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Understanding the Significance of Seminars and Workshops in Educational Institutions



In educational institutions of all levels, the primary aim of the educators is to promote student learning, bring about improvements in teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies and lead to up-gradation of the overall system of education. There are organization of seminars and workshops, with the main purpose of achieving these goals. Main focus is put upon imparting information in terms of topic. Furthermore, ideas and viewpoints are conveyed to the individuals that are regarded as worthwhile and suitable in achieving educational goals. Seminars and workshops are organized with the primary aim of imparting information in terms of a particular subject or concept. Furthermore, the students are provided with the opportunities to present their papers and hone communication, presentation and public-speaking skills. These are useful in augmenting knowledge, competencies and abilities among students. The individuals in leadership positions are vested with the authority and responsibility of organizing seminars and workshops. They need to make wise and productive decisions. They need to ensure, these are enriching to the students and the overall system of education. The seminar conveners need to plan the schedule of activities and manage financial, technical, material and information resources in a well-organized manner. Therefore, seminars and workshops have been useful to the students and overall system of education. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of seminars and workshops, factors highlighting the eminence of seminars and workshops and stages to be implemented in organization of seminars and workshops.
Understanding the Significance of Seminars and
Workshops in Educational Institutions
Dr. Radhika Kapur
In educational institutions of all levels, the primary aim of the educators is to promote
student learning, bring about improvements in teaching-learning methods and instructional
strategies and lead to up-gradation of the overall system of education. There are organization
of seminars and workshops, with the main purpose of achieving these goals. Main focus is
put upon imparting information in terms of topic. Furthermore, ideas and viewpoints are
conveyed to the individuals that are regarded as worthwhile and suitable in achieving
educational goals. Seminars and workshops are organized with the primary aim of imparting
information in terms of a particular subject or concept. Furthermore, the students are
provided with the opportunities to present their papers and hone communication, presentation
and public-speaking skills. These are useful in augmenting knowledge, competencies and
abilities among students. The individuals in leadership positions are vested with the authority
and responsibility of organizing seminars and workshops. They need to make wise and
productive decisions. They need to ensure, these are enriching to the students and the overall
system of education. The seminar conveners need to plan the schedule of activities and
manage financial, technical, material and information resources in a well-organized manner.
Therefore, seminars and workshops have been useful to the students and overall system of
education. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are,
understanding the meaning and significance of seminars and workshops, factors highlighting
the eminence of seminars and workshops and stages to be implemented in organization of
seminars and workshops.
Keywords: Education, Educational Institutions, Organizations, Seminars, Student
learning, Workshops, Up-gradation
In educational institutions of all levels, the primary aim of the educators is to promote
student learning and lead to up-gradation of the overall system of education. There are
organization of seminars and workshops, with the main purpose of achieving these goals. The
seminars and workshops, primarily puts emphasis on the framework of concepts, which are to
be imparted. The duration of these may vary. They can be couple of days, one week, two
weeks or a month. These are attended by all the members of the educational institutions. On
the other hand, in higher educational institutions, these are attended by all the members of the
departments. The educators make selection of the topic in terms of which these are organized.
When they form the viewpoint that students need to be imparted with information in terms of
a particular subject or concept, they organize seminars and workshops in terms of that subject
or concept (Hard, 2020). Presentations are speeches that are made to facilitate learning and
understanding in an efficacious manner.
The organization of seminars and workshops takes place on half yearly basis or yearly
basis. The various factors that need to be taken into account in their organization are, grade
levels of students, academic subjects and lesson plans, number of members, educational goals
and the overall system of education. These are useful in augmenting knowledge,
competencies and abilities among students. The individuals in leadership positions are vested
with the authority and responsibility of organizing seminars and workshops. They need to
make wise and productive decisions. They are required to conduct the analysis of the
alternatives, which are to be utilized. The selection is made of the most suitable and
worthwhile alternative. It needs to be ensured, the alternatives are worthwhile and
advantageous in leading to enrichment of seminars and workshops (Workshop, 2022). The
seminar conveners are required to work in collaboration and integration with the other
members in facilitating this task in an efficacious manner. Therefore, it can be stated,
seminars and workshops are worthwhile in promoting student learning and leading to
enhancement of the overall system of education.
Understanding the Meaning and Significance of Seminars and
In educational institutions of all levels, there are various goals and objectives, which
the educators are focused towards achieving. These are, promoting student learning in terms
of academic subjects and lesson plans; enabling them to emerge into moral human beings and
productive citizens of the country; helping them to provide solutions to academic problems;
enabling them to develop motivation towards the implementation of job duties; facilitating in
incurring the feeling of job satisfaction among educators and other staff members;
augmenting knowledge, skills and abilities; utilizing modern, scientific and innovative
methods; honing analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills; implementing
communication processes with members, internal and external to the educational institutions
and leading to enhancement of the overall system of education. When the members are
wholeheartedly determined towards achievement of these goals and objectives, they are
required to organize seminars and workshops. Therefore, it can be stated, individuals are able
to acquire an efficient understanding of the meaning and significance of seminars and
workshops, when these are facilitating in development of capabilities needed in achieving
educational goals.
It is apparently understood that some academic subjects and lesson plans are
complicated. The students are overwhelmed by number of problems and challenges. These
are stressful to them and they aim to provide solutions to them in a satisfactory manner. The
problems and challenging situations usually give rise to impediments within the course of
understanding concepts and achievement of educational goals. When seminars and
workshops are organized in terms of a particular subject or concept, the students are able to
understand the academic concepts better and clear their doubts. As a consequence, they will
do well in their studies and achieve good grades (What is a Seminar? 2022). The students are
given opportunities to make presentations and give speeches. They either write a research
paper or make presentations through Power Point slides. In this manner, they are able to hone
their communication skills and interactive abilities. Therefore, an understanding of the
meaning and significance of seminars and workshops is acquired, when they are useful in
providing answers to the questions and augmenting their learning.
In the organization of seminars and workshops, the seminar conveners give invitations
to other individuals as well. They are heads, directors, educators, researchers, and other staff
members, belonging to other educational institutions and organizations. They make
presentations and give speeches in terms of the subjects and concepts regarding which
seminars and workshops are organized. They utilize various types of reading materials or
give Power Point presentations. They aim to promote learning and clear all the doubts.
Furthermore, the seminar conveners and other staff members interact with them in terms of
various factors related to educational institutions. Through implementing effective
communication processes, they are able to augment their learning in term of modern,
scientific and innovative methods. In addition, information is acquired in terms of ways to
promote enrichment of the overall system of education. After the information is acquired, it
needs to be put into practice in a well-organized and disciplined manner. Therefore, meaning
and significance of seminars and workshops is understood on a comprehensive basis, when it
promotes interaction with the individuals, belonging to other organizations and educational
Factors highlighting the Eminence of Seminars and Workshops
The heads, educators, students and other staff members of the educational institutions
have recognized the meaning and significance of seminars and workshops on a
comprehensive basis. They have formed the viewpoint that these are enriching in promoting
student learning, improving employee morale, achieving educational goals and leading to up-
gradation of the overall system of education. Hence, the members are required to work in
collaboration and integration with each other to make these successful (Importance of
Seminar among Students, n.d.). The research studies have indicated, when these are
organized, the mind-sets of the students get stimulated. They take pleasure in participating in
them and rendering an important contribution in enhancing their career prospects. The honing
of public speaking skills is facilitated. This in turn contributes significantly in enhancing
overall personality traits as well. In educational institutions of all levels, all members,
irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy need to acquire an efficient understanding
of the factors highlighting the eminence of seminars and workshops. These are stated as
Efficacious in promoting Student Learning
It is comprehensively understood that some academic subjects and lesson plans are
complicated. In such cases, the students are overwhelmed by number of problems and
challenges. These are experienced in a major or minor form. The students need to augment
their learning to provide solutions to these in a satisfactory manner. The problems and
challenging situations usually give rise to impediments within the course of understanding
academic subjects and achievement of educational goals. When seminars and workshops are
organized in terms of a particular subject or concept, the students are able to understand the
academic concepts better and clear their doubts. As a consequence, they will do well in their
studies and achieve good grades.
Furthermore, the students are given opportunities to make presentations and give
speeches. They either write a research paper or make presentations through Power Point
slides. In this manner, they are able to develop motivation towards augmenting their learning
and understanding. When the job duties are done well, the students are rewarded with
certificates. This is fundamental in enhancing their career prospects. Therefore, it is
understood in educational institutions of all levels that efficacious in promoting student
learning is regarded as one of the indispensable factors highlighting the eminence of seminars
and workshops.
Useful in obtaining Answers to Questions
In educational institutions of all levels, it is apparently understood that some academic
subjects and lesson plans are difficult to understand. In such cases, the students are
overwhelmed by number of questions. In other words, they are doubtful in terms of various
concepts. These make them feel stressed and develop anxiety in terms of academic learning.
The students aim to obtain answers to their questions in a satisfactory manner. The doubts
give rise to impediments within the course of understanding academic subjects and
achievement of educational goals. When seminars and workshops are organized in terms of a
particular subject or concept, the students are able to understand the academic concepts better
and clear their doubts. As a consequence, they will obtain answers to their questions.
The individuals are provided with the opportunities to present papers and make
speeches. The audience is provided with the opportunities to put forward their questions and
clear their doubts. The communication processes need to take place in a clear manner. In
other words, when the audience is putting forward their questions or are giving any ideas and
suggestions, these need to be clearly understood. The questions should be meaningful. The
individuals should not put forward those questions to which they already know the answers.
The presenters and the audience need to ensure, they treat each other with respect and
courtesy. Therefore, useful in obtaining answers to questions is one of the significant factors
highlighting the eminence of seminars and workshops.
Essential in Augmenting Knowledge, Competencies and Abilities
In seminars and workshops, when students and other members listen to the
presentations and speeches of others, they are able to contribute significantly in augmenting
knowledge, competencies and abilities. It is apparently understood that students are
encouraged to participate in evaluation methods, i.e. class assignments, homework
assignments, tests, exams, competitions, functions and events, hence, in order to do well in
them, they need to put emphasis on augmenting knowledge, competencies and abilities.
The students are overwhelmed by difficulties in terms of various aspects. Academic
learning and pursuance of educational goals is not manageable. Hence, augmenting
knowledge, competencies and abilities will be facilitating in providing solutions to various
problems in an efficient manner. These are stressful and they aim to provide solutions in a
satisfactory manner. The problems and challenging situations usually give rise to
impediments within the course of understanding concepts and achievement of educational
goals. When seminars and workshops are organized in terms of a particular subject or
concept, the students are able to strengthen their knowledge, competencies and abilities. As a
consequence, they will do well in their studies and achieve good grades. Therefore, essential
in augmenting knowledge, competencies and abilities is a noteworthy factor highlighting the
eminence of seminars and workshops.
Worthwhile in Development of Motivation
Within educational institutions of all levels, the educators need to ensure, the
academic activities should be organized in such a manner that would be worthwhile in
development of motivation among students. The educators need to bring about improvements
in their teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies. In the organization of
seminars and workshops, the students are encouraged to participate in various tasks and
activities that would be facilitating in development of motivation. These are, making
presentations and giving speeches; augmenting knowledge, competencies and abilities;
interacting with other individuals, internal and external to the educational institutions;
providing solutions to various types of problems and putting in efforts to one’s best abilities.
The students take pleasure in participating in seminars and workshops. Their
participation is rendering an important contribution in enhancing their career prospects. The
honing of communication, presentation, and public speaking skills is facilitated. This in turn
contributes significantly in enhancing overall personality traits and bringing about
improvements in one’s overall quality of lives. As a consequence, the students develop
motivation towards doing well in their job duties and bringing about improvements in the
overall system of education. Therefore, it is understood to a major extent that worthwhile in
development of motivation is a useful factor highlighting the eminence of seminars and
Leading to Up-gradation of Communication Skills
In the organization of seminars and workshops, the seminar conveners give invitations
to other individuals as well. They are heads, directors, educators, researchers, and other staff
members, belonging to other educational institutions and organizations. They make
presentations and give speeches in terms of the subjects and concepts regarding which
seminars and workshops are organized. They utilize various types of reading materials or
give Power Point presentations. They aspire to hone knowledge, skills and abilities and clear
all the doubts. Furthermore, the seminar conveners and other staff members communicate
with them in terms of various factors related to educational institutions.
Through implementing effective communication processes, they are able to augment
their learning in term of different methods, techniques and approaches. In addition,
information is acquired in terms of strategies that are facilitating in leading to enrichment of
the overall system of education. After the information is acquired, it needs to be put into
practice in a well-ordered and disciplined manner. The students and other staff members also
get to know the other members. The communication processes is facilitated, when any
information is to be generated. Therefore, leading to up-gradation of communication skills is
a meaningful factor highlighting the eminence of seminars and workshops.
Facilitating in honing Presentation Skills
The students are given opportunities to make presentations and give speeches. They
either write a research paper or make presentations through Power Point slides. In this
manner, they are able to contribute significantly in honing presentation skills. As a
consequence of honing these skills, their mind-sets get stimulated towards augmenting their
learning and achievement of educational goals. When the job duties are done well, the
students are rewarded with certificates. This is facilitating in achieving educational goals.
In educational institutions of all levels, there are number of factors that need to be
taken into account by students and other members in honing these skills, i.e. making use of
common language as the audience; speaking clearly and fluently; being well-versed in terms
of subjects and concepts; providing meaningful answers to questions put forward by
audience; maintaining eye contact with audience; honing technical skills; having pleasant
facial expressions; possessing an approachable nature and an amiable attitude; dressing neatly
and presentations need to be made within the time frame. In most cases, the time set is five to
seven minutes for students. Whereas, for heads, educators and other individuals from other
organizations and institutions, the time may be even more than 20 minutes. Therefore,
facilitating in honing presentation skills is a factor highlighting the eminence of seminars and
workshops, which is essential in enhancing career prospects of the individuals.
Leading to Up-gradation of Public Speaking Skills
The students are given opportunities to make presentations and give speeches. They
either write a research paper or make presentations through Power Point slides. Furthermore,
interaction with the individuals, internal and external to the organizations would contribute
significantly in leading to up-gradation of public speaking skills. In this manner, students are
trained that to enhance their career prospects, they need to interact with other individuals and
overcome introversion. As a consequence of honing public speaking skills, their mind-sets
get stimulated towards augmenting their learning and achievement of educational goals.
When the job duties are done well, the students are rewarded with certificates. This is
facilitating in doing well in their studies and meeting the expectations of educators and
In higher educational institutions, meaning and significance of seminars and
workshops is acknowledged on a comprehensive basis. These would contribute efficaciously
in promoting well-being and goodwill of the members and the overall system of education.
The students get prepared for employment opportunities. Whereas, in schools as well, these
have been recognized and individuals work diligently to make them successful. Therefore,
leading to up-gradation of public speaking skills is a factor highlighting the eminence of
seminars and workshops, which is facilitating in preparing the individuals for practical life.
Generating information regarding Modern, Scientific and Innovative Methods
With advancements taking place and with the advent of technologies, it is necessary
to generate information regarding modern, scientific and innovative methods. These methods
would facilitate the implementation of tasks and activities in a less time consuming and
efficient manner. The various types of these methods are, utilization of maps, graphs, charts,
pictures, images, models, designs, structures, tools, machines, devices and various types of
technologies. Acquiring an efficient understanding of the concepts and getting engaged in
regular practice are the essential factors that would be facilitating in the generation of
information regarding these methods. The seminars and workshops are organized with the
main objective of imparting information in terms of these methods. When the educators form
the viewpoint that students need to be imparted with information in terms of these methods,
they organize seminars and workshops.
The presentations and speeches are regarded as indispensable ways that are
facilitating in imparting information in terms of these methods. The students are required to
take down notes to understand the concepts in a well-organized manner. Furthermore, they
are encouraged to put forward their questions to clear their doubts. Hence, the seminars and
workshops are facilitating in augmenting knowledge, skills and aptitude. Therefore,
generating information regarding modern, scientific and innovative methods is a factor
highlighting the eminence of seminars and workshops, which has been useful to a major
Facilitating in achievement of Educational Goals
In educational institutions of all levels, organization of seminars and workshops are
facilitating in achievement of educational goals. The goals are manageable as well as
complicated to achieve. All the members of the educational institutions need to be
informative in terms of measures and approaches to achieve these goals. It is apparently
understood that job duties and responsibilities cannot be put into operation in seclusion.
Hence, the members need to work in co-ordination with each other. In this manner, they
augment knowledge in terms of various subjects, exchange ideas and viewpoints and
overcome impediments.
The organization of seminars and workshops is regarded as one of the indispensable
approaches that renders an important contribution in preparing the members to achieve
educational goals (Customer Workshops, 2019). When the members are wholeheartedly
determined towards achievement of educational goals, they are required to organize seminars
and workshops. Hence, it can be stated, individuals are able to acknowledge the meaning and
significance of seminars and workshops, when they are facilitating in development of
abilities needed in achieving educational goals. Therefore, facilitating in achievement of
educational goals is a factor highlighting the eminence of seminars and workshops, which is
recognized by all the members throughout the implementation of their job duties.
Useful in leading to Enhancement of overall System of Education
Organization of seminars and workshops are useful in leading to up-gradation of the
overall system of education. There are number of aspects that highlight this factor, i.e.
individuals are able to hone communication skills and interactive abilities; augment
presentation and public speaking skills; augment competencies, abilities and aptitude;
generate information regarding modern, scientific and innovative methods; generate
awareness in terms of educational goals; develop contacts with members, internal and
external to the educational institutions; clear doubts; develop motivation towards the
implementation of tasks and activities; form positive viewpoints in terms of various aspects
of educational institutions; recognize the meaning and significance of time management skills
and form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with others. When these aspects are
acknowledged, individuals are able to contribute significantly in leading to up-gradation of
the overall system of education.
In order to carry out this task, the individuals need to be knowledgeable. They need to
possess efficient knowledge in terms of methods, approaches, strategies and procedures.
Furthermore, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to inculcate the traits of morality,
ethics, diligence and conscientiousness. These traits are the key to make seminars and
workshops successful, achieve educational goals and promote well-being and goodwill of the
members and the overall educational institutions. Therefore, useful in leading to enhancement
of overall system of education is a factor highlighting the eminence of seminars and
workshops, which needs to be acknowledged by all the members, irrespective of their job
positions in the hierarchy of the educational institutions.
Stages to be implemented in Organization of Seminars and
The individuals in leadership positions are vested with the authority and responsibility
of organizing seminars and workshops. They need to be informative in terms of methods and
strategies that are required to carry out this task. They are required to put into practice the
stages in an adequate manner. The selection is made of the most suitable and worthwhile
measures to make the job duties successful. It needs to be ensured, the measures are
worthwhile and advantageous in leading to enrichment of seminars and workshops. The
seminar conveners are required to work in collaboration and integration with the other
members in facilitating this task in an efficacious manner. The reason being, it is of utmost
significance to generate ideas. When seminar conveners are occupied with their busy
schedules, they usually assign job duties and responsibilities to their assistants and other staff
members. Stages to be implemented in organization of seminars and workshops are, planning
dates and venue; making prospectus and schedule of tasks and activities; sending invitations
to all individuals; assignment of job duties to individuals and planning refreshments. These
are stated as follows:
Planning Dates and Venue
Planning dates and venue is the first stage to be implemented in organization of
seminars and workshops. The seminars and workshops, primarily are organized with the main
objective of augmenting knowledge, competencies and abilities. In other words, these put
emphasis on the framework of concepts, which are to be imparted to the members. The
duration of these may vary. These can be couple of days, one week, two weeks or a month.
When dates are to be planned, one of the important aspects that needs to be taken into
account by the educators is, these are useful in the achievement of desired goals. On the other
hand, the venue should be adequately planned. It may be located at a distance, but individuals
should be aware of it. In higher educational institutions, these are normally organized within
the university area. Whereas, in schools, these are organized within the schools.
Making Prospectus and Schedule of Tasks and Activities
The seminar conveners are required to make the prospectus with all the information in
terms of seminars and workshops. It is the second stage to be implemented in organization of
seminars and workshops. The prospectus contains the schedule of tasks and activities. For
example, the seminars and workshops begin at 9:30 am in the morning. The seminar
conveners make an opening statement. In between there are tea breaks and a lunch break. The
individuals, who are invited from other organizations or educational institutions are allotted
specific time to make presentations. In between, the students are also given time to make
their presentations. These usually end at 5:30 pm. The prospectus is given to all the
individuals, who attend seminars and workshops. Furthermore, it also contains the articles
and research papers, related to the topic in terms of which these are organized. The
individuals work diligently and conscientiously to make the prospectus informative.
Sending Invitations to all Individuals
The seminars and workshops can be successful, when there are number of individuals
attending them. Sending invitations to all individuals is the third stage to be implemented in
organization of seminars and workshops. In the implementation of this task, the seminar
conveners are required to give invitations to other individuals. The individuals are members
of the educational institutions or departments, i.e. heads, students and other staff members.
Furthermore, heads, directors, educators, researchers, and other staff members, belonging to
other educational institutions and organizations are also invited. The members of the
educational institutions or departments are communicated face to face as well in terms of
seminars and workshops. In the present existence, with advent of technologies, invitations are
given through sending messages and emails. These are faster and make provision of
information in a clear manner. In some cases, phone calls are also made to the individuals.
The main objective of phone calls is to remind the individuals.
Assignment of Job Duties to Individuals
Assignment of job duties to individuals is the fourth stage to be implemented in
organization of seminars and workshops. The seminar conveners are required to work in
collaboration and integration with the other members in facilitating this task in an efficacious
manner. Teamwork is to be encouraged in putting into operation all tasks and activities in a
well-organized manner. The job duties get divided among the members in accordance to their
competencies and abilities. For example, students, who possess good communication and
presentation skills are assigned the job duties of anchor. They convey to the audience in terms
of tasks and the individuals, who are invited to give speeches or make presentations. In other
words, their primary job duty is to make provision of clear information to the audience. On
the other hand, other members are involved in other tasks, such as, planning dates, venue,
refreshments and so forth. All the members need to possess adequate information in terms of
ways to do well in their job duties and generate the desired outcomes.
Planning Refreshments
Planning refreshments is the fifth stage to be implemented in organization of seminars
and workshops. The seminar conveners are required to put emphasis on this aspect in an
adequate manner. Within the course of implementation of seminars and workshops, there are
normally three breaks. The tea break is at 10:30 am, lunch break is at 2:00 pm and another tea
break is at 5:30 pm. The refreshments need to be planned in a well-organized manner. The
food items make provision of the necessary energy as well as stimulate the mind-sets of the
individuals towards the implementation of job duties in a satisfactory manner. There are
number of factors that need be taken into account in the planning of refreshments. These are,
it needs to be ensured, the food is vegetarian, it is prepared in a clean hygienic environment,
proper ingredients are used and the individuals should feel pleasurable and enjoy the food.
The seminar conveners contact with the caterers and plan the menu. The ideas and
suggestions are normally taken by the other members of the educational institutions or
departments in terms of food items.
In educational institutions of all levels, organization of seminars and workshops are
useful in promoting student learning and leading to up-gradation of the overall system of
education. Factors highlighting the eminence of seminars and workshops are, efficacious in
promoting student learning, useful in obtaining answers to questions, essential in augmenting
knowledge, competencies and abilities, worthwhile in development of motivation, leading to
up-gradation of communication skills, facilitating in honing presentation skills, leading to up-
gradation of public speaking skills, generating information regarding modern, scientific and
innovative methods, facilitating in achievement of educational goals and useful in leading to
enhancement of overall system of education. Stages to be implemented in organization of
seminars and workshops are, planning dates and venue; making prospectus and schedule of
tasks and activities; sending invitations to all individuals; assignment of job duties to
individuals and planning refreshments. Finally, it can be stated, seminars and workshops are
prominent in educational institutions of all levels.
Customer Workshops. (2019). Retrieved June 13, 2022 from
Hard, R. (2020). What is a Seminar? Retrieved June 13, 2022 from
Importance of Seminar among Students. (n.d.). Retrieved June 13, 2022
What is a Seminar? (2022). Retrieved June 13, 2022 from
Workshop. (2022). Retrieved June 13, 2022 from
... "Communicating with my subordinates and students using online flat form seems to be difficult due to low internet connection (Interview with Department head, Pos. [18][19][20][21][22] Observed Challenges of Teachers: The department head recognizes the challenges faced by teachers such as poor internet connectivity, inefficient procurement process, lack of reference textbooks, and lack of school supply materials. ...
... Higher education lecturers can adapt the model to address the challenges they are encountering in their classes and see how these model could be further improved looking on factors like trainings and seminars, capacity buildings, and update of new technology in a digitalized environment. Kapur (2022) cited, seminars and workshops have benefited students and the educational system as a whole [18]. ...
... Higher education lecturers can adapt the model to address the challenges they are encountering in their classes and see how these model could be further improved looking on factors like trainings and seminars, capacity buildings, and update of new technology in a digitalized environment. Kapur (2022) cited, seminars and workshops have benefited students and the educational system as a whole [18]. ...
... "Communicating with my subordinates and students using online flat form seems to be difficult due to low internet connection (Interview with Department head, Pos. [18][19][20][21][22] Observed Challenges of Teachers: The department head recognizes the challenges faced by teachers such as poor internet connectivity, inefficient procurement process, lack of reference textbooks, and lack of school supply materials. ...
... Higher education lecturers can adapt the model to address the challenges they are encountering in their classes and see how these model could be further improved looking on factors like trainings and seminars, capacity buildings, and update of new technology in a digitalized environment. Kapur (2022) cited, seminars and workshops have benefited students and the educational system as a whole [18]. ...
... Higher education lecturers can adapt the model to address the challenges they are encountering in their classes and see how these model could be further improved looking on factors like trainings and seminars, capacity buildings, and update of new technology in a digitalized environment. Kapur (2022) cited, seminars and workshops have benefited students and the educational system as a whole [18]. ...
... "Communicating with my subordinates and students using online flat form seems to be difficult due to low internet connection (Interview with Department head, Pos. [18][19][20][21][22] Observed Challenges of Teachers: The department head recognizes the challenges faced by teachers such as poor internet connectivity, inefficient procurement process, lack of reference textbooks, and lack of school supply materials. ...
... Higher education lecturers can adapt the model to address the challenges they are encountering in their classes and see how these model could be further improved looking on factors like trainings and seminars, capacity buildings, and update of new technology in a digitalized environment. Kapur (2022) cited, seminars and workshops have benefited students and the educational system as a whole [18]. ...
... Higher education lecturers can adapt the model to address the challenges they are encountering in their classes and see how these model could be further improved looking on factors like trainings and seminars, capacity buildings, and update of new technology in a digitalized environment. Kapur (2022) cited, seminars and workshops have benefited students and the educational system as a whole [18]. ...
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Technology management is more important than ever due to the quick development of technology across all fields of specialization. The study is grounded on the challenges faced by lecturers and students of the engineering department and highlighted the mechanisms used in finding the solutions. The study made use of a qualitative research design to gather in-depth insights about the problem and generate new ideas for research. The respondents of the study include the department head and lecturers of the department. The study used maxQDA software in the analysis of responses to develop a model based on the existing practices of an engineering division. This model includes mechanisms to address the technological challenges like regular meetings and collaborative meetings with teachers and students. These practices address the technological challenges on management, teaching, and learning. The school must embody key characteristics to face all challenges and must start with collaboration among the teachers and students before extruding to collaboration with external stakeholders like alumni and local government units. This study further showed the effect of poor internet connectivity, thus school administrators should look into the need providing internet connection in the campus for teachers needs in providing effective instructions. The results further showed the challenge in adapting new technologies like software and online platform intended for learning of students. The head of the division must be supportive of the teaching needs of the staff which results in good relations and collaboration of subordinates and students. Lastly, lecturers must be compassionate to teaching to address the learning needs of students and consider methods like video clips, tutorial sessions, and consultation.
... Considering the fact that teachers are aware of the significance of providing their learners accurate information about what they teach, they enrich themselves by attending seminars and trainings at different levels. Kapur (2022) stressed in his study that Seminars and workshops are organized with the primary aim of imparting information in terms of a particular subject or concept. Furthermore, the students are provided with the opportunities to present their papers and hone communication, presentation and public-speaking skills. ...
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The study assessed the implementation of Special Mathematics Education (SME) at Narvacan National Central High School, focusing on teacher profiles, policy, instructional materials, and performance, identifying challenges and relationships among variables. The study utilized a mixed method and explanatory sequential research design, involving 15 teachers and 128 learners, and collected data through a survey questionnaire and one-on-one interviews, analyzing frequency, percentage, mean, and correlation. The study found that most respondents were female mathematics teachers aged 26-30, with a master's degree and school-based training. Most students received outstanding grades for the 2022-2023 school year. The Special Mathematics Education curriculum was highly implemented, and teachers' profiles showed a significant relationship with instructional materials and learners' performance. Solutions included technology integration, Open Education Resources, active learning techniques, and personalized learning plans. Teachers should pursue postgraduate education, enhance student performance through materials, sustain special mathematics education, enrich their knowledge through LAC sessions, seminars, and trainings, identify and solve teaching problems, and continue to provide meaningful and productive activities for learners, ensuring outstanding performance and continuous improvement.
... In this case participatory approach is widely used by the institutions55 . This chapter discusses the various ways of engaging the research community56 . This includes the process and importance of arranging an annual international seminar, Quarterly Seminar, Workshop on skill development, Guest Lecture as an addition to the regular class room teaching, and Research Fair showcasing innovation and ideas in terms of projects and models. ...
Technical Report
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Bangladesh's higher education system requires significant improvements to meet local and global demand. One of the significant challenges confronting Bangladesh's tertiary education system is "quality of teaching and research conditions." Improving quality was also identified as a key cross-cutting strategic goal of Bangladesh Higher Education reform frameworks. As a Higher education institution, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh hastaken a timely initiative to produce a roadmap. The research project highlights the strategies to become a top tier institution of higher study. It identifies the first step to the roadmap is the accreditation of the programs to ensure quality and worldwide acceptance. The second task is to create research culture through collaborative initiatives among academicians and students such as training and workshops. This Institutional Annual Research Initiative (IARI) will assist Higher Education Institutions such as BSMRMU and its academics in preparing and publishing world-class research papers in prestigious journals. Through research and scholarly activities, the institution will not only demonstrate its strong commitment to research activities. Still, it will also assist institutions in raising their profile and increasing their chances of being included in the QS University Ranking system.
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