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Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability,
vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 19ñ34, 2022
What do We Know About Teacher Educatorsí
Perceptions of Education for Sustainable Development?
A Systematic Literature Review
Antje Goller
University of Vechta, Vechta, Germany
TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
Marco Rieckmann
University of Vechta, Vechta, Germany
Teacher educators prepare prospective teachers to deliver Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) in schools. Lecturersí personal perceptions of ESD guide them in
this work. While there has been some research into lecturersí perceptions of ESD in
general, teacher educators as a group have been given scarcely any consideration. As
groundwork for further research in this area, the research question that is the focus of
this paper is: What do we know about teacher educatorsí perceptions (understanding,
attitudes, ideas about implementation) of ESD? We carried out a systematic literature
review, including bibliographic analysis and qualitative content analysis of all the papers
identified (N = 12). We found both broad and relatively limited understanding and
mainly positive but also some negative attitudes. Common perceptions and/or experiences
of barriers and drivers are set out below, as are reports on implementation. We conclude
that further research is needed in this important field in order to develop measures to
bring about systemic change in teacher education.
Keywords: education for sustainable development, lecturers, systematic literature review,
teacher education, teacher educators
As highlighted recently by the Berlin Declaration (UNESCO, 2021), teachers are
key multipliers in the promotion of Sustainable Development (SD). Teacher educators
are thus responsible for preparing future teachers to deliver Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) in a professional and research-based manner. Anchoring ESD in
school and university curricula is a significant milestone in this field. However, it is also
essential to provide support for teachers who are already active in the field and for
teacher educators who have not been trained in sustainability research. Knowledge of
DOI: 10.2478/jtes-2022-0003
Antje Goller and Marco Rieckmann20
the target group is required to enable this to be done properly. The research question on
which this paper focuses is therefore: What do we know about teacher educatorsí
perceptions of ESD? It seeks to establish teacher educatorsí understanding of ESD (e.g.,
their assumptions and knowledge), what (positive or negative) attitudes they have
towards ESD and how they work with ESD. This study focuses on research into higher
education development.
For the purposes of this paper, we use ESD as a collective term that covers both
instrumental (ESD1) and emancipatory ESD (ESD2) (Barth & Rieckmann, 2016a) and
transformative learning (Mezirow, 2000). Related terms are, e.g., ìEducation for Sustain-
ability (EfS)î, ìDevelopment Education (DE)î, and ìSustainability Education (SE)î.
In this context, we adopt the terms used by the authors of the papers in question.
Since the integration of sustainable development has become a field of action in
higher education (Murillo-Vargas et al., 2020), we examined current research on teaching
academicsí views on ESD in general, without focusing on ESD in teacher education in
particular (for student teachersí perspectives on sustainable development see, for example,
Koskela and K‰rkk‰inen (2021)). Studies on lecturersí attitudes towards ESD often
highlight their enthusiasm and support for the concept (Aznar-Minguet et al., 2011;
Christie et al., 2015; Melles, 2019). Shephard and Furnari (2013) identify four viewpoints
with distinct characteristics, one of which promotes ESD and three of which do not. The
authors emphasize education for sustainability and understand ESD as focusing ìon
students developing the knowledge, skills, values and dispositions necessary to achieve
[sustainability]î (p. 1578). The authors therefore describe the four viewpoints as
—Those who promote sustainability and argue that sustainability should be
integrated into higher education;
—University teachers who are committed to the liberal ideals of higher education
within individual disciplines;
—Sustainably-minded university teachers who favor interdisciplinarity but are
not focused on education for sustainability;
—Anthropocentric university teachers who are mindful of their academic freedom
and their responsibility to be critical and act as the conscience of society
(p. 1581f.).
These results connect well with the lively discussion on the understanding of the
role of researchers in society. Is it important to be a neutral observer or should there be
a place for activism? And by what rules do researchers play? (Schneidewind & Singer-
Brodowski, 2014).
Although most lecturers take a generally positive view of ESD, some note that they
ìfind the language of ESD inaccessibleî (Cotton et al., 2007, p. 579) or generally view
it as being only ìindirectly relevant to their teachingî (Christie et al., 2015, p. 679).
With regard to implementation, Christie et al. (2013) state that
ìEfS is not yet widely practiced in university classrooms across disciplines.
EfS has not yet prompted academics to move towards pedagogical innovation.
There does however exist a practice of including critical thinking and
discussions within the format of lectures and tutorials. It is within these lecture
and tutorial time slots that there is space, and most importantly will, to pursue
student-centered learning.î (p. 405)
The authors suggest it is useful to ìmeet academics within their disciplinary world-
viewsî (p. 679) in order to promote implementation in practice.
21What do We Know About Teacher Educatorsí Perceptions of Education..
Overall, we have established that perceptions of sustainability and ESD are incon-
sistent across the sector, which matches since ESD is not discussed as a single concept in
the context of research. We have also identified that teaching academics are in broad
agreement on the importance of SD. But they evince a more varied understanding of
ESD implementation, and hold a greater variety of views on how it can be achieved.
Dedicated lecturers often claim to be unable to work with ESD in the way they want
due to external factors or a perceived lack of competencies (for a discussion of educatorsí
ESD competencies see Corres et al. (2020)).
Existing studies provide insight into lecturersí views on ESD in general. But as
described above, the focus here is on teacher educators because of their special role as
ìmultipliers of multipliersî in higher education: Teacher educators not only practice
ESD but train teacher students to practise ESD themselves. This paper therefore presents
the results of a systematic literature review (Fink, 2020) on teacher educatorsí views of
ESD, in order to provide an overview of what is known in the field and subject it to
analysis. A literature review ìis a systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for
identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded
word produced by researchers, scholars, and practitionersî (p. 6).
The next section describes the research design and methodology, including data
collection, processing and analysis. We then present our findings and discuss connections
and limitations.
Research Focus and Methodology
Our methodological approach was based on Fink (2020) and Barth and Rieckmann
(2016b). As described in the introduction, we were seeking to understand what was
known about teacher educatorsí perceptions of ESD.
Based on our experience in the field, we assumed that the literature sample would
be small. We therefore identified two focal points: (1) Our main focus was studies that
contained information on teacher educatorsí perceptions of ESD; (2) We also included
material containing information on lecturersí perceptions of specific aspects of ESD or
concepts such as DE, EfS and SE, on the condition that the study be explicitly contextu-
alized as ESD research. One example of this material was a paper on decolonizing
education (Pratt & Hanson, 2020).
Data Collection
We initially searched the major databases (Web of Science Core Collection, ERIC,
Education Research Complete) for papers in English and German, using the following
search terms:
—ìteacher educationî OR ìstudent teacherî
AND ìsustainabilityî OR ìEfSî OR ìESD*î OR ìenvironmental educationî
OR ìsustainable developmentî OR ìtransformation*î
AND ìlecturer*î OR ìinstructorî OR ìprofessorî
—ìLehramt*î OR ìLehrer*bildungî AND ìNachhaltigkeitî OR ìBNEî OR
ìBildung f¸r nachhaltige Entwicklungî OR ìNachhaltige Entwicklungî OR
ìtransformativ*î AND ìDozent*î OR ìDozierend*î OR ìLehrend*î OR
ìHochschullehr*î OR ìProfessor*î
Antje Goller and Marco Rieckmann22
Figure 1
Search and Processing Strategy
Additionally, we browsed the tables of contents of the Journal of Teacher Education
for Sustainability, the Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, the Inter-
national Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education and Environmental Education
Research. The search took place in August 2020 and was updated in March 2021.
Where search options allowed, we browsed Abstracts and Keywords, slightly adjusted
the search query where necessary, for example, by searching for full text instead. As a
practical screen (Fink, 2020, p. 53f), in addition to including only two languages we
excluded resources published before 1992 since that was the year international discourse
on ESD started. We introduced a methodological quality screening criterion (Fink, 2020,
p. 56f) by including only peer reviewed articles.
This approach generated a sample of 55 articles. After removing duplicates (5) and
reading the abstracts on the basis of predefined criteria (written or oral interviews with
teacher educators, explicit ESD context), a sample of 16 remained. The sample was
reviewed by five international experts in ESD in higher education. A scan of the abstracts
for the suggested additions led to the addition of two studies to the sample.
Our reading of the abstracts resulted in the identification of additional terms to the
search such as ìteacher educatorî, ìteaching academic*î and ìuniversity teacher*î,
which produced three additional hits.
Data Processing and Coding
The full texts were read and coded (initial text work) by one of the authors. Further
exclusion produced a sample of 12 texts. One main reason for exclusion was that where
teacher educators were surveyed alongside other groups, their perspectives were undistin-
23What do We Know About Teacher Educatorsí Perceptions of Education..
guishable in the presentation of results, leading to content that was not usable for our
To confirm the final sample, intercoder reliability was tested using 3 (of 12) included
and 6 (of 43) excluded texts; this produced a conformity of 2/3 for included and 5/6 for
excluded material. After discussing differences, a final sample of 12 was agreed upon.
Data Analysis
The small sample allowed for bibliographic review and content analysis on the
basis of Qualitative Content Analysis (Kuckartz, 2016). The bibliographic review included
year, journal, authors and research location. A word cloud of keywords was developed
(see below) to highlight key topics. The content analysis sought to answer the main
question: What do we know about teacher educatorsí perceptions of ESD? We derived
three main categories from this question, complementing them with inductive subcate-
gories following Kuckartzí (2016) procedure:
—Understanding (How do teacher educators understand ESD?)
—Attitude (What attitudes do teacher educators have towards ESD?)
ñImportant, relevant
ñNot important, irrelevant, ambivalent
ñDrivers, Opportunities
ñBarriers, Risks
—Implementation (What do teacher educators say about how they deliver ESD?)
ñGeneral views on ESD practice
ñTeaching tools
ñChallenges encountered
After the review was completed, we undertook quality assurance using the PRISMA
guidelines (Page et al., 2021).
Bibliographic Review
Our sample (see Table 1) shows title, journal, author and affiliation and is arranged
by year. Searching for publications since the start of the global ESD discourse in 1992,
we found the earliest article in 2008. With a total of four articles, 2020 was the year
with the highest output. This indicates growing rather than declining output in the area
of research under consideration.
Most publications were found in the Australian Journal of Environmental Education
(3), the Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability (2) and the Journal of Education
for Sustainable Development (2). A global map illustrates the international line-up of
authors and reveals an agglomeration at Australian institutions (see Figure 2).
Antje Goller and Marco Rieckmann24
Table 1
Title Year Author incl. Affiliation Journal
Student Teachersí Experiences of Their Studies in 2008 Erika Lˆfstrˆm Journal of Teacher
Educational Science and Psychology University of Helsinki, Finland Education for Sustainability
Sustainability Education and Teacher Education: 2012 John Buchanan Australian Journal of
Finding a Natural Habitat? University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Environmental Education
Biodiversity and Education for Sustainable Develop- 2012 Marceline Collins-Figueroa Journal of Education for
ment in Teacher Education Programmes of Four University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Sustainable Development
Jamaican Educational Institutions Jamaica
Drivers and Blockers: Embedding Education for 2012 Sue Wilson Australian Journal of
Sustainability (EfS) in Primary Teacher Education Australian Catholic University, Watson ACT Environmental Education
Preparing Action Competent Environmental 2013 Wendy Nielsen Australian Journal of
Educators: How Hard Could It Be? Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong, Environmental Education
New South Wales, Australia
Peter Andersen
Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,
New South Wales, Australia
Vanessa Sabljak
Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,
New South Wales, Australia
Amy-Lee Petereit
Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,
New South Wales, Australia
Vanessa Hoskin
Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,
New South Wales, Australia
Garry Hoban
Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,
New South Wales, Australia
See next page for continuation of table
25What do We Know About Teacher Educatorsí Perceptions of Education..
Continuation of Table 1
Education for Sustainable Development in Initial 2013 Denise Summers Journal of Education for
Teacher Education: From Compliance to Commit- Plymouth Institute of Education, Plymouth Sustainable Development
ment ñ Sowing the Seeds of Change University, UK
Education for Sustainable Development in Vietnam: 2015 Thi Kinh Kieu International Journal of
Lessons Learned from Teacher Education Graduate School of Global Environmental Sustainability in Higher
Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Education
Jane Singer
Graduate School of Global Environmental
Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Tracey Jean Gannon
Graduate School of Global Environmental
Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Desires and Doubts on Cultural Sustainability: A 2019 Tahera Afrin European Journal of
Study from Aotearoa New Zealand ICL Business School, Auckland, New Zealand Sustainable Development
Teacher Educatorsí and Teacher Traineesí Perspective 2020 William Nketsia Journal of Teacher
on Teacher Training for Sustainable Development Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia Education for Sustainability
Maxwell Peprah Opoku
University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia
Timo Saloviita
University of Jyv‰skyl‰, Jyv‰skyl‰, Finland
Danielle Tracey
Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
Positioning Development Education and Climate 2020 Jennifer Liston, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Policy & Practice: A Deve-
Change Education at the Heart of Teacher Education? Ann Devitt, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland lopment Education Review
Teacher Educatorsí Preparedness for Re-Orienting 2020 Munawar Sultana Mirza Journal of Research and
Teacher Education Programs for Sustainable University of Punjab Reflections in Education
Development in Pakistan
Indigenous Instructorsí Perspectives on Pre-service 2020 Yvonne Poitras Pratt Race Ethnicity and
Teacher Education: Poetic Responses to Difficult Werklund School of Education, University of Education
Learning and Teaching Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Aubrey Jean Hanson
Werklund School of Education, University of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Antje Goller and Marco Rieckmann26
Figure 2
Map of Research Locations
A word cloud of keywords shows that ìEducation for Sustainable Developmentî and
ì(Initial) Teacher Educationî are the most common keywords (see Figure 3). The variety
of other keywords demonstrates the range of topics the area of research is related to.
Figure 3
Word Cloud of Keywords
27What do We Know About Teacher Educatorsí Perceptions of Education..
Content Analysis
Teacher Educatorsí Understanding of ESD
As expected, the texts describe the general understanding of ESD among teacher
educators as inconsistent (Buchanan, 2012). Collins-Figueroa (2012), for example, iden-
tifies three dimensions of ESD in lecturersí understanding:
1. Economic sustainability (e.g., selling vegetables crops in the collegeís canteen);
2. Ecological sustainability (e.g., nurturing the vegetable garden);
3. Social collaboration (e.g., of all staff members and students in the project)
(p. 261f).
These dimensions correspond well with the dimensions of sustainability in the three-
pillar model and the prioritization inherent in the ëVorrangmodellí (Vorage, 2019).
Summers (2013) finds the majority ìfocused on the environmentî but others also ìincluded
social and economic conceptionsî (p. 212).
Wilson (2012) also identifies a ìrange of understandings of sustainability and percep-
tion of the issues involved in EfSî (p. 49). Similar to Summers (2013), the scholar finds
that ìnot all lecturers were aware of the scope of EfSî (p. 49). Some lecturers were
therefore already delivering EfS without realizing it. In contrast to this, Liston and
Devitt (2020) find a ìvery broad view of what constitutes DEî (p. 66), including questions
of social justice such as inclusion or antibullying. Also lecturers ìadmitted that they
themselves were not completely aware of the collaboration of DE with the teaching of
their subject and, thus, expressed a desire to learn moreî (p. 67).
Nielsen et al. (2012) point out that lecturers wanted pre-service teachers to ìmove
beyond the specific knowledge, skills and experiences to more general critical thinkingî
(p. 9), which could be read as an understanding of ESD itself.
Transformative Learning as a special form of ESD is addressed by Pratt and Hanson
(2020). One instructor argues that the aim of transformative learning is for students
ìto be shiftedî by the ìdual impulse[s] of pushing students into discomfort ñ unsettling
territory ñ while simultaneously caring for them, with the goal of transforming their
understandingsî (p. 11f). This understanding corresponds well with Mezirowís (2000)
Researching meaningful learning expiriences in the context of ESD, Lˆfstrˆm (2008)
finds that university teachers rank contextuality as slightly more important than studentsí
intentionality or collaboration and constructivity. Contextuality can be understood as
being similar in nature to systems thinking, which is a key competence developed by ESD
(Brundiers et al., 2021).
Asked which topics they would like to include in the teacher education program,
educators viewed ìculture, peace and securityî as more important than ìecological and
environmental issuesî (p. 157) which stood in contrast to, e.g., the ëVorrangmodellí,
which ranked environmental issues more highly than economics and social issues. Afrin
(2019) focuses on teacher education for cultural sustainability. Participating lecturers
ìreferred to this aspect of spirituality as a motivational force for them to inspire their
studentsî (p. 456).
Focusing on the perceived role of education in SD, Mirza (2020) states that teacher
educators ìwere not clear about the possible role of education to address the SD issuesî
(p. 156). Her results indicate that ìteacher educators perceive education only as a mode-
rate factor that may influence sustainable developmentî (p. 156).
Antje Goller and Marco Rieckmann28
Teacher Educatorsí Attitudes to ESD
ESD in general is mostly seen as relevant and desirable by teacher educators (Afrin,
2019; Liston & Devitt, 2020; Wilson, 2012). However, Liston and Devitt (2020) also
point out that lecturers see these topics as ìdeeply embedded and occur[ing] naturally
in studentsí thinking which is the reason they do not really highlight these issues separ-
atelyî. Lecturers also feel that the issues lie ìin their own thinking as well and, thus,
naturally influence their subject-specific lecturesî (p. 66f). Thus, one respondent states:
ìIíve never seen myself as having any specific responsibility for itî (p. 67). After surveying
108 lecturers, Mirza (2020) concludes they ìdid not perceive much relevance of SD
concepts in the courses they were teachingî (p. 1).
Reasons for working with ESD are described as ìboth extrinsic and intrinsic, and
related to changing curriculum, to secondary school student need, to the needs of student
teachers and to ethical responsibility to the worldî (p. 68).
Barriers and Drivers, Opportunities and Risks
Wilson (2012) considers that a ìwidespread emphasis on sustainabilityî, EfS values
in society, supportive curricula and declarations, engaged lecturers from other disciplines
and supportive administration and management on campus are drivers for ESD
implementation (p. 51). Liston and Devitt (2020) also highlight the positive effect of
supportive colleagues. However, respondents would prefer a ìformal and informal initi-
ative [that is] more explicitly stated in ITE policy and practiceî to the ìgoodwillî that
is described (p. 72).
The biggest barrier identified is a perceived lack of time (Buchanan, 2012; Mirza,
2020; Summers, 2013; Wilson, 2012). Lecturers perceive ESD as an ìadd-in or add-
onî (Buchanan, 2012, p. 115), a or ìbolt-onî (Summers, 2013, p. 214). Mirza (2020)
adds a lack of ìsupport from the managementî and ìfreedom to incorporate SD in the
courseî to the list of barriers (p. 9).
The (perceived) lack of knowledge of SD and ESD is also described as a barrier
(Mirza, 2020; Summers, 2013). Buchanan (2012) highlights the risk of ìwell-intentioned
but ill-informed tree huggingî (p. 115). Because of ESDís cross-curricular character,
lecturers worry that it might be ìignored, in that no one will assume responsibility for
itî (p. 115) but also that it might bring a ìloss of emphasisî in their disciplineî (p. 257).
Organizational factors such as big group sizes and limited facilities are also seen as
barriers (Afrin, 2019; Kieu et al., 2016). Wilson (2012) adds ìthinking that individuals
canít make a differenceî as a barrier (p. 51).
Teacher Educatorsí Reported Implementation of ESD
Summers (2013) describes three phases of ESD implementation that teachers and
lecturers can complete: culture of compliance, overcoming initial anxieties and responsi-
bility. Buchanan (2012) adds incidental implementation to the phases mentioned above.
Values such as patience, tolerance, empathy and equal treatment (Nketsia et al.,
2020) are recognized as important elements. However, working with values is also con-
29What do We Know About Teacher Educatorsí Perceptions of Education..
sidered ìpotentially embarrassingî (Summers, 2013, p. 214) because it can make lecturers
feel exposed.
The highest level of ESD implementation is reported in Geography (Kieu et al.,
2016), Social Sciences and Science (Buchanan, 2012). Lecturers describe having trouble
finding a connection between ESD and their subject (Liston & Devitt, 2020).
Teaching Tools
The methods and media deployed include documentaries (Pratt & Hanson, 2020),
student research (Kieu et al., 2016), involvement of partners on campus (Collins-Figueroa,
2012), the use of personal experience (Pratt & Hanson, 2020), thinking books and field
trips (Nielsen et al., 2012).
Some lecturers ìsaw a need for tracking of studentsí exposure and engagement
[Ö] to ensure that students received a cohesive picture to direct their EfS learningî
(Wilson, 2012) while others ìwere opening up the possibility of our students feeling a
lack of guidance for their groupís activityî (Nielsen et al., 2012). The experience of
ìpride about the studentsí display of responsibility and problem-solving skills when
faced with challengesî motivated one lecturer to try a holistic approach: ìdiscussions
about the social, economic and environmental aspects of this ecosystem opened up a
whole new way of studying and writing about the environment for him and his studentsî
(Collins-Figueroa, 2012, p. 206).
Some lecturers ìprioritize[d] sustainability literacy instead of actionî (Kieu et al.,
2016, p. 867), while others sought to ìenable the students to appreciate and experience
the concept of action competenceî which was observed to be very empowering (Nielsen
et al., 2012, p. 100).
A lack of knowledge, especially with regard to sensitive topics and ìtensions in the
classroomî are perceived as challenging (Pratt & Hanson, 2020, p. 11). Additionally,
lecturers were anxious about ìsounding ëevangelicalí î and became ìalmost apologetic
about introducing ESDî (Summers, 2013, p. 215). Developing and identifying suitable
assessment processes for ESD was also considered challenging (Buchanan, 2012; Kieu
et al., 2016).
Neither teacher educatorsí understanding of ESD nor concepts of ESD themselves
are uniform. This variety can enrich educational research and practice. Partial under-
standing, e.g., of ESD as being limited to environmental issues, can lead to misconceptions
and limited perspectives. This in turn can inhibit systems thinking (Brundiers et al.,
2021) and multi perspective approaches in general, which are crucial for teachersí ESD
competencies (Corres et al., 2020). limited understanding can also lead to the unconscious
delivery of ESD. Inventories help to broaden educatorsí views and uncover hidden ESD,
thus empowering lecturers (Goller & Markert, 2020). We were surprised to find that
some teacher educators considered social issues as more important than environmental
issues, which stood in contrast to the prioritization in the ëVorrangmodellí. We see this
diversity of perspectives as enriching the discourses around ESD. The uncertainties
Antje Goller and Marco Rieckmann30
described with regard to the role of education in SD can be countered through further
training or the formulation of institution mission statements for teaching.
Teacher educatorsí attitudes towards ESD are mainly positive, which relates well
with findings on lecturers in general (Aznar-Minguet et al., 2011; Christie et al., 2015;
Melles, 2019). At the same time, some teaching staff did not consider it necessary to
explicitly include ESD, since in their opinion teachers and students were already suffici-
ently aware of sustainability issues. A perceived lack of knowledge on (E)SD is highlighted
as a barrier or risk, emphasizing the need for intersectional collaboration in teacher
training. Given the transdisciplinary nature of SD, it seems natural that educators who
are usually experts in a single discipline do not feel competent to adopt a holistic approach.
A perceived lack of competence in ESD methods can be addressed through further
training (Barth & Rieckmann, 2012; Scherak & Rieckmann, 2020). Lecturers also per-
ceived there to be a lack of resources, especially, time to develop ESD in teacher training,
which also corresponds with the views of school teachers and students (Nielsen et al.,
2012). This can be interpreted on the one hand as an excuse, but it is also a systemic
issue affecting quality and innovation at all levels of education. The issue of time was
also discussed in Goller (2022), who provided an autoethnographic account of the
process of implementing ESD in teacher education. The presence or absence of support
from the organization and colleagues has an obvious impact, and links to research on
whole-institution approaches (Rieckmann, 2018) and networks.
Teacher educatorsí reports on implementing ESD emphasize the challenge of com-
bining oneís own subject with ESD in a cross-sectoral manner. Our experience of work-
shops and discussions confirms this observation, which originates from, e.g., a) not
recognizing connections, conceivably due to having only a partial understanding of
ESD and/or b) the barriers of restricted time and overcrowded curricula. We agree with
Christie et al. (2015) that discipline-specific discussions or training may provide support
The limitations of our results relate to the small sample of papers and the low
number of lecturers surveyed. Articles in languages other than German or English were
not considered. It is also possible that we may not have identified articles published in
journals without an ESD focus.
In addition, our findings are location-specific: Teacher education works differently
in every country. Teacher educators can thus develop not only a range of different job
profiles but also differing understandings of their roles. As mentioned above, we found
different terms for teacher educators as well as ESD. It was not possible to examine
authorsí reasons for choosing a particular wording and the implications of such wordings
for the articles in question in this paper.
This systematic literature review aimed at investigating the current research on
teacher educatorsí perceptions and attitudes towards ESD, and their implementation of
it. Only 12 papers were found, which implied a need for further research in this crucial
area. We learned that teacher educators could not be assumed to have a comprehensive
understanding of ESD. Those who do not focus on sustainability research may only have
a general understanding. Implementation in curricula is therefore important, but it is
not sufficient to promote ESD. Further (preferably subject-specific) training is needed,
31What do We Know About Teacher Educatorsí Perceptions of Education..
along with institutional support (e.g., mission statement for teaching) in order to foster
the implementation of ESD.
To learn more about teacher educatorsí views, we are planning work to explore
their subjective theories (Groeben & Scheele, 2000, 2019) on sustainability, ESD and
ESD in higher education. The aim will be to contribute to the development of a scientific
basis for measures to bring about systemic change in teacher education. As the Berlin
Declaration sets out, we need to ìinvest in the capacity development of teachers and
other education personnel at all levels and to ensure a whole-of-sector approach to the
necessary transformation of educationî (UNESCO, 2021, p. 3).
Our thanks to Prof. Mandy Singer-Brodowski, Dr. Ingrid Mul·, Prof. Daniel Fischer
and Prof. Charles Hopkins for their contribution as international experts in the field; to
Prof. Jana Markert, Prof. Mandy Singer-Brodowski, Hannah Kirschner and our anony-
mous reviewers for providing valuable feedback on the initial draft of this paper. We
would also like to thank Udo Kuckartz for the idea of applying QIA to this context.
Afrin, T. (2019). Desires and doubts on cultural sustainability: A study from Aotearoa
New Zealand. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(4), 452ñ459.
Aznar-Minguet, P., Martinez-Agut, M. P., Palacios, B., Pinero, A., & Ull, M. A. (2011).
Introducing sustainability into university curricula: An indicator and baseline survey
of the views of university teachers at the University of Valencia. Environmental
Education Research, 17(2), 145ñ166.
Barth, M., & Rieckmann, M. (2012). Academic staff development as a catalyst for
curriculum change towards education for sustainable development: An output
perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 26, 28ñ36.
Barth, M., & Rieckmann, M. (2016a). Empirische Forschung zur Bildung f¸r nachhaltige
Entwicklung ñ Themen, Methoden und Trends [Empirical research on education
for sustainable development ñ topics, methods and trends]. Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Barth, M., & Rieckmann, M. (2016b). State of the art in research on higher education
for sustainable development. In M. Barth, G. Michelsen, M. Rieckmann & I. Thomas
(Eds.), Routledge handbook of higher education for sustainable development
(pp. 124ñ137). Routledge.
Brundiers, K., Barth, M., Cebrián, G., Cohen, M., Diaz, L., Doucette-Remington, S.,
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Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Antje Goller, research
associate, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany. Email: