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Principal Component and Path Analysis for Trait Selection Based on the Assessment of Diverse Lentil Populations Developed by Gamma-Irradiated Physical Mutation

BioMed Research International

Abstract and Figures

Lentil is a notable legume crop valued for its high protein, vitamin, mineral, and amino acid (lysine and tryptophan) content. This crop has a narrow genetic base due to the formation of gene pool barriers during interspecific hybridization within and across species. Mutagenesis may be seen as a novel and alternative breeding technique for the production of new diversity. For the identification of new alleles, the creation of mutants followed by selection in subsequent generations would be necessary. Induction of mutation in lentil cv. Moitree by gamma rays therefore produced high variation for the majority of quantitative measures examined. Henceforth, principal component analysis (PCA) and path coefficient analysis were conducted to identify and exclude redundant mutant genotypes with similar traits as the success of breeding is dependent on understanding the relationship between morpho-agronomic traits and seed yield. As shown by the findings of this research, the total quantity of pods per mutant plant should be given considerable priority. The identified mutant genotypes, such as lines 24, 43, 28, 33, and 10, may be used as parents in future breeding or released directly following trials.
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Research Article
Principal Component and Path Analysis for Trait Selection Based
on the Assessment of Diverse Lentil Populations Developed by
Gamma-Irradiated Physical Mutation
Sandip Debnath ,
Abhik Sarkar ,
Kahkashan Perveen ,
Najat A. Bukhari ,
Kavindra Kumar Kesari ,
Amit Verma ,
Nihar Ranjan Chakraborty ,
and Mulugeta Tesema
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati University, Sriniketan,
PIN-731236 West Bengal, India
Department of Botany & Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11495, Saudi Arabia
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, Aalto University, Espoo, P.O. Box 11000, Otakaari 1B, Finland
University Centre for Research & Development & Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Chandigarh University,
Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, India
Department of Chemistry (Analytical), College of Natural and Computational Sciences, DambiDollo University, Dambi Dollo,
Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Correspondence should be addressed to Sandip Debnath;
and Mulugeta Tesema;
Received 4 June 2022; Revised 19 June 2022; Accepted 25 June 2022; Published 18 July 2022
Academic Editor: Gaganpreet Kaur
Copyright © 2022 Sandip Debnath et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Lentil is a notable legume crop valued for its high protein, vitamin, mineral, and amino acid (lysine and tryptophan) content. This
crop has a narrow genetic base due to the formation of gene pool barriers during interspecic hybridization within and across
species. Mutagenesis may be seen as a novel and alternative breeding technique for the production of new diversity. For the
identication of new alleles, the creation of mutants followed by selection in subsequent generations would be necessary.
Induction of mutation in lentil cv. Moitree by gamma rays therefore produced high variation for the majority of quantitative
measures examined. Henceforth, principal component analysis (PCA) and path coecient analysis were conducted to identify
and exclude redundant mutant genotypes with similar traits as the success of breeding is dependent on understanding the
relationship between morpho-agronomic traits and seed yield. As shown by the ndings of this research, the total quantity of
pods per mutant plant should be given considerable priority. The identied mutant genotypes, such as lines 24, 43, 28, 33, and
10, may be used as parents in future breeding or released directly following trials.
1. Introduction
In India, lentils (Lens culinaris Medik) are an important
pulse crop. It belongs to the Fabaceae family and contains
14 chromosomes (2n=2x). [1]. It is an annual edible legume
with pods and seeds shaped like lenses and purses [2]. This is
the oldest known legume [3]. It's grains contain necessary
amino acids like lysine and tryptophan [4]. Currently,
pulses, their signicance in food and nutrition security,
and sustainable agriculture are receiving more worldwide
attention than ever before. Legumes are included among
high-protein plant foods. It is spectacular to note that
protein-rich meals are advised to consume regularly by
mesothelioma patients whose appetites may be aected by
chemotherapy, and nutritious diets give energy and help
preserve muscular mass. Mesothelioma patients generally
eat too little protein and calories to promote healing, boost
immunity, and ght tiredness. A healthy mesothelioma diet
BioMed Research International
Volume 2022, Article ID 9679181, 14 pages
may reduce stress, maintain weight and energy, combat
infection, and control treatment-related side eects. Improv-
ing the quality of the high-protein legume lentilemploying
novel crop improvement techniques might thus play a sig-
nicant role. Systematized evaluation is required for the
genetic and agronomic improvement of lentil. It will remain
the major objective of all breeding initiatives. Frequent use
of conventional breeding techniques has decreased genetic
diversity, which is a primary need for crop improvement
projects. To achieve the aim of increasing genetic variability,
new breeding procedures, such as induced mutagenesis, are
necessary. In addition to genetic diversity, induced mutagen-
esis allows for the improvement of a specic trait without
aecting the genetic composition as a whole [5, 6]. The day-
length bottleneckconstrained the ow of lentil germplasm
into the Indo-Gangetic plain due to its narrow genetic base,
which is less sensitive to photoperiod and more sensitive to
temperature than landraces from West Asia, despite the fact
that South Asia is home to half of the worlds lentil cultiva-
tion [7]. In addition, the tiny and fragile owers reduced the
success rate of articial hybridization by 2050% due to the
problems of emasculation and pollination, which resulted in
mutant plant damage. As a result, cross-pollination of lentils
has become a time-consuming procedure [8]. In addition,
Lens was known for the formation of cross ability barriers
during interspecic hybridization within and across species
[9]. The interspecic hybridization is a technique of inter-
crossing two dierent species which have the same genus.
This technique is useful for exploiting useful genes from
raw species to improve the cultivated species. Eventually,
these events resulted in the narrow genetic foundation of
lentils. Several researchers have already recognized this
narrow genetic base as the fundamental constraint on lentil
yield [10]. In addition, adaptive specicity and recurrent fail-
ures to use several unproductive wild germplasms contribute
to the failure of lentil genetic advancement [11]. Given the
aforementioned conditions, mutagenesis may be viewed as
a unique and supplemental breeding approach. It is capable
of producing variants that does not exist in the genetic back-
ground of the organism. Consequently, mutagenesis may be
exploited to improve a multitude of desirable traits in a
mutant plant species [12, 13]. The development of mutants
followed by selection in the next generations would be essen-
tial for the discovery of novel alleles and might be released
directly as varieties or prebreeding material in the near
future if proved to be commercially viable and agronomi-
cally advantageous [14]. Nonetheless, crop yield in general
is a complex process arising from the interplay of several
genes with diverse environmental implications that impact
a wide range of phenotypes [15]. Successful mutant plant
selection during breeding requires knowledge of the link
between morpho-agronomic parameters and seed yield
[16]. A path coecient analysis was conducted to determine
the nature of the link between yield and other variables, as
well as the direct and indirect eects of dierent factors on
yield. PCA is a statistical technique used to identify and
eliminate duplicate genotypes with similar characteristics
[17]. It allows for the natural classication of genotypes
and gives an accurate indication of genotypic dierences.
The primary benet of PCA is that each genotype may be
assigned to only one group [18]. In addition, this test is used
to categorize a large number of variables into important
components and assess their contribution to the total vari-
ance [19]. So, PCA was done to determine how the various
attributes were connected and to identify the traits that
cosegregated. This enabled for the identication of the char-
acteristics so that the selected M
mutants could be utilized
for crop development. Having in mind the limitations on
lentil yield and the importance of optimizing physical muta-
gen, a multiyear-induced mutagenesis eld experiment was
conducted from 2017 to 2021 to increase the genetic diver-
sity and yielding potential of lentil cultivars.
2. Materials and Methods
Approximately 5000 healthy seeds of lentil (Cultivar:
Moitree), were irradiated with 250 Gy of gamma rays
because the GR
value for Moitree (published elsewhere)
was calculated to be 217.2 Gy. The irradiation was applied
at the RNARC, BCKV, West Bengal, India, where gamma
chamber (GC-6000) was utilized. Using the mutant plant-
to-progeny method, in 2018-2019, seeds from the M
ation were sown in the next generation to grow the M
population in the eld mentioned above. To investigate the
mutagenic impact of the previously delivered gamma irradi-
ation doses, individual mutant plants were picked across the
eld based on their chlorophyll content and a variety of
morphological traits. After ten days of germination, the
potential mutants were tagged and recorded correctly. In
20192020, 433 agro-morphologically superior mutants
with high production potential were chosen and produced
in the M
generation using the bulk breeding technique to
reap the benets of natural selection. The M
was made up of 62 types of economically superior mutant
types that were obtained from 433 M
populations in
These 62 lentil mutant types were grown at the institu-
tional agricultural farm during winters of 2020-2021, using
a RCBD design with three replications. Apparently healthy
and competitive ve mutant plants were randomly selected
from each plot, and data were obtained on fourteen distinct
traits dened by Satpathy and colleagues [20]. Dewey and
Lus path coecient analysis was used to examine the direct
and indirect impacts of a variety of independent factors on
seed yield. [21]. Windostat version 9.2 was applied for statis-
tical studies involving correlation, route analysis, and PCA.
Following the formula presented by Allard (1960), dierent
genetic parameters were determined [22].
3. Results
Recent research on the genetic diversity of 50 distinct lentil
germplasms, as well as the identication of the best heritable
attributes from our laboratory, was published [20]. Examin-
ing the direct and indirect impacts of numerous characteris-
tics on seed yield, as well as analyzing the pattern of
variation in characters, classifying the traits, and exploring
novel mutants, was the objective of this research.
2 BioMed Research International
3.1. Principal Component Analysis. PCA was used to evalu-
ate the diversity of 14 traits. Table 1 illustrates, based on
the variable factor loadings, that the eight PC aspects
explained 78.21 percent of the total variance.
Each principal component analysis shows the central
variability of all attributes. 14.11 percent of the total varia-
tion was explained by the rst main component (PC1).
The factors with the largest loading on PC1 were grain
yield/mutant plant, days to fty percent blooming, harvest
index, and mutant plant height. 12.54 percent of the varia-
tion was explained by the second main component (PC2).
The variables mutant plant height, days to fty percent ow-
ering, days to fty percent pod maturity, seeds/mutant plant,
biomass/mutant plant, and weight of 100 seeds showed high
positive support, whereas the remaining variables revealed
substantial negative involvement. The third main compo-
nent (PC3) accounted for 11.30 percent of the variance.
The remaining ve PCs explained just 9.91, 8.88, 7.99,
7.33, and 6.11 percent of the variance, respectively. A scree
plot depicted the proportion of variation attributable to
eigenvalues and principal components for each graphed PC
(Figure 1).
PC 1 had the largest variance with an eigenvalue of 1.97,
whereas the variance of the remaining principal components
gradually declined. After the fourth PC, the line begins to
straighten out, with minor dierences across PCs. It is obvi-
ous from the graph that PC1 had the highest variance
compared to the other four PCs; therefore, it may be advan-
tageous to select lines for characters with a positive impact
under PC1. The PC score for each component contains both
positive and negative values. These scores may be employed
to develop precise selection indices whose strength is dic-
tated by the variation explained by each basic component
[23]. A high PC score for a certain genotype in a specic
component suggests that the mutants variables have high
values. We acquired the PCA scores (Table 2) for 62 lentil
mutant variants in the rst three principal components
and referred to them as axes Xvector (PCA-1), Yvector
(PCA-2), and Zvector (PCA-3).
The squared distance of each genotype from these three
axes was also calculated there. These PCA scores for mutant
lineages were graphed to create a three-dimensional scatter
picture (Figure 2).
Examining these ndings indicated eight distinct clusters
by Tocher method (Figure 3). Four of these clusters were
shown to be mono-genotypic. The distribution pattern of
mutants in these clusters was discovered to be random, with
no agro-morphological diversity serving as a reference.
Mutants with a more phenotypic variability were clustered
in both the same and distinct classes.
3.2. Genetic Variability of the Mutant Population. Studies of
the coecient of variation revealed that the phenotypic coef-
cient variation (PCV) values were greater than those of the
genotypic coecient variation (GCV) for the majority of the
traits, indicating that the environment inuences these traits
to some extent during both the vegetative and reproductive
stages (Table 3). Secondary branches (number) per plant
had the largest phenotypic coecient variation (PCV) and
genotypic coecient variation (GCV) according to the
research (70.85 percent and 60.32 percent, respectively). Bio-
mass/mutant plant (57.21 percent) was followed by number
of major branches (36.69 percent), seeds/pod (36.17 per-
cent), seeds/mutant plant (35.25 percent), and pods/mutant
plant (33.44 percent). Characters with a high GCV include
biomass/mutant plant (24.3 percent), pods/mutant plant
(21.86 percent), seeds/pod (20 percent), and mutant plant
height (21.0 percent). The high values of PCV above GCV
for the aforementioned features imply strong environmental
inuences; hence, when establishing a breeding program
using this material, additional attention should be placed
on these traits. The secondary branches (number) exhibited
the highest heritability and genetic advance as a percentage
of the mean (72.47 percent and 105.79 percent, respectively),
and the other traits in which high heritability and high
genetic advance were observed were weight of 100 seeds,
harvest index, and pods/mutant plant, indicating that these
traits are less inuenced by the environment and are more
stable and governed by additive gene action. Consequently,
the easy selection process aords these characters a larger
potential for advancement.
3.3. Path Analysis. The correlation coecients between
genotypic and phenotypic characteristics for fourteen traits
are provided in (Tables 4 and 5). Days for pod initiation
and pods/mutant plant (0.221∗∗ and 0.404∗∗) and number
of main branches (0.155), root length (0.149), seeds/pod
(0.159), and harvest index (0.155)are signicantly and
positively linked with grain production per plant at both
levels, respectively. Secondary branches (number) (0.43∗∗)
and biomass/mutant plant (0.144) were shown to be sub-
stantially and adversely associated to grain production per
plant. The phenotypic analysis indicated only a signicant
and positive connection between grain yield and pods/
mutant plant (0.246∗∗), seeds/mutant plant (0.399∗∗), and
biomass/mutant plant (0.306∗∗). The correlation study
demonstrated the link between the features; hence, the rela-
tionship between the numerous lentil traits will establish
their relative importance for yield enhancement.
Path analysis based on phenotypic correlations found
that all variables had direct positive impacts on grain pro-
duction per mutant plant, except for number of main and
secondary branches, days for pod initiation, root length,
and harvest index, which had direct negative eects. The
number of main and secondary branches, pods per plant,
and harvest index demonstrated favorable indirect impacts
of mutant plant height on grain yield (Table 6). The number
of main branches had favorable indirect impacts on the
secondary branches (number), days to 50% blooming and
pod initiation, pods per plant, root length, seeds per pod,
and biomass/mutant plant. The secondary branches (num-
ber) had both direct and indirect negative impacts on
mutant plant height, days to 50% blooming and pod matu-
rity, root length, seeds per pod, and seed weight per 100
seeds. Days to 50% blooming have negative indirect impacts
on grain production via solely mutant plant height, main
branch number, and root length. The days to 50 percent
blooming, the days for pod initiation, the weight of 100
3BioMed Research International
seeds, and the harvest index are all negatively impacted by
the days for pod initiation. Days for 50% pod maturity has
a positive indirect inuence on the number of main and sec-
ondary branches, days to 50% blooming and pod maturity,
seeds per plant, and 100 seed weight. Pods per plant, on
the other hand, have a negative indirect inuence through
just the number of main and secondary branches, days for
pod initiation and 50% maturity, and seeds per pod.
Through the secondary branches (number), pods per plant,
root length, seeds per pod, biomass/mutant plant, and 100
seed weight, root length has a negative indirect eect. Seeds
per pod have a positive indirect inuence on secondary
branch number, days to 50% blooming, root length, seeds
per pod, seeds per plant, and biomass/mutant plant.
Through mutant plant height, secondary branches (num-
ber), days for pod initiation, root length, and harvest index,
seeds per plant have a negative indirect inuence. Biomass/
mutant plant has a negative indirect inuence on mutant
plant height, the number of main and secondary branches,
the number of days before pod initiation, and pod maturity
at 50 percent. There is a positive indirect impact of 100 seed
weight on all variables except mutant plant height and seeds/
pod. The harvest index has a favorable indirect impact via
the secondary branches (number), days for 50% pod matu-
rity, root length, seeds per pod, and seeds per plant.
Path analysis based on genotypic correlations revealed
direct positive eects of mutant plant height, days to 50 per-
cent pod maturity, pods/mutant plant, seeds/pod, biomass/
mutant plant, and direct negative eects of primary branches
(number), secondary branches (number), and days to 50
percent owering, days for pod initiation, root length,
seeds/mutant plant, 100 seed weight, and harvest index on
PC 1 PC 2
Eigenvalue (Root)
Cumulative variability
PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC 8
Figure 1: Scree plot of eigenvalues and cumulative variability against dierent principal components in lentil mutants.
Table 1: Eigenvalues for the rst ve principal components of various Lentil mutant characteristics.
PC-1 PC-2 PC-3 PC-4 PC-5 PC-6 PC-7 PC-8
Eigenvalue 1.97542 1.75629 1.58303 1.3886 1.2444 1.11867 1.02712 0.85597
% variability explained 14.11013 12.5449 11.30738 9.91859 8.88858 7.99046 7.33658 6.11404
Cumulative variability explained 14.11013 26.65503 37.96241 47.881 56.76958 64.76005 72.09662 78.21066
Mutant plant height (cm) 0.25048 0.38142 0.23943 0.35319 0.10706 0.23783 0.014 0.05966
Primary branches (number) 0.20003 -0.10371 -0.45645 0.03086 -0.04338 -0.27438 -0.45303 -0.28496
Secondary branches (number) -0.42991 -0.36133 0.12583 0.21243 -0.12712 0.06455 -0.1351 -0.21038
Days for fty percent owering 0.33698 0.2377 -0.19927 -0.04982 -0.20773 -0.12079 -0.03962 -0.24344
Days for pod initiation 0.18892 -0.04746 0.05889 0.1501 -0.30677 0.08208 0.66552 -0.53522
Days for fty percent pod maturity -0.22596 0.21722 -0.18955 -0.00637 0.53665 -0.34055 0.12435 -0.43063
Pods/mutant plant 0.17953 -0.42745 -0.36813 0.02671 -0.3105 -0.13369 0.16883 0.26938
Root length (cm) -0.20586 -0.03981 -0.32296 0.3199 0.24083 -0.27468 0.42932 0.28707
Seeds/pod -0.09768 -0.29664 0.12013 -0.50335 0.28993 0.0991 0.20353 -0.01967
Seeds/mutant plant 0.05965 0.10157 0.36315 -0.22488 -0.21891 -0.64245 0.14612 0.23137
Biomass/mutant plant (g) -0.28123 0.18136 -0.43314 -0.23535 -0.17822 0.42124 0.14436 0.06376
100 seed weight (g) -0.22237 0.53104 -0.20035 -0.23379 -0.22218 -0.04262 0.06298 0.17617
Harvest index (%) 0.28529 -0.06901 -0.00689 -0.52825 0.13598 0.07246 0.05908 -0.13679
Grain yield/mutant plant (g) 0.46312 -0.07071 -0.15954 0.08975 0.39904 0.16212 0.1117 0.27769
4 BioMed Research International
grain yield (Table 7). The mutant plant height had favorable
indirect impacts on grain production via the number of
main branches, the secondary branches (number), the num-
ber of seeds per plant, the weight of 100 seeds, and the har-
vest index. Number of main branches had favorable indirect
impacts via secondary branches (number), days for pod ini-
tiation, days for 50% pod maturity, pods per plant, root
length, biomass/mutant plant, and 100 seed weight. The sec-
ondary branches (number) had negative direct and indirect
impacts on mutant plant height, days to 50 percent pod
maturity, root length, seeds per pod, and seeds per plant.
Days to 50% blooming have indirect favorable benets on
grain output via mutant plant height, secondary branches
(number), pods per plant, and root length. Days for pod ini-
tiation has a negative indirect inuence on grain yield
through days to 50% blooming, seeds per pod, seeds per
plant, and harvest index. The secondary branches (number),
the number of days to 50 percent blooming, the number of
seeds per pod, and the number of seeds per plant have a pos-
itive indirect inuence on the days to 50 percent pod matu-
rity. In contrast, pods per plant have a benecial indirect
benet through biomass/mutant plant and hundred seed
weight. Root length has a negative indirect inuence through
the amount of secondary branches, seeds per pod, seeds per
plant, and weight per 100 seeds. Seeds per pod have a nega-
tive indirect inuence on three traits: mutant plant height,
pods per plant, and harvest index. Through pods/mutant
plant, seeds/pod, and biomass/mutant plant, seeds/mutant
plant have a positive indirect impact. The days to 50%
blooming, pods/mutant plant, seeds/pod, and harvest index
indicate a favorable indirect inuence of biomass/mutant
plant. 100 seed weight demonstrates a benecial indirect
impact via the number of main and secondary branches,
days for pod initiation and 50% pod maturity, biomass/
mutant plant, and harvest index. The harvest index demon-
strates a negative indirect inuence via mutant plant height,
number of main branches, days to 50% blooming and pod
Table 2: PCA scores of 62 lentil mutants shown as three axes X
vector (PCA-1), Yvector (PCA-2), and Zvector (PCA-3).
Mutant types X vector Y vector Z vector
1 | 1 -1.253 3.83 -4.81
2 | 2 -2.892 6.217 -4.34
3 | 3 0.173 5.999 -4.008
4 | 4 -0.26 7.368 -4.691
5 | 5 -0.077 8.372 -6.995
6 | 7 0.588 6.867 -5.029
7 | 13 -0.458 8.087 -5.493
8 | 14 -1.032 6.472 -5.597
9 | 23 -1.141 5.997 -5.395
10 | 25 0.223 6.772 -5.717
11 | 28 -1.393 6.023 -4.889
12 | 31 -0.641 6.329 -5.094
13 | 32 -1.49 9.11 -5.856
14 | 33 -0.31 7.795 -5.538
15 | 34 -1.247 7.855 -5.326
16 | 35 -1.05 7.798 -6.284
17 | 36 -1.013 7.083 -5.151
18 | 37 0.758 6.742 -5.443
19 | 38 1.296 6.264 -4.003
20 | 39 0.882 7.196 -5.277
21 | 40 0.117 8.701 -4.767
22 | 42 -0.12 6.11 -6.36
23 | 44 -0.401 6.081 -5.307
24 | 45 2.196 6.896 -4.829
25 | 47 -1.564 6.088 -4.856
26 | 51 -1.386 5.34 -4.572
27 | 52 -2.497 5.039 -5.712
28 | 59 1.275 6.306 -4.928
29 | 61 -1.038 5.948 -5.32
30 | 62 -1.195 5.985 -5.731
31 | 66 -1.172 4.713 -4.153
32 | 67 -1.217 7.502 -6.095
33 | 72 1.036 6.306 -5.251
34 | 76 0.057 5.592 -6.419
35 | 77 -1.16 5.831 -5.019
36 | 82 -0.029 7.121 -5.657
37 | 86 -0.982 6.165 -4.892
38 | 87 0.554 6.387 -6.6
39 | 88 -0.649 6.086 -5.168
40 | 89 -1.567 6.463 -5.268
41 | 91 0.326 4.788 -6.247
42 | 93 -0.109 5.682 -6.327
43 | 96 1.433 6.006 -5.533
44 | 97 0.44 6.565 -4.699
45 | 101 0.192 6.662 -5.335
46 | 103 -0.139 4.931 -3.679
47 | 104 -0.675 4.892 -5.731
Table 2: Continued.
48 | 105 -0.12 6.756 -6.362
49 | 107 0.069 6.586 -4.807
50 | 111 0.64 5.456 -5.767
51 | 114 -0.04 4.967 -5.511
52 | 115 -0.283 6.154 -6.45
53 | 116 0.934 4.987 -5.037
54 | 117 0.575 4.123 -5.015
55 | 127 -0.26 5.489 -5.362
56 | 128 -0.509 7.381 -5.841
57 | 133 0.819 5.802 -6.377
58 | 137 0.533 5.674 -5.441
59 | 138 -0.278 6.376 -5.838
60 | 142 0.35 6.519 -4.07
61 | 150 -0.303 6.729 -4.883
62 | 152 -0.761 6.008 -5.518
5BioMed Research International
commencement, seeds/mutant plant, and biomass/mutant
4. Discussion
It is suggested that PCA is useful for selecting agronomically
superior mutant lines for breeding endeavors [24]. In multi-
variate analysis, PCA is the major selection method as well
clustering using the Tocher technique separated the muta-
genic populations in the current research, demonstrating that
mutagenic treatments created diverse populations. Because
analyzing several phenotypic traits is a time-consuming and
error-prone procedure that might hamper selection; conse-
quently, multivariate analysis is essential for accurate selection
[25]. It also facilitates the reduction of complicated data and
improves breeding accuracy. Within the various clusters,
PCA score II
PCA score I
Figure 2: 3-D scatter diagram of PCA scores for mutant lines.
Figure 3: Distribution pattern of mutants in eight clusters by Tocher method.
6 BioMed Research International
Table 3: Parameters related to genetic variability showing high inuence of environment to most of the traits throughout both the vegetative and reproductive phases.
Days for
Days for
Days for
50% pod
plant (g)
100 seed
Grain yield/
plant (g)
Heritability (%) 40.133 20.383 72.475 16.04 26.397 40.155 42.762 17.61 33.344 24.311 18.042 71.391 56.285 20.459
coecient of
variations (GCV)
20.046 16.569 60.323 5.637 2.503 2.76 21.868 12.584 20.887 17.382 24.301 21.431 10.958 19.507
coecient of
variations (PCV)
31.642 36.699 70.858 14.075 4.872 4.355 33.441 29.988 36.171 35.253 57.21 25.364 14.607 43.127
Genetic advance 3.607 0.217 2.067 2.362 1.846 3.092 1.354 0.511 0.367 1.036 0.03 0.333 6.321 0.009
Genetic advance
as % means 26.16 15.409 105.79 4.651 2.649 3.602 29.458 10.879 24.845 17.655 21.263 37.301 16.936 18.176
7BioMed Research International
Table 4: Genotypic correlation coecients between all investigated traits over 62 novel mutant types.
Traits Mutant plant
height (cm)
Days for
Days for
Days for 50%
pod maturity
plant (g)
100 seed
weight (g)
Mutant plant
height (cm)
Main branches
(number) -0.392∗∗
-0.213∗∗ -0.118
Days for 50%
owering 0.1620.360∗∗ -0.242∗∗
Days for pod
initiation 0.193∗∗ -0.196∗∗ -0.253∗∗ 0.128
Days for 50%
pod maturity -0.035
-0.222∗∗ -0.078
plant -0.247∗∗ 0.504∗∗ 0.007
0.266∗∗ 0.195∗∗ -0.383∗∗
Root length
(cm) 0.080
0.508∗∗ 0.244∗∗
Seeds/pod -0.213∗∗ -0.329∗∗ -0.069
-0.321∗∗ -0.346∗∗
plant -0.375∗∗ 0.030
0.157-0.1780.441∗∗ 0.1530.107
plant (g)
-0.497∗∗ 0.107
-0.287∗∗ 0.285∗∗ 0.128
0.259∗∗ 0.114
100 seed
weight (g) -0.052
0.221∗∗ -0.139
index (%) -0.080
-0.294∗∗ 0.100
-0.291∗∗ 0.378∗∗ 0.113
Grain yield/
plant (g) 0.102
0.155-0.430∗∗ 0.049
0.221∗∗ -0.052
0.404∗∗ 0.1490.1590.075
* = signicant at 5 percent level; ** =signicant at 1 percent level; NS = Non-Signicant.
8 BioMed Research International
Table 5: Phenotypic correlation coecients between all investigated traits over 62 novel mutant types.
Traits Mutant plant
height (cm)
Days for
Days for
Days for 50%
pod maturity
plant (g)
100 seed
weight (g)
Mutant plant
height (cm)
Main branches
(number) -0.179
Days for 50%
owering -0.005
Days for pod
initiation 0.067
Days for 50%
pod maturity -0.019
plant 0.031
length (cm) 0.018
Seeds/pod -0.087
-0.292∗∗ -0.083
plant -0.069
0.389∗∗ 0.078
plant (g)
0.297∗∗ -0.125
100 seed
weight (g) -0.045
index (%) -0.092
-0.206∗∗ -0.027
0.190∗∗ -0.008
yield/plant (g) 0.073
0.246∗∗ -0.036
0.399∗∗ 0.306∗∗ 0.111
* = signicant at 5 percent level; ** =signicant at 1 percent level; NS = Non-Signicant.
9BioMed Research International
Table 6: Phenotypic path matrix based on phenotypic correlations for all the variables to reveal direct as well as indirect impacts on grain yield per mutant plant.
path matrix
Days for
Days for
Days for
50% pod
plant (g)
100 seed
Grain yield/
plant (g)
Mutant plant
height (cm) 0.40412 0.17438 0.06296 -0.02478 -0.05976 -0.02712 -0.34366 -0.05008 -0.05916 0.01869 -0.01555 0.00212 0.01956 0.102
-0.15849 -0.44463 0.03484 -0.05519 0.06077 0.04291 0.7006 0.0905 -0.09137 -0.00148 0.00336 0.00428 -0.03089 0.155
-0.08597 0.05234 -0.29594 0.03709 0.07828 -0.17306 0.00956 -0.10776 -0.01903 -0.00703 0.00339 0.00563 0.07209 -0.430 ∗∗
Days for 50%
owering 0.06541 -0.16024 0.07168 -0.15313 -0.03973 -0.061 0.36962 0.01306 -0.02156 -0.00015 -0.00095 -0.00913 -0.02456 0.049
Days for pod
initiation 0.07805 0.08734 0.07488 -0.01967 -0.3094 0.02587 0.27033 0.05086 -0.01482 -0.0078 0.00406 0.00572 -0.02481 0.221 ∗∗
Days for 50%
pod maturity -0.01405 -0.02446 0.06565 0.01198 -0.01026 0.78004 -0.53172 -0.31886 0.03084 0.00888 -0.00898 -0.00674 -0.03401 -0.052
plant -0.09994 -0.22417 -0.00204 -0.04073 -0.06019 -0.29847 1.38963 -0.15324 -0.08911 -0.02197 0.00891 0.00445 -0.0089 0.404 ∗∗
Root length
(cm) 0.03222 0.06406 -0.05077 0.00318 0.02505 0.39598 0.33903 -0.62812 -0.09612 -0.00763 0.004 -0.00335 0.07146 0.149
Seeds/pod -0.08607 0.14627 0.02028 0.01188 0.01651 0.08662 -0.44584 0.21737 0.27776 -0.00532 0.0081 0.00393 -0.09285 0.159
mutant plant -0.15162 -0.01318 -0.04179 -0.00045 -0.04844 -0.13908 0.61281 -0.09618 0.02966 -0.04982 0.00356 -0.00269 -0.02779 0.075
plant (g)
-0.20088 -0.04774 -0.03208 0.00463 -0.0402 -0.22381 0.3956 -0.08034 0.07194 -0.00567 0.03128 -0.02748 0.01066 -0.144
100 seed
weight (g) -0.02082 0.04617 0.04039 -0.0339 0.04291 0.12755 -0.14996 -0.05098 -0.02651 -0.00325 0.02086 -0.04122 0.05343 0.005
index (%) -0.03222 -0.05598 0.08695 -0.01533 -0.03129 0.10811 0.05038 0.18296 0.10511 -0.00564 -0.00136 0.00898 -0.24535 0.155
* = signicant at 5 percent level; ** =signicant at 1 percent level; NS = Non-Signicant.
10 BioMed Research International
Table 7: Genotypic path matrix based on genotypic correlations for all the variables to reveal direct as well as indirect impacts on grain yield per mutant plant.
path matrix
Days for
Days for
Days for
50% pod
plant (g)
100 seed
Grain yield/
plant (g)
Mutant plant
height (cm) 0.08526 0.00585 0.007 -0.00002 -0.00012 -0.00081 0.00329 -0.00076 -0.00389 -0.02223 -0.00122 -0.00073 0.00107 0.073
-0.0153 -0.03263 0.00077 0.00007 0.00014 -0.00527 0.01129 0.00251 0.00051 -0.00809 0.00149 -0.00125 -0.00068 -0.046
-0.00431 0.00018 -0.13852 -0.00027 0.00027 -0.00689 0.00276 -0.00257 -0.00237 0.03698 0.01274 -0.0013 0.00239 -0.101
Days for 50%
owering -0.00047 -0.00053 0.00901 0.0042 0.00014 0.00122 0.01333 -0.0045 0.00061 0.01513 0.005 0.00145 0.00032 0.045
Days for pod
initiation 0.00574 0.00249 0.02042 -0.00033 -0.0018 0.00409 0.00384 0.00013 0.00269 0.01441 0.00379 -0.00101 -0.00138 0.053
Days for 50%
pod maturity -0.0016 0.00396 0.02196 0.00012 -0.00017 0.04347 -0.01051 -0.00475 -0.00108 0.00287 -0.00741 0.00125 -0.00221 0.046
plant 0.00267 -0.00351 -0.00364 0.00053 -0.00007 -0.00435 0.10493 0.00009 -0.01306 0.12471 0.03723 0.00025 0.00009 0.246 ∗∗
length (cm) 0.00151 0.00191 -0.0083 0.00044 0.00001 0.00481 -0.00022 -0.04292 -0.00372 0.02511 -0.01568 -0.00089 0.00153 -0.036
Seeds/pod -0.00741 -0.00037 0.00733 0.00006 -0.00011 -0.00104 -0.03061 0.00357 0.04476 0.01676 0.01923 -0.00077 -0.00191 0.049
mutant plant -0.00591 0.00082 -0.01598 0.0002 -0.00008 0.00039 0.04083 -0.00336 0.00234 0.32051 0.05799 0.0018 -0.00045 0.399 ∗∗
plant (g)
-0.00083 -0.00039 -0.01405 0.00017 -0.00005 -0.00257 0.03112 0.00536 0.00686 0.14807 0.12553 0.00546 0.00132 0.306 ∗∗
100 seed
weight (g) -0.00383 0.00252 0.01111 0.00038 0.00011 0.00336 0.00165 0.00237 -0.00214 0.03552 0.04222 0.01622 0.00194 0.111
index (%) -0.00783 -0.00189 0.02847 -0.00011 -0.00021 0.00826 -0.00081 0.00565 0.00733 0.01236 -0.01426 -0.0027 -0.01165 0.023
* = signicant at 5 percent level; ** =signicant at 1 percent level; NS = Non-Signicant.
11BioMed Research International
genetically distinct groups were categorized. In lentil improve-
ment projects focused at promoting genetic variability,
mutants selected from distinct clusters might thus be
advanced to next generations [26]. Positive correlations were
found between the rst principal component and grain
yield/mutant plant, days to fty percent owering, harvest
index, mutant plant height, main branches (number), days
for pod initiation, pods/mutant plant,and seeds/mutant plant,
indicating that these variables uctuate in the same direction.
Therefore, the property of the high-yield mutant plant-1 is
related to yield attribute traits and blooming traits. The PCA
analysis demonstrated that yield contributed the most to pop-
ulation divergence, indicating that yield favorably responded
to mutagenic treatments for the prospective selection of
high-yield mutants. Similar modications were applied to
the second primary component, an evaluation of the architec-
tural and oral aspects of mutant plants. The third key ele-
ment emphasized the correlation between mutant plant
morphology and its relationship. The rst ve PCs in our anal-
ysis explained 56.76 percent of the total variance. The pattern
of distribution also suggested that the mutant group exhibited
a high degree of quantitative trait variation [27]. The yield-
related properties of the M
populations were characterized
using principal component analysis in order to explain their
phenotypes and identify superior high-yield mutant plants
for multiplication. The number of uncorrelated variables have
decreased due to the linear adjustment of the original vari-
ables. Yield per mutant plant and harvest index are major con-
tributions to genetic divergence; selecting these traits in the
following generation might result in mutants with more dis-
tinctive yield characteristics [23, 24]. The three-dimensional
scatter plot illustrates the second component with the rst.
Mutant-24, Mutant-43, and Mutant-28 have high values for
the rst component; thus, we presume that they also have high
values for the characteristics that are closely related to it.
Therefore, mutant plants from this diverse blend of mutant
lines associated with certain traits may be used as breeding
parents to generate better lentil varieties [17].
Surprisingly substantial environmental inuence was
observed for almost all traits, which is rare when genetic var-
iability parameters are assessed on extant cultivars that are
assumed to be acclimatized and adaptable in their optimal
agro-climatic zones [37]. These results pointed to the genetic
uniqueness of the newly created mutant types, which must
be acclimatized by determining their ideal growth circum-
stances and particular agronomic practices. Yield is a poly-
genic trait with a complicated mode of inheritance, and
direct selection for yield is seldom successful. Therefore, cor-
relations between quantitative characteristics are inuenced
by the small cumulative eects of numerous genes governing
trait expression. In fact, in mutant breeding initiatives, cor-
relation analysis between character combinations is crucial
for assessing the impact of yield characteristics on overall
yield [28]. So, it is essential to prioritize indirect selection,
concentrating on yield-altering traits. A thorough under-
standing of the relationship between yield and yield charac-
teristics is eectively understood from path analysis. By
splitting the correlation coecient into direct and indirect
eects, path analysis provides more comprehensive informa-
tion on the interrelationships of complex traits; hence, it has
been used to dene the selection criteria for genetic
improvement. The nature of the relationship between yield
and its associated characteristics would decide which
attribute will be used in indirect selection to increase lentil
production. According to the scale supplied by Lenka and
Mishra, the major direct inuences on grain yield were
seeds/mutant plant, followed by biomass/mutant plant and
pods/mutant plant [29]. The major dierence in correlation
and path analysis may be attributable to the fact that corre-
lation simply calculates mutual association without address-
ing causes, while path analysis detects causes and evaluates
their relative signicance. Therefore, correlation and path
analysis must be investigated to determine the precise rela-
tionship between attributes. Similar patterns were seen in
terms of days to fty percent blossom [30], pods per mutant
plant [31], branches per mutant plant [32], seeds per mutant
plant [33], and biomass/mutant plant [34]. The disparity
between direct impacts and genotypic correlations of traits
revealed that the relationship was mostly the result of
indirect eects of characteristics through other component
variables. Therefore, indirect selection of the previously indi-
cated feature is typically advantageous. By assigning correla-
tions, previous research [35] dierentiates between direct
and indirect eects for a more exact evaluation of the
cause-and-eect association. Several vegetative, yield, and
yield-contributing factors have a high association, according
to a recent study. These parameters have both direct and
indirect impacts on pod yield and its contributing character-
istics due to their interaction [36].
Therefore, it was discovered that mutation induction by
gamma rays was useful for establishing new sources of
variability in lentils and avoiding breeding limitations. The
induction of mutation in cv. Moitree by 250 Gy of gamma
rays resulted in considerable variance for the vast majority
of quantitative parameters examined. Due to its signicant
connection with and direct impacts on seed yield per mutant
plant, both PCA and path analysis suggested that selection
should place a signicant emphasis on the total number of
pods per mutant plant. The ndings of cluster analysis
revealed that there are genetic dierences among mutant
families [37]. The found mutant genotypes, such as lines
24, 43, 28, 33, and 10, maybe employed as parents for future
5. Conclusion
Selecting superior crop genotypes requires genetic diversity.
Articial selection has reduced allelic diversity since time
immemorial. So, extending genetic diversity in a crop species
may improve breeding eectiveness. Mutagenesis may be
introduced directly to elite cultivars without being disturbed
by the circumstances of linkage drag. Therefore, a popular
lentil cultivar was irradiated for this study. This approach
uses irradiation to create diversity while retaining fertility.
Consequently, this research helped to the discovery of signif-
icant variables that directly or indirectly aect lentil yields.
The highlighted traits may serve as selection criteria for
hybridization and continuous selection-based lentil yield
12 BioMed Research International
enhancement programs. In addition, the researchers identi-
ed a number of lines with diverse sets of traits that may
be used to create superior kinds. Induced mutations at loci
controlling commercially relevant features in chosen high-
yielding mutants have eciently contributed to diversifying
the existing lentil genetic base and will be of invaluable use
for future lentil breeding programs. In the coming days, Tar-
geting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING) might
be used to conrm the mutants generated by this study at
the genomic level.
Data Availability
The data shall be made available on request to the corre-
sponding authors.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conict of interest.
This research article is the part of Mr. Abhik Sarkar's M.Sc.
(Ag.) in GPB research program in 2022, which was super-
vised by Sandip Debnath at Visva-Bharati University, West
Bengal, India and the study was self-funded. The authors
would also like to acknowledge Researchers Supporting Pro-
ject Number (RSP-2021/358), King Saud University, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia.
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14 BioMed Research International
... It allows for the natural classification of genotypes and gives an accurate indication of genotypic differences. The primary benefit of PCA is that each genotype may be assigned to only one group (Singh et al., 2016b; Debnath et al. 2022). In addition, this test is used to categorize a large number of variables into important components and assess their contribution to the total variance. ...
... It provides a precise indicator of genotypic differences and permits the natural classification of genotypes. One group may be allocated to each genotype in PCA, which is its main advantage (Singh et al., 2016b; Debnath et al. 2022). This test is also used to divide a large number of variables into significant components and determine how much each contributes to overall variation. ...
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Biotechnology is one of the emerging fields that can add new and better application in a wide range of sectors like health care, service sector, agriculture, and processing industry to name some. This book will provide an excellent opportunity to focus on recent developments in the frontier areas of Biotechnology and establish new collaborations in these areas. The book will highlight multidisciplinary perspectives to interested biotechnologists, microbiologists, pharmaceutical experts, bioprocess engineers, agronomists, medical professionals, sustainability researchers and academicians.The content of the book is as follows
... Nonetheless, there is no unified standard for accurate and reliable herbicide resistance identification indicators and evaluation methods, and the published research on crop resistance identification methods is limited. The PCA membership function method and regression analysis have been used to analyze the effects of imazethapyr and drought on wheat [27,28], the salt tolerance of oat varieties [29], and lentil and sweet potato resources [30,31]. This method can accurately determine the weight of each index and transform the original data into several new, relatively independent, and comprehensive indexes. ...
... The variance contribution rates of the composite index (CI) for CI1-CI7 were 27.47%, 13.76%, 12.85%, 9.14%, 8.05%, 6.00%, and 4.92%, respectively, with a cumulative contribution of 82.19% and cumulative variance contribution of ≥80%. This cumulative variance contribution was considered highly representative of the information [28][29][30][31]. The original 21 single traits were converted into seven new independent comprehensive indices, covering most of the information. ...
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Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) is an important crop grown worldwide as a food and fodder crop owing to its potential nutritional and feed values. High-efficiency herbicide varieties is crucial to achieving efficient weeding and ensuring successful foxtail millet production. Herbicides affect several morphological and physiological indicators of foxtail millet. In this study we aimed to evaluate the damage caused by herbicides, improve their effectiveness, and select indicators that accurately reflect herbicide resistance in foxtail millet. Jingu 21, which has the largest planting area in Shanxi province and even the whole of China, is selected as the experimental material to be sown in the field in 2022. A total of 31 herbicides were applied, and 21 traits, including morphological, physiological, and yield-component traits, were measured to assess millet resistance. Principal component analysis was employed to transform these 21 conventional traits into seven independent and comprehensive indexes. These indexes were screened using regression analysis, resulting in the selection of the following indicators: the surface area of the second leaf from the top, peroxidase activity, catalase activity, malondialdehyde content, chlorophyll (a + b), grain weight per ear, and yield. Through membership function and cluster analyses, the resistance of Jingu 21 to 31 herbicides was divided into five categories: extremely weakly resistant, weakly resistant, moderately resistant, strongly resistant, and extremely strongly resistant. Jingu 21 exhibited extremely strong resistance to lactofen, butachlor, and anilofos. After an investigation into the effectiveness of herbicides, it was found that eight herbicides had good effects.
... Literature related to PCA analysis on in vitro mutagenesis is scanty. However, the efficiency of PCA on assessing the mutant phenotypes has been reported in lentil (Debnath et al. 2022). ...
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Non-chimeric regeneration via in vitro mutagenesis is one of the niche areas in perennial fruit crops to shorten the breeding cycle. However, the recovery of M1 population is a major hurdle due to lack of efficient protocols. Hence the present experiment was conducted during 2021–23 at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi on EMS induced in vitro mutagenesis and its validation in kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis Loureiro × Citrus deliciosa Tenora). The specialized direct somatic embryogenesis (DSE) protocol was standardized and the optimized explants (in ovulo nucellus) were treated with 3 EMS concentration of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0% for 1, 3 and 5 h. Based on explant survival, probit analysis was calculated and results revealed that the LD50 for in ovulo nucellus explants was 0.3% for 5 h. For a dose rate higher than LD50 i.e. E8 (0.5% for 5 h) and as compared to control, the embryogenesis efficiency was reduced to 65%, likewise embryo production (23.64%), germination (46.15%), conversion (22.76%), establishment (25.85%) and acclimatization (19.44%) showed reducing trend. The EMS derived M1 population showed variability both at morphological and molecular level. Among the markers tested, random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeats (SSR) could demarcate the mutants from mother plant. The origin of homohistont was confirmed from the morphology of observed chlorophyll defective mutants. Thus the optimized EMS dose using DSE system can be effectively used for production of trait specific solid mutants and the morphological and molecular screening protocols have practical value in early selection of M1 population.
... But to substantiate this rapidly growing human population these days in the diverse situation of changing climate coupled with scarcity of available water and arable land resources, some sorts of innovative breeding techniques were required for accelerating genetic gain, productivity as well as sustainability in agriculture. The inability of conventional breeding to meet today's demands for increasing crop production due to its highly time-consuming nature and laborious procedures highlighted hybridization, mutagenesis, and transgenic breeding as the leading strategies [3,4]. Transgenic breeding generates desired traits by transferring foreign genes into the background of well-known mega-varieties [5]. ...
Biotechnology is one of the emerging fields that can add new and better application in a wide range of sectors like health care, service sector, agriculture, and processing industry to name some. This book will provide an excellent opportunity to focus on recent developments in the frontier areas of Biotechnology and establish new collaborations in these areas. The book will highlight multidisciplinary perspectives to interested biotechnologists, microbiologists, pharmaceutical experts, bioprocess engineers, agronomists, medical professionals, sustainability researchers and academicians.The content of the book is as follows
... Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a valuable statistical technique for selecting superior lines in breeding programs (Debnath et al., 2022). This approach streamlines decision-making by concurrently evaluating multiple traits, with the aim of enhancing crop performance and resilience to particular adverse conditions, such as waterlogging tolerance. ...
Implementing trait-based phenotyping for waterlogging stress in crop improvement has become imperative due to the limitations of traditional methods for assessing abiotic stress tolerance. Therefore, there is a crucial need for efficient phenotyping tools and protocols to non-invasively evaluate genotypes for advantageous traits associated with waterlogging tolerance. In this context, the study was carried out to optimize an affordable phenotyping protocol to assess one of such traits, namely waterlogging-induced roots (WIR) in cowpea genotypes. The data generated from optimized protocol for stress imposition, image acquisition, and image analysis demonstrated effectively that WIR image features significantly differentiated cowpea genotypes when they were subjected to waterlogging stress as evidenced by PCA and K-cluster analysis. The study also revealed significant variation among genotypes in terms of WIR architecture based on image features such as total root length (TRL), network area (NA), convex area (CA), volume (Vol) and Median number of roots (MeN) etc. Efficacy of these traits in differentiating the waterlogging tolerant and intolerant genotypes of cowpea could be validated with conventional parameters. A strong positive correlation between conventional and WIR image features indicated that WIR, playing a role in waterlogging tolerance, can be reliably measured noninvasively. Furthermore, the phenotyping protocol developed in this study together with growth parameters could help in identification of waterlogging tolerant genotypes CG121 and CG221 that had enhanced WIR over other genotypes under waterlogging conditions. The affordable phenotyping protocol developed in this study promises to serve as an effective phenotyping tool for assessing waterlogging-induced roots in cowpea and promising genotypes like CG121 and CG221 may serve as donors for waterlogging tolerance.
... This article has been retracted by Hindawi following an investigation undertaken by the publisher [1]. This investigation has uncovered evidence of one or more of the following indicators of systematic manipulation of the publication process: ...
Biotechnology is one of the emerging fields that can add new and better application in a wide range of sectors like health care, service sector, agriculture, and processing industry to name some. This book will provide an excellent opportunity to focus on recent developments in the frontier areas of Biotechnology and establish new collaborations in these areas. The book will highlight multidisciplinary perspectives to interested biotechnologists, microbiologists, pharmaceutical experts, bioprocess engineers, agronomists, medical professionals, sustainability researchers and academicians.The content of the book is as follows
Plant breeding has been practiced since the dawn of human civilization. Crop improvement demands genetic variation for economically useful traits. But, lack of variance is not uncommon either. Radiation and some chemicals may be used to cause mutations in order to develop genetic variants from which desirable mutants can be chosen. It is now well accepted that mutation induction is an effective method for developing new crop varieties as mutagens are capable of creating/altering alleles thereby expanding the gene pool for a particular crop species. In addition to cereals, pulses, also known as grain legumes, are a vital part of the human diet because of their protein content. Pulses have become the most significant component of sustainable agriculture because of their great genetic potential to survive in a variety of environmental situations, their ability to restore soil fertility, and their soil ameliorative qualities. High-yielding cultivars are a fundamental need of contemporary era. Selection, hybridization, and mutation in pulse crops have all been used by plant breeders all around the nation to generate diversity and produce genotypes with high production potency. Consequently, mutation has long been regarded as a potent method for producing genetic variety and is well described in this chapter.
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Introduction This study explored the molecular characterization of 14 eggplant (brinjal) genotypes to evaluate their genetic diversity and the impact of heterosis. As eggplant is a vital horticultural crop with substantial economic and nutritional value, a comprehensive understanding of its genetic makeup and heterosis effects is essential for effective breeding strategies. Our aim was not only to dissect the genetic diversity among these genotypes but also to determine how genetic distance impacts heterotic patterns, which could ultimately help improve hybrid breeding programs. Methods Genetic diversity was assessed using 20 SSR markers, and the parental lines were grouped into five clusters based on the Unweighted Pair Group Method of Arithmetic Means (UPGMA). Heterosis was examined through yield and yield-related traits among parents and hybrids. Results Polymorphisms were detected in eight out of the twenty SSR markers across the parental lines. Notably, a high genetic distance was observed between some parents. The analysis of yield and yield-related traits demonstrated significant heterosis over mid, superior, and standard parents, particularly in fruit yield per plant. Two crosses (RKML-26 X PPC and RKML1 X PPC) displayed substantial heterosis over mid and better parents, respectively. However, the positive correlation between genetic distance and heterosis was only up to a certain threshold; moderate genetic distance often resulted in higher heterosis compared to very high genetic distance. Discussion These findings emphasize the critical role of parental selection in hybrid breeding programs. The results contribute to the understanding of the relationship between genetic distance and heterosis, and it is suggested that future research should delve into the genetic mechanisms that drive heterosis and the effect of genetic distance variance on heterosis. The insights drawn from this study can be harnessed to enhance crop yield and economic value in breeding programs.
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Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), an important rabi pulse crop grown in the plains of West Bengal, is vulnerable to Stemphylium blight, caused by the fungal pathogen Stemphylium botryosum. Considering the severity of the disease in the existing cropping system, an experiment was undertaken at the instructional farm of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya during Rabi 2021 with the objective to observe the correlation between the quantitative traits and the Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) among the 50 lentil genotypes under the incidence of Stemphylium blight. The experiment was planned in Alpha Lattice design with two replications. The disease parameter AUDPC was derived from Hashemi's disease score. A total of twenty quantitative traits viz., days to 50% flowering, plant height, primary branches/ plant, secondary branches/ plant, nodes/ plant, leaflet number, leaflet length, leaf length, tendril length, peduncle length, 100-seed weight, seed width, seed thickness, seeds/ pod, pods/ cluster, pods/ plant, days to maturity, pod yield, harvest index and seed yield were recorded. Significant positive correlation was recorded for AUDPC with days to 50% flowering and primary branches/ plant as against significant negative correlation for AUDPC with 100-seed weight and harvest index. The study on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that the traits viz., seed yield, pod yield, leaf length, leaflet length, pods/ plant, secondary branches, seeds/ pod, days to maturity, AUDPC, nodes/ plant, days to 50% flowering, pods/ cluster, seed thickness and harvest index showed the maximum contribution towards variation (19.49%) among the PC1 variables. The PCA biplot revealed that seed yield and pod yield strongly influenced PC1. Thus, the findings of the current study might be helpful to schedule the crop improvement program as far as the response of the crop to the disease is concerned.
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With the twin pressures of high population growth and extreme weather events, developing countries are the worst hit in meeting the food demands of their people, with millions unable to access adequate and nutritionally balanced food. Crop production must be increased by 70% to keep up with the food demands of a rapidly growing population, which is expected to rise to 9.6 billion by 2050. Legumes are ideal food crops to increase agricultural productivity and achieve sustainable development goals. Cowpea, a warm-season grain legume, is often categorized as a neglected crop with immense scope for genetic improvement through proper breeding strategies. A multi-year field experiment of induced mutagenesis was conducted to increase seed yield and genetic variability in the agro-economic traits of two cowpea varieties treated with different doses of gamma (γ) rays and sodium azide (SA). The study was also aimed to optimize different doses of γ rays and SA employed individually and in combinations. Quantitative trait analysis revealed a maximum increase in seed yield from M2 to M3 generation. Among the 10 quantitative traits studied, seeds per pod and seed weight positively correlated with a major direct impact on yield. An extensive phenotypic selection cycle from M2-M4 generations resulted in isolating new high-yielding and nutrient-dense mutant lines. Such high-yielding biofortified mutant lines with enhanced genetic variability could serve as a donor of elite genes and represent a valuable genetic resource for improving low-yielding warm-season grain legumes.
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Agriculture is critical to human life. Agriculture provides a means of subsistence for a sizable portion of the world’s population. Additionally, it provides a large number of work opportunities for inhabitants. Many farmers prefer traditional farming approaches, which result in low yields. Agriculture and related industries are vital to the economy’s long-term growth and development. The primary issues in agricultural production include decision-making, crop selection, and supporting systems for crop yield enhancement. Agriculture forecasting is influenced by natural variables such as temperature, soil fertility, water volume, water quality, season, and crop prices. Growing advancements in agricultural automation have resulted in a flood of tools and apps for rapid knowledge acquisition. Mobile devices are rapidly being used by everyone, including farmers. This paper presents a framework for smart crop tracking and monitoring. Sensors, Internet of Things cameras, mobile applications, and big data analytics are all covered. The hardware consists of an Arduino Uno, a variety of sensors, and a Wi-Fi module. This strategy would result in the most effective use of energy and the smallest amount of agricultural waste possible.
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In a breeding program, studies of genotypic and phenotypic relationships among agricultural crop traits are useful to design, evaluate, and develop selection criteria for desirable traits. Using path coefficient analysis, the present study was executed to estimate the phenotypic, genotypic, and environmental correlation coefficients between yield and yield-related traits and to determine the direct and indirect effects of yield-related traits on yield per plant. A total of 30 genotypes of Vigna subterranea were studied under tropical conditions at two sites over two planting seasons (considered as four environments). The experiment at each site used a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Data were collected on vegetative and yield component attributes. Based on analysis of variance, pooled results showed that there were positive and highly significant differences (p ≤ 0.01) among the 30 genotypes for all attributes studied. Highly significant and positive strong correlation at phenotypic level was observed for dry seed weight (0.856), hundred seed weight (0.754), fresh pod weight (0.789), and total pod weight (0.626) with yield in kg per hectare, while moderate positive correlations were observed for harvest cut (0.360) and days to maturity (0.356). However, a perfect positive correlation was observed for the dry weight of pods with seed yield. In contrast, days to 50% flowering (− 0.350) showed a negative significant relationship with yield per hectare. The dried pod weight attribute (1.00) had a high positive direct effect on yield. Fresh pod weight had the greatest indirect effect on yield per hectare, followed by the number of total pods by dry pod weight. As a result, dry pod weight, hundred seed weight, number of total pods, and fresh pod weight could be used as selection criteria to improve the seed yield of Bambara groundnut ( Vigna subterranea ).
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Recently, many companies have substituted human labor with robotics. Some farmers are sharing different perspectives on the incorporation of technology into farming techniques. Some are willing to accept the technology, some are hesitant and bemused to adapt modern technology, and others are uncertain and are worried about the potential of technology to cause havoc and decrease yields. The third group prevails the most in the developed world, for lack of know-how, including translation of utility and, most significantly, the expense involved. A special Smart Tillage platform is established to solve the above issues. A smart-engine-based decision has been developed, which further uses classification and regression trees to shift towards decision-making. The decision is focused entirely on different input factors, such as type of crop, time/month of harvest, type of plant required for the crop, type of harvest, and authorised rental budget. Sitting on top of this would be a recommendation engine that is powered by deep learning network to suggest the escalation of a farmer from lower to higher category, namely, small to medium to large. A metaheuristic is one of the best computing techniques that help for solving a problem without the exhaustive application of a procedure. Recommendations will be cost-effective and suitable for an escalating update depending on the use of sufficient amends, practices, and services. We carried out a study of 562 agriculturists. Owing to the failure to buy modern equipment, growers are flooded by debt. We question if customers will be able to rent and exchange appliances. The farmers would be able to use e-marketplace to develop their activities.
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New Breeding Techniques (NBTs) include several new technologies for introduction of new variation into crop plants for plant breeding, in particular the methods that aim to make targeted mutagenesis at specific sites in the plant genome (NBT mutagenesis). However, following that the French highest legislative body for administrative justice, the Conseil d’État, has sought advice from The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in interpreting the scope of the genetically modified organisms (GMO) Directive, CJEU in a decision from 2018, stated that organisms modified by these new techniques are not exempted from the current EU GMO legislation. The decision was based in a context of conventional plant breeding using mutagenesis of crop plants by physical or chemical treatments. These plants are explicitly exempted from the EU GMO legislation, based on the long-termed use of mutagenesis. Following its decision, the EU Court considers that the NBTs operate “at a rate out of all proportion to those resulting from the application of conventional methods of mutagenesis.” In this paper, we argue that in fact this is not the case anymore; instead, a convergence has taken place between conventional mutagenesis and NBTs, in particular due to the possibilities of TILLING methods that allow the fast detection of mutations in any gene of a genome. Thus, by both strategies mutations in any gene across the genome can be obtained at a rather high speed. However, the differences between the strategies are 1) the precision of the exact site of mutation in a target gene, and 2) the number of off-target mutations affecting other genes than the target gene. Both aspects favour the NBT methods, which provide more precision and fewer off-target mutations. This is in stark contrast to the different status of the two technologies with respect to EU GMO legislation. In the future, this situation is not sustainable for the European plant breeding industry, since it is expected that restrictions on the use of NBTs will be weaker outside Europe. This calls for reconsiderations of the EU legislation of plants generated via NBT mutagenesis.
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Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik. ssp. culinaris) is one of the oldest cultivated plants that originated from L. culinaris Medik.ssp. orientalis in the Near East arc and Asia Minor. This cool season legume crop is an excellent food source to provide energy, proteins and iron in the human diet. Most lentil-growing countries have a shared objective of higher and more stable seed yield, which often entails breeding for adaptation to abiotic and biotic stresses, which otherwise cause a substantial reduction in crop yield and production. Lentil domestication and selection over thousands of years led to the low amount of genetic variation in the current cultivated species and this scarcity in genetic variability represents a major constraint for lentil breeding. Thus far, lentil breeders have been successful in improving some easily manageable monogenic traits using conventional breeding techniques of selection and recombination. However, these conventional techniques are insufficient to address economic traits like seed yield due to polygenic inheritance and genotype-environment interaction. Other species of the genus Lens are important sources of genetic variation for breeding key traits into new lentil varieties. Induced mutagenesis is a powerful breeding tool and can greatly supplement the availability of lentil genomic resources. Impressive progress in applications of biotechnological innovations in the utilization of genetic resources for lentil genetic improvement will further accelerate the development of improved varieties. This chapter provides an overview on present status of lentil genetic improvement and summarizes the various important aspects of lentil diversity, cytogenetic and breeding.
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Global demand for grain legumes including black gram had increased tremendously in the recent past due to their high nutritional value especially in countries with soaring population growth. This necessitates the induction of genetic variation for continued supply of better yielding and improved varieties to the producers keeping in view the rapidly changing agroclimatic condition. In this study, the induced mutant populations of widely recommended T-9 and Pant U-30 varieties of urdbean were generated using single and combination treatments of gamma rays and ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). Investigation on induced phenotypic variations in individual plants of M2 population of different treatments resulted in identification and isolation of sixteen morphological mutant types affecting plant height, growth habit, leaf morphology, growth period, pod and seed. Frequency of morphological mutants was the highest in combined treatments of gamma rays and EMS followed by individual treatments of EMS and gamma rays. The spectrum of such mutant types was relatively wide in var. Pant U-30 as compared to the var. T-9. Mutants with altered plant height and pod numbers were of maximum occurrence in both the varieties. The mutants with increased pod number and size were found to be significantly correlated with the improved plant yield, thus selected directly for quantitative investigation in subsequent generations.
A field trial with fifty genotypes of lentil was undertaken in Agriculture Farm of the Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati University during two consecutive winters of the year 2017-18 and 2018-19, with an intention to find out the nature of the association between thirteen different plant characters with each other and with yield. A randomized block design was used with three replications. Traits' correlation along with path analysis was studied by focusing on yield as the key output. The study revealed that seed/plant was strong and positively associated with grain yield at the genotypic level. It was also true at the phenotypic level. Direct and indirect effects in path coefficient at genotypic and phenotypic level revealed the effects of various traits on yield either directly or via component traits. In the present experimental study, fourteen character combinations of lentil explained that total variance up to 82.74 per cent at the phenotypic level and 82.23 per cent at the genotypic level.
Humulus lupulus (Hops) based commercial beer contain chemical substances that are hazardous to human health. An effective substitute to Hops will be a revolution in brewing industries. The main objective of this study was to replace Hops in beer production owing to its insalubrious nature and to develop a nutritious beer using vegetables and fruits. In this study, the leaves and seeds of Mangifera indica (Mango) was experimentally used due to its aroma and bitterness as an auxiliary to Hops. The Mango Based Light Beer (MBLB) was produced with mango as gruit, barley malt as the main source, beetroot as an adjunct, and Citrus reticulata as a seasoning. Finally, Orange flavored, MBLB was produced by lab-scale fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. MBLB has high nutritious substances (protein, carbohydrate, minerals, Total phenols, Flavonoids, Vit. C). GC–MS analysis reveals the presence of beneficial bioactive compounds like Maltol, 4H-Pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl, 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, Furan-2-carboxaldehude, 5-(1-piperidyly) in the Mango based light beer. The level of Total phenolics and Flavonoids was comparatively high than HBCB. The presence of harmful chemicals includes 1-Pentanol, Silanediol, Urea, Pyridine and dl-Threitol in the HBCB was also observed by GCMS. Due to its high Phenolic and Flavonoid contents, MBLB showed increased antioxidant properties. From this study, it was clear that the MBLB was found to be effective and nutritionally enhanced, in comparison with the HBCB. The higher antioxidant potential of MBLB further supports its nutritional significance.
A field trial with fifty genotypes of lentil was undertaken in Agriculture Farm of the Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati University during two consecutive winters of the year 2017-18 and 2018-19, with an intention to find out the nature of the association between thirteen different plant characters with each other and with yield. A randomized block design was used with three replications. Traits' correlation along with path analysis was studied by focusing on yield as the key output. The study revealed that seed/plant was strong and positively associated with grain yield at the genotypic level. It was also true at the phenotypic level. Direct and indirect effects in path coefficient at genotypic and phenotypic level revealed the effects of various traits on yield either directly or via component traits. In the present experimental study, fourteen character combinations of lentil explained that total variance up to 82.74 per cent at the phenotypic level and 82.23 per cent at the genotypic level.