
Existence and uniqueness of measures of maximal entropy for partially hyperbolic endomorphisms

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We prove the existence of equilibrium states for partially hyperbolic endomorphisms with one-dimensional center bundle. We also prove, regarding a class of potentials, the uniqueness of such measures for endomorphisms defined on the 2-torus that: have a linear model as a factor; and with the condition that this measure gives zero weight to the set where the conjugacy with the linear model fails to be invertible. In particular, we obtain the uniqueness of the measure of maximal entropy. For the n-torus, the uniqueness in the case with one-dimensional center holds for absolutely partially hyperbolic maps with additional hypotheses on the invariant leaves, namely, dynamical coherence and quasi-isometry.

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In this work, we deal with a notion of partially hyperbolic endomorphism. We explore topological properties of this definition and we obtain, among other results, obstructions to get center leaf conjugacy with the linear part, for a class of partially hyperbolic endomorphism C ¹ -sufficiently close to a hyperbolic linear endomorphism. Indeed such obstructions are related to the number of center directions of a point. We provide examples illustrating these obstructions. We show that for a manifold M with dimension n ⩾ 3, admitting a non-invertible partially hyperbolic endomorphisms, there is a C ¹ open and dense subset U of all partially hyperbolic endomorphisms with degree d ⩾ n , such that any f ∈ U is neither c nor u special.
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In this paper we study the number of ergodic measures of maximal entropy for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms defined on 3-torus with compact center leaves. Assuming the existence of a periodic leaf with Morse–Smale dynamics we prove a sharp upper bound for the number of maximal measures in terms of the number of sources and sinks of Morse–Smale dynamics. A well-known class of examples for which our results apply are the so called Kan-type diffeomorphisms admitting physical measures with intermingled basins.
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In 1994, Kan provided the first example of maps with intermingled basins. The Kan example corresponds to a partially hyperbolic endomorphism defined on a surface, with the boundary exhibiting two intermingled hyperbolic physical measures. Both measures are supported on the boundary, and they also maximize the topological entropy. In this work, we prove the existence of a third hyperbolic measure supported in the interior of the cylinder that maximizes the entropy. We also prove this statement for a larger class of invariant measures of large class maps including perturbations of the Kan example.
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We show that a class of robustly transitive diffeomorphisms originally described by Mañé are intrinsically ergodic. More precisely, we obtain an open set of diffeomorphisms which fail to be uniformly hyperbolic and structurally stable, but nevertheless have the following stability with respect to their entropy. Their topological entropy is constant and they each have a unique measure of maximal entropy with respect to which periodic orbits are equidistributed. Moreover, equipped with their respective measure of maximal entropy, these diffeomorphisms are pairwise isomorphic. We show that the method applies to several classes of systems which are similarly derived from Anosov, i.e. produced by an isotopy from an Anosov system, namely, a mixed Mañé example and one obtained through a Hopf bifurcation.
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If the stable, center, and unstable foliations of a partially hyperbolic system are quasi-isometric, the system has Global Product Structure. This result also applies to Anosov systems and to other invariant splittings. If a partially hyperbolic system on a manifold with abelian fundamental group has quasi-isometric stable and unstable foliations, the center foliation is without holonomy. If, further, the system has Global Product Structure, then all center leaves are homeomorphic.
Let f : X → X f:X \to X be a uniformly continuous map of a metric space. f is called h -expansive if there is an ε > 0 \varepsilon > 0 so that the set Φ ε ( x ) = { y : d ( f n ( x ) , f n ( y ) ) ≦ ε {\Phi _\varepsilon }(x) = \{ y:d({f^n}(x),{f^n}(y)) \leqq \varepsilon for all n ≧ 0 n \geqq 0 } has zero topological entropy for each x ∈ X x \in X . For X compact, the topological entropy of such an f is equal to its estimate using ε : h ( f ) = h ( f , ε ) \varepsilon :h(f) = h(f,\varepsilon ) . If X is compact finite dimensional and μ \mu an invariant Borel measure, then h μ ( f ) = h μ ( f , A ) {h_\mu }(f) = {h_\mu }(f,A) for any finite measurable partition A of X into sets of diameter at most ε \varepsilon . A number of examples are given. No diffeomorphism of a compact manifold is known to be not h -expansive.
We consider zero-noise limits of random perturbations of dynamical systems and examine, in terms of the continuity of entropy and Lyapunov exponents, circumstances under which these limits are Sinai–Ruelle–Bowen (SRB) measures. The ideas of this general discussion are then applied to specific classes of attractors. We prove, for example, that partially hyperbolic attractors with one-dimensional center subbundles always admit SRB measures.
A partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism is dynamically coherent if its center, center-stable and center-unstable invariant distributions are integrable, i.e. tangent to foliations. Dynamical coherence is a key assumption in the theory of stable ergodicity. The main result: a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism f\colon M\to M is dynamically coherent if the strong stable and unstable foliations are quasi-isometric in the universal cover \widetilde{M}, i.e. for any two points in the same leaf, the distance between them in \widetilde{M} is bounded from below by a linear function of the distance along the leaf.
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Trasnversal 54 Nº 30-72, Cartagena de Indias 130001
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