well-designed context-aware transfer to obtain the intermediate representations from the scene images and trajectories. Then we eliminate the differences between social and physical interactions by aligning activity semantics and scene semantics to cross the Gap. Experiments demonstrate that CSCNet performs better than most of the current methods quantitatively and qualitatively.