
Dynamics of tax revenues in Ukraine during the crisis

  • Сумський державний університет, Суми
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The article investigates the dynamics of the volume of tax revenues to the budget of Ukraine during the crisis. Using the R | S analysis, it was determined that the dynamics of tax revenues (in monthly terms) to the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine in the period 2011-2021. is antipersistent, fractal-like and does not lend itself to forecasting methods based on parametric dependencies, simple and complex trends. The form of the distribution of the probability density of the volume of tax revenues is investigated, their entropy and entropy production are determined. It has been established that the most critical periods in the formation of tax revenues are 2019-2020, for certain types of taxes - 2016-2020. on the basis of which a typology of taxes with nine types was formed. Five such types of taxes were found in Ukraine. It has been established that, based on the characteristics of the dynamics of entropy and entropy production, the most effective for overcoming the crisis will be tax instruments associated with the collection of income tax, value added tax on goods produced in Ukraine, rent and rent for the use of subsoil. In our opinion, for other types of taxes and fees, significant changes in the tax mechanism are inappropriate.

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Tax revenue forecasts are important for tax authorities as they contribute to the budget and strategic planning of any country. For this reason, various tax types need to be forecast for a specific fiscal year, using models that are statistically sound and have a smaller margin of error. This study models and forecasts South Africa’s major tax revenues, i.e. Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Personal Income Tax (PIT), Value-Added Tax (VAT) and Total Tax Revenue (TTR) using the Bayesian Vector Auto-regression (BVAR), Auto-regressive Moving Average (ARIMA), and State Space exponential smoothing (Error, Trend, Seasonal [ETS]) models with quarterly data from 1998 to 2012. The forecasts of the three models based on the Root mean square error (RMSE) were from the out-of-sample period 2012Q2 to 2015Q1. The results show the accuracy of the BVAR method for forecasting major tax revenues. The ETS appears to be a good method for TTR forecasting, as it outperformed the BVAR method. The paper recommends that the BVAR method may be added to existing techniques being used to forecast tax revenues in South Africa, as it gives a minimum forecast error.
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Introduction. State revenue management stands first in the areas of government regulation, which is provided by the regulation of fiscal policy. It is achieved by optimizing the amount of nationwide taxes and their tax rates, with the least amount of tax evasion. It is also important to ensure the implementation of the budget process, which is based on budget planning and forecasting, the effectiveness criterion of which is the reliability of the forecast. The compulsory component of extrapolation of time series – the most used forecasting method – is the scenario approach, so the research of possibilities of its implementation is relevant. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to introduce a scenario approach in forecasting tax revenues of the state budget of Ukraine. The main tasks set to achieve this aim are: modeling the dependence of tax revenues on macroeconomic indicators; trend analysis and extrapolation of time series of macroeconomic indicators; development of forecast scenarios of state budget revenues from state taxes. Results. It is proved that comprehensive stimulation of the production of gross value added, especially in the sphere of material production, as a basis for economic growth, will have a positive impact on the growth of output of goods and services, as well as will provide an increase in the revenues from value added tax (VAT) and excise tax to the state budget. Provision at the state level of further growth of the minimum wage and the deployment of social programs, as well as stimulating the legalization of shadow incomes of individuals in order to stimulate incomes of the population will lead to revenue increase from the personal income tax to the state budget. Creating favorable conditions for doing business by creating a business environment free from corruption, legalizing the shadow income of legal entities in order to maximize the profit of gross profit, mixed income will lead to an increase in corporate income tax revenues and subsoil use fee to the state budget of Ukraine. Conclusions. Over the next 5 years, aggregate tax revenues to the state budget will increase, regardless of the forecast scenario. The largest contribution to tax revenue growth can be provided by excise tax. The dynamics of the remaining taxes will also be increasing. Because the extrapolation of time series and scenario analysis are applied and universal methods of forecasting, they can be used in forecasting tax revenues of both consolidated and local budgets of Ukraine. Prospects for further research of the author will be relevant to these areas.
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The objective of this research was to forecast the tax revenue of Pakistan for the fiscal year 2016–17 using three different time series techniques and also to analyse the impact of indirect taxes on the working class. The study further analysed the efficiency of three different time series models such as the Autoregressive model (A.R. with seasonal dummies), Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (A.R.I.M.A.), and the Vector Autoregression (V.A.R.) model. In any economy, tax analysis and forecasting of revenues is of paramount importance to ensure the economic and fiscal policies. This study is important to identify significant variables affecting tax revenue specifically in Pakistan. The data used for this paper was from July 1985 to December 2016 (monthly) and focused on forecasting for 2017. For the forecasting of total tax revenue, we used components of tax revenues such as direct tax, sales tax, federal excise duty and customs duties. The results of this study revealed that among these models the A.R.I.M.A. model gives better-forecasted values for the total tax revenues of Pakistan. The results further demonstrated that major tax revenue is generated by indirect taxes, which cause more inflation that directly hits the working class of Pakistan.
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In most states, the property tax departs markedly from the ideal of a low-rate, broad-based tax that treats various types of real property uniformly. Recently, many states have responded to rapidly rising residential property values with new constraints such as assessment caps. This paper will review property tax performance and analyze several arguments relating to alleged deficiencies of the property tax. The analysis suggests that the property tax has performed well by most measures and that it ranks high in terms of both stability and revenue elasticity. The restrictions and constraints imposed on the property tax are likely the result of the pursuit of political objectives by decision makers and not the result of structural problems with the tax itself.
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With the recent fall in the price of crude oil below the budget benchmark Government rely more on tax to finance the budget. This paper therefore examines the productivity of the Nigeria tax system using a time series data of 20 years. All the data for the analysis was collected from central bank statistical bulletin and federal inland revenue service annual report of various years. The data was decomposed. The study uses tax elasticity and buoyancy approach. Regression in Minitab statistical soft-ware was use to analyzed the data. The study finds a linear relationship between tax base and tax revenue. The analysis also reveals that there is a significant positive relationship between tax policy and tax base and a weak relationship between tax revenue and economic growth. The study therefore recommended among others that the Government should switch more from direct tax to indirect tax which is less distortionary and has fewer burdens on the tax base.
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We examine the relative dynamic responses of state personal tax revenues and sales tax bases to changes in state personal income. Our econometric analysis, which includes separate analyses of long-run and short-run dynamics for each state, permits the estimation of asymmetric short-run responses depending upon the relationship between current and expected tax base growth. Results indicate that the average long-run elasticity for income taxes is more than double that for sales taxes. Most states have asymmetric short-run income elasticities, which are again greater for income taxes than for sales taxes. However, a joint analysis of long- and short-run dynamics reveals that neither tax is universally more volatile. After calculating state-specific income elasticities for both taxes, we employ cross-section regression techniques to explain the variation in elasticities across states. Several policy factors are found to be important, including elements of tax bases and rate structures.
and variability of revenues are important state to policymakers at all levels of govern- Two important characteristics Of ment, the growth and cyclical character- tax systems are the trend growth rate and istics of taxes are of particular concern at cyclical variability of tax revenues. We use the state level, where balanced budgets national aggregate time series data to es- are virtually universally required, bor- timate the trend rate ofgrowth and the de rowing capacity is limited, entitlement viation from trend for several components programs are expanding, and, because of of state general sales and individual in- open state economies, economic cycles are come tax bases. The results indicate great essentially impervious to macroeconomic variety in growth and variability charac- policy. teristics across tax base components. One The growth and variability of taxes are important finding is that growth and not new tax policy concerns, nor have variability are sometimes inversely re- economists been silent on the issues. An lated. Another interesting finding is that, extensive literature has developed that is depending on structural design, income concerned with estimating income elas- taxes can be more stable than sales taxes. ticities of different revenue sources and designating revenue sources as relatively I. Introducdon stable or unstable depending on the size of their estimated income elasticities. (See T RADITIONALeconomicevaluations Wilford, 1965, and Legler and Shapiro, of taxes and tax systems employ three 1968, as examples.) This approach com- criteria-equity, efficiency, and simplic- bines in one measure what to policymak- ity. Two additional characteristics of ers are two concerns in the choice of rev- taxes-long-run or trend rate Of growth enue structure: the responsiveness or long- in revenue and its variability over the run rate of growth of revenues and the business cycle-are given only limited at- stability or variability of revenues over tention in the applied public finance tra- the cycle. Other researchers (See Wil- dition. These two characteristics are of liams et al., 1973; White, 1983; and Fox great importance to policymakers who and Campbell, 1984) have recognized and must devise revenue systems that can both estimated the differences between secular support expenditure programs over the and cyclical behavior of revenues. Most long run and provide stable streams Of researchers conclude that "responsive- revenue even as the underlying economy ness is a double edged sword" (Ladd and varies with the business cycle. Weist, 1991), in other words, that a trade- The purposes of this paper are to define off exists between higher growth (respon- the growth and variability criteria, to siveness) and higher cyclical variability. evaluate the components of the two major Studies that estimate income elastici- sources of state tax revenues-the indi- ties for state individual income taxes and vidual income tax and the general sales state general sales taxes find that income tax-using these criteria, and to interpret taxes are more elastic, and thus less sta- our results for policymakers. While growth ble by the traditional interpretation, than are sales taxes.' Thus, if a state has a *LakeForestCollege,LakeForest,IL 60045and heavy reliance on the individual income institute of Government and PublicAffairs,Univer- tax, its tax structure is viewed as being sity ofIllinois,Chicago,IL 60607.
This article examines the degree to which rainy day funds eased the fiscal stress experienced by states during the 1990–1991 recession. In the first section, a state fiscal policy of neutrality over the business cycle is used as a benchmark for evaluating the use of budget stabilization funds. The next section looks at data from the last three recessions to see how recessions have affected the taxes and expenditures of states. A measure of degree of fiscal stress experienced by each state during the 1990–1991 recession is then calculated. These results are used to empirically investigate the impact of explicit state rainy day funds in easing state fiscal stress. Next, the article examines whether states that had rainy day funds in 1989 were more likely to have less fiscal stress, and whether the specific deposit and withdrawal provisions of these funds made a difference.
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