
Learning by Expanding: An Activity-Theoretical Approach to Developmental Research

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First published in 1987, Learning by Expanding challenges traditional theories that consider learning a process of acquisition and reorganization of cognitive structures within the closed boundaries of specific tasks or problems. Yrjö Engeström argues that this type of learning increasingly fails to meet the challenges of complex social change and fails to create novel artifacts and ways of life. In response, he presents an innovative theory of expansive learning activity, offering a foundation for understanding and designing learning as a transformation of human activities and organizations. The second edition of this seminal text features a substantive new introduction that illustrates the development and implementation of Engeström's theory since its inception.

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... By addressing these gaps, this study aims to deepen our understanding of effective AI implementation strategies tailored specifically for EFL educators, paving the way for AI-powered EFL pedagogy. Employing a mixed-methods approach, it critically examines the integration of generative AI into university teaching preparation for EFL pedagogy within Indonesian higher education, framed by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and Activity Theory (Engeström, 1987). ...
... This interaction is deeply embedded in established traditions and is sometimes the catalyst for novel actions, constituting the essence of psychological activity. Engeström's (1987) systemic model elaborates this interaction through three reciprocal relationships among the subject, object, and community, defined by tools, rules, and division of labor. "Tools" encompass both physical and cognitive instruments used in activities, "rules" denote the norms and social relationships that guide actions, and "division of labor" describes the roles and organizational structure within the community. ...
... Activity Theory offers a comprehensive framework for examining the contextual and cultural determinants that influence the adoption of generative AI in teaching preparation. According to Engeström (1987), human activities are mediated by tools and are shaped by the interactions within an activity system. The integration of AI tools into teaching practices encompasses a dynamic interplay among lecturers, AI tools, institutional policies, and the broader educational community, necessitating a deep understanding of how these tools fit within existing pedagogical frameworks and institutional structures (Law, 2024;Luckin et al., 2022). ...
... L'absence d'analyse des interactions effectuées semble ainsi renvoyer à une vision réductrice de l'activité, uniquement permise par l'addition d'un opérateur à un système. Pour autant, il a depuis longtemps été démontré l'existence de phénomènes dynamiques entre ces deux entités, qui aboutissent à la production de l'activité (e.g., Engeström, 1987). La compréhension de ces phénomènes est d'autant plus importante dans les activités d'IS qui visent à concevoir et représenter ces interactions, leurs conditions et leurs résultats entre chaque composante du système. ...
... Afin de cerner les composantes sociotechniques et cognitives de l'activité d'IS impliquant des IH-ACT, cette recherche pose ses fondements dans les modèles de théorie de l'activité, tels que proposés par Engeström (1987) et Leontiev (1974, en poursuivant toutefois leurs extensions aux observations de la théorie située développée par Suchman (1987). Ces choix théoriques favorisent ainsi l'intégration des enjeux des ACT dans une perspective d'outil de l'activité, intégré dans un environnement complexe allant au-delà des questions sociales ou technologiques précédemment étudiées par la littérature spécialisée. ...
... Ces choix théoriques favorisent ainsi l'intégration des enjeux des ACT dans une perspective d'outil de l'activité, intégré dans un environnement complexe allant au-delà des questions sociales ou technologiques précédemment étudiées par la littérature spécialisée. De fait, la théorie de l'activité, telle que proposée par Engeström (1987), repose sur la conceptualisation d'interactions entre un sujet, l'opérateur, et les composantes de son activité, à comprendre les règles, organisations, instruments, communautés et objets constituant son environnement. Ce modèle s'inscrit en complément de la classification réalisée par Leontiev (1974), qui décompose l'activité en un ensemble d'actions elles-mêmes construites par la réalisation d'opérations. ...
Cet article présente un projet de recherche ancré autour de la question des interactions Humains-Agents Conversationnels Textuels (ACT). Dans un contexte marqué par l’intégration progressive des Intelligences Artificielles Génératives dans le domaine de l’industrie, de nouvelles questions émergent quant aux enjeux et aux impacts des usages de cette technologie sur et pour les opérateurs et leurs activités. Ces problématiques soulèvent un nouveau besoin d’adaptation des méthodologies de recherche face aux singularités de l’objet d’étude. Par le biais d’une proposition de projet axé sur le soutien aux activités de conception d’ACT pour des activités d’Ingénierie Système, ce document étudie les apports d’une approche ergonomique mixte d’analyse de l’activité pour l’étude des interactions Humains-ACT (IH-ACT) en contexte industriel. Une attention particulière est également portée aux intérêts de l’usage d’une démarche compréhensive dans l’appréhension d’une technologie centrée sur la tâche. Ce papier constitue un préquel à l’étude proposée.
... We formulate the hypothesis that the introduction of a CL in an ED, in accordance with the inherent principles of cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) proposed by Engeström (2015) and expansive learning, will allow us to better understand the process, and identify possible tools to improve HHC in the ED. CHAT permits to consider the dynamic and systemic nature of human activity as a culturally mediated activity system and has been previously used in emergency medicine in order to support expansive learning (Garraway and Christopher, 2020). ...
... Expansive learning, which is the 3 rd generation of the activity theory (Engeström, 2015), refers to learning in any kind of work environment that leads communities "to transform their activities, constantly questioning and distancing themselves from existing activity, as well as grasping a simple initial relationship that can give rise to a new form of activity" (Engeström and Sannino, 2013, p. 8). This simple initial relationship named the germ cell is at the heart of the development of a new activity and ubiquitous constitutes the focus of attention for any researcher in activity theory. ...
... The CL was integrated into the emergency organization of a university health center and brought together nine very different players (two physicians, two nurses, a beneficiary attendant, a clerk, an emergency manager, a facility administrator, and one patient). Each session focused on a particular theme in order to evolve the activity and meet the demands of an expansive learning cycle (Engeström, 2015). ...
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OBJECTIVES: Poor hand hygiene compliance (HHC) in the emergency department (ED) is a source of nosocomial infections with serious consequences for patients. Despite the efforts of health organizations to improve this process, HHC is still insufficient. This qualitative research explores some reasons for this problem. METHODS: A virtual change laboratory (CL) is integrated into an ED of a university health center and brings together emergency personnel. The experimental ED is randomly compared to a control facility. The impact of the pandemic on the hand hygiene procedure is analyzed in light of the CL intervention. RESULTS: Healthcare professionals are very familiar with the hand hygiene procedure in the ED and have a high level of agency (TaG) that allow them to be receptive to changes supporting the modeling of a hygiene process that is healthy. However, HHC remains low even during the pandemic. The main reasons for this problem are the need for handwashing that is not recognized by the staff, as well as organizational barriers related to equipment. To remedy this, the CL proposes a technological tool that encourages this procedure by creating a reminder when the professional enters or exits the patient’s space bubble. The patient can act as a tool by stimulating the action of handwashing and contributing to the process evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: A virtual CL is used as a techno-pedagogical tool to systematically analyze a major organizational problem and facilitate learning in an ED. The main factors contributing to low HHC are the failure to recognize the need for handwashing and challenges arising from the physical organization, such as the quality, quantity, and location of materials. Involving the patient as a sentinel could assess and stimulate the hand hygiene procedure among healthcare professionals.
... We conducted this instrumental case study (Stake, 1995) to produce a rich analysis of a contemporary instance of early childhood collaborative preparation through an activity theory perspective (Engeström, 1987;Engeström, & Miettinen, 1999). Our examination centered on how participants interpreted and made meaning of their experiences within the program, which compelled a constructivist paradigm of research. ...
... We applied a conceptual framework (see Figure 1) to understand the program as a system and as an instance of collaborative teacher preparation. First, we utilized cultural-historical activity systems theory, or CHAT (Engeström, 1987;Engeström, & Miettinen, 1999;Yamagata-Lynch, 2010), to conceptualize the program as a system through the examination of six interacting parameters of practice (i.e., subject, object/outcome, tools, rules, community, and division of labor). CHAT (Engeström, 1987;Engeström, & Miettinen, 1999 ) holds that the subject of an activity system does not operate towards its object and outcome in isolation. ...
... First, we utilized cultural-historical activity systems theory, or CHAT (Engeström, 1987;Engeström, & Miettinen, 1999;Yamagata-Lynch, 2010), to conceptualize the program as a system through the examination of six interacting parameters of practice (i.e., subject, object/outcome, tools, rules, community, and division of labor). CHAT (Engeström, 1987;Engeström, & Miettinen, 1999 ) holds that the subject of an activity system does not operate towards its object and outcome in isolation. Rather, activity is mediated through tools (Vygotsky, 1978) and influenced by the social context in which it occurs. ...
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Blended and other collaborative models of early childhood personnel preparation center on the belief that they can improve the quality and availability of inclusive services for children with diverse abilities and their families. Little is known, however, as to their relative efficacy to impact the inclusive practice of graduates. Further, current understanding of this approach is complicated by a lack of common terminology, conceptions, and a dated, primarily descriptive literature base. To provide a contemporary empirical contribution, we applied a conceptual framework derived from activity systems theory coupled with a research framework for collaborative models to examine one preparation program as a system through qualitative case study. Findings outline parameters of practice specific to collaborative program dimensions, elements of harmony and tension within the system, and cultural tools specific to the program’s attempts to meet its desired outcome. Implications for current and future collaborative early childhood personnel preparation are discussed.
... Stemming from the ideas of Vygotsky (1978) and Leontiev (1978), culture is put in the middle of learning and development-extended through mediating tools between the subject and object (see Cole, 1996). Engeström (1987) illustrated the activity system through interlocking triangles, shown in Figure 1, where the classic triangle formation from Vygotsky is complemented with rules, community and division of labour. ...
... A key consideration in the formation after Engeström (1987) has been the culturalhistorical tensions leading to development and change, stemming from how internal contradictions in activity systems can underpin development. In CHAT, learning is a collective process that includes individual change and change in the practices people participate. ...
... This cultural-historical level of change is where contradictions start to emerge as "historically evolving tensions that can be detected and dealt with in real activity systems" (Engeström & Sannino, 2010, p. 4). Here, the cultural-historical transformation, where digitalisation and computational devices have become the forefront of societal and educational needs F I G U R E 1 The expanded activity system from Engeström (1987). in the knowledge society (Stephen & Edwards, 2018), undergirding a need for computing education, not only as a skill but also as a tool for children's critical agency (cf. Tissenbaum et al., 2021). ...
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Programming is becoming a key subject in early education globally, with surging problems of how computer science can become a subject for children of all ages and backgrounds. Problems of implementing new technologies in the old curricula have long been noted, and lately, concern over computer science education goals is often too narrow and skills‐based without concerns for the critical educational potential. This study follows the change process of two case preschool departments implementing programming with a floor robot across a seven‐month design process. Mixed analytical techniques based on activity theory are used to examine the tensions, conflicts and development of pedagogical alternatives. The studies show the strenuous change processes involving local transformations toward a child‐centred, inclusive early computer science education and development of projects centring making, children's exploration, tinkering and play as key parts of the learning process. It discusses how the considerable change processes enabled pedagogical solutions coherent with important concepts in computer programming and how computing education can build on child‐centred pedagogies through local adaptations and age‐appropriate designs. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic Computer science and programming are becoming part of early education worldwide. Less is known about how to implement computing with ever‐younger age groups, especially for those under three. That technological change can be a strenuous change process building on societal, historical and educational tensions, requiring individual learning and organisational change. What this paper adds Two cases of change designing computing education for 1–2‐ and 3–5‐year‐olds. Design processes raising critical questions about current standard childhood programming materials being resolved to enable a child‐centred computing education. Challenges and potentials specific to early childhood in adopting computer science education. Implications for practice and/or policy Computing education challenges pedagogical notions, such as the role of failure in education. Computing education can be developed for very young children. However, there are considerable critical challenges to resolve in developing a child‐centred approach. Childhood fundamentals such as play‐based pedagogy can work synergistically with computer science activities, providing educational potential, also relevant for computer science education at large.
... En la década de 1920 e inicios de la de 1930, en la Rusia soviética, L. S. Vygotsky sentó las bases teóricas y metodológicas de la teoría de la actividad históricocultural (TAHC) (Engeström, 2015(Engeström, [1987). Más allá del uso que Marx hiciera de las ideas expuestas arriba en el ámbito de la crítica de la economía política capitalista, Vygotsky adopta como cometido científico investigar, conforme al método dialéctico, la conducta social humana, reconceptualizando de manera fundamental la psicología y las ciencias sociales. ...
... En la década de 1920 e inicios de la de 1930, en la Rusia soviética, L. S. Vygotsky sentó las bases teóricas y metodológicas de la teoría de la actividad históricocultural (TAHC) (Engeström, 2015(Engeström, [1987). Más allá del uso que Marx hiciera de las ideas expuestas arriba en el ámbito de la crítica de la economía política capitalista, Vygotsky adopta como cometido científico investigar, conforme al método dialéctico, la conducta social humana, reconceptualizando de manera fundamental la psicología y las ciencias sociales. ...
... En síntesis, la sociedad del conocimiento hace necesario contar con robustos marcos teóricos que sean capaces de investigar seriamente la creación y difusión del conocimiento, especialmente en los ámbitos de la educación, la innovación y el aprendizaje colectivo. El aprendizaje expansivo, según lo ha desarrollado Engeström (2015Engeström ( [1987, 2016) en el marco de la teoría de la actividad históricocultural, ofrece precisamente un abordaje conceptual metódico y sostenido del desafío señalado. ...
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La teoría de la actividad histórico-cultural es una propuesta conceptual interdisciplinaria para la psicología y las ciencias sociales que pone el acento en la comprensión de la conducta social humana en los más diversos ámbitos de la cultura y la vida social. A su vez, la teoría del aprendizaje expansivo revela las conexiones profundas entre el aprendizaje colectivo, la interacción y las prácticas sociales. Para ambas teorías, los sistemas de actividad están en el centro de las transformaciones y los procesos sociales, cruzados por sendas contradicciones, que moldean el carácter de la sociedad del conocimiento y determinan cómo se dan en esta la educación, el aprendizaje y la innovación. El argumento central de este trabajo es que el marco conceptual de ambas teorías debe extender el pensamiento dialéctico a la configuración sociedad/naturaleza, de tal modo de abordar de mejor manera los actuales desafíos de la educación y del aprendizaje.
... The theoretical framework of Activity Theory (Engeström, 1987) serves as a lens for understanding the interactions between students, educators, institutional structures, and digital tools. This framework identifies contradictions and tensions within the learning environment, offering insights into areas where improvements are needed to ensure the successful adoption of MOOCs. ...
... This study on the adoption of blended learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is guided by Activity Theory, which analyzes the entire work/activity system, including the subject, tools, and object, within the socio-cultural context (Engeström, 1987). Activity Theory helps understand the interactions between students, educators, technology, and the institutional environment in blended learning settings, identifying contradictions and areas for improvement. ...
... In conclusion, Activity Theory provides a robust framework for analyzing blended learning by focusing on the interactions between students, educators, technology, and the institutional environment, identifying tensions and suggesting improvements (Engeström, 1987). ...
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The pervasive influence of communication technology has profoundly shaped contemporary life, significantly impacting global education. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of technologies like social media platforms and massive open online courses (MOOCs) as substitutes for traditional in-person education, exposing shortcomings, particularly in regions with limited online infrastructure. Although extensive research exists on online education, including blended learning models, the challenges associated with their effective implementation remain underexplored. This study aims to address these gaps by examining the adoption of blended learning within Vietnamese universities during the pandemic through the lens of Activity Theory. This framework, which analyzes the dynamic interactions between individuals, tools, and their sociocultural environment, provides a deeper understanding of how students, educators, and institutions navigate blended learning. This study employed semi-structured interviews with administrators, lecturers, curriculum developers, and students across four campuses of a university in Vietnam. The findings highlight key challenges related to student engagement, academic dishonesty, and constraints in institutional infrastructure, underscoring the need for targeted strategies to enhance blended learning outcomes.
... The underlying theory of expansive learning (Engeström, 1987) is a dialectical theory positing that development and learning are energised by contradictions, 'as historically evolving tensions that can be detected and dealt with in real activity systems' (Engeström & Sannino, 2017, p. 106). The expansions analysed in this study can thus be conceptualised as 'responses' to developmental contradictions, but in the dialectical frame of reference, expansive solutions also give rise to new contradictions that evolve in the history of a given activity. ...
... According to the theory of expansive learning (Engeström, 1987), learning and transformation of social practices can take place when the participants' knowledge creation exceeds the given boundaries of activity and widens, expands, their understanding of the object and their definition of the whole activity system in which they participate. We suggest that the activity theoretical idea of following the object of shared activity (Foot, 2002) provides a fruitful starting point for studying the research-teaching collaboration. ...
... Phase 3: Analysis of dimensions of expansion The third phase answered the second research question. A theory-driven content analysis of each theme applied the framework of the dimensions of expansion based on the theory of expansive learning (Engeström, 1987). As only the speaking turns in the 'innovative' category of generative collaborative actions were included in the analysis, the final aim was to explore their expansive potential in depth. ...
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Finnish higher education institutions offer continuous learning opportunities, including professional specialisation education programmes for the health and social sector. This article focuses on the conceptualisation of the impact of these programmes, which was the topic of discussion by education and working-life actors in research-based workshops. Drawing on the cultural–historical activity theory (CHAT) approach, the study seeks to answer the following research questions: What are the main themes through which the participants conceptualise the impact of education? How do the themes expand the conceptualisation of the impact of education? A qualitative study analysed data from the multi-professional discussions facilitated by researcher-developers in online workshops during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings describe the impact-related discussion themes and analyse their expansive potential. Participants’ discursive actions in research-based online workshops manifest expansive conceptuali-sation on multiple dimensions, but also reveal dilemmatic impact-related questions that reflect the underlying contradictions of continuous learning programmes in the health and social sector.
... Ces contradictions qui s'observent à travers ses traces dans l'activité et ses tensions sont ainsi la force motrice du développement et du changement de l'activité. D'après l'auteur, le développement des systèmes d'activités collectifs et la (re)production de nouvelles structures de l'activité est cyclique (Engeström, 1987). Le cycle expansif (figure 2) est un processus développemental contenant à la fois un processus d'externalisation et un processus d'internalisation. ...
... Cycle d'apprentissage expansif, adapté deEngeström (1987) parLémonie et Grosstephan (2021) ...
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his research studies the way mobile phones are used by students and teachers at the University of Mayotte, and what they induce in terms of hybrid teaching-learning, through the prism of cultural-historical activity theory. An exploratory survey is conducted among students and teachers of the university. A discourse analysis and a thematic analysis are conducted on a set of qualitative materials. The results highlight the diversified uses of mobile phones among students, but which are confronted with a set of resistances among teachers and institutional actors. The conclusion of this research opens new perspectives for the uses of the smartphones, as a hybrid object still in development.
... The Community of Inquiry framework fosters a supportive learning environment conducive to meaningful discourse and social presence [14], facilitating effective communication and collaboration among students and educators in asynchronous project collaborations. Additionally, Activity Theory provides a sociocultural perspective on human activity within collaborative contexts [13], offering insights into the dynamic interactions and sociotechnical systems at play in university project collaborations. By integrating these educational theories, educators and students can enhance their understanding of asynchronous inter-class project collaboration and its adaptation to agile practices, promoting collaborative problem-solving, iterative development, and continuous improvement within university project settings. ...
... This research proposes a framework using asynchronous inter-class project collaboration as an adaptation approach for Scrum practices in university setting. The framework leverages several learning theories to enhance student learning within the context of Scrum adaptation: (1) Adaptive Learning Theory: [17] The asynchronous collaboration tool enables flexible engagement tailored to individual requirements by facilitating task assignments with adjustable deadlines, while also offering continuous daily feedback during scrums presented in various media formats; (2) Constructivist Learning Theory: [15] Inter-class collaboration promotes knowledge construction by engaging with diverse peers during planning, scrums and retrospectives, thereby facilitating conflict resolution and addressing disagreements; (3) Community of Inquiry Framework: [14] The asynchronous collaboration tool fosters critical thinking and collaboration by offering structured forums or threaded discussions, thereby cultivating a shared purpose and sense of community among participants; (4) Activity Theory: [13] The asynchronous collaboration tool functions as a mediating artifact that influences the activities of students and educators within the Scrum framework by offering structured activities for implementing Scrum practices in their projects. ...
Universities are increasingly incorporating Scrum, a popular Agile methodology, into software engineering programs. However, existing solutions (workshops, online tools) fall short in facilitating asynchronous collaboration, a critical challenge for geographically dispersed or busy student teams. This study addresses this gap by proposing an asynchronous inter-class collaboration tool as an adaptation approach to facilitate Scrum implementation in university projects. The tool mitigates common constraints like student time availability and fosters flexible collaboration by incorporating adaptive, constructivist, and collaborative learning principles with agile methodologies. An experiment was conducted with undergraduate students enrolled in software engineering and related courses at Mindanao State University Main. The students utilized the tool for inter-class projects. The tool, built upon a conceptual model for asynchronous Agile Scrum ceremonies, successfully promoted Scrum practices, particularly Sprint Planning. However, challenges related to internet connectivity and student motivation persisted. Interestingly, the tool generated a novel "Sprint Chart" that assessed team maturity in adapting Scrum practices. Valuable feedback was gathered through experiments administered to educators and students involved in the conducted sprint retrospective. The adaptation approach bridges the gap between academic and industry environments by enabling flexible collaboration and Scrum adaptation. It highlights the importance of coordination, commitment, and technological support in asynchronous settings. The inter-class collaboration approach enhances student experiences but requires addressing communication hurdles. The Sprint Chart offers a valuable assessment method for educators. Future research should explore applying the adaptation approach to various team sizes, agile methodologies, and assess long-term effectiveness. Standardized training in Agile methodologies is recommended. Addressing technological barriers and refining the tool's functionalities are crucial for wider implementation. Abstract Universities are increasingly incorporating Scrum, a popular Agile methodology, into software engineering programs. However, existing solutions (workshops, online tools) fall short in facilitating asynchronous collaboration, a critical challenge for geographically dispersed or busy student teams. This study addresses this gap by proposing an asynchronous inter-class collaboration tool as an adaptation approach to facilitate Scrum implementation in university projects. The tool mitigates common constraints like student time availability and fosters flexible collaboration by incorporating adaptive, constructivist, and collaborative learning principles with agile methodologies. An experiment was conducted with undergraduate students enrolled in software engineering and related courses at Mindanao State University Main. The students utilized the tool for inter-class projects. The tool, built upon a conceptual model for asynchronous Agile Scrum ceremonies, successfully promoted Scrum practices, particularly Sprint Planning. However, challenges related to internet connectivity and student motivation persisted. Interestingly, the tool generated a novel "Sprint Chart" that assessed team maturity in adapting Scrum practices. Valuable feedback was gathered through experiments administered to educators and students involved in the conducted sprint retrospective. The adaptation approach bridges the gap between academic and industry environments by enabling flexible collaboration and Scrum adaptation. It highlights the importance of coordination, commitment, and technological support in asynchronous settings. The inter-class collaboration approach enhances student experiences but requires addressing communication hurdles. The Sprint Chart offers a valuable assessment method for educators. Future research should explore applying the adaptation approach to various team sizes, agile methodologies, and assess long-term effectiveness. Standardized training in Agile methodologies is recommended. Addressing technological barriers and refining the tool's functionalities are crucial for wider implementation.
... Por su parte, la teoría de la actividad de Yrjö Engeström (1987) complementa esta comprensión al enmarcar la adopción de TIC en sistemas de actividad educativa complejos. Dicha complejidad robustece la generación de pensamiento dialógico-integrativocomplejo que resulta funcional en creación colectiva de conocimiento (Villela-Cervantes, 2023). ...
... Dicha complejidad robustece la generación de pensamiento dialógico-integrativocomplejo que resulta funcional en creación colectiva de conocimiento (Villela-Cervantes, 2023). Engeström (1987) describe cómo las TIC funcionan como herramientas mediadoras dentro de un sistema de actividad compuesto por sujetos, objetos, herramientas, reglas, comunidad y división del trabajo. Desde esta perspectiva, la tecnología no es neutral; su adopción puede tanto facilitar como obstaculizar la interacción entre los elementos del sistema educativo, Revista Docencia Universitaria Facultad de Humanidades transformando dinámicas pedagógicas y relaciones entre actores. ...
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PROBLEMA: Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) han transformado la educación, pero su implementación enfrenta desafíos como la resistencia de algunos educadores y las desigualdades en el acceso. OBJETIVO: Analizar el impacto de las TIC en la educación, destacando su papel relevante en la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y en formación continua de estudiantes y docentes. MÉTODO: Es un estudio cualitativo de tipo documental con base en la revisión de literatura relevante sobre la evolución de las TIC en la educación, seleccionando estudios que destacan tanto los beneficios como los desafíos en su implementación, así como la necesidad de formación continua para docentes. RESULTADOS: Las TIC han enriquecido significativamente las metodologías educativas, facilitando la motivación, personalización y flexibilidad del aprendizaje. Sin embargo, persisten barreras como el acceso desigual a la tecnología, especialmente en áreas rurales y en países en desarrollo, y la falta de competencias digitales entre docentes. Además, existen diferencias en la eficiencia de las TIC según los contextos educativos, lo que resalta la necesidad de formación continua y estrategias adaptadas. CONCLUSIÓN: Las TIC son esenciales para una educación inclusiva y accesible, pero es necesario desarrollar estrategias pedagógicas contextualmente ajustadas para superar las brechas existentes en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje para maximizar su eficiencia. También se evidenció que, en algunos casos, la implementación de TIC sin una adecuada planificación pedagógica puede generar más dificultades que beneficios.
... Over the past year we have explored and built from one particular theoretical framework for our development of context representation: Activity Theory (Leont'ev, 1981, Engestrom, 1987 For reviews, development work in progress on the AT model itself and reports of its application by researchers from a wide range of research perspectives, Martin Ryder's website at the University of Denver, Colarado provides a useful portal: linking to the Centre for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research at the University of Helsinki, where Engestrom is based ...
... The 'activity triangle' representation was originally a Vygotskian model constructed to illuminate relationships between subject and object, mediated through tools. This evolved when Engestrom (1987) added another triangle to represent community, rules and roles and thus represent the more complex social mediation of action, as shown in Figure 2. Subsequent representation of activity systems has provoked some criticism and it is important to bear in mind that 'Although the triangle model may seem somewhat rigid, it is only for the sake of representational simplicity and convenience' (Kuutti 1996). ...
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This symposium presentation demonstrates grounded theoretical frameworks for the representation and analysis of networked learning activities and outcomes within their educational context. These frameworks provide for systematic and rigorous analysis of learning behaviours in context from a range of disciplinary perspectives for enquiry. They also allow re-examination of study cases from new enquiry perspectives. Two examples of the frameworks in use are provided, the first concerns the role of gender in networked learning, the second seeks evidence for influences of learning activity for learning outcomes. This paper provides some theoretical background and presents the context frame which situates framework for the representation of interactive learning behaviours.
... The utilization of the Activity Systems and Business Networks framework offers a comprehensive lens through which to comprehend the complex interconnections and the accompanying difficulties pertaining to succession planning. Engeström (1987) established the concept of Activity Systems, which highlights the interconnections among different components within an organization. Within the realm of family business succession, a diverse array of endeavors may be observed, encompassing the transition of leadership and decision-making procedures, as well as the safeguarding of the family's core principles and enduring heritage. ...
... The Activity Systems framework, as proposed by Engeström (1987), is a theoretical framework that enables the analysis of the interrelationships among different components within an organization. Within the realm of family business succession, this paradigm facilitates the analysis of internal dynamics, activities, and connections that exert an impact on the process of succession. ...
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Family business success has become a focus for researchers over the recent years. Studies have proven that only 30% of family businesses endure beyond an initial generation. This research was aimed at investigating the factors that impact the success of family businesses. Specifically, the research examined the internal dynamics that impact the success of family business using the Activity System paradigm. Also, the study examined the external factors such as business networks and connections on the success of family businesses. The study finally finds out the strategies implemented by family businesses to overcome obstacles and challenges in the course of their succession. The findings indicate that there is a high correlation between internal dynamics and the success of family businesses. Also, the results indicate that family business thrive external aspects including connections and networks. The major obstacles to success of family businesses identified by the study include family wrangles and failure to identify successors in time. The study recommends early identification of successors to avoid family wrangles after the first generation ends. Also, the study recommends that for the family businesses to succeed, they need to have external connections. Incidentally, the study recommends strategic decision-making approaches to avoid missteps.
... Changing a department or classroom environment to be more inclusive, for example, would be expected to affect student engagement. In a situative view, individuals and their contexts are not seen as separate entities but as cultural-historical activity systems (Engeström, 1987(Engeström, , 2001. Individuals are part of their social contexts; learning and identity construction occur within and across those contexts, and the contexts themselves are changed through the activity of the individuals within them through social practice. ...
... Classroom, departmental, and institutional environments are transformed through changes in the practices of the people in them, including changes in policies, social structures, norms, values, and goals. Multiple voices and perspectives within the activity system lead to "contradictions" or "historically accumulating structural tensions" (Engeström, 2001, p. 137) within the system as it evolves over time (Engeström, 1987(Engeström, , 2001. Joint work to resolve these contradictions towards shared goals has the potential to lead to organizational learning through "collaborative envisioning and a deliberate collective change effort" (Engeström, 2001, p. 137). ...
In education, initiatives aimed at improving diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice (DEIJ) are often conceptualized and implemented separately from those addressing students’ and faculty’s learning — and the reverse is also true. In this theoretical paper with an empirical illustration, we present a holistic framework based on our experience with a comprehensive change initiative. The I2 Framework posits that DEIJ and learning goals need to be addressed simultaneously and at multiple, intersecting organizational levels. Through a systems approach, I2 integrates change activity across two dimensions: one representing goals of reform (DEIJ and improved learning) and another representing levels of organizational change (classroom and department/organization). I2 integrates the work of creating equitable, consequential learning opportunities in the classroom and the work of creating an inclusive climate at the departmental/organizational level, emphasizing their inherent relatedness. We provide an empirical example based on design-based implementation research and related mixed methods analyses of a multi-year change project in an engineering department at a large, public university in the United States. The example highlights a need to shift the nature of this work, how we do this work, and the environment and culture within which we do this work at both the classroom level and the department level. The example also illustrates ways that elements of the change initiative intersected with existing institutional practices, leading some innovations to succeed and others to be resisted. The I2 Framework provides guidance to practitioners, policymakers, and leaders working towards equitable, consequential learning at the classroom level and an inclusive climate at departmental and institutional levels.
... The conceptual framework for the study has its base in a combination of two theoretical tools for describing and analyzing learning and learning contexts, namely a phenomenographic research orientation and more specific the structure of awareness/consciousness (Marton, 1981;Marton and Booth, 1997) and in an activity system theoretical approach (Engeström, 1987;Cole and Engeström, 1993). By this combination of a first order research perspective (the context as an activity system), with a second order research perspective (the context as experienced by the student), it will then be possible to understand the issues concerning designing and implementing good and challenging learning environments through distance courses in higher education. ...
... Figure1. The activity system for learning to become a university student, adopted from Engeström (1987) From this description of the context for the activity from a first order perspective we now proceed to a second order perspective where we may study the student's experience from an inside perspective of the activity system. ...
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Our problem is how to design, with the use of distance and ICT, an appropriate academic context for learning, for students with no previous knowledge of this context. Our aim is to analyse and describe the learner’s relation to the object of his/her studies as part of his/her relation to the learning activity. By using a combination of a phenomenographic approach and activity system theory, we analyse how students experience the learning environment in the extended university. Our results are based in the learner’s perspective. A new methodological approach, using the techniques of creating an intersubjective field, is discussed at the end of the paper.
... According to the theory, human behavior is influenced by motives and objectives, as well as resources at their disposal. Context plays a key role in shaping human action, lest we forget the necessity for a holistic perspective on understanding human activities (Engeström 2015). Source: Engeström 2015 In this study, activity theory provides a structure for investigating how student, tool, and design process interact. ...
... Context plays a key role in shaping human action, lest we forget the necessity for a holistic perspective on understanding human activities (Engeström 2015). Source: Engeström 2015 In this study, activity theory provides a structure for investigating how student, tool, and design process interact. It underscores the significance of comprehending the objectives and drives of the students, the tools and resources that they have at their disposal, and the social and cultural environment in which they would engage. ...
... Central to this research is Activity Theory, rooted in the cultural-historical psychology of Lev Vygotsky (1978) and expanded by Engeström (1999Engeström ( , 2001Engeström ( , 2014. This theory offers a robust framework for examining dynamic social practices, emphasising the role of tools and symbols in mediating individuals' interactions with their socio-cultural environments (Johnson, 2009, p. 78). ...
... The Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) approach, Byrne (2021), was adopted to analyse STs' interactions with the AI Coach, emphasising reflexivity in the analytical process. This entailed a six-phase process, as proposed by Braun and Clarke (2012, 2013, 2014, as cited by Byrne, 2021Byrne, , p. 1398, involving continuous reflection on my own assumptions, perspectives and biases to better understand how they might influence my interpretation of the data. An inductive approach allowed themes to emerge naturally from the data, without reliance on preconceived theoretical frameworks. ...
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This study examines the role of artificial intelligence (AI) as a reflective coach in graduate ESL practicums, using Activity Theory to assess its impact on student-teachers’ (STs) reflective practices. An exploratory case study of 26 graduate ESL STs was conducted, with data from AI interactions and post-reflection questionnaires analysed qualitatively. Findings indicate that AI enhances STs’ reflection, providing a structured, data-driven method for pedagogical development and personalised anytime feedback, thereby addressing feedback challenges in ESL teaching practicum courses. Despite limitations like diverse ST backgrounds and practicum environments, findings suggest AI’s promise for transformative learning experiences. The study concludes that AI, as a reflective tool in ESL practicums, warrants further research into its impact on teacher development and adaptability in various teaching contexts.
... Il utilise ce concept pour « caractériser le potentiel de développement d'un système d'activité collectif interagissant avec d'autres systèmes d'actions » (Engeström, 2008, p. 5). Ainsi, la ZPD collective réfère à la distance entre les actions individuelles présentes et celles envisagées dans le futur collectif (Engeström, 2015). 4 Cadre méthodologique À la lumière de ce cadre théorique, nous avons mis en place une approche méthodologique basée sur la compréhension et l'exploration des réalités en contexte d'apprentissage par projet d'équipe. ...
Les interventions menées en cabinet conseil peuvent être sources de problématiques organisationnelles, techniques et stratégiques, voire de débats face aux transformations des situations de travail, des organisations mais aussi des conditions de réalisation de l’intervention. Face aux difficultés quotidiennes de la pratique du conseil sur le terrain dans le Cabinet étudié, la Revue de Projet a été développée au sein du Cabinet Conseil pour échanger collectivement sur ses interventions. Cependant, ce dispositif, idéalisé par les plus anciens du Cabinet Conseil pour questionner les pratiques afin de les améliorer, n’est pas si évident à mettre en œuvre au quotidien. Parler de la réalité de son travail est tout aussi difficile pour les consultants, qui rencontrent les mêmes difficultés que les personnes qu’ils mobilisent eux-mêmes dans leurs interventions. Les travaux en cours visent à un premier niveau la compréhension de ce qui se joue dans et autour de ces échanges, à un deuxième niveau la transformation pour améliorer les pratiques et l’apprentissage des acteurs du Cabinet Conseil et, à un troisième niveau l’amélioration des interventions pour les rendre plus pertinentes et efficaces.
... Il utilise ce concept pour « caractériser le potentiel de développement d'un système d'activité collectif interagissant avec d'autres systèmes d'actions » (Engeström, 2008, p. 5). Ainsi, la ZPD collective réfère à la distance entre les actions individuelles présentes et celles envisagées dans le futur collectif (Engeström, 2015). 4 Cadre méthodologique À la lumière de ce cadre théorique, nous avons mis en place une approche méthodologique basée sur la compréhension et l'exploration des réalités en contexte d'apprentissage par projet d'équipe. ...
Les pratiques en équipe sont bien répandues dans les activités quotidiennes, pourtant il reste encore beaucoup de défis à surmonter par rapport à la formation des futurs professionnels en ce qui concerne la collaboration lors d’activités de conception. Le présent article propose d’utiliser les forces de la modélisation pour éclairer notre compréhension des dynamiques d’équipe. Nous présenterons le modèle des zones proximales de développement des compétences pour le travail en équipe ainsi que les étapes de raffinement du modèle pour encourager son utilisation pratique en contexte d’atelier de design. Le modèle, organisé en cinq zones, permet d’identifier le système d’aptitudes à mettre en œuvre au courant d’un projet d’équipe afin d’agir dans une visée de cohérence collective. La discussion proposera une ouverture sur l’usage potentiel de cet outil de modélisation par les étudiants pour faciliter un dialogue entre coéquipiers et avec l’enseignant sur les niveaux de compétences de l’équipe dans une optique d’enrichissement collectif et de perfectionnement des aptitudes collaboratives.
... The development of CCF harvesting requires cooperation between forestry companies and contractors, machine operators, forestry authorities, and research and teaching organisations (Engeström 1987;Nuutinen 2013). The development of CCF training for harvester operators and the transfer and processing of new research knowledge into training programmes is important. ...
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Overall forest management objectives and stand properties set the requirements and possibilities for harvesting in continuous cover forestry (CCF). Harvester and forwarder operators play a key role in successful CCF harvesting, as both productivity and quality of work are essential factors in harvesting operations. Optimal stand conditions improve work productivity on selection harvesting sites; harvested stem volume correlates well with work productivity in cutting, and density of remaining trees does not significantly reduce work productivity in forwarding. Carefully executed group cutting and shelterwood harvesting can reduce the number of damaged remaining trees, which is beneficial for future tree generations. Research-based information is needed about work productivity in harvesting, damage caused by harvesting, and optimisation of strip road and forest road networks for CCF.
... One further strand of behaviour in collaborative learning contexts, noted as important by socio-cultural, activity, and situated learning theorists (e.g. Crook, 1994;Leont'ev 1981, Engestrom, 1987 relates to what might be called the 'social glue' of interaction. This includes strategies employed in managing and maintaining learning community activity. ...
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The purpose of this symposium is to provide an opportunity to engage in a discussion of theoretical frameworks for understanding and methodologies for representing and investigating the nature of networked learning, grounded in instantiations of practice and experience of studying, teaching and researching networked learning. The symposium brings together the work of four different researchers in this area, all of whom are developing their understanding of networked learning through analysis of networked learning interactions and/or from experiential accounts of participating in networked learning. Specific aspects focused on: methodology; theoretical frameworks; learner and tutor experience; communication for learning; and participation in networked learning communities. Papers: Fast Coding of On-line Learning Behaviours using an ‘Elements’ Approach Helen Chappel, Erica McAteer, Rachel Harris, Sally Marsden CHARACTERISING ON-LINE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Erica McAteer, Andy Tolmie, Rachel Harris, Helen Chappel, Sally Marsden, Vic Lally Understanding Networked Learning: A Personal Inquiry into an Experience of Adult Learning On-line Sarah Mann Charting Change in Networked Learners: What can we learn about what they learn? Sue Tickner
... Βασιζόμενοι στη θεωρία της Δραστηριότητας και την πεποίθηση ότι η μάθηση είναι αποτέλεσμα αλληλεπίδρασης, η παρούσα προσπάθεια εστιάζεται στην επέκταση του μαθησιακού περιβάλλοντος μέσω της εφαρμογής τυπικής, μη τυπικής και άτυπης μορφής διδασκαλίας, κατά την οποία το φυσικό, κοινωνικό και πολιτισμικό περιβάλλον αξιοποιείται ως πρωταρχική πηγή γνώσης. Πίνακας 1. Θεωρία της Δραστηριότητας (Engeström, 1987) Στο πλαίσιο αυτό διεξάγεται εκπαιδευτική έρευνα δράσης, ενώ ως μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία αξιοποιούνται η κοινωνικοπολιτισμική προσέγγιση στη διδακτική των φυσικών επιστημών (Πλακίτση, 2012), εφαρμογών εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής, τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας. Αναλυτικότερα, η συγκεκριμένη δράση οργανώνει αρμονικά τις συνιστώσες της STEAM εκπαίδευσης ως μια δραστηριότητα που στοχεύει στη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη και τη συλλογικότητα (Πλακίτση, 2018). ...
Η έρευνα αυτή εστιάζεται στην εφαρμογή εκπαιδευτικής παρέμβασης που αφορά στη μελέτη του φαινομένου των σεισμών από μαθητές νηπιαγωγείου στο πλαίσιο συμμετοχής τους στο δίκτυο των σχολικών σεισμογράφων. Κατά τη φάση του σχεδιασμού και της υλοποίησης του προγράμματος πραγματοποιείται έρευνα δράσης, η οποία επικεντρώνεται παράλληλα στην επιλεκτική προσέγγιση στόχων της αειφόρου εκπαίδευσης. Ως μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία αξιοποιούνται η κοινωνικοπολιτισμική προσέγγιση στη διδακτική των φυσικών επιστημών, εφαρμογών εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής, τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας. Το πλαίσιο έρευνας ολοκληρώνεται με τη διαδικασία συνολικής αποτίμησης και ηλεκτρονικής διάχυσης των μαθησιακών αποτελεσμάτων από τους ίδιους τους μαθητές και την εκπαιδευτικό.
... Tools mediate the relationship between the subject and the object, rules mediate the relationship between the subject and the community, and the division of labour mediates the relationship between the community and the object. Engeström's model provides a comprehensive view of how various elements within an activity system interact and shape each other, offering a valuable lens for analysing information systems [20]. ...
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In this paper, we introduce NOMIS (NOrmative Modelling of Information Systems), a novel human-centred approach to Information Systems (IS) modelling, that integrates insights from Organizational Semiotics, the Theory of Organized Activity, and Enterprise Ontology. NOMIS emphasizes the centrality of human observable actions and interactions in modelling and developing IS, grounded in the philosophical stance of Human Relativism. We present a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations of NOMIS and demonstrate its practical application through a case study. This case study highlights the differences between NOMIS and traditional business process modelling, showcasing the advantages of a human-centred approach in capturing real-world activities and interactions. The findings suggest that NOMIS provides a more accurate and effective framework for IS development, ensuring better alignment with organizational goals and user needs.
... In essence, it is a framework for understanding relationships among subjects, activities and activity systems (Engeström, 2001). Activity theory consists of 6 core constructs (Engeström, 1987): The subject refers to the individual under investigation, whereas the object pertains to the desired action or activity. Tools refer to the instruments or tools used by the subject to accomplish the task. ...
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Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) has significant potential in terms of improving the learning and teaching experience. Despite the benefits that AI applications provide, Generative AI (GAI) has catalyzed global attention and fostered concern in the educational domain, especially in relation to ethical issues. The literature on the topic to date points to a need to better understand the parameters of responsible use of GAI in higher education. This is important, since universities are grappling with how this new technology could be appropriately integrated into the practice of teaching and learning as opposed to an initial reaction of concern. Although the incorporation of GAI into higher education offers opportunities for educational advancement, doing so also necessitates an understanding of its ethical implications and a robust framework for its ethical and responsible use aligned with norms of scholarly practice. This paper, therefore, explores the current state of AI in Higher education and discusses the ethical challenges of integrating it into teaching and learning environments. Drawing upon the Activity Theory and Affordance Theory, this paper concludes by proposing a conceptual framework to serve as a starting point to assist institutions in understanding how to integrate generative AI applications in teaching and learning contexts.
... steam. Dichas experiencias esperan ser analizadas bajo los rasgos de las competencias del siglo xxi y teorías que den cuenta de lo que acontece en estas actividades, las bondades y oportunidades en los contextos educativos, como la Teoría Histórico Cultural de la Actividad (chat, Engeström 1987Engeström , 2007Engeström , 2015. A partir de la experiencia, también se identifica otro momento en la etapa de familiarización en el que los participantes de los talleres com parten con otros sus avances, logros y resultados, por lo que se considera pertinente la incorporación de otra etapa de exhibición, para su análisis y descripción previo a la etapa de cocreación, cuyos rasgos pueden analizarse en proyectos posteriores. ...
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“Tecnologías para el aprendizaje en la región Valles, Jalisco: Vicisitudes de la brecha digital y la educación rural” es un compendio de investigaciones que abordan los desafíos y soluciones tecnológicas en la educación de esta región, explorando temas cruciales como la brecha digital y su impacto en el rendimiento académico tras la pandemia, así como el desarrollo de competencias digitales en contextos rurales. Estructurado en ocho capítulos, este libro incluye estudios realizados por egresadas/os de la Maestría en Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje (MTA) del Centro Universitario de los Valles, con apoyo de sus directoras/es de tesis, quienes han trabajado en iniciativas que benefician tanto a su formación académica como a sus comunidades. Se abordan problemáticas específicas, desde la dificultad de acceso a internet en entornos rurales, hasta la necesidad de fortalecer las competencias digitales de estudiantes y docentes. Además, se presentan proyectos innovadores, como un MOOC de contabilidad, una comunidad de aprendizaje en Facebook y un ‘ambiente virtual de aprendizaje’ para mejorar la comprensión lectora. Cada investigación se sitúa en el contexto regional de Valles, Jalisco, con el fin de proponer soluciones adaptadas a las condiciones socioeconómicas y de infraestructura de la zona. Esta obra resalta la importancia de la educación contextualizada y adaptada a los recursos disponibles, destacando el esfuerzo de la MTA del CUValles, presentando un panorama amplio de los retos que enfrenta la región en términos educativos y tecnológicos, junto con propuestas prácticas que buscan cerrar la brecha digital y mejorar la calidad educativa en comunidades rurales.
... According to Engeström (1987), incidental learning consists of nonconscious learning operations, embedded in the daily participation in joint work. This kind of learning happens all the time, but was not specifically part of the Australian or the Danish research questions. ...
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Internationally, adult literacy and numeracy are in general recognized as cultural techniques. However, the two competences and their development are contested among politicians and researchers. Numeracy is often subsumed under literacy and/ or described in isolation from the situational context. Adult numeracy at work is often described unproblematically as transfer from school to workplace. With reference to Bernstein’s theoretical framework, we claim that adult numeracy on the labour market is a horizontal discourse, in contrast to the vertical discourse of mathematics. This article draws on the findings from an Australian study into numeracy in the context of chemical spraying and handling, utilising a methodology based on activity theory. The main findings are that mathematically straightforward skills become transformed into workplace numeracy competence, when the complexities associated with successful task completion as well as the supportive role of mediating artefacts and the workplace community of practice are taken into account.
... The perspectives studied here are centred on the activity theory (AT), which attempts to develop conceptual tools to understand dialogue, multiple perspectives and voice, as well as networks of interacting activity systems (e.g. Engeström, 1987;Cole, 1988). AT's emphasis on social factors and on interaction between agents and their environments explains why the principle of tool mediation plays a central role within the approach. ...
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The objective of this paper is to present the implications of the change in the educational system at the ITESM. The main objective of this educational system’s change is to incorporate different didactic techniques together with a different infrastructure. Two hundred and fifty undergraduate students answered a questionnaire and twenty members of the academic staff were interviewed. One of the major conclusions found from the students and academic staff is that the education system is a changing process which implies a transformation of the profiles in both academics and students. Thus, educational technology might be essential in the current changing environment.
... In this line, the fragmented curriculum, encapsulated and far from the reality and interests of students and educators, must be overcome. Therefore, the idea is to propose curriculum de-encapsulation (Liberali, 2019) as a form of overcoming one-truth-only academic knowledge with an ecology of knowledge (Santos, 2008), from different sources, as a range of possibilities for the expansion of learning (Engeström, 2002). For such achievement, de-encapsulation involves an engaged pedagogy that holds the promise of students' participation; establishes a mutual relationship between teacher and students, thereby creating an atmosphere of trust and commitment hooks, 2010). ...
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Fernanda Liberali's chapter, *Curriculum De-encapsulation as a Decolonial Instrument to Develop Good Living in Brazil*, explores how decolonial perspectives can challenge traditional educational practices and promote equitable societal transformations. Drawing on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory and frameworks like Santos' "ecology of knowledges" and Mbembe's "necropolitics," the chapter presents action research projects that integrate university, school, and community partnerships. These initiatives aim to dismantle oppressive values, foster critical dialogue, and empower participants as co-creators of societal dynamics. Liberali highlights the potential of education to support the "good living perspective," which emphasizes fairness, independence, and ecological and social balance. By employing creative and insurgent methods, such as poetry slams, the projects demonstrate how participants can address shared challenges and develop a sense of agency. This approach underscores the role of education in cultivating transformative practices that align with ethical and moral imperatives for societal change.
... Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory, (CHAT; Figure 1), this study specifically explored the impact of ERT on use of digital technologies in K-12 teacher practice. Rooted upon Vygotsky's (1986) contribution of mediation, Engeström (1987Engeström ( , 2014 introduced the notion of an activity system, viewing human learning as built on historical experiences, social context, and constant interaction with the environment and others (see also Koszalka & Wu, 2004). Specific to this inquiry, abrupt transitions from in-person to ERT disrupted existing teacher activity systems. ...
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Digital technologies are potentially being used more in K-12 classrooms than prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. In efforts to slow the spread of the virus, many schools abruptly transitioned to emergency remote teaching (ERT). Not all teachers and students were familiar with using such tools, but were required to adapt. COVID-19 has resulted in a large amount of research in education; however, studies focused on ERT and its impact on teacher practice is limited. This inquiry explores how ERT has impacted digital technology usage in current K-12 teacher practice. Data has been collected from K-12 teachers enrolled in graduate programs at one large university through an online questionnaire, semi structured interviews, a review of documents provided by interview participants, and analytic memos. Analysis and interpretation of findings is in progress, and will be organized by way of examining the key research questions through Cultural Historical Activity Theory. This research will also reveal digital technologies introduced during ERT, and factors influencing a teacher’s decision to integrate new technologies into current practice. The author will conclude by offering recommendations that may be useful in the work of technological change in K-12 education.
... This theory emphasizes the importance of reflection and active experiment ion in shaping students' understanding, making it highly relevant for naturebased education where students engage in hands-on, real-world activities. Culturalhistorical activity theory (Engeström, 2015) also provides a framework for understanding how learning is situated within social contexts, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the individual, the environment, and the community. This theory aligns with SA WAY's focus on community engagement and environmental responsibility, where students learn by interacting with and contributing to their surrounding world (Zhang, 2022). ...
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Nature-based education offers a transformative approach to sustainable education by integrating natural environments and sustainability principles into active learning experiences. In Indonesia, Saga Lifeschool, along with over 200 nature-based schools under Jaringan Sekolah Alam Nusantara (JSAN), exemplifies this model through its "Sekolah Alam Way" (SA WAY) system. This system emphasizes holistic education aligned with sustainable development goals and the core values of Pancasila, including environmental stewardship, community spirit, and global diversity appreciation. This research aims to assess the quality improvement needs in SA WAY’s implementation of nature-based education, focusing on enhancing educational practices that promote academic, ethical, social, and environmental growth. The study applies theories such as experiential learning, place-based education, and embodied cognition to evaluate how hands-on activities—such as outdoor projects, environmental conservation, and community engagement—support cognitive, ethical, and social development. Findings indicate that while SA WAY effectively instills these values, improvements in resources, teacher training, and outdoor learning infrastructure are needed to further enhance educational quality and sustainability. The research highlights the importance of continuous development in these areas to ensure the long-term success of nature-based education and its alignment with sustainable practices.
... Plus spécifiquement, parmi les fondements théoriques convoqués dans l'étude du numérique en éducation figurent aussi le concept de « genèse instrumentale » (processus d'instrumentalisation/instrumentation) de Rabardel (1995), pour lequel « les techniques, les artefacts, les instruments sont, comme le langage ou les coutumes, constitutifs [du] milieu social », ainsi que le modèle du système général de l'activité d'Engeström (Engeström, 1987) et le « carré PADI 13 » de Wallet (2010) utilisé par Voulgre (2011Voulgre ( , 2012. ...
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Cet article propose la construction d’une modélisation systémique du numérique en éducation dans le cadre d’une recherche appliquée aux politiques publiques (ministère de l’Éducation nationale français). Considérant le numérique dans sa pervasivité, il met en évidence l’importance d’une approche complexe pour comprendre la transformation des pratiques. Comme modalité de recherche appliquée, nous présentons les groupes thématiques numériques (GTnum). L’approche méthodologique combine une posture réflexive éclairée par les apports de la recherche, des choix conceptuels centrés sur les humanités numériques et l’approche systémique, la recherche participative et la science ouverte via le carnet Hypothèses « Éducation, numérique et recherche ». Comme résultats, notre modélisation est centrée sur un « numérique environnant » et six unités d’action, mis à l’épreuve via les thématiques des GTnum. Nous interprétons ces résultats par une comparaison avec d’autres cadres systémiques, une application aux axes de la transformation numérique en académies, une réflexion prospective avec le développement de l’IA générative et des perspectives pour la recherche participative. Enfin, l’article discute des limites et apports de cette démarche : variabilité de la compréhension des enjeux et de l’intégration des apports de la recherche, mais pistes pour l’anticipation d’une nouvelle configuration du numérique avec la place de l’IA.
... The interview data underwent thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006;Clarke and Braun, 2014). This was followed by a review of internal project documentation (coded as 'D') and two workshop sessions (coded as 'W1′-n = 29, & 'W2′-n = 17), where systems modelling (Forrester, 1980;Meadows, 2009) and activity systems modelling (Engeström, 1987(Engeström, , 2001Ploettner et al., 2016) techniques were utilized to depict key issues in the system. More details on the overall research process, can be found the materials and Fig. 3. Selection Criteria for Essential Social-Ecological System Variables by priority in terms of essentiality (mean of the scores assigned by experts to each criterion), as well as the level of consensus (estimated as the difference between the maximum standard deviation of the scores for all potential criteria) around the essentiality assigned by the transdisciplinary Tsitsa Project research-praxis team (n = 14). ...
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This publication introduces Essential Social-Ecological System Variables (ESEVs), an approach aimed at addressing integration and monitoring challenges in Social-Ecological System (SES) projects at the catchment scale. ESEVs are defined as 'the minimum set of critical social-ecological variables to capture key features, processes, and interactions driving SES dynamics over time and space.' Notably, ESEVs differ from other essential variable approaches as they are based on the relational connection between the 'Social' and 'Ecological' aspects of SESs and are derived from a transdisciplinary process involving systems thinking and social learning. The ESESV approach was rooted in systems thinking to identify variables for monitoring progress towards improved SES sustainability within the Tsitsa River Catchment in South Africa. ESEVs were identified through a process involving interviews, workshops, and surveys with experts from a transdisciplinary SES project in the catchment. The criteria for prioritizing ESEVs and their associated indicators were determined based on ‘essentiality scores,’ and the degree of consensus among participants. The resulting ESEVs for the Tsitsa River Catchment included 'soil erosion related to human actions on the land,' 'participation in natural resource governance,' 'grazing and rangeland sustainability,' and 'land cover and condition.' Additionally, participants proposed 'access to water,' 'local natural resource governance system,' and 'human well-being in the landscape' as potential ESEVs. Monitoring ESEVs could be achieved through a mix of data sources, with reduced emphasis on biophysical earth observations. Applying the ESEV approach at the catchment scale ensured its contextual relevance and practicality. The study provides valuable insights for monitoring SES sustainability, offering an effective approach and process applicable to various SES landscapes.
... The basic unit of analysis in CHAT is a multi-voiced and multi-layered activity system consisting of six core components: the subject, the object, tools, community, rules, and division of labor [44,46]. Fig 2 shows this basic unit of analysis in CHAT [47]. ...
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Background Palliative care, vital for patients with advanced, life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses, faces an increasing global demand due to aging populations and rising non-communicable diseases. Specialized palliative care teams (PCTs) within hospitals significantly impact patient outcomes, which requires effective interprofessional collaboration with general healthcare workers. Therefore, We will conduct a realist review to explore the contextual factors, mechanisms and outcomes related to the interprofessional collaboration between PCTs and general healthcare workers. Methods Grounded in the third generation Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, this review will follow 5-step iterative process. First, a preliminary literature search will define the review scope. Second, based on the preliminary searches an initial program theory will be developed. Third, systematic searches across PubMed, Embase, CINHAL, Web of Science, and Scopus will be caried out. Fourth, data extraction of included studies will be conducted. Simultaneously, relevance and rigour of individual studies will be evaluated. Lastly, data analysis and synthesis will be conducted in which identified individual Context-Mechanism-Outcome (CMO) configurations will be combined in chains of inference through which hypotheses can be formulated. In summary, this realist review will refine an initially developed program theory, producing a framework elucidating how interprofessional collaboration works between PCTs and general healthcare workers. Discussion This review aims to provide crucial insights into interprofessional collaboration between PCTs and general healthcare workers, informing optimized palliative care delivery in acute care hospitals for diverse stakeholders.
... L'apprentissage social et l'apprentissage expansif, respectivement théorisés par Bandura et Engeström, complètent ce tableau en reconnaissant l'influence du contexte social et de la collaboration dans le développement des compétences et connaissances, tout en mettant en avant l'importance de l'innovation et de la transformation collective dans les processus d'apprentissage (Bandura, 1977;Engeström, 1987). ...
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Cet article examine comment l'analytique de l'apprentissage, l'intelligence artificielle (IA), et la chaîne de blocs transforment la personnalisation de l'éducation. En explorant la littérature récente, il identifie les contributions et les défis de ces technologies dans l'amélioration des parcours éducatifs. L'analyse suggère que l'intégration de ces technologies offre des opportunités uniques pour la personnalisation de l'apprentissage, tout en soulevant des questions importantes sur la sécurité, la confidentialité, et l'équité. La convergence de l'IA, de l'analytique de l'apprentissage, et de la technologie de la chaîne de blocs promet une révolution dans la manière dont l'éducation est délivrée et reçue, permettant une adaptation précise au profil de chaque apprenant. Cette intégration technologique, cependant, exige une réflexion approfondie sur les cadres éthiques et réglementaires pour garantir que la personnalisation de l'éducation bénéficie à tous, sans compromettre la sécurité des données ni accentuer les inégalités. L'article plaide pour une collaboration étroite entre développeurs technologiques, éducateurs, et décideurs politiques pour relever ces défis et exploiter pleinement le potentiel de ces technologies émergentes dans l'éducation.
... Para Garcia (2018), informação e conhecimento são intrinsecamente conectados em uma relação de interdependência, sendo a informação a parcela explícita do conhecimento, que é também composto de uma parcela de conteúdo tácito. Segundo a autora, na competência em informação, a informação está associada a processos de aprendizagem nos diversos contextos sociais (Garcia 2018 Em relação ao modelo proposto por Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997, 2008, Engeström (2007Engeström ( , 2019) aponta que se trata de um modelo com fases fixas, que não leva em consideração a formulação e análise de problemas e contradições durante as fases de criação do conhecimento, já que considera que a inovação ocorre pela socialização e compartilhamento do conhecimento tácito. Engeström (2007Engeström ( , 2008 ressalta que a principal limitação do modelo de Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997, 2008 não é a ordenação sequencial fixa no ciclo de criação do conhecimento, mas se esses modos representacionais de conhecimento são uma base apropriada para discutir processos de criação de conhecimento. ...
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This article aims to identify information sharing channels to verify the information use panorama and to assist in the development of information literacy in the justice system. The research is qualitative and consisted of a multiple case study in institutions of the justice system. Data collection techniques consisted of mental maps and semi-structured interviews and data analysis used was the Collective Subject Discourse Analysis and construction of mental maps. The results obtained with the mental maps pointed to the internet as the main source of information and the information obtained through people being also valued, as well as that obtained from official sources. The Collective Subject Discourse Analysis indicated official sources and people as the main sources of information. The results point to an informational panorama based predominantly on digital formats and the to the need to improve or expand sharing channels for the dissemination of knowledge in the justice system. Thus, sharing channels are essential for developing information literacy in a context of information overload, the impacts of new technologies and social changes.
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Vauhdilla etenevä digitalisaatio haastaa kansalaisten osallisuuden ja yhdenvertaisuuden toteutumista. Yhteiskunta edellyttää digitaidoissa elinikäistä oppimista. Oppimisen ja digipalveluiden käytön tueksi on tarjolla maksutonta digitukea, mutta löytävätkö ihmiset sen? Digituen yhteisöpajoissa kehitettiin digituen symboli, jolla lisätään digituen tunnistettavuutta ja löydettävyyttä ja näin tuetaan digiosallisuuden edellytyksiä.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
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Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of ARCS motivation model on students' learning achievement, with the aim of is to test the validity of the ARCS motivational modelling approach.It aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4(Quality Education), promoting effective and inclusive learning outcomes. Theoretical Framework: In this topic, the main concepts and theories that underpin the research are presented. Activity theory stand out, providing a solid basis for understanding the context of the investigation. Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprisesMeta-analytical design, for the included literature, strictly followed the operational guidelines of PRISMA. Data collection was carried out through four databases, Web of Science, Proquest, Scopus and Eric, coded and classified through activity theory, and the tool used CMA 3.7 software for data analysis to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the results. Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed ARCS model of motivation has a large effect size on student learning achievement (ES=1.256). In addition, sample size, learning domain, ARCS motivational classroom model, intervention duration, teaching method, sample region, interaction type, and teaching tool significantly moderated the effect sizes. Research Implications: This study systematically evaluates the impact of the ARCS motivation model on academic performance through meta-analysis, providing empirical support for motivation theory in educational psychology. Practically, this study offers effective strategies for educators to enhance students' motivation and academic performance, and serves as a reference for optimizing the integration of course design and teaching models. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by adopting an activity theory coding design to systematically analyse the effect of the ARCS motivational model on student achievement. Its significance and value lies in revealing the effectiveness of the ARCS motivational model in improving students' academic achievement, providing empirical support for instructional design and practice, and providing guidance for motivation-driven curriculum design in particular. This study has important applications in promoting academic progress, improving the quality of education and achieving sustainability in quality education.
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Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) serves as a vital framework for enhancing educational practices in the Philippines, addressing challenges such as limited access to quality resources and the need for innovative teaching methods. Rooted in the work of Lev Vygotsky and further developed by scholars like Yrjö Engeström, CHAT emphasizes the significance of cultural and historical contexts in learning. The Philippine Department of Education's initiatives, such as the "Inclusive Education for All" program, align with CHAT principles by promoting culturally relevant and inclusive educational practices. Recent studies demonstrate CHAT's effectiveness in improving student engagement and understanding through culturally and linguistically relevant materials. By fostering collaboration, utilizing relevant cultural tools, and ensuring contextual relevance, CHAT promotes an inclusive learning atmosphere that prepares students for active community participation. CHAT provides practical strategies for transforming educational practices to better meet the diverse needs of Filipino learners.
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During teacher education programs, teacher students are expected to develop the digital competence necessary for their future roles as teachers. A vital aspect of this competence involves integrating digital tools into educational activities. Some digital tools, such as response systems, are designed and used to encourage student participation during educational activities. This study explores how teacher students use different functions in various response systems during their student teaching, practically applying what they learned in an ICT course during the teacher education program. Semi-structured interviews were thematically analyzed, with activity theory as a framework to discuss the themes. The findings reveal that while most teacher students used response systems during their student teaching, the extent and manner of use varied significantly. Frequent users reported positive experiences, integrating response systems as part of their teaching strategy, while occasional and non-users faced barriers related to theoretical grounding, relevance to the subject of English, community support, and the division of labor. These results highlight the importance of aligning digital tools with educational objectives and providing teacher students with theoretical and practical support during their training. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse on integrating digital tools in teacher education and provides insights into digital competence development within teacher education programs.
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Our research project, In Search for Significance: Fostering movement across the six worlds of adolescents, aimed to identify and test ways in which adolescents can find and cultivate significance in their lives, understood as commitments and actions that connect the adolescents' personal interests with activities and projects for a just and equitable world. The research project draws on cultural-historical activity theory and the model of adolescents' different worlds. The project was implemented with the help of the Change Laboratory intervention method. In the research project, 32 eighth-grade students from two comprehensive schools in Finland worked on long-term projects with the support of researchers, school staff, and external experts during two school years. The Change Laboratory is a method for participatory analysis and design based on the cultural-historical activity theory and the theory of expansive learning. The Change Laboratory sessions were conducted within regular school hours, but the students selected, designed, and implemented the topics, contents, and means of the 11 projects. The data has been analyzed with qualitative analysis methods. Adolescents can plan and carry out challenging projects significant to themselves and to the broader society. Allowing students to create and lead their own projects has important potential for developing teaching and learning and students' transformative agency. Change Laboratories promoted a sustained search for significance among adolescents in the school context. In an age of widespread alienation, models such as this are of utmost importance. 165
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This study investigated English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ beliefs concerning the use of an AI grading tool (CoGrader) for essay scoring and feedback. The study also explored the factors which contributed to those beliefs. EFL teachers (n = 10) from public universities (n = 3)in Saudi Arabia participated in this study. The study employed a mixed-method approach with a quantitative questionnaire followed by qualitative interviews. The results were further conceptualized within the Activity Theory (AT) framework to ensure a better understanding of the interrelation of teachers’ beliefs and factors influencing those beliefs. Findings indicated that CoGrader was perceived positively by the majority of the participant teachers as an assistant tool in scoring students’ written essays and in providing feedback. However, the dependability of such AI scoring software is still in question and it was not accepted as a complete substitute for teacher grading. Teachers and teacher trainers are therefore advised not to neglect AI grading but to engage with cautious use of it.
This article proposes a link between temporal structuring and the dynamics of organizing that is manifest in a fabric of concurrent paths that we call a path net. Path nets are shaped by mechanisms of temporal structuring, such as entrainment, planning, agency, and chance. Path nets materialize the effects of temporal structuring “here” and “now” in the comings and goings of actors and resources, thereby setting the stage for doings and sayings of situated practice and shaping the dynamics of organizing. Path nets offer a parsimonious system of picturing the complexity of organizing that is built on a processual ontology of paths and events. Through the lens of the path net, we can picture temporal structuring as a motor for organizing that drives recurrence without assuming stability or change. Comings and goings are readily observable, so path nets open new directions for empirical research on temporality and the dynamics of organizing.
Résumé La recherche, articulant la formation à distance à la question de la professionnalisation des enseignants, interroge la dimension professionnalisante du dispositif de formation à distance des professeurs contractuels de l’enseignement moyen et secondaire dans le contexte du système éducatif sénégalais. L’analyse des données recueillies lors de vidéographies de classe et d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès des différents acteurs de la formation s’effectue à partir de la théorie de l’activité et de la didactique professionnelle. Les résultats de la recherche révèlent que la professionnalisation des enseignants se réalise selon deux voies différentes et complémentaires liées au dispositif de formation à distance et à l’expérience. La prise en compte de ces deux voies de professionnalisation permet de rendre intelligible le développement professionnel des enseignants.
About two years ago, on a cool Southern California day, Vasili Davydov addressed a group of social scientists at the University of California, San Diego. He began his talk with a paradox. He had come, he said, to tell us about educational activity. He promised to exhibit principles that promote educational activity, and applied programs deriving from those principles. Then he laughed. "But you'll never see educational activity in the school," he said, and laughed again.
Soviet psychology has developed on the basis of Marxist-Leninist philosophy, in particular, on the theory of the role of practical activity with objects in the intellectual development of the individual and on the theory of reflection. On these foundations, the general principles for the study of animal mind and of human consciousness have been developed in psychology that together constitute the activity approach. Psychology has accumulated a vast amount of material that provides concrete underpinnings for these principles, material that includes abundant scientific data describing the development of various mental processes. Although an integrated and developed theory of the emergence and development of mental activity and consciousness that would satisfy the basic requirements of a dialectical materialist concept of development has not yet been created, a scientific situation is in the process of being established that favors the construction of such theories.
Discusses ways of understanding phenomena of political repression, using activity theory. Activity system as the unit of analysis, systemic causality and contradictions, and time as cycles of expansive development provide the structure for arguments. A case example derived from work by F. Fanon (1967) illustrates how some types of liberation actions may lead to a dead end (i.e., activities considered to be pathological or criminal), instead of to the hoped for expansive cycle and an eventual novel activity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
some, but not all, of the family theories of schizophrenia entail a shift from the Aristotelian/Cartesian/Newtonian epistemology of individual psychology to a systemic epistemology of pattern. Perhaps the most significant (and underappreciated) aspect of this epistemological shift pertains to etiology: The family theories of schizophrenia espoused by Bateson et al. and by Wynne and Singer do not claim that parents or families cause schizophrenia. The persistent failure of researchers to appreciate this has led to many fruitless studies that have sought to discover a causal link between the thought disorder and communication deviance of parents and the schizophrenia of their offspring. This paper reviews from an epistemological viewpoint the empirical literature that has attempted to assess the validity of the family theories of schizophrenia. Particular attention is given to restating and extending the epistemology of pattern within which schizophrenia occurs. The conventional psychiatric approaches to schizophrenia are shown to play an active role within the schizophrenic pattern.