
New orchids in the flora of Vietnam Ⅳ (Orchidaceae, Aeridinae)

  • Komarov Botanical Institute, Saint Petersburg
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This paper presents new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam obtained in 2015–2021. It contains descriptions of three new species (Cleisostoma furcatum, Malleola micrantha, Schoenorchis hungii), one new variety (Chiloschista parishii var. minutiflora) and one new form (Cleisostoma furcatum forma albiflora). Additionally six species, Ascocentropsis malipoensis, Chiloschista sweelimii, Pomatocalpa undulatum, Trachoma rhopalorrhachis, Trichoglottis maculata, and Uncifera acuminata are newly recorded for Vietnam. The paper also provides an amended description of a very rare and poorly known species, Cleisostoma equestre. All studied taxa belong to subtribe Aeridinae (tribe Vandeae, subfamily Epidendroideae). The accepted plant name, main synonyms, data on type specimens, ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided for each species listed.

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... This paper continues a series of six publications (Averyanov et al. 2019b(Averyanov et al. ,c, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023) that presented new information on the orchid diversity of Vietnam, in addition to a significant number of our earlier articles on orchid novelties (cited e.g. by Averyanov et al. 2022a). This seventh paper includes descriptions of four species new to science (Goodyera umbonata Aver., V.C. Nguyen Among the studied taxa, one taxon belongs to the tribe Cypripedieae of the subfamily Cypripedioideae, whereas the others represent the core clade of Orchidaceae, i.e., the subfamily Epidendroideae (tribe Collabieae) and subfamily Orchidoideae (tribes Cranichideae and Orchideae), as recognized in the classification provided by Chase et al. (2015). ...
... This paper continues a series of six publications (Averyanov et al. 2019b(Averyanov et al. ,c, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023) that presented new information on the orchid diversity of Vietnam, in addition to a significant number of our earlier articles on orchid novelties (cited e.g. by Averyanov et al. 2022a). This seventh paper includes descriptions of four species new to science (Goodyera umbonata Aver., V.C. Nguyen Among the studied taxa, one taxon belongs to the tribe Cypripedieae of the subfamily Cypripedioideae, whereas the others represent the core clade of Orchidaceae, i.e., the subfamily Epidendroideae (tribe Collabieae) and subfamily Orchidoideae (tribes Cranichideae and Orchideae), as recognized in the classification provided by Chase et al. (2015). ...
... This study continues the publication of new original data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam following the previous papers of this series (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2024, in addition to numerous other reports (summarized by Averyanov et al. 2022a). It includes two species new to science, Bidoupia micrantha Aver., V.C.Nguyen & Duy and Hylophila vietnamensis Aver. ...
... This study continues the publication of new original data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam following the previous papers of this series (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2024, in addition to numerous other reports (summarized by Averyanov et al. 2022a). It includes two species new to science, Bidoupia micrantha Aver., V.C.Nguyen & Duy and Hylophila vietnamensis Aver. ...
The paper presents new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam obtained mainly during the fieldwork of 2020–2023, as well as a result of investigation of the herbarium collections of Russia and Vietnam. It includes two species new to science, Bidoupia micrantha and Hylophila vietnamensis, and three species new to the native flora of Vietnam, i.e. Diphylax urceolata, Disperis neilgherrensis, and Habenaria siamensis. Three genera, Diphylax, Disperis and Hylophila, are reported here for the flora of Vietnam for the first time. In addition, a newly naturalized species Cynorkis fastigiata is documented, which originates from the Comoros, Madagascar, the Seychelles, and the Mascarenes. For each of the studied species, its type, relevant synonyms, studied specimens, ecology and phenology (within Vietnam), distribution, preliminarily assessed conservation status, brief taxonomic notes and illustrations are provided. For the newly described taxa, morphological descriptions and notes on etymology are additionally included.
... At the same time, the orchid diversity in the country is still far from being fully inventoried, which is evident from the ongoing emergence of new discoveries. In this paper, we continue publication of new original data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam presented in a series of seven earlier papers (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023a, in addition to numerous other reports (summarized e.g. by Averyanov et al. 2022a). This paper includes descriptions of four species (Appendicula spicata Aver. ...
... At the same time, the orchid diversity in the country is still far from being fully inventoried, which is evident from the ongoing emergence of new discoveries. In this paper, we continue publication of new original data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam presented in a series of seven earlier papers (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023a, in addition to numerous other reports (summarized e.g. by Averyanov et al. 2022a). This paper includes descriptions of four species (Appendicula spicata Aver. ...
The paper presents new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam obtained mainly in the course of the fieldwork in 2020–2023, as well as from the investigation of the collections stored at the Herbaria of Russia and Vietnam. It includes descriptions of four species (Appendicula spicata, Dendrobium khanhii, D. vietii, Listera anthropophora) and one variety (Eria dacrydium var. cornuta) new to science, as well as reports of 18 species new to the flora of Vietnam (Bulbophyllum conchiferum, B. gibbosum, B. lasiochilum, B. malleolabrum, B. medusae, B. mucronatum, B. reclusum, B. siamense, B. sutepense, Dendrobium deltatum, D. densiflorum, D. lampongense, D. polyanthum, Oberonia maxima, Phreatia sulcata, Podochilus lucescens, Sunipia grandiflora and S. rimannii). In addition, a new name, Dendrobium nobile var. luteoalbum, and a new nomenclatural combination, Eria chienii, are proposed, and lectotypes for the names Bulbophyllum mucronatum, B. sutepense, Dendrobium deltatum and D. nobile var. luteoalbum are designated. For each of the studied species, relevant synonyms, studied specimens, ecology, phenology, distribution, conservation status assessment according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided. For the newly described taxa, morphological descriptions and notes on etymology are included.
... This paper continues a series of six publications (Averyanov et al. 2019b(Averyanov et al. ,c, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023) that presented new information on the orchid diversity of Vietnam, in addition to a significant number of our earlier articles on orchid novelties (cited e.g. by Averyanov et al. 2022a). This seventh paper includes descriptions of four species new to science (Goodyera umbonata Aver., V.C. Nguyen Among the studied taxa, one taxon belongs to the tribe Cypripedieae of the subfamily Cypripedioideae, whereas the others represent the core clade of Orchidaceae, i.e., the subfamily Epidendroideae (tribe Collabieae) and subfamily Orchidoideae (tribes Cranichideae and Orchideae), as recognized in the classification provided by Chase et al. (2015). ...
... This paper continues a series of six publications (Averyanov et al. 2019b(Averyanov et al. ,c, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2023) that presented new information on the orchid diversity of Vietnam, in addition to a significant number of our earlier articles on orchid novelties (cited e.g. by Averyanov et al. 2022a). This seventh paper includes descriptions of four species new to science (Goodyera umbonata Aver., V.C. Nguyen Among the studied taxa, one taxon belongs to the tribe Cypripedieae of the subfamily Cypripedioideae, whereas the others represent the core clade of Orchidaceae, i.e., the subfamily Epidendroideae (tribe Collabieae) and subfamily Orchidoideae (tribes Cranichideae and Orchideae), as recognized in the classification provided by Chase et al. (2015). ...
The seventh paper of the series on orchid diversity in Vietnam includes descriptions of four species new to science (Goodyera umbonata, Myrmechis brachyscapa, Rhomboda obcordata, and Vietorchis proboscidea) and five new national records (Calanthe speciosa, Habenaria coultousii, Myrmechis urceolata, Paphiopedilum barbigerum var. barbigerum, and Peristylus affinis). Two new nomenclatural combinations, Rhomboda aurea (≡ Odontochilus aureus) and Odontochilus tonkinensis (≡ Anoectochilus tonkinensis), are proposed. Odontochilus putaoensis described from Myanmar and reported also from China and Laos is synonymized with Odontochilus umbrosus described 22 years earlier from Vietnam. Data on relevant synonyms and etymology are provided, along with morphological descriptions for the newly described species. For the species new to science and for the taxa reported for Vietnam for the first time, the information is given about studied specimens, ecology, phenology, distribution, and conservation status assessed according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, accompanied by brief taxonomic notes and illustrations.
... This paper continues the publication of new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam presented in a series of four earlier papers (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022 in addition to numerous other articles on orchid novelties summarized and cited in the last of this series (Averyanov et al. 2022). Here we reported six more species, two new for science (Cleisostoma tatonii and Sarcoglyphis hiepii) and four new for the flora of Vietnam (Cleisostoma aspersum, Gastrochilus nanus, Micropera mannii and Trichoglottis ramosa). ...
... This paper continues the publication of new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam presented in a series of four earlier papers (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022 in addition to numerous other articles on orchid novelties summarized and cited in the last of this series (Averyanov et al. 2022). Here we reported six more species, two new for science (Cleisostoma tatonii and Sarcoglyphis hiepii) and four new for the flora of Vietnam (Cleisostoma aspersum, Gastrochilus nanus, Micropera mannii and Trichoglottis ramosa). ...
... This paper continues the publication of new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam presented in a series of four earlier papers (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022 in addition to numerous other articles on orchid novelties summarized and cited in the last of this series (Averyanov et al. 2022). Here we reported six more species, two new for science (Cleisostoma tatonii and Sarcoglyphis hiepii) and four new for the flora of Vietnam (Cleisostoma aspersum, Gastrochilus nanus, Micropera mannii and Trichoglottis ramosa). ...
... This paper continues the publication of new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam presented in a series of four earlier papers (Averyanov et al. 2019a(Averyanov et al. ,b, 2020(Averyanov et al. , 2022 in addition to numerous other articles on orchid novelties summarized and cited in the last of this series (Averyanov et al. 2022). Here we reported six more species, two new for science (Cleisostoma tatonii and Sarcoglyphis hiepii) and four new for the flora of Vietnam (Cleisostoma aspersum, Gastrochilus nanus, Micropera mannii and Trichoglottis ramosa). ...
This paper presents new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam obtained in 2020–2022. It comprises descriptions of two species new for science (Cleisostoma tatonii and Sarcoglyphis hiepii) and descriptions of four species new for the flora of Vietnam (Cleisostoma aspersum, Gastrochilus nanus, Micropera mannii and Trichoglottis ramosa). All species found for the first time in Vietnam are morphologically slightly different from the individuals in their main distribution area. Data on accepted names, main synonyms, etymology (for newly described species), morphological description, studied specimens, ecology, phenology and distribution, conservation status assessment, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided for each species listed.
The paper presents new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam obtained mainly during the fieldwork of 2023–2024, as well as a result of investigation of the herbarium and garden collections of Russia and Vietnam. It includes five species new to science, namely Cleisostoma truongquanii, Cymbidium bavuongii, Hemipilia uniflora, Micropera vietnamensis, Robiquetia binhii, and one variety, Biermannia averyanovii var. micrantha. Six species, Biermannia brachystachys, Cleisostoma nangongense, Coelogyne cumingii, Eulophia bicallosa, Gastrodia fontinalis, and Schoenorchis seidenfadenii are reported for Vietnam at first. For each of the studied taxa, their types, relevant synonyms, studied specimens, ecology and phenology (within Vietnam), distribution, preliminarily assessed conservation status, brief taxonomic notes and illustrations are provided. For the newly described taxa, morphological descriptions and notes on etymology are included. In addition, new nomenclature combinations, Panisea lecongkietii (Vuong, Aver. & Q.T.Truong) Aver., Biermannia brachystachys (Schltr.) Aver., Thrixspermum arunachalensis (A.N.Rao) Aver., and Thrixspermum jainiana (S.N.Hegde & A.N.Rao) Aver. are proposed. Based on available literature data and currently presented data the orchid flora of Vietnam includes 1382 species belonging to 184 genera.
Chiloschista eckhardii, discovered recently in Ha Giang Province of northern Vietnam, is described as a new species to science. The newly discovered species belongs to group of plants having yellow sepals and petals spotted with dark brown marks. Our newly identified species may be misidentified as C. glabrisepala, C. parishii, or C. quangdangii, which share a similar hairy band on the central callus of the lip, whereas this feature is glabrous in other related species. The new species differs from the similar species mentioned in having a callus that is slightly shorter than the median lobe and a densely hairy median part of the lip callus. In contrast, C. glabrisepala has a callus that is as long as or slightly longer than the median lobe, with hairs only on the apex of the disc callus. C. parishii has a callus shorter than the median lobe, with the lip disc and callus entirely hairy, while C. quangdangii has a distinctly shorter callus that is densely hairy. This paper presents the description of the new species, along with data on its habitat and phenology, a color plate detailing the flower structure, and notes comparing it with similar species.
A newly discovered species belonging to the genus Chiloschista has been found in the Northern region of Vietnam, specifically in Ha Giang Province. This species is being described as a novel addition to scientific knowledge. It shares similarities in plant habit and flower color scheme with C. parishii and C. glabrisepala. However, it can be distinguished by its narrowly saccate spur-like lip, which features a small knob-like farinose callus that is significantly smaller than the median lip lobe. In contrast, C. parishii and C. glabrisepala possess a cup-shaped lip with a large central callus slightly forward curved, which is shortly hairy and approximately the same size as or larger than the median lobe. The taxonomic description of the new species, along with information regarding its distribution, ecology, phenology, proposed conservation status, and taxonomic notes, are presented in detail.
This paper presents new data on the orchid diversity of Vietnam obtained from field explorations made mainly in 2015–2022, as well as from the study of some historical collections housed at the Herbaria of Russia and Vietnam. It includes descriptions of two species new to science (Coelogyne phitamii and Cymbidium sangii), reports of one genus (Stigmatodactylus), and eleven species new to the flora of Vietnam (Coelogyne fuliginosa, C. suaveolens, Cremastra malipoensis, Cymbidium cochleare, C. goeringii, C. macrorhizon, Holcoglossum nagalandense, Miguelia shenzhenica, Otochilus lancilabius, Pelatantheria bicuspidata, Stigmatodactylus sikokianus). Three new nomenclature combinations (Biermannia averyanovii (Vuong, Kumar, V.H.Bui & V.S.Dang.) Aver., Miguelia shenzhenica (Z.J.Liu & S.C.Chen) Aver., Panisea sondangii (Vuong, Aver. & V.H.Bui) Aver.) and lectotypes for three species (Coelogyne suaveolens, Otochilus lancilabius, Pelatantheria bicuspidata) are proposed. Data on accepted names, main synonyms, etymology (for newly described species), morphological description, studied specimens, ecology, phenology, and distribution, conservation status assessment according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided for each species listed.
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Bulbophyllum mamillatum Vuong, Aver., V.S.Dang is described as a new species for science and B. retusum H. Jiang, D.P. Ye & J.D. Ya is reported as a new national record for the orchid flora of Vietnam. Both species belong to Bulbophyllum sect. Brachyantha Rchb.f. and were discovered in northern Vietnam. Description of new the species is presented. Data on habitat, phenology, distribution, conservation status, and taxonomic notes for both species are provided.
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Dendrobium parahendersonii discovered in southern Vietnam is described as new species to science. It belongs to D. sect. Crumenata, and resembles D. hendersonii and D. exile in having a filiform, reed-like stem swollen at the base into a quadrangular ellipsoid pseudobulb and flowering from the leafless part of stem but differs clearly in the details of its tepals and lip. A morphological description, illustrations, data on habitat, phenology, and conservation status for the new species are provided.
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A new variety, Bulbophyllum blaoense var. flavescences (B. sect. Cirrhopetaloides) discovered in southern Vietnam is described here. In addition, two species, B. caudatum and B. kwangtungense (B. sect. Desmosanthes) found in the northern part of the country are firstly recorded and documented for the flora of Vietnam. Morphological description and illustrations based on collected materials, data on phenology, distribution, and taxonomic notes are presented for newly recorded taxa. Lectotypes for B. bicolor and B. caudatum are proposed.
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The paper presents new data on the orchid diversity in Vietnam obtained in 2016-2020. It contains descriptions of one genus (Apetalanthe) and two species new to science (Apetalanthe gracilis, Nervilia appressifolia), as well as one genus (Neottianthe) and four species (Calanthe tricarinata, Collabium yunnanense, Dendrobium praecinctum, Neottianthe secundiflora) new for the flora of Vietnam. Apetalanthe is particularly remarkable for the reduction of petals. The accepted name, synonyms, type, citations of relevant regional taxonomic publications, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided for each recorded species.
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Bulbophyllum sridithii a new species to science is described and illustrated from Kon Ka Kinh National Park of Vietnam. The new species belongs to the section Cirrhopetaloides and resembles B. layae, B. hirundinis, B. electrinum, B. pecten-veneris and B. tingabarinum but differs in the size and shape of pseudobulbs, the shape of the leaf blade, and flower size. Morphological description, illustrations, data on habitat, phenology, and conservation status are provided.
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Vanilla tiendatii, discovered in limestone mountain area of Quang Binh Province in Northern Vietnam, is described as a species new for science. Morphologically this species appears to be closely related to V. yesiniana and V. albida, but well differs in the leaf shape, flower color, lip densely papillate-hairy at apex, and column fimbriate-hairy in the basal half. The key for identification of Vanilla species occurring in Vietnam is provided.
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The orchid species new for science, Cylindrolobus chienii (Orchidaceae) discovered on Chu Mu Mountain, M'Drak District, Dak Lak Province of southern Vietnam is described and illustrated. It morphologically close to C. gloensis and C. bidupensis but differs from them in glabrous 2-flowered inflorescence, calli on labellum and character of the lip indumentum.
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Recent field expeditions in Langbiang Plateau of southern Vietnam resulted in new data for the orchid flora of Vietnam. Two new species (Nervilia pubilabia and Panisea sagittata), two new national records (Cheirostylis tortilacinia and Goodyera reticulata) and the rediscovery of a supposedly extinct species (Liparis nana) are reported, and background data about their morphology, biogeography, ecology, conservation and taxonomy are also provided.
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Diversity and taxonomy of the mycoheterotrophic genus Lecanorchis (Orchidaceae) in Vietnam is reappraised. Four species are confirmed, including two new records, L. moritae Suetsugu & T.C. Hsu and L. taiwaniana S.S. Ying. In addition, the occurrence of L. nigricans Honda in Vietnam is supported by image records, but further confirmation is still needed. Data of nomenclature, ecology, phenology, distribution, voucher specimens and brief taxonomic notes are provided for all Vietnamese species.
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The paper continues publications of new data on orchid diversity in Vietnam (Averyanov and Gruss, 2018a-d; Averyanov et al., 2018a-e, 2019; Gruss et al., 2018) obtained in 2017-2018. It includes data on 4 orchid species new to science (Aerides phongthuyii, Cleisostoma uniseta, Macropodanthus brevidentatus and Schoenorchis tatonii) and 2 species new for the flora of Vietnam (Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus and Phalaenopsis malipoensis). The valid name, synonyms, type, citations of relevant regional taxonomic publications, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided for each recorded species. One new combination, Macropodanthus clausus (J.J. Sm.) Aver. (Sarcochilus clausus J.J. Sm.), is proposed.
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The paper continues our recent publication of new original data on orchid diversity in Vietnam (Averyanov and Gruss, 2018a-d; Averyanov et al., 2018a-e; Gruss et al., 2018) obtained in 2017-2018. It includes data on 3 orchid species new for science (Coelogyne dolichopoda, Liparis robustior and Oberonia khuongii) and 5 species, new for the flora of Vietnam (Epigeneium nakaharae, Liparis bistriata, L. rhodochila, L. siamensis and Nervilia mackinnonii). Annotated species list provides the valid name, synonyms, type, citations of relevant taxonomic regional publications, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations for each recorded species. Lectotype for Liparis siamensis is designated.
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Three taxa, Bulbophyllum cariniflorum var. orlovii (sect. Pleiophyllum), B. sonii (sect. Anisopetalon) and B. ustulata (sect. Brachystachya) are described as new for science. All of these novelties are local endemics of Vietnam. Additionally, four species, B. flavescens (sect. Aphanobulbon), B. ovatum (sect. Desmosanthes), B. physocoryphum (sect. Macrocaulia) and B. wendlandianum (sect. Cirrhopetalum) are recorded for the flora of Vietnam for the first time. These species are endemic of the Indochinese Peninsula in a broad sense, except for B. flavescens having wide distribution in western Malesia. Data on ecology, phenology, distribution, brief relevant taxonomic notes, as well as colour photographs and line drawings of the type and voucher specimens are provided for all reported taxa. Lectotypification is provided for B. wendlandianum.
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A second species of Silvorchis, until now considered to be a presumably extinct monotypic genus endemic to western Java has been discovered in southern Vietnam. The species, here named as S. vietnamica, is described and illustrated, with data on its distribution, ecology, phenology and estimated conservation status. A key for identification of the two known species of the genus is also provided. The taxonomic affinities and phylogenetic placement of the newly discovered plant are briefly discussed.
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This review of the genus Miguelia Aver. includes a brief characterization of the genus, a key for species identification, appropriate taxonomic citation and synonyms for each species, and notes on ecology, phenology and distribution. M. cruenta, discovered in southern Vietnam, is described and illustrated as a new species. The tentative relationship of the newly discovered species is briefly discussed.
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The complex involving Malleola dentifera, Robiquetia vietnamensis, and Robiquetia insectifera is clarified. Robiquetia arsoniana is a new species from Sabah that has previously been confused with R. insectifera, a rare species known only from Java and possibly Ambon. Four subspecies of Robiquetia vietnamensis are identified; subsp. bathra, subsp. intermedia and subsp. minima are new subspecies from Borneo, while Malleola dentifera and M. seidenfadenii are synonymous with R. vietnamensis subsp. vietnamensis. Robiquetia tibetica is a new combination resulting from the transfer of Malleola tibetica.
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Averyanov L., A. Averyanova. 2002. Rare species of orchids (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Vietnam. Turczaniniwia. T. 5. N 4. P. 49-108.
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A new species, Gastrochilus kadooriei, is described from Hong Kong. Notes are presented on its distribution, ecology and conservation status, and its distinguishing features are compared with those of allied taxa. Gastrochilus jeitouensis is reduced to the synonymy of G. distichus, and a lectotype is assigned for G. pseudodistichus. Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus is reinstated as an accepted species. Dichotomous keys to this taxonomically difficult group of morphologically similar species are presented.
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Two rare endangered ornamental species of orchids (Orchidaceae) – Bulbophyllum coweniorum J. J. Verm. et P. O'Byrne and Esmeralda bella Rchb. f., new for the flora of Vietnam were discovered during botanical field surveys of medicinal plants conducted by Department of Pharmacognosy of Hanoi University of Pharmacy in years 2015–2016. According to people from local minorities, both species are used in traditional medicine, but no scientific data on medicinal activity of any substances obtained from these plants are yet available. Meanwhile, the wide deforestation in areas of discovered species is the main fatal factor of their fast extinction in known localities. Hence, they should be regarded as nationally critically endangered (CR) in terms of IUCN Red List categories and criteria. The extensive commercial collecting of both species as highly demanded medicinal and ornamental plants is additional factor of their extinction even in intact habitats. At the same time, any present field data on both species are very scarce for understanding of their current distribution, natural resources, ecology, biology and morphological variation. The paper provides relevant information for these species including valid name, main synonyms, data about type materials, common names, short morphological description, data on ecology and phenology, distribution, threat and estimated IUCN Red List status, use in traditional medicine, notes on taxonomy and related species and data on studied specimens with indication of herbaria where they are housed. Data on medicinal use of studied species in folk medicine were obtained by talks and interview with old local people from national minorities living in areas of species distribution. Identification of collected specimens was performed in Department of Pharmacognosy (Hanoi University of Pharmacy) on the base of comparative morphologic analysis with use of relevant taxonomic literature.
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The genus Cypripedium includes 40–45 species distributed mainly in areas of Holarctic region with temperate climate. Its highest species diversity is observed in the eastern part of mainland Asia and in Northern America. In intact habitats, some species of this genus are quite common playing significant role in plant communities forming picturesque landscape aspects during anthesis. Some Cypripedium species are not uncommon in uplands and mountains of subtropical countries, but few of them reach tropical zone. In Central America these are Cypripedium irapeanum, C. molle and C. dickinsonianum distributed from Mexico to Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras. In Asia only two species – Cypripedium lentiginosum and C. subtropicum, reported in the paper, reach truly tropical zone. Localities of these species recently discovered in northern Vietnam represent southernmost locations of the genus area in the Old World. A brief taxonomical review of two discovered species in the flora of Vietnam is presented in the paper. The treatment includes key for species identification; standard taxonomic citations for the genus, sections, species and synonyms; data on types and their locations; available information on ecology, phenology and distribution, expected IUCN Red List status; notes on phylogeny, taxonomy, geography and possible conservation actions, as well as the list of studied specimens and relevant materials.
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Modern taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum sect Hirtula in the flora of eastern Indochina, including Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam based on all available collections and literature data reports 12 species (Bulbophyllum clipeibulbum, B. dasystachys, B. glabrichelia, B. nigrescens, B. nigripetalum, B. parviflorum, B. penicillium, B. phitamii, B. scaphiforme, B. secundum, B. setilabium, B. spadiciflorum), 2 of which represent new records for the studied flora (B. parviflorum, B. penicillium) and 3 (Bulbophyllum glabrichelia, B. phitamii, B. setilabium) are described as a new for science. For all accepted taxa the paper provides valid name and main synonyms with appropriate standard taxonomic references, data on type and other authentic materials, description, data on ecology, phenology, expected conservation status, distribution, notes on biology and taxonomy, list of all studied materials, as well as key for identification of species and their line and color illustrations.
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The paper summarizes all hitherto reported data on the orchids of Vietnam and provides brief information on valid names, distribution (inside and outside the country), living forms, ecology, frequency and conservation status of the species.
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Herbarium material collected in 2013–2015 in Cambodia and Laos provides 298 new localities for 167 orchid species (from 57 genera). Almost all reported locations are new on the territory of studied countries. These data provide substantial basis for understanding of present day distribution of rare species needed protection. Among reported species, 8 species are new for the flora of Cambodia (Bulbophyllum macranthum, B. orientale, B. physocoryphum, B. retusiusculum, Dendrobium pachyphyllum, Eria tenuiflora, Pholidota recurva, Thelasis pygmaea) and 43 species are new for the flora of Laos (Bulbophyllum ambrosia, B. andersonii, B. bicolor, B. bisetoides, B. delitescens, B. depressum, B. forrestii, B. lilacinum, B. longibrachiatum, B. psyhoon, Calanthe alismifolia, C. sylvatica, Cheirostylis pusilla, Cleisostoma melanorachis, C. subulatum, C. williamsonii, Coelogyne eberhardtii, C. leucantha, C. ovalis, Dendrobium eriiflorum, D. falconeri, D. trantuanii, D. williamsonii, Didymoplexis pallens, Epigeneium fuscescens, Eria apertiflora, E. bambusifolia, E. pachyphylla, Flickingeria fimbriata, Gastrochilus suavis, Liparis mannii, L. sootenzanensis, Luisia ramosii, Oberonia kwangsiensis, O. maxima, Pelatantheria insectifera, Phalaenopsis braceana, Pholidota yunnanensis, Schoenorchis scolopendria, S. tixieri, Tainia cordifolia, Thrixspermum calceolum). Five species (Dendrobium minusculum, Oberonia simplex, Porpax capuccinorum, P. laosensis and Taeniophyllum filiferum) discovered in Cambodia in Laos are described as new for science. One genus (Didymoplexis) was found in Laos at first. Such rare ornamental species as Aerides falcata, A. flabellata, A. rosea, Arundina caespitosa, Ascolabium pusillum, Bulbophyllum bicolor, Calanthe cardioglossa, Coelogyne assamica, C. calcicola, C. eberhardtii, C. flaccida, C. trinervis, Dendrobium aphyllum, D. christyanum, D. chryseum, D. chrysotoxum, D. crepidatum, D. dixanthum, D. falconeri, D. fimbriatum, D. findleyanum, D. gratiosissimum, D. jenkinsii, D. loddigesii, D. nobile, D. senile, D. thyrsiflorum, D. trantuanii, D. trigonopus, D. williamsonii, Doritis pulcherrima, Gastrochilus suavis, Holcoglossum kimballianum, H. subulifolium, Hygrochilus parishii, Paphiopedilum concolor, P. dianthum, Phalaenopsis braceana, Schoenorchis scolopendria, S. tixieri, Spathoglottis affinis, Tainia cordifolia, Vanda brunnea, V. denisoniana, V. flavobrunnea become presently very rare on the territory of studied local floras and badly need protection to prevent their extinction in nature.
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This taxonomic survey of Dendrobium section Formosae in the flora of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam includes 19 species (Dendrobium bellatulum Rolfe, D. cariniferum Rchb.f., D. chapaense Aver., D. christyanum Rchb.f., D. daklakense Tich, Schuit. & J.J. Verm., D. draconis Rchb.f., D. infundibulum Lindl., D. kontumense Gagnep., D. longicornu Lindl., D. multilineatum, D. ochraceum De Wild., D. roseiodorum Sathap., T.Yukawa & Seelanan, D. scabrilingue Lindl., D. senile E.C.Parish & Rchb.f., D. suzukii T.Yukawa, D. trankimianum T.Yukawa, D. trigonopus Rchb.f., D. wattii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f., D. williamsonii Day & Rchb.f.) hitherto recorded from these countries. It includes a key for species identification and updated information on species nomenclature, morphology, phenology, ecology, distribution and tentative conservation status.
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This paper summarizes results of joint efforts of professional botanists and orchid enthusiasts on studies of Vietnamese native orchids during years 2013–2016. It provides new original data about the discovery of 1 genus (Grammatophyllum Blume) and 29 orchid species new for the flora of Vietnam. Valid name, main synonyms, data on type, ecology, phenology, estimated IUCN Red List status, distribution, studied specimens, as well as brief taxonomic and biological notes are provided for each species and varieties. Eight species (Bidupia khangii, Bulbophyllum striatulum, B. tipula, Cleisostoma dorsisacculatum, Cymbidium repens, Dendrobium congianum, Flickingeria xanthocheila, Podochilus rotundipetala) and two varieties (Phreatia densiflora var. vietnamensis, P. formosana var. continentalis) are described as new for science. One combination (Bulbophyllum bicolor var. funingense) is proposed. An illustrated annotated list of all studied species and varieties is arranged in alphabetical order. Including present data, the known orchid flora of Vietnam comprises currently at least 1210 documented species from 172 genera.
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Liparis Rich. is rather large genus of orchid family (Orchidaceae), which includes 320-350 species widely distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate areas of the world with maximal diversity in tropical Asia (Chen et al., 2009). The territory of Eastern Indochina and particularly Vietnam certainly represent one of its richest taxonomic centers. Available modern monographic assessments of the genus in Vietnamese flora record here 49 species belonging to all three its recognized sections (Averyanov, Averyanova, 2003; Averyanov, 2013). Recent field investigations discovered four more species (L. caudata Aver. et K. S. Nguyen, L. delicatula Hook. f., L. gamblei Hook. f., L. longispica Aver. et K. S. Nguyen) new for the flora of Vietnam (Averyanov et al., 2016). In addition, one recently discovered species of the genus is described here (L. honbaensis Aver. et Vuong) and one is recorded as a novelty for the flora of Vietnam (L. tenuis Rolfe ex Downie). As a result, total number of Liparis species recorded in Vietnam reaches presently 55 entities (Table 1). At the same time related floras, such as Thailand, Laos and China comprise 35, 13 and 63 Liparis species respectively, some of which are regarded as local endemics (Seidenfaden, 1976; Newman et al., 2007; Schuiteman et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2009; Tetsana et al., 2013). Some of these species well known in neighboring countries may be found in Vietnam additionally to strictly endemic undescribed species, which undoubtedly inhabit numerous still unexplored mountainous areas of the country. Hence, investigation and inventories of local floras in mountain systems still giving home to rich primary woods are very important to understanding of actual plant diversity of Vietnam. In this connection flora of Hon Ba Mountains officially protected now as Hon Ba nature reserve represents one of the most significant refuges giving home to aboriginal primary woods harboring many species of ancient migrations and numerous taxa of own local endemism.
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This is a comprehensive name list of native orchids of Taiwan identified since the publication of Flora of Taiwan Vol. 5, second edition (2000). The 330 species, subspecies, varieties and natural hybrids of native orchids reported in that publication increases to 455 in the current list. Type information and selected references, diagnostic notices for each species are reported herein for reference.
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Hymenorchis phitamii - new species for science discovered in southern Vietnam described and illustrated. From most closely related H. javanica it differs in emarginate orbicular lip and nearly straight (or hardly serrulate) tepals and leaves. The first record of the genus Hymenorchis in mainland Asia represents new remarkable addition to the orchid flora of Vietnam, as well as floras of Indochina and mainland Asia.
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This paper summarizes results of joint efforts of professional botanists and orchid enthusiasts on studies of Vietnamese native orchids during the last three years. It provides new original data about the discovery of 4 genera (Brachypeza Garay, Drymoda Lindl., Macropodanthus L.O. Williams, Octarrhena Thwaites) and 44 orchid species new for the flora of Vietnam. Valid name, main synonyms, data on type, ecology, phenology, estimated IUCN Red List status, distribution, studied specimens as well as brief taxonomic and biological notes are provided for each species. Twelve species (Bulbophyllum blaoense, Cheirosollis glandulosa, Eria grandicaulis, E. praecox, Liparis caudata, L. longispica, Luisia parviflOra, Oberonia janae, O. tatianae, Octarrhena minuscula, Odontochilus aureus and Vanda gracilis) are described as new for science. An illustrated checklist of all studied species is arranged in alphabetical order. Including present data, the known orchid flora of Vietnam comprises currently at least 1180 documented species from 170 genera.
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The genus Plocoglottis is represented in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam by three species. Plocoglottis bokorensis is known from several localities scattered within these three countries. Plocoglottis javanica and P.-quadrifolia are presently found each in two localities in Southern Vietnam, being widely distributed in the Malesian region. The latter species is reported here for Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam for the first time with both of its Vietnamese populations located about 1000 km away from the nearest previously known collection. Details of distribution, illustrations and an identification key for these species are provided.
A species, new to science, is described from Son La province, Vietnam. The new species is similar to B. yongtaiense, B. layae and B. sridithii in the hairy lip at base but clearly differs by the papillose margin and inner surface of dorsal sepal and petals, lip without mid keel and dense hairs on lateral keels, stelidia 2 times longer than 3 similar species.
Gastrochilus pankajkumarii, found in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, is described as a new species for science. The protologue includes color analytical photos of the new species and data on phenology, ecology, and distribution. Morphological comparisons with similar species are presented.
The paper presents a taxonomic review of Bulbophyllum section Rhytionanthos for the flora of Vietnam and provides the key for its species' identification. A new species, B. truongtamii and a new variety, B. taeniophyllum var. denticulatoalatum are described for science. Bulbophyllum nodosum is reported for the first time from the country. Bulbophyllum strigosum, described 20 years ago based on cultivated plant of uncertain origin was rediscovered in NE Vietnam. For this species, location and detailed description are reported. Analytical photos, data on phenology, ecology, and distribution are presented for all studied species. The morphological comparison table of the new species, new variety and newly recorded species segregating them from similar species are presented.
Bulbophyllum xuansonii belonging to section Brachystachyae, discovered in Ninh Binh and Son La provinces is described here as a new species for science. This species is similar to B. xylophyllum and B. gracilipes but can be easily distinguished by the smaller habit and shape of tepals and stelidia. Additionally, B. gracilipes found in Lam Dong Province is reported as the species newly recorded for the flora of Vietnam. The paper provides analytical photos and data on phenology, ecology, and distribution of studied species. Morphological characters of the new species and similar species are shortly discussed. The key for identification of species of B. sect. Brachystachyae in Vietnam is also included.
A new species from the Central Highlands of Vietnam, Bulbophyllum vulinhae, referrable to Bulbophyllum sect. Racemosae (Orchidaceae) is described and illustrated. In addition, B. allenkerrii from the same section is reported from Vietnam for the first time. Morphological description, illustrations, data on ecology and phenology for both species are provided
The paper provides a short review of Bulbophyllum species recorded in Laos and Vietnam during the two last decades and continues the publication of results of our successive studies of the genus in this area. It presents data on two new species for science discovered in Laos (Bulbophyllum pachypodum) and Vietnam (B. neglectipetalum), one lesser known species for the flora of Laos (B. microtepalum), two new records for the flora of Vietnam (B. echinulus, B. setilabium), and new illustrated data on B. secundum insufficiently known in the flora of Vietnam. Bulbophyllum fascinator earlier accepted in specific rank reduced into the synonymy of B. putidum on the base of studies of newly obtained materials. Taking into consideration the new data presented in this paper, the flora of Laos presently includes 85, and flora of Vietnam 151 Bulbophyllum species, excluding Monomeria, Trias, and Sunipia. It is the largest genus in the orchid floras of both countries.
The new species discovered in Thanh Hoa Province of northern Vietnam described here as a new species for science. It is similar to B. muscicola but differs in smaller habit, inflorescence shorter than leaves, shorter lateral sepals with unequally lobed blunt apex, and slender stelidia. The newly described species also can be compared with B. japonicum but it differs in the size and shape of leaves, tepals, and lip. Detailed morphological description, illustration, data on distribution, and phenology of the new species are presented.
The new species, Gastrochilus dresslerii (G. sect. Microphyllae) discovered in northern Vietnam (Ha Giang Province) is described and illustrated, and data on its phenology, ecology, and distribution is provided. Morphological resemblance of discovered plant with allied species are also discussed.
Bulbophyllum trongquyetii is described as new for science from Vietnam. Detailed morphological description, illustration, data on distribution, and phenology are provided. Described species resembles B. nipondhii but differs in the bigger size of plant, longer inflorescence, and uniform yellow or reddish-orange flowers. It can be also compared with B. thaiorum and B. farreri but easily distinguished by the bigger size of plant and flowers, as well as smooth or sparsely papillose lateral sepals.
The genus Octarrhena (Orchidaceae) is distributed predominantly in Malesia and Papuasia. Its presence in eastern Indochina was uncovered as recently as in 2015 simultaneously with a description of O. minuscula from the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Here, we describe two more species of the genus, O. emarginata and O. perpusilla, also endemic to this mountain system. All three Vietnamese species of Octarrhena are local endemics with very limited allopatric distribution. We summarize the current knowledge on the genus in Vietnam and present a key for their identification, and a map with location of all known populations. Finally, we briefly discuss modern views on the worldwide species diversity of Octarrhena.
Sunipia quangdangii (Orchidaceae) discovered in southern Vietnam (Lam Dong Province, Da Lat City area) is described and illustrated as a new species for science. It is most close to S. pallida but differs in smooth petals, saccate hypochile with erose margin, small triangular side lobes and terete epichile. The new species is also similar to S. andersonii but differs in big size of plant, pseudobulbs and flower, short inflorescence scape and terete epichile shorter than hypochile. The flower of newly discovered plant somewhat resembles to flower of S. saccata, but new species strikingly differs in plant habit and short, 2-flowered inflorescence.
Modern taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum sect. Lemniscata in the flora of Vietnam based on available collections and literature data reports 5 species (Bulbophyllum averyanovii, B. chelicerum, B. comosum B. hirtum, and B. lemniscatoides), one of which (B. chelicerum) is described as a new for science. For all accepted taxa the paper provides valid name and main synonyms with appropriate standard taxonomic references, data on type and other authentic materials, description, data on ecology, phenology, expected conservation status, distribution, notes on biology and taxonomy, list of all studied materials, as well as key for identification of species and their color illustrations. Lectotype for B. lemniscatoides is proposed.
Didymoplexis Griffith (1844: 383) belongs to a group of morphologically close genera, which also includes Asian genera, Gastrodia R.Brown (1810: 330), Didymoplexiella Garay (1954: 33) and Didymoplexiopsis Seidenfaden (1997: 13). All these plants are small, terrestrial, leafless mycoheterotrophic herbs forming the core of the subtribe Gastrodiinae Lindley (1840: 383) of tribe Gastrodieae Lindley (1821: Appendix), subfamily Epidendroideae Lindley (1821: Appendix). Two-lipped flower and column lacking distinct wings or appendages are main generic characters that distinguish Didymoplexis from related genera of this subtribe. Didymoplexis comprises about 20 species distributed mostly in tropical Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands (Zhou et al. 2016, Govaerts et al. 2018). All species of this genus are miniature ephemeral herbs with small, unattractive fugacious flowers opening in one or two in succession and lasting commonly only one day, often only in the morning hours. As a result, representatives of this genus are easily overlooked in botanical surveys, poorly represented in herbaria (where they are often hardly recognized without additional spirit or photographic material) and remain infrequently inventoried in local floras throughout its range. According to available records (Fig. 1), the highest species diversity of Didymoplexis is observed in Java with 6 species (Comber 1990). Thailand (Pedersen et al. 2014) and Borneo (Wood & Cribb 1994, Tsukaya & Okada 2012, Tsukaya et al. 2014, Suetsugu et al. 2017) are inhabited by 5 species each. Three species were hitherto recorded in China (Chen et al. 2009, Lin et al. 2016, Zhou et al. 2016) and Vietnam (Averyanov 2011). Two species were found in Sri Lanka (Fernando & Ormerod 2008) and Laos (Averyanov et al. 2016, 2018). Floras of most other Asian regions such as Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Japan, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and the Philippines include only one species (Garay & Sweet 1974, Seidenfaden & Wood 1992, Comber 2001, Pearce & Cribb 2002, Kress et al. 2003, Rokaya et al. 2013, Islam et al. 2016). The presence of several species of Didymoplexis in Cambodia is highly possible, despite none of them were recorded there to date. One more species new to science that clearly differs from all hitherto known species of this genus was recently discovered in northern Vietnam, close to the Laos border. Here we describe and illustrate this remarkable plant as Didymoplexis holochelia.
Three species, Bulbophyllum layae, B. metallica and B. papilligerum (all from sect. Cirrhopetalum) are described as new for science. All of these novelties are local endemics of limestone areas of northern Vietnam. Additionally, three species, B. alcicorne (sect. Brachystachya), B. psittacoglossum and B. yunnanense (both from sect. Sestochilus) are recorded for the flora of Vietnam for the first time. These species have wide distribution in mainland Asia. Data on ecology, phenology, distribution, brief relevant taxonomic notes, as well as color photographs, analytical plates of the type and voucher specimens are provided for all reported taxa. Lectotypification is provided for B. yunnanense.
The paper continues publication of new original data on orchid diversity in Vietnam (tribes Cymbidieae and Vandeae) obtained in 2016-2018. It includes data on 2 genera and 10 species new for the flora of Vietnam. Among them, six species are new to science (Ascocentrum hienii, Biermannia canhii, Cymbidium tamphianum, Gastrochilus setosus, Malleola luongii, Robiquetia orlovii). Four other species are found on the territory of Vietnam for the first time (Bogoria raciborskii, Lesliea mirabilis, Pennilabium struthio, Uncifera obtusifolia). Two genera, Bogoria and Lesliea, are newly recorded for the flora of Vietnam. One new nomenclature combination (Ascocentropsis malipoensis), one new name (Ascocentropsis yunnanensis) and one lectotype (for Uncifera obtusifolia) are proposed. When the new data presented in this paper are included, the known orchid flora of Vietnam comprises about 1220 documented species from 174 genera.
Biermannia King & Pantling (1898a: 591) comprises about ten species distributed from northeastern India and southern China through the Indochinese and Malay Peninsulas to Sumatra, Java and Borneo (Comber 1990, 2001, Seidenfaden & Wood 1992, Pearce & Cribb 2002, Chen & Wood 2009, Chase et al. 2015). All species of this genus are miniature, canopy epiphytes with small, unattractive fugacious flowers lasting only few hours in the morning. As a result, representatives of this genus are easily overlooked in botanical surveys, poorly represented in herbaria and remain infrequently inventoried in local floras throughout its range. One more new species that differs strikingly from all hitherto known species of this genus was recently discovered in southern Vietnam. Here we describe and illustrate this unusual plant.
Recently, two new genera of mycoheterotrophic orchids were described from China: Danxiaorchis Zhai, Xing & Liu (2013: e60371) and Yunorchis Liu, Zhang & Li (2015: e123382). Both were considered to be monospecific, and in each case the descriptions were accompanied by a phylogenetic analysis. It was inferred that Danxiaorchis is the sister genus of another mycoheterotrophic genus, Yoania Maximowicz (1873: 68), whereas Yunorchis was found to be closely related to the autotrophic genera Calypso Salisbury (1807: Tab. 89) and Dactylostalix Reichenbach (1878: 74). Support for the sister-group relationship of Danxiaorchis and Yoania appeared to be strong, and the clade consisting of Calypso, Dactylostalix and Yunorchis had a high Bayesian posterior probability. These analyses suggested that Yunorchis and Yoania were only distantly related. However, based on additional molecular analyses, Freudenstein et al. (2017) found that Yunorchis and Yoania formed a clade. They also argued, and we would agree, that Yunorchis and Yoania do not significantly differ morphologically.
Species of subtribe Goodyerinae (Orchidaceae, Orchidoideae) in the flora of Vietnam have been the subject of a series of taxonomic treatments (Seidenfaden 1992, Averyanov 1994, 2008, Averyanov & Averyanova 2003, Nguyen, Averyanov & Duong 2005). Nonetheless, the inventory of this group remains incomplete due to their sporadic distribution, rarity in nature, and deficiency of available herbarium and living collections. Additionally, almost all Goodyera-related species rarely flower either in nature or cultivation, which makes available observations scarce. As a result, new data on species and records for the flora of Vietnam are appearing continuously (Ponert et al. 2014, Averyanov et al. 2016) in addition to the already completed accounts. One more curious novelty from Goodyerinae discovered recently in southern Vietnam is described and illustrated below.