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How do first-grade students recognize patterns? An eye-tracking study


Abstract and Figures

Recognizing patterns is an important skill in early mathematics learning. Yet only few studies have investigated how first-grade students recognize patterns. These studies mainly analyzed students’ expressions and drawings in individual interviews. The study presented in this paper used eye tracking in order to explore the processes of 22 first-grade students while they were trying to recognize repeating patterns. In our study, we used numerical and color pattern tasks with three different repeating patterns (i.e., repeating unit is AB, ABC, or AABB). For each repeating pattern task, students were asked to say the following object of the given pattern. For these patterns, we identified four different processes in recognizing repeating patterns. In addition, we report differences in the observed processes between the patterns used in the tasks.
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2022. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, A. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.). Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, pp. 5966). PME.
Lukas Baumanns1, Demetra Pitta-Pantazi2, Eleni Demosthenous2,
Constantinos Christou2, Achim J. Lilienthal3, Maike Schindler1
1University of Cologne, 2University of Cyprus, 3Örebro University
Recognizing patterns is an important skill in early mathematics learning. Yet only few
studies have investigated how first-grade students recognize patterns. These studies
mainly analyzed students’ expressions and drawings in individual interviews. The
study presented in this paper used eye tracking in order to explore the processes of 22
first-grade students while they were trying to recognize repeating patterns. In our
study, we used numerical and color pattern tasks with three different repeating patterns
(i.e., repeating unit is AB, ABC, or AABB). For each repeating pattern task, students
were asked to say the following object of the given pattern. For these patterns, we
identified four different processes in recognizing repeating patterns. In addition, we
report differences in the observed processes between the patterns used in the tasks.
Mathematics can be described as the science of patterns (Steen, 1988). In early
mathematical learning, patterns play a decisive role in the development of algebraic
thinking (Carraher & Schliemann, 2007; Clemens & Sarama, 2007). Being aware of
patterns provides primary students with a mindset that is useful in the later study of
algebra (Schoenfeld, 2007). In addition, pattern recognition is a central content of
mathematics education in primary school (NCTM, 2000), which makes it a significant
topic for mathematics education.
Yet, pattern recognition poses challenges to many students. For example, Clarke et al.
(2006) found that for repeating patterns (e.g., ABABAB) first graders are successful in
recognizing and extending them in only 31% of the tasks. This calls for support of
young children in their ability to recognize patterns. For being able to foster children’s
pattern-recognition ability, it is crucial to investigate and understand their pattern-
recognition processes (Lüken, 2018; Papic et al., 2011). Empirical studies mostly
explore pattern-recognition processes based on children’s expressions and drawings.
The present pilot study in the context of the Erasmus+ project DIDUNAS investigates
students’ pattern-recognition processes using eye tracking, the recording of eye
movements. Eye tracking has shown to be useful for investigating processes of children
on early primary level before (Schindler et al., 2020; Sprenger & Benz, 2020). Our
study uses eye movement video analysis to explore pattern-recognition processes.
In this pilot study, the aim is to investigate (1) what processes first-graders use in
recognizing patterns and (2) whether there are differences in students’ use of pattern-
recognition processes between different kinds of patterns.
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Pattern recognition in early mathematics learning
One goal of early mathematical learning is the development of algebraic thinking
(NCTM, 2000). Algebraic thinking in early grades includes noticing structures (Kieran,
2004). Fostering students in their ability to notice structures and recognize patterns can
therefore contribute to their development of algebraic thinking. (Carraher &
Schliemann, 2007). In the first grades of primary school, repeating patterns can be used
to foster students’ ability to recognize patterns (Clemens & Sarama, 2007). Repeating
patterns refer to patterns that have one unit (e.g., AB) that repeats multiple times
(ABABAB). Patterns differ from each other if the repeating unit is of different length
or the elements of a repeating unit are arranged differently. For example, pattern
ABABAB is different from pattern ABCABCABC, or pattern AABCAABC is
different from ABACABAC.
For pattern recognition, it is of particular importance to recognize the recurring unit of
a pattern (Papic et al., 2011). The repeating unit can be represented, for example,
symbolically (e.g., AB), numerically (e.g., 2 5), or by colors (e.g., ●). The present
study uses numerical and color patterns. Common pattern tasks for preschoolers and
first graders consist of identifying and extending given repeating patterns (Rittle-
Johnson et al., 2015). For example, students are given a color pattern (e.g.,
) and asked to say what color the next dot should be. In this paper, student
approaches to extend repeating patterns, which are anticipated to entail identification
of the repeating unit, are referred to as pattern-recognition processes.
Research on pattern recognition at the beginning of primary school
Some studies investigate the abilities of preschoolers or first graders in the context of
repeating or growing patterns. Clarke et al. (2006) found that 76% of the students at
the beginning of first grade can copy a repeating pattern, but only 31% can extend it.
Rittle-Johnson et al. (2015) found similar results in a study with 64 four-year-old
preschoolers. Further studies have used children’s expressions and drawings in
individual interviews to investigate processes of preschoolers and first graders in
recognizing patterns (Lüken, 2018, Papic et al., 2011). For example, Lüken (2018)
found that three- to five-year-old children use a process of comparison to compare the
beginning of the repeating pattern with the part that has to be extended. Lüken also
found that the repeating unit was identified and used by the students. Papic et al. (2011)
identified similar pattern-recognition processes.
In this study, we were interested in pattern-recognition processes of first-grade
students. In contrast to previous studies on this topic, we use eye tracking videos (not
student utterances or drawings) to explore student pattern-recognition processes, since
eye tracking has proven itself valuable to identify student processes in mathematics
(e.g., Schindler et al., 2019, 2020). We ask the following research questions.
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1. What processes do first-grade students use in recognizing repeating patterns?
2. Are there differences in students’ use of pattern-recognition processes
between different kinds of repeating patterns?
Participants, procedure, and tasks
The study was conducted with 22 first-grade students (age: M = 6.80 years; SD = 0.24
years) from a primary school in Cyprus. Fourteen (~63.6%) of the students had Greek
as their mother tongue, the others Arabic (n=7, ~31.8%) and Bulgarian (n=1, ~4.5%).
In addition to the eye-tracking study (see below), we conducted the standardized
mathematics test ZAREKI-K for assessing students’ mathematical performance level
at the transition from kindergarten to primary school (von Aster et al., 2009). We used
the adapted version by Walter (2020). The test indicates that twelve of the 22 students
(~54.5%) are not at risk for developing math difficulties, but ten are at risk. Thus, the
sample has a good spectrum in terms of performance levels.
In the main part of the study, the students worked individually on eight pattern tasks
on a computer screen (see Figure 1). Each task consisted of at least three repetitions of
a unit followed by a white blob. The students were asked to name the number or color
of the object that was hidden behind the white blob (e.g., 1, yellow). Before the first
numerical and the first color pattern task, the students worked on a sample task, to
ensure that the students understood the task correctly. The following three repeating
units were used in the pattern tasks: (1) AB (four tasks), (2) ABC (two tasks), and (3)
AABB (two tasks). The students answered by saying aloud the number or color they
thought was behind the white blob. The students did not receive feedback and incorrect
answers were not corrected. Four tasks had numerical repeating units in form of digits
(e.g., 4 1), four in the form of colored dots (e.g., ●).
Figure 1: Numerical and color repeating pattern tasks used in the study.
Eye tracking
Students’ eye movements were recorded with the screen-based eye tracker Tobii Pro
X3-120 (infrared, binocular), with a sampling rate of 120 Hz. The tasks were presented
on a 24” monitor. The students’ heads were about 6065 cm away from the monitor.
The eye-tracking data showed an average accuracy of 1.37°, which corresponded to an
error of about 1.441.55 cm on the screen at a head distance of 6065 cm. The centers
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of the digits and dots in our tasks were on average 4.16 cm apart from one another on
the display on the monitor (3.25.5 cm), which means that the eye-tracking accuracy
was sufficient to reliably determine what element the students looked at.
Analysis of eye-tracking data
Raw gaze-overlaid videos provided by Tobii Pro Lab software were used to analyze
students’ pattern recognition processes. In addition, notes were taken during the data
collection describing student actions (e.g., when students pointed to the monitor).
Although pattern-recognition processes have already been elaborated in research, an
inductive approach was chosen for this study. We performed a qualitative content
analysis through a data-driven inductive category development (Mayring, 2000),
similar to Schindler et al. (2019, 2020), in four stages: Stage one: A randomly selected
half of the gaze-overlaid videos were viewed and for each video, the gazes were
described. Stage two: Similar descriptions of the gaze-overlaid videos were subsumed
into one category, while categories in this study refer to pattern-recognition processes.
A first general description of the respective pattern-recognition process was
formulated. Stage three: The second half of the gaze-overlaid videos were viewed and
coded using the pattern-recognition processes elaborated in stage two. During this
coding, existing descriptions of pattern-recognition processes were revised and
specified, and new processes were added when existing processes did not seem suitable
for describing the gaze-overlaid videos. Stage four: Finally, with the complete category
system, the first half of the gaze-overlaid videos were re-coded to check the fit of the
revised process descriptions and to assess the emergence.
All gaze-overlaid videos were coded by the first author. 22.7% of the videos were
analyzed independently by the last author. The interrater agreement was calculated
using Cohen’s Kappa (Cohen, 1960). With κ = 0.87, the inter-rater agreement is almost
perfect (Landis & Koch, 1977).
Statistical analysis
To determine differences between the pattern-recognition processes and the different
patterns, a two-tailed FisherFreemanHalton exact test for r×c contingency tables
was performed (Freeman & Halton, 1951) using SPSS 28. This test is an extension of
chi-square test and is especially suited for small sample sizes for which the chi-square
approximation does not hold (Fagerland et al. 2017). For this analysis, we have
grouped the different patterns according to their structure (see Figure 1). For example,
the pattern tasks with repeating unit 4 1 and ● in Figure 1 fall into group AB.
Pattern-recognizing processes
In the following, we describe the pattern-recognition processes found through the
analysis of gaze-overlaid videos of the first-grade students. We use gaze plots to
visualize the processes for this paper, even though the analysis was based on the videos.
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Figure 2 shows idealized gazeplots of these processes as illustrations. These idealized
gazeplots are not actual gazeplots of children, but idealized illustrations for the
identified processes.
(1) Identifying one repeating unit of the pattern
The gazes go to one repeating unit (sometimes multiple times)mostly the repeating
unit before the white blob. The gazes partially also touch one dot/number before the
repeating unit.
(2) Identifying one repeating unit and validating/applying it
(a) Identifying and validation: The gazes go to the repeating unit before the blob
(sometimes multiple times) and then go to another repeating unit in the pattern
(sometimes multiple times). Afterwards, the pattern is extended by continuing the
repeating unit before the blob.
(b) Identifying and application: The gazes go over a repeating unit in the beginning or
the middle of the pattern (sometimes multiple times). Afterwards, the pattern is
extended by continuing the repeating unit before the blob.
(3) Looking at each element
The gazes go to each dot/number of the pattern individually usually from left to right
(sometimes multiple times). Up to three dots/numbers are skipped from the beginning.
(4) Unsystematic jumping over the pattern
The gazes jump fast over the pattern. Often the blob is not looked at. There is no
systematic process recognizable.
Figure 2: Idealized gazeplots of the pattern-recognition processes with numbers
indicating the order in which the students looked at each dot.
Differences in pattern-recognition processes between different patterns
To determine differences between the identified pattern-recognition processes (see
Figure 2) and the different kinds of patterns (see Figure 1), FisherFreemanHalton
exact test for r×c contingency tables was performed (see Table 1). The test revealed
that the pattern-recognition processes used by the students differed significantly
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between the three kinds of patterns (p = 0.031). Cramér’s V = .20 indicates a moderate
relationship between the kind of pattern and pattern-recognition processes.
Pattern-recognition process
Table 1: Observed number of pattern-recognition processes for the different patterns.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the pattern-recognition processes over the three
kinds of pattern tasks based on the absolute values in Table 1. Figure 3 illustrates that
for patterns of kind AB, students used process (1) identifying one repeating unit, the
most with 42.68%. Process (2) identifying one repeating unit and validating it, and (3)
looking at each element, were equally distributed in the pattern tasks with the repeating
unit AB. Process (4) unsystematic jumping over the pattern, in contrast, did not occur.
In the pattern tasks with repeating unit ABC, process (2) was identified most often with
55%. The other processes occurred less often. Processes (3) and (4) together were
identified only half as often as process (1). For patterns of kind AABB, processes (1)
and (2) were identified with almost equal frequency, 37.5% and 40%, respectively.
Processes (3) and (4) were identified slightly more often than in patterns of kind ABC.
Category (4) appeared exclusively together with wrong answers.
Figure 3: Distribution of pattern-recognition processes over the kinds of patterns.
This pilot study aimed to investigate what processes first-grade students use in
recognizing repeating patterns and whether there are differences in students’ use of
pattern-recognition processes between different kinds of repeating patterns. The study
was conducted with 22 first-grade students and eight repeating pattern tasks in which
students were to name the number or color of the next object of a given pattern. The
results of our study show that the first-grade students used four different pattern-
recognition processes in numerical and color repeating pattern tasks: (1) Identifying
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one repeating unit of the pattern, (2) identifying one repeating unit and
validating/applying it, (3) looking at each element, and (4) unsystematic jumping over
the pattern. Our results connect to some of the pattern-recognition processes identified
in previous studies (Lüken, 2018; Papic et al., 2011) and extend them. Furthermore,
we found that these processes were used differently between different kinds of patterns
(see Figure 3).
These results should be interpreted considering the following limitations: With 22
students, a relatively small sample was available. It cannot be discounted that with a
larger sample, additional pattern-recognition processes could be identified. Also, in
future studies, more than eight pattern tasks should and will be conducted. In particular,
other patterns than those used in this pilot study (i.e., AB, ABC, AABB) need to be
investigated (e.g., AAB, AABC, ABAC).
The results of this study hinted at the value of using eye tracking to explore students’
pattern-recognition processes. With regard to the overall purpose of supporting
children in pattern recognition processes, the study has shown that eye tracking can
inform about student strategies and that these insights can help to support students
adaptively and individually in developing further their pattern-recognition processes.
In line with this, one aim of the DIDUNAS project is to develop teacher materials that
serve to support students, for example, in pattern recognition. The results of this pilot
study provide initial insights for the development of such teacher materials.
This project has received funding by the Erasmus+ grant program of the European
Union under grant agreement No 2020-1-DE03-KA201-077597.
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... To be able to foster children's pattern-recognition ability, it is crucial to investigate and understand their pattern-recognition processes early on (Baumanns et al., 2022;Lüken, 2018;Lüken & Sauzet, 2021;Papic et al., 2011). However, little insight exists today into how children's pattern-recognition processes differ among patterns with different units of repeat (i.e. ...
... Information Note that the data in this paper have been presented previously in a conference paper (Baumanns et al., 2022), which is also referred to in this paper. The analyses in this paper significantly extend the analyses of Baumanns et al. (2022) in the following way. ...
... Information Note that the data in this paper have been presented previously in a conference paper (Baumanns et al., 2022), which is also referred to in this paper. The analyses in this paper significantly extend the analyses of Baumanns et al. (2022) in the following way. Regarding research question 1, the results are more differentiated and the descriptions of the pattern-recognition processes are more detailed. ...
Full-text available
Recognizing patterns is an essential skill in early mathematics education. However, first graders often have difficulties with tasks such as extending patterns of the form ABCABC. Studies show that this pattern-recognition ability is a good predictor of later pre-algebraic skills and mathematical achievement in general, or the development of mathematical difficulties on the other hand. To be able to foster children’s pattern-recognition ability, it is crucial to investigate and understand their pattern-recognition processes early on. However, only a few studies have investigated the processes used to recognize patterns and how these processes are adapted to different patterns. These studies used external observations or relied on children’s self-reports, yet young students often lack the ability to properly report their strategies. This paper presents the results of an empirical study using eye-tracking technology to investigate the pattern-recognition processes of 22 first-grade students. In particular, we investigated students with and without the risk of developing mathematical difficulties. The analyses of the students’ eye movements reveal that the students used four different processes to recognize patterns—a finding that refines knowledge about pattern-recognition processes from previous research. In addition, we found that for patterns with different units of repeat (i.e. ABABAB versus ABCABCABC), the pattern-recognition processes used differed significantly for students at risk of developing mathematical difficulties but not for students without such risk. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the pattern-recognition processes of first-grade students, laying the foundation for enhanced, targeted support, especially for students at risk of developing mathematical difficulties.
... This includes, for example, the ability to expand repeating patterns such as • • • • • • • •. While there is research on strategies first graders use in extending such repeating-pattern tasks (Baumanns et al., 2022;Lüken & Sauzet, 2021;Papic et al., 2011), there is lack of research on whether first graders show adaptive strategy use and whether students with and without risk of developing mathematical difficulties differ in adaptive strategy use in solving repeating-pattern tasks. ...
... The aim of this study is to investigate whether first graders show adaptive strategy use and whether students with and without risk of developing mathematical difficulties differ in adaptive strategy use. To analyze the pattern-recognition strategies, we use eye-tracking which has been shown to be useful for investigating pattern-recognition strategies of children at early primary level (Baumanns et al., 2022). ...
... They also use more sophisticated strategies as they get older. Baumanns et al. (2022) identified four pattern-recognition strategies using eye-tracking and found that the use of these four strategies differs significantly between patterns with different units of repeat. However, there is no research on the adaptive strategy use for repeating-pattern tasks. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
For early mathematics learning, adaptive strategy use by students at different levels of mathematical achievement is of central importance. For several mathematical tasks, there is evidence that high-achieving students are more able to use strategies adaptively, but not yet for pattern-recognition tasks. This paper presents results from an empirical study investigating whether students with and without risk of developing mathematical difficulties use pattern-recognition strategies adaptively for patterns with different units of repeat. Pattern-recognition strategies of 74 first-grade students were analyzed using eye-tracking. The results reveal that predominantly the first graders without risk of developing mathematical difficulties show an adaptive use of pattern-recognition strategies.
... eu). In previous publications based on DIDUNAS studies, we investigated the types of strategies students use in pattern tasks (Baumanns et al., 2022;Baumanns et al., 2023;Demosthenous et al., 2022). In this paper, we investigate for the first time-with the use of eye tracking-students' strategies and the use of structure sense across tasks. ...
... In our study, we did not notice such unfocused gazes, but we found students attending to the last repeating unit of the pattern. Another study using a revised set of pattern tasks with a different group of students led to four categories (Baumanns et al., 2022). The first three respective categories were: identifying one repeating unit of the pattern, identifying one repeating unit and validating/applying it, and looking at each element. ...
Full-text available
There is growing evidence that the ability to perceive structure is essential for students’ mathematical development. Looking at students’ structure sense in basic numerical and patterning tasks seems promising for understanding how these tasks set the foundation for the development of later mathematical skills. Previous studies have shown how students use structure sense in enumeration tasks. However, little is known about students’ use of structure sense in other early mathematical tasks. The main aim of this study is to investigate the ways in which structure sense is manifested in first-grade students’ work across tasks, in quantity comparison and repeating pattern extension tasks. We investigated students’ strategies in quantity comparison and pattern extension tasks and how students employ structure sense. We conducted an eye-tracking study with 21 first-grade students, which provided novel insights into commonalities among strategies for these types of tasks. We found that for both tasks, quantity comparison and repeating pattern extension tasks, strategies can be distinguished into those employing structure sense and serial strategies.
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This article investigates how students with mathematical difficulties (MD) differ from typically developing (TD) students in enumeration processes of small sets of objects (of 1 up to 9 dots). We present a study with 20 fifth-grade students of which ten were found to have MD in initial diagnostics. The students were supposed to exactly enumerate sets of dots, i.e., to say how many dots they saw. This took place in three conditions: (a) in random arrangements in the subitizing range (1–4 dots), (b) in random arrangements in the counting range (5–9 dots), and (c) in canonical (dice-like) arrangements (1–9 dots). We used eye tracking (ET) to analyze student enumeration processes derived from ET video data. Whereas we did not find significant group differences in students’ error rates, we found differences in response times with longer response times for students in MD in the canonical arrangement condition. Further, we found significant group differences in students’ enumeration processes in all three conditions (subitizing range, counting range, canonical): Students with MD tended to count all dots more often whereas TD students used more advantageous enumeration processes such as simultaneous enumeration or enumeration of groups of dots more often. Our results support the assumption of qualitatively different enumeration processes between students with and without MD.
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Both recent evidence and research-based early mathematics curricula indicate that repeating patterns—predictable sequences that follow a rule—are a topic of major importance for mathematics development. The purpose of the current study was to help build a theory for how early repeating patterning knowledge contributes to early math development, focusing on development in children aged 4–6 years. The current study examined the relation between 65 preschool children’s repeating patterning knowledge (via a fast, teacher-friendly measure) and their end-of-kindergarten broad math and numeracy knowledge, controlling for verbal and visual-spatial working memory (WM) skills as well as end-of-pre-K (pre-kindergarten) broad math knowledge. Relations were also examined between repeating patterning and specific aspects of numeracy knowledge—knowledge of the count sequence to 100 and the successor principle. Children’s repeating patterning knowledge was significantly predictive of their broad math and general numeracy knowledge, as well as one specific aspect of their numeracy knowledge (counting to 100), even after controlling for verbal and visual-spatial WM skills. Further, repeating patterning knowledge remained a unique predictor of general numeracy knowledge and counting to 100 after controlling for end-of-pre-K broad math knowledge. The relation between repeating patterning and mathematics may be explained by the central role that identifying predictable sequences based on underlying rules plays in both. Theories of math development and early math instruction standards should thus give even greater attention to the role of children’s repeating patterning knowledge.
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Achtung: Dieser Text entspricht nicht vollständig dem in der Zeitschrift veröffentlichten Artikel Der zitierfähige Originalartikel ist veröffentlicht in © Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 71, 238-253 2 Zusammenfassung Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird vor dem Hintergrund der Vorarbeiten von Walter (2016a,b) ein zur Einschulung verwendbares Screening-Verfahren zur Prognose einer Rechenschwäche zum Ende der 1. Klasse weiterentwickelt. Auf Basis einer Stichprobe von N = 396 Erstklässlern wird gezeigt, dass es ausreicht, sechs anstelle der 18 in ZAREKI-K verwendeten Untertests für eine sehr effektive Prognose (AUC = .89) von Rechenschwierigkeiten heranzuziehen. Ein zusätzlicher prognostisch relevanter Effekt der nichtsprachlichen Intelligenz (CFT 1-R) wurde nicht gefunden. Am Ende dieses Artikels wird ein Auswertungstool vorgestellt, das mithilfe des hier beschriebenen Prognose-Modells individuelle Klassifikationen ermöglicht. Dieses steht zum praktischen Gebrauch im Netz frei zum Download zur Verfügung. Abstract On the basis of the preliminary work of Walter (2016a,b) a screening procedure regarding the prediction of arithmetic weakness in the primary school age (first class) is presented. By a sample of N = 396 children, a set of six out of 18 predictor subscales from ZAREKI-K was found which delivers a very effective prediction (AUC = .89) without any significant loss of predictive information in comparison with the full version. There was no further classificatory strength when introducing non-verbal intelligence (CFT 1-R) into the prediction model. Finally, a risk calculator is presented which allows individual classification.
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The ability to perceive structures in sets and to use them to determine cardinality is one important basis for arithmetical learning. This study is based on a theoretical model that distinguishes between the two processes of perception and determination. A total of 95 5-year-old children were interviewed individually to find out whether and how children of this age perceive structures in a visually presented set and whether and how they use these structures to determine the cardinality of the set. To gain insights into the invisible process of perception, eye-tracking was used. Known structures, such as the pattern of a dice-four, seem to play a role in these processes. With the help of an analyzing process consisting of three different types of data, final interpretations were generated that suggest that 5-year-old children can already perceive structures and use them to determine cardinalities. There also seem to be children who are already aware of a structure, but cannot use it to determine the cardinality. This leads to the conclusion that perception and use of structures are possible elements for early mathematical education at this age.
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Quantity recognition in whole number representations is a fundamental skill children need to acquire in their mathematical development. Despite the observed correlation to mathematics achievement, however, the ability to recognize quantities in structured whole number representations has not been studied extensively. In this article, we investigate how students with mathematical difficulties (MD) differ from typically developing (TD) students in quantity recognition in structured whole number representations. We use eye tracking (ET), which can help to identify stu-dents' quantity recognition strategies. In contrast to methods that include collecting verbal answers and reports, ET avoids an additional verbal-ization step, which may be affected by poor language skills and by low meta-cognitive abilities or memory issues when monitoring, recalling, and explaining one's thoughts. We present an ET study with 20 students of which ten were found to have MD in initial tests (using qualitative and quantitative diagnostics). We used ET glasses, which allow seeing the students' view of the scene with an augmented visualization of the gaze point projected onto the scene. The obtained gaze-overlaid videos also include audio data and records of students' answers and utterances. In our study, we did not find significant differences between the error rates of MD and TD students. Response times, however, were longer for students with MD. The analysis of the ET data brought students' quantity recognition strategies to light, some of which were not found in previous research. Our analyses revealed differences in the use of these quantity recognition strategies between MD and TD students. Our study illustrates the power of ET for investigating students' quantity recognition strategies and the potential of ET to support MD students.
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This chapter provides an overview of research about algebraic reasoning among relatively young students (6-12 years), It focuses on mathematics learning and, to a lesser extent, teaching. Issues related to educational policy, epistemology, and curriculum design provide a backdrop for the discussion.
Statistical Analysis of Contingency Tables is an invaluable tool for statistical inference in contingency tables. It covers effect size estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests for the binomial and the multinomial distributions, unpaired and paired 2×2 tables, r×c tables, ordered r×2 and 2×c tables, paired c×c tables, and stratified tables. For each type of table, key concepts are introduced, and a wide range of intervals and tests, including recent and unpublished methods and developments, are presented and evaluated. Topics such as diagnostic accuracy, inter-rater reliability, and missing data are also covered. The presentation is concise and easily accessible for readers with diverse professional backgrounds, with the mathematical details kept to a minimum.
Activities with repeating patterns are common and important in early childhood education. Recent studies even show a (positive) relationship between early patterning competencies and arithmetical achievement at school. Nevertheless, there is insufficient research about the strategies children employ when completing patterning activities and about the development of these competencies in young children. This paper reports data from an explorative study that tracks six children’s patterning development from their first to third year of German kindergarten. Three task- and material-based interviews are conducted over the course of two years. Results suggest that significant development takes place in children’s repeating pattern competencies between the age of three and four years. Furthermore, strategy categories for describing children’s construction of repeating patterns are developed.